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Imas Suparsih Nurdin., M.Pd

•Pada Pertemuan ini kita akan membahas mengenai Phrase yang terbagi ke dalam:
Nouns Phrase
Verbs Phrase
Adjective Phrase
Adverbial Phrase
Prepositional Phrase
Untuk dapat memahami phrase secara baik, ada baiknya pembahasan
mengenai phrase ini dilakukan bersamaan dengan penjelasan mengenai
clause yang sebenarnya merupakan topik pada pertemuan berikut.
 Phrase adalah satu atau sekelompok kata yang tidak mempunyai
subjek dan kata kerja.
Contoh: in the box
 Clause adalah sekelompok kata yang mempunyai subjek dan
predikat (kata kerja).
Contoh: she sleeps

• Coba perhatikan contoh berikut.

 She is afraid of Mickey Mouse clown. 
 Kalimat di atas memiliki dua bagian, yaitu “She is afraid” dan “of Mickey Mouse clown”. 
 Bagian pertama dari kalimat di atas, “She is afraid”, adalah sebuah clause karena bagian tersebut
memiliki subjek (She) dan predicate (is afraid).
 Bagian kedua kalimat tersebut, “of Mickey Mouse clown”, adalah phrase karena bagian tersebut
tidak memiliki subjek dan kata kerja.
 Perbedaan antara clause dan phrase adalah bahwa clause terdiri dari subjek dan kata kerja secara
bersamaan, tetapi phrase tidak memiliki subjek dan kata kerja secara bersamaan.

• Bagian yang digaris-bawahi pada kalimat berikut ini merupakan clause, sementara
bagian lainnya (yang tidak digaris-bawahi adalah merupakan phrase.
•          Rina arrived at school on time.
         Reni was sitting near a window.
         Dian and Doni are singing in a soft voice.
         Reza made coffee for the visitors.
         Salim bought a wallet for his teacher.

Terdapat banyak jenis phrase dan clause. Langkah pertama untuk bisa
mengidentifikasi perbedaan tersebut adalah dengan memahami perbedaan antara
phrase dan clause.
• Phrase adalah satu atau lebih kata yang saling berhubungan. Kata atau sekelompok
kata tersebut berfungsi sebagai satu kesatuan, tetapi tidak memiliki subjek dan kata
kerja secara bersamaan.

• Contoh Phrase
1. the girl on the train (noun phrase)
2. will be watching (verb phrase)
3. in the attic (prepositional phrase)
4. very smoothly (adverb phrase)
5. Dony and Riana (noun phrase)
Noun Phrase

• Noun Phrase bisa terdiri dari hanya sebuah kata benda atau sebuah kata ganti
The girl on the bus
Verb Phrase

• Verb Phrase bisa terdiri dari hanya sebuah kata kerja atau kata kerja + kata
 like to have gold
 am exhausted
 is wearing  denim pants
 is getting early
 is awake
Verb Phrase

• Apabila Noun Phrase (NP) digabungkan dengan Verb Phrase (VP) menggunakan contoh sebelumnya, maka
akan membentuk sebuah kalimat:
• Contoh:
 NP: people
 VP: like to have gold
 NP+VP: People like to have gold. (Kalimat)
 NP: I
 VP: am exhausted
 NP+VP: I am exhausted
Verb Phrase

• NP: The girl on the train

• VP: is wearing denim pants
NP+VP: The girl on the train is wearing denim pants.
NP: it
VP: is getting early
NP+VP: It is getting early.
NP: he
VP: awake
NP+VP: He is awake.
Adjective Phrase

• Adjective phrase adalah frasa yang diawali dengan kata sifat, atau diakhiri dengan
kata sifat, atau bisa juga kata sifatnya berada di tengah, seperti:
 very happy
 quite happy about it
Adverbial Phrase

• Adverbial phrase adalah frasa yang berfungsi sebagai adverb pada sebuah kalimat, seperti:
 surprising well
 very carefully
 over the rainbow
 to make the most of it
 to understand better
 as quickly as possible
Prepossional Phrase

• Prepositional phrase adalah frasa yang yang dimulai dengan sebuah preposition, seperti:
 through the garden
 at home
 Along the way
 on the bathroom floor
 from my friend
 about the right answer

• Aston, P. 1997. Sea. London: Robinson Publishing Limited.

• Mardiani, SE. Suharyati, H. 2016. Bahasa Inggris 1. Tangerang Selatan: Universitas Terbuka.
• Megginson, D. ( grammar/nouns.html), 4 April 2012.

• Pancasila as Ideology and Characteristics Civic Education in Indonesia

Pancasila as the basis of the country and the view of the nation that serves as a
unifying life of a pluralistic state. The five principles of Pancasila are Belief in the
one and only God, A just and civilized humanity, The unity of Indonesia, Democracy, 
led by the wisdom of the representatives of the people, Social justice for all
Indonesian people. These five values are contained in the Indonesian state
constitution, namely in the opening part of the 1945 Constitution paragraph IV 
(Kymlicka, 2001). 

The implementation and actualization of Pancasila in the community are very

important for the survival of the life of the nation and state in Indonesia because it
contains social values and virtues. According to Sastrapetedja (2007), Pancasila can
be actualized through educational channels which is a contextualizing mediation that
implementation of Pancasila must be through interpretation, internalization of
socialization. Basic education to higher education plays an important role in
maintaining and developing Pancasila values in the life of the nation and state
(Triyanto et al, 2012).

Provision 37 clause (2) Law No. 20 of 2003 concerning the National Education
System in Indonesia state that must include the curriculum for Religious Education,
Citizenship Education, and Indonesian Language. Based on this we understand that
schools have an important role and role that is so strategic in transferring and
transforming civic education, therefore schools are called the most influential
political socialization institutions or agents. (Fagan, 2016). Conceptually Citizenship
Education aims to prepare young people to become good citizens, citizens who have
the knowledge, skills, and values needed to actively participate in their communities.

Civic Education is a study of theories or disciplines that describe the rights and
obligations of citizens in their role and position as good citizens. Good citizens are
citizens who are aware of their rights and obligations. With an awareness of their
rights and obligations, a citizen is expected to be critical, participatory, and
responsible. Pancasila and Citizenship Education (PPKn) is the Indonesian version of
Civic education which has a function in empowering citizens in every life of the
nation and state based on Pancasila (Cholisin, 2005).

• Jawablah pertanyaan di bawah ini, berdasarkan teks di atas.

1. Why Pancasila is important for Indonesian people?
2. How is the actualization of Pancasila in the education sector?
3. What are the five principles of Pancasila?
4. How can Pancasila make young people become a good citizens?
5. What is meant by a responsible citizen?
Exercise (homework)
• Pancasila comprises five abstract principles: 
(1) Belief in the one and only God. 
(2) A just and civilized humanity. 
(3) The unity of Indonesia.
(4) Democracy,  led by the wisdom of the representatives of the people, 
(5) Social justice for all Indonesian people.
Pilihlah satu sila di atas, dan buat lima kalimat yang menggambarkan pengamalan dari sila
tersebut. Dari kalimat yang dibuat, tandailah mana yang menrapan Nouns Phrase, Verbs
Phrase, Adjective Phrase, Adverbial Phrase, Prepositional Phrase
Exercise (homework)

Exercise (homework)

• Buatlah video singkat dan sederhana berdasar tulisan anda mengenai
pengamalan sila Pancasila yang telah anda buat pada tugas writing.

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