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Robert Manurung
Guru Besar Rekayasa Hayati – Institut Teknologi Bandung
Visiting Professor - Chemical Engineering - University of Groningen -The Netherlands

Webinar: Biosaka sebagai Solusi Mengatasi Kelangkaan dan Mahalnya Pupuk Sintesis
Dinas Pertanian Kabupaten Bogor– Direktorat Jenderal Tanaman Pangan
Cariu - Minggu, 20 November 2022

11 November 2022 Innovasi Teknologi Pertanian_Robert Manurung 1




I. 11 November 2022 Innovasi Teknologi Pertanian_Robert Manurung 2


“Life must be regarded, at the deepest level,

as a matter as much of energy transformation
as of genetic replication”
(Wicken 1987)

11 November 2022 Innovasi Teknologi Pertanian_Robert Manurung 3

Tantangan dan Kesempatan pada Pengembangan Pertanian:
Terori Indonesian berada pada Sabuk Tropis Dunia

Ketersediaan energi surya sebagai sumber utama kehidupan dan keragaman hayati yang
melimpah bagi negara yang berada di khatulistiwa seperti Indonesia merupakan karunia
yang harus dimanfaatkan secara maksimal menyejahterakan masyarakat dan merupakan
keunggulan komparatif yang sangat signifikan dalam menuju pertanian berkelanjutan.

11 November 2022 Innovasi Teknologi Pertanian_Robert Manurung 4

Pertanian-Perkebunan: transformasi energi elektromagnetik sinar matahari
mejadi energi kimiawi pada tanaman.
C₆H₁₂O₆ + 6 O₂ + 6 H₂O → 6 CO₂ + 12 H₂O

6 CO₂ + 12 H₂O → C₆H₁₂O₆ + 6 O₂ + 6 H₂O

11 November 2022 Innovasi Teknologi Pertanian_Robert Manurung 5
Photosynthesis with light and dark reactions.
(Source: Keeton WT and Gould JL, Biological Science, 4th ed. New York: WW Norton, 1986.)
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Harvesting Sunlight using Cassava Plant (manihot esculenta)

 Starch productivity of cassava : 20 - 40 Ton/ha/year

Starch roductivity of rice : 5 - 7 Ton/ha/year (2 times harvest)
 Lipid productivity of palm oil : 4 - 6 Ton CPO/ha/year
 Cassava is one of the most efficient plant in harvesting sunlight.
 Efficiency of harvesting sunlight, cassava : palm oil : rice
= 540 : 190 : 108 MJ/ha/yr
= 15 : 5 : 3

LHV of Starch : 4400 kkal/kg ( 18 MJ/Ton)

LHV of Lipids : 9200 kkal/kg ( 38 MJ/Ton)

11 November 2022 Innovasi Teknologi Pertanian_Robert Manurung 7

Memanen Energy Surya di Gurun Pasir Sudan dengan Tanaman
Produktivitas: 15 kg/pohon, 10.000 pohon/ha, 150 Ton/ha

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11 November 2022 Innovasi Teknologi Pertanian_Robert Manurung 9

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Natural farming
 Natural farming, also referred to as "the Fukuoka Method", "the natural way of farming" or "do-
nothing farming", is an ecological farming approach established by Masanobu Fukuoka (1913–2008).
 Fukuoka, a Japanese farmer and philosopher, introduced the term in his 1975 book
The One-Straw Revolution. The title refers not to lack of effort, but to the avoidance of
manufactured inputs and equipment.
 Natural farming is related to fertility farming, organic farming, sustainable agriculture,
agroecology, agroforestry, ecoagriculture and permaculture, but should be distinguished from
biodynamic agriculture.
 The system works along with the natural biodiversity of each farmed area, encouraging the
complexity of living organisms—both plant and animal—that shape each particular ecosystem to
thrive along with food plants.
 Fukuoka saw farming both as a means of producing food and as an aesthetic or spiritual approach to
life, the ultimate goal of which was, "the cultivation and perfection of human beings".
 He suggested that farmers could benefit from closely observing local conditions.
 Natural farming is a closed system, one that demands no human-supplied inputs and mimics
11 November 2022 Innovasi Teknologi Pertanian_Robert Manurung 10
Agricultural trends over the past 40 years.
Total global use of nitrogen and phosphorus
Total global cereal production; fertilizer and area of global irrigated land

Trends in the nitrogen-fertilization

efficiency of crop production

Diminishing returns of fertilizer

application imply that further
applications may not be as
effective at increasing yields.

11 November 2022 Innovasi Teknologi Pertanian_Robert Manurung 11

The essential nutrient elements of higher plants and their concentrations considered adequate for normal growth. (W. G.
Hopkins and N.P. A. Huner – Fourth Ed, Introduction to Plant Physiology)

11 November 2022 Innovasi Teknologi Pertanian_Robert Manurung 12

Aliran Energi dan Massa Melalui Ecosistem

The Earth is bio-regenerative:

plants, animals and especially microorganisms
regenerate, recycle, and control life’s necessities.

— Eugene Odum, Ecology and Our Endangered Life Support System.

Ciri utama suatu ekosistem yang harmonis adalah kehadiran komunitas hayati (produser,
konsumer dan dekomposer) yang beragam dan seimbang secara bersamaan hidup serta
saling terhubungkan dan saling bergantung satu sama lain dalam suatu pola interaksi
simbiosis sehingga dimungkinkan terjadi daur ulang zat saat (aliran) transformasi energi
berlangsung di luasan lingkungan alam suatu ekosistem.

11 November 2022 Innovasi Teknologi Pertanian_Robert Manurung 13

Industrial symbiosis
is the process by which wastes or by-products of an industry or industrial process
become the raw materials for another. (European Commission’s Circular Economy, 2015)
• Konsep simbiosis industrial pada hakikatnya terinspirasi dari proses simbiosis yang
berlangsung pada komunitas biologis dalam suatu ekosistem alam dimana individu
dari komunitas spesies organisme berbeda (produser, konsumer dan dekomposer)
berinteraksi satu sama lain dan memberi manfaat bagi semua individu.
• Disamping aspek utama yang berdampak langsung bagi industri, simbiosis industrial
tertaut dengan agenda yang lebih luas pada bidang: green economy, perubahan
iklim dan juga kesejahteraan masyarakat lokal, regional dan nasional.
• Rencana aksi Uni Eropa menuju bioekonomi sirkular ditempuh dengan
mengembangkan simbiosis industrial dari berbagai komoditi dan skala cakupannya,
seperti: penerapan prinsip simbiosis industrial dalam mengoptimalkan penanganan,
pengolahan, dan daur ulang sampah kota Lahti (Finlandia).

11 November 2022 Innovasi Teknologi Pertanian_Robert Manurung 14

Valorisasi Biomassa Sumber Daya Hayati
dengan Penerapan Konsep Biorefinery menuju Simbiosis Industrial

Produk Berkelanjutan
• Fitofarmaka,
• Kimia Adi, Biomaterial Limbah dan
Limbah dan Kotoran Hewan
• Pangan, Pakan, Pupuk
Kotoran Hewan
• Energi

Produk samping dan limbah pengolahan,

kompos, mineral, nutrisi dan biogas

Pangan Mineral
dan Pakan Fotosintesis CO 2
H 2O

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Imagination is everything.
It is the key to coming attractions.
—Albert Einstein

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Hormones and the Endocrine Systems
(Ch 26-The Champbell Biology)

What effects do pollutants have on animal endocrine systems?

Widely used weed killers (herbicide) and ordinary plastic water bottles—what do they have in
They both can contain chemicals that may have adverse effects on vertebrates by interfering
with the endocrine system, which regulates numerous animal body functions through chemical
Toxic chemicals that interfere with the endocrine system are aptly named endocrine disruptors.
The endocrine disruptor atrazine, an ingredient in many weed killers, is found in farm water
runoff that makes its way to ground and surface reservoirs.
Bisphenol A (BPA) is an endocrine disruptor used in many plastics that line bottles, canned
goods, and other containers for food and drinking water.
Atrazine is known to cause reproductive problems in vertebrates.
Controlled experiments also link BPA to reproductive problems in vertebrates, including defects
in reproductive organs, decreased sperm count, and reduced embryo implantation in the
11 November 2022 Innovasi Teknologi Pertanian_Robert Manurung 17
A widely used weed killer demasculinizes male frogs
Almost all of us are routinely exposed to the atrazine found in weed killers (herbicide) and atrazine
the BPA (Bisphenol A) in food and beverage containers. These chemicals are examples of
endocrine disruptors, substances that interfere with the endocrine system’s normal
Such chemicals can potentially enter animal cells, altering the normal ratio of sex hormones
(hormones that regulate growth, development, reproductive cycles, and sexual behaviors).
One such study was carried out by Tyrone B. Hayes and his colleagues at the University of
California at Berkeley. They tested the hypothesis that long-term exposure to even low levels
of atrazine during development would have negative effects on reproductive function in
Following figure shows the percent of males from each group with low testosterone levels.
What was the conclusion? More males in the atrazine-exposed group experienced
testosterone deficiencies than did those in the control group.

Bisphenol A
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Testosterone levels in control
and atrazine Exposed males

A male frog on top of a female in amplexus (during mating)Data from: T. B. Hayes et al., Atrazine induces complete
feminization andchemical castration in male African clawed frogs
(Xenopus laevis), Proceedings of the National Academy of
Sciences 107: 10 (2010).
11 November 2022 Innovasi Teknologi Pertanian_Robert Manurung 19
The Nature of Chemical Regulation
Chemical and electrical signals coordinate body functions
To maintain homeostasis and carry out other coordinated functions, the cells of an animal’s
body must communicate with one another. They do so through chemical and electrical signals,
traveling by way of two major organ systems: the endocrine system and the nervous system.
The endocrine system is a group of interacting glands and tissues that produce and secrete
chemicals to initiate and maintain body functions. Endocrine cells release chemical signals
called hormones, which travel in the bloodstream to all parts of the body. In the nervous
system, the signals are primarily electrical and are transmitted via nerve cells called neurons.

The endocrine system is well suited for coordinating gradual changes that affect the entire
body. For example, hormones coordinate the body’s responses to stimuli such as dehydration,
low levels of blood glucose, and stress. Hormones also regulate long-term developmental
processes, such as the metamorphosis of a tadpole into a frog and the physical and behavioral
changes that underlie sexual maturity.
The nervous system is well adapted for directing immediate and rapid responses to the
environment. For example, the flick of a frog’s tongue as it catches a fly is triggered by high-
speed nerve signals.

11 November 2022 Innovasi Teknologi Pertanian_Robert Manurung 20

Hormones affect target cells using two main signaling mechanisms

Hormonal signaling has three stages: reception, signal transduction, and response.
Reception of a signal occurs when a hormone binds to a specific receptor protein on or in the
target cell.
Each target cell receptor has a unique shape that functions to recognize a specific signal, an
example of the relationship between STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION.
The binding of a signal molecule to a receptor protein triggers events within the target cell —
signal transduction — that convert the signal from one form to another.
The result is a response, a change in the cell’s behavior.
Heart muscle cells, for example, respond to epinephrine with cellular contraction, which
speeds up the heartbeat.
Liver cells, however, respond to epinephrine by breaking down glycogen, providing glucose (an
energy source) to body cells..

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A water-soluble hormone that binds A lipid-soluble hormone that
11 November 2022
to a plasma membrane receptor binds to an intracellular receptor
Innovasi Teknologi Pertanian_Robert Manurung 22
I’m deeply sure that
we will never be able to understand the essence of life,
if we restrict ourselves to the molecular level.…
A surprising subtlety of biological reactions
is stipulated by the mobility of electrons and can be explained only
from the position of quantum mechanics.
—Albert Szent-Györgyi, Nobel Laureate, 1968

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11 November 2022 Innovasi Teknologi Pertanian_Robert Manurung 24
Why Stress Hurts.

• What you are thinking, feeling, and believing is changing the genetic expression and
chemical composition of your body on a moment – by - moment basis.
• The stress hormone cortisol has the same chemical precursors as DHEA
(dehydroepiandrosteron), which is associated with many health promoting functions,
as well as longevity. DHEA is the most common hormone in your body and is
associated with cell repair.
• Both hormones are manufactured by the adrenal glands. When the adrenals use
those precursors to make cortisol, production shifts away from making DHEA. When
our cortisol levels are low, the raw materials from which our bodies manufacture life
- giving DHEA are freed up and production of DHEA increases. But high stress levels
suck biochemical resources away from cell repair and kill brain cells.
• Cortisol has been shown to reduce muscle mass, increase bone loss and osteoporosis,
interfere with the generation of new skin cells, increase fat accumulation around the
waist and hips, and reduce memory and learning abilities.
11 November 2022 Innovasi Teknologi Pertanian_Robert Manurung 25
We are in a school for gods,
where—in slow motion—we learn theconsequences of thought.
—Brugh Joy, MD

DHEA (left) and cortisol (right) are both manufactured by the adrenal gland using the same precursors
11 November 2022 Innovasi Teknologi Pertanian_Robert Manurung 26
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia • Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), also known as
androstenolone, is an endogenous steroid hormone
• DHEA is one of the most abundant circulating steroids in
• DHEA is produced in the adrenal glands, the gonads, and
the brain.
• It functions as a metabolic intermediate in the
biosynthesis of the androgen (testosterone) and
estrogen sex steroids both in the gonads and in various
other tissues.
• It modulate the happy hormone (dopamine, serotonin,
endorphins and oxytocin) levels.
Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) • However, DHEA also has a variety of potential biological
effects in its own right, binding to an array of nuclear
and cell surface receptors, and acting as a neurosteroid
and modulator of neurotrophic factor receptors.

11 November 2022 Innovasi Teknologi Pertanian_Robert Manurung 27

Engineering your Cells Consciously
• The body's stress response encompasses far more than shunting production
away from DHEA to produce cortisol. Over 1,400 chemical reactions and over
thirty hormones and neurotransmitters shift in response to stressful stimuli.
• So by de-stressing ourselves using attitude, belief, nurturing, self-talk, and
spirituality we are taking a role in determining which instruments in our genetic
symphony predominate.
• This knowledge opens up a panorama for self-healing as vast as the number of
moments left in your life. When you under stand that with every feeling and
thought, in every instant, you are performing epigenetic engineering on your
own cells, you suddenly have a degree of leverage over your health and
happiness that can make a critical difference.
• How you use that knowledge can determine whether your unique symphony
comes to an early and discordant end, or whether you play beautiful music to a
long finale.
11 November 2022 Innovasi Teknologi Pertanian_Robert Manurung 28
• When you choose beliefs, feelings, and other epigenetic influences that benefit
your health, you can create a virtuous cycle of epigenetic health. In an epigenetic
health cycle, you intervene consciously with positive emotions, thoughts, and
prayers. Besides making you feel good psychologically these benefit your body
modulating your gene expression toward peak health.

• This peak of health differs from person to person, and there is little value in
looking at your personal peak and comparing it to that of someone else, even an
identical twin.
• For there are external influences that are beyond our control, and they can have
profound epigenetic impact.
• Consider, for instance, two identical twins, one of which receives more nurturing
than the other. Or think about twins living in different towns, one of which has
severe environmental pollution while the other does not.
• Like the car that rams into you from behind on the freeway, there are random life
situations that are beyond our control. It's not worth worrying about these.
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11 November 2022 Innovasi Teknologi Pertanian_Robert Manurung 30
“The scientist knows that
in the history of ideas magic always precedes science,
that the intuition of phenomena
anticipates their objective knowledge.”
Gauqelin, M. (1974). The cosmic clocks: From astrology to a modern science

11 November 2022 Innovasi Teknologi Pertanian_Robert Manurung 31

(Biology: Concepts and Connections – Campbell, 5 Ed)

Eisner is a pioneer of chemical ecology, which he defines as the study of the

chemical language of nature. In particular, he studies how insects interact via
chemical messages with each other and also with plants-messages ranging from Thomas Eisner
“stay away !” to “come mate with me.” Eisner’s research has yielded insights into June 25, 1929–March 21, 2011
Elected to the NAS, 1969
animal behavior, ecology, and evolution.
Eisner’s interest in chemical communication emerged while he was at graduate
school in the 1950s. It was the heyday of insect hormones. The discoveries then
being made about hormones, chemicals that serve as signals within an organism,
suggested to him that there might be chemicals that signal between organism.
Clearly some kinds of chemical signaling go on between men and women. For
instance, chemical in the armpit of a male can apparently regularize a female
companion’s ovulatory cycle.

Innovasi Teknologi Pertanian_Robert Manurung

11 November 2022 32
Chemical Ecology (Thomas Eisner, Department of Neurobiology and Behavior, Cornell University,
Ithaca, NY 14853)

• Chemical ecology is the product of a partnership between biologists and natural products chemists
united by a shared vision and empowered by complementary skills.
• The vision stems from the realization that all organisms emit chemical signals and that all, in their
respective ways, respond to the chemical emissions of others. Nature, in accord with this construct, is a
dynamic assemblage of vast complexity, driven by interactions that are, for the most part, mediated by
• The natural products chemist brings to the partnership the ability to decipher these chemical signals. Not
surprisingly, the collaboration between the chemical ecologist and the natural products chemist is a
close one (see next Figure).
• Natural products chemistry traditionally had been applied in its orientation. Its primary goal was the
discovery of molecules of use, substances of medical, industrial, and agricultural interest, and it was
highly successful in such endeavors.
• Its expansion into the domain of chemical ecology represented a shift in goals, to problems of
fundamental rather than applied significance, but the challenge was immense and the potential
significance of the findings enormous.
• At stake was the understanding of the chemical basis of biotic interaction.

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Chemical ecology and natural products chemistry are linked in a productive partnership aimed at
clarifying the chemical basis of ecological and behavioral interactions in nature. To curtail natural
products chemistry now is to put on hold the acquisition of this fundamental knowledge.
11 November 2022 Innovasi Teknologi Pertanian_Robert Manurung 34
• Think of how profoundly chemical ecology has been affected by what relatively little we have
learned so far about the signaling agents of nature.
• Think of how this knowledge has affected the way we view the biotic world. And think also of how
profoundly this knowledge has affected our view of the physical world.
• The air, the oceans, and the inland waters can no longer be viewed as simple matrices. All, in
accord with the grander view, are seen as carriers, as the vehicles by which the communicative
messages of life are conveyed.
• Chemical ecology was to derive further advantage by what can be termed its ‘‘molecularization,’’
that is, its ever-widening linkage with various molecular sub-disciplines of the biological sciences.
• The signal molecules that convey information from one organism to another are biosynthesized
under genetic control, deciphered at specific receptor sites, transduced into neuronal,
neuroendocrine, or phyto-endocrine signals, and, eventually, after triggering intermediate
cascading effects, translated into behavioral or morphogenetic responses.
• Each step in this sequence of events lends itself to interpretation in molecular terms. Not
surprisingly, chemical ecology is poised to broaden its inquiries in accord with opportunities
offered by advances in molecular biology.

11 November 2022 Innovasi Teknologi Pertanian_Robert Manurung 35

Review: African Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 9 (54), pp. 9155-9162, 29 December, 2010

Use of elicitors as an approach for sustainable agriculture

Laura Mejía-Teniente, et al - Universidad Autónoma Querétaro, . México.

Plant pathogens are responsible for large declines in agricultural production. Their control is carried
out mainly by chemical and frequently proposed biological methods to reduce their environmental
impact. On the other hand, plant-pathogen or microbe interactions generate multiple signals within
plants activating defense mechanism, some of which can also be induced by elicitors (protective
molecules). Elicitor-induced plant signaling serves as a guide to a series of intracellular events
that end in activation of transduction cascades and hormonal pathways triggering induced
resistance (IR) and consequently activation of plant immunity to environmental stresses. So, it
is necessary to understand where and how elicitors act in cellular defense mechanism of crops, to
improve protection and management for sustainable crop. Therefore this review focused on main
topics that guide induced resistance and therefore activation of plant immune response.

Key words: Elicitors, defense mechanism, Immune response, Induced resistance, MAPK.

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These new control strategies arise because environmental stress is a serious constraint to
increase productivity and expansion of crops, since it is estimated that only 10% of the
arable land area is free of stress (Benavides-Mendoza, 2002; Verhagen et al., 2006;
Buonaurio et al., 2009).


Most of the microorganisms associated with plants are pathogens that impair plant growth and
reproduction of same, so plants usually respond to infection using innate immune system (Jones y
Dangl, 2006).

Therefore, plant primary immune response is defined as immunity triggered by recognition of

invariant structures of microbial surface called pathogen or microbes-associated molecular
patterns (PAMPs / MAMPs) through receptor proteins called pattern recognition receptors (PRRs),
which are important to guide immunity to microbial infection in all plant species (Chisholm et al.,

11 November 2022 Innovasi Teknologi Pertanian_Robert Manurung 37

Therefore biotic stress is defined as stress that occurs as a result of damage done to plants by other
living organisms, such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites, harmful insects and weeds (Peterson and
Higley, 2001; Fujita et al., 2006)
Stress response is initiated when plants recognize stress at cellular level, activating
signal transduction pathways that transmit information within individual cell and throughout plant,
leading to changes in expressing of many gene networks (Gorovits and Czosnek, 2007). Biotic stress
is a main factor that prevents extend range of crops in certain species as well as increase yields
and crop quality, so adaptation and acclimation to environmental stresses result from integrated
events occurring at all levels of organization, fromanatomical and morphological level to cellular,
biochemical, and molecular level (Benavides-Mendoza, 2002; Taiz and Zeiger, 2006). This include
reorganization of cytoskeleton, organelle translocation, vesicle trafficking and alterations in subcellular
localization. Besides changes in cell cycle and cell division, changes in cell wall architecture,
endomembrane system and vacuolization of cells, lead to enhanced stress tolerance of cells (Lipka and
Panstruga, 2005). At biochemical level, plants alter metabolism in various ways to accommodate
environmental stresses, including producing osmoregulatory compounds such as proline and glycine
betaine (Taiz and Zeiger, 2006).

11 November 2022 Innovasi Teknologi Pertanian_Robert Manurung 38

Plants treated with elicitors generally develop resistance to host, because application of elicitors on
plant surface activates multiple signaling pathways of intracellular Defense. Elicitors are very stable
molecules that induce an immune defense response in plants, they have low molecular weight and
synthesized as such or released from polymeric precursors during infection.
In a broad sense, “elicitors”, for a plant refer to chemicals from various sources that can trigger
physiological and morphological responses and phytoalexin accumulation. Elicitor needs to be
recognized on plant by a receptor (protein), which activates the expression of defense genes. There are
two groups of elicitors, the biogenic and abiogenic.
On one hand, Biogenic Elicitors are divided into two groups, exogenous and endogenous. The
exogenous are isolated from pathogens or culture medium, while endogenous tissue are isolated from
same plant. On the other hand, the abiogenic elicitors are heavy metal ions, inhibitors of certain
metabolic stages, UV radiation, some kinds of antibiotics and fungicides.
Compared with biogenic, abiogenic elicitors induce defense reactions of plant when given in relatively
high doses. In turn, the biogenic elicitors are active at very low doses. When applied, they cause no
symptoms of demand and stress accumulation of toxic compounds that sensitize the plant tissue and
improve their resistance to subsequent infections.

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The chemical structure of elicitors is comprised of glycoproteins, polypeptides,
oligosaccharides, polysaccharides, compounds that contain lipids or other compounds
(Odjacova and Hadjiivanova, 2001: The Complexity Of Pathogen Defense In Plants).
Some proteins are elicitors, directly produced by pathogenic bacteria or fungi, while the
biologically active oligosaccharides are released from pathogen and plant cell wall hydrolases
secreted by both organisms.
This method of induced resistance by elicitors is characterized primarily by some advantages:
A) Ecological security.
B) Has a prolonged systemic effect.
C) Participation of multiple defense systems in induced resistance.
D) Induction of nonspecific resistance to various pathogens.
Therefore, it is important to learn how plants perceive the presence of pathogens and initiate

11 November 2022 Innovasi Teknologi Pertanian_Robert Manurung 40

• Plant immunity can occur at two distinct scales:
1. Locally, (local acquired resistance, LAR), a rapid, intense, and local resistance called
hypersensitive response (HR). LAR is expressed by cells, tissues, or even organs.
2. Systemic,
i. Systemic Acquired Resistance (SAR), occurs in distal plant parts following localized
infection by a necrotizing pathogen. It is controlled by a signalling pathway that depends
upon the accumulation of salicylic acid (SA) and the regulatory protein NPR1.
ii. Induced Systemic Resistance (ISR), is promoted by selected strains of non-pathogenic plant
growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) occurring in the rhizosphere. ISR functions
independently of SA, but requires NPR1 and is regulated by jasmonic acid (JA) and
ethylene (ET).

• In the field, expression of induced resistance is likely to be influenced by the environment, genotype,
crop nutrition and the extent to which plants are already induced.
• Unfortunately, understanding of the impact of these influences on the expression of induced
resistance is rudimentary.

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Primary immune response of plant in plant-pathogen interaction

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Innovasi Teknologi Pertanian_Robert Manurung
List of elicitors used and their effects on different plant species.

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The use of elicitors in crop protection and pest management is still in the very early
stages of use as a new control method, and thus the current experiences come from
experimental trials, and not yet from large scale agricultural use. At least the
following advantages of using elicitor treatments have been reported or can be
 reduced damage from insects, fungi, pests, and herbivores,
 reduced environmental hazards as elicitors affect directly the crop plant, and
their acute toxicity to other organisms is lower than that of pesticides,
 as protective agrochemicals, elicitors can be applied with the current spraying
 elicitor treatments could be an alternative to genetically modied (GM) plants
for better attraction of natural enemies of pest organisms on cultivated plants ,
 elicitor-treated plants bear lower ecological risks than GM plants .

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Biological Principles and Interaction in Sustaining Long-Term Agricultural Productivity
(Richard R. Harwood- Michigan State University)

Biological structure is the way in which organisms - plants and animals – that are
purposefully managed for economic output are arranged with respect to each other
and to other biota in their environment.
• The productivity, stability, and effects on the environment of an agricultural system are related to
that diversity: its amount, its type, and most importantly its organization - how it is structured.

• Because agricultural systems are managed by people, their structure is guided by an underlying
human philosophy or view of the world.

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Paradigm for sustainable agricultural development translates into an increased focus on :

• the interrelatedness of all parts of a farming system, including the farmer and farm family,
• the importance of the many biological balances in the system,
• the need to maximize desired biological relationships in the system and to minimize
use of materials and practices that disrupt those relationships,
• the need for parallel development within countries of a broad range of farming biological
structuring, depending on the production environment, the resources a farmer has, and
emerging market opportunities.

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Dengan konteks pemikiran valorisasi dengan penerapan platform biorefinery dengan alur ‘biological
platform’ dan ‘thermochemical platform’, kegiatan penelitian dan pengembangan yang telah kami
lakukan dalam kerjasama riset internasional adalah:

i. ‘Valorisation of Indonesian renewable resources

and particularly Jatropha curcas using the Secondary fractionation (catalytic) Upgrading End-use

biorefinery concept’ (2006-2010) yang mendapat fertilizer

dana dari The Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts conversion
and Sciences (KNAW) dalam program kerjasama acids

riset ITB – University of Groningen (RuG) dan

melibatkan Wageningen University (WUR) NL, Primary

dan BPPT.
Biomass fractionation Lignine

ii. ‘Breakthrough in Biofuels: Mobile Technology starch

for Biodiesel Production from Indonesian sugars

Resources’ (2009 – 2014) yang mendapat dana Fine-chemicals

and pharmaceuticals bioethanol

dari Netherlands Organization for Scientific

Research (NWO), dalam program kerjasama riset
ITB– RuG dan melibatkan WUR dan UGM. residues
power and heat

11 November 2022 Innovasi Teknologi Pertanian_Robert Manurung 48

Dalam lingkup riset nasional, valorisasi sumber daya hayati yang fokus pada peran penting
kehadiran agen hayati yang secara genetik direkayasa untuk menghasilkan produk yang
diinginkan pada topik (i), dan dalam perlakuan awal (pretreatment) untuk meningkatkan efisiensi
biokonversi oleh lalat BSF pada topik (ii) serta integrasi termokonversi dengan biokonversi untuk
menghasilkan berbagai bioproduk yang efisien seperti biokomposit dan ethanol.

i. Perancangan sistem produksi

terintegrasi isobutanol atau ethanol, Pemisahan dan
dan bioproduk lainnya dari Tanaman komponen
Singkong. tanaman dan
Biokonversi Alkohol
(Program S3: Gabriel Bagus Kennardi) Hidrolisis Pati
(Program : S2= Peter X dan S1=18 orang)
ii. Peningkatan efisiensi sistem
biokonversi limbah pertanian
menggunakan larva black soldier fly
(BSF, hermetia illucens)
(Program S3: Dr. Ateng Supriatna) Ternak BSF Larva dewasa BSF

11 November 2022 Innovasi Teknologi Pertanian_Robert Manurung 49

Rancangan Sistem Pertanian-Pengolahan Tanaman Terpadu Berbasis Kedelai

Ampas Tahu Pakan BSF

Fermentasi Susu

Urine Kohe
Limbah Cair

Casting Lindi
Limbah Sayur
Produk Samping

Kacang Kedelai
CO2 dan H2O

Elisitor Alami
11 November 2022Innovasi Teknologi Pertanian_Robert Manurung Tanaman Kedelai 50

11 November 2022 Innovasi Teknologi Pertanian_Robert Manurung 51

• Pemanfaatan energi surya melalui konversi elektromagnetik sinar matahari menjadi energi kimiawi
pada budidaya beraneka ragam sumber daya hayati yang melimpah di Indonesia merupakan
keunggulan komparatif yang memungkinkan Indonesia menjadi ‘hub’ industri berbasis hayati
• Keragaman yang hayati yang melimpah untuk menghasilkan sumber pangan karbohidrat, protein,
lipida sangat potensial dikembangkan sebagai sumber pangan sehat melalui pertanian alami dengan
secara khusus penerapkan elisitor alami dan pupuk kimia alami dan menghindari pemakaian
pupuk kimia sintesis, pestisida sintesis dan herbisida sintesis.
• Tanaman kedelai mengandung komponen protein, lipida dan karbohidrat memiliki kandungan
protein yang tinggi dengan komposisi asam amino yang seimbang dapat terus dikembangkan
menjadi bahan pangan fungsional yang unggul dan menyehatkan dengan kandungan metabolit
sekunder (antioksidan, vitamin dll) yang tinggi dengan menerapkan elisitor alami.
• Integrasi budidaya tanaman dengan beragam operasi pengolahan untuk membentuk suatu struktur
simbiosis industrial, meniru pola kehidupan simbiosis komunitas biologis: produser, konsumer
dan dekomposer dalam suatu ekosistem alam, dapat meningkatkan nilai tambah dan memperluas
nilai guna biomasa serta menjaga keberlanjutan daya dukung lingkungan.
• Konversi biomassa menjadi berbagai bioproduk yang dapat mensubstitusi produk yang saat ini
dihasilkan dari sumber fossil menjadi aspek penting peran simbiosis industrial berbasis bio-industri
November transformasi
2022 model ekonomiInnovasi
linier menjadi
Teknologi modelManurung
Pertanian_Robert bioekonomi sirkular. 52
Terima Kasih

11 November 2022 Innovasi Teknologi Pertanian_Robert Manurung 53

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