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Kelas X

Fase E

Modul Ajar Biographical Recount Text


Selvi Octaviana
SMA Negeri 2 Samarinda
Kelas X/Fase E
1. Informasi Umum

a. Identitas Modul

Nama Sekolah : SMA Negeri 2 Samarinda

Fase/Kelas/Semester : E/X/2 (Dua)
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Tahun Pelajaran : 2021/2022
Materi Pokok : Biographical Recount Text
Alokasi Waktu : 80 Menit (2 JP)

b. Kompetensi Awal

✓ Peserta didik mendapat background knowledge tentang biographical recount text

dari LKPD yang dikerjakan pada pertemuan sebelumnya
✓ Peserta didik mendapat pengetahuan tentang fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan
unsur kebahasaan biographical recount text pada pertemuan sebelumnya

c. Profil Pelajar Pancasila

✓ Bernalar kritis: Menganalisis, mengorganisasikan, dan menyimpulkan makna

fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dari sebuah jumble paragraph
biographical recount text.
✓ Kreatif: Menulis biographical recount text dengan bentuk visual text yang menarik

d. Sarana dan Prasarana

✓ LCD Proyektor
✓ Paket Data/Koneksi Internet
✓ Handphone/Laptop
✓ Print out LKPD
✓ Gunting
✓ Lem Stick
✓ Kertas HVS A4

e. Target Peserta Didik

✓ Siswa Kelas X secara umum

✓ Siswa dengan kemampuan rendah, sedang berkembang, dan sudah mahir

f. Model Pembelajaran

✓ Discovery Learning : menggunakan metode group discussion

(readiness/kesiapan belajar peserta didik)
2. Komponen Inti

a. Capaian Pembelajaran
Elemen Fase D
Menulis-Mempresentasikan Pada akhir fase E, peserta didik memproduksi teks tulisan dan visual yang lebih
beragam, dengan kesadaran terhadap tujuan dan target pembaca.

b. Tujuan Pembelajaran
C6: Menghasilkan biographical recount text dengan berbagai bentuk berdasarkan
pengumpulan informasi dari sumber tertentu dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial,
struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan sesuai konteks secara santun, kritis, kreatif, dan
mandiri dengan tingkat kelancaran dan ketepatan yang optimal

c. Alur Tujuan Pembelajaran

C4: Mengorganisasikan biographical recount text yang diberikan oleh guru
dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan sesuai
konteks secara santun, kritis, kreatif, dan mandiri dengan tingkat kelancaran dan
ketepatan yang optimal
C6: Membuat tulisan biographical recount text berdasarkan informasi yang telah
dikumpulkan di internet dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan
unsur kebahasaan sesuai konteks dengan berbagai visual template
d. Pemahaman Bermakna

✓ Peserta didik dapat terinspirasi dari biographical tokoh tersebut dan

menjadikan contoh untuk perjalanan hidupnya.
✓ Memiliki pemahaman bahwa setiap orang memiliki keahlian dan
kesempatan untuk mengeksplorasi dirinya sehingga mencapai capaian

e. Pertanyaan Pemantik

✓ What we learned in the previous meeting?

✓ Can you explain or make a gap or summarize our topic in the
previous meeting?
f. Kegiatan Pembelajaran

Tahapan Aktivitas Waktu

- peserta didik menjawab salam pembuka
guru dan salah satu peserta didik
memimpin doa (profil pelajar
- peserta didik diarahkan oleh guru untuk
10 menit
Pendahuluan membaca kitab sesuai agama masing-
masing (budaya literasi)
- peserta didik diingatkan kembali terkait
kesepakatan demonstrasi kelas yang
disepakati pada pertemuan sebelumnya
(diferensiasi lingkungan belajar)
- peserta didik dipanggil namanya oleh
guru untuk di cek kehadiran dan
kesiapan belajarnya
- peserta didik menjawab pertanyaan
pemantik guru (apersepsi)
“What we learned in the previous
“Can you explain or make a gap or
summarize our topic in the previous
- peserta didik mendengarkan guru
menyampaikan Capaian Pembelajaran
(CP) yang harus mereka capai
- peserta didik duduk bersama kelompok
belajarnya sesuai arahan guru
(berdasarkan hasil tes diagnostic Profil
peserta didik yang dilakukan pada 60 menit
pertemuan sebelumnya; kemampuan
rendah, kemampuan sedang
Inti berkembang, dan kemampuan sudah
- peserta didik mengumpulkan produk
tulisan (diferensiasi produk) pada link
Google Drive yang diberikan oleh guru
- peserta didik mempresentasikan hasil
produk tulisan biographical recount text
yang telah diupload pada Google Drive ke
depan kelas
- peserta didik yang belum mendapat giliran
presentasi mengidentifikasi struktur teks
dan unsur kebahasaan hasil produk tulisan
biographical recount text temannya di
depan kelas menggunakan spidol
- peserta didik melakukan aktivitas berupa
menyusun jumble paragraph
biographical recount text paragraph yang
diberikan oleh guru dalam bentuk
printout. Setiap kelompok diberikan
kebebasan untuk memilih satu dari
beberapa gambar tokoh tertentu yang
disediakan oleh guru dalam bentuk
printout (diferensiasi proses)
- peserta didik melihat clue paragraph
pertama yang ditampilkan oleh guru pada
slide PPT (diferensiasi konten)
- peserta didik menempel printout jumble
paragraph pada kertas HVS A4 yang
- peserta didik menampilkan dan
menyampaikan hasil jumble paragraph
biographical recount yang telah disusun
bersama kelompoknya dan guru
melakukan validasi jawaban benar
kepada peserta didik
- peserta didik diberikan penguatan materi
terkait fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan
unsur kebahasaan melalui contoh
biographical recount text yang
ditampilkan oleh guru pada slide PPT
(diferensiasi konten)

- peserta didik mengumpulkan jumble

paragraph biographical recount
(LKPD) yang telah disusun dan 10 menit
ditempel pada kertas HVS A4 kepada
Penutup - peserta didik mengerjakan tes evaluasi
topik pembelajaran pada link Google
Form yang diberikan oleh guru
- peserta didik secara acak diminta untuk
menyampaikan kesimpulan ataupun
pemahaman yang dipahami terkait
biographical recount text (direct
- peserta didik mengisi Google Form
terkait refleksi diri pembelajaran hari
tersebut. Link google form
- peserta didik mendapat apresiasi oleh
guru karena telah mengikuti
pembelajaran dengan baik
- peserta didik mendapat informasi terkait
topik dan kegiatan pembelajaran pada
pertemuan selanjutnya
- peserta didik mendapat motivasi oleh
guru dan menjawab salam penutup dari

NB: Guru melakukan refleksi atas

pembelajaran yang telah dilakukan sebagai
bentuk evaluasi/perbaikan untuk topik
pembelajaran selanjutnya
3. Komponen Assesment/Evaluasi
a. Assessment/Penilaian
Penilaian dilakukan dengan penilaian pengetahuan dan penilaian sikap. Rubrik
penilaian dapat dilihat pada lampiran.

Asesmen/Penilaian Pengetahuan Asesmen/Penilaian Sikap

▪ formatif as learning (pada proses
pembelajaran) : ✓ Bernalar kritis: Menganalisis, mengorganisasikan,
- Lembar kerja 1: menyusun jumble dan menyimpulkan makna fungsi sosial, struktur
teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dari sebuah jumble
paragraph Biographical Recount
paragraph biographical recount text.
Text (penilaian kelompok)
✓ Kreatif: Menulis biographical recount text dengan
- Presentasi : Mempresentasikan bentuk visual text yang menarik
hasil produk tulisan Biographical
Recount Text
NB: Penilaian sikap dilihat dari sikap peserta didik
▪ formatif as and for learning (pada di dalam kelompok dan sikap antusias saat maju ke
akhir pembelajaran) : depan kelas atau menjawab pertanyaan
- Menulis bioghraphical recount text
dengan berbagai bentuk teks visual
berwarna (penilaian keterampilan
individu telah dilakukan pada
pertemuan sebelumnya)

▪ Summatif (pada akhir topik

- Menjawab 20 butir pertanyaan
pilihan ganda terkait fungsi
sosial, unsur struktur teks, dan
unsur kebahasaan Biographical
Recount Text
b. Pengayaan dan Remedial

Pengayaan dapat dilakukan pada peserta didik yang memiliki capaian tinggi dan
dengan melihat berdasarkan hasil asesmen formatif (tes diagnostik
awal/kesiapan belajar) yang dilakukan. Sedangkan, remedial (pengulangan)
dapat dilaksanakan jika terlihat melalui asesmen formatif dan sumatif belum
menunjukkan pencapaian minimal sesuai rubrik. Adapun remedial dapat
dilakukan dengan penugasan sederhana diluar jam pembelajaran.
• Definition (Definisi)
Biographical recount text is a detailed description or account of a person’s
life and written by someone else. It is a nonfiction text

• Social Function (Fungsi Sosial)

Its purpose is either to know a person’s story about his/her life outside of
any accomplishments this person may be known for.

• Generic Structure (Struktur Teks)

a. Orientation: background information of the person
b. Series of Events: some important event/moment in the person’s life in
chronological order
c. Reorientation (optional): summary/comment/achievement/contribution

• Language Feature (Unsur Kebahasaan)

a. Using past tense (went, spent, cooked, was, were, etc)
b. Using chronological connection: then, first, finally, etc.

Biographical Recount Text Example with Generic Structure

RA Kartini
Structure Paragraphs
Raden Adjeng Kartini, in full Lady Raden Adjeng Kartini, (born
April 21, 1879, Majong, Java [Indonesia]—died September 17,
1904, Rembang Regency, Java), Javanese noblewoman whose
(Background information
letters made her an important symbol for the Indonesian
of the person)
independence movement and for Indonesian feminists
Her father being a Javanese aristocrat working for the Dutch
Series of Events
colonial administration as governor of the Japara Regency (an
(some important event/
administrative district), Kartini had the unusual opportunity to
moment in the person’s
attend a Dutch school, which exposed her to Western ideas and
made her fluent in Dutch.
in chronological order)
During adolescence, when she was forced to withdraw to the
cloistered existence prescribed by tradition for a Javanese girl of
noble birth, she began to correspond with several Dutch friends
from her school days. She also knew and was influenced by
Mevrouw Ovink-Soer, wife of a Dutch official and a dedicated
socialist and feminist. In her letters Kartini expressed concern for
the plight of Indonesians under conditions of colonial rule and for
the restricted roles open to Indonesian women.

She resolved to make her own life a model for emancipation and,
after her marriage in 1903 to a progressive Javanese official, the
Regent of Rembang, she proceeded with plans to open a school for
Javanese girls
Kartini died at the age of 25 of complications after the birth of her
first child, but J.H. Abendanon—former director of the Department
of Education, Religion, and Industry—arranged for publication of
her letters in 1911, under the title Door duisternis tot licht
Reorientation (“Through Darkness into Light”). The book enjoyed great
(summary/comment/ popularity and generated support in the Netherlands for the Kartini
achievement/ Foundation, which in 1916 opened the first girls’ schools in Java,
contribution) thus fulfilling Kartini’s ambition. Her ideas were also taken up by
Indonesian students attending Dutch universities, and in 1922 an
Indonesian translation of the letters was published. Although
Indonesian nationalist aims went far beyond her ideas, she became
a popular symbol, and her birthday is celebrated as a holiday

Lampiran 1 : Jumble Paragraph Biographical Recount Text (LKPD)

Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie

Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie was the third President of Indonesia. He was born on June 25,
1936 in Pare-Pare, South Sulawesi. He was the fourth of eight children in his family. His
parents were Alwi Abdul Jalil Habibie and RA. Tuti Marini Puspowardojo. He spends his
childhood in Pare-Pare. Since he was a kid, he has shown integrity and persistent behavior. At
school, Habibie whose hobbies were riding horses and reading books was famous for his

Habibie’s father passed away due to heart attack when he was in elementary school. After
that, his mother sold their vehicle and house and then moved to Bandung. As a single parent,
Habibie’s mother worked hard to afford her life with her children.

In 1954, after Habibie graduated from senior high school in Bandung, he continued his study
to Bandung Institute of Technology. He did not finish his study at ITB because at the same
time he got a scholarship from The Ministry of education and Culture of Indonesia to study
in Germany. He remembered that Bung Karno had ever said about the importance of plane
development for Indonesia, and then he decided to take aerospace engineering with aeroplane
construction specialty at Rhein Westfalen Aachen Technische Hochschule (RWTH), an
institute of technology in Germany.

Habibie studied hard to be success since he remembered how hard his mother worked for his
life. Even, Habibie spent his time in holiday to earn extra money for buying books. When
holiday ended, he did not do anything except studying. In 1960, he graduated with great
score, almost perfect (9.5). With his education background, he applied at an industry company
of train, named Firma Talbot.
Nadim Makarim

The man who was born in Singapore, July 4th, 1984 has a father named Nono Anwar Makarim
who is from Pekalongan works as a lawyer and a mother named Atika Algadrie who is from
Pasuruan and works in the field of non-profit institution. Nadiem Makarim has two sisters.
Nadiem Makarim’s wife named Franka Franklin, they got married in 2014.

It is known that Nadiem Makarim started to go to an elementary school in Jakarta, and he

had been graduated from a senior high school in Singapore. From Singapore, he then continued
his studies in the department of International Relations at Brown University, USA. There, he
took part in foreign exchange at the London School of Economics for a year. He also continued
his study at Harvard Business School, Harvard University and graduated by bearing an MBA
(Master of Business Administration).

Makarim Nadiem is known to have ever worked in a firm named McKinsey & Company, a
renowned consultant in Jakarta and spent three years working there. It is also known that he
had ever worked as Co-founder and Managing Editor of Zalora Indonesia and not long after
that he became Chief Innovation Officer of “Kartuku”. Having a lot of experience during the
works, Nadiem Makarim then ventured to quit his job and founded the company named GO-
JEK in 2011. Later in the same year, GO-JEK as the company was officially established by
Nadiem Makarim who served as CEO of GO-JEK. Go-JEK service offers the ease and speed
by cooperating with the conventional ojek driver under GO-JEK company.
Jan Koum

Jan Koum is known as one of the founders of WhatsApp. Jan Koum was born on February 24th, 1976 in
the area which is named Part Fastiv Kiev, Ukraine. Jan Koum’s father worked as construction manager
and his mother was just a housewife. Jan Koum was from jewish descent family. The area where Jan
Koum Very lived was so concerned because every facility, such as electricity, was very limited. Even
for taking a bath they had to queue in a public bathing place.

Jan Koum Family decided to move into America in 1990 to avoid the conflict happened in their region.
They moved when Jan Koum was 16 Years old and Stayed in Mountain View, America. There, he stayed
with his mother and grandmother, his father was still in Ukraine, and would soon follow them. But
unfortunately, Jan Koum's father died in 1997 while he was still in Ukraine.

Jan Koum and his mother then struggled hard to survive in America. Jan Koum’s mother then work as
a kid’s caretaker and Koum helped his mother by working as a shop sweeper to full fill their needs
although they were still shortage of everything.

He studied computer networking in autodidact way and joined the hacker group known as w00w00 when
he was at school. He then continued his study at San Jose University. To meet his living costs and
tuition, Jan Koum later worked as a computer security systems examiner at Ernst & Young.

In 1997, he met Brian Acton, an employee of Yahoo who soon became his close friend. Jan Koum then
tried to apply for a job at Yahoo by the recommendation of Brian Acton and he was accepted there not
long after that. Seven years working for Yahoo, Jan Koum and Brian Acton then decided to resign from
Yahoo in 2007.

Afterward, Jan Koum and Brian Acton tried to apply for a job at Facebook, but both of them were
rejected by Facebook. Later in 2009, when Iphone was getting famous, Jan Koum bought the phone.
He was interested to see the collection of contacts in the iphone and app store. He realized a potential
chance from app store applications which soon gave him an idea to create an application which can
display a profile message on phone contact in iphone. It was the idea which then led the creation of
Raden Adjeng Kartini

Raden Adjeng Kartini, in full Lady Raden Adjeng Kartini, (born April 21, 1879, Majong, Java
[Indonesia]—died September 17, 1904, Rembang Regency, Java), Javanese noblewoman whose
letters made her an important symbol for the Indonesian independence movement and for
Indonesian feminists

Her father being a Javanese aristocrat working for the Dutch colonial administration as
governor of the Japara Regency (an administrative district), Kartini had the unusual
opportunity to attend a Dutch school, which exposed her to Western ideas and made her
fluent in Dutch.

During adolescence, when she was forced to withdraw to the cloistered existence prescribed
by tradition for a Javanese girl of noble birth, she began to correspond with several Dutch
friends from her school days. She also knew and was influenced by Mevrouw Ovink-Soer, wife
of a Dutch official and a dedicated socialist and feminist. In her letters Kartini expressed
concern for the plight of Indonesians under conditions of colonial rule and for the restricted
roles open to Indonesian women.

She resolved to make her own life a model for emancipation and, after her marriage in 1903
to a progressive Javanese official, the Regent of Rembang, she proceeded with plans to open
a school for Javanese girls.

Kartini died at the age of 25 of complications after the birth of her first child, but J.H.
Abendanon—former director of the Department of Education, Religion, and Industry—
arranged for publication of her letters in 1911, under the title Door duisternis tot licht
(“Through Darkness into Light”). The book enjoyed great popularity and generated support in
the Netherlands for the Kartini Foundation, which in 1916 opened the first girls’ schools in
Java, thus fulfilling Kartini’s ambition. Her ideas were also taken up by Indonesian students
attending Dutch universities, and in 1922 an Indonesian translation of the letters was
published. Although Indonesian nationalist aims went far beyond her ideas, she became a
popular symbol, and her birthday is celebrated as a holiday.
NB : LKPD di atas adalah Biographical Recount Text yang sudah tersusun, sehingga guru
perlu mencetak dalam bentuk printout kemudian setiap paragraph digunting, dan ketika di
kelas guru akan memberikan potongan paragraph tersebut secara acak seperti contoh gambar
dibawah ini
Lampiran 2 : Slide PPT (urutan atas ke bawah)
Lampiran 3 : Soal Tes Evaluasi

Link Google form

Read the text below to answer questions number 1-6.

Soekarno, born as Kusno Sosrodiharjo, was the first President of Indonesia. He was the
leader of his country’s struggle for independence from the Nederland and was Indonesia’s first
president from 1945-1967. He was a prominent leader of Indonesia’s nationalist movement
during the Dutch colonial period, and spent over a decade under Dutch detention until released
by the invading Japanese forces.
Sukarno and his fellow nationalists collaborated to garner support for the Japanese war
effort from the population, in exchange for Japanese aid in spreading nationalist ideas. Upon
Japanese surrender, Sukarno and Hatta declared Indonesian independence on 17 August 1945,
whereby Sukarno was appointed as first president. Sukarno led Indonesians in resisting Dutch
re-colonization efforts via diplomatic and military means until the Dutch acknowledged
Indonesian independence in 1949.

1. The communicative purpose of the text is … in Indonesia’s independence

A. describing Soekarno’s role
B. informing who was Soekarno
C. explaining Soekarno’s struggle
D. presenting the effort of Soekarno
E. retelling the historical life of Soekarno
2. The text mainly discusses …
A. important leader
B. a democratic leader
C. the founding father
D. the first Indonesian president
E. the most charismatic leader
3. Soekarno’s young name is…
A. Susno Sosrodiharjo
B. Guntur Soekarno Putro
C. Kusno Sosroraharjo
D. Kusno Soekardiharjo
E. Kusno Sosrodiharjo
4. The Dutch tried to re-invade Indonesia after the declaration of independence for ... years.
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
E. 6
5. “Sukarno and his fellow nationalists collaborated to garner support...” (line 5) The
underlinedword has a similar meaning with ...
A. employee
B. supporter
C. colleague
D. friend
E. enemy
6. Which one is NOT mentioned about Soekarno?
A. He had very important role in declaring Indonesian’s Independence
B. He appointed himself as the first president
C. He and his fellows supported Japanese war
D. He was jailed for a long time under the Dutch government.
E. He led Indonesian to defend from the Dutch re-colonization

Read the text below to answer questions number 7-11.

Maria Sklodowska, better known as Marie Curie, was born in Warsawa in modern-day
Poland on November 7, 1867. Her parents were both teachers. She was the youngest of five
children. As a child, Currie took after her father, Ladislas, a math and physics instructor. She
had a bright and curious mind and was excellent at school. At 11 years old, Curie lost her mother,
Bronsitwa, to tuberculosis. A top student in her secondary school, Curie could not attend the
men-only University of Warsawa. She instead continued her education in Warsawa’s “Floating
University”, a set of underground, informal classes held in secret. Both Curie and her sister,
Bronya, dreamed of going abroad to earn an official degree, but they lacked the financial
resources to pay for more schooling.
Undeterred, Curie worked out a deal with her sister. She would work to support Bronya
while she was in school. Bronya would return the favor after she completed her studies. For
roughly five years, Curie worked as a tutor and a governess. She used her spare time to study,
reading about physics, chemistry and math. In 1891, Curie finally made her way to Paris where
she enrolled at the Sorbonne University in Paris. Curie completed her master degree in physics
in 1893 and earned another degree in mathematics the following year. Around this time, she
received a commision to carry out a study on different types of steel and their magnetic

7. The social function is … of Marie Curie

A. to inform the works
B. to retell the life story
C. to explain the history
D. to communicate the events
E. to describe the past experience
8. Curie could not attend the University of Warsawa because ...
A. The cost was expensive.
B. The university was just for men.
C. She had to work to support sister.
D. She failed to apply to that university.
E. She continued her study in other university.
9. What can you infer from Curie’s personality? She was a ... woman
A. strict
B. perfect
C. generous
D. hard worker
E. diligent
10. “In 1891, Curie finally made her way to Paris where she enrolled at the
Sorbonne University in Paris.” The underlined word has the same meaning with
A. paid
B. applied
C. studied
D. spent
E. went
11. “Both Curie and her sister, Bronya, dreamed of going abroad to earn
officialdegree, but they lacked the financial resources to pay for more
schooling.” The underlined sentence means that they ...
A. did not have enough money.
B. did not have financial problem.
C. did not need to work for money.
D. had to work to find resources.
E. had to save their financial saving.

Read the text below to answer questions number 12-16.

Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie was born on 25 June 1936 in Parepare, South Sulawesi
Province to Alwi Abdul Jalil Habibie and R. A. Tuti Marini Puspowardojo. His father was an
agriculturist from Gorontalo descent and his mother was a Javanese noblewoman from
Yogyakarta. His parents met while studying in Bogor. Habibie's father died when he was 14
years old.
Habibie is an Indonesian engineer who became the Presidentof Indonesia from 1998 to
1999. He succeeded Suharto who resigned in 1998. His presidency is seen as a transition to
the post-Suharto era. Upon becoming president, he liberalized Indonesia's press and political
party laws, and held an earlydemocratic election in 1999, which resulted in the end of his
presidency. His presidency was the third, and the shortest, after independence.

12. The second paragraph tells about Habibie's ...

A. family
B. early life
C. career
D. education
E. presidency
13. The text infers that Habibie is the ... president of Indonesia
A. first
B. second
C. third
D. fourth
E. last
14. Habibie’s presidency was … year(s).
A. one
B. two
C. three
D. four
E. five
15. “His father was an agriculturist from Gorontalo descent and his mother was a Javanese
noblewoman from Yogyakarta.”The word "descent" means ...
A. colleague
B. grandparents
C. old generation
D. ancestor
E. parent
16. He succeeded Suharto who resigned in 1998.The underlined word means ...
A. exchanged
B. removed
C. resigned
D. replaced
E. took over

Read the text below to answer questions number 17-20.

Pierre Andries Tendean was born in Batavia, February 21, 1939 . He died in Jakarta,
October 1, 1965. He was a victim of the 30th September Movement (G30S) and is an Indonesian
national hero. Tendean was the only son of A.L. Tendean from Minahasa and Indo (Eurasian)
mother Cornet M.E. of Dutch and French descent. He … (17) an older sister, Mitze Farre, and
younger sister, Rooswidiati. Tendean’s father …(18) a doctor and held posts in hospitals in
Jakarta, Tasikmalaya, Cisarua, Magelang, and Semarang. Tendean got battlefield experience
while in the academy when he ... (19) to West Sumatra with his fellow cadets to participate in a
military operation named "Sapta Marga". In 1962, Tendean graduated from ATEKAD and he
… (20) achieved the rank of Second Lieutenant.
17. The best answer to complete question number (17) is …...
A. was
B. has
C. had
D. have
E. was had
18. The best answer to complete question number (18) is …...
A. is
B. was
C. were
D. be
E. been
19. The best answer to complete question number (19) is …...
A. send
B. sent
C. is sent
D. was sent
E. was sending
20. The best answer to complete question number (20) is …...
A. can
B. might
C. would
D. could
E. should
Kunci Jawaban Tes Evaluasi
Nomor soal Kunci Jawaban
1 E. retelling the historical life of Soekarno
2 D. the first Indonesian president
3 E. Kusno Sosrodiharjo
4 C. 4
5 D. friend
6 C. He and his fellows supported Japanese war
7 C. to explain the history
8 A. The cost was expensive
9 D. hard worker
10 B. applied
11 A. did not have enough money.
12 E. presidency
13 C. third
14 C. three
15 B. grandparents
16 D. replaced
17 A. was
18 C. were
19 B. sent
20 D. could
Lampiran 4 : Rubrik Penilaian
1. Rubrik Penilaian Pengetahuan
Rubrik Penilaian Kelompok (Jumble Paragraph/LKPD 1)
Kelompok Indikator Score

a. Jumble paragraph tersusun menjadi suatu

Kemampuan biographical text yang utuh dan tepat dalam
rendah/sedang penyusunannya (chronological order)
berkembang/sudah b. Dapat menunjukan atau memaparkan fungsi
mahir sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan
biographical recount text yang telah di susun
dengan tepat
c. Kerapian menyusun, kemmapuan kolaborasi, dan
kecepatan penyelesaian dalam menyusun

Skor maksimal = 100

Skor yang diperoleh = (30% x a) + (35% x b) + (35% x c)

Nilai = skor yang diperoleh

skor maksimal × 100

No. Huruf Rentang angka

1. Sangat Baik (A) 85-100

2. Baik (B) 72-84

3. Cukup (C) 57-71

4. Kurang (D) ≤ 56
Rubrik Penilaian Keterampilan Individu (Menulis Biographical Recount Text)

Nama Peserta Indikator Score Score

Didik Max Perolehan

Menggunakan struktur dan unsur kebahasaan 35

yang tepat
Tulisan memiliki generic structure yang lengkap 35
dan berurutan
Menunjukan aspek estetika yang tinggi dan teks 20
visual yang menarik
Mencantumkan referensi 10

Total 100

Format Penginputan Nilai Kelompok

Kelas : Alur Tujuan Pembelajaran :
Kelompok Nama Peserta didik Nilai
1. Kemampuan 1.
rendah 2.
2. Kemamuan 1.
sedang berkembang 2.
3. Kemampuan 1.
sudah mahir 2.
Rubrik Penilaian Individu (Presentasi)
Indikator Item Score Max Score
Sikap Presentasi Mengucap salam pembuka dan 10

Menjelaskan hasil tulisan dengan 10

sikap yang santun dan sopan
Sistematika Menjelaskan secara runtut dan 10
Presentasi sistematis

Mempresentasikan hasil pekerjaan 10

sesuai durasi presentasi yang
Penggunaan Bahasa Bahasa yang digunakan sangat 15
mudah dipahami

Bahasa yang digunakan bahasa semi 15

formal dan santun
Penguasaan Materi Menjelaskan sesuai topik/konsep 15

Menunjukan pemahaman yang 15

Total Score 100

Rubrik Penilaian Individu (Tes Evaluasi)

Kriteria Jawaban Skor per Nomor

Soal pilihan ganda 1-20 5
Total Skor 100
NB: Hasil score bisa dilihat pada Google form
2. Penilaian Sikap

Kelas :
No Nama Peserta Didik Profil Pelajar Pancasila Keterangan

Bernalar Kreatif Mandiri



NB: Penilaian sikap dapat dilihat dari sikap peserta didik di dalam kelompok dan sikap antusias
saat maju ke depan kelas atau menjawab pertanyaan

No. Huruf Rentang angka

1. Sangat Baik (A) 85-100

2. Baik (B) 72-84

3. Cukup (C) 57-71

4. Perlu Bimbingan (D) ≤ 56

Lampiran 5 : Refleksi Guru dan Peserta Didik

Refleksi Keberhasilan apa saja yang dicapai pada bab ini?

untuk guru Apa yang harus menjadi perhatian khusus dalam pelaksanan pembejaran pada
materi ini?
Apa yang harus diperbaiki?
Siswa mana yang membutuhkan perhatian khusus?

Link Refleksi diri peserta didik :

a. Daftar Pustaka

Link :

b. Glosarium

Biographical Recount Text : Termasuk teks nonfiksi. Teks biografi yang memberikan deskripsi
secara detail terkait kehidupan seseorang yang ditulis oleh orang lain
LKPD : Lembar Kerja Peserta Didik

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