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Pengertian Biografi

Pengertian biografi. Biografi berasal dari

bahasa Yunani, bios yang memiliki arti hidup dan graphien yang berarti tulis. Biografi
merupakan sebuah tulisan yang membahas tentang kehidupan seseorang. Secara sederhana,
biografi dapat di artikan sebagai sebuah kisah riwayat hidup seseorang. Biografi sendiri dapat
berbentuk hanya beberapa baris kalimat saja, namun biografi tersebut dapat lebih dari 1 buku.
Biografi singkat hanya menjelaskan tentang fakta-fakta dari kehidupan seseorang serta peran
pentingnya. Biografi panjang meliputi informasi-informasi yang bersifat penting namun
dikisahkan dengan lebih mendetail serta dituliskan dengan gaya cerita yang baik.
Biografi merupakan sebuah buku yang menceritakan kejadian-kejadian hidup seseorang.
Lewat biografi tersebut dapat ditemukan hubungan, keterangan arti dari sebuah tindakan
tertentu atau sebuah misteri yang melingkupi hidup seseorang, dan juga merupakan sebuah
penjelasan mengenai tindakan atau perilaku dalam hidupnya.
Biografi dapat bercerita mengenai kehidupan seorang tokoh penting atau terkenal maupun
tidak terkenal. Biografi seringkali bercerita mengenai tokoh sejarah, namun tak jarang juga
mengenai orang yang masih hidup. Banyak biografi sekarang ini yang ditulis secara
Biografi membutuhkan bahan-bahan utama serta bahan pendukung. Bahan utama dapat
berupa benda-benda, misalnya buku harian, surat-surat, kliping koran, dan sebagainya. Bahan
pendukung biasanya berupa biografi lain, buku referensi, sejarah yang memaparkan peranan
orang dalam biografi tersebut dan sebagainya. Biografi adalah suatu kisah atau keterangan
dari perjalanan kehidupan seseorang yang bersumber pada subjek rekaan atau kisah nyata.

Ciri-Ciri Biografi

Berikut ciri-ciri biografi :

1. Biografi memiliki struktur yang terdiri atas : orientasi, peristiwa atau masalah, serta
2. Biografi memuat berdasarkan informasi fakta serta disajikan dalam bentuk narasi.
3. Faktualnya (fakta) berdasarkan pengalaman hidup seseorang yang diceritakan dalam
tokoh biografi tersebut.

4 hal yang harus di cermati dalam teks biografi, yaitu :

1. Judul biografi
2. Hal yang menarik serta mengesankan yang ditampilkan dalam kehidupan tokoh yang
3. Hal yang mengagumkan serta mengharukan yang muncul dalam kehidupan tokoh
yang diceritakan
4. Hal yang dapat di contoh atau diteladani dari kehidupan tokoh.

Struktur Teks Biografi

Berikut struktur teks biografi yang terdiri dari orientasi, peristiwa dan masalah, reorientasi.
1. Orientasi
Orientasi merupakan bagian dimana menjelaskan tentang pengenalan tokoh, berisi
gambaran awal tentang tokoh yang diceritakan dalam biografi tersebut.
2. Peristiwa dan Masalah
Bagian peristiwa atau kejadian merupakan bagian yang berisi tentang sebuah
peristiwa atau kejadian yang pernah dialami, termasuk didalamnya memuat tentang
masalah yang pernah dihadapinya dalam mencapai tujuan serta cita-citanya. Hal-hal
yang menarik, mengagumkan, mengesankan, dan mengharukan yang pernah dialami
tokoh juga diuraikan dalam bagian ini.
3. Reorientasi

Reorientasi merupakan bagian penutup. Bagian ini berisi tentang pandangan penulis
terhadap tokoh yang diceritakan tersebut. Reorientasi bersifat opsional, yang artinya
pada bagian ini boleh ada atau tidak.
Read more:
Muhammad Yovi
Pada 13 maret 2016 pukul 09.59

Biography Definition

A biography is simply a bio that gives an account or detailed description about the life of a
person. It entails basic facts such as childhood, education, career, relationships, family and
death. Biography is a literary genre that portrays the experiences of all these events occurred
in the life of a person mostly in a chronological order. Unlike a resume or profile, biography
provides life story of a subject, highlighting different aspects of his/her life. The person or the
writer, who writes biographies, is called as a biographer.
Types of Biography

There are three types of biography:


It tells the story of a persons life, who writes it himself or herself. However, sometimes
he/she may take guidance from a ghostwriter or collaborator.

It narrates the life story of a person written by another person or writer. It is further divided
into five categories:

Popular biography

Historical biography

Literary biography

Reference biography

Fictional biography


This is a more focused term than an autobiography or a biography. In a memoir, a writer

himself/herself narrates the details of a particular event or situation occurred in his/her

Function of Biography

The function of writing biographies is to provide details regarding the life of a person or a
thing in an entertaining but informative manner. By the end of a biography, the readers feel
like they are well acquainted with the subject. Biographies are often non-fictional, but many
biographers also use novel-like format, because a story line would be become more
entertaining with the inclusion of strong exposition, rising conflict and then climax. Besides,
the most inspirational life stories could motivate and put confidence into the readers. pada 13 maret 10.51

autobiography PDF 13.40

My Autobiography
I was born in January of 1960 in Atlanta, Georgia, USA. I was adopted at birth by Charles
and Mary Galvin (I was named for my father and my youngest sister is named for my
mother). We lived in a suburban neighorhood in the town of Chamblee, which has now been
surrounded by development. My parents adopted three more children (all girls!) before my
fathers job sent my family to the San Francisco Bay Area in June of 1967.
I grew up in Marin County, just north of the City, where I was active in Boy Scouts (I became
an Eagle Scout in 1976) and graduated from Marin Catholic High School in 1977. I studied
at the University of California at Berkeley for three years (1977-1980), where I planned to
major in Computer Science, but wound up taking courses also in Classics, Dutch (I won a
Princess Beatrix Scholarship from the Dutch governmentnow shes a queen and so am I!),
and Astronomy. During this time I lived in the Rockridge district in Oakland. I left the
university in 1980 to take a year off and never went back, much to my parents
I went to work as a word processor for a temporary help service and wound up doing that for
several years. Eventually, I began working with lawyers, and I have now worked in the legal
field almost exclusively for nearly 20 years.
I came out as a gay man on 27 May 1982 (an event I celebrate as a kind of second birthday
each year). I moved to San Francisco in the mid-1980s, and shortly thereafter had a domestic
partnership for a year and a half with a man I met over the net (my one, great, failed

romance!). I have remained a bachelor ever since. My dad, my three younger sisters and
their families (I have 5 nieces and 2 nephews at this writing) live in Sonoma County. My
mother passed away in 1983.
Presently, I am a word processing operator for a small law firm, and spend most of my free
time involved with church, Esperanto, civil rights activism, or spending time with friends and
family, some of whom have Web pages. I read a lot of science fiction and fantasy, and I love
to travel whenever I have the time and the money at the same moment.
Charles E.Galvin Jr
angela janovsky

Biography examples
Soe Hok Gie is a person of Chinese descent who was born on December 17,
1942. A son of the couple Soe Lie-Pit-a novelist with Nio Hoe An. Soe Hok Gie was
the fourth of five brothers family Soe alias Greetings Piet Lie Sutrawan, Soe Hok
Gie is the younger sister of Soe Hok Djie which is also known as Arief Budiman.
Since schooldays, Soe Hok Gie Soe Hok Djin and have often visited a public
library and reading some of the parks on the fringes of the street in Jakarta.
Since schooldays, Soe Hok Gie Soe Hok Djin and have often visited a public
library and reading some of the parks on the fringes of the street in Jakarta.
According to one researcher, since I was elementary school (SD), Soe Hok Gie
even been reading the works of serious literature, such as works of Pramoedya
Ananta Tur. Perhaps because his father was also a writer, so do not be surprised
if he was so close to the literature.
After graduating from elementary school, the brothers chose different schools,
Hok Djin (Arief Budiman) chose to go Canisius, while Soe Hok Gie choose a
school in Junior High School (SMP) in the Gambir Strada. That said, while sitting
on this bench, he received a copy of a collection of short stories Pramoedya: "The
story of Blora" Pram-not including the rare short story at the time?
At the time of the second grade at the school this menangah, Soe Hok Gie poor
performance. In fact she is required to repeat. But what the reaction of Soe Hok
Gie? He did not want to repeat, he was treated unfairly. Finally, he chose to
change schools than to sit longer in school. A Protestant Christian schools allow
him to enter the third grade, without repeating.
After of the SMP, he made it into Menengan School (SMA) Canisius literature
majors. Was her sister, Hok Djin, also continued in the same school, but other
departments, namely the natural sciences.
While in high school Soe Hok Gie is an interest in literature more deeply, and at
the same time he became interested in the history of science. In addition,
berpolitiknya consciousness began to rise. From here, the beginning of an
exciting journey of recording it; writing is sharp and full of criticism.
There are good things that measured during the study at high school, Soe Hok
Gie and his brother managed to graduate with high grades. Kemuidan sisters
went to the University of Indonesia. Soe Hok Gie chose the faculty of arts
majoring in history, while Hok Djin into the psychology faculty.
In the Gie is an activist college student. Many believe the movement Gie a major
effect on the fall of Sukarno and including the first sharp criticism of the New
Order regime.

Gie was very disappointed with the attitude of my friends are in the era
contemporaries in 66 demonstrations criticizing and condemning the
government officials and then after they pass there and forgot to take sides with
the vision and mission of the armed struggle 66. GIE is being invited oposisif and
difficult to compromise with the opposition.
It also co-founded GIE Mapala UI. One of importance is the rise of the mountain.
At 3.442m Slamet leading mountaineering, he quotes Walt Whitman in his diary,
"Now I see the secret of the making of the best person. It is to grow in the open
air and to eat and sleep with the earth ".
Thought and football terjangnya recorded in his diary. His thoughts about
humanity, about life, love and death. Gie in 1968 had been to America and
Australia, and his favorite LPs Joan Baez seized at Sydney airport for being antiwar and communist. Gie graduated in 1969 and went on to become a lecturer at
his alma mater.
Together Mapala Gie UI plans to conquer Mount Semeru is 3.676m high. When
Mapala find funding, many are asking why climb a mountain and Gie said to his
"We explain what exactly is our goal. We say that we are human beings who do
not believe in the slogan. Patriotism may not grow out of hypocrisy and slogans.
A person can only love something healthy when he came to know its object.
Indonesia and loving home can be grown by getting to know people from nearby
Indonesia together. The healthy growth of young people should also mean a
healthy physical growth. That's why we go up the mountain. "
December 8 before leaving Gie had written a note: "I do not know what was
happening to me. After I heard the death of Ariel Kian Fong last Sunday. I also
have to always remember the feeling of death. I want to talk-talk before saying
goodbye to semeru. With Maria, Rina and also want to make an intimate event
with Sunarti. I guess this is the effect upon the death of Kian Fong is so strange
and so fast. "Hok Gie died on Mount Semeru in 1969 just a day before the
birthday-27 from inhaling toxic fumes in the mountains. He died along with his
partner, Dhanvantari Idhan Lubis. Further records for the Mount Semeru
disappeared along with the death of Gie in the top of the mountain.
Soe Hok Gie's tomb
December 24, 1969 Gie buried in Menteng Pulo, but two days later moved to the
cemetery Kober, Tanah Abang. In 1975 Ali Sadikin dismantle Cemetery Kober and
should be moved again, but his family and his friends refused to remember that
if he had died his body was burned and his ashes should be spread on the
mountain. With these considerations eventually Gie bones cremated and the
ashes scattered on the summit of Mount Pangrango.

Ibrahim Lubis

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