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Bunga Aulya Rahmi
dr. Sri Marhaeni Sp.THT K-L


Bab 1. Pendahuluan

 Rinosinusitis merupakan proses peradangan yang melibatkan mukosa hidung dan sinus paranasal.
Rinosinusitis dibagi menjadi kelompok akut, subakut dan kronik
 Rinosinusitis kronik adalah salah satu kondisi medis kronis yang paling umum di seluruh dunia,
mempengaruhi semua kelompok umur. Insidensinya diperkirakan 12,3% di Amerika, 10,9% di Eropa dan
13% di Cina. Rinosinusitis kronik juga merupakan kondisi yang menyebabkan penurunan kualitas hidup
pasien secara signifikan
 Rinosinusitis kronik merupakan masalah multifaktorial dalam melibatkan berbagai faktor host dan non-host.
Peran faktor-faktor seperti alergi, infeksi jamur dan bakteri enterotoksin memerlukan penelitian lebih lanjut.
Jelas bahwa faktor-faktor ini harus diperhitungkan dalam diagnosis dan penatalaksanaan rinosinusitis kronik
jangka panjang
Bab II. Tinjauan pustaka

2.1 Definisi rinosinusitis kronik

Rhinosinusitis adalah peradangan simtomatis pada sinus paranasales dan cavum nasi.
Rhinosinusitis dibagi menjadi dua berdasarkan durasinya yaitu akut dan kronis. Disebut akut jika
durasinya kurang dari 4 minggu, atau kronis jika durasinya berlangsung selama 12 minggu atau

Dan ditandai dengan dua atau lebih gejala dan keluhan berupa:
 Hidung tersumbat/ obstruksi/ kongesti atau nasal discharge (anterior, posterior nasal drip).
 Nyeri atau tekanan pada wajah.
 Berkurangnya atau hilangnya sensasi penciuman.

Dan adanya peradangan ditandai dengan ditemukannya satu atau lebih hal-hal berikut ini:
 Mukus yang purulen atau edema di meatus nasi medius atau regio ethmoidalis anterior
 Polip pada cavum nasi atau meatus nasi medius, dan atau
 Pemeriksaan radiologis menunjukkan adanya peradangan pada sinus paranasal.
Anatomi Cavum Nasi

Gambar 1. Dinding Lateral dari Cavum Nasi Dextra.8

Anatomi sinus paranasal
2.3 Epidemiologi
Data dari Departemen Kesehatan Republik Indonesia tahun 2013
menyatakan bahwa penyakit hidung dan sinus berada pada urutan ke-25
dari 50 pola penyakit peringkat utama atau sekitar 102.817 penderita rawat
jalan di rumah sakit. Data dari Departemen Ilmu Kesehatan Telinga
Hidung dan Tenggorok Bedah Kepala dan Leher (THT-KL) RS. Cipto
Mangunkusumo menunjukkan angka kejadian rinosinusitis yang tinggi,
yaitu 300 penderita (69%) dari 435 penderita rawat jalan poli rinologi
yang datang selama periode Januari– Agustus 2005. Data di bagian
Rinologi-Alergi THT-KL Rumah Sakit Hasan Sadikin pada tahun 2011
tercatat 46% kasus rinosinusitis.
2.4 Etiologi
Infographic Style
Content Here
Easy to change colors, photos and Text. Get a
modern PowerPoint Presentation that is beautifully
designed. Content Here
Easy to change colors, photos and Text. Get a
modern PowerPoint Presentation that is beautifully
Content Here designed.
Easy to change colors, photos and Text. Get a
modern PowerPoint Presentation that is beautifully
designed. Content Here
Easy to change colors, photos and Text. Get a
modern PowerPoint Presentation that is beautifully
Content Here designed.
Easy to change colors, photos and Text. Get a
modern PowerPoint Presentation that is beautifully
Simple Portfolio
Your Text Here
You can simply impress your audience and add a
unique zing and appeal to your Presentations. Easy
to change colors, photos and Text.
Your Picture Here

Your Text Here

You can simply impress your audience and add a
unique zing and appeal to your Presentations. Easy
to change colors, photos and Text.

Your Text Here

You can simply impress your audience and add a
unique zing and appeal to your Presentations. Easy
to change colors, photos and Text.
NO.1 Presentation

We Create
Professional Presentation
Get a modern PowerPoint Presentation that is beautifully designed. I hope
and I believe that this Template will your Time, Money and Reputation. Easy to
change colors, photos and Text. Get a modern PowerPoint Presentation that
is beautifully designed.

01 02 03
Text Here Text Here Text Here
Easy to change Easy to change Easy to change
colors. colors. colors.

Modern Presentation
Portfolio Presentation
Portfolio Your Text Here
You can simply impress your
audience and add a unique zing

Presentation and appeal to your Presentations.

Your Text Here
Designed You can simply impress your
audience and add a unique zing
and appeal to your Presentations.

Your Text Here

You can simply impress your
audience and add a unique zing and
appeal to your Presentations.
Your Text Here
You can simply impress your
audience and add a unique zing and
appeal to your Presentations.
Your Text Here
You can simply impress your
audience and add a unique zing and 05
appeal to your Presentations.
Infographic Style

Add Contents Title

Get a modern PowerPoint Presentation
that is beautifully designed. I hope and I
believe that this Template will your Time,
Money and Reputation. Easy to change
colors, photos and Text. You can simply
impress your audience.

75% 35% 50% 85% Add Contents Title

 Get a modern PowerPoint
 Get a modern PowerPoint
 Get a modern PowerPoint
Option A Option B Option C Option D  Get a modern PowerPoint
Infographic Style

$40 $30 $ 120 $20 $50


Content Content
Content Content Content

Content here Content here Content here

Get a modern Get a modern Get a modern
PowerPoint PowerPoint PowerPoint
Presentation that is Presentation that is Presentation that is
beautifully designed. beautifully designed. beautifully designed.
Infographic Style

Text Here Text Here Text Here Text Here

Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text

content content content content content content content content

Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text

content content content content content content content content

Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text

content content content content content content content content

content content content content content content content content

Infographic Style
Get a modern PowerPoint Presentation that is beautifully designed. I hope and I believe
that this Template will your Time.

You can simply impress your audience and add a unique zing and
appeal to your Presentations. Get a modern PowerPoint
Presentation that is beautifully designed.

Your Contents Here

You can simply impress your audience and add a unique zing and appeal
to your Presentations. Easy to change colors, photos.

Your Contents Here

You can simply impress your audience and add a unique zing and appeal
to your Presentations. Easy to change colors, photos.

Your Contents Here

You can simply impress your audience and add a unique zing and appeal
to your Presentations. Easy to change colors, photos.
Infographic Style
Your Text Here
You can simply impress your
audience and add a unique zing.

Contents Here

Your Text Here Your Text Here

You can simply impress your Contents Here Contents Here You can simply impress your
audience and add a unique zing audience and add a unique zing
and appeal to your Presentations. and appeal to your Presentations.

Contents Here Contents Here

Your Text Here Your Text Here

You can simply impress your You can simply impress your
audience and add a unique zing audience and add a unique zing
and appeal to your Presentations. and appeal to your Presentations.
We Create
PPT Presentation
Your Picture Here Get a modern PowerPoint Presentation that is beautifully designed.
I hope and I believe that this Template will your Time. Easy to
change colors, photos. You can simply impress your audience and
add a unique zing and appeal to your Presentations. Easy to
change colors, photos.

You can simply impress your audience and add a unique zing and
appeal to your Presentations.

Content Here Content Here

Get a modern PowerPoint Get a modern PowerPoint
Presentation that is Presentation that is
beautifully designed. beautifully designed.
Infographic Style
Your Text Here
You can simply impress your audience and add a
unique zing and appeal to your Presentations.

Your Text Here

You can simply impress your audience and add a
unique zing and appeal to your Presentations.

Your Text Here

You can simply impress your audience and add a
unique zing and appeal to your Presentations.

Your Text Here

You can simply impress your audience and add a
unique zing and appeal to your Presentations.

Your Text Here

You can simply impress your audience and add a
unique zing and appeal to your Presentations.
Infographic Style
Your Text Here
You can simply impress your audience
and add a unique zing and appeal to
your Presentations. 01
Your Text Here
You can simply impress your audience
and add a unique zing and appeal to
02 your Presentations.
Your Text Here
You can simply impress your audience
and add a unique zing and appeal to
your Presentations.
Your Text Here
03 You can simply impress your audience
and add a unique zing and appeal to
your Presentations.
Your Text Here
You can simply impress your audience 04
and add a unique zing and appeal to
your Presentations.
Infographic Style

Contents Here

You can simply impress your audience and add a unique zing and appeal to your Presentations. Easy to change
colors, photos and Text. Get a modern PowerPoint Presentation that is beautifully designed. I hope and I believe
that this Template will your Time, Money and Reputation. Get a modern PowerPoint Presentation that is
beautifully designed. I hope and I believe that this Template will your Time, Money and Reputation. You can
simply impress your audience and add a unique zing and appeal to your Presentations.

Contents Here
Your Picture Here
Content A - 40%

Content B - 70%

Content C - 30%

Content D - 90%
Infographic Style
You can simply impress your audience and add a unique zing and appeal 100
to your Presentations. I hope and I believe that this Template will your 90
Time, Money and Reputation. 80
60% 90% 10
Category 1 Category 2 Category 3 Category 4

You can simply impress your audience and add a unique zing
and appeal to your Presentations.

You can simply impress your audience and add a unique zing
and appeal to your Presentations.

80% 70% You can simply impress your audience and add a unique zing
and appeal to your Presentations.

You can simply impress your audience and add a unique zing
and appeal to your Presentations.
Your Picture Here and Send to Back
Infographic Style
Content Here
Get a modern PowerPoint Presentation that is Content Here
beautifully designed. I hope and I believe that this
Template will your Time. Get a modern PowerPoint Presentation that is
beautifully designed. I hope and I believe that
this Template will your Time.

Content Here
Content Here
Get a modern PowerPoint Presentation that is
Get a modern PowerPoint Presentation that is
beautifully designed. I hope and I believe that this
beautifully designed. I hope and I believe that
Template will your Time.
this Template will your Time.

Content Here
Get a modern PowerPoint Presentation that is
beautifully designed. I hope and I believe that
this Template will your Time.
Get a modern PowerPoint Presentation that is beautifully designed.
Easy to change colors, photos and Text. You can simply impress
your audience and add a unique zing and appeal to your

You can simply impress your audience and add a
unique zing and appeal to your Presentations.

You can simply impress your audience and add a
unique zing and appeal to your Presentations.

Infographic Style

Text Here Text Here Text Here

Text Here Text Here Text Here

Get a modern Get a modern Get a modern Get a modern Get a modern Get a modern
PowerPoint PowerPoint PowerPoint PowerPoint PowerPoint PowerPoint
Presentation Presentation Presentation Presentation Presentation Presentation
that is that is that is that is that is that is
beautifully beautifully beautifully beautifully beautifully beautifully
designed. designed. designed. designed. designed. designed.
Your Picture Here and Send to Back

You can simply impress your audience and add a unique zing and
ALLPPT Layout appeal to your Presentations. Get a modern PowerPoint
Presentation that is beautifully designed. Easy to change colors,

Clean Text Slide

photos and Text.

for your Easy to change colors, photos.

Presentation Your Contents Here

Infographic Style

40% Add Text

You can simply impress your audience and add a unique zing
and appeal to your Presentations. Get a modern PowerPoint
Presentation that is beautifully designed.

Add Text
You can simply impress your audience and add a unique zing
and appeal to your Presentations. Get a modern PowerPoint
Presentation that is beautifully designed.

Add Text
You can simply impress your audience and add a unique zing
and appeal to your Presentations. Get a modern PowerPoint
10% Presentation that is beautifully designed.

20% Add Text
You can simply impress your audience and add a unique zing
and appeal to your Presentations. Get a modern PowerPoint
30% Presentation that is beautifully designed.
Infographic Style

You can simply impress your audience and add a unique zing and appeal
to your Presentations.

You can simply impress your audience and add a unique zing and appeal
to your Presentations.

You can simply impress your audience and add a unique zing and appeal
to your Presentations.

You can simply impress your audience and add a unique zing and appeal
to your Presentations.
Modern Portfolio Designed

Your Picture Here

Success Business
You can simply impress your audience and add a unique zing and ap-
peal to your Presentations.

Content Here Content Here

Content Here Content Here

Infographic Style
Your Text Here Your Text Here Your Text Here Your Text Here

Simple Simple Simple Simple

PowerPoint Presen- PowerPoint Presen- PowerPoint Presen- PowerPoint Presen-
tation tation tation tation

You can simply im- You can simply im- You can simply im- You can simply im-
press your audience press your audience press your audience press your audience
and add a unique and add a unique and add a unique and add a unique
zing and appeal to zing and appeal to zing and appeal to zing and appeal to
your Presentations your Presentations your Presentations your Presentations

$7,000 $5,000 $3,000 $6,000

Infographic Style
Your Text Here Your Text Here Your Text Here Your Text Here Your Text Here
You can simply impress You can simply impress You can simply impress You can simply impress You can simply impress
your audience and add a your audience and add a your audience and add a your audience and add a your audience and add a
unique zing and appeal to unique zing and appeal to unique zing and appeal to unique zing and appeal to unique zing and appeal to
your Presentations . Easy your Presentations . Easy your Presentations . Easy your Presentations . Easy your Presentations . Easy
to change colors, photos to change colors, photos to change colors, photos to change colors, photos to change colors, photos
and Text. and Text. and Text. and Text. and Text.
Clean Text Slide for
Your Picture Here
your Presentation

You can simply impress your

audience and add a unique Your Picture Here
zing and appeal to your
Presentations. Get a modern
PowerPoint Presentation that
is beautifully designed. Easy to
change colors, photos and Text.
You can simply impress your
audience and add a unique Your Picture Here
zing and appeal to your
Presentations. Easy to change
colors, photos and Text.
Infographic Style

Modern PowerPoint Presentation

Content Here

1 You can simply impress your audience and add a unique zing and
appeal to your Presentations.
Content here
Content here

Modern PowerPoint Presentation

Content Here

2 You can simply impress your audience and add a unique zing and
appeal to your Presentations.
Content here
Content here

Modern PowerPoint Presentation

Content Here
3 You can simply impress your audience and add a unique zing and
appeal to your Presentations.
Content here
Content here

Modern PowerPoint Presentation

Content Here
4 You can simply impress your audience and add a unique zing and
appeal to your Presentations.
Content here
Content here
Infographic Style
Content Here

Content Here
02 Get a modern PowerPoint Presentation that
is beautifully designed. I hope and I believe

Get a modern PowerPoint Presentation that that this Template will your Time.
is beautifully designed. I hope and I believe
that this Template will your Time.

Content Here

Get a modern PowerPoint Presentation that

is beautifully designed. I hope and I believe
that this Template will your Time.

Content Here

Get a modern PowerPoint Presentation that

is beautifully designed. I hope and I believe
that this Template will your Time.
Portfolio Presentation AWESOME
You can simply impress your audience and add a unique zing and
appeal to your Presentations. Get a modern PowerPoint
Presentation that is beautifully designed. I hope and I believe that
this Template will your Time, Money and Reputation. Get a
modern PowerPoint Presentation that is beautifully designed.

Content Here : Easy to change colors, photos and Text.

Your Picture Here

Content Here : Easy to change colors, photos and Text.

Content Here : Easy to change colors, photos and Text.

Content Here : Easy to change colors, photos and Text.

Content Here : Easy to change colors, photos and Text.

Infographic Style
Your Text Here
You can simply impress your audience and add
a unique zing and appeal to your
Your Text Here Your Text Here
You can simply impress your audience You can simply impress your audience
and add a unique zing and appeal to and add a unique zing and appeal to
your Presentations. your Presentations.

Your Text Here Your Text Here

You can simply impress your audience You can simply impress your audience
and add a unique zing and appeal to and add a unique zing and appeal to
your Presentations. your Presentations.
Infographic Style

Your Text Here

You can simply impress your audience and add a
unique zing and appeal to your Presentations.

Your Text Here

You can simply impress your audience and add a
unique zing and appeal to your Presentations.

Your Text Here

You can simply impress your audience and add a
unique zing and appeal to your Presentations.

Your Text Here

You can simply impress your audience and add a
unique zing and appeal to your Presentations.
Get a modern PowerPoint Presentation that is beautifully
designed. I hope and I believe that this Template will your Time,

We Create Money and Reputation. Easy to change colors, photos and Text.
Get a modern PowerPoint Presentation that is beautifully
designed. You can simply impress your audience and add a unique

Quality Professional zing and appeal to your Presentations. I hope and I believe that
this Template will your Time, Money and Reputation. Get a modern
PowerPoint Presentation that is beautifully designed.

PPT Presentation

You can simply impress your audience

Place Your Picture Here
and add a unique zing and appeal to
your Presentations. Easy to change
colors, photos and Text. Get a modern
PowerPoint Presentation that is
beautifully designed.

Simple Presentation
Infographic Style
Your Text Here
You can simply impress your audience and add
a unique zing and appeal to your
Presentations. Easy to change colors, photos.
Your Text Here Your Text Here
You can simply impress your audience and add You can simply impress your audience and add
a unique zing and appeal to your a unique zing and appeal to your
Presentations. Easy to change colors, photos. Presentations. Easy to change colors, photos.

Your Text Here Your Text Here

You can simply impress your audience and add You can simply impress your audience and add
a unique zing and appeal to your a unique zing and appeal to your
Presentations. Easy to change colors, photos. Presentations. Easy to change colors, photos.
Your Text Here
You can simply impress your audience and add
a unique zing and appeal to your
Presentations. Easy to change colors, photos.
Infographic Style
Simple Portfolio
Presentation Designed
You can simply impress your audience and add a unique zing and
appeal to your Presentations. I hope and I believe that this Template
will your Time, Money and Reputation. Get a modern PowerPoint
Presentation that is beautifully designed. You can simply impress
your audience and add a unique zing and appeal to your
Presentations. Easy to change colors, photos and Text.

Your Picture Here and Send to Back Text Here Text Here
Get a modern Get a modern
PowerPoint PowerPoint
Presentation that is Presentation that is
beautifully designed. beautifully designed.

Get a modern PowerPoint Presentation that is beautifully designed.

You can simply impress your audience and add a unique zing and
appeal to your Presentations.
Modern Portfolio Designed
Simple PowerPoint Presentation
ALLPPT Layout Get a modern PowerPoint Presentation that is beautifully
designed. Easy to change colors, photos and Text.
Clean Text Slide
Simple PowerPoint Presentation
for your Get a modern PowerPoint Presentation that is beautifully

designed. Easy to change colors, photos and Text.

Simple PowerPoint Presentation

Get a modern PowerPoint Presentation that is beautifully
designed. Easy to change colors, photos and Text.

Simple PowerPoint Presentation
Get a modern PowerPoint Presentation that is beautifully
designed. Easy to change colors, photos and Text.
You can simply impress your
audience and add a unique zing
and appeal to your Presentations.
You can simply impress your audience
and add a unique zing and appeal to your
Presentations. I hope and I believe that
this Template will your Time, Money and
Reputation. You can simply impress your
audience and add a unique zing and
appeal to your Presentations. You can
simply impress your audience and add a
unique zing and appeal to your
Presentations. I hope and I believe that

this Template will your Time, Money and
Reputation. You can simply impress your
audience and add a unique zing and
appeal to your Presentations. You can

simply impress your audience and add a
unique zing and appeal to your
Presentations. I hope and I believe that
this Template will your Time, Money and

Reputation. You can simply impress your
audience and add a unique zing and
appeal to your Presentations.
Column In-
You can simply impress your audience and add a
unique zing and appeal to your Presentations.
You can simply impress your audience and add a unique zing
and appeal to your Presentations. I hope and I believe that this
Template will your Time, Money and Reputation. You can simply
impress your audience and add a unique zing and appeal to your
Presentations. You can simply impress your audience and add a
unique zing and appeal to your Presentations. I hope and I
believe that this Template will your Time, Money and Reputation.
You can simply impress your audience and add a unique zing
and appeal to your Presentations. You can simply impress your
audience and add a unique zing and appeal to your
Presentations. I hope and I believe that this Template will your
Time, Money and Reputation. You can simply impress your
audience and add a unique zing and appeal to your
Thank You
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