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SCHOOL NAME : Narada Senior High

ACADEMIC YEAR : 2022/2023

No Subject Teacher Alocation Time Number of
Topic (Description)
1. Masalah remaja (pornografi, seks bebas, aborsi, narkoba)
40 soal pilihan ganda,
1 Pendidikan Agama Mr. Slamet 120 minutes 2. Hukum-hukum alam ( paticasamuppada, tilakhana, karma, punabava)
5 soal uraian
3. Hukum tertib kosmis (pancaniyama) tiga permata
1. Nilai-Nilai Pancasila dalam Praktik penyelenggaraan pemerintah negara
2. Ketentuan UUD 1945 tentang Wilayah Negara, Penduduk, Agama dan Kepercayaan, serta
Pertahanan dan Keamanan
3. Lembaga-Lembaga Negara
4. Hubungan Pemerintah Pusat dan Daerah
5. Integrasi Nasional,
6. Ancaman terhadap Negara dan Upaya Penyelesaiannya
7. Wawasan Nusantara.
Pendidikan Pancasila & 40 soal pilihan ganda, 8. Pelanggaran HAM dalam Perspektif Pancasila
2 Mr. Muslimin 120 minutes
Kewarganegaraan 5 soal uraian 9. Sistem dan Dinamika Demokrasi Pancasila
10. Sistem Hukum dan Peradilan di Indonesia
11. Peran Indonesia dalamPerdamaian Dunia
12. Ancaman terhadap IPOLEKSOSBUDHANKAM
13. Faktor Pendorong dan Penghambat Persatuan dan Kesatua
14. Pelanggaran hak dan pengingkaran kewajiban warga negara
15. Perlindungan dan penegakan hukum
16. Pengaruh positif dan negatif IPTEK
17. Dinamika persatuan dan kesatuan bangsa Indonesia
Materi Asesmen Sumatif Sekolah kelas 12, antara lain:
1. Perbedaaan novel dan novelet
2. Struktur dan kaidah kebahasaan novel
30 soal pilihan ganda, 3. Ciri-ciri artikel
3 Bahasa Indonesia Mr. Tama 120 minutes
5 soal uraian 4. Perbedaan fakta dan opini dalam artikel
5. Struktur dan kaidah kebahasaan artikel
6. Menyusun opini dalam artikel yang baik
7. Sistematika penulisan esai

4 English P1 Reading Mr. Efril 135 minutes 2 essay questions 1. Directed Response (200 words) 2. Comparative Analysis (8-10 paragraphs)

5 English P2 Writing Mr. Efril 120 minutes 2 essay questions 1. Shorter Writing (300 words) 2. Extended Writing (600-900 words)

physical quantities and units, measurement techniques, kinematics, accelerated motion, dynamics,
Physics P1 (Regular 40 Multiple Choice forces, work, energy, power, momentum, matter and materials, electric current, Kirchhoff's laws,
6 Mr. Moga 75 minutes
Class) Multiple Choice Question resistance and resistivity, practical circuits, waves, superposition of waves, stationary waves, atomic

Physics P2 As Level 7 Structured kinematics, momentum, dynamics, forces, matter and materials, work, energy, power, waves,
7 Mr. Moga 75 minutes
Structured Questions Questions Kirchhoff's laws, practical circuits, resistance and resistivity, electric current, atomic structure.

Add Physics (20 MCQ physical quantities and units, measurement techniques, kinematics, accelerated motion, dynamics,
8 Mr. Moga 90 minutes 20 MCQ and 5 essays
and 5 essays) forces, work, energy, power, resitance and resistivity, practical circuits, waves, atomic structure.

atomic structure, stoichiometry, chemical bonding, states of matter, chemical energetics, redox
Chemistry P1 AS Level
Ms. Recilia 75 minutes 40 multiple choice reactions, equilibrium, rate of reactions, periodicity, group 2, group 17, nitrogen, intro to organic
Structured Questions
chemistry, hydrocarbons, halogenoalkanes, alcohols ester carboxylic acids, carbonyl compounds

Chemistry P2 A-Level stoichiometry, chemical energetics, redox reactions, equilibrium, rate of rections, group 2, organic
Ms. Recilia 75 minutes 7 essays
Structured Questions compounds, polymerization + analytical chemistry

Add Chemistry P2As-

atomic structure, stoichiometry, chemical energetics, redox reactions, equilibrium, rate of rections,
10 Level Structured Ms. Recilia 75 minutes 5 essays
group 2, organic compounds, polymerization + analytical chemistry
1 Cell structure
2 Biological molecules
3 Enzymes
4 Cell membranes and transport
5 The mitotic cell cycle
Biology P1 Multiple 40 Multiple Choice 6 Nucleic acids and protein synthesis
11 Ms. Fatma 75 minutes
Choice Question 7 Transport in plants
8 Transport in mammals
9 Gas exchange
10 Infectious diseases
11 Immunity

1 Cell structure
2 Biological molecules
3 Enzymes
4 Cell membranes and transport
5 The mitotic cell cycle
6 Nucleic acids and protein synthesis
Biology P2 As-Level
12 Ms. Fatma 75 minutes 5 Essay 7 Transport in plants
Structured Questions
8 Transport in mammals
9 Gas exchange
10 Infectious diseases
11 Immunity
12 cellular respiration
13 Photosynthesis
1. Basic economic ideas and resources allocation (AS)
2. The price system and the micro economy (AS)
3. Government microeconomic intervention (AS)
Economic P1 Multiple
13 Ms. Resiana 75 minutes Total mark =30 4. The macro economy (AS)
5. Government macro intervention (AS)
6. Basic economic ideas and resource allocation (A)
7. The price system and the micro economy (A)
1. Basic economic ideas and resources allocation (AS)
2. The price system and the micro economy (AS)
3. Government microeconomic intervention (AS)
Economic P2 Section A
14 Ms. Resiana 120 minutes Total mark = 70 4. The macro economy (AS)
5. Government macro intervention (AS)
6. Basic economic ideas and resource allocation (A)
7. The price system and the micro economy (A)
1. Business finance
2. Sources of finance
3. Forecasting and managing cash flows
4. Costs
Business P1 Short
15 Mr. David 75 minutes Total Marks = 40 5. Budgets
Answer & Essay
6. Analysis of published accounts
7. Contents of published accounts
8. Investment appraisal
9. Inventory management
1. Business finance
2. Sources of finance
3. Forecasting and managing cash flows
4. Costs
Business P2 Data
16 Mr. David 90 minutes Total Marks = 60 5. Budgets
6. Analysis of published accounts
7. Contents of published accounts
8. Investment appraisal
9. Inventory management
1. Differentiation
2. Integration
Pure Math 1 P1 Mr. Alvin
17 110 minutes 12 Numbers Essay 3. Coordinate Geometry
(Science & ComArt) Mr. Kalvin
4. Series and Sequence (Arithmetic, Geometric, Binomial)
5. Solving quadratic equations and inequalities
1. Discrete Random Variables
Probability & Statistics 2. Normal Distribution
Mr. Alvin
18 P5 75 minutes 5 Numbers Essay 3. Probability
Mr. Kalvin
(Science & ComArt) 4. Arrangement
5. Representation of data
1. Identify an argument's conclusion
GP-Comp 1 Written 2. Identify the reasons within an argument which support it's conclusion
19 Mr. McRae 90 minutes deconstruction &
Examination 3. Identify evidence within an argument
4. Evaluate arguments for their strengths & weaknesses
CS-P2 Fundamental
-Flowchart & Wireframes
20 Problem-Solving and Mr. Padma 90 minutes 10 numbers essay
Programming Skills
-Entity Relationship Diagram
21 Mandarin A Laoshi Liana 60 minutes 20 MCQ CME Book 2 (Chapter 7 to 12)
22 Mandarin B Laoshi Feriks 60 minutes 10 Short Essay CME Book 3 (Chapter 1 to 12)
Nihon go kira kira 3
28 Kaze no toki Byouin e ikimasu, 29 Machi ni hiroba ga arimasu, 30 Kyou mo ame ga futteimasu, 31
40MCQ Tokyou wa ima fuyu desu, Kankouchi, Kanji number, season
10 Short Answer Nihon go kira kira 2
23 Japanese Language Diani Sensei 75 minutes
5 Essay Bab 22 (Mai asa go ji ni Okimasu)
Nihon go kira kira 1
Bab 1 Hajimemashite (aisatsu), Bab 3 (Tanjoubi & Yume)

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