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Nama : Miftahuljannah

NIM/Prodi : 112230186/ Teknik Pertambangan

Kelas :S
Matkul : Geologi Dasar

1. Membuat review buku geologi dari sumber referensi perpustakaan.

2. Mereview museum di kampus 2.
- Museum Geoteknologi Mineral tersebut bicara tentang apa?
- Jelaskan bagian dari museum yang berkaitan dengan Teknik Pertambangan!
3. Kenapa harus belajar geologi? Bagaimana memahami geologi dalam relung
Teknik Pertambangan?

1. Berdasarkan buku “Geology Earth Science” yang diterbitkan oleh LLC.
Buku tersebut berisi tentang Geologi secara garis
besar. “Geology is the study of the solid matter that
makes up the Earth.” Dari buku ini bisa diketahui
bahwa cakupan ilmu geologi sangat luas. Mempelajari
tentang lapisan bumi (inner core, outer core, mantle,
and crust), spesifikasi tanah, lempeng tektonik, batuan
(jenis-jenis, siklus, dan formasi), formasi tanah, serta
kejadian-kejadian yang ada di alam.

2. Museum Geoteknologi Mineral Kampus 2

Lapisan Bumi Batuan dan Hasil Tambang Manusia Purba

Fosil Perminyakan

Seperti beberapa gambar di atas, Museum Geoteknologi Mineral

memiliki koleksi benda yang berhubungan dengan geologi (lapisan bumi,
kejadian alam, dan batuan), mining, petroleum, paleoantropologi (manusia
purba), dan paleontologi (fosil). Jika dikaitkan dengan Teknik
Pertambangan, ada beberapa koleksi yang memberikan informasi seperti,
hasil tambang, potensi tambang di Indonesia, proses dan alat yang
digunakan, serta konstruksi pertambangan.

3. Belajar geologi sangat penting. Dari buku sebelumnya disebutkan bahwa

geologi memiliki kegunaan: supplying things we need, protecting the
environment, avoiding geologic hazards, and understanding our
surroundings. Dalam lingkup pertambangan, geologi bermanfaat untuk
memahami perpetaan, mempelajari material bumi, dan kandungan di
bumi yang memiliki nilai ekonomis. Ada beberapa cabang geologi yang
penting untuk dipahami di bidang pertambangan seperti, geologi fidik,
mineralogi, geologi dinamis, geoteknik, dan geomorfologi.

CHAPTER 1-Introducing Geology, the Essentials of Plate Tectonics, and

other Important Concepts

“Testing Your Knowledge”

1. Equilibrium is a condition when materials are stable under conditions at the

Earth’s surface and has been adapted to the physical and chemical conditions
of their environment so that they do not change or alter with time. If unstable
rocks are forced to reach equilibrium, the rocks will break down to form new
materials and continue to change until they are stable in their new

2. The tectonic plates in Indonesia are the Indo-Australian plate, the Pacific plate,
the Eurasian plate, and the Philippine Sea Plate. The nearest plate boundary is
between the Indo-Australian plate and the Eurasian plate. The fault passes
through Jogja and causes a high potential for earthquakes. This type of
boundary is a Continent-Continent Convergence.

3. Because Indonesia at the meeting point of three continental plates, the geologic
hazard that often occurs is earthquakes.

4. The major types of rocks: igneous rocks, sedimentary rocks, and metamorphic

5. The relationship among the mantle, the crust, the asthenosphere, and the
lithosphere → Where hot mantle materials wells upward, it will uplift the
lithosphere. Where the lithosphere is coldest and densest, it will sink down
through the asthenosphere and into the deeper mantle. The resulting forces
are called tectonic forces, cause deformation of rocks as well as vertical and
horizontal movement of portions of the Earth’s crust.
6. If there were no tectonic activity, the Earth’s crust will become less dynamic.
The Earth wouldn’t have mountains, lakes, rivers, troughs, and plains.

7. Cavemen never saw a dinosaur because dinosaur evolved from reptiles and
became extinct about 65 million years ago, while humans have been here only
about the last 3 million years ago.

8. Plate tectonics is a result of Earth’s internal heat engine, powered by C. heat

flowing from Earth’s interior outward.

9. A typical rate of plate motion is C. 1-10 centimeters per year.

10. Volcanic island arcs are associated with D. Ocean-Ocean convergence.

11. The division of geology concerned with Earth’s materials, changes in the
surface and interior of the Earth, and the dynamic forces that cause those
changes is A. Physical geology.

12. Which is a geology hazard? G. All of the preceding (earthquake, mudflows,

volcano, floods, wave erosion at coastlines. Landslides)

13. The largest zone of Earth’s interior by volume is the B. Mantle

14. Oceanic an continental crust differ in D. All of the preceding (composition,

thickness, density)

15. The force generated inside Earth that cause deformation of rock as well as
vertical and horizontal movement of portions of Earth’s crust are called C.
Tectonic forces.

16. Plate tectonics is a D. Theory

17. Which is a type of plate boundary? D. All of the preceding (divergent,

convergent, transform)

18. The lithosphere is C. The crust and uppermost mantle.

19. Erosion is result of Earth’s external heat engine powered by A. the sun
“Expanding Your Knowledge”

1. The lower mantle hotter than other parts because it is closer to the Earth’s

2. Rocks are formed from magma, molten rock in the asthenosphere. Tectonic
activity causes magma to rise above the Earth’s surface and solidify igneous
rocks. By accommodating the addition of new sea floor at divergent
boundaries, the destruction of old sea floor at convergent boundaries ensures
the Earth does not grow in size although continually created.

3. The last century represents only 0.00001% of Earth’s history, which is

estimated to be around 4,5 billion years old.

4. Without solar heating, Earth would be drastic cooling, freeze of oceans and
lakes, extreme weather, plant and animal extinction, and impact on human

5. What are some of the technical difficulties you would expect to encounter if
you tried to drill a hole to the center of Earth?

➔ Extreme temperatures, pressure, melting rocks, energy requirements,

geophysical challenges, seismic activity, lack of materials, cost and resources.

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