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Satuan Pendidikan : SMPIT AL QALAM

Mata Pelajaran : BAHASA INGGRIS
Kelas/Semester : IX/Ganjil
Pertemuan ke :3
Materi Pokok : Procedure Text (Manual/Recipe)
Tahun Pelajaran : 2021/2022
Alokasi Waktu : 3 JP x 30 menit

A. Kompetensi Inti
KI.1 Menghargai dan menghayati ajaran agama yang dianutnya.

KI.2 Menghargai dan menghayati perilaku jujur, disiplin, santun, percaya diri, peduli,
dan bertanggung jawab dalam berinteraksi secara efektif sesuai dengan
perkembangan anak di lingkungan, keluarga, sekolah, masyarakat dan lingkungan
alam sekitar, bangsa, negara, dan kawasan regional.

KI.3 Memahami pengetahuan (faktual, konseptual, dan prosedural) berdasarkan rasa

ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya terkait fenomena
dan kejadian tampak mata.

KI.4 Mencoba, mengolah, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret (menggunakan, mengurai,
merangkai, memodifikasi, dan membuat) dan ranah abstrak (menulis, membaca,
menghitung, menggambar, dan mengarang) sesuai dengan yang dipelajari di
sekolah dan
sumber lain yang sama dalam sudut pandang/teori.

B. Kompetensi Dasar dan IPK

Kompetensi Dasar Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi
3.2 Membandingkan fungsi sosial, 3.2.1 Peserta didik mampu mengidentifikasi
struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan fungsi sosial dan struktur teks Manual
beberapa teks prosedur lisan dan tulis dan Recipe Procedure Text dengan
dengan memberi dan meminta tepat.
informasi terkait resep 3.2.2 Peserta didik mampu menentukan
makanan/minuman dan manual, fungsi sosial dan struktur teks Manual
pendek dan sederhana, sesuai dengan dan Recipe Procedure Text dengan
konteks penggunaannya tepat.
3.2.3 Peserta didik mampu membandingkan
Manual dan Recipe Procedure Text
terkait fungsi sosial dan struktur teks
Manual dan Recipe Procedure Text
dengan tepat.
4.2 Menangkap makna secara kontekstual 4.2.1 Peserta didik mampu menyusun
terkait fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan gambar dan kalimat secara berurutan
unsur kebahasaan teks prosedur lisan berdasarkan fungsi social dan
dan tulis, sangat pendek dan struktur teks Manual dan Recipe
sederhana, dalam bentuk resep dan Procedure Text dengan tepat.
manual 4.2.2 Peserta didik mampu
mempresentasikan hasil diskusi
kelompok tentang Manual dan
Recipe Procedure Text dengan tepat.

C. Tujuan Pembelajaran
Setelah belajar tentang materi Manual dan Recipe Procedure Text melalui Pendekatan
Santifik menggunakan model pembelajaran Problem Based Learning serta melalui
metode diskusi maka:
1. Dengan mengamati video tentang Manual dan Recipe Procedure Text ( C ), peserta
didik ( A ) mampu mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial dan struktur teks Manual dan Recipe
Procedure Text ( B ) dengan benar dan teliti ( D ).
2. Dengan mengamati video tentang Manual dan Recipe Procedure Text ( ( C ), peserta
didik ( A ) mampu menentukan fungsi sosial dan struktur teks Manual dan Recipe
Procedure Text (B) dengan benar dan teliti (D).
3. Dengan berdiskusi antar teman tentang Procedure Text (Manual/Recipe) ( C ), peserta
didik ( A ) mampu membandingkan Manual dan Recipe Procedure Text terkait fungsi
sosial dan struktur teks Manual dan Recipe Procedure Text ( B ) dengan benar dan teliti
4. Dengan diberikan gambar dan kalimat mengenai Manual dan Recipe Procedure Text
( C ), peserta didik ( A ) mampu menyusun gambar dan kalimat tersebut menjadi
Manual dan Recipe Procedure Text (B) dengan urutan yang logis secara lisan dan tulis
terkait Manual dan Recipe Procedure Text).
5. Dengan diberikan ilustrasi dan berbagai topik mengenai Manual dan Recipe
Procedure Text ( C ), peserta didik ( A ) mampu mempresentasikan hasil diskusi
kelompok tentang Manual dan Recipe Procedure Text (B) dengan memperhatikan
fungsi sosial dan struktur teks secara benar dan sesuai konteks (D).

D. Penguatan Pendidikan Karakter (PPK) : Religius, Jujur dan disiplin

E. Materi Pembelajaran
Manual Procedure Text
A. Definition
There are two kinds of procedure texts; there are recipe and manual procedure text.
For the first meeting we will discuss about Manual. Manual procedure text is the part
of procedure text that contains of explanation about how something should be done
or how to operate something in sequenced steps. Or in short explanation, manual
procedure text is a text that explains/tells about how to do or to operate something.
B. The Purpose of Manual Procedure Text
1. To describe how something is operated in sequenced steps or to provide a series
of steps in sequence that explains the reader how to operate something.
C. The Generic Structure of the Manual Procedure Text
1. Goal / Aim
This part describes the purpose of doing/operate something. For example ‘How to
use a hand phone’
2. Equipment
It is contains of the tools in a process of operating something.
3. Steps
It is contains of the instruction operating something.
D. The Language Feature of Manual Procedure Text
1. Using simple present tense
Procedure text uses simple present tense because in this text there are facts
sentences regarding the making or use of something.
2. Imperative Sentence
The imperative sentence begins with the verb. For example: press the "power"
button, search the name of the person, etc.
3. Connectives
This word is a link between one sentence and another. For example, firstly,
secondly, finally, etc.
4. Adverbs
Used to provide time and method information. For example, in 10 minutes,
slowly, etc.
E. The Example of Manual Procedure Text
How to connect hand phone to Bluetooth speaker

How to connect hand phone to Bluetooth speaker

Equipments/Tools: Hand phone and Bluetooth Speaker

1. First, turn on your Bluetooth speaker and put it in a couple mode. (Usually this is
done by pressing and holding the power button on itself)
2. Second, open the Bluetooth option on your smart phone and scan for the device.
3. Finally, if the cellphone Bluetooth and the speaker are connected, select the song
you want to listen to
Recipe Procedure Text
A. Definition
There are two kinds of procedure texts; there are recipe and manual procedure text.
For the second meeting we will discuss about Recipe. Recipe is a set of instructions
for preparing a particular dish, including a list of the ingredients required. Recipe
procedure text is the part of procedure text that contains of explanation about how
food is completely made or cooked through a sequence of series. Or in short
explanation recipe procedure text is a text that explains/tells about how to make
B. The Purpose of Recipe Procedure Text
1. To describe how something is made in sequenced steps or to provide a series of
steps in sequence that explains the reader how to make something.
C. The Generic Structure of the Recipe Procedure Text
1. Goal / Aim
This part describes the purpose of making something. For example ‘How to make
fried noodle’
2. Ingredient and Equipment
It is contains of the material and tool in a process of making something.
3. Steps
It is contains of the instruction making something.
D. The Language Feature of Recipe Procedure Text
1. Using simple present tense
Procedure text uses simple present tense because in this text there are facts
sentences regarding the making or use of something.
2. Imperative Sentence
The imperative sentence begins with the verb. For example: heat a medium
frying pan, pour the vegetable oil, add the garlic, etc.
3. Connectives
This word is a link between one sentence and another. For example, firstly,
secondly, finally, etc.
4. Adverbs
Used to provide time and method information. For example, in 10 minutes,
slowly, etc.
E. The Example of Recipe Procedure Text
How to make mango juice
How to Make Mango Juice

Ingredients/Materials: Equipments/Tools:

A bottle of Water A glass

Ice Cube A bottle
1 Mango A plate
Sugar A knife
A blender

1. First, peel the mango and clean it.

2. And then, cut the mango into small pieces.
3. And put them into blender.
4. Next, put the water, sugar and ice cubes into the blender.
5. And next, turn on the blender and wait until 15 minutes
6. Finally, pour the mango juice into a glass. Mango juice is ready to served.

F. Pendekatan, Metode dan Teknik Pembelajaran

1. Pendekatan : Scientific Approach
2. Model : Problem Based Learning
3. Teknik : Kerja kelompok, penugasan, diskusi, tanya jawab dan presentasi

G. Media, Alat dan Bahan Pembelajaran

1. Media Pembelajaran
- Gambar
- Video
- Slide PPT
Link PPT :
- Worksheet (LKPD)
2. Alat Pembelajaran
- Papan Tulis
- Spidol
- LCD projector
- In Focus
- Laptop
3. Bahan Pembelajaran
How to connect hand phone to Bluetooth speaker

How to connect hand phone to Bluetooth speaker


Equipments/Tools: Hand phone and Bluetooth Speaker

1. First, turn on your Bluetooth speaker and put it in a couple mode. (Usually this is
done by pressing and holding the power button on itself)
2. Second, open the Bluetooth option on your smart phone and scan for the device.
3. Finally, if the cellphone Bluetooth and the speaker are connected, select the song
you want to listen to

How to Make Mango Juice



Ingredients/Materials: Equipments/Tools:

A bottle of Water A glass

Ice Cube A bottle
1 Mango A plate
Step Sugar A knife
A blender
1. First, peel the mango and clean it. Equipment
2. And then, cut the mango into small pieces. /Tool
3. And put them into blender.
4. Next, put the water, sugar and ice cubes into the blender.
5. And next, turn on the blender and wait until 15 minutes
6. Finally, pour the mango juice into a glass. Mango juice is ready to serve.
H. Sumber-Sumber Pembelajaran
1. Buku Bahasa Inggris SMP kelas IX yang relevan Kemdikbud.2018.Buku Guru Bahasa
Inggris, Think Globally Act Locally Edisi Revisi. Jakarta:Kemdikbud.

I. Langkah – langkah pembelajaran


1. Kegiatan Religius, Cinta tanah 10
A. Orientasi
Pendahuluan air dan tanggung menit
Guru memberi salam, berdoa sebelum belajar, jawab
menyanyikan lagu Indonesia raya, mengecek
kehadiran peserta didik.
B. Apersepsi (communication,collaboration)
Mengaitkan materi dengan pengalaman
peserta didik;
1. Do you have hand phone?
2. Have you ever sent a message to
someone by using your hand phone?
3. How do you use it?
4. Do you like a cup of milk?
PPK 5. Have you ever made a cup of milk at
6. How do you make it?
C. Motivasi (communication)
1.Menginformasikan materi yang akan dipelajari
2.Memberikan gambaran tentang manfaat
mempelajari materi yang akan dipelajari.
3. Menyampaikan tujuan dan
strategi pembelajaran.
2. Kegiatan Inti Model problem based Learning Kemandirian 40
Berfikir Kritis, jujur, menit
1. Mengorientasikan peserta didik pada
kerja keras, ingin
1. Literasi masalah
2. 4c a. Dalam kelompok siswa mengamati
3. Hots 2 video tentang teks prosedur
4. TPACK manual dan resep.
b. Siswa diberi pertanyaan terkait 2
video tersebut. What is the title of
Video 1? What equipment do we
need to operate it? How to operate
it? What is the title video 2? What
ingredients and equipments are
needed to make this drink? How to
make this drink? (LKPD 1)
2. Mengorganisasikan peserta didik untuk
belajar (critical thingking, collaboration,
a. Peserta didik bersama kelompoknya
Reading Literasi berdiskusi mengenai identifikasi
beberapa gambar dan kalimat yang
4. Literasi ada di dalam amplop berdasarkan
5. 4c fungsi sosial dan struktur teks
6. Hots Procedure Text (Manual/Recipe)
7. TPACK sesuai konteks penggunaanya.
(LKPD 2)
b. Peserta didik beserta kelompoknya
menentukan beberapa gambar dan
beberapa kalimat berdasarkan fungsi
sosial dan struktur teks terkait
Procedure Text (Manual/Recipe) .
(LKPD 2)
c. Peserta didik beserta kelompoknya
menyusun beberapa gambar dan
beberapa kalimat berdasarkan fungsi
sosial dan struktur teks terkait
Procedure Text (Manual/Recipe) .
(LKPD 2)
d. Peserta didik beserta kelompoknya
membandingkan dua teks prosedur
(manual / resep) tentang fungsi sosial
dan struktur teks terkait Procedure
Text (Manual/Recipe). (LKPD 3)
e. Peserta didik dalam kelompoknya
mendiskusikan dan mengumpulkan
informasi melalui buku paket, modul
dan saling bertukar informasi terkait
dengan contoh Procedure Text
3. Membimbing penyelidikan individu maupun
kelompok (collaboration, critical thingking)
Dalam kelompok, siswa dengan bimbingan guru
mengolah informasi terkait identifikasi tentang
fungsi social dan struktur teks Procedure Text
(Manual/Recipe) sebagai bahan presentasi dengan
cara menuliskan fungsi sosial, dan struktur text pada
LKPD 3 yang disediakan oleh Guru.

4. Mengembangkan dan menyajikan hasil

karya (critical thingking, communication)
Masing-masing kelompok mempresentasikan hasil
kerja mereka dan kelompok lain menyimak
penjelasan dan membandingkan isi dan informasi
terkait fungsi sosial dan struktur teks Procedure Text
(Manual/Recipe) yang mereka bahas.

5. Menganalisis dan mengevaluasi proses

pemecahan Masalah
a. Siswa dengan bimbingan guru,
menyimpulkan hasil informasi
mereka dari seluruh kelompok
yang mereka tanggapi dengan
membandingkan Fungsi social
dan struktur teks dari beberapa
teks Procedure Text
(Manual/Recipe) yang telah
mereka pelajari.
b. Peserta didik menjawab
pertanyaan evaluasi yang
diberikan oleh guru.
3 Kegiatan 1. Peserta didik dengan bimbingan guru membuat Kemandirian 10
Penutup resume tentang poin-poin penting yang muncul Berfikir Kritis Menit
dalam kegiatan pembelajaran yang baru dilakukan. Kreatif
2. Peserta didik menyampaikan h a l - h a l y a n g
Critical Thingking, m e n a r i k yang mereka hadapi saat
communication, pembelajaran di dalam kelas.
appreciate. 3. Guru memberikan apresiasi kepada seluruh peserta
didik yang telah bekerjasama dengan baik dalam
4. Guru memberikan tugas PR kepada siswa dan
memberikan pesan agar tetap giat belajar
5. Guru menginformasikan kegiatan yang akan
dipelajari di pertemuan berikutnya.
6. Kegiatan belajar ditutup dengan doa.

J. Penilaian Hasil Belajar


Penilaian observasi guru, Penilaian Antar Teman
a. Sikap
Pengetahuan Penialian Pengetahuan dalam pembelajaran kd ini meliputi:
b. Tes setelah keseluruhan IPK dalam KD selesai tercapai, berupa soal
pilihan ganda
Penilaian keterampilan dalam pembelajaran kd ini meliputi:
c. Keterampilan 1. Penilaian presentasi
Remedial Bagi peserta didik yang belum memenuhi kriteria ketuntasan minimal
(KKM) setelah melakukan Tes Sumatif, maka akan diberikan pembelajaran
tambahan (Remedial Teaching)terhadap IPK yang belum tuntas kemudian
diberikan Tes Sumatif lagi dengan ketentuan:
1. soal yang diberikan berbeda dengan soal sebelumya namun setara
2. nilai akhir yang akan diambil adalah nilai hasil tes terakhir
3. siswa lain yang sudah tuntas (>kkm) dipersilahkan untuk ikut bagi
yang berminat untuk memberikan keadilan.
Guru memberikan nasihat agar tetap rendah hati, karena telah mencapai
e. KKM (Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal). Guru memberikan materi pengayaan
berupa penugasan untuk meningkatkan keterampilan membaca teks prosedur
resep lain.

Kepala SMP IT AL-QALAM Guru Mata Pelajaran

Nanang Buchori, S.Pt Tri Yulianingsih, M.Pd


Satuan Pendidikan : SMPIT AL QALAM

Mata Pelajaran : BAHASA INGGRIS
Kelas/Semester : IX/Ganjil
Pertemuan ke :3
Materi Pokok : Procedure Text (Manual/Recipe)
Tahun Pelajaran : 2021/2022
Alokasi Waktu : 3 JP x 30 menit

A. Kompetensi Inti

KI.1 Menghargai dan menghayati ajaran agama yang dianutnya.

KI.2 Menghargai dan menghayati perilaku jujur, disiplin, santun, percaya diri, peduli,
dan bertanggung jawab dalam berinteraksi secara efektif sesuai dengan
perkembangan anak di lingkungan, keluarga, sekolah, masyarakat dan lingkungan
alam sekitar, bangsa, negara, dan kawasan regional.

KI.3 Memahami pengetahuan (faktual, konseptual, dan prosedural) berdasarkan rasa

ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya terkait fenomena
dan kejadian tampak mata.

KI.4 Mencoba, mengolah, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret (menggunakan, mengurai,
merangkai, memodifikasi, dan membuat) dan ranah abstrak (menulis, membaca,
menghitung, menggambar, dan mengarang) sesuai dengan yang dipelajari di
sekolah dan
sumber lain yang sama dalam sudut pandang/teori.

B. Kompetensi Dasar dan IPK

Kompetensi Dasar Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi

3.2 Membandingkan fungsi sosial, 3.2.1 Peserta didik mampu
struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial dan
beberapa teks prosedur lisan dan tulis struktur teks Manual dan Recipe
dengan memberi dan meminta Procedure Text dengan tepat.
informasi terkait resep 3.2.2 Peserta didik mampu menentukan
makanan/minuman dan manual, fungsi sosial dan struktur teks
pendek dan sederhana, sesuai dengan Manual dan Recipe
konteks penggunaannya Procedure Text dengan tepat.
3.2.3 Peserta didik mampu
membandingkan Manual dan
Recipe Procedure Text terkait
fungsi sosial dan struktur teks
Manual dan Recipe
Procedure Text dengan tepat.
4.2 Menangkap makna secara kontekstual 4.2.1 Peserta didik mampu
terkait fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan menyusun gambar dan
unsur kebahasaan teks prosedur lisan kalimat secara berurutan
dan tulis, sangat pendek dan berdasarkan fungsi social
sederhana, dalam bentuk resep dan dan struktur teks Manual
manual dan Recipe Procedure Text
dengan tepat.
4.2.2 Peserta didik mampu
hasil diskusi kelompok
tentang Manual dan Recipe
Procedure Text dengan

C. Tujuan Pembelajaran

Setelah belajar tentang materi Manual dan Recipe Procedure Text melalui Pendekatan
Santifik menggunakan model pembelajaran Problem Based Learning serta melalui
metode diskusi maka:
1. Dengan mengamati video tentang Manual dan Recipe Procedure Text ( C ), peserta
didik ( A ) mampu mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial dan struktur teks Manual dan Recipe
Procedure Text ( B ) dengan benar dan teliti ( D ).
2. Dengan mengamati video tentang Manual dan Recipe Procedure Text ( ( C ), peserta
didik ( A ) mampu menentukan fungsi sosial dan struktur teks Manual dan Recipe
Procedure Text (B) dengan benar dan teliti (D).
3. Dengan berdiskusi antar teman tentang Procedure Text (Manual/Recipe) ( C ), peserta
didik ( A ) mampu membandingkan Manual dan Recipe Procedure Text terkait fungsi
sosial dan struktur teks Manual dan Recipe Procedure Text ( B ) dengan benar dan teliti
4. Dengan diberikan gambar dan kalimat mengenai Manual dan Recipe Procedure Text
( C ), peserta didik ( A ) mampu menyusun gambar dan kalimat tersebut menjadi
Manual dan Recipe Procedure Text (B) dengan urutan yang logis secara lisan dan tulis
terkait Manual dan Recipe Procedure Text).
5. Dengan diberikan ilustrasi dan berbagai topik mengenai Manual dan Recipe
Procedure Text ( C ), peserta didik ( A ) mampu mempresentasikan hasil diskusi
kelompok tentang Manual dan Recipe Procedure Text (B) dengan memperhatikan
fungsi sosial dan struktur teks secara benar dan sesuai konteks (D).


Manual procedure text is the part of procedure
Definition text that contains of explanation about how
something should be done or how to operate

To describe how something is operated in

Social sequenced steps or to provide a series of
Function steps in sequence that explains the reader how
to operate something.

1. Goal / Aim
This part describes the purpose of
doing/operate something. For example
‘How to use a hand phone’
Manual Generic 2. Equipment
Procedure Structure It is contains of the tools in a process of
Text operating something.
3. Steps
It is contains of the instruction operating

1. Using simple present tense

Procedure text uses simple present tense because in this
text there are facts sentences regarding the making or use
of something.
2. Imperative Sentence
The imperative sentence begins with the verb. For
example: press the "power" button, search the name of
the person, etc.
3. Connectives
This word is a link between one sentence and another.
For example, firstly, secondly, finally, etc.
4. Adverbs
Used to provide time and method information. For
example, in 10 minutes, slowly, etc.


Recipe procedure text is the part of
procedure text that contains of explanation
about how food is completely made or
cooked through a sequence of series.

To describe how something is made in

Social sequenced steps or to provide a series of
Function steps in sequence that explains the reader how
to make something.

1. Goal / Aim
This part describes the purpose of making
something. For example ‘How to make
fried rice’
Recipe Generic 2. Ingredients/Equipment
Procedure Structure It is contains of the materials and tools in a
Text process of making something.
3. Steps
It is contains of the instruction making

1. Using simple present tense

Procedure text uses simple present tense because in this
text there are facts sentences regarding the making or use
of something.
2. Imperative Sentence
The imperative sentence begins with the verb. For
example: heat a medium frying pan, pour the vegetable
oil, add the garlic, etc.
3. Connectives
This word is a link between one sentence and another.
For example, firstly, secondly, finally, etc.
4. Adverbs
Used to provide time and method information. For
example, in 10 minutes, slowly, etc.

D. Materi Pembelajaran
There are two kinds of procedure texts; they are recipe and manual procedure text. For
the third meeting we will discuss about Manual and Recipe Procedure Text.

Manual Procedure Text

A. Definition

Manual procedure text is the part of procedure text that contains of explanation
about how something should be done or how to operate something in sequenced
steps. Or in short explanation, recipe procedure text is a text that explains/tells
about how to do or to operate something.

B. The Purpose of Manual Procedure Text

1. To describe how something is operated in sequenced steps or to provide a

series of steps in sequence that explains the reader how to operate something.

C. The Generic Structure of the Manual Procedure Text

1. Goal / Aim
This part describes the purpose of doing/operate something. For example ‘How
to use an electric Iron’
2. Equipment
It is contains of the tools in a process of operating something.
3. Steps
It is contains of the instruction operating something.

D. The Language Feature of Manual Procedure Text

1. Using simple present tense

Procedure text uses simple present tense because in this text there are facts
sentences regarding the making or use of something.
2. Imperative Sentence
The imperative sentence begins with the verb. For example: press the "power"
button, search the name of the person, etc.
3. Connectives
This word is a link between one sentence and another. For example, firstly,
secondly, finally, etc.

E. The Example of Manual Procedure Text

How to connect hand phone to Bluetooth speaker

Equipment How to connect hand phone to Bluetooth speaker


Equipments/Tools: Hand phone and Bluetooth Speaker

4. First, turn on your Bluetooth speaker and put it in a couple mode. (Usually this is
done by pressing and holding the power button on itself)
5. Second, open the Bluetooth option on your smart phone and scan for the device.
6. Finally, if the cellphone Bluetooth and the speaker are connected, select the song
you want to listen to

Analyzing of Manual Procedure Text based on Social Function and Generic Structure

Social : To describe how to connect hand phone to Bluetooth speaker in

Function sequenced steps
Generic 1.Goal : How to connect hand phone to Bluetooth
Structure speaker
2.Equipments : Hand phone and Bluetooth Speaker
3.Step 1. First, turn on your Bluetooth speaker and
put it in a couple mode. (Usually this is
done by pressing and holding the power
button on itself)
2. Second, open the Bluetooth option on
your smart phone and scan for the
3. Finally, if the cellphone Bluetooth and
the speaker are connected, select the
song you want to listen to

Recipe Procedure Text

A. Definition

Recipe is a set of instructions for preparing a particular dish, including a list of the
ingredients required. Recipe procedure text is the part of procedure text that contains
of explanation about how food is completely made or cooked through a sequence of
series. Or in short explanation recipe procedure text is a text that explains/tells about
how to make something.

B. The Purpose of Manual Procedure Text

1. To describe how something is made in sequenced steps or to provide a series of

steps in sequence that explains the reader how to make something.

C. The Generic Structure of the Recipe Procedure Text

1. Goal / Aim
This part describes the purpose of making something. For example ‘How to make
fried noodle’
2. Ingredient and Equipment
It is contains of the material and tool in a process of making something.
3. Steps
It is contains of the instruction making something.

D. The Language Feature of Recipe Procedure Text

1. Using simple present tense

Procedure text uses simple present tense because in this text there are facts
sentences regarding the making or use of something.
2. Imperative Sentence
The imperative sentence begins with the verb. For example: heat a medium
frying pan, pour the vegetable oil, add the garlic, etc.
3. Connectives
This word is a link between one sentence and another. For example, firstly,
secondly, finally, etc.
4. Adverbs
Used to provide time and method information. For example, in 10 minutes,
slowly, etc.

E. The Example of Recipe Procedure Text

How to Make Mango Juice




Analyzing of Recipe Procedure Text based on Social Function and Generic


Social : To describe how to make mango juice in sequenced steps

Generic 1.Goal How To Make Mango Juice
Structur 2.Ingridients/ Ingredients/Materials: Equipments/Tools:
e Equipments
A bottle of Water A glass
Ice Cube A bottle
1 Mango A plate
Sugar A knife
A blender

3.Step 1. First, peel the mango and clean it.

2. And then, cut the mango into small pieces.
3. And put them into blender.
4. Next, put the water, sugar and ice cubes into the blender.
5. And next, turn on the blender and wait until 15 minutes
6. Finally, pour the mango juice into a glass. Mango juice is
ready to serve.

Video 1 Video 2

After watching the videos, please answer the following questions!

1. What is the title of video 1?

2. What is equipment do we need to operate it?
3. How to operate it?
4. What is the title of video 2?
5. What ingredients and equipments are needed to make this drink?
6. How to make this drink?

No Question Answer
1 What is the title of video 1?

2 What equipment do we need to operate


3 How to operate it?

4 What is the title of video 2?

5 What ingredients are needed to make

this drink?

6 How to make this drink?


Instructions :
1. Arrange the pictures with the suitable sentences below into the correct order to form a procedure

No Pictures Sentences

Pictures Sentences
a. Third, press the call button (green button)
b. Second, search the name of the person that
you want to call in contact list or press the
number you want to call
c. Fourth, wait until the other accept your
Picture 1 call
d. Finally, press the "Call Off" button to end
the conversation (red button).
e. Fifth, start the conversation.
f. How to use a hand phone
Prepare a hand phone.
g. First, press the "power" button.
Picture 2

Picture 3

Picture 4

Picture 5

Picture 6

Picture 7

No Pictures Sentences

Pictures Sentences
a. Finally, pour the mango juice into a
glass. Mango juice is ready to
b. And next, turn on the blender and
wait until 15 minutes
Picture 8 Picture 7 c. Next, put the water, sugar and ice
cubes into the blender.
d. And, put them into blender.
e. And then, cut the mango into small
f. First, peel the mango and clean it.
g. Prepare all ingredients and
Picture 6 Picture 5 h. How to make mango juice.

Picture 4 Picture 3

Picture 2 Picture 1

Text 1
How to connect hand phone to Bluetooth speaker

Equipments/Tools: Hand phone and Bluetooth Speaker

1. First, turn on your Bluetooth speaker and put it in a couple mode. (Usually this is
done by pressing and holding the power button on itself)
2. Second, open the Bluetooth option on your smart phone and scan for the device.
3. Finally, if the cellphone Bluetooth and the speaker are connected, select the song
you want to listen to

Text 2

How to Make Mango Juice

Ingredients/Materials: Equipments/Tools:

A bottle of Water A glass

Ice Cube A bottle
1 Mango A plate
Sugar A knife
A blender
1. First, peel the mango and clean it.
2. And then, cut the mango into small pieces.
3. And put them into blender.
4. Next, put the water, sugar and ice cubes into the blender.
5. And next, turn on the blender and wait until 15 minutes
6. Finally, pour the mango juice into a glass. Mango juice is ready to serve.

Instruction : Compare the two texts based on social function and generic structure by completing the
Text 1 (Manual Procedure Text) Text 2 (Recipe Procedure Text)
: :
Social Social
Function Function
Goal : Goal :

Equipments : Material Ingredients:

Equipments :
Generic Generic
Structure Structure

Step : Step :


Instruction : Choose the right answer by crossing a, b, c, d !

How to use Hand phone

Equipment : Hand phone

If you want to call the other persons, follow the instructions below:

1. First, press the "power" button.

2. Second, search the name of the person slowly that you want to call in
contact list or press the number you want to call
3. Third, press the call button (green button)
4. Fourth, wait until the other accept your call
5. Fifth, start the conversation.
6. Finally, press the "Call Off" button to end the conversation (red button)

1. What we have to prepare if we want to use a hand phone?

A. prepare the earphone
B. prepare the telegraph
C. prepare the telegram
D. prepare the mobile
2. Before we search the name of that you want to call in contact list, what will you do first?
A. Press the number you want to call
B. Press the call button (green button)
C. Press the "power" button.
D. Press the "Call Off" button
3. What will happen if we do not press the call button (green button)?
A. We can do the dialogue with the person that we want to call
B. We can not call the person that we want to call
C. We can call the person that we want to call
D. We can speak with the person that we want to call

How to Make Simple Fried Rice

4. The word of pour is closest meaning to …
A. Stream
B. Get
C. Open
D. Add
5. The opposite of tender is ….
A. Kind
B. Caring
C. Soft
D. Tough


Buku Bahasa Inggris SMP kelas IX yang relevan Kemdikbud.2018.Buku Guru

Bahasa Inggris, Think Globally Act Locally Edisi Revisi. Jakarta:Kemdikbud.

No Questions Answer
1 What is the title of video 1? How to connect hand phone to Bluetooth
2 What equipment do we need to operate it? Equipments/Tools : Hand phone and Bluetooth
3 How to operate it? 1. First, turn on your Bluetooth speaker
and put it in a couple mode. (Usually
this is done by pressing and holding
the power button on itself)
2. Second, open the Bluetooth option on
your smart phone and scan for the
3. Finally, if the cellphone Bluetooth and
the speaker are connected, select the
song you want to listen to

4 What is the title of video 2? How to make juice

5 What ingredients and equipments are Ingredients/Materials:
needed to make this drink?  A bottle of Water
 Ice Cube
 1 Mango
 Sugar
 Frying pan
 Stove
 Spoon
 Spatula
 Plate
6 How to make this drink? 1. First, peel the mango and clean it.
2. And then, cut the mango into small pieces.
3. And put them into blender.
4. Next, put the water, sugar and ice cubes
into the blender.
5. And next, turn on the blender and wait
until 15 minutes
6. Finally, pour the mango juice into a glass.
Mango juice is ready to serve

No Picture Sentence
1 f. How to use a hand phone
Prepare a hand phone.

Picture 7
2 g. First, press the "power" button.

Picture 4
3 b. Second, search the name of the
person that you want to call in contact
list or press the number you want to call

Picture 3
4 a. Third, press the call button (green

Picture 5
5 c. Fourth, wait until the other accept
your call

Picture 2
6 e. Fifth, start the conversation.

Picture 6
7 d. Finally, press the "Call Off" button to
end the conversation (red button).

Picture 1

No Picture Sentence
1 h. How to make mango juice.

Picture 1
2 g. Prepare all ingredients and equipments

Picture 2
3 f. First, peel the mango and clean it.

Picture 3
4 e. And then, cut the mango into small pieces.

Picture 4
5 d. And, put them into blender.

Picture 5
6 c. Next, put the water, sugar and ice cubes into
the blender.

Picture 6
7 b. And next, turn on the blender and wait until
15 minutes

Picture 7
8. a. Finally, pour the mango juice into a glass.
Mango juice is ready to serve.

Picture 8


Text 1 (Manual Procedure Text) Text 2 (Recipe Procedure Text)

Social : To describe how to use hand phone in Social : To describe how to make fried rice in
sequenced steps or how to operate hand sequenced steps
Function Function
phone in sequenced steps
Goal How to use Hand phone Goal How to make a fried rice
Equipments Hand phone Material Ingredients:
 1 plate of cooked rice
 2 eggs
 1 teaspoon of salt
 2 medium onions, chopped
 1 cloves of garlic, chopped
 Chili powder (adjust based on
your spicy level)
 1 tablespoon of tomato sauce
 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil

 Frying pan
 Stove
 Spoon
 Spatula
 Plate

Generic Step 1. First, press the Generic Step 1. First, heat a medium frying
Structure "power" button. Structure pan and pour the vegetable
2. Second, search the oil.
name of the person 2. Second, add the garlic, onion,
that you want to and chili after it’s heated
call in contact list enough,
or press the number 3. Third, stir-fry the ingredients
you want to call until it’s tender.
3. Third, press the call 4. Fourth, add the eggs and
button (green scramble it until half cooked.
button) 5. Fifth, pour the cooked rice,
4. Fourth, wait until then keep stir for a minute.
the other accept 6. Sixth, add the seasoning such
your call as the sauce, pepper, and salt,
5. Fifth, start the and mix them all with the
conversation. rice.
6. Finally, press the 7. Finally, take the fried rice and
"Call Off" button to serve on the plate after it’s
end the well cooked
conversation (red


1. D
2. C
3. B
4. A
5. D

Media Pembelajaran

Media pembelajaran saya buat dalam bentuk PPT. Dan PPT tersebut dapat dilihat dari
alamat link dibawah ini :

Lampiran Penilaian

1. Penilaian Sikap

A. Aspek Penilaian Sikap

Sikap yang dinilai
No. Nama Religius Disiplin Percaya Diri Kerja sama
1. SB B C SB
2. B SB SB C

B. Rubrik Penilaian Sikap

Nilai Deskripsi
SB Sangat baikdalam bekerja sama dalam kelompok, disiplin dan
percaya diri membaca / mencari informasi dari sumber lain.
B Baik dalam bekerja sama dalam kelompok, disiplin dan percaya diri
membaca/ mencari informasi dari sumber lain.
C Cukup baik dalam bekerja sama dalam kelompok, disiplin dan
percaya diri membaca / mencari informasi dari sumber lain.
K Kurang baik dalam bekerja sama dalam kelompok, disiplin dan
percaya diri membaca / mencari informasi dari sumber lain.


Group : 1

Students’ name/ Score

No indicator Rio Nina St. St. St.
3 4 5
1 Bekerja sama dalam menyelesaikan tugas kelompok. SB B
Menunjukkan sikap disiplin dalam menyelesaikan tugas
2 SB C
3 Menunjukan sikap percaya diri saat mengemukakan
gagasan, bertanya, merespon atau menyajikan hasil B SB
4 Menunjukkan sikap toleransi dan saling menghargai
perbedaan agama yang dianut.
5 Mampu menyelesaikan permasalahan/ perbedaan
pendapat dalam kelompok. C B

Di isi dengan:

SB = SangatBaik C = Cukup
B = Baik K = Kurang

2. Penilaian Pengetahuan


No Kompetensi Dasar Indikator Soal Level Bentuk No.
Kognitif Soal Soal

1 3.2 Membandingkan Disajikan teks prosedur manual yang berjudul C3 PG 1

fungsi sosial, How to use a hand phone , Peserta didik
struktur teks, dan unsur dapat menentukan hal-hal yang diperlukan
atau apa apa saja yang diperlukan dalam
kebahasaan menggunakan hand phone dengan tepat.
beberapa teks prosedur
lisan dan tulis Disajikan teks prosedur manual yang berjudul C4 PG 2
dengan memberi dan How to use a hand phone, peserta didik dapat
meminta menelaah kegiatan yang harus dilakukan
sebelum mencari daftar nama yang akan
informasi terkait resep ditelepon terkait teks prosedur manual dengan
makanan/minuman dan tepat.
manual, pendek dan
sederhana, sesuai
dengan konteks Disajikan teks prosedur manual yang berjudul C5 PG 3
How to use hand phone, peserta didik dapat
penggunaannya menafsirkan apa yang akan terjadi jika tidak
menekan green tombol terkait teks prosedur
manual dengan tepat.

4.2 Menangkap makna

secara kontekstual Diberikan sebuah teks prosedur resep,
Peserta didik dapat menelaah dan C4 PG 4
terkait fungsi sosial,
memilih kata yang sama artinya dengan
struktur teks, dan
kata pour dengan tepat.
unsur kebahasaan teks
prosedur lisan Diberikan sebuah teks prosedur manual,
dan tulis, sangat pendek C4 PG 5
Peserta didik dapat menelaah dan
dan memilih kata yang tidak sama artinya
sederhana, dalam bentuk dengan kata tender dengan tepat.
resep dan

Instruction : Choose the right answer by crossing a, b, c, d !

How to use Hand phone

Equipment : Hand phone

If you want to call the other persons, follow the instructions below:

1. First, press the "power" button.

2. Second, search the name of the person slowly that you want to call in
contact list or press the number you want to call
3. Third, press the call button (green button)
4. Fourth, wait until the other accept your call
5. Fifth, start the conversation.
6. Finally, press the "Call Off" button to end the conversation (red button)

1. What we have to prepare if we want to use a hand phone?

A. prepare the earphone
B. prepare the telegraph
C. prepare the telegram
D. prepare the mobile
2. Before we search the name of that you want to call in contact list, what will you
do first?
A. Press the number you want to call
B. Press the call button (green button)
C. Press the "power" button.
D. Press the "Call Off" button
3. What will happen if we do not press the call button (green button)?
A. We can do the dialogue with the person that we want to call
B. We can not call the person that we want to call
C. We can call the person that we want to call
D. We can speak with the person that we want to call

How to Make Simple Fried Rice

4. The word of pour is closest meaning to …
A. Stream
B. Get
C. Open
D. Add
5. The opposite of tender is ….
A. Kind
B. Caring
C. Soft
D. Tough

Kunci Jawaban Soal Pilihan Ganda (Test Sumative)

1. D
2. C
3. B
4. A
5. D

Rubrik penilaian
Skor untuk masing-masing soal pilihan
ganda :
1 Jawaban benar = 1
Jawaban salah = 0
Keterangan : Total Skor = 10 x 1 = 10

3. Penilaian Keterampilan
Penilaian keterampilan dalam pembelajaran KD ini meliputi berupa penilaian presentasi.

Penilaian Presentasi

Nama kelompok : Kelas:

No Aspek yang Dinilai Baik baik
1. Organisasi presentasi (pengantar, isi, kesimpulan)
2. Isi presentasi (kedalaman, logika)
3. Koherensi dan kelancaran berbahasa
4. Bahasa:
Tata bahasa
Perbendaharaan kata
5. Penyajian (tatapan, ekspresi wajah, bahasa tubuh)
Skor yang di capai
Skor maksimum 10

Baik mendapat skor 2
Kurang baik mendapat skor

4. Pembelajaran Remedial dan Pengayaan

a. Remedial
Bagi peserta didik yang belum memenuhi kriteria ketuntasan minimal (KKM) setelah
melakukan Tes Sumatif, maka akan diberikan pembelajaran tambahan (Remedial
Teaching)terhadap IPK yang belum tuntas kemudian diberikan Tes Sumatif lagi dengan
- Soal yang diberikan berbeda dengan soal sebelumya namun setara
- Nilai akhir yang akan diambil adalah nilai hasil tes terakhir
- Siswa lain yang sudah tuntas (>KKM) dipersilahkan untuk ikut bagi
yang berminat untuk memberikan keadilan.


Sekolah : …………………………………………………………………

Kelas/Semester : …………………………………………………………………

Mata Pelajaran : …………………………………………………………………

Ulangan Harian Ke : …………………………………………………………………

Tanggal Ulangan Harian : …………………………………………………………………

Bentuk Ulangan Harian : …………………………………………………………………

Materi Ulangan Harian : …………………………………………………………………

(KD / Indikator) :

KKM : : …………………………………………………………………

Indikator Bentuk Nilai

Nama Peserta Nilai yang Belum Tindakan Setelah
No Didik Ulangan Ket
Dikuasai Remedial Remedial

b. Pengayaan
Guru memberikan nasihat agar tetap rendah hati, karena telah mencapai KKM (Kriteria
Ketuntasan Minimal). Guru memberikan materi pengayaan berupa penugasan untuk
meningkatkan keterampilan membaca teks prosedur resep dengan baik.

Contoh Soal Remedial

Text 1

How to connect hand phone to Bluetooth speaker

Equipments/Tools: Hand phone and Bluetooth Speaker

4. First, turn on your Bluetooth speaker and put it in a couple mode. (Usually this is
done by pressing and holding the power button on itself)
5. Second, open the Bluetooth option on your smart phone and scan for the device.
6. Finally, if the cellphone Bluetooth and the speaker are connected, select the song
you want to listen to

Text 2

How to Make Mango Juice

Ingredients/Materials: Equipments/Tools:

A bottle of Water A glass

Ice Cube A bottle
1 Mango A plate
Sugar A knife
A blender
1. First, peel the mango and clean it.
2. And then, cut the mango into small pieces.
3. And put them into blender.
4. Next, put the water, sugar and ice cubes into the blender.
5. : Compare
And next, the
turntwo texts
on the basedand
blender onwait
social function
until and generic structure by completing the
15 minutes
table! 6. Finally, pour the mango juice into a glass. Mango juice is ready to serve.
Text 1 (Manual Procedure Text) Text 2 (Recipe Procedure Text)
: :
Social Social
Function Function
Goal : Goal :

Equipments : Material Ingredients:

Equipments :
Generic Generic
Structure Structure

Step : Step :

Contoh Soal Pengayaan

How To Make Egg and Lemon Soup
Instruction : Choose the right answer by crossing a, b, c, d !

1. What kind of the text above is called?

a. Narrative c. Recount
b. Procedure d. News item

2. What is the goal of the text above?

a. To tell people how to make egg and lemon soup
b. To persuade people how to make egg and lemon soup
c. To amuse the reader
d. To tell about experience

3. How many eggs do we need to make egg and lemon soup?

a. Three c. four
b. five d. six

4. What should we do after add rice and cook on low heat for fifteen minutes?
a. Put stock into a pan
b. Mix together egg and lemon juice
c. Stir this mixture into the remaining stock in pan
d. Add a little of salt and pepper

5. What should we do before Cook gently for three minutes?

a. Put stock into a pan
b. Mix together egg and lemon juice
c. Stir this mixture into the remaining stock in pan
d. Add a little of salt and pepper

Video 1 Video 2

After watching the videos, please answer the following questions!

7. What is the title of video 1?

8. What is equipment do we need to operate it?
9. How to operate it?
10. What is the title of video 2?
11. What ingredients and equipments are needed to make this drink?
12. How to make this drink?

No Question Answer
1 What is the title of video 1?

2 What equipment do we need to operate it?

3 How to operate it?

4 What is the title of video 2?

5 What ingredients are needed to make this

6 How to make this drink?

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