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Kajian Trend Dalam Desain

Disusun oleh
I Kadek Dwi Noorwatha, M.Ds

What Is Trend ?
Originally trend was an Old English word
to turn. (Vejlgaard, 2008: 6)
a trend is a process of change that (sometimes)
comes about because of product development
that(sometimes) results in new products
(Vejlgaard, 2008: 8).
Gaya Mutakhir (Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia)
Dalam Konteks Bisnis: Sebuah Pola dari
perubahan yang kurun waktu tahunan dalam
sebuah kondisi, output (hasil), proses atau
sebuah nilai rata-rata atau kecenderungan
secara umum dari data yang bersifat serial yang
bergerak pada arah tertentu pada satuan waktu
tertentu, digambarkan dengan garis, kurva atau
grafik (

Transformasi Trends Dalam

Industri Fashion

Needs Vs Wants: The Battle


Teori Kebutuhan (Needs)

Abraham Maslow

Dalam Perspektif Marketing

Needs-Kebutuhan Fundamental dalam aspek bertahan hidup dan
sosialisasi (makhluk individu dan sosial)
Wants-Desires shaped by culture and individual personality
Demands-wants backed by purchasing power
Given their resources, people demand products with the benefits that
give them the most satisfaction
Desire+Ablity+Willingness+Authority=Effective Demand
Kemampuan-Mempunyai sumber daya untuk dipertukarkan
Willingness-Keinginan untuk menukarkan sumber daya
Mempunyai kapasistas legal untuk memasuki pertukaran

3 Bentuk kekuasaan yang beroperasi di belakang

produksi dan konsumsi objek-objek estetik (dalam
konteks konsumerisme)

Kekuasaan Kapital (Pemilik

Perusahaan/Industri, Celebrity,
Penguasa, Pemegang Modal)
Kekuasaan Produser (Desainer,
Perusahaan Desain, Industri, Tukang)
Kekuasaan Media Massa (TV, Radio,
Film, Internet) (Piliang, 2010)

Konsumsi dapat juga dipandang sebagai satu fenomena tak
sadar (unconscious) yang dengan demikian masuk ke arah
Dalam Psikoanalisis, konsumsi dapat dipandang sebagai satu
proses reproduksi hasrat dan reproduksi pengalaman bawah
sadar yang bersifat primordial.
Konsumsi mengingatkan seseorang kembali pada rangsanganransangan tak sadar yang dialami pertama kali secara primordial.
Ini dalam bentuk kesenangan seksual yang timbul pertama kali
ketika berhubungan dengan objek seksual (menyusui).
Konsumsi adalah substitusi atau pengganti dari kesenangan yang
hilang tersebut, yang tersimpan dalam bentuk tak sadar (Yasraf
Amir Piliang, 2010: 146)

Tatacara Ramalan Tren

(Trend Forecasting)

Trend-Spotting Clues
(VejlGaard, 2008: 27).
Trends are always created by people, so trend spotting is about
watching people who create or are preoccupied with new and
innovative styles.
Trend spotting is possible because the key element in the
development of any trend is observing, either in real life or in
the media. What the trendsetters observe, we can also
A new trend has almost always been simmering for some time
before it starts boiling.
If a new, innovative style is visible in two (or more) industries
at the same time, it is likely to be a trend.
A new trend is often a reaction to what has become
mainstream or what has been on the market for many years.
Changes in style often go from one end of the style spectrum
to the other.

Current Interior Design Issues

(Slotkis & Ankerson, 2006)
Comfort Zone
Mind, Body, Soul

Comfort Zone
entertaining is part of this
trend, which has helped
restore the popularity of the
sectional sofa. This trend is
also seen in the design of
public spaces, such as
houses, which stimulate a

Mind, Body, Soul

Two seemingly disparate
tendencies both have a
interior design. The first is
one that promotes wellbeing, spirituality and
renewal. The other is one
that promotes indulgence
and luxury living, though
not necessarily as decadent
as that of the ancient

Interest continues to shift away
from the minimalist Bauhaus style
and toward a less austere style of
modern design, including mid-20th
century and contemporary design.
There is a feeling of nostalgia for
1950s, 1960s, 1970s, 1970s and
even the 1980s. Although dark
moods and experiences were
associated with those decades,
many people view with fondness
the lighthearted life of those years.

Many regions worldwide have long
histories of cross-cultural ties, at times
imposed by colonialism, that has
resulted in a variety of fusion styles. The
Caribbean, as well as Brazil, represents
a fusion of indigenous and African
heritage with European colonialism.
Hawaii, mexico, Tunisia, and morocco
are other examples of fusion cultures
that influences current style. Pattern,
texture, vitality, exuberance, and vivid
color elements are part of these styles,
as are the earthy brown spice tones.

Daftar Pustaka
Piliang, Yasraf Amir, 2010, Dunia yang Dilipat: Tamasya
melampaui Batas-Batas Kebudayaan, Bandung: Pustaka
Slotkis, Susan J. dan Ankerson, Katherine S., 2006,
Foundations of Interior Design, New York: Fairchild
Publications, Inc.
Vejlgaard, Henrik, 2008, Anatomy of Trend, New York:

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