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PROFIL PANCASILA 1. Siswa yang beriman,
2. Bertakwa kepada Tuhan YME,
3. Mandiri dan berpikir kritis dan kreatif.
4. Bergotong royong
DIMENSI CP 1. Menyimak dan Berbicara (Listening and Speaking)
2. Membaca dan Memirsa (Reading and Viewing)
3. Menulis dan Presentasi (Writing and Presenting)
TUJUAN 1. Siswa mampu memahami makna, tujuan
PEMBELAJARAN komunikasi, struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan
teks recount
2. Siswa mampu memahami ide pokok,
pengembangan plot dalam teks recount
3. Siswa mampu memahami informasi tersirat dan
tersurat teks recount
4. Siswa mampu menyebutkan makna, tujuan
komunikasi, struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan
teks recount
5. Siswa mampu menerapkan unsur kebahasaan teks
6. Siswa mampu menganalisis makna, tujuan
komunikasi, struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan
teks recount
7. Siswa mampu menganalisis/menemukan informasi
ide pokok, teks recount
8. Siswa mampu mengevaluasi detil spesifik dan inti
teks recount
9. Siswa mampu menyusun teks recount sederhana
PERTANYAAN INTI 1. What is the purpose of recount a text?
2. What is the generic structure of a recount text?
3. Which of the paragraph shows the orientation?
4. Which of the paragraph shows the event?
5. Which of the paragraph shows re-orientation
6. What is the synonym of word in the text?
KETERSEDIAAN 1. Pengayaan lebih lanjut : YA
MATERI 2. Alternatif penjelasan tambahan : YA
MODEL Tatap Muka
PRASYARAT 1. Siswa mampu membaca berbagai macam teks
PENGETAHUAN ATAU secara mandiri
KETERAMPILAN 2. Siswa mampu merespon berbagai pertanyaan teks
secara mandiri
3. Siswa mampu menunjukkan keterampilan
merespon teks yang makin kompleks
4. Siswa mampu menulis teks melalui aktivitas yang
dipandu dan menyampaikan ide kompleks dan
menggunakan berbagai kosa kata dan kata kerja
dalam tulisanya
ASESSEMEN Individu, berpasangan kelompok
TARGET PROFIL Siswa yang beriman, bertakwa kepada Tuhan YME,
PELAJAR mandiri dan berpikir
DAN BAHAN - Text recount terkait biografi seseorang terkenal
- Text recount terkait pengalaman pribadi
- Text recount terkait kejadian bersejarah

B. Metode :
Menyimak, diskusi kelompok, studi pustaka, role-
play, penugasan individu dan kelompok

1. Media/Alat : Laptop, Computer, Rekaman
untuk Listening, Loud Speaker, Film/gambar,
Power Point Presentation
2. Bahan : PPT dan LKS
3. Sumber Belajar :
- CD/Audio/VCD
- Koran/Majalah berbahasa Inggris
- Google/Internet
1. Siswa disiapkan untuk mengikuti proses
pembelajaran yang diawali dengan merapikan dan
membersihkan kelasnya, dilanjutkan dengan berdoa,
lalu mengecek kerapian, kesiapan mental dan psikis
serta siap duduk dalam kelompoknya
2. Guru menyiapkan daftar hadir dan menanyakan
keadaan siswa
3. Guru menjelaskan tujuan pembelajaran pada
pertemuan ke-1 yaitu Recount Text.
- Recount Text merupakan salah satu jenis teks
dalam belajar bahasa Inggris yang memiliki
fungsi unruk menceritakan kembali kejadian
atau pengalaman yang terjadi di masa lalu. Teks
ini bertujuan untuk memberikan informasi
KEGIATAN AWAL dan/atau menghibur pembaca yang membaca
(15 MENIT) tulisan ini.
Menganalisis, menyimpulkan makna dan evaluasi
fungsi social, struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan
teks lisan dan tulis berbentuk recount secara kritis,
kreatif dan jujur terkait topic pengalaman pribadi,
biografi, dan peristiwa bersejarah dengan tingkat
kelancaran dan ketepatan yang optimal.
4. Guru menyanyikan potongan lagu “selamat datang
pahlawan muda” dan melanjutkat dengan pertanyaan
:do you know’halo-halo bandung, ‘rayuan pulau
kelapa’ , ‘gugur bunga?’ they are our national songs.
Do you nknow the man who composed those songs?
Yes, he is Ismail Marzuki. Today we are going to
discuss about him.
(60 MENIT) 1. Sebelum mendiskusikan sebuah teks, siswa
diperkenalkan kosa kata yang akan ditemukan pada
teks yang akan dibahas dengan menjodohkan sebuah
kata dalam sinonimnya.
2. Siswa memperhatikan task 1yang ditampilkan guru
pada layar OHP. Siswa mejawab secara lissan
setelah berdiskusi dengan grupnya.
 1

No Word Synonym

1 Genres 1. After the death

2 Compulsory 2. Thought over

3 Posthumously 3. Acknowledged

4 Considered 4. Types

5 recognized 5. Obligatory

 2. Discuss the following question with your grup

(don’t write the answer but discuss the questions
before we read the text).
1. What is a recout text?
2. What is a biography?
3. Why do you think the writer about Ismail
4. Why was Ismail Marzuki deserved to be our
national hero?
5. What do you expect after reading the text?

Guru memberi masukan dengan tidak menyalahkan

pendapat setiap grup tetapi lebih kepada brainstorming
dan siswa berani mengeluarkan pendapat secara lisan.
Key answer :
1. A text that tells the past events
2. A text tells the readers about someone’s life
3. To know about Ismail Marzuki and his
accomplishment in the past
4. His songs are full of patriotism and love for
Indonesia, with a spirit of unity and harmony.
5. I like to read more about the other heroes that
can inspire me to do something for the country.

 3. Learn about the recount text

when we talk about a recount text, there are 3 types of
recount text:
1. Personal experience
2. Biographical recount
3. Historical recount
 4. Now, let’s check the function.
 5. Discuss with your group and complete the
following diagram with your own sentences.

Ismail Marzuki
Ismail Marzuki was also
known as Bang Ma’ing.
Born in Kwitang, Jakarta
on 11 May 1914 was an
Indonesian composer,
song writer and musician
to a wealthy Betawi
family. They young
Marzuki enjoyed music,
listened to the family’s
gramophone and learned
to play the rebana,
ukulele, and guitar.

He studied at an elementary school for Native

Indonesians, HIS and the dutch-language middle school
MULO in Jakarta which made him fluent in Indonesia,
English, and Dutch and he also studied at Unwanul
Wustha Madrasah. However, he did not study music
formally, instead learning by himself.

Marzuki had good instincts for music as well as a genius

that made him legendary. He was a player of piano,
saxophone, guitar, accordion, and harmonium. Besides,
also well known as a singer with a heavy and deep
baritone voice which some of his friends gave him
nickname “Bing Crosby from Kwitang”.

In 1993, he wrote his first song, “O Sarinah”, which was

about the suffering people. During his career he wrote
between 202 and 204 songs. Among his most famous
compositions are “Halo, halo Bandung,”Rayuan Pulau
Kelapa” (1994), “Gugur Bunga di Taman Bakti” (1945)
and “Selendang Sutera” (1946)

A large number of Marzuki’s songs had been recorded

and released in different genres, including pop music
and keroncong, such as “Kr. Pasar Gambir dan Stambul
Anak Jampang” (several of his songs, including ”Halo,
Halo Bandung”, “Gugur Bunga”, “ melati di Tapal
Batas”, “Selendang Sutera”, “Pahlawan Muda”, and
“Rayuan Pulau Kelapa”, are considered compulsory and
taught in schools. His songs are full of patriotism nad
love for Indonesia, with a spirit of unity and harmony.
The simple melodies and lyrics make his songs are easy
to sing.

In 1957 he wrote his last song, “Inikah Bahagia” He

died at 14:00 on 25 May 1958 in his house in Tanah
Abang, Jakarta. He was buried in Karet Bivak

On 17 August 1961 Marzuki received the first Wijaya

Kusuma award. In 1968, he was honoured
posthumously with the opening of TIM (Taman Ismail
Marzuki), a cultural center and park and central Jakarta
and then in 2004, he was recognized as a National Hero
of Indonesia.

 6. Pay attention to the instruction below and then

discuss the questions with your group
1. The teacher will read paragraph1 and student will
imitate him/her (do the same thing to paragraph 2
and 3)
2. The teacher asks one of the representative of the
group to read paragraph 1 and 3 (the teacher checks
the spelling) and then find and explain the generic
structure of them (orientation, because there are
explanation of who (Ismail Marzuki, where he was
born, when he was born, his childhood, and what he
was famous for).
3. The teacher will read paragraph 4 and the student
will imitate him/her (do the same thing paragraph 5
and 6)
4. The teacher asks one of the representative of the
group to read paragraph 4 and 6 (the teacher checks
the spelling) and then find and explain the generic of
them. (series of events, because there are
explanation of the beginning of his achievements,
what contributions he did for Indonesia, etc)
5. ‘Reorientation’ is optional in the generic structure of
a biographical recount. What does it mean? (it
means that in the recount text, in may/may not have
a summary or personal comment)
6. What is the purpose of the text? To know about
Ismail Marzuki and his accomplishment in the past
7. Pay attention to the underlined words and then
answer the questions.
- He studied at an elementary school for native
Indonesian, which made him fluent in
Indonesian, English, and Dutch.
- He studied at an elementary school for native
Indonesian which made him fluent in
Indonesian, English, and Dutch.
(He, him) :……(personal
(studied, made) :……..(past verbs)
- He studied at an elementary school for native
Indonesians, HIS and then the Dutch-language
middle school MULO in Jakarta and also
studied religion.
And then :…….(conjunction)
And also :…….(conjunction)

1. Siswa menuliskan dibuku apa yang sudah di pelajari

hari ini, dengan menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan,
seperti: what information do you get today? How do
you fell about today’s learning?
2. Siswa secara acak menyampaikan apa yang ia
KEGIATAN AKHIR 3. Guru memberi penguatan informasi yang
(15 MENIT) disampaikan oleh siswa (dengan menanyakan tujuan
sebuah teks biografi, struktur umum teks, dan unsur
kebahasaan yang mendukung teks biografi)
4. Guru memberi tugas kelompok untuk mencari teks
biografi dari orang yang terkenal dan file teks
dikirim ke GCR (deadline-5 hari)

- Cara penilaian :Selama proses belajar dan formative
- Kriteria penilaian :Jumlah score tertinggi 100 kktp
75 (untuk keterampilan listening-speaking, reading-
viewing, writing-presenting)
ASESSEMEN - Produk siswa :Membuat teks recount dengan
tuntunan mencapai tujuan pembelajaran jika hasil
siwa sederhana minimal 75.
Belum mencapai tujuan pembelajaran jika hasil
siswa dibawah 75.

LEMBAR KERJA 1. Susunlah kalimat-kalimat yang tertera dibwah ini

menjadi sebuah cerita dengan mengikuti struktur
recount text!

1) Orientation
a. I went to the zoo, a place with lots of animals
b. I went there with my friends and my teacher,
c. Yesterday was a bright sunny day
d. I saw a lot of animals there at the zoo
2) Event
a. It was the tallest animal at the zoo, even taller
than me
b. When I got there, the first animal I saw was
c. The fun part was when I get to have a picture
with an animal
d. Then I went to see the lion’s den
e. The animal I took a picture with was an
f. The lion was sleeping, so I was upset I couldn’t
get to hear it roar
g. The orang utan kept hugging me that the
zookeeper had to do extra effort to take the
orang utan back
3) Reorientation
a. Especially when I took a picture with the
b. I wish I spent my time at the zoo longer
c. That was the most fun part of the whole trip
d. It was really fun day at the zoo
e. I can’t wait to go there again

Jawaban soal



1. Apakah materi yang disampaikan cukup jelas?

REFLECTION 2. Saya kurang paham yang disampaikan.

Remedial diberikan kepada siswa yang belum

melampaui kriteria ketercapaian tujuan pembelajaran
(KKTP) berupa pembelajaran ulang dan/atau asesment
Pengayaan diberikan kepada siswa yang telah
melampaui kriteria ketercapaian tujuan pembelajaran
(KKTP) berupa penambahan bacaan dari jenis teks
serupa untuk memperkaya pengetahuan
WAKTI : 2 X 45 = 90 MENIT
1. Peserta didik dan Guru memulai dengan berdoa
2. Peserta didik disapa dan melakukan pemeriksaan
kehadiran bersama dengan guru.
3. Peserta didik bersama dengan guru membahas
tentang kesepakatan yang akan diterapkan dalam
4. Peserta didik dan guru berdiskusi melalui pertanyaan
5. Guru memberikan pretest
6. Guru menyampaikan Tujuan Pembelajaran.
Writing and Presenting
(15 MENIT)
- Merancang teks tulis dan mempresentasikan teks
berbentuk recount terkait topik pengalaman pribadi,
biografi dan pristiwa bersejarah dengan
memerhatikan fungsi social, struktur teks dan unsur
kebahasaan sesuai konteks secara santun, kritis,
kreatif dan mandiri dengan tingkat dengan tingkat
kelancaran dan ketepatan yang optimal.
- Guru memberi pengulangan cara mendiskusikan
struktur umum secara sebuahh teks recount
(Biographical recount dengan menampilkan sebuah
teks biografi.

1. Siswa memperhatikan contoh teks biografi

(Biographical Recount)
2. Guru meminta siswa perwakilan kelompok untuk
apa tujuan dari teks biografi tersebut (what is the
purpose of text)
3. Guru meminta siswa perwakilan kelompok lain
KEGIATAN INTI untuk menjelaskan struktur teks paragraph 1.
(60 ENIT) 4. Siswa perwakilan kelompok lain untuk menuliskan
dan menjelaskan struktur paragraph 2.
5. Guru memberi masukan pada siswa
6. Siswa secara berkelompok mendiskusikan teks
biografinya masing-masing
7. Siswa mengingatkan kembali unsur kebahasaan teks
KEGIATAN AKHIR 1. Siswa menuliskan apa yang sudah dipelajari hari
(15 MENIT) ini,dengan menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan
seperti : What information do you gry today?, How
do you feel about today’s learning?
2. Siswa secara acak menyapaikan apa yang ia tuliskan
3. Guru memberi penguatan akan informasi yang
disampaikan oleh siswa dan memberi motivasi pada
- Cara penilaian : Selama proses belajar dan formative
- Kriteria penilaian : Jumlah score tertinggi 100 kktp
75 (untuk keterampilan listening-speaking,
reading-viewing, writing-presenting).
- Produk siswa : Membuat teks recount dengan
tuntunan mencapai tujuan pembelajaran jika hasil
siwa sederhana minimal 75.
- Belum mencapai tujuan pembelajaran jika hasil
siswa dibawah 75.

LEMBAR KERJA Answer the following question by cirling A,B,C or D

Here is my unforgattable experience. One day I joined a

story telling contest.Two of my friends and I had been
chosen to take a part in the final round at the district
level. I was very happy and eager to win the
For preparation, I had to make nemorize and understand
the story well. My teacher guided and taught me
pronounciation,facial expression and gestures. One day,
before performing, my friends and I were busy to
prepare the props and costumes for the competition.
Thing that me sad was my teacher rented the props and
costumes for my friends but not for me. My two friends
had beautiful costumes nd luxurious props. Althougt I
just wore the simole ones, I performed my best to win
the competition.
The competition started. I got number 29 and my
friends got number 5 and 10, I was nervous but I
showed my best performance on stage. Lots of people
took photos and videos of me. Finally, anxiety was gone
after I had finished performing. And then, the
announcement came which made three of us very
uneasy. Luckily I was chosen as the first winner. I went
to the stage and all the judges congratulated and gave a
plague, trophy and monry. I was very happy.

1. What is the writer’s intention to write the text?

A. To tell his achievement
B. To win the competition
C. To describe his feeling to the teacher
D. To show his disappointment to teacher

2. Why did the writer feel sad before the competition?

A. She had no luxurious gown
B. Her friends really cares about her
C. Her teacher was not fair to her
D. Her friends did not support her

3. From the text it can concluded that…

A. Pratice makes performance go well
B. Being nervous help perfume well on the stage
C. Wearing simple clothes can help wi the competition
D. It is necessary to wear beautiful customes for the

4. ”….I was nervous,I showed my best performances on

the stage”
A. However
B. Although
C. Because
D. If
1. Apakah ada kendala pada kegiatan pembelajaran?
2. Apakah semua siswa aktif dalam kegiatan
3. Apa saja kesulitan siswa yang dapat diidentifikasi
pada kegiatan pembelajaran?
4. Apakah siswa yang memiliki kesulitan ketika
berkegiatan dapat teratasi dengan baik?
5. Apa level pencapaian rata-rata siswa dalam kegiatan
pembelajaran ini?
6. Apakah seluruh siswa dapat dianggap tuntas dalam
pelaksanaan pembelajaran?
7. Apa strategi agar seluruh siswa dapat menuntaskan
Remedial diberikan kepada siswa yang belum
melampaui kriteria ketercapaian tujuan pembelajaran
(KKTP) berupa pembelajaran ulang dan/atau asesmen
Pengayaan diberikan kepada siswa yang telah
melampaui kriteria ketercapaian tujuan pembelajaran
(KKTP) berupa penambahan bacaan dari jenis teks
serupa untuk memperkaya pengetahuan

Pagar Alam, Maret 2023

Mahasiswa Guru Mata Pelajaran

Delta Herliani Siti Aisyah, S.Pd

Kepala Sekolah

Chandraliansyah, S.Pd., M.Pd
MP. 1027215

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