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Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Ombitasvir/Paritaprevir/Ritonavir and

Dasabuvir with or without Ribavirin Regimen for Patients Infected with
Chronic Hepatitis C Virus Genotype 1 in Malaysia
Asrul Akmal Shafie, PhD,1,* Muhammad Radzi Abu Hassan, FRCP,2 Siew Chin Ong, PhD,1 Suchin Virabhak, PhD,3
Yuri Sanchez Gonzalez, PhD4
School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Gelugor, Penang, Malaysia; 2Medical Department, Hospital Sultanah Bahiyah, Alor Setar, Kedah

Malaysia; 3Medicus Economics LLC, Milton, MA, USA; 4AbbVie Inc., Health Economics and Outcomes Research, North Chicago, IL, USA.


Tujuan: Kombinasi pegylated-interferon dan ribavirin (PegIFN1RBV) saat ini merupakan standar emas dalam
mengobati pasien virus hepatitis C kronis (HCV) di Malaysia dan diganti oleh otoritas Malaysia. Analisis ini
mengevaluasi efektivitas biaya (CE) rejimen ombitasvir/paritaprevir/ritonavir dan dasabuvir dengan atau tanpa
rejimen ribavirin (OBT/PTV/r1DSB6RBV) dibandingkan dengan PegIFN1RBV atau tidak ada pengobatan pada HCV
Genotype 1 (GT1) kronis pengobatan-naif dan pengobatan-dialami cirrhotic dan nonMethods:
Model Markov berdasarkan model HCV yang diterbitkan sebelumnya diadaptasi untuk perspektif pembayar layanan
kesehatan publik Malaysia, berdasarkan praktik pemodelan yang baik. Atribut perawatan termasuk kemanjuran, durasi
rejimen, dan utilitas kesehatan terkait perawatan EQ-5D. Probabilitas transisi dan utilitas kesehatan negara berasal dari
penelitian sebelumnya. Biaya berasal dari sumber data Malaysia. Biaya dan hasil didiskon sebesar 3,0% per tahun. Analisis
sensitivitas deterministik dan probabilistik dilakukan untuk mengevaluasi dampak ketidakpastian di sekitar variabel utama.
Hasil: Berdasarkan analisis, pasien yang dirawat dengan OBT/PTV/r1DSB6RBV menunjukkan perkembangan yang lebih jarang
terhadap sirosis kompensasi, sirosis terdistorsi, karsinoma hepatoseluller, dan kematian terkait hati jika dibandingkan dengan
perawatan standar (yaitu, PegIFN1RBV atau tidak ada pengobatan). Dengan harga MYR 1846/hari, rejimen
OBT/PTV/r1DSB6RBV hemat biaya atas PegIFN1RBV dan menghasilkan hasil yang lebih baik dalam hal tahun hidup (LYs) yang
diperoleh dan seumur hidup (QALYs) yang disesuaikan dengan kualitas dengan biaya yang lebih tinggi, yang masih jauh di bawah
kesediaan tersirat untuk membayar ambang batas MYR 384 503/QALY. Kesimpulan: Rejimen OBT/PTV/r1DSB6RBV hemat biaya
untuk pengobatan naif, pengobatan yang dialami, cirrhotic, dan noncirrhotic GT1 pasien HCV kronis di Malaysia.Keywords: cost-
effectiveness analysis, genotype 1, hepatitis C virus, quality-adjusted life-year, sensitivity analysis.



Sekitar 160 juta individu di seluruh dunia (2,35% dari populasi dunia) secara kronis
terinfeksi virus hepatitis C (HCV).1 Hingga saat ini, 7 genotipe HCV (GTs), berjumlah 1
hingga 7, dan sejumlah besar subtipe telah diidentifikasi, dengan GT1 menjadi genotipe
paling lazim di seluruh dunia.2 The World Health Or- ganization (WHO) memperkirakan
ada 400.000 pasien hepatitis C di Malaysia3 dan tingkat kejadian infeksi HCV mengalami
peningkatan dari 3,71 per 100.000 populasi pada tahun 2009 menjadi 09.54 per 100.000
pada tahun 2017.4 Mode penularan HCV yang paling menonjol yang diidentifikasi adalah
penggunaan obat intravena (77,8%), diikuti oleh transfusi produk darah / darah (4,9%),
kontak seks- ual dengan orang yang terinfeksi (3,9%) , hemodialisis (3,5%), dan lainnya
(9,5%).5 Pada tahap awal penyakit, pasien mungkin asimp- tomatic atau mungkin hadir
dengan gejala ringan dan nonspesifik (misalnya, kelelahan, gejala seperti flu, depresi,
gangguan kognitif),
Conflict of interest: Asrul Akmal Shafie reports personal fees from Abbvie Inc, during the conduct of the study; S. Virabhak reports other from Medicus Economics
LLC (S. Virabhak is an employee of Medicus), during the conduct of the study. The other authors have indicated that they have no con flicts of interest with regard to the
content of this article.
* Address correspondence to: Asrul Akmal Shafie, PhD, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 11800 Gelugor, Penang, Malaysia. Email:
2212-1099/$36.00 - see front matter ª 2019 ISPOR–The professional society for health economics and outcomes research. Published by Elsevier Inc.
yang pada gilirannya berdampak buruk pada kualitas hidup program
terkait kesehatan (HRQoL). Sekitar 70% hingga 80% dari pasien
yang terinfeksi HCV maju menjadi operator HCV kronis, dengan
sebagian besar memiliki penyakit rela- tively ringan dan
perkembangan lambat.6 Pasien HCV kronis maju untuk
mengembangkan sirosis stabil jangka panjang (compen-sated
cirrhosis [CC]) atau sirosis dekompensasi (DCC) dan / atau
karsinoma hepatoseluller (HCC), yang dapat mengakibatkan
gagal hati, kebutuhan untuk transplantasi hati, dan akhirnya
Kombinasi pegylated interferon (PegIFN) dan ribavirin (RBV),
(PegIFN1RBV), bila tersedia, telah menjadi standar perawatan
untuk mengobati individu dengan infeksi HCV kronis selama
bertahun-tahun.2 Di Malaysia, agen antivirus bertindak langsung
(DAAs) yang lebih baru baru-baru ini disetujui untuk indikasi
berlisensi. DAAs ini, bagaimanapun, tidak diganti oleh pembayar
publik pemerintah pro-gram. Oleh karena itu, PegIFN1RBV tetap
menjadi standar perawatan karena diganti oleh pemerintah untuk
mengobati pasien yang naif pengobatan dengan HCV dengan dan
tanpa sirosis, serta pasien yang mengalami pengobatan dengan
HCV tanpa sirosis. Meskipun profil efektivitas biaya (CE) yang
menguntungkan dari rejimen ombitasvir/paritaprevir/ritonavir
dan dasabuvir 6 ribavarin (OBT/ PTV/r1DSB6RBV) dibandingkan
dengan beberapa standar perawatan telah didokumentasikan di
seluruh dunia,7,8 bukti dari Malaysia terbatas. Tujuan penelitian
ini adalah untuk menilai CE rejimen OBT/PTV/r1DSB6RBV
dibandingkan dengan PegIFN1RBV atau tidak ada pengobatan di
Malaysia untuk pasien yang naif pengobatan dengan infeksi HCV
GT1 tanpa sirosis, pasien yang naif dengan infeksi HCV GT1 dengan
sirosis, pasien yang mengalami perawatan dengan infeksi HCV GT1
tanpa sirosis, dan pasien yang mengalami perawatan dengan
infeksi HCV GT1 dengan sirosis.


In this CE study, previously published CE models of the HCV

Markov model7-11 were adapted for a Malaysian public healthcare
payer perspective based on good modeling practices. 12-14

HCV Natural History Model

Model Markov terdiri dari 9 negara kesehatan, termasuk 6
negara perkembangan penyakit (Metavir fibrosis F0-F1 [fibrosis
ringan]; Metavir fibrosis F2-F3 [fibrosis sedang]; Metavir fibrosis
F4 [CC]; DCC; dan HCC), 3 negara bagian yang pulih (respon
virologis berkelanjutan [SVR]; yaitu, pulih, riwayat fibrosis ringan;
pulih, riwayat fibrosis sedang; dan pulih, sejarah CC), dan keadaan
kematian yang menyerap (yaitu, kematian hati dan kematian non-
hati). In contrast with previously published models of HCV, 9 liver
trans- plantation is excluded from the model as it is not often
performed in Malaysia.
Patients enter the model and initiate treatment in 1 of the 3
initial fibrosis states: mild fibrosis, moderate fibrosis, or CC.9
From these initial states of fibrosis, progression to more severe
states depends on whether or not SVR is achieved. Patients who
do not achieve SVR are at risk of progressive liver disease and
assumed to face the same risks of disease progression as
untreated patients. With successful treatment, patients achieve
SVR; the model as- sumes that SVR is a permanent condition
characterized by tran- sition to recovered states. The exception
is SVR from the CC state, where there remains an excess risk of
HCC. Lastly, the states represented by more advanced liver
disease, namely DCC and HCC, are commonly accepted as
distinct stages of progressive liver disease, and as such, carry
excess liver-related mortality risks.9,10

Model Characteristics
The model was developed and analyzed with MS Excel (with
VBA). The model validity involved checking the software
dan menganalisisnya untuk potensi kesalahan pemrograman. Tim
pemodelan independen yang berpengalaman di sebuah institusi
akademik di Austria juga meninjau struktur dan parameter model.
Validasi antar-nal terlibat membandingkan prediksi model
dengan data yang digunakan. Biaya dan hasil didiskon sebesar
3,0% per tahun yang selaras dengan pedoman farmakkokonomi

Model Inputs
Parameter klinis untuk model didasarkan pada data yang
terkumpulan dari SAPHIRE I16 dan II,17 PEARL II,18 III,19 dan
IV,19 dan uji klinis TURQUOISE II20 Phase 3 dari rejimen
OBT/PTV/r1DSB6RBV. Data dari publikasi uji klinis telaprevir, yaitu
ADVANCE21 dan REALIZE,22 digunakan untuk menyajikan data
untuk rejimen PegIFN1RBV dalam pengobatan-naif dan pengobatan-
pasien yang berpengalaman dengan infeksi HCV GT1 (Tabel 1).
Effectiveness and Safety

Data kemanjuran pengobatan untuk input model

diekstraksi dari uji klinis pada pasien dengan HCV
GT1.16-20 Pentingnya, uji coba rejimen OBT / PTV /
r1DSB6RBV pada pasien dengan HCV GT1 infec- tion
melaporkan tingkat SVR pada minggu pasca-perawatan
12, secara terpisah untuk pasien dengan HCV GT1a dan
infeksi 1b. Untuk pasien dengan sirosis, tingkat SVR
diamati pada 12 dan 48 minggu. Durasi perawatan
untuk kelompok PegIFN1RBV adalah total 48 minggu.
Tabel 2 meringkas data klinis, yang langsung diterapkan
dalam model.Adverse Events
Each treatment group reported adverse events (AEs); the most
common AEs included anemia, rash, depression, neutropenia, and
thrombocytopenia (Table 3). The discontinuation rates due to AEs
for the OBT/PTV/r1DSB6RBV regimen trials were low and ranged
from 0% to ,2% for all 12-week regimens. Discontinuation
rates for PegIFN1RBV were 3.03% to 7.2%.9,10

Treatment-Related Health Utility

Treatment-related health utility reflects the effects of treat-
ment on HRQoL; it is likely largely related to the AEs reported
during treatment. Treatment-related health utility was based
on EQ-5D-5L20 measurements in the clinical trial for the
OBT/PTV/ r1DSB6RBV regimen, whereas values for the
PegIFN1RBV regimen were extracted from the NICE appraisal
TA 252 for telaprevir.30
For all treatments, including the OBT/PTV/r1DSB6RBV
regimen and comparators, treatment-related health utility
reflects a decrement over the duration that a patient was on
therapy (eg, 12, 24, or 48 weeks). Table 4 reflects the values
applied in the model.
It is likely that the lower treatment-related health utility
decrement of the OBT/PTV/r1DSB6RBV regimen compared
with PegIFN1RBV stems from its exclusion of PegIFN and
correspond- ingly, significantly fewer AEs arising from its use,
as well as the shorter treatment duration of the
OBT/PTV/r1DSB6RBV regimen (12 weeks) compared with the
PegIFN1RBV regimen (48 weeks).

Cost analysis
Cost data for different disease stages were extracted from a
study conducted locally from a referral center for hepatitis C
follow-up treatment from health clinics, district hospitals, and
private clinics in the northern region of Malaysia. The data on the
healthcare sector resources consumed in outpatient and inpatient
settings (length of hospitalization, outpatient consultation,
Table 1. Model inputs.

Variable Base case value Source(s)

Mild (F0-F1) 50.00%
Moderate (F2-F3) 37.80%
CC (F4) 12.20%
Age (in years)* 46
Male 60.10%
Mild (F0-F1) 50.00%
Moderate (F2-F3) 37.80%
CC (F4) 12.20%
Age (in years)* 46 23

Male 65.10% 16-20

Transition probabilities†
Fibrosis progression, annual 0.047
transition probabilities †, F0-F1 to F2-F3 Adjusted to replicate the prevalence of CC at 20
years (ie, 16% [14%, 19%]) at age 43 and 62% male.
Fibrosis progression, annual 0.047
transition probabilities †, F2-F3 to F4 Adjusted to replicate the prevalence of CC at
20 years (ie, 16% [14%, 19%]) at age 43
and 62% male.
Non-fibrosis disease progression
transition probabilities†
Recovered, no HCV history of CC to HCC 0.012 25

CC to DCC 0.039 9

CC to HCC (first year) 0.014 9

DCC to HCC (first year) 0.014 9

DCC to liver death‡ 0.13 9

HCC first year to liver death‡ 0.43 9

HCC subsequent years to liver death‡ 0.43 9

Health state utilities

Mild (F0-F1) 0.77 9

Moderate (F2-F3) 0.66 9

CC (F4) 0.55 9

Recovered, no HCV, history of F0-F1 0.82 9

Recovered, no HCV, history of F2-F3 0.71 9

Recovered, no HCV, history of F4 0.6 11

DCC 0.45 9

HCC (first year) 0.45 9

HCC (subsequent years) 0.45 9

Health State Costs

Mild fibrosis, CHC (F0-F1) Moderate fibrosis, CHC (F2-F3) CC
MYR (F4)
Recovered, no HCV, history of F0-F1 Recovered, no HCV, MYR
history of F2-F3
MYR 2762.99
MYR 1454.48
MYR 1454.48

Recovered, no HCV, history of F4 MYR 1883.60 using assumption from Backx et al,that mild and moderate recovered have the same costs

using ratio from Backx et al,between noncirrhotic and recovered (CC)

DCC MYR 16 002.12
HCC (first year) MYR 18 339.69
HCC (subsequent years) MYR 18 339.69
; based on Hartwell et alassumption
Drug Costs (per day)
OBT/PTV/r1DSB6 RBV regimen MYR 1846.43 Model assumption
Pegylated Interferon (PegIFN) MYR 117.81
Ribavirin (RBV) MYR 90.00
Treatment duration§ Varies
Monitoring costs MYR 0.00 Model assumption
AE Costs
Anemia MYR 0.00 24

continued on next page


Table 1. Continued

Variable Base case value Source(s)

Rash MYR 0.00
Estimated cost of rash from treatment to be minimal
Depression MYR 1878.86 24
Grade 3/4 neutropenia MYR 672.61

AE indicates adverse event; CC, compensated cirrhosis; DCC, decompensated cirrhosis; HCC, hepatocellular carcinoma; HCV, hepatitis C virus; MYR, Malaysian
Ringgit; OBT/PTV/r1DSB6RBV, ombitasvir/paritaprevir/ritonavir and dasabuvir 6 ribavarin.
*Note that compared with the phase III trials,16-20 as well as epidemiology data from other countries, the average age of patients with HCV infection in Malaysia is
lower. There are other sources of evidence to support this.29

We report transition probabilities to 3 decimal places. Note that in the model, the transition probability from Cardoso 25 was 0.123 (to 4 decimal places).

As a small percentage of patients progress to liver transplant, the difference in these transition probabilities in models with and without liver transplant would be small.
Liver transplant does not occur in Malaysia; thus, applying transition probabilities (HCC to liver death and DCC to liver death) from Hartwell et al 9 would be (slightly)
Total drug costs are derived from the duration of a therapy in days for each regimen drug multiplied by the daily cost of each regimen. We extracted data for treatment
duration from trial publications or from the clinical study report.

laboratory monitoring, imaging, procedures, antiviral medications, Because treatment-experienced patients with cirrhosis are
and non-antiviral medications) were obtained retrospectively currently not treated, we were unable to compute an ICER for
from patients’ medical records, including the electronic hospital this patient segment. Table 6 presents the calculations to derive
information system and manual documentation in the a weighted ICER across relevant patient segments. To obtain the
Gastroen- terology Clinic of the hospital. 24 weighted average ICER, we weighed each ICER by the relative
size of its population. We inferred the willingness to pay (WTP)
Analyses per QALY from the derived weighted ICER was MYR 384 503/
The SVR rates, direct medical costs, liver outcomes, and
quality-adjusted life-years (QALYs) of each regimen were esti-
Sensitivity Analyses
mated. Data from treatment-naïve and treatment-experienced
patients with HCV GT1 with and without cirrhosis were Sensitivity analyses were conducted to test the robustness of
analyzed and stratified by sub-genotypes (ie, GT1a, GT1b) and the results of the model with respect to input parameters. A
severity of fibrosis, namely, mild/moderate/CC (ie, METAVIR score deterministic sensitivity analysis (DSA) was performed using 1-
F0-F1/F2-F3/F4). These patient groups reflected the licensed way and multivariate sensitivity analysis, where one parameter
in- dications for the OBT/PTV/r1DSB6RBV regimen. or group of related parameters was varied relative to its base case
value. The impact of patient characteristics, regimen attributes
Incremental cost-effectiveness ratios analysis (including SVR rates and regimen duration), costs, utilities, tran-
Incremental cost-effectiveness ratios (ICERs) of OBT/PTV/ sition probabilities, discounting rates, time horizon, and the rate of
r1DSB6RBV regimen versus PegIFN1RBV were computed based mortality on the ICER were tested in 1-way DSA. SVR rates were
on the following formulation: assumed to vary based on 6 1.96 times their standard deviations.
Difference in Cost O Difference in QALY = (total direct cost of For SVR rates, values of 100% were not varied in the DSA. The size
OBT/ PTV/r1DSB6RBV regimen 2 total direct cost of PegIFN1RBV) of the impact (ie, change in the ICER from the base case) was then
O (OBT/PTV/r1DSB6RBV regimen QALY 2 PegIFN1RBV QALY) ranked and the most influential disease model parameters and
Because no explicit CE threshold has been set by the treatment attributes were calculated for each patient segment and
Malaysian authorities, we inferred the threshold based on the comparator.
standard of care (PegIFN1RBV) for the condition evaluated. Several parameters were tested in a multi-way sensitivity
Thus, our model estimates the ICERs of PegIFN1RBV versus no analysis, including SVR rates, non-fibrosis progression rates,
treatment in these patient segments to infer the CE threshold. costs, and health utilities.

Table 2. Inputs for treatment efficacy in treatment-naïve and treatment-experienced patients with HCV GT1 infection using clinical trial

Treatment status Therapy SVR F0-F1 SVR F2-F3 SVR F4

Treatment-naïve OBT/PTV/r1DSB6RBV 97.3% 97.3% 94.8%
Treatment-naïve PegIFN1RBV 45.6% 43.5% 33.3%
Treatment-experienced* OBT/PTV/r1DSB6RBV 97.3% 97.3% 95.3%
Treatment-experienced* PegIFN1RBV 10.4% 13.8% NA
Treatment-experienced* No treatment NA NA 0.0%
GT indicates genotype; HCV, hepatitis C virus; NA, not applicable; OBT/PTV/r1DSB6RBV, ombitasvir/paritaprevir/ritonavir and dasabuvir 6 ribavarin;
PegIFN1RBV, pegylated interferon and ribavirin; SVR, sustained virological response.
*Treatment-experienced was computed using a weighted average of null responders, partial responders, and prior relapsers.
Table 3. Inputs for adverse events in treatment-naïve and treatment-experienced patients with genotype 1 hepatitis C virus using
clinical trial data.

AEs Treatment-naïve, F0-F3 Treatment-naïve, F4 Treatment- Treatment-

experienced,* F0-F3 experienced,* F4
Anemia 3.8% 19.4% 7.7% 19.4% 3.6% 15.2% 8.6% 0.0%
Rash 7.8% 24.4% 11.1% 24.4% 6.2% 18.9% 12.2% 0.0%
Depression 0.0% 21.9% 3.8% 21.9% 0.0% 14.4% 4.9% 0.0%
Neutropenia† 0.2% 14.7% 0.5% 14.7% 0.0% 14.4% 0.9% 0.0%
Thrombocytopenia‡ 0.2% 0.6% 1.0% 0.6% 0.0% 3.0% 0.6% 0.0%
AE indicates adverse events; OBT/PTV/r1DSB6RBV, ombitasvir/paritaprevir/ritonavir and dasabuvir 6 ribavarin; PegIFN1RBV, pegylated interferon and ribavirin.
*Treatment-experienced included patients with null/partial response and prior relapse. Patients who were not treated do not experience any treatment-related

Only Grade 3-4 (,1 x 109/L) neutropenia was reported.

Only Grade 3-4 (,50 x 109/L) thrombocytopenia was reported.

A probabilistic sensitivity analysis (PSA) was also undertaken

treatment with PegIFN1RBV, this risk increased to 25.4% and
in the analysis of all patient segments (treatment-naïve and
37.8% in treatment-naïve and treatment-experienced patients
treatment-experienced patients with HCV GT1 infection, with
with cirrhosis, respectively. QALY values were higher with the
and without cirrhosis) for the currently reimbursed
OBT/PTV/r1DSB6RBV regimen (6.5 and 6.4) compared with
PegIFN1RBV and the OBT/PTV/r1DSB6RBV regimen. For each
the PegIFN1RBV regimen and no treatment in treatment-naïve
PSA, 500 simulations were drawn from the variables’
and treatment-experienced patients with cirrhosis (5.5 and 5.1).

ICER Analyses
Results Compared with PegIFN1RBV, the OBT/PTV/r1DSB6RBV
regimen is cost-effective (with a higher cost and better QALY
Across all patient populations, the OBT/PTV/r1DSB6RBV
outcomes) and well below the threshold of Malaysian Ringgit
regimen was associated with significant improvements in health
(MYR) 384 503/QALY. Table 6 illustrates the ICERs of the
outcomes, including reductions in long-term complications such
OBT/PTV/ r1DSB6RBV regimen compared with PegIFN1RBV in
as DCC and liver-related mortality when compared with
treatment- naïve and treatment-experienced patients with and
PegIFN1RBV treatment.
without cirrhosis.
Comprehensive Outcome Analysis
Sensitivity Analyses
The OBT/PTV/r1DSB6RBV regimen exhibited superior clinical
Even though the differences in SVR between the intervention
outcomes versus treatment with PegIFN1RBV (Table 5). For the
and comparator efficacy rates are relatively large, other factors,
OBT/PTV/r1DSB6RBV regimen, the lifetime risk of DCC in
treat- ment-naïve and treatment-experienced patients without such as health state health utilities, have a greater influence on
cirrhosis was 0.2%, and the risk of hepatocellular carcinoma was ICERs in DSA. In all patient segment, health utilities in different
0.1%. QALYs were higher in treatment-naïve and experienced health states are the most influential variables among all the
patients with HCV GT1 without cirrhosis treated with the disease model parameters. For both treatment-naïve and
OBT/PTV/ r1DSB6RBV regimen (9.2 and 9.1) versus treatment treatment-experienced cirrhotic patients, among transition
prob- abilities for the disease progression of recovered, history
with PegIFN1RBV (8.4 and 7.9).
of CC to HCC was one of the most influential variables on
In treatment-naïve and treatment-experienced patients with
ICERs, too.
cirrhosis, the lifetime risk of reaching DCC with the OBT/PTV/
PSA results showed that in treatment-naïve patients with HCV
r1DSB6RBV regimen was 2% and 1.8%, respectively; versus
GT1 without cirrhosis, the OBT/PTV/r1DSB6RBV regimen is more

Table 4. Annual treatment-related health utility changes by patient segments.

Health state OBT/PTV/r1DSB6 RBV PegIFN1RBV* No treatment†

Treatment-naïve, F0-F3 20.003 20.101 NA
Treatment-naïve, F4 20.007 20.101 NA
Treatment-experienced, F0-F3 20.008 20.116 NA
Treatment-experienced, F4 20.009 NA 0.000

NA indicates not applicable; OBT/PTV/r1DSB6 RBV, ombitasvir/paritaprevir/ritonavir and dasabuvir 6 ribavarin; PegIFN1RBV, pegylated interferon and ribavirin.
Sources: Data on file: For the ombitasvir/paritaprevir/ritonavir and dasabuvir 6 ribavarin regimen, utility data was taken directly from internal data from the
respective clinical study report.
*This is assumed to be the same as patients with HCV GT1 of the PegIFN1RBV arm in the ADVANCE (treatment-naïve) and REALIZE (treatment-experienced) trials.

Patients who were not treated did not experience treatment-related utility decrements.

Table 5. Model outputs by clinical outcomes for treatment-naïve and treatment-experienced patients with hepatitis C virus genotype 1
with and without cirrhosis.

Patient type Intervention/ Cost (MYR)/ LYs/ QALYs/ Reached Reached Reached Had liver-
comparator patient patient patient CC, % DCC, % HCC, % related
death, %
Treatment-naïve OBT/PTV/ 176 773 11.9 9.2 0.80 0.20 0.10 0.20
patients: no r1DSB6RBV
cirrhosis PegIFN1RBV 77 794 11.8 8.4 16.80 4.50 1.90 3.70
Treatment-naïve OBT/PTV/ 187 626 11 6.5 100.00 2.00 16.70 15.60
patients: r1DSB6RBV
cirrhosis PegIFN1RBV 96 293 10.1 5.5 100.00 25.40 16.40 29.80
Treatment- OBT/PTV/ 176 668 11.8 9.1 0.80 0.20 0.10 0.20
experienced r1DSB6RBV
patients: no PegIFN1RBV 74 222 11.6 7.9 26.00 6.90 2.80 5.70
Treatment- OBT/PTV/ 238 156 10.9 6.4 100.00 1.80 16.50 15.30
experienced r1DSB6RBV
patients: No treatment 48 975 9.5 5.1 100.00 37.80 16.10 37.00

CC indicates compensated cirrhosis; DCC, decompensated cirrhosis; HCC, hepatocellular carcinoma; LY, life-year; MYR, Malaysian Ringgit; OBT/PTV/r 1DSB6 RBV,
ombitasvir/paritaprevir/ritonavir and dasabuvir 6 ribavarin; PegIFN1RBV, pegylated interferon and ribavirin.

cost-effective compared with PegIFN1RBV in all simulations at

Successful treatment of HCV infection results in an SVR and is
a value of at least MYR 188 056/QALY. Similarly, in treatment-
thought to be tantamount in treating the disease. The economic
experienced patients with HCV GT1 without cirrhosis, the OBT/
model projected that higher SVR rates observed with the OBT/
PTV/r1DSB6RBV regimen is more cost-effective versus
PTV/r1DSB6RBV regimen compared with PegIFN1RBV led to
PegIFN1RBV in all simulations at a value of at least MYR 161
fewer HCV-related complications and deaths and to increased
191/ QALY, which is well below the inferred WTP threshold of
survival and quality-adjusted survival in all patient subgroups
MYR 384 503/QALY. The OBT/PTV/r1DSB6RBV regimen is cost-
examined in the analysis. In addition, fewer costly liver disease
effective in 95% to 97% of simulations at a WTP threshold of
complications resulted in reductions in lifetime HCV-related costs.
MYR 384 503/ QALY in treatment-naïve and treatment-
The model results demonstrated that the OBT/PTV/r1DSB6RBV
experienced patients with GT1 HCV with cirrhosis.
regimen is cost-effective compared with PegIFN1RBV. The OBT/
PTV/r1DSB6RBV regimen yields better outcomes at a higher cost,
which is still well below the implied WTP threshold of MYR 384
Discussion 503/QALY.
Sensitivity analyses indicated that the model results were
Treatment with PegIFN1RBV is the current standard for
robust to input parameter uncertainty. An important strength of
treatment of chronic HCV in Malaysia. Nevertheless, with the
the study is its use of recent cost estimates pertinent to the
recent licensing of DAAs, there is a gap in evidence on its cost-
Malaysian population; as a result, the outcome is relevant to
effectiveness for public reimbursement in Malaysia. The current healthcare decision makers in treating HCV infection in Malaysia.
analysis fills this gap by assessing the CE of the OBT/PTV/ The model adhered to ISPOR best practices for CE analysis. To
r1DSB6RBV regimen versus PegIFN1RBV or no treatment in assess external validity of the model, the model’s estimates of CC
treatment-naïve patients with HCV GT1 with and without in untreated patients (ie, setting treatment to “no treatment”) and
cirrhosis and treatment-experienced patients with HCV GT1 with mild disease (ie, setting the “initial fibrosis distribution” to
with and without cirrhosis. 100% mild) were generated. The base case used fibrosis rates

Table 6. Incremental costs and effectiveness across patient segments.

Patient segment Weights ICER (PegIFN1RBV ICER (OBT/PTV/r1DSB6RBV

versus no treatment) versus PegIFN1RBV
Treatment-naïve: no cirrhosis 72% MYR 112 473/QALY MYR 132 326/QALY
Treatment-naïve: cirrhosis 10% MYR 120 755/QALY MYR 91 760/QALY
Treatment-experienced: no cirrhosis 18% MYR 1 619 832/QALY MYR 89 405/QALY
Treatment-experienced: cirrhosis 0% N/A* MYR 138 113/QALY

ICER indicates incremental cost-effectiveness ratio; MYR, Malaysian Ringgit; OBT/PTV/r1DSB6RBV, ombitasvir/paritaprevir/ritonavir and dasabuvir 6 ribavarin;
PegIFN1RBV, pegylated interferon and ribavirin; QALY, quality-adjusted life-year.
*Since no treatment is the standard of care in treatment-experienced patients with cirrhosis, we are unable to derive the ICER, as there is no alternative treatment to
compare it against. We re-computed the distribution of patients based on the 3 segments for which we have ICERs; thus the weight of treatment-experienced patients
with cirrhosis is zero.
based on Thein et al.12 The base case model, applied to the
current model using Malaysian life tables, estimated that 14.2% Acknowledgments
of patients would have a history of CC 20 years after HCV
infection. The es- timate of cumulative CC in Malaysia falls The authors acknowledge the technical writing assistance of
within the lower end of the range, as mortality in Malaysia is Jegades- wary Jaya Kumar and Reena Gajria who are employed by Life
Saver Ser- vices (an external consulting company) and were contracted
relatively high across all ages compared with the United
by Abbvie Malaysia for the preparation of this manuscript.
Although the results from this study confirm the favorable CE
This study was supported by AbbVie Sdn, Bhd., Malaysia.
profile of OBT/PTV/r1DSB6RBV documented in other patient
populations,7,8 there are a number of limitations to note. First, the
costs were measured from a Malaysian payer’s perspective and
Supplementary Material
included only direct medical expenses. Indirect costs such as work
and productivity loss and extrahepatic manifestations were not
Supplementary data associated with this article can be found in the
included in the model, which may underestimate the CE of the online version at
OBT/PTV/r1DSB6RBV regimen. Future studies and analyses may
look into these aspects for a more comprehensive cost-
effectiveness analysis to quantify the true value of OBT/PTV/ REFERENCES
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