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Modul Bahan Ajar

Bagian I. Identitas dan Informasi Mengenai Modul

Kode ATP Acuan Bahasa Inggris 2022

Nama Penyusun/Institusi/Tahun Neni Rahmaini
Jenjang Sekolah SMP/MTs
Fase/Kelas D
Domain/Topik Menyimak – Berbicara, Membaca – Memirsa ,Menulis –
Kata Kunci Fable, fairy tales, legend, etc.
Pengetahuan/Keterampilan Prasyarat Siswa memahami kosakata dan tata bahasa dasar dengan
keinginan yang kuat untuk belajar lebih baik
Alokasi waktu (menit) 200 menit
Jumlah Pertemuan (JP) 5 x Pertemuan (4 JP)
Moda Pembelajaran Tatap Muka (TM)
Kompetensi Awal Siswa menyebutkan berbagai jenis narrative teks dari Indonesia
dan luar negeri.
Metode Pembelajaran Discovery Learning
Sarana Prasarana Ruang kelas, laptop dan proyektor dan printer, jaringan internet.
Alat dan Bahan Alat Tulis, teks cerita, video/film, hp, buku catatan
Target Peserta Didik Regular
Karakteristik Peserta Didik Siswa pada jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama dapat
mengidentifikasi dan menjelaskan fungsi sosial, struktur teks dan
unsur kebahasaan teks narrative
Daftar Pustaka
Referensi Lain  Teks Narrative
 Buku-buku bahasa inggris lain atau bila perlu akses internet
untuk menggali informasi.
Glosarium A long time ago, moral message, ...

Gambaran Umum Modul (rasionalisasi, urutan materi pembelajaran, rencana asesmen):

Rasionalisasi Menganalisis dan menyimpulkan makna secara kontekstual

fungsi sosial, struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan teks lisan/tulis
berbentuk narrative secara kritis, kreatif dan santun terkait topik
keanekaragaman budaya indonesia dan luar Indonesia.
Urutan Materi Pembelajaran Fungsi sosial, struktur teks, unsur kebahasaan, membandingkan dua
teks narrative
Asesmen  Asesmen Awal
 Formatif (tes lisan, performance)
 Sumatif (tes tulis)

Bagian II. Langkah-Langkah Pembelajaran

Topik Narrative teks

Tujuan Pembelajaran Dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran Discovery Learning siswa
diharapkan dapat:
 Siswa mampu mengidentifkasi dan menjelaskan konteks,
gagasan utaman, informasi terperinci dalm bentuk teks
lisan/tulis narrative yang disajikan dalam berbagai brntuk
multimoda. (fungsi sosial)
 Siswa mampu mengemukakan ide dari berbagai ragam
teks narrative yang disjaikan dalam bentk multimoda
dalam lingkup kehidupan remaja.(struktur teks)
 Siswa mampu menganalisa sebuah teks narrative yang
dipilih berdasarkan infografis generic structure nya dan
mempresentasikannya. (unsur kebahasaan)
Pemahaman Bermakna -
Pertanyaan Pemantik a. When you were a child, did your parents tell you stories?
b. What story you like most?
c. What was the last story you read?
d. Do you like reading stories or watching movies?
Essential Questions 1. What is a narrative text?
2. What is the importance of learning a narrative text for our
3. How to write narrative tex
Profil Pelajar Pancasila Mandiri
Percaya diri
Berpikir kritis

1. Asesmen Awal

Read the story and answer the questions!


One day, a rat walked past a lion sleeping in deep forest. Just then, the lion woke up and saw
the rat. He cough it with his paw. “What a tasty meal!” he said.
“Mr. Lion, King of the forest,” cried the rat, “please have a pity on me. I’m too small to good
meal for you. If you let me go, I’ll always be gratefull to you. Perhaps one day I shall be able
to repay you for your kindness.”

The lion laughed, “how can you ever repay me/”

But since he was not feeling very hungry, he let the rat go.

The next day, the rat heard a loud noise in the forest. He ran to see what it was. It was the
lion. He had failed into a hole in the ground and was caught in a rope net.

The rat jumped down into the hole and started to bite through the net. The lion was soon able
to climb out of the hole.

“Mr. Lion,” said the rat, “yesterday you were very proud. You thought I was small and
helpless. Today. I was able to save your life. I hope you will never forget that, although you
are big and strong, even someone as small as I can help you.”

Answer questions based on the story above!

1. What is the main idea of the text above?
2. What did the Lion say when he cought the rat?
3. Did the Lion let the rat go because he wasn’t hungry?
4. Did the rat keep his promise to the Lion?
5. What was the lion cought in?
6. What did the lion fall into?
7. Make the conclusion of the text base on your own words?
8. How is your prediction outcome of the text above?

a. Tindak Lanjut Asesmen

Paham Utuh Mampu menjelaskan fungsi Dapat melanjutkan pada materi
sosial, struktur teks dan yang akan dipelajari
unsur kebahasaan teks
Paham sebagian Mampu menemukan gagasan Mengulang kembali bagian
utama dan informasi rinci yang belum dipahami, dengan
dari teks narrative meminta pendampingan (guru,
siswa paham utuh)
Tidak Paham Mampu menyebutkan tokoh Guru menjelaskan ulang materi

2. Asesmen Akhir Pembelajaran

a. Instrumen Asesmen

b. Instrumen Penilaian
Kriteria Ketuntasan Tujuan Pembelajaran (KTTP) dapat dilihat dalam tabel berikut :

Kesimpulan : Peserta didik dianggap mencapai tujuan pembelajaran apabila terdapat 3

tanda centang (√ ) dalam kriteria baik

Urutan kegiatan Pembelajaran

Pertemuan 1 (Menyimak, Membaca, Berbicara) (160 menit)

KEGIATAN AWAL (20 menit)

1. Menyiapkan fisik dan psikis peserta didik
2. Memberikan motivasi.
3. Berdiskusi hal hal yang telah diketahui terkait materi yang akan diberikan
4. Menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran, cakupan materi, langkah kegiatan dan penilain
5. Melaksanakan assessmen awal (Pre Test) 15 menit

Langkah Pembelajaran Lembar Kerja Siswa Waktu
1. Siswa mengamati Observe the following movie title and answer the 5 menit
gambar questions!
pertanyaan yang

1. Have you watched the movies above?

2. What is your favourite movie?
3. Have you read that stories in a novel or story
4. Do you think such kind of story interesting?
5. Is it important for us to read such kind of story?
2. Siswa Discuss in your group the following questions! 20 menit
berkelompok (4) 1. Decide one movie/story.
dan mendiskusikan 2. Mention characters in the movie/story!
pertanyaan yang 3. Tell the plot of the story/movie!
diberikan 4. Do you learn something from the movie/story!
berdasarkan 5. Which part is impressed you alot and which one is
story/move yang not?
siswa suka dan 6. Present the result by writing on the big paper!
siswa pilih. Setelah 7. Let you and another group go around the class
itu siswa and read the result of the discussion.
mempresentasikan 8. Ask one questions for one group!
hasil diskusinya
dengan tekhnik
window shopping..
3. Siswa secara Look at the following picture and answer the questions! 15 menit
mengamati gambar
dan mennjawab
pertanyaan yang

1. Do you know the name of the animals in the

picture? What are they?
2. Besides the two animals what can you see?
3. Where does the story happen?
4. Are these animals character of the story?
5. Look at the picture, what was the Rabbit doing?
Why did the rabbit do the such of thing?
6. From the picture, can you guess which one is a
good character and which one is bad? Explain
your answer!
7. According to you, what happen in the story?
8. What do you call such kind of the story?
4. Siswa menonton The text of the story 15 menit
film/membaca teks
cerita dari gambar One day a rabbit was boasting about how fast
yang didiskusikan he could run. He was laughing at the turtle for
sebelumnya dan
menebak makna being so slow. Much to the rabbit’s surprise,
kata yang digaris the turtle challenged him to a race. The rabbit
bawahi. thought this was a good joke and accepted the
challenge. The fox was to be the umpire of the
race. As the race began, the rabbit raced way
ahead of the turtle, just like everyone thought.

The rabbit got to the halfway point and could

not see the turtle anywhere. He was hot and
tired and decided to stop and take a short nap.
Even if the turtle passed him, he would be able
to race to the finish line ahead of him. All this
time the turtle kept walking step by step by
step. He never quit no matter how hot or tired
he got. He just kept going.

However, the rabbit slept longer than he had

thought and woke up. He could not see the
turtle anywhere! He went at full speed to the
finish line but found the turtle there waiting for
Link for the movie

Guess the meaning of the underlined word!

1. One day a rabbit was boasting about
how fast he could run.
2. The turtle challenged him to a race.
3. The fox was to be the umpire of the race.
4. The rabbit raced way ahead of the turtle,
just like everyone thought.
5. The rabbit got to the halfway point and
could not see the turtle anywhere.
6. He was hot and tired and decided to stop
and take a short nap.
7. He never quit no matter how hot or tired
he got.
8. He went at full speed to the finish line
but found the turtle there waiting for
5. Siswa menjawab 1. What is the name of the story? 20 menit
pertanyaan 2. What was the rabbit saying to the tortoise?
informasi tertentu 3. What did the tortoise do then?
dan informasi rinci 4. When the race was on the progress, what was the
dari teks yang rabbit doing?
diberikan/dari 5. Where was the tortoise then?
video cerita yang 6. Who was the winner?
mereka saksikan. 7. Why did the tortoice win the race?
8. What happen then to the rabbit?
6. Siswa Let’s sing together! 15 menit
7. Secara Read the text 15 menit
berkelompok, One day a rabbit was boasting about how
siswa menemukan
gagasan utama teks
fast he could run. He was laughing at the
dan ide utama turtle for being so slow. Much to the
paragrap rabbit’s surprise, the turtle challenged him
to a race. The rabbit thought this was a
good joke and accepted the challenge. The
fox was to be the umpire of the race. As the
race began, the rabbit raced way ahead of
the turtle, just like everyone thought.

The rabbit got to the halfway point and

could not see the turtle anywhere. He was
hot and tired and decided to stop and take a
short nap. Even if the turtle passed him, he
would be able to race to the finish line
ahead of him. All this time the turtle kept
walking step by step by step. He never quit
no matter how hot or tired he got. He just
kept going.

However, the rabbit slept longer than he

had thought and woke up. He could not see
the turtle anywhere! He went at full speed
to the finish line but found the turtle there
waiting for him.

Decide which paragraph of the following main

1. The rabbit took a nap for a while.
2. The rabbit was saying proud that he was
the fastest.
3. The turtle never quit to get to finished
4. The turtle challenged the rabbit to the
5. The rabbit was the looser.
8. Siswa menemukan Give tick (v) to suitable moral value of the story and tell 15 menit
pesan moral dari your reason.
text cerita yang Moral Value Tick Reason
dibaca atau dari Slow and steady wins the
movie/film yang race.
ditonton Don’t underestimate the
weakest opponent.
The race is not always
won by the fastest.
Be over confident.
The minimize efforts will
surely bring your success.

9. Siswa berdiskusi It is important for us to read such kind of stories. We will 10 menit
dengan guru terkait be entertained, enrich our vocabularies, and we will learn
pentingnya moral values of the story.
mempelajari text
narrative. 1. Do you agree with such kind statement? Explain your
2. What part of the statement attract you a lot?
3. What will you add to the statement above?
10. Siswa Let’s sum up 10 menit
materi pada Complete the following sentences with suitable words !
pertemuan ini.
The title of the story that we enjoy today was …..
It is about the ….. and …..
The character of the fox is …
The character of the crow is …..
The story ends with ……
The moral story that can we learn is …..
11. Guru melakukan Let’s reflect 15 menit
refleksi 1. What is the most interesting activity have you
2. What area do you feel you still need to practice or
improve on?
3. What can you do to try to improve for the next
4. What information will you be able to use in the
5. Is there anything you would like to learn more?

If you really understand and can explain the story.

If you don’t understand and you can’t say nothing.

If you are still confused but you want to say something.

No Statement Emoticon
1 I know what the story is about.
2 I know how the plot of the story is.
3 I know the main ideas of each paragraph.
4 I know the bad and the good characters.
5 I know what I can learn from the story.


Reread the story about “The rabbit and the tortoise” . Make a short comix, your video of the story
telling, your own rewriting of the story, or infographis about the story. Please, share this
assessment to GCR.

Read the text and choose the right answer!

The doq was awakened by a noise, but went back to sleep at once.

“why don’t you bark?” asked the amazed donkey. “It could be thieves!.”

“you would be better advised to mind your own business,” he told the donkey. The
indignant donkey began to bray as loudly as he could. He frightened off the thieves
because the master to come running. The master was so furious at being woken up, that
he began to beat the donkey.

“I warned you,” said the experienced old dog afterwards. “With a master like that, it is
better to think only of your self-first and foremost.”

1. The donkey would not be beateb by his master ..... he did not frighten off the thief.
A. Because
B. If
C. And
D. Or

2. which of the following the moral value of the story?

A. Think of our own business
B. Don’t be a master of bad man
C. Do what our master wants
D. Warn people to be better

3. What is the purpose of the story?

A. To entertain readers
B. To solve a real problem
C. To describe a bad master
D. To tell about a dog and a donkey

4. “the master was so furious at being woken up, ....” the closest meaning of the underlined
word is ....
A. Dizzy enough
B. A bit mad
C. Really sad
D. Very angry

once upon of time there was a cat named Meaw. Meaw loved stealing his friend’s food. He
used to do it because he thought that his friends had a lot of food so that they didn’t realize
that they had lost their food. Actually his friend already knew that Meaw stole their food
however thay didn’t complain to him because he was their friend and neighbour.

One day, there was one of Meaw’s friend named Belang who was sick. He couldn’t look
for food so that he only had one food to eat. Meaw didn’t know that Belang was sick. He
went to Belang’s house and stole the food so that belang couldn’t eat. Belang was getting
more sick because of that. Knowing that Meaw’s friends were angry.

They came angrily to Meaw’s house and found their food at Meaw’s house. They scolded
Meaw. They didn’t want to make a friend with him anymore. Since then, Meaw promised
to himself that he would not steal food anymore.

5. Why didn’t meaw’s friend complain to him when he stole their food?
A. They considered meaw as friend and neighbour so that they were reluctant to
B. They didn’t feel hungry.
C. They had a lot of food.
D. They didn’t steal like what Meaw did.

6. Based on the text, what happened after meaw stole Belang’s food?
A. Meaw share the food with his friends.
B. Belang was getting more sick.
C. His friends came to Meaw’s house and ate the food.
D. Belang went to search for another.

7. What is the message of the story above?

A. Stealing is not a good attitude.
B. Mocking friend can make fell sad.
C. Visiting sick friend must be done.
D. Stealing from rich people is permitted.

8. “They scolded Meow.” What is the closest meaning of the underlined word?
A. Praised
B. Helped
C. Criticized
D. Approved


The Origin of Surabaya City

Once upon a time, there were two animals, Sura and baya. Sura was the name of a shark
and baya was a crocodile. They dwelled in an ocean.

Once Sura and Baya were looking for some nourishment. Abruptly, Baya saw a goat.

‘yummy, this is my lunch,” said Baya. “No way! This is middal meal. You are greedy”,
said Sura. Then they battled for the goat. After several hours, they were very exhausted.

Feeling exhausted of battling, they lived in the different places. Sura dwelled in the water
and Baya dwelled in the land. The border was the sandy shore, so they would never battle
One day, Sura went to the land and looked for some nourishment in the stream. He was
very famished and there was not much nourishment in the sea. Baya was very furious when
he knew that Sura broke the pledge.

They fought afresh. They both hit each other. Sura bit Baya’s tail. Baya did the same thing
to sura. He bit very hard until sura eventually gave up and sura went back to the sea. Baya
was happy.

1. The writer the text in order to ....

2. From the text we can conclude that Sura and Baya ....
3. What did Sura look for on the land in the stream?
4. Who is the main character of the story?
5. What is the moral value of the story?

Link for remedial!


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