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Introduction to Animal Production System

Tridjoko Wisnu Murti


• Dairy Science and Milk Industry

• Meat, Draught, and Companion Animals
• Poultry Science Laboratory

Faculty of Animal Science

Universitas Gadjah Mada
Dairy Science and Milk Industry Laboratory

Prof. Budi Prasetyo Prof. Tridjoko Wisnu Dr. Yuni Suranindyah Sulvia Dwi, M.Sc. Nur Laili, M.Sc.

Meat, Draught, and Companion Animals Laboratory

Prof. Endang Baliarti Prof. Nono N Prof. I Gede Suparta Dr. Panjono Dr. Tri SM Widi M. Danang, M.Si. Hamdani, M.Sc.

Poultry Science Laboratory

Dr. Heru Sasongko Prof. Wihandoyo Dr. Bambang Ariyadi Fahmi Habibi, M.Sc.
• Nama : Pengantar Sistem Produksi Ternak
IDENTITAS • Kode : PTD 2117005

MATA • Derajat
: Mata Kuliah Keilmuan dan

KULIAH • SKS : 3/0

• Status : Pilihan
• Semester : Ganjil
Deskripsi Matakuliah
Matakuliah ini mempelajari tentang dasar-
dasar dari pengembangan sistem produksi
ternak mulai dari aneka sistem produksi
(ditinjau dari tahapan pemeliharaan, intensitas
penggunaan sapronak, pemanfaatan sumber
pakan, dan kompleksitas usaha), penggunaan
teknologi, pemangku kepentingan dan pola
hubungannya, serta aspek-aspek (ekonomi,
sosial, dan lingkungan) penentu keberlanjuan
sistem produksi. Mahasiswa diarahkan untuk
menguasai dasar yang kuat untuk
mengembangkan sistem produksi ternak yang
Lecture Content
Pertemuan ke- Pokok Bahasan Sub Pokok Bahasan
1 Pendahuluan
2-5 Sistem Produksi Ternak Perah dan Industri Aneka sistem produksi, penggunaan
Persusuan teknologi, pemangku kepentingan dan
pola hubungannya, serta aspek-aspek
penentu keberlanjuan sistem produksi
ternak perah dan industri persusuan

6-9 Sistem Produksi Ternak Potong, Kerja dan Aneka sistem produksi, penggunaan
Kesayangan teknologi, pemangku kepentingan dan
pola hubungannya, serta aspek-aspek
penentu keberlanjuan sistem produksi
ternak potong, kerja, dan kesayangan

10-13 Sistem Produksi Ternak Unggas Aneka sistem produksi, penggunaan

teknologi, pemangku kepentingan dan
pola hubungannya, serta aspek-aspek
penentu keberlanjuan sistem produksi
ternak unggas
14 Wrap up sistem produksi ternak
Evaluation components (komponen evaluasi)
• Mid term examination (ujian tengah semester, UTS)
• Final examination (ujian akhir semester, UAS)
• Paper (tugas)
Score calculation (perhitungan nilai akhir)
• Score = UTS (40%) + UAS (40%) + Tugas (20% )

From primitive to modern human activity
• Primitive man first used the members of family bovidae as a source of
food. Domestication began when these animals were used as draft
animals. Milking qualities were just sufficient for rearing of young ones. As
civilization developed, feed became more abundant, methods of caring
livestock improved. Under man’s selection they acquired qualities like
rapid growth, better fat storage in body and increased milk production.
• The domestic animals reared by the modern man serve the humans by
providing food, fibre, manure, pleasures, companionship and service
besides nutrient recycling in soil and ecological stability to environment.
In recent times the animals are only source of organic farming and in
future, will serve as source of supply of inputs to many life saving
pharmaceuticals and therapeutic agents for better human health and will
be useful as animal models for biomedical research.

It is believed that livestock species such as sheep, goats, cattle, horses and other
species were domesticated about 10,000 years B.P. (Smith, 2011). The earliest evidence of
domestication of small ruminants is from bones of sheep and goats from Near East dated to
circa 10,000 years B.P. These instances of domestication were followed and in several different
and widely separated sites. Evidence indicates that domestication occurred independently in
Mesopotamia and on the Indian subcontinent (Zvelebil and Pluciennik, 2011). And, some would
argue, in Africa too (Smith, 2011). The history of early agriculture and the domestication of
crops and animals started a long association and dependence on domesticated livestock
(Squires, 2011, Olsson, 2011).
In the modern world humans still depend on the various species of domestic animals
for their daily nutrition, for sources of fiber and furs for apparel and for draught (draft) power as
well as for recreational activities (see Skinner et al., this volume). All continents, except
Antarctica raise livestock species in the service of mankind. In this chapter we will outline the
characteristics of various production systems, review their prospects and the challenges facing
From Primitive to Modern man
Importance of livestock in Agriculture
• 1. Income from livestock and poultry enterprises contribute as high as 10% of the total
national income and nearly 50% of agricultural sector income.
• 2. Effective utilization of labour – family labour is effectively utilized in animal husbandry.
• 3. Soil fertility : organic manure – promotes and maintain soil fertility.
• 4. Effective utilization- cow produces 8 tonnes of farm yard manure per year and farm
biomass farm products which includes fodder, feed, edible weed, tree fodder, bund grass
are better utilized – and converted to Edible products like – Milk, Meat and Egg.
• 5. Effective utilization of agri industrial by products. By products obtained from grain
processing (bran), oil seed process (oil cakes), pulses processing (gram, husk) and
• 6. Better standard of living : family income from livestock and poultry -‘Bankers cheque’
• 7. Inter relationship
Sistem Produksi Ternak
tergantung Lingkungan


Ternak Lahan


Livestock Production Systems
There are various classifications for defining Livestock Production Systems (LPS). The UN’s Food and
Agriculture Organisation (FAO) distinguishes between two main categories based on “solely livestock” and
“mixed farming” systems, each of which is further subdivided into two more categories, as shown in Figure
1.1.The LPS is thus based on four modes of production, namely: i) Landless livestock production, ii)
Grassland-based production, iii) Rain-fed crop and livestock production, and iv) Irrigated crop and
livestock production. Systems ii) and iii) predominate in many dryland regions Squires& Lu, 2018, Squires
Shang &Ariapour, 2016). The so-called ‘solely livestock,’ of which the grassland-based LPS is the most
common example, occurs in Greater Central Asia and parts of Africa, and is defined by the fact that over 90
per cent of the dry matter fed to animals comes from rangelands, pastures, annual forage and purchased
feed, and less than 10 per cent of the total value of production comes from non-livestock farming activities .
• There have been several serious attempts to classify livestock systems. Global livestock
production systems-classification, in its various incarnations, has been used quite widely
since such schemes were first assembled.
• The livestock production systems mapped by Thornton et al., (2002) may possibly be
better referred to as ‘potential livestock production systems’ as they distinguish 11
livestock production systems. Others suggest collapsing the Thornton et al., (2002)
classes into three: rangeland systems, mixed systems (rainfed and irrigated), and ‘other’
• Yet others suggest 5 {five}, namely --Pastoral Range-livestock Production Systems - Crop-
livestock Production Systems in the Lowlands - Crop-livestock Production Systems in the
Highlands - Ranching Systems, and - Landless Livestock Production Systems. These
landless livestock systems include the intensive landless systems, both mono-gastric (pigs
and poultry) and ruminant
The Classification of Livestock
Production Systems

The classification system of Seré and Steinfeld

(FAO, 1996) classifies livestock systems into four
types: 1) landless livestock production systems
(LL, which may be monogastric or ruminant); 2)
grassland based system (LG, in which crop-
based agriculture is minimal); 3) mixed rainfed
systems (MR, mostly rainfed cropping combined
with livestock); and 4) mixed irrigated systems
(MI, in which a significant proportion of
cropping uses irrigation and is interspersed with
livestock). The debate, about which
classification is best, continues

. In this decision tree the density of human

population is a key factor along with climatic
Different facets stand in the foreground for different
production systems. For example, the human supporting capacity
of pastoral systems in Africa, the influence of tsetse flies on
livestock productivity in the lowlands and the potential
productivity of highland and ranching systems (See map of tsetse
fly distribution in Africa – Figure 1.2).
Dairy and sheep development are the major themes for
the highlands and management issues attract more attention in
ranching systems
Crop-animal systems, which form the backbone of
agriculture in many regions of the world are discussed with
reference to their characteristics, economic importance of
animals, genesis and types of crop-animal systems, relevance and
potential importance, and priorities for research and
development. These production systems are found across all
agroecological zones: rain-fed temperate and highland systems,
semi-arid and arid tropics, and sub-humid and humid tropics: the
last four are priority areas in Asia.
For the purposes of this chapter we will use the simple 3-system
classification (rangeland systems, mixed crop-livestock systems
and landless systems).
Rangeland Systems

Rangelands are lands that are too steep, too poor, too dry or too cold to be cropped, and that are
mainly used for extensive grazing. Livestock (principally ruminants) production from rangelands, especially in the
world’s drylands, is quite important both in terms of the volume of product produced and in respect to the
greater number of people dependent on livestock for their livelihood. Ruminant farming systems are widely
diverse due to being very much tied to physical conditions, which vary widely according to climate, soil type,
altitude and landscape). Furthermore, diversity derives from history and local socio-economics as well as the
production and trading chains that have been developed locally. Rangelands support the full spectrum of
production systems -- commercial ranching in western USA, Australia, Mexico, Argentina, and in southern Africa.
There are various gradations of crop-livestock systems in Africa and in Asia and traditional nomadic and semi
nomadic subsistence systems in many countries. In general, production systems depend on grazing animals
(mainly ruminants) because they are not sufficiently productive or reliable to be cropped. Globally, livestock
(mostly ruminants) are the mainstay of the economy for 65-70% of the world’s population. Grazing of
domesticated livestock is the largest single land-use activity and provides essential services for humanity: it
creates income and nourishment for more than 1.3 billion people and allows for utilization of land that is not
suitable for other food production, for example crop production. Despite these limitations, there is pressure to
raise the level of food production from grazed ecosystems (from desert margins to alpine meadows). However,
increasing food production from grazing lands, for example by increasing feeding conversion ratios through
improved feedstuff or land-use expansion, relates to massive trade-offs, such as carbon and biodiversity losses.
Mixed Crop Livestock Systems

These may be either irrigated crops and pastures or wholly rainfed. Mixed farming encompasses
different forms and degrees of crop and livestock production. It is classified according to the kind and degree
of external input use and plant nutrient cycling on the farm. The degree of input use is essentially related to
the outfield/infield ratio, i.e., the area of land available for grazing outside the farm (outfield) in relation to
the feed requirements for animal production (draught, dung, milk, meat, etc.) and manure requirements for
crop cultivation on the farm (infield).
Mixed systems, in Greater Central Asia for example, may also make use of communal grazing land
and have a high outfield/infield. Where these pastures are available, it is often uneconomical to harvest and
conserve fibrous crop residues or improve housing for manure collection. In general, crop residues are left in
the field to be grazed, and animals are gathered in corrals or night pens. The manure collected there can be
used to sustain crop cultivation. The area of outfield required to supply enough manure for one hectare of
cropland is known to be around 20–40 ha. The system is characterized by its throughput of nutrients with a
low level of output in terms of animal products such as milk or meat. The small ruminants are usually herded
together, and both depend on grazing for the majority of the year - lowlands during the winter, highlands in
summer. Owners with large numbers of livestock may employ their own shepherd, or family members of
villagers join together to herd their flocks. Hay, straw and leaves (from evergreen species, in particular) and
occasionally concentrates (e.g., 200-450 grams of barley) are given during the winter by way of
supplementary feed.
- Mixed systems using crop residues entail an expansion of the area under crop cultivation, generally at the cost of
pastureland, which has a double impact on the outfield/infield ratio:: less pastureland (less outfield) and more
cropland (more infield). Animals change their function from the collection of nutrients from outfields to the
cycling of nutrients on infields. This requires different ways of keeping animals: stall-feeding instead of grazing;
more limitations in the number of animals that can be kept; selection of specific animal types, draught (draft)
animals or cow-calf production; placing of surplus stock in grazing systems.
-Mixed systems with cut and carry require a further increase in land use for crop cultivation, which often results in
restrictions on the free grazing of animals. Tethering and the collection of feed from roadsides, other communal
land and neighbouring farms therefore replace grazing on communal land, and mixed systems based on cut and
carry appear.
-Mixed systems with feed from the farm entail access to more land relative to the outfield and can reduce labour
costs by growing more fodder crops on the land. The cultivation of fodder crops on the farm can in addition
contribute to: erosion prevention (soil cover, border vegetation); nitrogen fixation (legume plants, shrubs and
trees); mobilization of nutrients from the soil (catch crops); improvement of soil structure (organic matter
content); provision with by-products (fuel and construction wood, flowers for bees);
- Mixed systems with external feed can evolve from any other mixed system, but are characterized by inputs of
plant nutrients through livestock feed from outside. This makes it a throughput system. The principal differences
with earlier throughput systems, mixed communal grazing and cut-and-carry systems, is that the feed is of high
quality and that it originates from distant outfields, whereas the other systems rely on feed of moderate to poor
quality from local outfield
Intensive Grazing Systems
There are highly intensive grazing systems for dairy that may be
either wholly rainfed (under more mesic conditions and high
rainfall) or irrigated. Countries in western and northern Europe,
and New Zealand and parts of USA, Canada, Australia and
elsewhere have highly developed systems of pasture production
and utilization. Technologies such as electric fencing and forage
harvesting, hay and silage making equipment and modern
methods of disposal and use of manure have been employed.
Intensive systems are often used for dairy production
Extensive Grazing Systems
In general, production systems depend on grazing
animals (mainly ruminants) because they are not sufficiently
productive or reliable to be cropped. Globally, livestock (mostly
ruminants but, in some places, horses are important) are the
mainstay of the economy for 65-70% of the world’s population .
Grazing of domesticated livestock is the largest single land-use
activity and provides essential services for humanity: it creates
income and nourishment for more than 1.3 billion people and
allows for utilization of land that is not suitable for other food
production, for example crop production . Extensive grazing systems using free-range livestock
such as sheep are common in many parts of the
Landless Livestock Production Systems
The landless LPS covers animals that are physically
separated from the land that supports them, and covers in
particular the intensive production systems of large-scale rearing
of layers, broilers, fattening calves and pigs, etc., For example,
poultry feed mills have gone into contract farming to obtain
locally produced maize or other feed grains.
There are however also small-scale landless farmers who
keep ruminants. This normally concerns poor households, whose
members might do off-farm work (casual laborer, for instance) Fig. Seasonal movements take place as herders
and collect fodder such as roadside grasses and crop by-products and their livestock chase grass and water Swiss
(bran, straw) outside their farms, as well as tethering their
animals. Nonetheless, intensive LPS, which is often called
“industrialised” or “factory” farming or Concentrated Animal
Feeding Operation (CAFO), provides about 45 per cent of global
meat output (FAO, 2006). Dairy cows or feedlot beef production
can also be operated as a CAFO, which means that all the feed
comes from off the farm. The intensive concentration of animals
in small areas is criticised not only from an ethical point of view,
but also from a moral standpoint, since animal welfare is
important to many consumers. Disposal of organic effluent
presents problems too (FAO (2006c). Rearing the animal along the roadside
What are Non-Ruminants?
Non-ruminant animals are those animals that have simple stomach. They possess no rumen,
reticulum and omasum. They have abomasum as the only true stomach. Examples include
Poultry, Rabbits and pigs.

Meaning of poultry
Poultry generally refers to domesticated birds that are used mainly as food to man.
These include domestic fowl, ducks, turkeys, guinea fowl, pheasant, quails, ostrich, pigeons,
doves etc. many species, breeds and strains of poultry are used in the service of man. Some of
these species are of limited importance examples are guinea fowl, goose, ducks and the ostrich,
others and particularly Gallus domesticus (domestic fowl) have assume a worldwide importance.
Domestic fowl are believed to have been domesticated in Asia around 2500 BC, Geese in Egypt
1500 BC, turkey in Mexico 2500 BC, ducks in China 2500 BC, Muscovey ducks were found in Peru
in the sixteenth century and were probably domesticated at about that time. Most modern
breeds of poultry were developed from 1850 onwards. Modern breeding programmes to produce
hybrids started in 1950s and 1960s.
Advantages of keeping poultry include-their small body size, low cost of production, high
quality protein, feed efficiency, not associated with taboos, useful by-products, short generation
interval and help to improve protein intake
There are several production systems employed by poultry farmers in
different parts of the world. Examples include: Extensive or Free range system,
Semi-intensive or Restricted range system and Intensive system. Each of these
systems has its merits and demerits. Poultry of various classes are kept either for
meat or egg production. For example white leghorns are normally used for egg
production while broiler strains are based on crosses between Cornish white, New
Hampshire and white Plymouth Rock.
Large poultry units are being increasingly developed in areas of high
temperature that are not traditional to advanced methods of husbandry and special
techniques are needed for satisfactory management of poultry under these
conditions. In a tropical environment the design and construction of poultry houses
must take into consideration the climatic and weather conditions of the
environment. The guiding principle is to keep poultry productive throughout their
producing life. This involves the provision of optimum conditions of temperature,
humidity, ventilation and light.
Another important principle relates to design and durability. Poultry house
should be structurally strong, durable, and cheap.

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