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Rencana Bursa Karbon dalam

Memfasilitasi Perdagangan
Subsektor Pembangkit Tenaga Listrik

22 Februari 2023

Member of Supporter of

Preliminary Design, can be changed

Bursa Karbon merupakan Salah Satu Mekanisme Untuk Melakukan
Perdagangan Karbon dalam Nilai Ekonomi Karbon

Indonesia ratified the Paris

Agreement in 2016 Regulation of Ministry of Environment and
Presidential Regulation No. 98 Forestry Regulation no. 21 of 2022 concerning the
of 2021 of Carbon Economic Implementation of Carbon Economic Value
Indonesia set the target of Value in Achieving NDC
Nationally Determined
Contribution Carbon Trading:
Mechanisms for achieving NDC:
(NDC) is 29%-41% in 2030 ▪ Can be done
Mitigation Action
Indonesia set Enhanced NDC Adaptation and/or
(Sep 2022): 31.89%-43.20% in internationally.
Carbon Economic Value ▪ Form of
The sectors that are in enhanced 1. Carbon Trading a. Carbon exchange
NDC scope: b.
Target 2030, 2. Performance-Based Payments
a. Direct
of Total BaU ▪ trading;
Carbon and exchange is a securities exchange or
3. Carbon Levy / Tax → allowance
trading operator that has obtained a business
Energy and Fugitive 12.5% –15.5%
4. Other Mechanism market
license from the authority that implements an
Waste 1.4% – 1.5% b. GHG regulatory and supervisory system for
IPPU 0.2 – 0.3% emission
all activities in the financial services sector
Agriculture 0.3% – 0.4% offset →
Forestry and Other offset market
17.4% – 25.4%
Land Uses (FOLU)
▪ Carbon
trading could
Preliminary Design, can be changed 2
UU No 4 Tahun 2023 Pengembangan dan
Penguatan Sektor Keuangan Peraturan OJK terkait Penyelenggara
Perdagangan Karbon
Kewenangan OJK:
• mengatur perdagangan sekunder
instrument yang berkaitan dengan nilai
ekonomi karbon di bursa karbon;
• Mengajukan lisensi / Izin untuk menjadi
Bursa Karbon Penyelenggara Perdagangan Karbon kepada
• Perdagangan karbon dalam negeri OJK.
dan/atau luar negeri. • Mengembangkan Infrastruktur Perdagangan
• Bursa karbon hanya dapat Karbon bersama-sama dengan KPEI dan
diselenggarakan oleh penyelenggara pasar KSEI.
yang telah memperoleh izin usaha dari • Menerbitkan Peraturan terkait mekanisme
Perdagangan Karbon.
Perdagangan karbon melalui bursa karbon
wajib memenuhi persyaratan dan telah
memperoleh izin dari OJK. dalam proses

Preliminary Design, can be changed 3

Bursa Karbon diharapkan dapat meningkatkan Transparansi,
Likuiditas, dan Efisiensi dalam Perdagangan Karbon di Indonesia

Carbon allowances /
Carbon Exchange Value

Price transparency

Carbon Simple, low effort way to sell

exchan and purchase carbon Unit
Project developers /
Carbon emitters /
compliance entities compliance
with Market liquidity
entities with
excess allowances deficit allowances

Lower transaction costs


Konsep Penyelenggaraan Perdagangan Karbon Melalui Bursa Karbon
BEI berencana mengembangkan 2 pasar untuk Bursa Karbon untuk dapat memfasilitasi perdagangan karbon di Indonesia.

Supply Trading Demand

Carbon Exchange Buy/sell PTBAE-PU
allocated by related Sell SPE-GRK
PTBAE-PU Compliance
ministry Buy SPE-GRK
companies in the
Facilitating • excess from (Allowance)
compliance company SPE-GRK into
sub-sectoral regulated with cross-sectoral
trading Carbon credits generated
by project developers or
SPE-GRK emissions
(Carbon credits) allowance
companies in the sub-
After sectoral NDC
Excess SPE-GRK allowed into cross -sectoral trading
has been met

Market feature

Settlement T+0
Cross- Excess carbon credits Carbon
generated by project SPE-GRK Trading Direct
sectoral developers or companies (Carbon credits) buyers
Participant Trading
and after claimed by sub-
trading sectoral NDC (domestic Clearing Yes
Risk- Pre-
Management Validation /

Preliminary Design, can be changed 5

Jenis Unit Karbon yang Dapat Diperdagangkan
Allowance Market / Perdagangan Emisi Offset Market / Offset Emisi GRK
(Persetujuan Teknis Batas Atas Emisi Pelaku Usaha, PTBAE-PU) (Sertifikat Pengurangan Emisi GRK, SPE GRK)
Definition Determined Cap of the GHG Emissions for Compliance Companies Proof of emission reduction by businesses and/or activities that have
by Regulation and/or the determined emission quotas within a gone through Measurement, Reporting (MRV), and recorded in the
certain Compliance Period for each Compliance Companies. National Registry System in the form of registry number and/or
Allocation Beginning of compliance period (subject to related ministries) After project verification and registered in National Registry

Trading Period 1 Period = Different for each subsector, banking for 2 years 1 Period = Max 3 Years

Surrender / Retirement Ending of compliance period (subject to related ministries) Retirement from Buyer

Trading Actors Buyer dan Seller: Compliance Companies Seller : Project developers.
Buyer : Not limited, including compliance companies
Series 1 serial for a) Standardized product, i.e:
- each sub-sector for Nature-based product:
- each period Indonesia NBS,
Indonesia NBS+
b) Credits per project
Tech-based product:
Market Indonesia TBS,Auction
a) Continuous IndonesiaBoard, b) Marketplace for
Continuous Auction Board, Negotiated Board TBS+
Negotiated Board for Std. Product Project

Settlement T+0

Trading Participant Direct Trading

Clearing Yes

Risk-Management Pre-Validation / pre-funded

Preliminary Design, can be changed 6

Fitur Perdagangan di Bursa Karbon
Auction Regular Trading Negotiated Trading Market Place

Create auction for Deal outside the Input projects

allowance with Exchange sold at marketplace
auction price range with price and no of
Regulators Exchange Buyers Sellers Sellers units Exchange
Exchange Sellers
Submit prefered Exchange
buy sell
volume and price order order input order and input order and
within the range Exchange seller ID buyer ID
Order Book Project A Project B Project C
Auction Book Reporting Negotiation Rp5000 Rp6000 Rp10000
Bid Ask
Buyer Volume Price Buyer Qty Price Seller
5 800
Buyer A 100 800 7 900 ID A 10 1500 ID B
Buyer B 150 900 Browse and buy
10 1000 1000 10
Buyer C 75 1000 project in designated
1100 15
volume at seller price
1200 3 Buyers Exchange
Decide auction
• Buyers and sellers submit order by
input their volume of asset at price.
• Regulators create auction session • Buyers and sellers deal outside • Sellers input project and price in the
and input data for certain • Buy order will queue in bid order the exchange. marketplace.
allowance include autction price book, sell order will queue in ask • Buyers browse the project and buy
• Participant will input arranged
range. order book.
volume and price, and counterpart prefered project with designated
• Buyers will input desirable volume • Exchange will match the order ID to execute the trading. volume.
within price range. with
• Settlement will be done in the • Transaction price will be done at
price and time priority.
• Regulators use auction data to exchange seller price.
decide allowance allocation. • The match price will be market price.
Preliminary Design, can be changed 7
Product Features
Allowances (PTBAE-PU) Credits/Offsets (SPE-GRK)

Single Project Standardized Product

Ministry A Ministry B
Project A Project B Project C
Project A


Sector A Sector B Sector C Certification

Credits A Credits B Credits C

Allowance A Allowance A Allowance B Allowance B Allowance C Allowance C Credits A

Year 2023 Year 202X Year 2023 Year 202X Year 2023 Year 202X
via Marketplace via Reg and
Nego Market
via Auction,
Reg, Nego

Compliance Compliance Compliance Compliance Non-Compliance Project Developers

Company Company Company Company Company (as Seller)
Sector A Sector B Sector C
Preliminary Design, can be changed
Indikasi Jadwal Perdagangan Sub Sektor Pembangkit Tenaga

No Kegiatan Indikasi Jadwal

1 Pengembangan Sistem Bursa Karbon, dan Regulasi Peraturan Terkait Q2-Q3 2023
2 BEI mendapatkan Izin untuk menyelenggarakan Perdagangan Karbon dari OJK Q2-Q3 2023
3 Pembukaan Akun Pelaku Usaha 2nd Half 2023
4 Auction / Setup Initial Price 2nd Half 2023
5 Perdagangan Karbon 2nd Half 2023

Preliminary Design, can be changed 9

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