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Fase ini merupakan fase kreatif dan yang paling menarik
dari proyek. Fase ini tidak hanya melibatkan timproyek,
tetapi juga melibatkan stakeholders yang terkait, baik internal
maupun eksternal. Setelah pilihan proses baru diidentifikasi,
kemudian dibuat simulasi, dibuat activity based costing,
perencanaan kapasitas dan menentukan kelayakan
implementasi untuk memungkinkan penyelesaian dari pilihan
yang terbaik.
Berbagai dokumen yang dapat dibuat sebagai output dalam fase ini :

• Model proses yang dirancang ulang

• Rincian Cost-Benefit Analysis dapat
• Dokumentasi yang mendukung proses
dimasukkan ke dalam Business Case
perancangan ulang
• Pembaharuan Business Case dengan manfaat
• Kebutuhan bisnis tingkat tinggi dari pilihan
dan biaya yang lebih rinci
proses baru
• Laporan yang rinci tentang langkah-langkah
• Model simulasi dan rincian Activity-Based
yang diambil
• Penyajian untuk manajemen tingkat atas
• Informasi perencanaan kapasitas
mendukung Business Case
• Konfirmasi bahwa alternatif baruakan
• Perencanaan komunikasi awal untuk
memenuhi harapan stakeholder
diinformasikan ke seluruh Stakeholder
• Konfirmasi bahwa pilihan proses baru
• Dokumen awal People Change Management
konsisten dengan strategi organisasi
• Laporan analisa kesenjangan proses
It is important to keep the relevant
stakeholders informed about the scope of
the Innovate phase, the options being
considered, and their status.
2. Management kick-off workshop
It is necessary to start this phase with a workshop involving the project sponsor and other senior
business leaders, to determine and understand the organization’s strategy and process goals
associated with the project, and the area of the business being redesigned.

Process goals
It is during this workshop, early in the While ‘workshopping’ the Innovate
Innovate phase, that the critical options, be clear about the
questions of Innovate options are establishment of the goals.
asked and answered – questions
regarding the timeframes and the
options to be considered.

People change
Automation Success checklist
management strategy

When reviewing the possible There will be a need to Documenting the success
future options available to the gain a thorough checklist is important in
organization and the project, understanding of the determining the scope for
BPM automation, and organizations capacity for the redesign of the
especially workflow, is often change, its willingness to business processes.
raised as a possible, or change and then agree an
desirable, option. appropriate approach.
Management workshop
The preparation for this workshop As a minimum, the outcomes of this
should include distributing the executive workshop must provide a
following information, which will have clear way forward (set of rules) for
previously been developed, to all the Innovate phase
participants 3 project set-up

This step requires a quick review of the current project plan to

ensure that, as a result of Step 2, you have the correct people in
the Innovate workshops from a project team and business
4. External stakeholder
focus groups
External stakeholders are
defined as being ‘external’ to
the business unit/area being
reviewed within the project.
They will include other
stakeholders within the
organization but external to
the business unit/area, and
stakeholders external to the
5. Initial Innovate
This is where the project changes from analysis (as
undertaken in the Understand phase) to creative
(synthesis of new ideas, and being innovative).

• Workshop planning : The timeframes associated with

each redesign scenario in the Innovate workshop should
have been clearly agreed during the executive
• Potential results : What results can you expect from
these innovate workshops? Obviously, this will depend
upon the organization; however, we provide here an
example of the results we have experienced.
6. Future process metrics
Having completed the Innovate workshops and
modeled the new processes, it is time to ensure that
there is an understanding of the potential operational
costs for these new processes and then validate
them in relation to the business case.
7. Simulations
Simulation is one method of determining the feasibility and
efficiency of the proposed redesigned process options.
Simulation can also be used to test the logic and
consistency of processes before their implementation.
8. People The completion of this step

change will significantly influence or

direct the outcome of Step 9,
management as will the outcome of Step 9
influence Step 8 potentially
strategy aniterative process between
the two steps.
9. Update people
capability matrix
Ep 6 in the Understand phase discussed the
need to create a people capability matrix. The
matrix (Figure 16.4) needs to be reviewed, or
created, for the future new process(es). This
information will then be used in the People
phase, to be compared with the matrix of the
current people capabilities developed in the
Understand phase.

Capacity planning can be useful from two

different perspectives. First, it is about
planning to ensure that the right number of
rightly skilled people is available at the right
time to meet customer and organization
needs. Secondly, it will provide input into the
establishment of the performance
measurements goals to be established in the
People phase for individuals, teams and
11. Workshop
The project team should have narrowed down the
process options to a smaller number, and the purpose
of the next set of workshops is to gather all the
stakeholders together to determine whether the
proposed options meet all the stakeholder needs.
Further analysis is necessary to 12. Demonstrate
and validate
ensure that the redesigned options
are operationally viable (or

feasibility of
• Will the new process be able to

be supported from an IT

• Will the business be able to
function efficiently and effectively
as a result of the new process?
13. Process gap analysis
It is extremely useful to develop a gap
analysis between the Understand and
new Innovate processes.

14. Identify benefits and update business case

The initial business case written during the
Launch pad phase will have identified
some of the estimated benefits.
15. Report and presentations
This is where the reports and/or
presentations are developed, to support the
business case, for delivery to senior
management for approval.

16. Approvals
This is the step where the organization approves the
recommended options. Each organization will have its own
process to follow for the approval of a business case, and
this should have been clarified and taken into account during
the Launch pad phase of the project.

17. Business requirements

The writing of the business requirements is simply the further
development of the documentation supporting the process
models. This is to be provided to the Develop phase.
Fase Inovasi akan memberikan input yang berharga
ke fase-fase lain dari kerangka kerja dan kami

menyertakan beberapa contoh di sini:

• pengetahuan dapat diperoleh yang akan berguna

OUTPUT untuk arsitektur proses dalam memodifikasi atau

meningkatkan standar atau pedoman untuk
• peluang dapat muncul yang memberikan umpan
balik untuk memodifikasi strategi organisasi -
misalnya, sumber daya yang mendalam untuk
proses di mana organisasi secara operasional
sangat baik
• Pengetahuan lebih lanjut tentang bagaimana
mengatur peran akan diungkapkan dalam fase
• inovasi adalah input utama ke dalam fase
Pembangunan, dan akan memberikan lebih
banyak ide tentang bagaimana perubahan yang
diusulkan dapat diimplementasikan.
Fase ini memberikan peluang terjadinya inovasi;
Namun, ada beberapa risiko yang harus
dipertimbangkan dan strategi mitigasi
dilaksanakan untuk menghilangkan, atau
setidaknya menguranginya.
1. Unsure where to start Follow this framework

Step 2—Executive kick-off workshop needs to provide

2. The organization is too ambitious and tries too hard practical BPM process goals and scenarios. Experienced
(that is, tries to make too many changes at once) external facilitators can often ensure that the scope is
practical without fear of internal conflict

Step 2—Executive kick-off workshop needs to provide

3. Too many innovate options are selected—for example,
practical BPM process goals. Experienced external
three-, six-, twelve- and twenty-four-month options for
facilitators can often ensure that the scope is practical
both automated and non-automated
without fear of internal conflict

The Organization strategy phase provides direction for

this phase; however, it is Step 2 (executive kick-off
4. The organization does not have a vision for the
workshop) that provides the detail. Again an experienced
Innovate phase and is unable to establish process goals
facilitator can assist in overcoming this risk

5. The scope for the innovate phase is too small Follow this framework

Step 2—Executive kick-off workshop needs to

6. Stakeholder expectations and needs are not provide practical BPM process goals and scenarios.
considered Experienced external facilitators can often ensure that
the scope is practical without fear of internal conflict

Step 2—Executive kick-off workshop needs to

7. BPM tool (or its vendor) is heading the innovation
provide practical BPM process goals. Experienced
phase, leading to the business not being optimally
external facilitators can often ensure that the scope is
practical without fear of internal conflict
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