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Sekolah : SMP
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester : VIII/Ganjil
Judul Bab : We Know What To Do
Materi Pokok : Stating Rules and Obligation (Speaking)
Alokasi Waktu : 160 Menit

A. Tujuan Pembelajaran
Setelah mengikuti proses pembelajaran, peserta didik (A) diharapkan dapat menerapkan
struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan untuk melaksanakan fungsi sosial dari ungkapan (B)
memberi instruksi, mengajak, melarang, minta ijin, serta cara responnya,(C) sesuai dengan
konteks penggunaannya (C) secara tepat dan benar (D).

B. Media Pembelajaran, Alat/Bahan & Sumber Belajar

- Media: Gambar, LKS, Lembar penilaian
- Alat/Bahan: Papan tulis, spidol
- Sumber Belajar: Buku Penunjang Kurikulum 2013 Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris: When
English Rings a Bell / Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan.-- . Edisi Revisi Jakarta :
Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, 2017. vi, 234 hlm. : ilus. ; 25 cm

C. Langkah-Langkah Pembelajaran
Kegiatan Pendahuluan (15 Menit)

 Membuka pelajaran dengan salam pembuka dan berdoa, memeriksa kehadiran

peserta didik sebagai sikap disiplin.
 Mengaitkan materi/tema/kegiatan pembelajaran yang akan dilakukan dengan
pengalaman peserta didik dengan materi/tema/kegiatan sebelumnya serta mengajukan
pertanyaan untuk mengingat dan menghubungkan dengan materi selanjutnya.
 Menyampaikan motivasi tentang apa yang dapat diperoleh (tujuan & manfaat)
dengan mempelajari materi: Stating Rules and Obligations
 Menjelaskan hal-hal yang akan dipelajari, kompetensi yang akan dicapai, serta
metode belajar yang akan ditempuh,

Kegiatan Inti (90 Menit)

Kegiatan Literasi Peserta didik diberi motivasi dan panduan untuk melihat, mengamati,
membaca dan mengindentifikasi. Mereka diberi gambar atau materi
bahan ajar terkait Stating Rules and Obligations.

Critical Thinking Guru memberikan kesempatan untuk mengidentifikasi sebanyak

mungkin hal yang belum dipahami, dimulai dari pertanyaan faktual
sampai ke pertanyaan yang bersifat hipotetik. Pertanyaan ini harus
tetap berkaitan dengan materi Stating Rules and Obligations

Collaboration Peserta didik diminta untuk mendiskusikan dan membuat sebuah

percakapan singkat mengenai materi Stating Rules and Obligations
bersama teman sebangkunya sehingga menjadi beberapa kelompok

Communication Peserta didik maju kedepan kelas untuk mempresentasikan

percakapan singkat terkait materi Stating Rules and Obligations yang
sudah mereka buat bersama teman sebangkunya.

Creativity Guru dan peserta didik membuat kesimpulan tentang hal-hal yang
telah dipelajari terkait materi Stating Rules and Obligations. Peserta
didik kemudian diberi kesempatan untuk menanyakan kembali hal-
hal yang belum dipahami

Kegiatan Penutup (15 Menit)

 Guru dan peserta didik membuat rangkuman/simpulan pelajaran.tentang point-point

penting yang muncul dalam kegiatan pembelajaran yang baru dilakukan.
 Guru memberikan evaluasi berkenaan dengan materi pembelajaran.
 Guru menutup pembelajaran dan mengingatkan siswa untuk mempelajari kembali
materi pembelajaran secara mandiri.

D. Penilaian Hasil Pembelajaran

 Penilaian Pengetahuann berupa tes tertulis pilihan ganda & tertulis uraian, tes lisan /
observasi terhadap diskusi tanya jawab dan percakapan serta penugasan
 Penilaian Keterampilan berupa penilaian unjuk kerja, penilaian proyek, penilaian
produk dan penilaian portofolio

Banjarmasin, 16 Maret 2021


NIM. 1910117210010

Materi Pembelajaran
Stating Rules and Obligation
Rules means something we need to follow and Obligation means something we need to do.
Rules and Obligation is an expression in English that is used to express or state a must. In real
life, those often appear in everyday conversations, for example at home, at school, or at work.

To state the rules and obligation, we can use "must" and for the negative form we can use
"must not". The sentence pattern of Stating Rules and Obligation is:
 (+) Positive
Subject + Must + Verb 1 + Object
 (-) Negative
Subject + Must Not + Verb 1 + Object

Example of Stating Rules and Obligation

a. Postive Form (Subject + must + verb 1 + object)
1. We must study hard for examination
2. You must knock the door
3. All students must wear uniform in the school
b. Negative Form (Subject + must + verb 1 + object)
1. You must not come late
2. Students must not sleep in the class
3. Teacher must not smoke at school

Example of Dialogue “Stating Rules and Obligation”

A. Adina: Siska, lower your voice. We must not speak loudly in the library.
Siska: Oh, sorry.

B. Sarah: Wait a minute. I forgot to bring my cell phone.

Laila: What? We must not bring cell phones to school.
Soal Latihan

Make a dialogue with your chairmate related to the expression of Rules and Obligations. We
will practice it in front of classwork after you have done.

Soal Evaluasi

“What is the meaning of Rules?”

“What is the meaning of Obligations?”
“What is Rules and Obligation means?”
“Mention the sentence pattern of Rules and Obligation!”

Teaching Script
 Teacher (T) greets students (Ss), and checking their attendance
T : Good Afternoon, Students. How are you? Glad to see you guys again in this meeting.
Then, before we start our meeting today, (point someone), Can you lead praying?
T : Anyone absent today? If there is not, please don’t forget sign your presence in Simari.
Guys. Are you ready to learn today?

 T motivates students (Ss) by showing some pictures and asking some questions
about them

Figure 2

Figure 1
“Students, look at this. What do you think is it about?”
“What is it means?” (Teacher point a rules in Figure 1)
“Nice, Do you know about school rules and obligations?” (Yes)
“If you have ever seen, Let me know one rules that you remember in school.” (Don’t come
late) “This is other examples of school rules” (Teacher shows figure number 2)
“Great, Now.. look at this. Where will you see this rules?” (Teacher show figure number 3)
“Okay, good students. According to my questions, we’re going to learn about Rules and
Obligation. So, After following the learning process, you are expected to be able to express or
state the rules and obligations according to the context of use correctly.”

 T explain to students (Ss) by showing a PPT and asking some questions about
Stating Rules and Obligation.
“Now, I want to share a PowerPoint in out whatsapp group. I will explain to you about Stating
Rules and Obligation. Please pay attention to me.” (Teacher explains the material and the

“You are doing well students. Now, is there any questions?”

“If there is no questions, you can look for others example about Stating Rules and Obligation
for improving your knowledge. You can do it by yourself or discussing with your friends here.
I will give you 5 minutes to explore more about Stating Rules and Obligation. Is it enough?”

 T gives students (Ss) time to explore more about Stating Rules and Obligation.

“Time’s up. You have explore and listen my explanation about Stating Rules and Obligation.
So far, is everything clear?

 T asks students (Ss) to make a dialogue related to Stating Rules and Obligation in
pairs and present it in front of class
“Great, students. Now, I want you to do make a dialogue “Stating Rules and Obligation” based
on example we have learn today. Please do it with your chairmate. I will give you 10 minutes,
start from now. If there is something you don't understand, feel free to ask”

“Have you done, students? If you have done, we will practice it with each partner in front of
class. Start from...” (Teacher choose students sequentially according to the table)

“Good Job everyone. Is there any question about Stating Rules and Obligation again?”

“Okay, students. By the end of the question and answer session, I hope you can understand
about the use of Stating Rules and Obligation and like to speak, practice or express about
Stating Rules and Obligation.”

 T asks students (Ss) questions about what they have learnt today and summarize
“Next, We summarize today's lesson. So, What have we learnt today?”
“What is the meaning of Rules?”
“What is the meaning of Obligations?”
“What is Rules and Obligation means?”
“Mention the sentence pattern of Rules and Obligation!”

 T ends the classroom

“You are all doing well today. Alright, I think this is the end of our lesson. Thank you for
attending this class, hope you all understand what we have learn today. Stay safe and stay
healthy. “
“Study hard, students. Good bye. See you on next meeting.”

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