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Devara Andre Sumar

Latar belakang
Arsenik merupakan polutan yang sangat beracun dalam bentuk anorganiknya, dan bahkan
dalam jumlah kecil, arsenik menimbulkan ancaman serius terhadap kesehatan manusia.
Penyakit umum yang terkait dengan arsenik adalah kanker ginjal, kandung kemih, paru-
paru, dan kulit, serta penyakit Bowen, arsenikosis, hiperkeratosis, penyakit jantung koroner,
bronkiektasis, hiperpigmentasi pada telapak tangan dan telapak kaki (Chakraborti et al.,
2018). Keberadaan arsenikosis yang meluas di Bangladesh dan Benggala Barat diduga
terkait dengan perubahan pola curah hujan, ketidakseimbangan asupan nutrisi,
peningkatan tajam konsumsi air tanah, dan penurunan permukaan air tanah. Tingkat
arsenik dalam air tanah dilaporkan jauh lebih tinggi dari 0,01 mg/L, yaitu batas atas air
minum yang direkomendasikan WHO (Samal et al., 2013).

Pemantauan sifat hidrokimia air tanah dan penilaian risiko kesehatan melalui indeks
bahaya total (THI) bermanfaat dalam pemahaman yang lebih baik tentang proses
pengayaan arsenik dan risiko kesehatan yang terkait
Tujuan Penelitian
1 Mengkarakterisasi hidrokimia air 3 Pemodelan WPI, WQI dan indeks
tanah di wilayah endemik arsenik; bahaya kesehatan menggunakan
teknologi GIS; dan

2 Mengevaluasi kualitas air dengan 4Memperkirakan risiko kesehatan (baik

menggunakan alat penilaian untuk kelompok usia anak-anak
kualitas (WPI) yang baru diusulkan, maupun dewasa), dengan
dan metode WQI konvensional mempertimbangkan berbagai jalur
serta perbandingannya; paparan terhadap air tanah yang
terkontaminasi arsenic.
Lokasi Penelitian

Persatuan Fukra Kashiani upazila di distrik

Gopalganj Bangladesh dengan koordinat
23°09′ 15′′N sampai 23°10′ 10′′N latitude and

89°44′ 38′′E to 89 46′ 46′′E longitude.

Sebagian besar masyarakat di wilayah

tersebut bergantung pada air tanah yang
diambil dari sumur untuk kegiatan rumah
tangga dan pertanian. Sumber air lainnya
adalah air hujan yang dikumpulkan.
Metode Penelitian
A. Pengambilan Sampel
Sampel air tanah diambil dari 30 sumur terpilih dengan jarak 30-100 m. Menggunakan GPS
Garmin untuk mencatat koordinat, Botol LDPE Tarson 500 ml yang telah dibersihkan
sebelumnya dengan HNO3 10% dan aquades digunakan untuk pengumpulan sampel air
tanah. Sampel dianalisis pH, suhu, daya hantar listrik (EC), suhu, kation mayor (Na+, K+, Ca2+,
Mg2+), dan anion (HCO3‾, Cl‾, NO3‾, SO(2-)/4 , F‾), total besi, dan total arsen.

B. Analisis Statistik dan Spasial

Dilakukan Analisis statistik multivariat seperti analisis komponen utama (PCA) dan analisis
korelasi. Secara umum, metode PCA dalam studi hidrogeokimia memadatkan kumpulan
besar data menjadi beberapa komponen yang memiliki sifat sebanding (Kamtchueng et al.,
2016). Untuk menunjukkan hubungan antar variabel kumpulan data dan pengaruh
parameter kimia tertentu, juga dilakukan analisis korelasi.
Metode Penelitian
C. Penilaian Kualitas Air Minum
1. Indeks Kualitas Air (WQI) 2. Indeks Pencemaran Air (WPI)

Keterangan: Keterangan:
Wi = bobot relatif PLi = beban polutan
Qi = Skala penilaian kualiatas Ci = Konsentrasi terukur
Si = Standar kualitas air Bangladesh Si = Standar kualitas air Bangladesh
WQI = <50 “sangat baik”, 50-75 “baik”, 75-100 WPI = <0,5 “sangat baik”, 0,5-0,75 “baik”,
“buruk”, >100 “sangat buruk”. 0,75-1 “buruk:, >1 “sangat buruk”
Metode Penelitian
D. Penilaian Risiko Kesehatan
Untuk menentukan risiko paparan komponen berbahaya (Fe dan As dalam penelitian ini) di air
tanah, dilakukan Indeks Bahaya (HI), yang secara kumulatif berfungsi dengan mengacu pada
tubuh manusia (Adimalla dan Qiana, 2019). Ada dua cara utama jalur paparan untuk
memperkirakan risiko kesehatan bagi tubuh manusia, seperti konsumsi langsung atau oral
(Persamaan 1) dan melalui kulit (Persamaan 2).
CI = konsentrasi unsur beracun SA = area kulit
(mg/L) AT = waktu rata-rata
IR = tingkat konsumsi Kp = koefisien permeabilitas kulit
ED = durasi pemaparan (cm/jam)
EF = frekuensi paparan ET = waktu pemaparan
BW = rata-rata berat badan CF = faktor konsentrasi satuan
unsur berbahaya
Nilai THI <1 dapat diterima sedangkan >1 berpotensi
menimbulkan bahaya kesehatan yang tidak dapat diterima
Hasil dan Pembahasan
A. Kimia Dasar Air Tanah
Faktor fisika-kimia menunjukkan sifat, karakter, dan kualitas airtanah. Ringkasan statistik parameter kualitas
air tanah disajikan pada table di bawah:

Daerah penelitian hanya terletak di tepian Sungai Madhumati yang merupakan anak sungai dari Sungai
Padma dan merupakan bagian dari dataran banjir GBM (Ganga-Brahmaputra-Meghna). Sedimen dataran
banjir GBM sebagian besar bersifat basa dan logam serta berpotensi menjadi sumber As (Huq et al., 2020).
Oksidasi arsenopirit yang menyebabkan pengayaan arsenik kemungkinan besar disebabkan oleh ekstraksi
air tanah dalam skala besar dari sistem akuifer dangkal (Lowers et al., 2007).
Hasil dan Pembahasan
B. Karakteristik Hidrokimia Memahami prinsip-prinsip hidrokimia membantu
memperjelas dinamika sistem air tanah dan
membuka petunjuk tentang lingkungan kuno (Pierre
et al., 2005; Hossain et al., 2020). Diagram trilinear
Piper digunakan untuk merencanakan nilai analitis
kation dan anion utama (Piper, 1944) untuk
memahami sifat hidrokimia air tanah di daerah
penelitian. Intinya, ini menunjukkan apakah air itu
berbeda atau merupakan campuran dari jenis yang
berbeda dalam hal sifat kimianya.

Hal ini juga memberikan petunjuk tentang

(a) premonsoon PRM (b) postmonsoon POM kemungkinan asal usul sampel air tanah. Area
Interpretasi grafis dengan jelas menggambarkan berbentuk berlian pada diagram Piper dibagi
bahwa kimia air tanah di wilayah tersebut sangat menjadi empat kategori besar seperti Ca–HCO3 (A),
dipengaruhi oleh fondasi geologi asli, pelapukan Ca–SO4 (B), Na–Cl (C), dan Na–HCO3 (D), ditunjukkan
mineral batuan, pertukaran ion, dan interaksi air- pada gambar di samping:
batuan karena sektor dominan batuan mencakup
seluruh sampel air tanah
Hasil dan Pembahasan Indeks kualitas air (WQI) adalah metode yang
C. Penilaian Kualitas Air Minum (WQI) umum dan efektif untuk menentukan kualitas
air tanah dan kesesuaiannya untuk keperluan
minum. Empat belas parameter kualitas air
seperti TDS, EC, pH, HCO− 3 , Cl‾, F‾, SO2− 4,
NO− 3 , Ca2 ⁺, Mg2 ⁺, Na⁺, K⁺, total Fe, dan

Nilai WQI berkisar antara 54,91 hingga 214,02

dan 17,93 hingga 95,88 masing-masing pada
musim PRM dan POM. Peta variasi spasial
WQI melalui teknik GIS interpolasi IDW
Variasi spasial kualitas air minum (a) PRM WQI, (b) POM WQI
menunjukkan bahwa selama PRM tidak
ditemukan sampel yang masuk dalam
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa untuk keperluan
kategori “sangat baik”, 63% sampel
minum, kualitas airtanah di wilayah tersebut tercemar
menunjukkan kelas air “baik”, 33% sampel
sedang hingga tinggi di PRM dan tercemar baik
hingga sedang di POM masuk dalam kategori “buruk”. , dan 6%
sampel dikategorikan sebagai air “sangat
Hasil dan Pembahasan Indeks pencemaran air (WPI) digunakan
D. Penilaian Pencemaran Air (WPI) untuk menilai tingkat kontaminasi untuk
keperluan minum dengan menggunakan 14
variabel (n = 14) kualitas air. Nilai WPI
bervariasi antara 0,72 hingga 1,76 pada PRM
dengan nilai rata-rata 1,0, sedangkan pada
POM berada pada kisaran 0,31–0,89 dengan
rata-rata 0,62. Dari 30 sampel air tanah yang
dikumpulkan pada PRM, 7% sampel
ditemukan berkualitas baik, 60%
dikategorikan tercemar sedang, dan 33%
sampel ditemukan tercemar berat, atau tidak
Variasi spasial kualitas air minum (c) PRM WPI, (d) POM WPI layak untuk dikonsumsi manusia (gambar c).
Pada POM 26% sampel tergolong sangat baik,
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa, pencemaran
47% baik, 27% sampel sedang, dan tidak ada
airtanah di wilayah tersebut baik hingga tercemar
satu pun sampel yang termasuk dalam
berat di PRM dan sangat baik hingga sedang di POM
kategori sangat tercemar untuk keperluan
minum (gambar d)
Perhitungan berurutan dari asupan harian kronis
Hasil dan Pembahasan (CDI), hasil bagi bahaya (HQ), dan indeks bahaya
E. Penilaian Risiko Kesehatan (HI) untuk konsumsi dan paparan kulit.

Dalam musim PRM, nilai THI untuk orang dewasa

(THIa) memiliki nilai rata-rata 11,60, dengan
kisaran 4,96-32,21 (Gambar a). dan untuk anak
(THIc), berkisar antara 4,73 hingga 30,71 dengan
rata-rata 11,05 (Gambar b). Di musim POM, nilai
THI untuk orang dewasa dan anak-anak
bervariasi dari 0,002 hingga 12,2 (Gambar c) dan
0,002 hingga 11,63 (Gambar d), yang
menunjukkan risiko kesehatan yang lebih rendah
dibandingkan dengan musim PRM

Peta sebaran nilai THI (ingestion + dermal)

geospasial melalui model Inverse Distance
Weighting (IDW) menunjukkan bahwa penduduk
di 100% wilayah PRM dan 87% wilayah POM
sangat rentan terhadap risiko kesehatan non-
karsinogenik akibat asupan As dan Fe
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa konsentrasi arsenik pada seluruh
sampel PRM dan 80% sampel POM berada di atas kriteria WHO (0,01 mg/L),
yang menunjukkan bahwa wilayah penelitian merupakan wilayah endemik
arsenic. Jenis air Ca–Mg–HCO3 di permukaan air tawar dangkal berasal dari
cekungan GMB di bawah pengaruh kondisi geologi yang mengandung
arsenik, dan interaksi air sedimen mengatur hidrogeokimia arsenik. Nilai
arsenik yang tinggi berhubungan dengan kualitas air yang buruk, sehingga
menimbulkan risiko yang tidak aman dan tinggi terhadap bahaya kesehatan
yang ditularkan melalui air karena penggunaan air yang terkontaminasi untuk
keperluan minum dan mandi, yang tidak terlalu besar pada saat ini.
1. Terdapat peta lokasi penelitian;
2. Penelitian dilakukan di 2 musim sehingga
terdapat perbandingan kualitas air tanah
diantara 2 musim;

Critical 3. Peta sebaran geospasial WQI dan WPI,

serta THI dengan teknik interpolasi IDW

Review melalui platform GIS sangat berguna untuk

pengelolaan air tanah yang lebih baik
karena peta ini dapat dengan mudah
menggambarkan kelas-kelas kualitas air.
4. Grafik dan peta sebaran mudah dimengerti
dan sangat berguna untuk penelitian
1. Peta lokasi penelitian tidak sesuai kaidah
kartografi (tidak terdapat judul peta, skala,

Critical grid, legenda, sumber peta, informasi

proyeksi, informasi pembuat peta,
Review informasi tahun pembuatan;
2. Beberapa unsur penting yang berpotensi
toksik seperti Cd, Pd, Hg, dan Al belum
dimasukkan dalam penelitian ini
Groundwater for Sustainable Development 21 (2023) 100944

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Research paper

Arsenic hydrogeochemistry, quality assessment, and associated health risks

of groundwater through the novel water pollution index (WPI) and
GIS approach
Priyanka Biswas a, Mobarok Hossain b, Pulak Kumar Patra a, *
Department of Environmental Studies, Visva-Bharati, Santiniketan, WB, 731235, India
Integrated Science Education and Research Centre, Visva-Bharati, Santiniketan, WB, 731235, India


• Arsenic content ranged from 0 to 0.18

mg/L with significant variation (p <
• 90% of samples crossed the WHO
arsenic permissible limit.
• Ca–HCO3 water and sediment bearing
As-rich mineral governed As-
• Groundwater in 30% of places were
unsafe in terms of WQI, new WPI and
GIS modelling.
• Assumed severe health hazards due to
high arsenic and iron-rich water


Keywords: A total of 60 groundwater samples from an arsenic endemic region (Fukra union of Gopalganj district,
Arsenic in groundwater Bangladesh) were collected during the premonsoon (PRM) and postmonsoon (POM) season in 2016 and were
Water pollution index assessed for arsenic quantification along with other physico-chemical parameters such as EC, pH, TDS, total Fe,
Health risk assessment
major anions, cations, and the health hazards associated with them. Anions content was found in the order of
Principal component analysis
HCO3‾(419.7 mg/L)»Cl‾(23.8 mg/L)>SO2− 4 (20.2 mg/L)>NO3‾(9.95 mg/L)>F‾(0.43 mg/L) and cations in the
Bangladesh order of Ca2⁺(76.4 mg/L)>Mg2⁺(28 mg/L)>Na⁺(14 mg/L)>K (4.7 mg/L). Arsenic concentration ranged from BDL
to 0.18 mg/L, with 90% of samples exhibiting concentration above the WHO permissible limit (0.01 mg/L). The
average concentration of Total Fe was 0.14 mg/L considering both seasons. Mean ± SD values of the water
quality index (WQI) and water pollution index (WPI) were 78.15 ± 30.67 and 0.81 ± 0.2, respectively.
Groundwater quality was unsafe for drinking purposes in 30% of places in terms of WQI and WPI. Human health
risk associated with groundwater consumption was assessed through the total hazard index (THI). The mean THI
values were 11.32 and 5.45 in PRM and POM, respectively, indicating a greater chance of non-carcinogenic
threat to the inhabitants as the final score is much greater than the acceptable limit of 1. GIS distribution

Abbreviations: As, Arsenic; BDL, Below Detection Limit; CDI, Chronic Daily Intake; EC, Electrical Conductivity; Fe, Iron; GBM, Ganga-Brahmaputra-Meghna; GIS,
Geographical Information System; HI, Hazard Index; HQ, Hazard Quotient; IC, Ion Chromatography; IDW, Inverse Distance Weighting; LDPE, Low-density poly­
ethylene; PCA, Principal Component Analysis; POM, Postmonsoon; PRM, Premonsoon; RfD, Reference Dose; RSD, Relative Standard Deviation; SD, Standard De­
viation; TDS, Total Dissolved Solids; THI, Total Hazard Index; WHO, World Health Organization; WPI, Water Pollution Index; WQI, Water Quality Index.
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (P.K. Patra).
Received 31 July 2022; Received in revised form 14 March 2023; Accepted 3 April 2023
Available online 6 April 2023
2352-801X/© 2023 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
P. Biswas et al. Groundwater for Sustainable Development 21 (2023) 100944

maps of THI indicated a severe threat to both children’s and adults’ health. Principal component analysis (PCA)
and hydrogeochemical characterization of groundwater through the Piper diagram and Gibb’s plot indicated that
Ca–HCO3-rich water and its reaction with arsenic-bearing sediment minerals was the main governing factor for
groundwater As-enrichment in groundwater. The study will deliver an outline for a better understanding and
management of groundwater quality and arsenic-induced health hazards.

1. Introduction and Karim, 2001 & 2003; Ahmed et al., 2004; Escobar et al., 2006;
Ahmad et al., 2007; Fendorf et al., 2010; Ahmed et al., 2016; Saha et al.,
Arsenic (As) is generally a natural, tasteless, colourless, and odour­ 2017).
less chemical element (metalloid) and is widely distributed throughout Monitoring of hydrochemical properties of groundwater and health
the environment in the air, water, and land (Samal et al., 2010, 2011, risk assessment through the total hazard index (THI) is helpful in better
2013a; Bhattacharya et al., 2013; Santra et al., 2013; Santra and Samal, understanding of arsenic enrichment process and associated health risks.
2013; Huq et al., 2020). It reaches groundwater through the dissolution In the past, several studies calculated the chronic daily intake (CDI) for
of As-bearing minerals and elemental sources (Alam and McPhedran, computing the THI of arsenic through dietary intake and drinking water
2019a, 2019b; Islam et al., 2017; Bhattacharya et al., 2020) or through to evaluate both its carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic health effects
human activities such as agricultural practices, industrial and municipal (Liao et al., 2018; Rezaei et al., 2019; Das et al., 2021; Joardar et al.,
sewages, smelting, and mining processes (Neumann et al., 2010; Saha 2021). The hazard index (HI) of rice was found to be much higher than
et al., 2017; Tweed et al., 2020). In the aquifers, the release and HI of groundwater, contributing as high as 93% of the cumulative total
dispersion of As is often governed by a number of variables, including hazard index (THI) (Mondal et al., 2019; Samal et al., 2021).
competitive ion exchange, pyrite oxidation, and, most critically, redox Though regional-scale studies have been carried out for arsenic
disequilibrium, which is frequently connected with iron (Chakraborti quantification, detailed hydrogeochemistry and health risk assessment
et al., 2015; Das et al., 2021). of arsenic with new techniques are lacking. The current hydrochemical
Arsenic is a highly toxic pollutant in its inorganic form, and even in investigation, water quality modelling and health hazard assessment for
minute quantities, it poses severe threats to human health. Common As-rich groundwater in an arsenic endemic region is a step towards that
ailments associated with arsenic are kidney, bladder, lung, and skin explanation. A detailed investigation was carried out in the Fukra union
cancer, as well as Bowen’s disease, arsenicosis, hyperkeratosis, coronary of Gopalganj district, Bangladesh, where arsenic in drinking water has
heart disease, bronchiectasis, hyperpigmentation of the palm and sole produced alarming health problems. The present work was conducted to
(Chakraborti et al., 2018; Rahman et al., 2018a; Radfard et al., 2019; (i) characterize the groundwater chemistry in an arsenic endemic re­
Saha and Rahman, 2020; Bhattacharya et al., 2020). Arsenic’s gion, (ii) evaluate the water quality by using a newly proposed quality
non-cancerous impacts on people are primarily seen as skin damage or assessment tool (WPI), and conventional WQI method and their com­
circulatory issues (USEPA, 2018). Millions of people are suffering from parison, (iii) estimate health risks (for both the children and adult age
arsenic hazards in many countries worldwide, including India and groups), considering various routes of exposure to arsenic-contaminated
Bangladesh (Hasan et al., 2009; Joseph et al., 2015; Huq et al., 2019; groundwater and (iv) modelling of WPI, WQI and health hazard index
Shaji et al., 2020; NatashaBibi et al., 2020). People could be exposed to using GIS technology. The spatial distribution mapping of water quality
arsenic hazards mainly through drinking As-contaminated groundwater indices and hazard index modelling, designed in the Arc-GIS platform,
and food chains as well as through dermal and inhalation way also were carried out to understand the present scenario and undertake the
(Greco et al., 2019; Ruíz-Vera et al., 2019; Tabassum et al., 2019). best effective management for As-rich groundwater.
Moreover, arsenic is bioaccumulated in the plant body when
arsenic-contaminated groundwater and surface water are used for irri­ 2. Materials and methods
gation, seriously affecting human health (Samal et al., 2011, 2021;
Santra et al., 2013; Moulick et al., 2021). 2.1. Study area
The existence of widespread arsenicosis in Bangladesh and West
Bengal is supposed to be associated with changed rainfall patterns, The Fukra union of Kashiani upazila of Gopalganj district of
imbalanced nutritious intake, a sharp rise in groundwater consumption, Bangladesh is situated within 23◦ 09′ 15′′ N to 23◦ 10′ 10′′ N latitude and
and a decline in groundwater tables. The arsenic level in groundwater 89◦ 44′ 38′′ E to 89◦ 46′ 46′′ E longitude (Fig. 1) with an area of 27 km2. The
has been reported to be much higher than 0.01 mg/L, i.e., WHO rec­ annual maximum and minimum temperatures are 35.1 ◦ C and 12.1 ◦ C,
ommended upper limit for drinking water (Samal et al., 2013b). Ac­ respectively, whereas the annual rainfall of 1955 mm. The soil of this
cording to the recent figures on arsenic pollution, out of 64 districts of union is soft to medium stiff due to the alluvial deposits of various rivers
Bangladesh, 61 districts have been afflicted above the WHO guideline, having low organic content and medium bearing capacity. The study
and 50 districts are affected by Bangladesh standard, i.e., 0.05 mg/L area is just located on the river bank of the Madhumati River, which is an
(BGS, 1999; Chakraborti et al., 2015). Arsenic has poisoned the important distributary of the Padma River, which falls under the Ganga-
groundwater in more than 85% of Bangladesh’s total land area. Ac­ Brahmaputra-Meghna (GBM) floodplain, which is the primary reason for
cording to Bodrud-Doza et al. (2016), 57 million people globally arsenic enrichment all over the country and believed to be the controller
consume arsenic-poisoned water, and 35 million of them reside in of the hydrogeochemistry of the study area (Huq et al., 2020). The hy­
Bangladesh. The number of individuals reported to have been severely drology of the study area is crucially governed by storm surges and
harmed by drinking water tainted with arsenic is continuing to rise tropical cyclones with usual seasonal rainfall (Rahman et al., 2018b).
(Fazal et al., 2001; Safiuddin and Karim, 2003; Chakraborti et al., 2010). Most people in the area are dependent on tubewell-extracted ground­
According to the number of people impacted, arsenic pollution in water for their domestic activities and agricultural purposes. Another
Bangladesh’s groundwater is the worst arsenic catastrophe ever. It has source of water is harvested rainwater. A monitoring survey in 2004
received attention from the Bangladeshi government as a national ca­ reported that 905 tubewells out of 1930 tubewells in the union were
tastrophe (Dhar et al., 1997; SOES-, 2000; Rahman et al., 2015). As-contaminated, and they were marked with red. Other 1025 tubewells
Numerous technical publications, books, and conference papers have were considered to be safe and marked with green (Fig. 1Sa,b)
discussed the contamination sources and the deleterious consequences (BAMWSP, 2004). The water of the red-marked tubewells is supposed to
of arsenic on the people of Bangladesh (Nickson et al., 1998; Safiuddin be used for non-drinking purposes. The tubewells installed after the

P. Biswas et al. Groundwater for Sustainable Development 21 (2023) 100944

survey bear no marks, and their water quality has not been monitored. iron (Fe) was quantified using a spectrometric approach (APHA, 2012).
Arsenic has contaminated the groundwater of 47% of the study area, and
more than 35 thousand people are at high risk of arsenic hazards 2.3. Statistical and spatial analysis
(Shaibur, 2019). Some alternative water sources (rainwater harvesting
system) and homemade arsenic filters were also noticed, but they are Multivariate statistical analyses such as principal component anal­
very limited and have low arsenic removal efficiency (Fig. 1Sc,d) ysis (PCA) and correlation analysis were carried out by the XLSTAT 2016
tool. Generally, PCA method in hydrogeochemical studies condenses a
2.2. Sampling and analytical strategies big collection of data into a few components that have comparable
properties (Chen et al., 2007; Matiatos et al., 2014; Kamtchueng et al.,
In the premonsoon (PRM) and postmonsoon (POM) seasons in 2016, 2016). In order to show relationships between data set variables and the
groundwater samples were taken from 30 chosen tubewells from the influence of certain chemical parameters, a correlation analysis was also
research region at a regular interval of 100–300 m. (Fig. 1). A GPS carried out.
receiver (Garmin Montana - 650) was used to record the locations of the Analytical programs such as MS-Excel 2016 and Rockware AqQA
sample sites. Pre-cleaned Tarson 500 ml LDPE bottles with 10% HNO3 [1.1.1 (] were used for plotting the various diagrams such as
and ultrapure water were used for groundwater sample collection. Piper plots, Univariate plots and Gibbs plots. The inverse distance
During collection, preservation, and transit to the laboratory, standard weightage (IDW) interpolation method was used in ArcGIS 10.1 to
protocols were followed (APHA, 2012; WHO, 2011). The samples were create spatial distribution maps.
analyzed for pH, temperature, electrical conductivity (EC), temperature,
major cations (Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+), and anions (HCO3‾, Cl‾, NO3‾, 2.4. Quality control (QC) and quality assurance (QA)
4 , F‾) total iron, and total arsenic. A pocket-sized pH meter (Model:
Hanna) was used to evaluate the pH and temperature on the site, and a Wells were pumped for many minutes before taking water samples to
conductivity meter (Thermo Scientific Conductivity Cell, Orion remove the impact of stagnant water. All laboratory glassware and
013605MD) was used to calculate the EC. Using Ion Chromatography sample bottles were cleaned with detergent and rinsed repeatedly with
(883 Basic IC plus), the major water-soluble cations and anions were ultrapure water, followed by a 24-h immersion in a 10% HNO3 solution
identified (Hossain et al., 2021). Total arsenic (As) was determined and again with ultrapure water to remove any potential contamination.
using anodic stripping voltammetry (VA 797 computerace), and total Triplicate analyses (3 times replication) were performed for each

Fig. 1. (a) Bangladesh (b) Kashiani upazila and (c) Sampling points with the location of the Fukra union (research site).

P. Biswas et al. Groundwater for Sustainable Development 21 (2023) 100944

parameter for each sample to ensure the maintenance of the analytical Table 1
quality. The reagents and standards were made with analytical-grade Observed parameters, their assigned weight, relative weight, and their respec­
chemicals from Merck, Germany. Standard solutions of anions (F‾, tive standard guideline values (mg/L) (Hossain and Patra 2020a).
2 2
HCO−3 , Cl‾, NO−3 , SO2−
4 ) and cations (Na⁺, K⁺, Mg ⁺, Ca ⁺) solutions were Parameters Bangladesh WHO (2012) Weight Relative
supplied as samples, and the instrument’s (IC) output values were Standards (mg/L) Guideline (wi) weight (Wi)
recorded. In the case of fluoride ions, for instance, the accuracy or pH – 6.5–6.5 4 0.071429
correlation coefficient = 0.999 and the % RSD (relative standard devi­ EC – 750 4 0.071429
ation) value was 0.563%, showing satisfactory precision of the IC TDS 1000 500 5 0.089286
Fluoride 1 1.5 5 0.089286
(Fig. 2s in supplementary materials). Moreover, the cations vs anions Bicarbonate – 200 1 0.017857
concentration (ionic balance) for all the samples were verified using Nitrate 10 45 5 0.089286
Matthess (1982)’s method. Where the value of the ionic balance of less Sulfate 400 200 5 0.089286
than 5% and certainly, up to 10% is acceptable, whereas a value greater Chloride 150–600 250 5 0.089286
Calcium 75 75 3 0.053571
than 10% is unacceptable (Singhal and Gupta, 1999).
Sodium 200 200 4 0.071429
The used anodic stripping voltammetric analytical technique Magnesium 30–35 30 3 0.053571
exhibited high precision within the examined concentration range, as Potassium 12 200 2 0.035714
evidenced by the accuracy (% of recovery) for the arsenic determination Iron 0.3–1.0 0.3 5 0.089286
varied from 96.3 to 98.1 percentage and precision (% of relative SD, Arsenic 0.05 0.01 5 0.089286
Ʃ wi ¼ 56 Ʃ Wi ¼1
utilized for multiple duplicate measurements) values varied from 1.57 to
2.61 percentage, i.e., <3%.
corresponding standard guideline for every water sample (Eq. (2)) in
order to generate the quality rating scale (Qi).
2.5. Drinking water quality assessment
Qi = × 100 (2)
2.5.1. Water quality index (WQI) Si
WQI is a frequently used grading system that shows the combined
where Si represents the Bangladesh standard water quality recommen­
impact of many water quality variables on the general fitness of water
dations established by the Department of Public Health Engineering
for ingestion by people (Horton, 1965; Hossain and Patra, 2020a,
(DPHE) (Table 1), and Ci stands for the observed concentration of a
2020b). To calculate the WQI, each of the anticipated 12 parameters was
specific parameter in a sample in mg/L.
given a unit weight (wi) value between 1 and 5 based on their impor­
Then, using the equation below (Eq. (3)), a sub-index (SIi) was
tance in groundwater used for drinking, 5 being the most important
determined for each parameter.
(Table 1). In the first stage, Eq. (1) was used to compute the relative
weight (Wi): SIi = W i × Qi (3)
Wi = ∑
n (1) Finally, WQI was formulated by aggregating all the sub-indices (Eq. (4))
i=0 ∑
WQI = SIi (4)
Where Wi stands for the relative weight of a parameter, wi denotes the i=0

weight that has been allocated to an individual parameter, and n means The following classifications were used to categorize WQI’s output:
the number of used parameters. WQI<50 means “excellent” category; “good” when WPI ranges from 50
The next step was to divide each parameter’s concentration by the

Fig. 2. Geographical distribution of arsenic in the study area’s groundwater (a) PRM (b) POM.

P. Biswas et al. Groundwater for Sustainable Development 21 (2023) 100944

to 75; WPI in the range of 75–100 exemplifies a “poor” quality; and provided in Table 2 (Hossain and Patra 2020c).
WPI>100 indicates a “very poor” water quality (Horton, 1965; Hossain The Hazard Quotient (HQ) is a method for determining the potential
and Patra 2020a). health risks caused by a single toxic element through a particular
exposure route. Generally, HQ is the ratio between CDI for a specific
2.5.2. Water pollution index (WPI) exposure route and its respective reference dose (RfD). The formulation
The extent of groundwater contamination was assessed through the of HQ is as follows (Eq. 9).
WPI using a total of 14 water quality parameters, including Fe, As, pH,
TDS, EC, F‾, Cl‾, NO3‾, HCO3‾, SO2‾ 2 2
4 , Na⁺, Mg ⁺, K⁺, and Ca , based on HQiIngestion/Dermal = (9)
their recommended guideline value of Bangladesh standards and WHO
(Table 1). The key difference between newly formulated WPI and other
where HQi represents the hazard produced by the ith element for a
indices (such as WQI) is that WPI is not bound to a specific type of water
certain exposure path. The term reference dose (RfD) is the verge limit
parameter and theoretical ideal value or dissimilar weights (Hossain and
for a toxic substance above which adverse health consequences will start
Patra, 2020b).
to occur. In this study, two potential toxic elements (Fe and As) were
First, the following equation (Eq. 5) was used to determine the
considered for the estimation of probable health risks to human health.
pollutant load (PLi) of a single parameter;
The RfD values of Fe for ingestion and dermal exposures are 0.7 and
( )
Ci − Si 0.045 mg/kg/day (Hossain and Patra 2020c), and for As, it is 0.0003 and
PLi = 1 + (5) 0.00012 mg/kg/day (Shil and Singh, 2019), respectively.
In the next step, the Hazard Index (HI) was calculated (Eq. (10)),
The ith parameter’s measured concentration is indicated by the which is the sum of all the HQi for individual toxic elements for a
symbol Ci, while its maximum or standard permitted value is indicated particular pathway mentioned previously for two population groups,
by the symbol Si. For pH, a value of both <7 or >7 is detrimental to viz. children and adults, separately.
human health though 7 is considered neutral. In the case of pH < 7, ∑
equation (5.1) and pH > 7, equation (5.2) was suggested. HIingestion/dermal = HQiimgestion (10)

Ci − 7
PLi = (5.1) In the end, THI, or the total hazard index, was calculated by adding
Sia − 7
together all the risks brought on by different exposure pathways (Eq.
Ci − 7 (11)).
PLi = (5.2)
Sib − 7 THI = HIingestion + HIdermal (11)
Here, Sia indicates the minimum acceptable value of pH, i.e., 6.5, and Sib A value of THI less than one (<1) is considered an acceptable level of
designates the maximum acceptable value of pH, i.e., 8.5. risk, whereas THI values greater than one (>1) are considered a prob­
Ultimately, the total degree of pollution of a sample was assessed by able risk of potentially unacceptable health hazards (Hossain and Patra,
the water pollution index (WPI) by aggregating all pollution load, 2020c).
divided by n number of used variables (parameters) (Eq. (6)).
1 ∑n 3. Results and discussion
WPI = PLi (6)
n i=1
3.1. Basic groundwater chemistry
The WPI values categorized the water quality into four groups such
as “excellent” when WPI<0.5; 0.5 ≤ WPI<0.75 indicates “good water Physico-chemical factors indicate the nature, character, and quality
quality”; 0.75 ≤ WPI<1 means “moderately polluted water”; and the of groundwater. According to the ionic balance test (Table 1s in the
water is highly polluted when WPI≥1. supplemental materials), 95% of PRM and 94% of POM samples had an
ion balance (IB) within 5% as per the APHA (2012) recommendation.
2.6. Health risk assessment (HRA) Ionic error balances were often found negative, suggesting that anions

To determine exposure risk to harmful components (Fe and As in this

study) in groundwater, Hazard Index (HI), cumulatively functions with Table 2
reference to the human body was performed (Adimalla and Qiana, The range of different input factors for the HRA model.
2019). To quantify the HI, in the first step of chronic daily intake (CDI), a Abbreviation Input Values Reference(s)
factor for frequency, magnitude, exposure duration, and concentration variables
level of potentially toxic metal was estimated. There are two major ways Parameter Unit Adult Child
of exposure pathways to estimate the health risks for the human body,
I.R. Ingestion rate Litre/ 2.51 ± 1.23 ± Hossain and
such as direct or oral ingestion (Eq. (7)) and through the skin (Eq. (8)) day 0.42 0.62 Patra, 2020c
(USEPA, 1989). E.F. Exposure Days/ 345 345 Kumar et al.
frequency year (2019)
Ci × IR × EF × ED E.D. Exposure Year 65 ± 6 12 ± 6 Hossain and
CDIIngestion = (7)
BW × AT duration Patra, 2020c
B.W Bodyweight Kg 62.89 15.81 Hossain and
Ci × SA × KP × ET × EF × ED × CF ± 4.45 ± 1.86 Patra, 2020c
CDIDermal = (8)
BW × AT AT Average time Day 23725 4745 Hossain and
± 2190 ± 1825 Patra, 2020c
where Ci indicates the concentration of a toxic element (mg/L); IR S.A. Skin surface cm2 18182 7422 Wu et al.
area ± 1.10 ± 1.25 (2011)
means ingestion rate; ED denotes the exposure duration; EF is the symbol
Kp Dermal cm/ 1× 1 × 10- Kumar et al.
for exposure frequency; BW signifies the average body weight; SA des­ permeability hour 10− 3 3 (2019)
ignates the skin area; AT describes the average time; the skin perme­ E.T. Exposure Hours/ 0.58 1 Kumar et al.
ability coefficient is Kp (cm/h), the exposure time is ET, and a unit Time day (2019)
concentration factor for hazardous elements in water is denoted by CF. C.F. Conversion Litre/ 1× 1 × 10- USEPA
factor cm3 10− 3 3 (1989)
The value of these factors was gathered from recent publications and is

P. Biswas et al. Groundwater for Sustainable Development 21 (2023) 100944

are generally more common than cations (Nag and Das, 2014). research is principal component analysis (PCA). Here, varimax rotation
The statistical summary of the groundwater quality parameters is through the dimension reduction process was used to carry out PCA. The
represented in Table 3 pH is a major influential parameter that governs first four principal components (D1, D2, D3, D4) explained a total of
the acidity, alkalinity, and chemical speciation of elements in ground­ 78.76% variances in the data set. The degree of factor loading with the
water. pH values ranged from 6.4 to 7.1 and 7.1 to 7.7 in PRM and POM, cumulative variance (%) of principal components (eigenvalues >1) is
respectively, indicating that the groundwater is generally neutral. EC is summarized in Table 2s. Fig. 3 presents the biplots of the major com­
the indication of all charges and dissolved particles present in water. ponents. The first factor (D1) contributed a maximum of 31.0% of the
36% of the sample had greater EC than the WHO limit (750 μS/cm), total variance having strong loading in EC, TDS, Ca2⁺, Mg2⁺, K+, and
ranging from 316 to 1060 μS/cm, with an average value of 721.3 μS/cm HCO−3 . The grouping of Ca2⁺ and Mg2⁺ with HCO−3 indicates their source
and 529.57 μS/cm in PRM and POM, respectively. The mean TDS values to be carbonate minerals such as aragonite, calcite, and dolomite.
(461.63 mg/L in PRM and 338.92 mg/L in POM) were found to be lower Geochemical processes like ion exchange and weathering of silicate
than the Bangladesh standard (1000 mg/L). According to Table 3, the minerals have an impact on the remaining variables. D2 accounted for
primary cation sequence is Ca2+>Na+>Mg2+>K+, showing calcium and 20.62% of the variance, owing to the significant loading of pH, Na⁺, Cl‾,
sodium to be the predominant ones. All the cations were observed below and F‾, which are strongly associated with local geological settings such
their specified Bangladesh and WHO permissible limit (Table 1) except as halite and fluorite dissolution and interaction of sodium and fluoride-
Ca2+, which ranged from 47.42 to 144.9 mg/L. Major anions were in the bearing minerals with the groundwater. D3 shared 15.37%, indicating
descending order of HCO−3 >Cl‾> SO2− 4 >NO3 >F‾ (Table 3). All the
− the strong loading of iron and arsenic, which originated from iron-
anions were noticed within their permissible limit except the bicar­ bearing minerals such as arsenopyrite. The fourth factor, D4, contrib­
bonate, which showed a mean ± SD value of 498.77 ± 75.8 and 340.53 uted 11.76% of the total variance and includes SO2− 4 , NO3, directing

their input from anthropogenic activities such as chemical fertilizer from

± 41.31 mg/L in PRM and POM respectively. The results summary in­ the agricultural fields.
dicates that the groundwater of the study area is influenced by carbonate
minerals with moderate dissolution.
Total Fe varied between 0.01 and 0.85 with a mean value of 0.24 and 3.3. Hydrochemical characterization
0.04 in PRM and POM, respectively, signifying both the mean values are
lower than WHO and Bangladesh standards with a few higher values in Understanding hydrochemical principles help in clarifying the dy­
some locations. Arsenic, the most toxic element, ranged from 0.03 to namics of groundwater systems and opens up clues to the ancient en­
0.18 mg/L and BDL to 0.07 mg/L with a mean value of 0.06 and 0.03 vironments (Pierre et al., 2005; Hossain et al., 2020). Piper trilinear
mg/L in PRM and POM, respectively (Fig. 2a and b), indicating much diagram was used for plotting the analytical values of principal cations
higher values than the WHO and Bangladesh permissible limit. Arsenic and anions (Piper, 1944) to understand the hydrochemical properties of
was found to show a negative correlation to pH and temperature and the research area’s groundwater. In essence, it shows whether the water
positively correlated with all other parameters. It was previously esti­ is distinct or a mixture of different types in terms of chemical properties.
mated that when people consume arsenic levels>0.05 mg/L in It also provides a clue to the possible origin of groundwater samples. The
groundwater, they are more suspected to experience dermatological diamond-shaped area of the Piper diagram is divided into four major
manifestations and As skin lesions (Samal et al., 2013b) and thus, resi­ categories such as Ca–SO4, Ca–HCO3, Na–Cl, and Na–HCO3. Each part
dents of the study area are at a high risk of arsenic-induced health represents a particular type of variation in water chemistry. All the
hazards. The study area is just located on the bank of the Madhumati samples of this study of both PRM and POM seasons have displayed a
River, which is a distributary of the Padma River and a part of the GBM characteristic of Ca–HCO3 type water with dominancy of calcium,
(Ganga-Brahmaputra-Meghna) floodplain. The sediments of the GBM magnesium, and carbonate ions (Fig. 4a and b), indicating the presence
flood plain are primarily basic and metallic and are a potential source of of carbonate minerals with their probable origin from the sallow
As (Huq et al., 2020). Oxidation of arsenopyrite causing arsenic freshwater zone, which is another reason for arsenic enrichment.
enrichment is likely to be due to large-scale groundwater extraction Influential environmental mechanisms for above groundwater
from shallow aquifer systems (Lowers et al., 2007). chemistry were identified through Gibbs diagrams (Gibbs, 1970), which
investigate certain mechanisms like precipitation, rock weathering, and
evaporation that regulate the chemistry of groundwater (Luo et al.,
3.2. Source interpretation of water quality parameters 2017; Hossain and Patra, 2021). The scatter diagrams were plotted by
applying the log scale values of TDS concentrations vs Na⁺/Na⁺+Ca2+
A popular multivariate statistical method in hydrogeochemical (Fig. 5a) and Cl‾/Cl‾+ HCO3‾ (Fig. 5b).

Table 3
Summarized chemistry of water quality parameter (mg/L) in PRM and POM.
Premonsoon (PRM) Postmonsoon (POM)

Parameters Min. Max. Mean SD Min. Max. Mean SD

pH 6.42 7.07 6.77 0.17 7.1 7.7 7.41 0.14
EC 460 1060 721.3 111.14 316 710 529.57 73.42
Temperature 21.5 22.6 22.06 0.34 32.6 32.9 32.77 0.076
TDS 294.4 678.4 461.63 71.13 202.24 454.4 338.92 46.99
Calcium 51.94 144.9 80.16 19.73 47.42 95.66 72.68 11.92
Magnesium 10.5 39.66 29.03 5.47 9.42 41.64 27.03 6.98
Sodium 9.6 27.7 15.8 4.2 6.1 21.3 12.27 3.88
Potassium 1.4 15 5.68 3.4 1.4 9.2 3.72 1.87
Bicarbonate 290.0 684 498.77 75.8 230 410 340.53 41.31
Sulfate 2.32 49.89 21.39 10.27 0.26 59.48 18.99 9.59
Chloride 1.82 63.47 21.59 16.09 10.67 49.3 26.07 11.96
Nitrate 0.37 20.76 11.58 5.63 0.39 12.72 8.32 2.5
Fluoride 0.15 0.82 0.45 0.18 0.17 0.73 0.4 0.15
Iron 0.05 0.85 0.24 0.19 0.01 0.12 0.04 0.03
Arsenic 0.03 0.18 0.06 0.04 0.0 0.07 0.03 0.02

P. Biswas et al. Groundwater for Sustainable Development 21 (2023) 100944

Fig. 3. Biplots of major components in PCA analysis.

Fig. 4. Major groundwater chemical properties in (a) PRM (b) POM season.

The graphical interpretation clearly illustrated that the area’s Fourteen water quality parameters such as TDS, EC, pH, HCO−3 , Cl‾, F‾,
groundwater chemistry is profoundly impacted by the native geological SO2− 2 2
4 , NO3 , Ca ⁺, Mg ⁺, Na⁺, K⁺, total Fe, and As were undertaken to

foundation, weathering of rock minerals, ion exchange, and water-rock determine the overall groundwater quality through WQI. The values of
interaction since the rock-dominant sector encompassed all of the WQI ranged from 54.91 to 214.02 and 17.93 to 95.88 in PRM and POM
groundwater samples. seasons, respectively. The spatial variation map of WQI through IDW
interpolated GIS technique indicated that during PRM, no sample was
found in the “excellent” category, 63% of samples showed “good” water
3.4. Assessment of drinking water quality class, 33% of the sample were observed in “poor” category, and 6% of
the sample were categorized as “very poor” water (Fig. 6a). Contrast­
The water quality index (WQI) is a common and effective method for ingly, in POM 30%, 70% of samples were classified in the “excellent”,
determining groundwater quality and suitability for drinking purposes.

P. Biswas et al. Groundwater for Sustainable Development 21 (2023) 100944

Fig. 5. Gibb’s scatter diagram showing (a) TDS against Na⁺/Na⁺+Ca2+ and (b) TDS against Cl‾/Cl‾+ HCO3‾.

Fig. 6. Spatial variation in drinking water quality (a) WQI PRM, (b) WQI POM, (c) WPI PRM, (d) WPI POM.

P. Biswas et al. Groundwater for Sustainable Development 21 (2023) 100944

and “good” category respectively (Fig. 6b). moderate, and highly polluted) in a broad region.
The Water pollution index (WPI) proposed by Hossain and Patra
(2020b) was employed to assess the level of contamination for drinking
3.5. Heath risk assessment
purposes using 14 variables (n = 14) of water quality. WPI values varied
from 0.72 to 1.76 in PRM with a mean value of 1.0, while in POM, it was
Sequential computation of the chronic daily intake (CDI), hazard
found in the range of 0.31–0.89, having an average of 0.62. Among the
quotient (HQ), and hazard index (HI) for ingestion and dermal expo­
30 collected groundwater samples in premonsoon, no sample was
sures for the two potential toxic elements (total Fe and total As) was
observed in the excellent category, 7% of samples were found to be of
obtained to estimate the total hazard index (THI) for adult and children
good quality, 60% were categorized as moderately polluted, and 33% of
age group. In PRM, THI values for adults (THIa) had a mean value of
the sample were found to be highly polluted or unfit for human con­
11.60, with a range of 4.96–32.21 (Fig. 7a). and for the child (THIc), it
sumption (Fig. 6c). In POM 26% of the sample were excellent, 47% were
ranged from 4.73 to 30.71 with a mean of 11.05 (Fig. 7b). In POM, THI
good, 27% were moderate, and none was found in highly polluted
values for adults and children varied from 0.002 to 12.2 (Figs. 7c) and
category for drinking purposes (Fig. 6d). The results revealed that for
0.002 to 11.63 (Fig. 7d), indicating lower health risk as compared to
drinking purpose, the groundwater quality in the region is moderate to
PRM season. In both seasons, for both age groups, 99% of health hazards
highly polluted in PRM and good to moderately polluted in POM.
were attributed to the ingestion route of exposure. In all THI cases, HQ
Comparatively, WPI presented a better report of water quality since it is
values of arsenic were found to be more dominant than iron, indicating
an integrated approach that produces a single value index by converting
As is the most influential toxic element in total hazard prediction. Pre­
n number of input parameters to classify the water quality.
dicted risk values indicate that the residents of the selected area are
Some hydrochemical studies on groundwater of the region have been
prone to severe arsenical skin manifestations. Long-time consumption of
carried out for arsenic quantification, and its relation with other water
this arsenic-contaminated groundwater may also induce cancer risks
parameters and the health risks has been discussed based on arsenic
(Das et al., 2021; Joardar et al., 2021). Geospatial distribution maps of
quantification only (Rahman et al., 2018a; Shaibur, 2019; Shaibur and
THI (ingestion + dermal) values through the Inverse Distance Weighting
Howlader, 2020). This study characterizes the water quality based on a
(IDW) model displayed that residents of 100% of areas in PRM and 87%
new index system (WPI), WQI and application of GIS for water quality as
areas in POM are highly prone to non-carcinogenic health risks due to
well as health hazards modelling using total hazard index (THI). The
intake of As and Fe contaminated groundwater (Fig. 7). The resultant
geospatial distribution map of WQI and WPI, and THI with IDW inter­
water quality and associated health risks was better and lower in POM,
polation technique through the GIS platform envisaged the seasonal as
as compared to PRM, which may be due to recharge of rainwater mainly
well as spatial variation in water quality of the entire study area. This
through river water infiltration into the shallow groundwater zone that
type of map is very useful for better groundwater management since it
helped in the dilution of the groundwater contaminants (Sharma et al.,
can easily delineate the water quality classes (such as excellent, good,

Fig. 7. Spatial distribution maps of (a) THIa PRM, (b) THIc PRM, (d) THIa POM, and (d) THIc POM.

P. Biswas et al. Groundwater for Sustainable Development 21 (2023) 100944

4. Limitation and recommendation Appendix A. Supplementary data

Some important potential toxic elements such as Cd, Pd, Hg, and Al Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://doi.
have not been included in the present investigation. Their concentration org/10.1016/j.gsd.2023.100944.
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