Anda di halaman 1dari 209


Bulan : Januari 2013


1 Topik L 23 Tempilang Sakit tenggorokan, sakit perut 110.80 Dyspepsia Antasid, CTM, Cotry
2 Yayay L 19 Tempilang Pusing 110/80 Chepalgia PCT, Simvastatin, Nadik
3 Yuyu Sema P 32 Tempilang Betis sakit 110/80 Myalgia Dexa, Nadik
4 Artina P 27 Air Lintang Pedih Ulu hati,mual 100/70 Dyspepsia PCT, Antasid, Ranitidin
5 Ririn P 8.5 KP. Jawa Demam, mual, muntah, pilek Febris (demam) PCT, Domperidone, Citry
6 Rasini P 30 KP. Jawa Kaki bengkak, saki,mual 110/80 Arthritis Nadic, Dexa, Allupurinol, Ranitidin
7 Adrian Pratama L 5 Tempilang Demam, batuk, pilek ISPA Cotry, GG, CTM,PCT
8 Nurhasanah P 1 Afd. Golf Demam, batuk, pilek Asma PCT,GG,Cotry,Antasida, Salbutamol
9 Heriana P 3.8 Tempilang Demam Febris (demam) PCT, CTM
10 Y. Simanjorang L 63 Sinar surya Sakit perut, pinggang 140/90 Dyspepsia Nadic, Antasida, Simvastatin
11 Mariam P 43 BB.7 Pusing, Sakit kepala 140/90 Hipertensi Simpastatin, Allupurinol, Ibu, Capto
12 Hasanah P 27 Tempilang Demam, batuk, pilek 110/80 CC PCT,Amox, ctm, OMZ
13 Nelsa P 10.5 B. Kota Demam, batuk, pilek Tonsilitis PCT, Cipro
14 Samsiah P 60 Sinar surya Demam, Pusing mulut pahit 200/100 Hipertensi Capto,PCT, HCT
15 Maulana L 5 Tempilang Demam, batuk, pilek Febris (demam) Pct syr, Amox
16 Galang L 5 Alfa Demam, batuk, pilek Tonsilitis Amox syr, Puyer
17 Hidarannti P 13 Sinar surya Demam, pusing, badan ngilu CC PCT, CTM, GG
18 Sakila P 49 Sinar surya Gatal, Gatal dileher 120/80 Dermatitis Betametason, Dexa, CTM
19 Dewi P 7 Air Lintang Demam, batuk, pilek, muntah Vomitus PCT, Cotry, Domperidon, CTM
20 Iswandi L 16 Tempilang Pusing, demam, mual Febris (demam) Cefixim, Ibuprofen, Ranitidin
21 Yani P 49 Air Lintang Post KLL 110/80 - Rujukan
22 Nurdin L 63 Air Lintang Sesak Nafas 110/70 Asma Rujukan
23 Salbiah P 58 Tempilang Pusing, pinggang, kaki sakit 150/90 Hipertensi Capto, Nadic,Amlodiphine
24 Sumtaran P 3 Alfa Batuk, pilek 130/90 CC CTM, Ibuprofen, dexa
25 Asawati P 16 BB. 7 Pusing, sakit perut 120/70 LBP Nadic, Domperidone
26 Desti P 18 B. Kota Batuk, tenggorokan sakit,mual 100/70 ISPA CTM, Dexa, GG
27 Dewi P 21 B. Kota Gatal-gatal 100/70 Dermatitis Betametason, Dexa, CTM, Vit C
28 Gustina P 34 Tempilang Badan panas dingin 100/70 Faringitis PCT, CTM, Amox
29 Suhadi L 59 B. Kota Pusing, lemas 110/80 DM Type 2 Gliben, Methformin,Nadic
30 Niko Januar L 21 Air Lintang Perut sakit 110/70 Dyspepsia Rani.Antacid, PPV, PCT
31 Suhendi L 14 Tempilang Demam, mual, pusing Febris (demam) PCT, Amox,Domperidone
32 Ibnu L 42 Air Lintang Tidak ada keluhan 120/40 TB. KAT II Inj. Streptomycin
1 Nasiem P 47 Plaik Pusing, Mual, Perut, pedih 130/90 Dyspepsia PCT, Antasida, B6
2 Yanti P 49 Sangku Ousing,mual, demam, 100/70 Dyspepsia Antasi,pct, B. Comp
3 Irma Maysuri P 17 Tempilang Payudarara bengkak, demam 90/70 Kostitis Amox, PCT
4 Reski L 6 Plaik Batuk, pilek, CC PCT, OBH, CTM
5 Wahian L 46 alfa Dada sakit, jantung berdebr 110/70 Dyspepsia Asmef, Antasid, Diaz
6 Almir P 60 Air Lintang Kaki sakit, mual, perih ulu hati 100/80 Dyspepsia Antasid, PCT, B.Comp
7 Nurzhim L 49 Sangku Perus sakit, mual,muntah 110/80 Dyspepsia Antalgin, Vit. BCOM
8 Romadhoni L 9 Sinar surya Demam, Batuk,pilek Febris (demam) PCT, OBH, Antasid
9 Fauzan L 6 Air Lintang Batuk, pilek, demam CC OBH,PCT, CTM
10 Romni P 2.5 B. Kota Pusing, perut kembung, CC PCT, GG, Vit. C
11 Juwita P 34 Tempilang Sesak nafas, pusing 90/70 Dyspepsia Antasid, PCT, B.Comp
12 Sadi P 80 Tempilang Mual, perut sakit, pusing 100/80 OA Melox,PCT, Vit C
13 Juhni Fahrizal L 24 Air Lintang perut sakit, mual 100/80 Dyspepsia Antasid, PCT, B.Comp
14 Didi L 32 Kelumbi Pusing, demam, mual 100/80 Dyspepsia Ranitidin,PCT, B. Comp
15 Fauzi L 29 Tempilang Pusing, demam, mual 100/70 CC PCT, OBH, Dexa
16 Madi L 13 Tempilang Gatal-gatal cuaca dingin Ulticaria CTM, Salisil
17 Nuraini P 32 Kelumbi pusing., mual, muntah 110/80 Vertigo Asmef,B. Com
18 Mila P 35 Tempilang pusing, badan sakit 100/80 Myalgia PCT, B.COM[, Kalk
19 Ibnu L 42 Air Lintang Tidak ada keluhan 100/80 TB KAT II Inj. Streptomycin
20 Samsiah L 60 Dam 3 Tangn kaki kesemutan 230/110 HT Captopril. Nifedifin, Piracetam
21 Sawadi L 64 Air Lintang Sakit kepala,pilek 110/80 Chepalgia Prednison, CTM
22 Subardrio L 44 Sangku Gatal-gatal 130/90 Ulticaria Amox, CTM, Dexa, inj. Dexa
1 Zikru L 27 Fanta Batuk. Tangan keram 100/80 Bronkritis akut Ambroxol, Nadic
2 18/01/2013 Akir L 53 B. Kota Pusing, demam, mual 120/90 Niddm -
3 Ike Eka wati P 30 Air Lintang Pusing 110/70 Skro pranoid -
4 Siman L 50 Tempilang Sakit teanggorokan, demam 140/90 HT cipri, Antalgin, B.COMP
5 Aulia P 8 B. Kota Demam, Muntah, pusing Febris (demam) Amox, PCT, CTM
6 Satria L 28 Basun Demam, Batuk, Pilek 90/70 Febris (demam) PCT, CTM, GG
7 Suci Ramadhan P 7 Tempilang Demam, Pusing, Mual Febris (demam) Amox, PCT, CTM
8 Sahril L 26 Fanta Demam, pusing, pilek, batuk 90/70 ISPA PCT, CTM,Ambroxol
9 Megawati P 22 Tempilang Batuk, pilek 120/80 Hipersekresi ulkus ambroxol, GG, CTM
10 Jaleha P 62 Air Lintang Perut perih, tangan kram 150/90 HT Captopril, antasida, Ranitidin
11 Epan Kumara L 5.5 Parit X Demam, Batuk, pilek Febris (demam) Amox, PCT, OBH
12 Dasimah P 49 Tj. Niur Batuk, susah bernafas 140/90 HT B. Com, ambroxol, Prednison
13 Rudi L 45 B. Kota Pusing, perut kembung, 90/70 Dyspepsia Antasida,B.Comp, Domperidone
14 Auliya P 13 B. Kota Demam, Batuk, pilek Febris (demam) PCT, CTM, OBH
15 Sua P 37 Tempilang Perut pedih, pusing Dyspepsia PCT,B.Comp, Antasida
16 Robiyah P 30 Dam 3 Telinga sakit 100/70 trauma benda tumpul Antalgin
17 Endang L 35 Tempilang Demam, mual,pusing 110/80 Dyspepsia Antasid, Ranitidin, PCT
18 Arni P 45 B. Kota Demam, mual, pusing 130/80 Dyspepsia Cotry, pct, b6, antasida
19 Ibnu L 42 Air Lintang Tidak ada keluhan 100/70 TB. KAT II Inj. Streptomycin
20 Saimun P 50 Sangku Pedih Ulu hati,mual 100/70 Dyspepsia Antasid, B6, Inj. B12
21 Robuin L 51 Sangku Ngilu 120/80 RA Allupurinil, B1, B. Comp
1 Iskandar L 36 B. Kota Ambilobat pusing 100/70 Skizo CPZ, THD, HPD
2 Jais L 62 Tempilang Gatal, Gatal dileher 110.80 Urtikaria CTM, Dexa,B6
3 Ivan Sugara L 18 Air Lintang Mual 100/70 Antasid
4 Ridwan L 33 PKS Pedih Ulu hati,mual 110/70 Dyspepsia Antasida, B6
5 Linda P 25 Sinar surya Perut sakit,pusing 80.60 ISK Cimetidin, Amox
6 Viola P 6.3 Sangku Demam, pusing, sakit perut Febris (demam) PCT, Cotry, CTM, GG, B. Com
7 Panji maulana P 14 Sinar surya Demam, pusing, sakit perut Susp typoid PCT, Chloram, B. Comp
8 Mani P 27 Plaik Batuk berdahak,demam, mual 100/70 Susp typoid Cypro, PCT, Antasid, CTM, GG
9 Anip P 50 Tempilang mata kabur, pusing 140/90 DM Type 2 Antalgin, Amox
10 Monika P 12 Air Lintang Demam. Batuk pilek ISPA ATG, CTM, Ambrox, amox
11 Andi acok L 25 Tempilang Batuk berdahak, pusing 100/80 Cantrukel Amox, PCT, Dexa
12 Ica P 12 Tempilang Badan panas dingin Susp typoid Chloram
13 Dea P 10 Sinar surya Demam, batuk, pilek Febris (demam) PCT, Antasida,, ambrox,CTM
14 Hendra L 32 Tempilang Demam, pusing, mual 100/80 Febris (demam) PCT, Antasida,B. Comp
15 Yoanda L 13 Air Lintang Demam. Batuk pilek Febris (demam) PCT, Antasida,B. Comp
16 Yuli P 20 Limbung Demam, meriang,pusing 90/70 Dyspepsia PCT, Antasida,B. Fe
17 Rio L 25 Limbung batuk, pusing, ngilu 100/80 Faringitis Amox, PCT, Ambrox, Vit. C
18 Jariyah L 25 Tempilang Meriang, panas, batuk,pilek 100/70 CC PCT, Antasida, Ambroxol, CTM
19 Ibnu L 42 Air Lintang Tidak ada keluhan 100/80 TB KAT II Inj. Streptomycin
20 Rongani P 55 B. Kota Tidak ada keluhan 100/70 TB KAT II Inj. Streptomycin
21 Galang L 12 Tempilang Gatal-gatal 100/70 Urtikaria CTM, Dexa, Inj. Dexa
22 Wanto L 37 Air Lintang Demam, pusing 120/80 Febris (demam) PCT, B. Comp, Inj. B12
1 Andri L 27 Air Lintang Demam. Batuk pilek 110/80 CC Pct, OBH, CTM, Vit C
2 Agus L 24 B. Kota Ambilobat pusing 120/80 Skizo CPZ, THF, HPD
3 Topan L 15 Sinar surya Pusing, sesak nafas 90/70 CC Ambrox, Asmef
4 Anen L 56 Sinar surya Gatal-gatal dikaki 130/90 DKA CTM, Dexa
5 Disma P 22 KTW Sakit pinggang, pusing, mual 110/70 Dyspepsia Antasid, AMOX, PCT, B6
6 Andri L 17 Air Lintang Pusing,demam, menggigil 90/70 Febris (demam) PCT, Antasid
7 Arni P 38 Basun Pusing,menggigil, batuk 110/70 asma bronch Salbu, dexa, ambrox
8 Ibnu L 42 Air Lintang TAK 110/80 TB KAT II Inj. Streptomycin
9 Romani P 55 B. Kota TAK 100.70 TB KAT II Inj. Streptomycin
10 Asiah P 34 Tj. Niur sesak nafas, mual, pilek 90/60 Dyspepsia Antacid
11 23/01/2013 Sopinah P 60 Air Lintang Kaki ngilu, pusing, 180/110 HT Capto, Melox, PCT
12 Zakaria L 22 Air Lintang Pusing, batuk, demam 90/70 ISPA PCT, GG, Vit. C
13 Nurul P 16 PKS Batuk, mual, pusing 100/70 Febris (demam) Nadic, Ambrox
14 Hatimah P 65 Air Lintang Batuk, pilek, demam 110.70 Febris (demam) Ambrox, pct, antasida, ranitidin
15 Indok L 40 Sinar surya sesak,pusing, kembung 110.70 TTH Nadick, Atg, Rani
16 Ema L 23 B. Kota Pusing, mual 100/80 Chepalgia Rani, Antasida, pct
17 Bun L 32 Air Lintang Pusing, Mual, Perut, pedih 160/90 FA Amox, pct, antasida
18 Iskandar L 35 B. Kota Pilek,pusing 100/70 Influenza Pct,antasid,b6
19 Muhlisin L 24 Tj. Niur Batuk, dada nyeri 90/60 ISPA Amox, GG, CTM, B. Com
20 Hamnah P 50 Tempilang Mual, Pedih, ulu hati 100/70 Dyspepsia Antasid, B6, Inj. B12
21 Muhammad L 55 Tempilang Ngilu 130/90 RA Ibuprofen, Dexa, Inj. B12
1 Sobar L 24 Sangku Pusing, demam 110/70 Febris (demam) PCT,CTM,Inj. B12
2 Talia P 10 BB7 Pusing, demam, perut pedih Febris (demam) PCT, CTM, B6
3 Sumarni P 54 Tempilang Pusing, mual 100/70 DM, Dyspepsia Gliben, Methformin,Nadic
4 Hania P 20 Air Lintang Sesak, batuk 120/80 Dyspepsia Antasida, ranitidin
5 Tria P 25 Tempilang Mual, melayang 90/70 Vertigo Mertigo
6 Sabin L 60 Tempilang batuk, ssesak nafas 110/80 asma bronch Pred, salbu, ambroxol
7 Hendra P 65 Air Lintang Demam, mulut pahit, pusing 150/90 Febris (demam) Capto,pct, ctm, antasida
8 Masroah L 55 B. Kota batuh perut pedih 170/100 Febris (demam) PCT, GG CTM
9 Sumiati P 50 B. Kota Susah tidur, minta rujukan 80/60 Skizo -
10 Nurhuda P 31 BB7 Batuk, pilek, gatal 90/70 Influenza PCT, CTM, GG
11 Leli P 26 Tempilang Batuk, pilek 90/70 Influenza PCT, CTM, Ambroxol
12 Armana P 58 Tempilang Badan sakit, tangan kesemutan 180/90 FA Pred, pct, gg, antasida
13 Haris L 9 Plaik Pusing, mual, demam Febris (demam) PCT, B6
14 Dewi P 2 B. Kota Mengi, Batuk, pilek 120/80 asma bronch Salbu, pred, ambroxol
15 Yeni P 32 Tempilang Pusing, sakit pinggang 110/70 LBP Antalgin, B6
16 Jeslin P 6 Tempilang demam, batuk,pilek Febris (demam) PCT, CTM, OBH
17 Obsah P 59 Tempilang Kaki ngilu,pusing 130/90 Osteotritis NADIC, PCT, B.COM
18 Bahari L 58 Tj. Niur Batuk, keseutan 160/100 HT, Capto, GG, B. COM
19 Lasimah P 50 Tj. Niur batuk, pusing, ngilu 160/110 HT Capt, HCT, PCT
20 ,Munah P 40 Gelanggang Batuk, keringat dingin 120/80 Bronkritis akut DMP, CTM, Pred
21 Mohani P 52 Air Lintang Mual, muntah 110/80 GEA, DM Loperamid, pct, antasida
22 Zainap P 46 B. Kota Pusing, Mual, Perut, pedih 100/70 LBP Melox, b6, Antasida
23 M. Atoru L 60 Plaik Batuk, pilek, perut pedih 110/70 Bronkritis akut Ambrox,pred
24 Sulistina P 5.6 Tj. Niur Batuk, pilek Influenza OBH,PCT, CTM
25 Erni P 25 Tj. Niur Demam. Batuk pilek 110/70 Influenza PCT,GG, CTM
26 Ibnu L 42 Air Lintang TAK 110/80 TB KAT II Inj. Streptomycin
27 Romani P 55 B. Kota TAK 100/70 TB KAT II Inj. Streptomycin
28 Erni P 28 Tempilang Batuk, sakit pinggang 90/60 CC DMP, Pred, vit C
29 Siti Romiah P 44 Tempilang Pilek,pusing 180/100 HT Capto, pct, vit C, CTM
30 Riosmah P 82 Air Lintang Sakit perut 100/70 cholic. Abd Antacid, ranitidin, b6
31 Midin L 74 Air Lintang perut sakit 100/80 Massa Abd Rujukan
32 Abon L 5.5 Sangku sakit perut 110/80 Massa Abd Rujukan

Kepala Puskesmas Tempilang

dr. Ratnosoppi
NIP.19810316 200804 1 001
Bulan : Februari 2013


1 Aga L 22 Tempilang Batuk berdahak 130/80 Asma bronchial

2 Aci L 26 Tempilang Demam, Batuk, pilek 90/70 ISPA
3 Wati P 32 Tempilang Pusing,Badan sakit 100/70 Myalgia
4 Ambok L 57 S. II Telapak kaki sakit 120/90 Armigia
5 Anip P 51 Tempilang Pusing, Batuk 130/90 DM Type : 2
6 Artika P 32 Sangku Pusing 90/70 Vertigo
7 Anip P 24 Parit X Demam, pusing,mual 100/70 Febris
8 Lili L 60 Air lintang Perut sakit 110/80 colic abdomen
9 Samsu alam L 39 S. II Ada benjolan dibawah pipi 100/80 limpoma
10 Jamilah P 29 Sangku Batuk, pusing 100/70 CC
11 Rasit L 59 Tempilang Pusing,badan meriang 150/90 HT
12 Tia Ayu P 16 KTW Pusing, sakit perut 90/70 Stomatitis
13 Rasibon L 7 Tempilang Kepala Pusing,demam Febris
14 Rangga L 8 Tempilang Demm, sakit kepala Febris
15 Suliwa L 10 Tempilang Pilek rhimitis alergi
16 Ibnu L 42 Air lintang TAK 110/80 TB Kat II
17 Romani P 55 B. Kota TAK 120/80 TB Kat II
18 Anip P 25 Air lintang Batuk, pilek, demam 120/80 Febris
19 Jahila P 50 Air lintang Mual, ngilu, demam 130/90 Armigia
20 Bandi L 38 B. Kota Demam,pusing 120/80 Febris
21 Bahri P 55 Sangku Ngilu-ngilu 130/90 RA
22 Suhardi L 50 Limbung Mual, pusing 100/70 Dyspepsia
23 Asana L 57 Nyikeo Pusing,nyeri ulu hati 100/70 Stomatitis
24 Kamsir P 32 Bravo Batuk, pilek lemas 100/70 ISPA
1 Kemisan P 45 Tj. Niur Bahu kanan sakit, Pusing 130/90 limpoma
2 Vivin P 24 Tempilang Post abortus 100/70

3 Juhari L 45 Sp. Yul susah tidur 100/70 Skizo
4 Agung L 43 Tempilang Pusing, badan sakit,lemas 90/70 CC
5 04/02/2013 Monika P 6 Tj. Niur Batuk berdakah,lemah ISPA
6 Siti Umara P 49 Tempilang Kaki kiri sakit 110/70 OA
7 Buna L 58 BB7 Pusing, mual 110.80 CC
8 Jumiadi L 58 Tempilang Mual,pusing,mencret 130/80 Diare
9 Jaimun P 54 Tempilang Mencret, badan lemas 120/90 Dyspepsia
10 Hermansyah L 63 Air lintang Kaki, tangan ngilu 120/80 DM Type : 2
11 Anip P 35 Tempilang Ngilu tulang 100/80 OA
12 Yahyan L 60 s. II Dada sakit, pusing,mual 100/70 ISPA
13 Yati P 26 Air lintang Korengan, gatal 100/70 Dermatitis
14 Nopi P 53 PKS Pusing 100/70 cephalgia
15 Salwa P 5.2 PKS Batuk, pilek, demam ISPA
16 Depan L 15 PERUMNAS Pusing, badan sakit,lemas 80/60 Febris
17 Ginnesa L 6 Tempilang Demam, Batuk, pilek ISPA
18 Sumarni P 39 B. Kota pilek, pusing 140/100 DM Type : 2
19 Ana P 35 PLAIK Pinggang sakit 100/70 Disc.abd
20 04/02/2013 Fitri P 28 Tempilang Pusing, mual, perut sakit 80/60 Dyspepsia
21 Yani P 50 Air lintang Mulut sakit 100/80 Vertigo
22 Renita P 24 Air lintang Pusing,pilek, mual 90/70 Dyspepsia
23 Sopinah P 49 Air lintang Kontrol DM 100/70 DM Type : 2
24 M. Soleh L 6 Air lintang Batuk, pilek, demam CC
25 Dani L 23 Tempilang Batuk, pilek, demam 90/70 CC
26 Nandar L 40 Tempilang Demam, pusing,mual 80/60 Febris
27 Neng ayu L 11 Tempilang Pusing, demam Febris
28 Mujiati L 53 Tempilang demam,perut mual,pusing 140/70 Dyspepsia
29 Ibnu P 42 Air lintang TAK 120/70 TB Kat II
30 Romani P 55 B. Kota TAK 110/90 TB Kat II
1 Nurmala sari P 24 B. Kota Pusing, mual,perut pedih 110/80 Dyspepsia
2 Siti solihan P 37 Tempilang Telapak kaki sakit 90/60 Salesma
3 Nurkisah P 51 S. II Batuk,pusing 100/80 CC
4 Adi L 29 Tempilang Sakit mata, pusing 100/70 Konjungtivitis
5 Leli P 40 Tempilang Pusing, Pilek 90/70 Salesma
6 Jamahir L 39 Tempilang Demam, menggigil 100.70 Febris
7 Abdul somad L 31 Saing tangan kram, pusing 110/80 Myalgia
8 m, egi L 8 Tempilang demam, mimisn, perut sakit Febris
9 Bobi L 13 Air lintang Demam, Batuk, pilek Febris
10 11/02/2013 Ahmatum P 20 Tj. Niur sakit kepala,pusing 80/60 Febris
11 Susi juniarti P 17 S. Surya sakit kepala,pusing 100/80 faringitis
12 Novita P 11 S. Surya Demam, Batuk, pilek CC
13 Aria P 12 Tempilang Demam, Batuk, pilek 90/60 Febris
14 Sutrisno L 52 Sangku Batuk, pilek, demam 110/80 cc
15 Anwar L 40 B. Kota pusing, mual, muntah 120/70 Dyspepsia
16 Dest P 8.5 Tempilang mual, sakit, tenggookan Dyspepsia
17 Sunira P 46 Tempilang pusing, batuk, perut sakit 100/80 Dyspepsia
18 Temna jaya L 28 Tempilang pelupuk mata kiri sakit 120/80 Konjungtivitis
19 Usman L 28 Sangku perut sakit, mencret, mual 130/90 GE
20 Jumani P 45 Air lintang mual, perut sakit 110/80 Dyspepsia
21 Asih P 9 B. Kota batuk, sesak nafas Asma bronchial
22 Agus L 18 Air lintang tangn,i berkeringat, batuk 80/60 Anemis
23 Formando P 10 Tempilang Demam, pusing,mual Febris
24 Dewi P 10 Air lintang sakit perut, mencret cc
25 11/02/2013 Fauzan L 67 Air lintang batuk, pilek demam cc
26 Saparudin L 31 Tempilang pusing, berkunang 90/70 cephalgia
27 Ibnu L 55 Air lintang TAK 100/70 TB Kat II
28 Romani P 42 Tempilang TAK 100/80 TB Kat II
29 Agus L 30 Tempilang Demam. Batuk pilek 120/80 Febris
30 Tukiem P 58 Tempilang Demam.Pusing.mual 130/80 Febris
1 Poniran L 80 Tempilang Kaki kesemutan, ngilu 120/90 Armigia
2 Subandi L 70 kp. Jawa Batuk, pilek 110/80 Asma bronchial
3 Kamisah P 51 kp. Jawa Pilek, ngilu 100/80 Salesma
4 Suparty P 66 kp. Jawa Pusing,mual 100/70 Dyspepsia
5 Erni trisnawati P 28 Tempilang batuk,pusing 80/60 Dyspepsia
6 Nurdin L 63 Air lintang mual kepala, sakit 100/80 Dyspepsia
7 Ardi L 9 Tempilang demam, pilek, batuk tonsilitis
8 Rani P 10 Air lintang sakit perut, demam Febris
9 Muryani P 60 plaik sakit pinggang 110/80 gout
10 Siman L 47 Tempilang pusing, batuk, pilek 140/100 HT
11 Sodik L 13 Tempilang Demam, Batuk, pilek CC
12 13/02/2013 Ferdi L 5.2 Tempilang Demam, Batuk, pilek CC
13 Dea P 9 Air lintang demam, muntah, batuk, pilek CC
14 Baiti L 53 Tempilang Demam, pusing,mual 150/90 CC
15 Yenni P 34 Air lintang Pusing, mual, perut sakit 100/70 Dyspepsia
16 Sryati P 445 Tempilang demam, pilek, batuk 110/90 CC
17 Sopinah P 60 Air lintang pusing, kaki ngilu 220/130 HT
18 Juni P 47 Tempilang Demam, pusing,mual 150/100 HT
19 Rudi L 12 Tempilang demam, muntah, batuk, pilek 110/70 Febris
20 Indah P 17 Tempilang batuk, pilek,pusing 90/70 tonsilitis
21 Ibnu L 42 Air lintang TAK 110/70 TB Kat II
22 Romani P 55 B. Kota TAK 110/80 TB Kat II
23 Budy L 35 pks Demam, Batuk, pilek 120/70 Febris
1 Haniah P 60 B. Kota sakitpinggang 130/80 Armigia
2 Sumarno L 53 kelumbi pusing, demam 150/90 HT
3 Susilawati P 42 Air lintang batuk, sesak nafas 100/70 Dyspepsia
4 Nasia P 55 Tempilang pundak sakit, kaki ngilu 140/100 DM Type : 2
5 Kariadi L 40 Tj. Niur Mual, nyeri ulu hati, pusing 100/70 Dyspepsia
6 Juwita P 34 Tempilang pusing, mual, batuk 80/60 Dyspepsia
7 Ririn P 10 Tempilang pusing, demam, mual, Konjungtivitis
8 Habibilah L 5.8 Air lintang Demam. Batuk pilek Febris
9 Nulyadi L 42 Air lintang demam, mencret, muntah 100/80 Febris
10 Rohaya P 43 Tempilang pusing 130/90 CC
11 Alfiana P 6 pks batuk, demam Dyspepsia
12 Siah P 62 Air lintang pusing, pinggang sakit 150/90 HT

13 Gustina P 34 Tempilang sakit tenggorokan 90/70 faringitis
14 ARIYANI P 17 B. Kota pusing, demam,anemis 80/60 Febris
15 rIAN L 6 Penyampak sakit perut, mual, muntah Febris
16 Amat L 65 Tempilang tangan kesemutan, gatal 130/90 Ulticaria
17 Senai P 59 Air lintang gatal, batuk,pilek 150/90 HT, Ultikuria
18 Siti P 31 sp. yul ambil obat jiwa 110/80 Skizo
19 Jemat L 35 Pancur sakit mata, pusing 100/70 Konjungtivitis
20 Randa L 6 Air lintang demam, mual, muntah Febris
21 Silvi P 25 Tempilang pilek, pusing 90/70 Salesma
22 Asiani P 30 Air lintang pusing, batuk, pilek 100/80 Ulticaria
23 Ibnu L 42 Air lintang TAK 110/80 TB Kat II
24 Romani P 55 B. Kota TAK 100/70 TB Kat II
1 Sri utami P 15 Tempilang Demam,pusing, mual, pedih 90/60 CC
2 Abu mansyur L 6 Tempilang Demam, Batuk, pilek 110/70 CC
3 Iwan L 32 Tempilang Kontrol jiwa 100/70 SKIZO
4 Suhartika P 34 B. Kota Batuk, tenggorokan sakit 130/90 ISPA
5 Ribut P 65 Tempilang Pusing,kaki ngilu 170/100 HT
6 Hendratno L 37 B. Kota Adabenjolan dileher 110/80 Tumor
7 Sulastri P 52 Tempilang Sering BAK, PUSING 90/70 DM Type : 2
8 Dewi P 72 Tempilang Pusing, sakit dada 130/90 cephalgia
9 Salijah P 67 Tempilang pusing, kaki ngilu 160/90 HT
10 Holijah P 40 Buyan Batuk demam,menggigil 120/80 Febris
11 Sonia P 10 Tempilang Pusing,mual,demam CC
12 Salmun L 41 Tj. Niur Gatal-gatal dibadan 100/80 Ulticaria
13 Sri mustika P 49 B. Kota pusing, gatal dibadan 130/80 Armigia
14 Ratiah P 29 Tj. Niur Pusing, mual, nyeri 100/80 Dyspepsia
15 Asnifa P 16 B. Kota Pusing, ngilu, mual, muntah 90/60 Dyspepsia
16 Solina P 32 Tempilang Pusing, ngili, panas dingin 130/80 Myalgia
17 Sahli L 50 Penyampak Perut sakit, pusing, mual 100/80 Dyspepsia
18 E. Tambunan L 42 pks Batuk pilek, perut sakit 120/90 Dyspepsia
19 Rita P 41 B. Kota Panas dingin, lemas, ngilu 120/80 CC
20 Heti listina P 32 Sangku Mengi, tangan kesemutan 100/80 ISPA
21 Hengki L 10 bb7 demam, batuk ISPA
22 Hendra L 5 bb7 Demam, Batuk, pilek ISPA
23 Bima L 7 Tempilang Demam, Batuk, pilek ISPA
24 Asri L 53 Buyan perut kembung, mual, pedih 90/70 Dyspepsia
25 18/02/2013 Linda P 23 Sangku pusin, mual, nyeri ulu hati 80/60 Dyspepsia
26 Ibnu L 42 Air lintang TAK 100/70 TB Kat II
27 Romani P 50 B. Kota TAK 120/90 TB Kat II
1 Riban L 73 Tempilang Pusing, batuk, demam, ngilu 120/80 ISPA
2 Harradi L 32 Tempilang Batuk, pilek, pusing 100/70 cc
3 Ridho L 6 B. Kota Demam,muntah Febris
4 Abil L 5.6 Air lintang Demam, batuk, pilek cc
5 Sumai P 28 Kelumbi Pusing, mual 100/0 Vertigo
6 Cikifah P 70 B. Kota Batuk, pusing, demam,mual 110/80 ISPA
7 Mayang sari P 5.8 Tj. Niur demam, muntah, pusing Febris
8 Jasdi L 32 Kelumbi Nyeri, meriang, demam, mual 100/80 Febris
9 Rendi L 9 Air lintang Demam, pusing Febris
10 H. Bambang L 55 S. Surya Pusing, batuk 100/70 ISPA
11 Iskandar L 46 S. Surya Pusing, panas dingin,mual 120/80 Dyspepsia
12 Rehan L 7 Air lintang Demam, Batuk, pilek cc
13 20/02/2013 k. Raihan L 5.3 Tempilang batuk ISPA
14 Saidi L 37 Kelumbi Pusing,badan ngilu 130/90 Myalgia
15 Dwi P 14 Air lintang Sakit perut 100/70 colic, abd
16 Fitrawati P 26 Tempilang Gatal-gatal 110/70 Ulticaria
17 Dimas L 7 Tempilang Demam, batuk Febris
18 Rusdan L 42 Sangku Sakit menelan 130/90 faringitis
19 Musrinani P 46 Sangku Pusing, mual, leher berat 140/90 Dyspepsia
20 Gunarsih P 49 DAM III Batuk, pilek, pusing 110/80 cc
21 Sana P 22 S. Surya batuk, pilek, tidak nafsu 90/70 cc
22 Restam L 11 S. Surya batuk, pilek cc
23 Ibnu L 42 Air lintang TAK 110/80 TB Kat II
24 Romani P 55 B. Kota TAK 120/90 TB Kat II
25 Sudiah P 45 Kamat Gatal-gatal 130/90 cc
1 Robi L 13 PKS Demam. Batuk pilek ISPA
2 Ilham L 33 Tempilang mual, pusing, ngilu 110/80 Dyspepsia
3 Siti Umari P 49 Tempilang Demam. Batuk pilek 100/70 ISPA
4 Ahim L 60 SIKA sakit perut 140/90
5 Priani P 9 PLAIK teling keluar air OMSK
6 Rasya P 5.4 B. Kota Demam, Batuk, pilek faringitis
7 Sibo L 49 KTW sesak, batuk, ngilu 110/80 Asma bronchial
8 Siti kholifah P 7 Buyan Demam, Batuk, pilek ISPA
9 Lasimah P 46 Tj. Niur kaki kesemutan,pusing 130/90 Armigia
10 Turiah P 30 B. Kota teling keluar air 120/90 OMSK
11 Aminah P 30 Kelumbi demam, menggigil, 90/60 Febris
12 Sahani P 43 BB7 Mencret, badan lemas 90/70 GEA
13 Kartika P 10 Tj. Niur demam, pusing Febris
14 Rustam L 41 Tempilang pusing, mual, badan sakit 110/80 Myalgia
15 Anip P 50 Tempilang pusing, kontrol 150/90 DM Type : 2
16 Kamasaris P 42 Air lintang badan melayang, perut penuh 110/70 Dyspepsia
17 Nur P 42 Sangku gatal-gatal 110/80 Ulticaria
18 Tribowo L 33 Tempilang kaki kanan sakit 110/70 Myalgia
19 Heni P 29 B. Kota meriang, pusing, pegal 80/60 Febris
20 Romani P 55 B. Kota tak 110/80 TB Kat II
21 Ibnu L 42 Air lintang tak 120/80 TB Kat II
22 bidin L 58 Tempilang mual, pusing, ngilu 130/80 Dyspepsia
23 Samsul L 42 Tempilang mual, ngulu,perut pedih 110/80 Armigia
24 Arya P 30 Tempilang mual, pusing, nyeri ulu hati 110/80 Dyspepsia
25 Erwin L 31 S. Surya pusing, mual, pinggang sakit 110/80 Dyspepsia
26 Tika P 32 Tempilang Demam, batuk, pilek 100/80 ISPA
1 Sumiaty P 40 B. Kota kontrol jiwa, sering BAK 100/70 SKIZO
2 Elmon P 32 Tempilang Batuk, pusing, ngilu 110/70 Dyspepsia
3 Arni P 5 BB7 batuk, pilek ISPA
4 Yaman L 53 S. Surya pusing 110/80 cephalgia
5 Abu mansyur P 61 Tempilang demam, batuk, mual 110/80 cc
6 Mardiah P 30 Tempilang mual, perut sakit, pusing 100/80 HT, Dyspepsia
7 Satimah P 27 B. Kota gatal-gatal 110/80 Ulticaria
8 Arni P 49 B. Kota pusing, mual, ngilu 150/90 HT
9 Anen L 58 S. Surya gatal-gatal 100/80 Tinea
10 Jumani P 59 B. Kota batuk, pilek, pusing 130/90 DM Type : 2
11 Ilham L 10 Sangku demam, pusing, mual, Morbili
12 Resbon L 11 S. Surya demam, pusing, batuk faringitis
13 Dasikun L 56 Parit X batuk berdahak 90/70 ISPA
14 Darsiah P 80 Parit X ngilu, kesemutan 140/90 Armigia
15 Suhaibah P 48 B. Kota Demam, Batuk, pilek 100/80 ISPA
16 Zulhijah P 43 B. Kota Batuk, tenggorokan sakit 110/80 ISPA
17 Suardi L 42 Fanta mata mmerah terasa panas 90/70 Ptergium
18 Hendra L 32 Fanta demam, muall, pusing 100/70 Febris
19 Herdiana P 46 Tempilang gatal, pusing 100/70 Ulticaria
20 Zikri L 18 Air lintang sakit tenggorokan, 100/70 faringitis
21 Asiah P 9 B. Kota batuk,pilek cc
22 Sumarni P 38 B. Kota pusing, pilek 100/80 Salesma
23 Tika P 37 Air lintang batuk berdahak, pusing 150/90 susp. TB
24 adi L 30 kp. Jawa mata kanan sakit, ngilu 100/70
25 Amat L 65 Tempilang ngilu, mata kabur 130/90
26 Ibnu L 42 Tempilang tak 110/80 TB Kat II
27 Romani P 55 Tempilang tak 100/70 TB Kat II
1 Murasan L 70 Tempilang sakit pinggang 140/90 LBP
2 Aning L 22 Fanta Batuk, dada sakit 90/70 ISPA
3 Cersi P 53 Tempilang Gatal diwajah 110/80 Dermatitis
4 Hodijah P 57 Tempilang dada sesak 140/90 Myalgia
5 Gustina P 35 Tempilang sakit tenggorokan 100/70 faringitis
6 Aci L 24 Tempilang menggigil,pusing, demam 90/70 Febris
7 Soriah P 60 Tempilang Batuk, pilek, pusing 160/90 HT
8 Suryani P 38 Sangku menggigil,pusing, demam 130/90 Febris
9 Zakaria L 38 Tempilang tenggorokan sakit, batuk 110/80 faringitis
10 Novi P 16 Air lintang pusing, mual, perut pedih 90/70 Dyspepsia
11 Akir L 52 B. Kota demam, lemas 130/70 Febris, DM
12 Dinar P 10 Air lintang bengkak jempolkiri Alergi
13 Sopinah P 47 Air lintang kontrol DM, Batuk 100/70 DM Type : 2
14 Tika P 41 Air lintang batuk, tidak bisa tidur 160/110 HT
15 Fauzi L 10 Tempilang Demam, Batuk, pilek tonsilitis
16 27/02/2013 Suryana P 23 Air lintang batuk, sesak nafas, pusing 90/70 cc
17 Minda P 14 nyikep batjk berdahak, sesak, nyeri epilepsi
18 Ilham L 8 B. Kota demam, pusing,pilek cc
19 Masdar L 56 Kelapa batuk berdahak, sesak nafas 130/90 cc
20 Rohani P 58 Air lintang pilek, demam, menggigil 140/90 Salesma
21 Mita P 7 SIKA Demam, Batuk, pilek, telinga brair OMSK
22 Neri L 6 Air lintang kaki korengan Dermatitis
23 Tjik meing P 29 Tempilang pusing, ngilu, perut pedih 110/80 Dyspepsia
24 Murbani P 48 Tempilang pusing, muntah, peru pedih 100/80 Dyspepsia
25 Tanwidayana P 65 B. Kota Demam, Batuk, pilek 160/110 HT
26 Yuhrina P 22 PLAIK Demam, Batuk, pilek 110/80 Febris
27 Ahyang L 57 B. Kota demam, pusing, mual, 130/80 febris
28 Dewi P 6 Air lintang mual, pusing, tidak nafsu makan Dyspepsia
29 Eni P 30 Tj. Niur mual, pusing, nyeri perut 140/90 Dyspepsia
30 Ibnu L 42 Air lintang TAK 110/70 TB Kat II
31 Romani P 55 B. Kota TAK 120/80 TB Kat II

Kepala Puskesmas Tempilang

dr. Ratnosoppi
NIP.19810316 200804 1 001

Salbu, GG,Pred
Antalgin,B.Com, Antasida
Gliben, GG, CTM
Cotry, PCT, Antasida
Cotry, Tramadol, B6
Capt, PCT, b6
Gentian, PCT,Vit. C
INJ. Streptomycin
INJ. Streptomycin
PCT, Amox, GG
Antasid, B6, B1
Nadik, Dexa, B1
Antasid, B6, INJ. B12
Antasid, B6, INJ. B12
Ambrox,PCT, GG, CTM
Antalgin,B.Com, Antasida
Amox, Pct, GG,CTM, DMP
Nadik, CTM
PCT, Dexa
Metro, loperamida,,pct
Cotry, antasdia,
Ibuprofen, Nadik
Amox, CTM, GG
Antalgin. B.Com, Inj.B12
Cotry, CTM, GG
Cefadroxil, pct,ctm
PCT, Amox, GG
Gliben, GG, CTM
Antasdi, nadic
Ranitidin, antasdia, antalgin
Antasdi, nadic
Antasid, CTM, B6
Methpormin, gliben, B6
Ambrox,PCT, GG, CTM
pct, antasida,
Antalgin, PCT, b.Com
INJ. Streptomycin
INJ. Streptomycin
Pct, rani, antasid
pct,ctm, B1
pct, vit c
pct, ctm, melox
PCT, Amox,
pct, amox
pct, domp,B12
Amox, ambroxol,
pct, obh, ctm,cloram
pct,dmp, ctm,bcom
Ambrox,PCT, GG, CTM
pct, antasida,
Ambrox,PCT, GG, CTM
B6.antasida, loperamid
Rani, pct,
dexa, salbu, ambroxol, vit c
pct, ambroxol,
PCT, domp.
Antasid,OBH, Loperamide,ctm
Pct, ctm,OBH, Vit C
INJ. Streptomycin
INJ. Streptomycin
Pct, amox
Melox, ambrox,
Salbu, ctm, gg,pct
ctm, nadic, pred
Ranitidin, antasdia, antalgin
dmp, antasid, fe
antasid, pct, bcom
dexa, salbu, ambroxol, vit c
pct, dmp,bcom
allu, pct,
capt, pct, ambroxol, ctm
pct, ctm, vit c
pct,dmp,obh, bcom
pct, dmp, obh, bcom
pct, capt, domperidone
pct, ctm,bcom, antasida
pct, gg,ctm
capt, nadic,allu
capt, antasida, pct
pct, domperidone
dexa pct
INJ. Streptomycin
INJ. Streptomycin
pct, obh,amox
melox,pct, bcom
capt, pct, bcom
Ambroxo abtasida, bcom
Gliben, metformin, asmef
Pct, rani, antasid
antasid, asmef, bcom,domperidone
dexa, antasida, pct
pct, ambroxol,
pct, bcom, domperidone
asmef,pct, bcom
pct, dmp, bcom
Loperamide, gliben, metformin
amox, pct, bcom
ctm, bcom
Capt, ctm, salisil, melox
cpz.hpd, thp
chloramp,pct, dexa
pct, dmp, b6
pct, cefad, vit c
ctm, salisil, OBH,PCT
INJ. Streptomycin
INJ. Streptomycin
THP. PHD,CPZ,antasid, GG
ctm,OBH, Dexa
Nadic,Capt, allupurinol
Gliben, ctm,pct, bcom
Capt, pct, bcom, melox
pct,ambroxol, bcom
pct,ctm, rani, domperidon
ctm, dexa
melox,pct, bcom
antasdi, pct,bcom
antasid, pct, bcom
domperidone, bcom,pct
ambroxol, ctm, antasid
nadic, ranitidin, bcom
cifro, ctm, salbu, nadic
antasid, pct, bcom
antasid,pct, fe
INJ. Streptomycin
INJ. Streptomycin
pct, ambroxol,
pct, ambroxol, ctm
pct, domperidone, bcom
pct, obh, ctm, bcom
Ambrox,PCT, GG, CTM
pct, domp,, bcom
pct, antasida,
pct, cotry
ambroxol, pct, ctm
pct, antasida,
pct,obh, ctm,vit c
obh, vit c
Melox, pct, bcom
ctm, salisil,
pct,obh, ctm,vit c
amox, pct, bvit c
pct, antasida,
dexro, ctm, melox, vit c
ambrox,ctm,pct, vit c
pct, ctm,obh, genta salf
INJ. Streptomycin
INJ. Streptomycin
ambrox, ctm, vit c
amox sy,pct,gg,dexa,ctm
Ibuprofen, Nadik
IBuprofen, OBH, Amox
dexa,vit c, ctm, cefixime
pct, cotry,gg, ctm, dexa
cypro, OBH, NADIC
Ambroxol, cotry, ctm, bcom
nadic, simvastatin, pct
Amox, dexa, pct
pct, antasida,
loperramid, pct
pct, ctm
pct, nadic, antasid
capt, pct, gliben, methpormin
antasida, ctm, bcom
ctm, salicil
asmef, melox
pct, antasida,
INJ. Streptomycin
INJ. Streptomycin
pct, antasida, gg
ibuprofen, b1, asmef
pct, antasid, b6
pct, antasid, b6
gg, pct,
bcom,vit c
Pct, bcom,antasida, rani
Cotry, ctm, ambroxol
Ambroxol, ctm, dexa, cefixim
Gliben, metformin, metro
CTM, Dexa
Capt, HCT, Nadic, allupurinol
Bcom, ctm, dexa
Gliben, metpormin, ctm, IBH
Pct, ctm, antasid,amox
pct, eritro, ctm, dexa
Nadic, simvastatin, bcom
Ambroxl, cipro,bcom
tetes mata,ctm
pct, antasid,rani
ctm, dexa, bcom, simvastatin
Amox, pct, domperidon
OBH, Vit c, bcom
Gliben, ctm, pct
gg, pct,

INJ. Streptomycin
INJ. Streptomycin
Pct,Melox, bcom
Ambroxil, pct, bcom,ctm
ctm, pct, dexa
asmef, melox, bcom
pct, vit c
pct, antasud, bcom
capt, ambroxol, ctm,pct
Pct,Melox, bcom
dexa, amox, pct
pct, antasid, bcom
dexa, pct, ctm
methpormin, gliben, ambroxol
capt, ambroxol, ctm,pct
dexa, amox, pct, OBH
Ambroxol, ctm,pct, vit c
obh, pct, ctm, antasid
capt, gg
pct, ctm, vit c
pct, dexa, amox, obh
ctm, betametason
antasid, pct, obh
pct, antasida, bcom
capt, ambroxol, ctm,pct
pct, ambroxol, ctm, vit c
pct, antasid, bcom
antasid, bcom, pct
pct, antasid, b6
INJ. Streptomycin
INJ. Streptomycin


0804 1 001

Bulan : Maret 2013


1 Suliah P 34 S.II demam,pusing,mual 100/80 febris

2 Jamun L 85 Air Lintang batuk, mual, ngilu 140/90 HT, Dspepsia
3 Kamaria P 21 Plaik Batuk, demam, pilek 110/80 CC
4 Andi L 41 B. Kota Pusing,lemas, sakit perut 90/70 Dyspepsia
5 Juhari L 44 SP. Yul ambil obat pusing 100/70 SKIZO
6 Liung P 30 Plaik batuk, pusing, pilek 100/60 CC
7 Rendi L 7 Plaik demam, batuk, pilek CC
8 Nabil L 5.6 Tempilang Demam, sakit perut, mual Febris
9 01/03/2013 Lisa P 5.6 Tempilang Sakit perut Dyspepsia
10 Ibnu L 42 Air Lintang TAK TB. Kat II
11 Romani P 55 B. Kota TAK TB. Kat II
12 Hamani P 42 S.II demam, batuk, pilek 130/70 Febris
13 Sumadi L 33 Air Lintang demam, batuk, pilek 130/80 febris
14 Yono L 49 Permunas lemas, tulang sakit 100/70 cc
15 Agus L 33 Tempilang mual, lemas 120/80 Dyspepsia
16 Mariati P 40 Air Lintang badan ngilu, nyeri ulu hati 110/70 Dyspepsia
17 Bidin L 58 Tempilang demam, mualm pusing 130/80 Dyspepsia
1 04/03/2013 Rina P 33 SII Sakit kencing, batuk pilek 110/80 DM Type II
2 suleman L 38 Tempilang Pusing, panas dingin 100/70 Myalgia
3 syfarudin L 45 Air Lintang ambil obat pusing
4 aidian pratama L 5.6 Air Lintang Pusing,muntah,batuk,pilek sakesma
5 simuntari P 31 BB7 Kaki keram 120/80 RA
6 salena P 37 Tempilang Kaki tangan ngilu 100/70 GOUT
7 suparti P 66 Tempilang pusing, mual, demam 150/100 HT
8 riska P 6 BB7 demam,pusing, lemas tonsilitis
9 alambia L 27 Air Lintang pilek, pusing, batuk, demam 100/70 ISPA
10 Hendratno L 37 B. Kota Minta rujukan 110/80 limpoma
11 Adrian L 5 Tempilang Puisng,muntah, demam Salesma
12 Dewa L 13 Tempilang pusing, muntah,panas dingin cc
13 Aleska P 7 Air Lintang demam,pusing, sakit tenggorokan susp DHF
14 Saknah P 52 SII Demam,lemas, pusing, gemetar 110/80 cc,anemia
15 aden P 8 Permunas demam, batuk, pilek ISPA
16 Sumarni P 40 B. Kota Demam.batuk.pilek 110/80 DM Type II
17 Selpiana P 35 Tempilang Minta rujukan 120/80 GGK
18 Nandar L 40 Tempilang demam, pusing,lemas 110/70 febris
19 Nurliah P 30 Air Lintang skd 100/70
20 Rian L 6 Tempilang Batuk,pilek, mengi asma bronch
21 Hartono L 5 TJ, Niur Pusing, batuk,pilek, mual ISPA
22 Sumarni P 30 sp. yUL Minta rujukan SKIZO
23 Yahni P 42 TJ, Niur pusing, mual, perut pedih Dyspepsia
24 Muharni P 35 Tempilang Pusing, pilek 100/60 Myalgia
25 Eko L 17 Tempilang Batuk, pilek, badan panas dingin 80/60 ISPA
26 Edi L 43 BB7 pusing,pilek 100/80 ISPA
27 Ruslan L 46 Tempilang tangan, kaki kiri kesemutan 110/80
1 Sri sulistiawati P 49 Tempilang Kaki ngili, pusing 110/80 Atmilgia
2 Iwan L 18 Tempilang demam, pusing, mual,muntah 90/70 febris
3 Nurdin L 63 Air Lintang demam, pilek, pinggang sakit 100/80 RA, Dyspepsia
4 Atini P 43 Tempilang Kaki sakit, jantung, berdebar 150/90 HT
5 Agus L 26 B. Kota ambil obat susah tidur 100/70 SKIZO
6 M. Soleh L 39 Buyan ambil obat pusing 90/70 epilepsi
7 Sapri L 39 Limbung Demam, panas, pilek 120/90 RA
8 Ani arlinda P 44 B. Kota batuk, pusing,perut pedh, mual 110/70 Dyspepsia
9 Sardia P 42 Tempilang pusing, leher sakit 100/70 Myalgia
10 Sarmina P 50 Air Lintang sakit panggul sebelah kanan 170/90 HT
11 06/03/2013 Hj. Sello P 50 S.Surya mata kanan merah, BAB sering 100/70 Konjungtivitis
12 Mahya P 65 Air Lintang Pusing,lemas, pegal 100/80 DM, MYALGIA
13 Samsiah P 60 Dam 3 Kaki ngilu, pusing, pedih ulu hati 140/90 HT
14 Maftuna L 33 S.Surya Mata kanan merah, gatal 90/70 Konjungtivitis
15 Samiran L 65 S.Surya Bokong sakit, pusing 150/90 HT
16 Ria P 22 Air Lintang SKD 90/70
17 Indra L 35 Tempilang Sakit perut kanan,mual, muntah 110/80 Dyspepsia
18 Yana P 32 Air Lintang Mual, pusing, gemetar 120/80 Dyspepsia
19 Desy P 8.7 Tempilang demam, batuk,pusing Faringitis
20 Wala P 30 Tempilang pusing, mual, muntah,perut pedih 100/70 Dyspepsia
21 Kamisah P 41 Air Lintang Pusing tangan kram 100/70 Neunitis
1 Yoga L 8 Tempilang Demam, mencret, pusing GEA
2 Ardianti P 30 Air Lintang Demam, mual,sakit tenggoorokan 120/70 Myalgia
3 Suandi L 65 Tempilang badan ngilu 150/90 LBP
4 Pardan L 53 Tempilang Batuk, sesak,panas dingin 80/60 DM
5 Rosit L 66 Tempilang pusing, leher berat 160/110 HT
6 Ari L 19 Plaik pilek, demam,sakit mata 80/60 Febris
7 Puji Santosso L 8 Sika demam, pusing, mual febris
8 Sopinah P 47 Air Lintang TAK, Control DM 100/70 DM
9 Amat L 65 Tempilang Demam,lutut ngilu 140/90 Myalgia
10 Fri L 21 Tempilang Demam, muntah, pilek, batuk 80/60 Febris
11 Marlina P 48 Air Lintang Pusing, badan panas dingin 100/70 Dyspepsia
12 Saina P 37 Basun mata merah, gatal 100/80
13 Aziz L 10 Tempilang demam, pusing, mual, menggigil febris
14 Asmala P 30 Tempilang Pusing,badan ngilu, sarawan 100/70 stomatitis
15 Tarisa P 10 Tempilang demam, pusing, batuk, pilek ISPA
16 Adrian L 17 Air Lintang Ngilu tulang, pusing 120/90 Atmilgia
17 Nila P 53 Air Lintang sakit tenggorokan, pusing, pilek, perut pedih 120/90 Febris
18 Pilik L 32 Nyikep ambil obaat jiwa 180/90 Skizo
1 Cintia P 22 B. Kota sakit tenggorokan, demam 130/90 ISPA
2 Ahmad yani L 45 Tempilang Demam, batuk 120/80 ISPA
3 Nabila P 6 Air Lintang Demam, batuk, pilek, pusing Febris
4 Ani arlinda P 24 Tempilang Ada benjilan dikonjungtiva mata kiri 100/80 Hordelium
5 Suhardi L 60 B. Kota Badan lemas 130/90 DM, TB
6 Doni.k L 14 Air Lintang Tangan kiri bengkak habis jatuh
7 Siah P 55 Air Lintang Demam, pusing, tidak nafsu makan 150/90 HT, DM
8 Nina P 26 EHO Pusing, bdan panas, mual 100/80 Dyspepsia
9 Wiwik P 31 GOLF Pusing, mual, muntah 130/90 Dyspepsia
10 Ayen P 48 SDN 1 Kelapa Pusing, perut pedih 170/110 HT
11 Hendratno L 37 B. Kota minta rujukan post of lim[oma
12 Nurhabibah P 7 B. Kota telinga kanan, perut, pantat, korengan, batuk Carbuncle
13 Maskandar L 34 Buyan kwlumbi sakit bawah telinga,badan ngilu 100/80 Neuritis
14 Rosiah P 56 Air Lintang pusing, kaki ngilu, gatal diselajari, pedih 160/100 Attalgya
15 rahayu P 10 Tempilang pusing,amandel, telinga sakit tonsilitis
16 sakila P 39 TJ, Niur batuk , suara serak 110/90 ISPA
17 pangki wwaan L 11 TJ, Niur mata kanan merah Odem
18 m. Gunawan L 7 Sangku demam, pusing, pilek, batuk Febris
19 Gunarsih P 50 S.Surya pedih ulu hati, pusing 100/80 Dyspepsia
20 Restan L 10 S.Surya sakit perut, mencret, pedih ulu hati Dyspepsia
1 Madero L 48 Tempilang Sakit ulu hati, pusing 110/80 Dyspepsia
2 Adul L 17 Tempilang Batuk, Pusing,badan panas dingin 100/80 cc
3 Rizal L 57 B. Kota Demam 2 hari febris
4 Yunaini P 37 Tempilang Batuk, pilek, lutut ngilu 140/80 HT, CC
5 Monika P 6.6 TJ, Niur demam, batuk,pilek, tenggorokan sakit Faringitis
6 Fatmwati P 41 SII tenggorokan sakit, pusing 120/90 Faringitis
7 Resta aulia P 5.5 Air Lintang vatuk, mengi asma bronch
8 Veristy P 9 Tempilang batuk,demam Febris
9 Titin P 32 PKS sakit pinggang 110/80 LBP
10 Romli L 55 Tempilang mata, tanagn panas, merah, kaki ngilu 110/70 Konjungtivitis
11 Lisnanrto L 28 Air Lintang Batuk, dada sakit, pusing 80/60 ISPA
12 Mala P 10 S. Surya demam, pusing, mual, muntahm batuk Febris
13 Peni P 25 S.Surya pinggang sakit, mual, perut pedih 100/80 LBP,
14 Renaldi L 9 Tempilang demam, pusing, mual, muntah, batuk Febris
15 Riki L 22 Tempilang pusing, badan sakit, demam 90/70 cc
16 Kristiani P 23 Tempilang BAK sakit 100/80 ISK
17 Egi L 21 Tempilang Pusing, batuk, pilek, demam 80/60 Dyspepsia
18 Darsiem P 42 Tempilang Cepat letih pusing, punggung sakit 90/70 Dislipidemia
19 Liya L 27 Tempilang Demam.batuk.pilek 110/80 ISPA
20 Hendy L 23 B. Kota Demam.batuk.pilek 100/80 ISPA
21 Suharty P 49 Tempilang Demam.batuk.pilek 90/70 ISPA
22 Baidi L 38 plaik Demam.batuk.pilek 80/60 ISPA
1 Maisah P 6 Pancur Tengkuk terasa bera,mual,pusing 160/90 HT
2 Salina P 24 TJ, Niur Demam, pilek, batuk 100/80 Febris
3 Sapu P 60 TJ, Niur Tulang rusuk sakit, perut sakit, pusing 100/80 Trauma
4 Kadi L 12 BB7 Demam, batuk, pusing, pilek cc
5 Ngadiman L 67 Tempilang Kaki ngilu, mata kabur 150/80 DM
6 Inah P 54 Air Lintang kaki ngilu, badan panas dingin 140/90 HT, GOUT
7 Paryanto L 16 Sangku perut pedih, mual 120/80 Dyspepsia
8 Anip P 50 Tempilang kaki kesemutan 150/90 DM, HT
9 Rosida P 57 Tempilang Badan berat, kaki saakit 130/90 DM
10 Atini P 49 Tempilang leher berat, kaki sakit 140/90 HT
11 Rusli L 47 Air Lintang kaki kiri sakit, bengkak 100/80 Atmilgia
12 almanah P 44 Air Lintang sesak nafas,batukm pilek 100/70 cc
13 Mirda P 12 Nyikep ambil obat epilepsi
14 Nani P 22 Sangku Sesak nafas, pusing 80/60 anemia
15 Rahayu P 10 Tempilang Demam,pusing, mual, perut pedih febris
16 Roini P 40 Sangku Pusing,perut pedih, mual 90/70 Dyspepsia
17 Sana P 22 S.Surya batuk,pilek, sakit tenggorokan 100/70 Faringitis
18 Siti kaliya P 62 SII pusing, demaam, muntah, sakit perut 230/90 febris

Kepala Puskesmas Tempilang
dr. Ratnosoppi
NIP.19810316 200804 1 001

PCT, antasid,bcom
Ambroxol,antacid, melox, pct
Ambroxol, ctm, vit c
Antasid, Asmef,bcom
Amborxol, PCT, VIT C,CTM
PCT, Ddomperidone,
Antasid, bcom
inj. Streptomycin
inj. Streptomycin
Pct, amox, ambroxol
pct, ctm,b6
pct,amox, b6, inj. B12
Metpormin, asmef
PCT, Melox, bcom
pct, ctm,b6
nadic, simvastatin, ctm, pct
Capt, gliben, Rani
Eritromycin,pct, ctm dexa
OBH, CTM, Antalgin, bcom

pct, ctm,domperidone
ERitromycin,pct, ctm
Fe, B6, Bcom
Cotry, pct, ctm,gg

PCT,Bcom, Antasid

Ambroxol, salbu, ctm


OBH, antalgin, ranitidin

Eritromycin, ctm, pct
PCT, Ambroxol, ctm
Allupurinol, dexa nadic
Melox, ibuprofen, bcom
pct, antasid, ambroxol, ctm
pct, ctm, melox, antasida
Capt, pct, bcom
cpz, yhp, hpd
Luminal, cpz
Ctm, pct, vit c
ambroxol, pct, vit c, antasid
eritromycin, b6
capt,pct, bcom, furosemide
pct, ctm
Methpormin, pct, melox, bcom
capt,melox, antasida
tetes mata, ctm
capt,pct, melox

antasid, pct, bcom

pct, antasid, bcom
amoxicline, ibuprofen, dexa
pct, antasida, b6
Amox syr, Ambroxsol syr
Cotry, pct, ctm,gg
pct, pred, antasida
Capt, meloc,bcom
Gliben, metformin, gg
Capt,pct, bcom
chloram, amox, pct,ctm
amox,pct, B6
Gliben, metformin, gg
PCT, Naadic,
pct, ctm, gg
antasida, rani, pct, cloram
Amox, ctm, aasmef
amox,pct, b6
pct, pred, vit c
Pcy, puyer
pct, nadic, bcom
pct, ctm, pred
thp, cpz, hpd
Cypro, dexa, tm
Cypro, dexa, tm
pct,OBH, CTM, Vit C
pct, bcom
Capt,metpormin, pct, bcom
antasid, pct, bcom
capt, antasid,pct

OBH, amox, dexa, ctm

dexa,pct, vit c
ketokonazol, salf ketokonazol, rani
rani,dexa,amox, antalgin
amox, dexa, OBH
Dexa, ctm
Pct, cotry, OBH
Rani,antasid, Antalgin
Antasid, Rani, Loperamide
PCT, antasid, rani
ambroxol, ctm, pct, vit c
pct, bcom
ambroxol, ctm, melox
amox,pct, OBH, CTM
amox,pct,ctm,vit c
Ambroxol, dexa, salbu, vit c
Ambroxol, pct, bcom
Ambroxol, pct, vit c
pct, antasic, bcom,OBH

Ibuprofen, rani, bcom
Cepro, metro, asmef
Rani, antalgin,OBH
Nadic, bcom
Amox syr, Ambroxsol syr
Amox syr, Ambroxsol syr
Amox syr, Ambroxsol syr
Capt, Antasid, pct, bcom
pct, ctm, ambroxol, vit c
pct, melox, dexa, vit c
Amborxol, pct,ctm, vit c
Metformin, Gliben, Nadic, b6
Pct, Dexa
Antasid, bcom
capt,metpormin, bcom, gliben
gliben, metformin, amox,pct
Capt,pct, melox
ambroxol, ctm, vit c
pct, fe, bcom
antasid, pct, bcom
PCT, antasid, rani
Ctm, Amox,vit c


1 Putri P 10 Kelapa Demam,Pusing

2 Khozin L 49 Tempilang Demam.batuk.pilek 100/70
3 Sakim L 70 By. Asin Demam,Pusing 130/90
4 Sakina P 1.6 Beruas Demam.batuk.pilek
5 Sari P 17 Sp. Yul Demam.batuk.pilek 100/70
6 Abdi Fazar L 13 Kelapa Demam.batuk.pilek
7 Tiora P 10 Kelapa Demam.batuk.pilek 100/70
8 Jarwiati P 52 Dalil Demam.Pusing.mual 100/60
9 Solihin L 50 Sp. Tempilang Demam,Pusing 100/60
10 Ponirah P 41 Beruas Pusing Tengkuk berat 180/100
11 M.Nur L 76 Kelapa Gatal-gatal 130/90
12 Salmin P 50 Dendang sakit perut 110/70
13 01/04/2014 Sumarno L 29 Terentang Demam. Pusing 90/60
14 Kisgianto L 27 Sp. Bulin
15 Abdul L 89 Sinar Sari Demam.batuk.pilek 100/70
16 Tri L 30 Pk. Niur Pusing Tengkuk berat 180/100
17 Novia P 10 SDN 1 Kelapa Demam.batuk.pilek
18 Kasrip L 47 Kelapa Demam.batuk.pilek 90/60
19 Marzuki L 51 Mancung Deman. Badan lemas 100/60
20 Romianti P 25 Tebing
21 Maulidya P 5 Tebing Demam.batuk.pilek
22 Dewi Wati P 58 Kelapa Kaki ngilu-ngilu 100/70
23 Adila L 11 Kelapa Batuk sesak nafas
24 Ratna P 33 Kelapa
25 Nuryana P 29 Kelapa Sariawan 90/60
1 Mirza L 8 Kelapa Demam.batuk.pilek
2 Susanti P 32 Dendang Pusing 90/60
3 Linda P 34 PUSUK Kepala pusing 120/80
4 M.Khairul L 2,6 Kelapa Demam.batuk.pilek
5 Prisiliana Dipa P 2 Kelapa
6 Zul Alwi L 37 Kelapa Pusing Tengkuk berat 180/100
7 Mira P 10 Kelapa Mutah Sakit perut
8 Hendra L 37 BINE Demam,Pusing 100/60
9 Liana Hariman L 28 Kelapa Demam.batuk.pilek 100/70
10 Erawan L 53 Kelapa Demam.batuk.pilek 100/70
11 02/04/2014 Poliana P 54 Kelapa Demam.batuk.pilek 100/70
12 Afika P 36 Kelapa Mutah Sakit perut 90/60
13 Rohayu P 51 Kelapa Kepala pusing 120/80
14 Mustafa Musa L 66 Kelapa
15 Ammarlutfi L 3,8 Kelapa Sakit tenggorokan
16 Ines P 10 Kelapa
17 Juhari L 43 Sp.Yul
18 Supri L 30 Mancung Gatal-gatal
19 Maila P 56 Air Bulin Demam.batuk.pilek 100/70
20 Sunai P 23 Belit Berak darah 90/60
21 Endang P 35 Kelapa
1 Firta L 31 Air Bulin Sakit tenggorokan
2 Atiyah P 1,8 Kelapa Demam.batuk.pilek
3 Hairul L 22 Kapuk
4 Nurleli P 30 Dendang Gatal-gatal 90/60
5 Saharudin L 52 th Kelapa Gatal-gatal 90/60
6 Gadis Ermawati P 49 Kelapa Mutah Sakit perut 90/60
7 03/04/2014 Jamila P 32 Tugang
8 Cahaya P 4 Kelapa Demam.batuk.pilek
9 Afil Khairi.H L 11 Kelapa Demam.batuk.pilek
10 Suriati P 54 Kelapa Pusing Sakit Kepala 100/70
11 Azuar L 51 PUSUK Pusing Sakit Kepala 100/70
12 Semah P 46 PUSUK Pusing Sakit Kepala 100/70
13 Iput P 70 Kelapa Gatal-gatal
1 Audi P 4 Kelapa Demam,Pusing
2 Abdi Fajar L 13 Kelapa Demam,Pusing
3 Sahnan L 51 Kelapa Deman. Badan lemas 100/60
4 Jemaah L 48 Sp.Tempilang Pusing Sakit Kepala 100/70
5 Yuda L 4,9 Kelapa Demam,Pusing
6 Rian L 31 Kacung Demam.batuk.pilek 100/70
7 Tini P 30 Ganjan Demam.batuk.pilek 100/70
8 Vanesa P 2 Kelapa Demam.batuk.pilek
1 Aditia L 2 Mancung Demam,Pusing
2 Alpin L 6,5 PKL. NIUR berak-berak sakit perut
3 Nazril L 2,5 Kelapa Demam.batuk.pilek
4 Zulpan L 6,5 Kelapa Demam.batuk.pilek
5 Martati P 11 Kacung Mutah Sakit perut 90/60
6 Selina P 60 Kacung Pusing Tengkuk berat 180/100
7 Patia P 1,9 Belinyu Demam.batuk.pilek
8 05/04/2014 Patini P 29 Kacung
9 Kenzie L 2,8 Kelapa Demam.batuk.pilek
10 Rima P 26 Kayu Arang Deman. Badan lemas 100/60
11 Cantika P 9 SDN 2 Kelapa Demam.batuk.pilek
12 Naura P 9 SDN 2 Kelapa Demam.batuk.pilek
13 Tamini L 45 Air Bulin Kepala pusing 120/80
14 dr.Kuswandani L 52 Kelapa Demam.Pusing.mual 100/60
15 Sofian L 41 Kelapa Demam.Pusing.mual 100/60
1 Juke L 21 Belit Mutah Sakit perut
2 Mirza L 10 Kelapa Demam.batuk.pilek
3 Nona Anisa P 3,1 Kacung Demam.batuk.pilek
4 Kaila P 5 Sp.Tempilang Demam.batuk.pilek
5 Zainab P 50 Kacung Pusing Sakit Kepala 100/70
6 Rian L 7 Kelapa Demam.batuk.pilek
7 Ameliawati P 1,10 Sp.Tempilang Demam.batuk.pilek
8 Ainul K P 30 Sinar Sari Demam.batuk.pilek 100/70
9 Ian L 4 Kelapa Demam.batuk.pilek
10 Sodikin L 40 Terentang Sakit kepala sebelah 90/60

11 Wartini P 57 Kelapa Deman. Badan lemas 100/60

12 Sadi L 59 Kelapa Mutah Sakit perut 90/60
13 M.Iqbal L 2,2 Kelapa Demam.batuk.pilek
14 Samsu L 50 PKL. NIUR
15 Dysta P 9 Kelapa Demam,Pusing
16 Mariyam P 47 Kayu Arang
17 Dani Aridandi L 29 Kelapa Demam.batuk.pilek 100/70
18 Firly L 2 Kelapa Demam.batuk.pilek
1 Akbariadi L 25 Kelapa Demam.batuk.pilek 100/70
2 Zilki P 8 Tebing Demam.batuk.pilek
3 Ana P 32 Kelapa Kaki ngilu-ngilu 90/60
4 Riska P 9,3 Kelapa Mutah Sakit perut
5 Mina Muriaya P 37 Beruas Pusing Sakit Kepala 100/70
6 Nurhayati P 37 Dendang Demam.Pusing.mual 100/60
7 Kaylila Ammi P 4 Beruas Demam.batuk.pilek
8 Yuni Gusmianto L 38 Kacung Demam,Pusing 100/60
9 M.Sadad.Y L 10 Kacung Demam,Pusing
10 Kelsy Safira P 12 Sinar Sari Gatal-gatal
11 Adel P 1,3 Kelapa Demam.batuk.pilek
12 Anggun P 6 Kelapa Demam,Pusing
13 Nasipa P 10 Mancung Batuk sesak nafas
14 Novan L 26 BINE Pusing Sakit Kepala 100/70
15 Marzuki L 52 Mancung Deman. Badan lemas 100/60
16 Mahdali L 65 Dendang Pusing Tengkuk berat 180/100
17 M.Dani L 38 Kelapa Pusing Sakit Kepala 100/70
18 Rohiman L 55 Kacung Demam.batuk.pilek 100/70
19 Rohani P 48 Tebing Deman. Badan lemas 100/60
20 Rika P 36 Kelapa Sariawan 90/60
1 Dion L 1,9 Kayu Arang Demam.batuk.pilek
2 Yono L 21 Kelapa Keluar cairan dr telingga 90/60
3 Arfiansyah L 6 Sumarco Demam.batuk.pilek
4 Tanti Darma P 48 Kacung Kepala pusing 120/80
5 Fatimah P 45 Kacung Kaki ngilu-ngilu 100/70

6 Naura P 10 BPRE Demam,Pusing
7 M.Azam L 12 Kelapa Demam.batuk.pilek
8 Yuhana P 55 Kelapa Demam.batuk.pilek 100/70
9 Sofian L 52 Kelapa Deman. Badan lemas 100/60
10 Dahliana P 65 Kelapa Pusing Tengkuk berat 180/100
11 R.Simanjuntak P 49 Kelapa Demam.batuk.pilek 100/70
12 Josua L 20 Kelapa Demam.batuk.pilek 100/70
13 Azizah P 35 PKL. NIUR
14 Dewi Wati.M P 58 Kelapa Kaki ngilu-ngilu 100/70
15 Zahid L 2 Kelapa Demam,Pusing
16 Rima P 26 Kayu Arang Deman. Badan lemas 100/60
1 Hesti P 1 Kayu Arang
2 Nur Fitria P 5 Kelapa Demam.batuk.pilek
3 Susiani P 23 Sp.Tempilang Kaki ngilu-ngilu 100/70
4 Audi P 4,9 Kelapa Demam.batuk.pilek
5 Teti P 41 Kelapa Pusing Tengkuk berat 180/100
6 Roy Mansur L 12 Kelapa
7 Riski L 2,2 Kelapa Demam.batuk.pilek
8 Maisaroh P 31 Kelapa Demam. Pusing 90/60
9 Rifsi Yolandri L 9 Sp.Tempilang
10 11/04/2014 M.Fariz L 1,6 Kelapa
11 Ragiel L 7 Kelapa Demam.batuk.pilek
12 Sirac L 34 Kelapa Pusing Sakit Kepala 100/70
13 Reyval L 7,5 BINE Demam.batuk.pilek
14 Rohani P 48 Tebing Mutah Sakit perut 90/60
15 Fadjiarti P 41 Kelapa Demam.batuk.pilek 100/70
16 Habiburrahman L 2 Kelapa
17 Aminah P 59 Kelapa Demam.batuk.pilek 100/70
18 Kosasih L 55 Kelapa Kepala pusing 120/80
19 Mustafa Musa L 67 Kelapa Gatal-gatal 150/90
1 Nur Elita P 4 Kelapa Demam,Pusing
2 Kenzie L 3 Kelapa Demam.batuk.pilek
3 Sahira P 2 Beruas Demam.batuk.pilek
4 Intan Amanda P 9 Kacung Demam.batuk.pilek
5 Santi P 28 Pusuk Demam.batuk.pilek 100/70
6 Mawanda L 2,8 Kapuk Gatal-gatal
7 Mariyati P 47 Kelapa Demam.batuk.pilek 100/70
8 Aida P 42 Kelapa Pusing Tengkuk berat 180/100
9 12/04/2014 M.Ridwan L 7 Tuik Mata merah berair
10 Bima P L 2,8 Kelapa Sakit tenggorokan
11 Ilfaka Abilma L 9 Kacung Demam,Pusing
12 Prio Widodo L 20 Kelapa Demam,Pusing 90/60
13 Samin L 77 Payak Pusing Tengkuk berat 180/100
14 Tahar L 67 Payak Demam.batuk.pilek 100/70
15 Minah P 51 Dendang Demam.batuk.pilek 100/70
16 Hasan B L 41 Kelapa Kaki ngilu-ngilu 100/70
17 Mona P 26 Kelapa Gatal-gatal
1 Albert L 30 Pusuk Pusing Sakit Kepala 100/70
2 Najua P 10 Sungkai Demam.batuk.pilek
3 Herlina P 40 Kelapa Pusing Sakit Kepala 100/70
4 Naila P 8 Kelapa Demam.batuk.pilek
5 Kenzio L 9 Kelapa Demam.batuk.pilek
6 Atiyah P 1,8 Kelapa berak-berak sakit perut
7 Meratus Soleha P 8 Kelapa Demam.batuk.pilek
8 Hairul L 22 Kapuk
9 Puja P 8 Kelapa Demam.batuk.pilek
10 Daffa Dianta L 1,8 Kelapa Demam.batuk.pilek
11 Dahlia P 1,9 Tebing berak-berak sakit perut
12 Zaskia P 1,1 BINE berak-berak sakit perut
13 Wibby Salsabila P 9 SDN 2 Kelapa Mutah Sakit perut 90/60
14 Firza Pahreza L 4 Beruas Demam.batuk.pilek
15 M.Ihsan L 1,6 Kelapa Demam.batuk.pilek
16 Dharu Laksono L 39 Mancung Pusing Sakit Kepala 100/70
17 M.Aidil L 7,6 Kelapa Demam.batuk.pilek
18 Rika P 37 Sp.Tempilang Demam.Pusing.mual 100/60
19 Bahri Bakar L 69 Kelapa Demam.batuk.pilek 100/70
20 Ayi L 23 Kelapa Demam.Pusing.mual 100/60
21 Rizky L 1,7 Sinar Sari Demam.batuk.pilek 100/70
22 Umi Kalsum P 40 Air Bulin Demam.Pusing.mual 100/60
23 Usman L 57 Pkl.Beras Demam.batuk.pilek 100/70
24 Susilawati P 25 Kelapa Demam.batuk.pilek 100/70
1 Didi.K L 34 Terentang Demam.Pusing.mual 100/60
2 Said Hasan L 70 Kacung Pusing Tengkuk berat 180/100
3 Rizki P 8 Kacung Mutah Sakit perut 90/60
4 Fahrul L 2 Sp.Tempilang Demam,Pusing
5 Lisa Agustina P 15 Neknang Demam.Pusing.mual 100/60
6 Rohani P 45 Sp.Yul Kaki ngilu-ngilu 100/70
7 Edi Sukamto L 44 Kacung Demam. Pusing 90/60
8 Regaz L 7 Tebing Demam.batuk.pilek
9 Dhafia P 1,9 Kelapa Demam,Pusing
10 Aminah P 59 Kelapa Kepala pusing 120/80
11 Fadjianti P 41 Kelapa Sakit tenggorokan 100/60
12 15/04/2014 Amrullah L 46 Kelapa Demam.Pusing.mual 100/60
13 Jamila P 32 Bujang
14 Kipli L 25 Sp. Tempilang Demam.batuk.pilek 100/70
15 M.Abdul Afiz L 5 Kelapa Sakit tenggorokan
16 Soni.S L 10 Kelapa Mutah Sakit perut 90/60
17 Ika Ulivia P 6 Sp.Yul Demam.batuk.pilek
18 Kenza Obama L 5,6 Kacung Demam.batuk.pilek
19 FakryAlqiyan L 1 Tebing Demam.batuk.pilek
20 Sahida P 48 Kelapa Pusing Tengkuk berat 180/100
21 Romliadi L 41 Kelapa Gatal-gatal
22 Afil Kharil Hanif L 11 Kelapa berak-berak sakit perut
23 Sayunari P 45 Kelapa Gatal-gatal 100/60
1 Tuti Indrawati P 45 Pusuk Susah tidur
2 Kormin L 52 Pusuk Demam.batuk.pilek 100/70
3 Eva Suzana P 40 Kacung
4 Sawal L 1,6 Ganjan Demam.Pusing.mual 100/60
5 Nurdin L 61 Kelapa Kaki ngilu-ngilu 100/70
6 Fairus L 1,4 Tebing
7 Ralmat L 13 Kelapa
8 Zulfa P 11 SDN 2 Kelapa
9 Nuranisan P 11 SDN 2 Kelapa
10 Maijah P 67 Mancung Kaki ngilu-ngilu 100/70
11 Sakdiah P 38 Kelapa Demam.batuk.pilek 100/70
12 Nurleli P 30 Dendang Gatal-gatal
13 Sofian L 41 Kelapa Demam.Pusing.mual 100/60
14 Mirda Asmara P 37 Pusuk Pusing Sakit Kepala 100/70
15 Maya Agustina P 36 Pusuk Demam.Pusing.mual 100/60
16 Dewi Wati.M P 58 Kelapa Demam.batuk.pilek 100/70
17 Wildan Kelana P 3,6 Kelapa Demam.batuk.pilek
18 Ferli Ramadinata L 22 Kelapa Kepala pusing 120/80
19 Surmaida P 15 Mancung
20 Isa L 36 Kelapa Deman. Badan lemas 100/60
1 Sudirman L 37 Tebing Demam.Pusing.mual 100/60
2 Amanda P L Kacung Demam.batuk.pilek
3 Samsu L 50 Pkl.Niur
4 Harianto L 16 Beruas Sariawan 90/60
5 Andika L 10 Kelapa Demam.batuk.pilek
6 Natasya P 3 Kayu Arang Demam.batuk.pilek
7 Imron L 45 Sp.Tempilang Sakit kepala sebelah 90/60
8 Asmara P 58 Kelapa Pusing Tengkuk berat 180/100
9 17/04/2014 Ariqoh Zulfa P 3,6 Sinar Sari Gatal-gatal
10 Farel Arsa L 3 Kelapa Demam,Pusing
11 Nurdin L 54 Kelapa Sakit tenggorokan 110/70
12 Rosnah P 52 Petaling Pusing Tengkuk berat 180/100
13 Ria Anggraini P 27 Kelapa Kaki ngilu-ngilu 100/70
14 Pariah P 33 Kelapa Demam.batuk.pilek 100/70
15 Syarifuddin L 28 Kelapa Kaki ngilu-ngilu 100/70
16 Berliana Pandiangan P 29 Kelapa
17 Alpian L 8 Kelapa Demam.batuk.pilek
1 Haliman L 54 Pkl.Niur Demam.Pusing.mual 100/60
2 Rosmiah P 41 Kelapa Pusing Sakit Kepala 100/70
3 Ulandari P 9,1 Kelapa Demam.batuk.pilek
4 Izam L 2,8 Kelapa Demam
5 Iin Reno Wati P 23 Sp.Tempilang berak-berak sakit perut 90/60
6 Hidayat L 5,3 Sp. Yul Demam.batuk.pilek
7 Amrullah L 45 Kelapa Demam.Pusing.mual 100/60
8 Nabil.A L 5 Kelapa Mutah Sakit perut 90/60
9 Heriyawan L 29 Kelapa Pusing Tengkuk berat 180/100
10 Kusmiati P 45 Kelapa sakit BAK 100/60
11 Aditia L 15 Kelapa Pusing 100/60
12 Purwanti P 61 Kelapa Pusing Tengkuk berat 180/100
13 Suriyana P 35 Tebing Demam.Pusing.mual 100/60
14 Azizah P 35 Pkl.Niur Demam.batuk.pilek 100/70
15 Utari Mayang Sari P 9 Kelapa Demam.batuk.pilek
16 Abdullani L 61 Beruas Pusing Tengkuk berat 180/100
17 Darwin L 33 Jebus Demam.batuk.pilek 100/70
18 Sain L 76 Pusuk Demam.batuk.pilek 100/70
19 Suni P 55 Sinar Sari Pusing Tengkuk berat 180/100
20 Romli L 55 Kelapa Deman. Badan lemas 100/60
21 Suwarno L 48 Terentang Demam.batuk.pilek 100/70
22 Susilawati P 40 Kelapa Pusing Sakit Kepala 100/70
1 Reno L 29 Kelapa Demam.batuk.pilek 100/70
2 Aditia L 15 Kelapa Demam.Pusing.mual 100/60
3 Elies P 38 Kelapa
4 Anhar Alfan.N L 10 Kelapa
5 Astuti P 27 Pusuk Demam.batuk.pilek 100/70
6 M. Rizki ananda L 5 Kelapa Demam.batuk.pilek
7 Romlah P 61 Kacung Kaki ngilu-ngilu 100/70
8 21/04/2014 Martina P 30 Kacung Demam.batuk.pilek 100/70
9 Asnah P 42 Kelapa
10 Basor L 65 Air Bulin Demam.batuk.pilek 100/70
11 Aldo L 7 Sp. Yul Demam.batuk.pilek
12 Rita P 43 Dsn. Ibul Kaki ngilu-ngilu 100/70
13 Yeyi Suteni P 9 Ky.Arang Demam.batuk.pilek
14 Hodijah P 67 Ky.Arang Pusing Tengkuk berat 180/100
15 Pertama Rodiyanto L 18 Berang
1 Anggraini P 7 Kacung Demam.batuk.pilek
2 Rahma P 3 Kelapa Demam.batuk.pilek
3 Abdul rani L 26 Kacung Demam.batuk.pilek 100/70
4 Reni P 19 Kelapa Pusing 100/60
5 Vika P 7 Kelapa Demam.batuk.pilek
6 Wilda P 8 Sp.Tempilang Demam,Pusing
7 Margaret P 6 Kelapa Demam.batuk.pilek
8 Azizah P 2.10 Sg.Yul Demam,Pusing
9 Yuliana P 27 Pusuk Demam.batuk.pilek 100/70
10 Ani Nuraini P 8 SDN 2 Kelapa Demam.batuk.pilek
11 22/04/2014 Marzuki L 51 Mancung Deman. Badan lemas 100/60
12 Amanda Dwi.C P 6 Sinar Sari mual mutah
13 Nurhana P 69 Kelapa Kaki ngilu-ngilu 100/70
14 Tagor Nadeak L 33 Kelapa Kepala pusing 120/80
15 Eva Afriliana P 31 Kelapa Demam.batuk.pilek 100/70
16 Dhafia.A.R P 1.9 Kelapa Demam.batuk.pilek
17 Khairil L 42 Kelapa Kaki ngilu-ngilu 100/70
18 Leni P 35 Kelapa Batuk sesak nafas 110/80
19 dr. Kuswandani L 51 Kelapa Demam.Pusing.mual 100/60
20 Eman L 45 Kelapa Demam.batuk.pilek 100/70
21 Nuryana P 29 Kelapa
1 Rahmad Gunawan P 1.4 Dinai Demam.batuk.pilek
2 Cinta Lestari P 1.11 Penegak Demam.batuk.pilek
3 Wahelen P 10 Kapuk Demam.batuk.pilek
4 Lisa P 8 Kelapa Demam.batuk.pilek
5 Depora P 3 Sp. Yul Mutah Sakit perut 90/60
6 Sapuri L 38 Simbel
7 Novan L 4.6 Beruas Sariawan
8 Liza P 33 Kelapa Demam.Pusing.mual 100/60
9 Erni Amelia P 45 Terentang

10 Subarka L 12 Maras Senang Pusing Sakit Kepala 100/70
11 Manobar L 33 Tebing Demam.batuk.pilek 100/70
12 23/04/2014 Andrean L 2 Sg. Tempilang mual mutah
13 Arpah P 38 Kapung Demam.Pusing.mual 100/60
14 Mega P 7.6 Kelapa Gatal-gatal
15 Resti P 4 Kelapa Demam.batuk.pilek
16 Misyanti P 54 Kelapa Pusing Tengkuk berat 180/100
17 Sarinadia P 38 Pusuk Pusing Sakit Kepala 100/70
18 Sutarnojoyo L 42 Terentang Demam.batuk.pilek 100/70
19 Asmara P 59 Kelapa Demam.batuk.pilek 100/70
20 Innama P 32 Kelapa Demam.batuk.pilek 100/70
21 Khadijah P 2.4 Kelapa Demam.batuk.pilek
22 Riska P 25 Kelapa Demam Pusing 90/60
23 Azimin L 79 Kelapa Pusing Tengkuk berat 180/100
1 Yasintha P 29 Bukit Perak Demam susah nelan 90/60
2 Marjono L 42 Terentang Mata merah berair 100/60
3 Saunah P 65 Pkl. Beras Demam.batuk.pilek 100/70
4 Sauni L 55 Dendang Kaki ngilu-ngilu 100/70
5 Anggraini P 7 Bukit Perak Demam.batuk.pilek
6 Jesika P 5 Kelapa Demam.batuk.pilek
7 Bawanda L 2,8 Kapuk Demam.batuk.pilek
8 M.Nur L 76 Kelapa Kaki ngilu-ngilu 100/70
9 Putri P 2 Pusuk Berak-berak sakit perut
10 Yulita P 33 Kelapa Pusing Sakit Kepala 100/70
11 Nurleli P 30 Dendang Pusing Sakit Kepala 100/70
12 Erawan L 54 Kelapa Demam.Pusing.mual 100/60
13 Wahono T L 26 Kelapa Demam.batuk.pilek 100/70
14 M.Jaw L 7 Kelapa Demam.batuk.pilek
1 M.Edwin L 18 Pkl. Niur Mata merah berair 90/60
2 Denis L 8 Tebing Demam.batuk.pilek
3 Pina P 36 Kayu Arang Deman. Badan lemas 100/60
4 Neti Kumala.S P 24 Kayu Arang Demam.Pusing.mual 100/60
5 Warno L 70 Kelapa Pusing Tengkuk berat 180/100
6 Siti Asnah P 73 Beruas Pusing Tengkuk berat 180/100
7 Akbar.M L 5 Kacung Demam.batuk.pilek
8 Rangga L 3,2 Kelapa Batuk sesak nafas
9 Marini P 32 Kacung Demam.batuk.pilek 100/70
10 Alholik L 6 Kelapa Demam.batuk.pilek
11 Sela P 8 Tuik Demam,Pusing
12 Perdi L 13 Sp.Tempilang Demam,Pusing
13 Febri L 9 Sp.Tempilang Demam.batuk.pilek
14 Sri Purwanti P 22 Kelapa Gatal-gatal 90/60
15 Alfi L 6 BPRE Demam,Pusing
16 Nelly Handayani P 29 Kelapa Demam.batuk.pilek 100/70
17 Ariqoh Zulfa P 3 Sinar Sari Gatal-gatal
18 Nurhana P 69 Kelapa Demam.batuk.pilek 100/70
19 Asmadi L 22 Sp.Tempilang Nyeri pinggang 90/60
20 Nugi Zarpandi L 15 Pkl.Niur Demam.batuk.pilek 100/70
1 Pidah P 28 Kelapa Demam.batuk.pilek 100/70
2 Alhudaya L 31 Kelapa Demam.batuk.pilek 100/70
3 M.Fadhil L 1,2 Neknang Demam,Pusing
4 Abidin L 39 Pkl.Niur Pusing Tengkuk berat 180/100
5 Zulkarnain L 31 Dendang Demam. Pusing 90/60
6 Debora P 3,10 Kelapa Demam.batuk.pilek
7 Indra L 20 Simbel Mata merah berair 90/60
8 Tama L 5,8 Kelapa Demam.batuk.pilek
9 Adif L 5 Kelapa Demam.batuk.pilek
10 Robiansyah L 28 Kacung Demam.batuk.pilek 100/70
11 26/04/2014 Samsu L 50 Pkl.Niur
12 Patini P 29 Kacung
13 Yana P 35 Sp.Yul Demam. Berak-berak 100/60
14 Suhaini P 60 Kelapa Pusing Tengkuk berat 180/100
15 Umar L 52 Kelapa Kaki ngilu-ngilu 100/70
16 Suhanda L 49 Kelapa
17 Dadang L 44 Kelapa Kepala pusing 120/80
18 Azuwa Ramadani P 3 Kacung Demam.batuk.pilek
19 Aminah P 16 Kelapa Demam,Pusing 100/60
20 Afika P 36 Kelapa Pusing Sakit Kepala 100/70
21 Kosasih L 55 Kelapa Demam.batuk.pilek 100/70
1 Sarmini L 48 Kelapa Demam.batuk.pilek 100/70
2 Teri P 31 Dendang Demam.batuk.pilek 100/70
3 Adi Sucipto L 1,5 Sp.Yul Demam. Berak-berak
4 Nurul.M P 59 Terentang Kaki ngilu-ngilu 100/70
5 Farel L 4 Pkl.Niur Demam.batuk.pilek
6 Refi L 36 Kelapa Demam. Pusing 90/60
7 Rusila P 48 Kelapa Pusing Tengkuk berat 180/100
8 Hairul L 22 Kapuk
9 Marsel L 2,4 Kelapa Demam.batuk.pilek
10 Mutiara P 2 Kelapa
11 Ainur Rohmah P 11 SDN 2 Kelapa Demam.batuk.pilek
12 Cantika P 9 SDN 2 Kelapa Demam.batuk.pilek
13 Mirna P 12 SDN 2 Kelapa Demam.batuk.pilek
14 M.Rayhan L 4 Kelapa Demam.batuk.pilek
15 Keysha N.K P 3 Sp.Yul Demam,Pusing
16 Kurnia L 37 Sp.Yul Kaki ngilu-ngilu 100/70
17 Rohani P 48 Tebing Deman. Badan lemas 100/60
18 Nurhana P 69 Kelapa Kaki ngilu-ngilu 100/70
19 Cikmas P 50 Kelapa Demam.batuk.pilek 100/70
20 Fauzan.F L 1,5 Tebing Demam,Pusing
1 Danial L 53 Kelapa Mata merah berair 130/90
2 Kartini P 41 Kelapa Demam. Pusing 90/60
3 Ayu P 6 Kelapa Demam.batuk.pilek
4 Mediska P 9 Sp.Tempilang Demam. Berak-berak
5 Mentari P 32 Kelapa Pusing Sakit Kepala 100/70
6 Viola P 1,8 Beruas Demam,Pusing
7 Salbiah P 60 Kelapa
8 Maratus Soleha P 7 SDN 2 Kelapa Demam,Pusing
9 Dewi Nurhaidah P 42 Kelapa Demam.batuk.pilek 100/70
10 Robuna P 46 Kelapa Demam. Pusing 90/60
11 Saharudin L 53 Kelapa Gatal-gatal
12 Tumpak Lubis L 53 Kelapa Demam.batuk.pilek 100/70
13 Nuryana P 29 Kelapa Demam.Pusing.mual 100/60
14 Ali Usman L 53 Pkl,Niur Sakit tenggorokan
15 M.Ihsan L 1,7 Kelapa Demam.batuk.pilek
16 Romuni P 42 Beruas
17 Andri Wijaya L 29 Kelapa Demam.batuk.pilek 100/70
18 Nuratika P 35 Sp, Tempilang Demam. Pusing 90/60
19 Jasimi P 40 Sp.Yul Demam.batuk.pilek 100/70
20 Titi.S P 43 Kelapa Kaki ngilu-ngilu 100/70
1 Alpian L 35 Pkl.Niur Demam,Pusing 100/60
2 Badriya P 44 Kelapa Sakit kencing
3 Darman L 50 Pkl.Niur Demam.batuk.pilek 100/70
4 Atin P 38 Kelapa Demam.batuk.pilek 90/60
5 Mardi L 42 Kacung
6 Imal L 8 Kelapa Demam,Pusing
7 Audi P 4 Kelapa Demam.batuk.pilek
8 Asnani P 58 Pkl.Niur Kaki ngilu-ngilu 100/70
9 Kris L 15 Kelapa
10 Samini P 27 Kelapa Demam.Pusing.mual 100/60
11 Nazril L 2,5 Kurau Demam.batuk.pilek
12 30/04/2014 Tifa P 26 Kurau Demam.batuk.pilek 100/70
13 Sakim L 70 Banyu Asin Demam.batuk.pilek 100/70
14 Ogi L 7 Sp.Tempilang Demam. Berak-berak
15 Fahri L 1,5 Sp.Tempilang Demam. Berak-berak
16 Fikri L 11 Sp.Tempilang Kepala pusing 120/80
17 Febiola Agista P 6 Beruas Demam,Pusing
18 Achirwan L 47 Dendang Demam.Pusing.mual 100/60
19 Suaidah P 52 Kelapa Demam. Berak-berak 90/60
20 Imron L 45 Sp.Tempilang Demam.batuk.pilek 100/70
21 Syarifudin L 28 Kelapa Kaki ngilu-ngilu 100/70
22 Purwanti P 62 Kelapa Pusing Tengkuk berat 180/100
23 Ahmad Nawwaf.M L 4,3 Kelapa Demam.batuk.pilek
Bulan : April 2014


Febris Amox syr, PCT,DEXA,CTM

ISPA Amox , Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
Febris Pct,amox,Dexa
ISPA Amox syr, Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
ISPA Amox , Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
ISPA Amox , Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
TB Paru Amox , Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
Gastritis Pct.antasid.ranitidin
Febris Pct,amox,Dexa
Hipertensi anta,ome,cap 12,5
Alergi Ctm,dexa,amox,pct
Dispepsia Pct,antasid,papa
Myalgia Antal.dexa. Amox
ISPA Amox , Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
Hipertensi anta,ome,cap 12,5
ISPA Amox , Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
Commad Culd Amox , Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
DM Type : 2 Pct. Libronil.B6
ISPA Amox syr, Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
Rheumatoid artritis lain Allupurinol. Antal.dexa
Asma Bronchiale Salbutamol,amox,dexa
Stomatitis Pct,Vit c,dexa
ISPA Amox syr, Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
kolestrol Simvastatin,antal
Dislipidemia Simvastatin,pct,BI
ISPA Amox syr, Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
Konstipasi Dulcolax Supp 5 mg
Hipertensi anta,ome,cap 12,5
Vomitus antasid,pct,ppv
Febris Pct,amox,Dexa
ISPA Amox , Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
ISPA Amox , Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
ISPA Amox , Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
Dyspepsia Pct.B6. antasid
Dislipidemia Simvastatin,pct,BI
Kontrol Jiwa Hallopuridol,Thp
Tonsilitis Ctm,dexa,amox,pct
Epilepsi Carbamazepin
Schizoprenia Hallopuridol,Thp
Ultikaria Ctm,dexa,amox,pct
ISPA Amox , Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
Hemoroid pct,Vit K,dexa
Pharingitis Ctm,dexa,amox,pct
ISPA Amox syr, Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
Paranoid Halloporidol,thp
Dermatitis Ctm,dexa,amox,pct
Dermatitis Allergia Ctm,dexa,amox,pct
Dyspepsia Pct.B6. antasid
Schizoprenia Halloporidol,thp
ISPA Amox syr, Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
ISPA Amox syr, Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
cephalgia Antal. Bi. Dexa
cephalgia Antal. Bi. Dexa
cephalgia Antal. Bi. Dexa
Dermatitis Ctm,dexa,amox,pct
Febris Amox syr, PCT,DEXA,CTM
Febris Amox syr, PCT,DEXA,CTM
DM Type : 2 Pct. Libronil.B6
cephalgia Antal. Bi. Dexa
Febris Amox syr, PCT,DEXA,CTM
ISPA Amox , Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
ISPA Amox , Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
ISPA Amox syr, Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
Febris Amox syr, PCT,DEXA,CTM
GE Cotry syr,pct,papa, zink
ISPA Amox syr, Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
ISPA Amox syr, Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
Dyspepsia Pct.B6. antasid
Hipertensi anta,ome,cap 12,5
ISPA Amox syr, Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
Schizoprenia Halloporidol,thp
ISPA Amox syr, Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
DM Type : 2 Pct. Libronil.B6
ISPA Amox syr, Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
ISPA Amox syr, Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
Dislipidemia Simvastatin,pct,BI
Gastritis Pct.antasid.ranitidin
Gastritis Pct.antasid.ranitidin
Intoxicasi Kulat antasid,pct,ppv
ISPA Amox syr, Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
ISPA Amox syr, Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
ISPA Amox syr, Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
cephalgia Antal. Bi. Dexa
ISPA Amox syr, Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
ISPA Amox syr, Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
ISPA Amox , Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
ISPA Amox syr, Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
Migrain Antal,dexa,BI
DM Type : 2 Pct. Libronil.B6
Dyspepsia Pct.B6. antasid
ISPA Amox syr, Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
Schizoprenia Halloporidol,thp
Febris Amox syr, PCT,DEXA,CTM
Schizoprenia Halloporidol,thp
ISPA Amox , Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
ISPA Amox syr, Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
ISPA Amox , Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
ISPA Amox syr, Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
Neuritis Na diclo,antal,BI
Vonitus antasid,pct,ppv
cephalgia Antal. Bi. Dexa
Gastritis Pct.antasid.ranitidin
ISPA Amox syr, Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
Febris Pct,amox,Dexa
Febris Amox syr, PCT,DEXA,CTM
Dermatitis Ctm,dexa,amox,pct
ISPA Amox syr, Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
Febris Amox syr, PCT,DEXA,CTM
Asma Salbutamol,amox,dexa
cephalgia Antal. Bi. Dexa
DM Type : 2 Pct. Libronil.B6
Hipertensi anta,ome,cap 12,5
cephalgia Antal. Bi. Dexa
ISPA Amox , Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
DM Type : 2 Pct. Libronil.B6
Stomatitis Ctm,dexa,amox,pct
ISPA Amox syr, Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
OMA Ctm,dexa,amox,pct
ISPA Amox syr, Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
Dislipidemia Simvastatin,pct,BI
Rheumatoid artritis lain Allupurinol. Antal.dexa
Febris Amox syr, PCT,DEXA,CTM
Post TB Paru Amox , Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
ISPA Amox , Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
DM Type : 2 Pct. Libronil.B6
Hipertensi anta,ome,cap 12,5
ISPA Amox , Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
ISPA Amox , Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
Post Ofkil
Rheumatoid artritis lain Allupurinol. Antal.dexa
Febris Amox syr, PCT,DEXA,CTM
DM Type : 2 Pct. Libronil.B6
ISPA Amox syr, Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
Rheumatoid artritis lain Allupurinol. Antal.dexa
ISPA Amox syr, Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
Hipertensi anta,ome,cap 12,5
ISPA Amox syr, Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
Myalgia Antal.dexa. Amox
Hernia Amox syr,pct
ISPA Amox syr, Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
cephalgia Antal. Bi. Dexa
ISPA Amox syr, Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
Dyspepsia Pct.B6. antasid
ISPA Amox , Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
ISPA Amox , Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
Dislipidemia Simvastatin,pct,BI
Infeksi kulit Ctm,dexa,amox,pct
Febris Amox syr, PCT,DEXA,CTM
ISPA Amox syr, Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
ISPA Amox syr, Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
ISPA Amox syr, Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
ISPA Amox , Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
Ultikaria Ctm,dexa,amox,pct
ISPA Amox , Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
Hipertensi anta,ome,cap 12,5
Conjungtivitis Ctm,dexa,amox,pct
Paringitis Ctm,dexa,amox,pct
Febris Amox syr, PCT,DEXA,CTM
Febris Pct,amox,Dexa
Hipertensi anta,ome,cap 12,5
ISPA Amox , Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
ISPA Amox , Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
Rheumatoid artritis lain Allupurinol. Antal.dexa
Ultikaria Ctm,dexa,amox,pct
cephalgia Antal. Bi. Dexa
ISPA Amox syr, Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
cephalgia Antal. Bi. Dexa
ISPA Amox syr, Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
ISPA Amox syr, Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
Disentri Cotry syr,pct,papa, zink
ISPA Amox syr, Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
Paranoid Halloporidol,thp
ISPA Amox syr, Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
ISPA Amox syr, Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
Diare Cotry syr,pct,papa, zink
Diare Cotry syr,pct,papa, zink
Dyspepsia Pct.B6. antasid
ISPA Amox syr, Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
ISPA Amox syr, Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
cephalgia Antal. Bi. Dexa
ISPA Amox syr, Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
Gastritis Pct.antasid.ranitidin
ISPA Amox , Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
Gastritis Pct.antasid.ranitidin
ISPA Amox , Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
Gastritis Pct.antasid.ranitidin
ISPA Amox , Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
ISPA Amox , Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
Gastritis Pct.antasid.ranitidin
Hipertensi anta,ome,cap 12,5
Dyspepsia Pct.B6. antasid
Febris Amox syr, PCT,DEXA,CTM
Gastritis Pct.antasid.ranitidin
Rheumatoid artritis lain Allupurinol. Antal.dexa
Myalgia Antal.dexa. Amox
ISPA Amox syr, Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
Febris Amox syr, PCT,DEXA,CTM
Dislipidemia Simvastatin,pct,BI
Paringitis Ctm,dexa,amox,pct
Gastritis Pct.antasid.ranitidin
Schizoprenia Halloporidol,thp
ISPA Amox , Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
Paringitis Ctm,dexa,amox,pct
Dyspepsia Pct.B6. antasid
ISPA Amox syr, Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
ISPA Amox syr, Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
ISPA Amox syr, Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
Hipertensi anta,ome,cap 12,5
Ultikaria Ctm,dexa,amox,pct
GE loperamid,pct,papa
Dermatitis Ctm,dexa,amox,pct
Insomnia Dzp.Pct
ISPA Amox , Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
Gastritis Pct.antasid.ranitidin
Rheumatoid artritis lain Allupurinol. Antal.dexa
Rheumatoid artritis lain Allupurinol. Antal.dexa
ISPA Amox , Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
Ultikaria Ctm,dexa,amox,pct
Gastritis Pct.antasid.ranitidin
cephalgia Antal. Bi. Dexa
Gastritis Pct.antasid.ranitidin
ISPA Amox , Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
ISPA Amox syr, Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
Dislipidemia Simvastatin,pct,BI
DM Type : 2 Pct. Libronil.B6
Gastritis Pct.antasid.ranitidin
ISPA Amox syr, Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
Kontrol Jiwa Halloporidol,thp
Stomatitis Ctm,dexa,amox,pct
ISPA Amox syr, Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
ISPA Amox syr, Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
Migrain Antal,dexa,BI
Hipertensi anta,ome,cap 12,5
Infeksi sekunder Ctm,dexa,amox,pct
Febris Amox syr, PCT,DEXA,CTM
Paringitis Ctm,dexa,amox,pct
Hipertensi anta,ome,cap 12,5
Rheumatoid artritis lain Allupurinol. Antal.dexa
ISPA Amox , Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
Rheumatoid artritis lain Allupurinol. Antal.dexa
ISPA Amox syr, Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
Gastritis Pct.antasid.ranitidin
cephalgia Antal. Bi. Dexa
ISPA Amox syr, Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
Tonsilitis Pct syr,Amox syr
Diare loperamid,pct,papa
ISPA Amox syr, Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
Gastritis Pct.antasid.ranitidin
Dyspepsia Pct.B6. antasid
Hipertensi anta,ome,cap 12,5
ISK Cifro,pct,dexa
Febris (demam) Antal.Amox. Dexa
Hipertensi anta,ome,cap 12,5
Gastritis Pct.antasid.ranitidin
ISPA Amox , Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
ISPA Amox syr, Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
Hipertensi anta,ome,cap 12,5
ISPA Amox , Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
ISPA Amox , Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
Hipertensi anta,ome,cap 12,5
DM Type : 2 Pct. Libronil.B6
ISPA Amox , Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
cephalgia Antal. Bi. Dexa
ISPA Amox , Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
Gastritis Pct.antasid.ranitidin
ISPA Amox , Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
ISPA Amox syr, Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
Rheumatoid artritis lain Allupurinol. Antal.dexa
ISPA Amox , Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
Kontrol Jiwa Halloporidol,thp
ISPA Amox , Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
ISPA Amox syr, Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
Rheumatoid artritis lain Allupurinol. Antal.dexa
ISPA Amox syr, Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
Hipertensi anta,ome,cap 12,5
ISPA Amox syr, Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
ISPA Amox syr, Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
ISPA Amox , Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
Febris (demam) Antal.Amox. Dexa
ISPA Amox syr, Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
demam Amox syr, PCT,DEXA,CTM
ISPA Amox syr, Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
demam Amox syr, PCT,DEXA,CTM
ISPA Amox , Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
ISPA Amox syr, Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
DM Type : 2 Pct. Libronil.B6
obs. Vonitus Donperidon syr
Rheumatoid artritis lain Allupurinol. Antal.dexa
Dislipidemia Simvastatin,pct,BI
ISPA Amox , Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
ISPA Amox syr, Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
Rheumatoid artritis lain Allupurinol. Antal.dexa
Asma Salbutamol,amox,dexa
Gastritis Pct.antasid.ranitidin
ISPA Amox , Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
ISPA Amox syr, Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
ISPA Amox syr, Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
ISPA Amox syr, Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
ISPA Amox syr, Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
Dyspepsia Pct.B6. antasid
Corpus alenium
Stomatitis Pct syr,Amox syr
Gastritis Pct.antasid.ranitidin
Obs. Chstpain
cephalgia Antal. Bi. Dexa
ISPA Amox , Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
Vomitus Donperidon syr
Gastritis Pct.antasid.ranitidin
dermatitis Ctm,dexa,amox,pct
Asma Bronchiale Amox syr, Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
Hipertensi anta,ome,cap 12,5
cephalgia Antal. Bi. Dexa
ISPA Amox , Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
ISPA Amox , Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
ISPA Amox , Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
ISPA Amox syr, Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
Febris Pct,amox,Dexa
Hipertensi anta,ome,cap 12,5
Tonsilitis Ctm,dexa,amox,pct
Konjungtivitis Ctm,dexa,amox,pct
ISPA Amox , Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
Rheumatoid artritis lain Allupurinol. Antal.dexa
ISPA Amox syr, Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
ISPA Amox syr, Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
ISPA Amox syr, Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
Rheumatoid artritis lain Allupurinol. Antal.dexa
Diare Cotry syr,pct,papa, zink
cephalgia Antal. Bi. Dexa
cephalgia Antal. Bi. Dexa
Gastritis Pct.antasid.ranitidin
ISPA Amox , Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
ISPA Amox syr, Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
Konjungtivitis Ctm,dexa,amox,pct
Suspect TB Paru Amox , Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
DM Type : 2 Pct. Libronil.B6
Gastritis Pct.antasid.ranitidin
Hipertensi anta,ome,cap 12,5
Hipertensi anta,ome,cap 12,5
ISPA Amox syr, Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
Asma Bronchiale Salbutamol,amox,dexa
ISPA Amox , Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
ISPA Amox syr, Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
Febris Amox syr, PCT,DEXA,CTM
Suspect TF Pct,amox,Dexa
ISPA Amox syr, Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
Dermatitis Ctm,dexa,amox,pct
Febris Amox syr, PCT,DEXA,CTM
ISPA Amox , Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
Varicella Ctm,dexa,amox,pct
ISPA Amox , Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
LBP Na diklo,Dexa,BI
ISPA Amox , Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
ISPA Amox , Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
ISPA Amox , Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
Febris Amox syr, PCT,DEXA,CTM
Hipertensi anta,ome,cap 12,5
Myalgia Antal.dexa. Amox
Suspect TB Paru Amox syr, Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
Konjungtivitis Pct,ctm,Dexa
ISPA Amox syr, Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
ISPA Amox syr, Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
ISPA Amox , Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
Schizoprenia Halloporidol,thp
Schizoprenia Halloporidol,thp
GE loperamid,pct,papa
Hipertensi anta,ome,cap 12,5
Rheumatoid artritis lain Allupurinol. Antal.dexa
Dislipidemia Simvastatin,pct,BI
ISPA Amox syr, Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
Febris Pct,amox,Dexa
cephalgia Antal. Bi. Dexa
DM + ISPA Amox , Pct,gg,gliben
ISPA Amox , Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
ISPA Amox , Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
GE Cotry syr,pct,papa, zink
Rheumatoid artritis lain Allupurinol. Antal.dexa
ISPA Amox syr, Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
Myalgia Antal.dexa. Amox
Hipertensi anta,ome,cap 12,5
ISPA Amox , Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
Susp paranoid
ISPA Amox , Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
ISPA Amox syr, Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
ISPA Amox, Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
ISPA Amox syr, Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
Febris Amox syr, PCT,DEXA,CTM
Rheumatoid artritis lain Allupurinol. Antal.dexa
DM Type : 2 Pct. Libronil.B6
Rheumatoid artritis lain Allupurinol. Antal.dexa
ISPA Amox , Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
Febris Amox syr, PCT,DEXA,CTM
Conjungtivitis Ctm,dexa,amox,pct
Myalgia Antal.dexa. Amox
ISPA Amox syr, Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
GE Cotry syr,pct,papa, zink
cephalgia Antal. Bi. Dexa
Febris Amox syr, PCT,DEXA,CTM
Febris Amox syr, PCT,DEXA,CTM
ISPA Amox , Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
Myalgia Antal.dexa. Amox
Ultikaria Ctm,dexa,amox,pct
ISPA Amox , Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
Gastritis Pct.antasid.ranitidin
pharingitis Ctm,dexa,amox,pct
ISPA Amox syr, Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
Hypertiroid PTU
ISPA Amox , Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
Myalgia Antal.dexa. Amox
ISPA Amox , Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
Rheumatoid artritis lain Allupurinol. Antal.dexa
Febris Pct,amox,Dexa
ISK Cifro,pct,dexa
ISPA Amox , Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
Commond cold Amox , Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
Febris Amox syr, PCT,DEXA,CTM
ISPA Amox syr, Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
Rheumatoid artritis lain Allupurinol. Antal.dexa
Infeksi sekunder
Gastritis Pct.antasid.ranitidin
ISPA Amox syr, Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
ISPA Amox , Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
ISPA Amox , Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
GE Cotry syr,pct,papa, zink
GE Cotry syr,pct,papa, zink
Dislipidemia Simvastatin,pct,BI
Febris Amox syr, PCT,DEXA,CTM
Gastritis Pct.antasid.ranitidin
GE Pct,papa,loperamid
ISPA Amox , Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
Rheumatoid artritis lain Allupurinol. Antal.dexa
Hipertensi anta,ome,cap 12,5
ISPA Amox syr, Pct,gg,dexa,ctm
Atasan Langsung

NIP 19670803 199103 1 004
BULAN : MEI 2013

1 Iwan L 30 thn Tempilang 1 Skizoresdual Cpz, Thp, Hpd
2 Risa P 11 thn B.kota 1 Susp typoid Amox, Pct
3 Teguh L 42 thn Tempilang 1 Ispa Amox, Ctm, Ambroxol
4 Dedi L 34 thn Tempilang 1 Ispa Amox, Ctm, Ambroxol
5 Sulastri P 53 thn Tempilang 1 DM Glimepirid, Methpormin
6 Nasiah P 56 thn Tempilang 1 DM Glimepirid, Methpormin
7 Agus L 24 thn B.kota 1 Skizoresdual Cpz, Thp, Hpd
8 Poniran P 73 thn Tempilang 1 Ispa Amox, Ctm, Ambroxol
9 Yant P 18 thn Tempilang 1 Cepalgia Pct, Ranitdin
10 1 Mei 2013 Romidi L 46 thn Tempilang 1 Ispa Amox, Ctm, Ambroxol
11 Jura P 43 thn Tempilang 1 Hipertensi Amlodiphine, Furosemida
12 Maskurnia P 48 thn Tempilang 1 TTH Cipro, Furosemide, Asmef
13 Nangyu P 36 thn Kamat 1 TTH Cipro, Furosemide, Asmef
14 Sintana P 6 thn Tempilang 1 Febris Pct, Amox
15 Romiyat P 9 thn Tempilang 1 Ispa Amox, Ctm, Ambroxol
16 Ket P 6 thn Tempilang 1 Commond cold Pct, B. Com
17 Risi P 22 thn Kamat 1 Skizoresdual Cpz, Thp, Hpd
18 Zamhar L 47 thn Simpang yul 1 Ispa Amox, Ctm, Ambroxol
19 Abd kadir L 45 thn Tempilang 1 Ispa Amox, Ctm, Ambroxol
1 Fadil L 6 thn B.kota 1 Febris Susant
2 Romli L 54 thn Sangku 1 Hipertensi Amlodiphine, Furosemida
3 Sanip P 65 thn Air lintang 1 Susp TB Amoxicline, Ambroxol
4 Irvan L 27 thn Tempilang 1 Chepalgia Pct, Ranitdin
5 Sandi L 30 thn Parit X 1 OE Nadic, Dexa
6 Syamsiah P 56 thn Air lintang 1 DM Glimepirid, Methpormin
3 Mei 2013
3 Mei 2013
7 Harun L 53thn Air lintang 1 Gout Allu, Dexa, Nadic
8 Ikhsan L 9 thn Air lintang 1 Ispa Amox, Ctm, Ambroxol
9 Imun P 50 thn Sangku 1 Atralgia Nadic, B. Com
10 Anip P 50 thn Tempilang 1 DM Glimepirid, Methpormin
11 Subandi L 71thn Tempilang 1 DM Glimepirid, Methpormin
12 Kevindri L 5 thn Air lintang 1 Commond cold Pct, B. Com
1 Aldiansyah L 52 thn B.kota 1 GEA Cotry, Antasida, Loperamide
2 6 Mei 2013 Acok L 21 thn B.kota 1 TTH Cipro, Furosemide, Asmef
3 Yunaini P 37thn Tempilang 1 Atralgia Nadic, B. Com
4 Samsul L 30 thn Sinar surya 1 Febris Pct, Amox
5 Mardiah P 30 thn Tempilang 1 DM Glimepirid, Methpormin
6 Anggi P 11 thn Tempilang 1 Faringits Amox, Dexa, Pct
7 Pirza P 5 thn Air lintang 1 Commond cold Pct, B. Com
8 Sanip P 65 thn Air lintang 1 Commond cold Pct, B. Com
9 Eryani P 52 thn Sinar surya 1 Hipertensi Amlodiphine, Furosemida
10 Desi P 34 thn Tempilang 1 Commond cold Pct, B. Com
11 Nur dinda P 11 thn Tempilang 1 Commond cold Pct, B. Com
12 Nuril P 17 thn Tempilang 1 Febris Pct, Amox
13 Jefri L 5 thn Delta 1 Ispa Amox, Ctm, Ambroxol
14 6 Mei 2013 Nely P 9 thn Air lintang 1 Tonsilits Amox, Dexa, Pct
15 Dariah P 60 thn Tempilang 1 Dispepsia Ranitdin, Antasida
16 Romidi L 8 thn Tempilang 1 Faringits Amox, Dexa, Pct
17 Sopinah P 47 thn Air lintang 1 DM Glimepirid, Methpormin
18 M.isa L 4 thn B.kota 1 Faringits Amox, Dexa, Pct
19 Danil L 18 thn Tempilang 1 Faringits Amox, Dexa, Pct
20 Salwa P 5 thn PKS 1 Febris Pct, Amox
21 Sumarni P 42 thn B.kota 1 DM Glimepirid, Methpormin
22 Grasela P 16 thn B.kota 1 Rhinits alergi Nadic, Dexa
23 Saiful L 56 thn Tempilang 1 Hypertroid PTU, Propanolol
24 Devi P 28 thn Tempilang 1 Susp FAM Rujukan
1 Lasami P 45 thn Sinar surya 1 OA Nadic, Dexa
2 Iwan L 20 thn Air lintang 1 Faringits Amox, Dexa, Pct
3 Kasin L 50 thn Tj.niur 1 Stomatts Kandistatn, CTM, Amox
4 Sumarni P 23 thn Lingkun 1 Hepatts Rujukan
5 Sapur L 42 thn Buyan 1 Dispepsia Ranitdin, Antasida
6 Idris L 31 thn Kelumbi 1 Febris Pct, Amox
7 Ahmad L 50 thn Kelumbi 1 Dispepsia Ranitdin, Antasida
8 Gunawan L 22 thn Tempilang 1 Febris Pct, Amox
9 Subandi L 36 thn Air lintang 1 TTH Cipro, Furosemide, Asmef
10 8 Mei 2013 Mohani P 54 thn Tempilang 1 DM Glimepirid, Methpormin
11 Jurita P 40 thn Bubung tujuh 1 Chepalgia Pct, Ranitdin
12 Ratna P 24 thn Kelumbi 1 Dispepsia Ranitdin, Antasida
13 Riki L 22 thn Tempilang 1 Dispepsia Ranitdin, Antasida
14 Ardiansyah L 46 thn Kelumbi 1 Commond cold Pct, B. Com
15 Yasip L 42 thn Sangku 1 Commond cold Pct, B. Com
16 Minah P 50 thn Air lintang 1 Hipertensi Amlodiphine, Furosemida
17 Ali L 54 thn Tempilang 1 Faringits Amox, Dexa, Pct
18 Tjik meiny P 28 thn Tempilang 1 Dispepsia Ranitdin, Antasida
19 Hendra L 24 thn B.kota 1 OMSK Dexa, Amox, CTM
20 Aini P 30 thn Tempilang 1 Dispepsia Ranitdin, Antasida
8 Mei 2013
21 Evi P 25 thn Tempilang 1 Ispa Amox, Ctm, Ambroxol
1 Romlan L 48 thn B.kota 1 Hipertensi Amlodiphine, Furosemida
2 Bujang L 70 thn Air lintang 1 Hipertensi Amlodiphine, Furosemida
3 Sumarni P 27 thn Penyampak 1 Hypertroid PTU, Propanolol
4 Ngatni P 35 thn Fanta 1 Febris Pct, Amox
5 Asia P 60 thn Tempilang 1 Ispa Amox, Ctm, Ambroxol
6 junaidi L 58 thn Tempilang 1 Asma Ambroxol, Dexa, Salbutamol
7 Asih P 21thn Fanta 1 Febris Pct, Amox
8 Aldi L 50 thn Air lintang 1 Ispa Amox, Ctm, Ambroxol
9 Paisal L 34 thn Sinar surya 1 Artrits Nadic, B. Com
10 Ribut P 62 thn Tempilang 1 Hipertensi Amlodiphine, Furosemida
10 Mei 2013
11 Sukma P 52thn B.kota 1 Hipertensi Amlodiphine, Furosemida
10 Mei 2013

12 Soliah P 67 thn Bubung tujuh Commond cold Pct, B. Com

13 Berul L 50 thn Tj.niur 1 Asma Ambroxol, Dexa, Salbutamol
14 Mirda P 12 thn Nyikep 1 Epilepsi Luminal
15 Juhari L 45 thn Simpang yul 1 Skizoresdual Cpz, Thp, Hpd
16 Solmi P 43 thn B.kota 1 Ispa Amox, Ctm, Ambroxol
17 Marko L 5 thn Tempilang 1 Faringits Amox, Dexa, Pct
18 Agus L 29 thn Air lintang 1 Dermatts CTM, Dexa
19 Dona P 9 thn Tempilang 1 Febris Pct, Amox
20 Sarfina P 39thn Tempilang 1 Dispepsia Ranitdin, Antasida
1 Minah P 44 thn Air lintang 1 Myalgia Nadic, B.Com
2 Halimah P 51 thn Sangku 1 Hypertroid PTU, Propanolol
3 Radit L 2thn Kamat 1 Ispa Amox, Ctm, Ambroxol
4 Parel L 7 thn Air lintang 1 Pneumonia Amox, Ambroxol, CTM
5 Nurmah P 54 thn Air lintang 1 Faringits Amox, Dexa, Pct
6 Madri L 66 thn Air lintang 1 Commond cold Pct, B. Com
7 Dwi rahmita P 6 thn Dam III 1 DM Glimepirid, Methpormin
8 Burhan L 25 thn Kelumbi 1 Chepalgia Pct, Ranitdin
9 Resi P 14 thn Pelaik 1 Febris Pct, Amox
13 Mei 2013
10 Cuma P 24 thn Penyampak 1 Dispepsia Ranitdin, Antasida
11 Rita P 21 thn Penyampak 1 Dispepsia Ranitdin, Antasida
12 Gapeni L 32 thn Penyampak 1 Dispepsia Ranitdin, Antasida
13 Hamzah L 24 thn Nyikep 1 Febris Pct, Amox
14 Doni L 31 thn Penyampak 1 Febris Pct, Amox
15 Kurniadianto L 45 thn Penyampak 1 Ispa Amox, Ctm, Ambroxol
16 Huzri L 28 thn Nyikep 1 Ispa Amox, Ctm, Ambroxol
17 Sopian L 24 thn Penyampak 1 Febris Pct, Amox
18 Tiara P 11 thn Tempilang 1 Ispa Amox, Ctm, Ambroxol
19 13 Mei 2013 Mardiana P 52 thn Tempilang 1 Ispa Amox, Ctm, Ambroxol
1 Andreadi L 12 thn Sinar surya 1 Chepalgia Pct, Ranitdin
2 Haryat P 56 thn Tempilang 1 Chepalgia Pct, Ranitdin
3 Nurdin L 63 thn Air lintang 1 Dis abdomen Antasida, Ranitdin,
4 Yani P 48 thn Air lintang 1 Chepalgia Pct, Ranitdin
5 Sulastri P 59 thn Tempilang 1 DM Glimepirid, Methpormin
6 Krisna L 12 thn Tempilang 1 Febris Pct, Amox
7 Muredi L 37 thn Tempilang 1 Commond cold Pct, B. Com
8 Aidi L 40 thn Sinar surya 1 Dermatts CTM, Dexa
9 Juwita P 34 thn Tempilang 1 Dispepsia Ranitdin, Antasida
10 Sudar L 22 thn Nyikep 1 Dispepsia Ranitdin, Antasida
11 Ani P 34 thn Tempilang 1 Dermatts CTM, Dexa
12 Sobirin L 21 thn Nyikep 1 Chepalgia Pct, Ranitdin
13 14 Mei 2013 Lena P 49 thn Air lintang 1 Dispepsia Ranitdin, Antasida
14 M.Soleh L 37 thn Kelumbi 1 Epilepsi Luminal
15 Novi P 19 thn Air lintang 1 Chepalgia Pct, Ranitdin
16 Putri P 8 thn Tempilang 1 Vomitus Domperidonr, Antasida
17 Jumi'ah P 45 thn Tempilang 1 Chepalgia Pct, Ranitdin
18 Hendri L 46 thn B.kota 1 Ispa Amox, Ctm, Ambroxol
19 Padila P 46 thn B.kota 1 Atralgia Nadic, B. Com
20 Jaleha P 6 thn Air lintang 1 Atralgia Nadic, B. Com
21 Basri L 45 thn Sungai II 1 Susp TB Amoxicline, Ambroxol
22 Diah P 1 bln Bubung tujuh 1 Febris Pct, Amox
23 Samsiah P 60 thn Dam III 1 Hipertensi Amlodiphine, Furosemida
24 Horman L 27 thn Air lintang 1 Faringits dr.Kristanto
25 Jura P 46 thn Tempilang 1 Hipertensi Amlodiphine, Furosemida
1 Rajbri L 60 thn Tempilang 1 Commond cold Pct, B. Com
2 Herdiana p 50 thn Tempilang 1 Urtcaria Dexa, CTM
3 Simin L 63 thn Basun 1 Dispepsia Ranitdin, Antasida
4 Masdar L 56 thn Air lintang 1 Decom cordis Amlodiphine, Furosemida, digoxin
5 Dea P 11 thn Air lintang 1 Faringits Amox, Dexa, Pct
6 Nasiah p 54 thn Tempilang 1 DM Glimepirid, Methpormin
7 Juliana P 35 thn Tempilang 1 Dispepsia Ranitdin, Antasida
15 Mei 2013
8 Hariyadi L 8 thn Tempilang 1 Faringits Amox, Dexa, Pct
9 Nurhayat P 50 thn Tempilang 1 Dispepsia Ranitdin, Antasida
15 Mei 2013

10 Liza P 23 thn Air lintang 1 Post SC Cipro, Asmef, Furosemide

11 Martk P 27 thn Air lintang 1 Commond cold Pct, B. Com
12 Tri gustni P 23 thn Tempilang 1 Faringits Amox, Dexa, Pct
13 Umi P 32 thn Tempilang 1 Dispepsia Ranitdin, Antasida
14 Lisa P 25 thn Air lintang 1 OA Nadic, Dexa
15 Iis P 25 thn Air lintang 1 OA nadic,, dexa
16 Tita P 43 thn Air lintang 1 Ispa Amox, Ctm, Ambroxol
17 15 Mei 2013 Nurmah P 60 thn Air lintang 1 Ispa Amox, Ctm, Ambroxol
18 M.sargo L 64 thn Dam III 1 Ispa Amox, Ctm, Ambroxol
19 Atna P 47 thn Tempilang 1 Urtcaria Dexa, CTM
1 Amsiah P 61 thn Tempilang 1 OA nadic,, dexa
2 Maryani P 27 thn Kelakak manau 1 Febris Pct, Amox
3 Tedi L 12 thn Tj.niur 1 Febris Pct, Amox
4 Bunga P 12 thn Tj.niur 1 Febris Pct, Amox
5 Ramli L 64 thn Air lintang 1 Myalgia Nadic, B.Com
6 Oca P 8 thn Air lintang 1 Faringits Amox, Dexa, Pct
7 Jobi L 24 thn Air lintang 1 Dispepsia Ranitdin, Antasida
8 Yuhrina P 22 thn Pelaik 1 Chepalgia Pct, Ranitdin
9 Halminah P 50 thn B.kota 1 Chepalgia Pct, Ranitdin
10 Nadia P 5 thn B.kota 1 Ispa Amox, Ctm, Ambroxol
11 Satmah P 28 thn B.kota 1 Commond cold Pct, B. Com
12 Septa P 56 thn B.kota 1 Ispa Amox, Ctm, Ambroxol
13 Hapip L 73 thn Air lintang 1 Bronchits Cipro, Ambroxol, Dexa
14 16 Mei 2013 Kamsiah P 32 thn Tempilang 1 Dispepsia Ranitdin, Antasida
15 Musawir L 45 thn Sinar surya 1 Hematom Melox, B.Com
16 Aldi L 50 thn Air lintang 1 Commond cold Pct, B. Com
17 Zoherdi L 47 thn Penyampak 1 Chepalgia Pct, Ranitdin
18 Supini P 20 thn Tempilang 1 Ispa Amox, Ctm, Ambroxol
19 Jumani P 46 thn Sinpang yul 1 Ispa Amox, Ctm, Ambroxol
20 Siyan L 46 thn Simpang yul 1 Ispa Amox, Ctm, Ambroxol
21 Supini P 30 thn Tempilang 1 Ispa Amox, Ctm, Ambroxol
22 Riski L 6 thn Bubung tujuh 1 Faringits Dexa, Pct,,Amox
23 Maria P 40 thn Tempilang 1 Faringits Dexa, Pct,,Amox
24 Darsih P 42 thn Tempilang 1 Konstpasi Antasida, Ranitdin, Pavaverin
25 Jura P 53 thn Air lintang 1 Commond cold Pct, B. Com
26 Maini P 53 thn B.kota 1 Rhinits alergi Nadic,, Dexa, B. Com
27 Salman P 40 thn Pelaik 1 Febris Pct, Amox
1 Sit aminah P 51 thn KTW 1 Urtcaria Dexa, CTM
2 Rozi L 24 thn Tempilang 1 Febris Pct, Amox
3 Idham L 26 thn Bubung tujuh 1 Faringits Cipro, pct, Dexa
4 Parni P 58 thn Tempilang 1 Dispepsia Ranitdin, Antasida
17 Mei 2013
5 Suryadi L 41 thn Sungai II 1 Dispepsia Ranitdin, Antasida
6 Haryai P 37 thn Air lintang 1 Dispepsia Ranitdin, Antasida
7 Hengki L 29 thn Tempilang 1 Commond cold Pct, B. Com
8 Kaka L 5 thn Tempilang 1 Faringits Amox, pct, Dexa
9 Zaskia P 16 bln Fanta 1 Konstpasi Antasida, Ranitdin, Pavaverin
10 Sopinah P 58 thn Air lintang 1 DM Glimepirid, Methpormin
11 Caka P 60 thn B.kota 1 Hipertensi Amlodiphine, Furosemida
17 Mei 2013
12 Musinah P 18 thn Dam III 1 Dispepsia Ranitdin, Antasida
13 Habiburahman L 9 thn Tempilang 1 Tonsilits Dexa, Amox, Pct
14 Bastar L 38 thn Tempilang 1 Dispepsia Ranitdin, Antasida
1 Kesi P 13 thn Tj.niur 1 Febris Pct, Amox
2 Haryat P 13 thn Tj.niur 1 Febris Pct, Amox
3 Sudar L 22 thn Nyikep 1 Dispepsia Ranitdin, Antasida
4 Nara P 23 thn Tempilang 1 Dispepsia Ranitdin, Antasida
5 Erna P 25 thn Tempilang 1 Dispepsia Ranitdin, Antasida
6 Romi L 25 thn Air lintang 1 Konjungtvits Nadic, Amox
7 Seria P 39 thn Air lintang 1 Febris Pct, Amox
18 Mei 2013
8 Asiah P 45 thn Penyampak 1 Pinea artrits Ketokonazole, CTM
9 Mila P 30 thn Tempilang 1 Pinea artrits Ketokonazole, CTM
10 Ferengki L 21 thn Tempilang 1 Commond cold Pct, B. Com
11 Iwan L 30 thn Tempilang 1 Skzoresudual Cpz, Thp, Hpd
18 Mei 2013

12 Yat P 29 thn Air lintang 1 Asma Salbutamol, Dexa, Ambroxol

13 Ariantopo L 34 thn Penyampak 1 Commond cold Pct, B. Com
14 Sukri L 46 thn Tj.niur 1 Hipertensi Amlodiphine, Furosemida
1 Muryani P 60 thn Pelaik 1 Hiperlipidemia Simvas,, Nadic
2 Asni P 61 thn Tempilang 1 Hipertensi Amlodiphine, Furosemida
3 Leni P 17 thn Air lintang 1 Febris Pct, Amox
4 Lestka P 17 thn Tempilang 1 Febris Pct, Amox
5 Ulul P 17 thn Air lintang 1 Febris Pct, Amox
6 Dova L 6 thn Sinar surya 1 Faringits Amox, pct, Dexa
7 Rosa P 17 thn Air lintang 1` Nefrotc sindrome Rujukan
8 Rokiba P 56 thn Air lintang 1 Dispepsia Ranitdin, Antasida
9 Y.Simanojorang L 63 thn Sinar surya 1 Dispepsia Ranitdin, Antasida
10 Taruna P 37 thn Sika 1 Dispepsia Ranitdin, Antasida
20 Mei 2013
11 Mariam P 65 thn Tj.niur 1 Pinea artrits Ketokonazole, CTM
12 Asep L 20 thn Bravo 1 ISK Cipro, Asmef, Furosemide
13 Supli L 60 thn Air lintang 1 Ispa Amox, Ctm, Ambroxol
14 Bela P 9 thn Bubung tujuh 1 Dispepsia Ranitdin, Antasida
15 Endang L 38 thn Tempilang 1 Dispepsia Ranitdin, Antasida
16 Bait P 53 thn Tempilang 1 Commond cold Pct, B. Com
17 Jamilah P 56 thn Air lintang 1 Hipertensi Amlodiphine, Furosemida
18 Sumarni P 40 thn B.kota 1 Ispa Amox, Ctm, Ambroxol
19 Darmini P 28 thn Sika 1 Milarya CTM, Dexa
20 Rohman L 31 thn Tempilang 1 Ispa Amox, Ctm, Ambroxol
21 Nadori P 70 thn Air lintang 1 GEA Cotry, Antasida, Zink
22 Taridi L 32 thn Air lintang 1 Dispepsia Ranitdin, Antasida
23 Randa L 9 thn Air lintang 1 Susp DHF Pct, Amox
24 20 Mei 2013 Sarmina P 50 thn Air lintang 1 Ispa Amox, Ctm, Ambroxol
25 Aulia P 13 thn B.kota 1 Ispa Amox, Ctm, Ambroxol
26 Paidi L 56 thn Tempilang 1 Hipertensi Amlodiphine, Furosemida
27 Lina P 36 thn Tempilang 1 TTH Cipro, Furosemide, Asmef
1 Ngadiman L 66 thn Tempilang 1 OA Nadic, B.Com
2 Risi L 22 thn Kamat 1 Skzoresudual Cpz, Thp, Hpd
3 Aldi L 50 thn Air lintang 1 Commond cold Pct, B. Com
4 Zendi L 23 thn Air lintang 1 Faringits Amox, pct, Dexa
5 Tina P 32 thn PKS 1 Ispa Amox, Ctm, Ambroxol
6 Rusmini P 33 thn Tempilang 1 Commond cold Pct, B. Com
7 Ida P 23 thn Tempilang 1 Dispepsia Ranitdin, Antasida
8 Ribut P 62 thn Tempilang 1 Pinea artrits Ketokonazole, CTM
9 Juwita P 35 thn Tempilang 1 Flouralbus Candistatn,, Metro,, CTM
10 Hapinah P 36 thn Sangku 1 Flouralbus Candistatn,, Metro,, CTM
11 Sapna P 10 thn Air lintang 1 Rhinits alergi Nadic, Dexa
12 Rosida P 59 thn Tempilang 1 DM Glimepirid, Methpormin
13 21 Mei 2013 Mila P 35 thn Lingkun 1 Commond cold Pct, B. Com
14 Alaziz L 37 thn Lingkun 1 Commond cold Pct, B. Com
15 Maskurnia P 48 thn Tempilang 1 Chest pain ISDN, Nadic
16 Jumi'ah P 46 thn Tempilang 1 Hipertensi Amlodiphine, Furosemida
17 Sugiant P 45 thn Tempilang 1 Hipertensi Amlodiphine, Furosemida
18 Aryanto L 30 thn Bubung tujuh 1 Susp TB Amox, Ambroxol
19 Sianik P 46 thn Tj.niur 1 Artrits Nadix, Dexa
20 Andra L 25 thn Sinar surya 1 Skzoresudual Cpz, Thp, Hpd
21 Sakni P 36 thn Air lintang 1 Ispa Amox, Ctm, Ambroxol
22 Rohani P 58 thn Air lintang 1 Commond cold Pct, B. Com
23 Dewisari P 10 thn Pelaik 1 Disc abdomen Antasida, Ranitdin
24 Surma P 31 thn Air lintang 1 Commond cold Pct, B. Com
25 Gustka P 12 thn Tempilang 1 Faringits Amox, pct, Dexa
1 Anisa P 44 thn Tempilang 1 Dispepsia Ranitdin, Antasida
2 Bastari L 47 thn Tempilang 1 Commond cold Pct, B. Com
3 Fitra P 26 thn B.kota 1 Disc abdomen Antasida, Ranitdin
4 Bayu L 56 thn Air lintang 1 Furunkel Metro, Dexa,, Asmef
22 Mei 2013
5 Laila P 24 thn Tj.niur 1 Commond cold Pct, B. Com
6 Samsiah P 60 thn Dam III 1 Hipertensi Amlodiphine, Furosemida
7 Mega P 22 thn Tempilang 1 Chepalgia Pct, Ranitdin
22 Mei 2013

8 Mala P 31 thn Tempilang 1 Dispepsia Ranitdin, Antasida

9 Romnah P 59 thn Air lintang 1 Ispa Amox, Ctm, Ambroxol
10 Zainal L 39 thn Tj.niur 1 Commond cold Pct, B. Com
11 Jumi'ah P 30 thn Air lintang 1 Commond cold Pct, B. Com
22 Mei 2013
12 A.hadi L 8 thn Parit X 1 Tonsilits Amox, Dexa,, Pct
13 Saknah P 46 thn Pelaik 1 Commond cold Pct, B. Com
14 Amrul L 29 thn PKS 1 Faringits Amox, pct, Dexa
1 Rukiah P 49 thn Tempilang 1 Dispepsia Ranitdin, Antasida
2 Linda P 33 thn B.kota 1 Disminore Asmef
3 Alia P 36 thn B.kota 1 Vertgo Antalgin, Simvastatn
4 Nono L 26 thn Fanta 1 Faringits Amox, pct, Dexa
5 Kurniat P 28 thn PKS 1 Chepalgia Pct, Ranitdin
6 Sunira P 46 thn Tempilang 1 TTH Cipro, Furosemide, Asmef
7 Subandi L 23 thn Tempilang 1 Chepalgia Pct, Ranitdin
8 23 Mei 2013 Supart P 65 thn Tempilang 1 DM Glimepirid, Methpormin
9 Haryani P 37 thn Air lintang 1 Dispepsia Ranitdin, Antasida
10 Safira P 5 thn Air lintang 1 Ispa Amox, Ctm, Ambroxol
11 Rosmanto L 37 thn Sangku 1 Commond cold Pct, B. Com
12 Juheria P 43 thn Tempilang 1 OA Nadic, Dexa
13 Candra L 16 thn B.kota 1 Dispepsia Ranitdin, Antasida
14 Diki L 26 thn B.kota 1 Furunkel Metro, Dexa,, Asmef
15 Delia P 9 thn B.kota 1 Ispa Amox, Ctm, Ambroxol
1 Agus L 28 thn B.kota 1 Skzoresudual Cpz, Thp, Hpd
2 Sopia P 37 thn B.kota 1 Dispepsia Ranitdin, Antasida
3 Rusdani P 50 thn Tempilang 1 GEA Cotry, Antasida, Zink
4 Sadaria P 28 thn Pelaik 1 Febris pct, Amox
5 Jainur P 22 thn Sika 1 Commond cold Pct, B. Com
6 24 Mei 2013 Suri P 16 thn B.kota 1 Commond cold Pct, B. Com
7 Anam L 25 thn B.kota 1 Commond cold Pct, B. Com
8 Ajam L 26 thn Sangku 1 Konjungtvits Nadic, Amox
9 Dewi handayani P 16 thn B.kota 1 Febris pct, Amox
24 Mei 2013

10 Bunga P 7 thn Air lintang 1 Susp typoid Pct,, Amox

11 Menut P 37 thn Pelaik 1 Chepalgia Ranitdin, Pct
1 Sapar L 10 thn Air lintang 1 Asma Ambroxol, CTM, Dexa
2 Bong kap kui P 57 thn Tempilang 1 TTH Simvas,, Nadic
3 Fadli L 5 thn Alfa 1 Ispa Amox, Ctm, Ambroxol
4 Grasela P 16 thn B.kota 1 Febris pct, Amox
27 Mei 2013
5 Pitut P 30 thn Tj.niur 1 Vertgo Pct, Simvas
6 Iskandar L 33 thn B.kota 1 Skizoresdual Cpz, Thp, Hpd
7 Yogi L 17 thn Air lintang 1 Dispepsia Ranitdin, Antasida
8 Reni P 18 thn Air lintang 1 Dispepsia Ranitdin, Antasida
9 Okta P 17 thn Air lintang 1 Dispepsia Ranitdin, Antasida
10 Muryani L 60 thn Pelaik 1 Gout Allu, Dexa, Nadic
11 Daliana P 35 thn B.kota 1 Fatque B. Com, Melox
12 Bagas L 6 thn B.kota 1 Anorexia B. Com, Antasida
13 Rulam P 46 thn Bubung tujuh 1 Ispa Amox, Ctm, Ambroxol
14 Suni P 38 thn Nibung 1 Dispepsia Ranitdin, Antasida
15 Toto L 33 thn Tempilang 1 Faringits Amox, Dexa, Pct
16 27 Mei 2013 Veri L 6 thn Nibung 1 Susp typoid Pct, Amox
17 Mujiem P 76 thn Tempilang 1 Commond cold Pct, B. Com
18 Solihin L 71 thn Tempilang 1 BPH Cipro, Asmef, Furosemide
19 Rusmawat P 62 thn Sinar surya 1 Febris pct, amox
20 Soleha P 60 thn Sinar surya 1 Hipertensi Amlodiphine, Furosemida
21 Ginesa P 6 thn Tempilang 1 Faringits Amox, Dexa, Pct
22 Sintana P 6 thn Tempilang 1 Ispa Amox, Ctm, Ambroxol
23 Mustka L 34 thn Tempilang 1 Susp TB Amox, Ambroxol
1 Rusiem P 52 thn Kp panjang 1 OMSK Amox, Dexa, CTM
2 Peni P 28 thn Sinar surya 1 Rhinits alergi Ctm, Dexa
3 Yuli P 21 thn Limbung 1 Dispepsia Ranitdin, Antasida
4 Misnah P 22 thn Air lintang 1 Tinea coparis Ketokonazole, CTM
5 Endang P 34 thn Tempilang 1 Chepalgia Ranitdin, Pct
6 Fuchika P 18 thn Tempilang 1 Dispepsia Ranitdin, Antasida

28 Mei 2013
7 Novi P 16 thn Tempilang 1 Hypertroid TPU, Propanolol
8 Rido L 7 thn Tempilang 1 Febris pct, amox
9 Erwin L 42 thn Air lintang 1 Gout Allu, Dexa, Nadic
10 28 Mei 2013 M.nurung L 71 thn Sungai II 1 TTH Pct, Simvas
11 Erpina P 32 thn Tempilang 1 Ispa Amox, Ctm, Ambroxol
12 Riski L 5 thn Tempilang 1 Faringits Amox, Dexa, Pct
13 Asiah P 7 thn B.kota 1 Asma Ambroxol, CTM, Dexa
14 Sopinah P 47 thn Air lintang 1 DM Glimepirid, Methpormin
15 Nurbani P 48 thn Tempilang 1 Commond cold Pct, B. Com
16 Parman L 52 thn Kamat 1 Dispepsia Ranitdin, Antasida
17 Iroh P 42 thn Kamat 1 Ispa Amox, Ctm, Ambroxol
18 Hamdan L 43 thn Air lintang 1 Dispepsia Ranitdin, Antasida
19 Mahenda L 56 thn Air lintang 1 Ispa Amox, Ctm, Ambroxol
1 Dw I indah P 29 thn Tempilang 1 Ispa Amox, Ctm, Ambroxol
2 Suharman L 5 thn B.kota 1 Faringits Amox, Dexa, Pct
3 Pina P 21 thn Kelapa 1 Disc abdomen Antasida, Ranitdin, PCT
29 Mei 2013
4 Sit rokiah P 47 thn Sangku 1 Skizoresdual Cpz, Thp, Hpd
5 Sumiat P 48 thn B.kota 1 Febris pct, amox
6 Nina P 25 thn Fanta 1 Tonsilits Pct, Amox, Dexa
7 Deni L 7thn Air lintang 1 Gout Allu, Dexa, Nadic
8 Mila P 30 thn Tempilang 1 Rhinits alergi Ctm, Dexa
9 29 Mei 2013 M.ari P 18 thn Kelumbi 1 Commond cold Pct, B. Com
10 Ektovia P 11 thn Tempilang 1 Faringits Amox, Dexa, Pct
11 Dimaskun L 25 thn Air lintang 1 Commond cold Pct, B. Com
1 Kamisah P 31 thn Tempilang 1 TTH Pct, Simvas
2 Nurdin L 63 thn Air lintang 1 OA Nadic,, Dexa
3 Saniah P 58 thn Air lintang 1 Hipertensi Amplodiphine, Furosemide
4 Umai P 53 thn Tempilang 1 Commond cold Pct, B. Com
5 Basiah P 70 thn Tempilang 1 Hipertensi Amplodiphine, Furosemide
6 Armiani P 42 thn Air lintang 1 DM Glimepirid, Methpormin
7 Suniah P 33 thn Tempilang 1 Ispa Amox, Ctm, Ambroxol
8 Maskur L 26thn B.kota 1 Commond cold Pct, B. Com
9 M.yasin L 55 thn Tempilang 1 Commond cold Pct, B. Com
10 Jumhir L 40thn Tj.niur 1 Dermatts Ctm, Dexa
11 Asia P 34 thn Tj.niur 1 Dispepsia Ranitdin, Antasida
12 Iin P 21 thn Tempilang 1 Asma Ambroxol,, Salbu, Dexa
13 Dewi utami P 24 thn Air lintang 1 OA Nadic, Dexa
30 Mei 2013
14 Saring L 57 thn Tempilang 1 Ispa Amox, Ctm, Ambroxol
15 Topan L 42 thn Tempilang 1 Faringits Amox, Dexa, Pct
16 Riko L 17 thn B.kota 1 Faringits Amox, Dexa, Pct
17 Jamarni P 37 thn Pancur 1 Dispepsia Ranitdin, Antasida
18 Suhardi L 60 thn B.kota 1 DM Glimepirid, Methpormin
19 Sumarni P 50 thn B.kota 1 DM Glimepirid, Methpormin
20 Senah P 52 thn Sangku 1 LBP Nadic, Dexa
21 Ike P 31 thn Air lintang 1 Ispa Amox, Ctm, Ambroxol
22 Jumiah P 50 thn Tempilang 1 Hipertensi Amplodiphine, Furosemide
23 Zulhijah P 45 thn B.kota 1 Dispepsia Ranitdin, Antasida
24 Masdar L 56 thn Air lintang 1 Decom cordis Amlo, Aspilet, Furosemide
25 Ari L 17 thn Kelumbi 1 Asma Ambroxol, Dexa, Salbutamol
26 M.hasan L 36 thn Sinar surya 1 Chepalgia Pct, Ranitdin
1 Miyah P 61 thn Tj.niur Susp TB Amox, Ambroxol, CTM
2 Sulastri P 60 thn Tempilang 1 DM Glimepirid, Methpormin
3 Nursela P 18 thn Tempilang 1 Dispepsia Ranitdin, Antasida
4 Sit putri P 10 thn Buyan 1 Epilepsi Luminal
5 31 Mei 2013 Mohammad L 65 thn Pancur 1 Asma Ambroxol, Dexa, Salbutamol
6 Ginesa P 6 thn Tempilang 1 Febris pct, amox
7 Umi P 28 thn Tempilang 1 Commond cold Pct, B. Com
8 Sumarni P 60 thn Tempilang 1 Dispepsia Ranitdin, Antasida
9 Zilana P 8 thn Tempilang 1 Febris pct, amox
10 Umi P 36 thn Tempilang 1 Dispepsia Ranitdin, Antasida
11 Anton L 28 thn B.kota 1 Commond cold Pct, B. Com
12 Heni P 29 thn Air lintang Dispepsia Ranitdin, Antasida

31 Mei 2013
13 Sahani L 44 thn Bubung tujuh Commond cold Pct, B. Com
14 Lena P 43 thn Air lintang 1 DM Glimepirid, Methpormin
31 Mei 2013
15 Rahul L 48 thn Lingkun 1 Febris pct, amox
16 Sulastri P 27 thn Kelumbi 1 Commond cold Pct, B. Com
17 Nabil L 6 thn Air lintang 1 Anorexia B. Com, Antasida,, Ranitdin
18 Maryat P 30 thn Bubung tujuh 1 Dermatts Ctm, Dexa
19 Nadia P 5 thn Bubung tujuh 1 Dermatts Ctm, Dexa

Kepala Puskesmas Tempilang

dr. Ratnosoppi
NIP.19810316 200804 1 001
da, digoxin
1 Fuchika P 18 th Tempilang 1 Chepalgia
2 Gustana P 17 th Tempilang 1 Dyspepsia
3 Emelia P 18 th Tempilang 1 Dyspepsia
4 Trisno L 60 th Kp.Panjang 1 Dyspepsia
5 Sunart P 50 th Kp.Panjang 1 CC
6 Hartni P 25 th Air Lintang 1 ISPA
7 Andila P 17 th Air Lintang 1 Dyspepsia
8 Eka P 28 th Tempilang 1 Ultkaria
9 Rosiah P 50 th Air Lintang 1 HT + CC
10 Ida Susila P 36 th S. Surya 1 Dyspepsia
11 Rosnah P 53 th Sangku 1 ISPA
12 Abek L 40 th Tempilang 1 ISPA
13 Sumarni P 28 th Penyampak 1 Hypertroid
14 Anis Holidan P 21 th Benteng Kota 1 Susp Typoid
15 Basri L 45 th S II 1 Rhenits Alergi
16 Sairi L 47 th Sangku 1 ISPA
17 Darmi P 40 th Benteng Kota 1 CC
18 Lukas L 11 th PKS 1 Febris
1 Desi P 13 th Air Lintang 1 Obs.Febris
2 Karmila P 26 th Sangku 1 Susp.TB
3 Hengki Kurniawan L 5,6 th S II 1 Dyspepsia
4 Rangga L 8 th Tempilang 1 Dyspepsia
5 Sartna P 38 th Tempilang 1 Dyspepsia
6 Samiran L 65 th S.Surya 1 ISPA
7 4-Jun-13 Boni Santni P 15 th Sangku 1 ISPA
8 Baharun L 58 th Tempilang 1 Dyspepsia
9 Tita P 50 th Air Lintang 1 HT
10 Kholidi L 42 th Sangku 1 Febris
11 Nurjanah P 38 th Tempilang 1 Dyspepsia
12 Sonia P 7 th Tempilang 1 ISPA
13 Samik P 54 th Tempilang 1 HT
14 Ahon L 45 th Tempilang 1 RA
15 Ngadiem P 53 th Tempilang 1 DM
16 Jiky l 21 th B.Kota 1 Obs.Febris
17 4-Jun-13 Rosidi L 50 th Pelaik 1 Dyspepsia
18 Yunaini P 37 th Tempilang 1 Dyspepsia
19 Iwan L 30 th Tempilang 1 Skizo Hebarpremik
20 Metdi L 35 th Tempilang 1 CC
21 Dedek Saprijal L 31 th Tempilang 1 Dyspepsia
22 Solbiah P 60 th Tempilang 1 HT + DM
23 4-Jun-13 Tarmizi L 42 th Lingkun 1 CC
24 Sobirin L 40 th Air Lintang 1 Skizo Hebarpremik
25 Nurlele P 50 th Air Lintang 1 CC
1 Umar L 9 th B.Kota 1 Faringits
2 Hambali L 31 th B.Kota 1 Obs.Febris
3 Debi P 11 th Tempilang 1 Faringits
4 Dola L 28 th Tempilang 1 Obs.Febris
5 Tumi P 65 th Tempilang 1 CC
6 Ruziana P 38 th Sangku 1 Faringits
7 Midah P 49 th B.Kota 1 ISPA
8 Endang P 9 th B.Kota 1 ISPA
9 Masiyah P 51 th Kelumbi 1 Dyspepsia
10 Puspita Sekar sari P 6 th Tempilang 1 Obs.Discomport
11 Roding Pakpahan L 51 th Tempilang 1 ISPA
12 Rogayah P 66 th Tempilang 1 CC
13 Anton L 28 th B.Kota 1 CC
14 Lia Oktariana P 8 th Air Lintang 1 Asma Branchiale
15 Cik Ayu P 28 th Sp.Yul 1 Skizo Paranoid
16 Asni P 60 th Air Lintang 1 Pirai Atrits
17 Rajibri L 7,5 th Tempilang 1 ISPA
18 Reni P 35 th Tempilang 1 Dyspepsia
19 Samsiah P 61 th S.Surya 1 HT
20 Juhari L 45 th Sp.Yul 1 Skizo Paranoid
21 Riski L 7 th Tempilang 1 Obs.Febris
22 Andika L 26 th Air Lintang 1 Faringits
1 Tria Gustni P 25 th Tempilang 1 Faringits
2 Dea P 11 th Tempilang 1 GE
3 Vivin Suhast P 24 th Tempilang HT
4 Alif L 21 th Basun 1 Obs.Typoid
5 Romlan L 35 th Tempilang 1 Obs.CC
6 Jumali P 25 th Tempilang 1 Dyspepsia
7 Gusniart P 34 th Tempilang 1 Cepalgia
8 Hamdan L 49 th Air Lintang 1 CC
9 Jainun P 65 th Air Lintang 1 HT
10 Sopinah P 47 th Air Lintang 1 DM
11 Dayat L 53 th Tempilang 1 Febris
12 Slamet L 40 th Tempilang 1 Faringits
13 anton L 28 th B.Kota 1 Obs.Febris
14 Kasinah P 46 th Kelumbi 1 Dyspepsia
15 Reni P 27 th B.Kota 1 ISPA
16 sumadi L 34 th Air Lintang 1 Cc
17 Zaini L 45 th Kelumbi 1 Faringits
18 Alyah P 56 th Golf 1 Dyspepsia
19 Bom-Bom L 12 th B.Kota 1 Post.DBD
20 Samirah P 81 th Tempilang 1 HT + ISPA
21 Anip P 52 th Tempilang 1 DM
22 Fitrawat P 26 th Tempilang 1 Tinia
23 Artna P 28 th Air Lintang 1 Dyspepsia
24 Sukijan L 30 th Eho 1 Gout
25 Jaleha P 62 th Air Lintang 1 HT
26 Rani P 12 th Air Lintang Dyspepsia
1 Nunung P 43 th Tempilang 1 Vertgo
2 Yani P 50 th Air Lintang 1 Cepalgia
3 Sumarni P 32 th Tempilang 1 DM
4 Bastari L 48 th Tempilang 1 CC
5 Bujang ladi L 74 th B.Kota 1 Susp.TB
6 Saheria P 33 th B.Kota 1 CC
7 Saropah P 43 th Sangku 1 Dermatts Akut
8 Alkiano Fasha A L 7 th Air Lintang 1 Dermatts Akut
9 8-Jun-13 Simuntari P 32 th Air Lintang 1 Dyspepsia
10 Sri Mardiana P 46 th Tempilang 1 HT + Vertga
11 Aulia P 8 th B.Kota 1 Obs.Febris
12 Jamaliah P 52 th Air Lintang 1 Konjungtvits
13 Apriadi Pratama L 22 th Air Lintang 1 Faringits
14 Reni Setawan P 6 th S II Dermatts Akut
15 Asmah P 51 th Tempilang 1 HT
16 M.Ilham L 7 th Tempilang 1 Obs.Febris
17 Khalifah Raihan L 5,5 th Tempilang 1 Urtkaria
1 Ratu Salsabilah P 7 th Tempilang 1 Febris
2 Gadis P 6 th Air Lintang 1 ISPA
3 Sanem P 48 th Tempilang 1 ISPA
4 Armia P 63 th B.Kota 1 CC
5 Rian Hidayat L 9 th S.Surya 1 Tancilo Faringitis
6 Patmah P 61 th Tempilang 1 Faringits
7 Zakiah P 18 th B.Kelumbi 1 Febris
8 Yaman P 53 th S.Surya 1 OA
9 Yakup L 49 th Kelumbi 1 Dyspepsia
10 Suryadi L 41 th S II Konjungtvits
11 Ngandro L 60 th S II Hemoroid
12 Suhardi L 60 th B.Kota 1 CC
13 Samik L 54 th Tempilang 1 HT + Dyspepsia
14 Jaka L 16 th B.Kota 1 Febris
15 Puji Lestari P 17 th Sp.Yul 1 Febris
16 Sarhan L 49 th S.Surya 1 Dyspepsia
17 Sumarto L 44 th S.Surya 1 Dyspepsia
18 Haryadi L 22 th Sangku 1 CC
19 Diana P 65 th Tempilang 1 HT
20 Mirda P 13 th Nyikep 1 Epilepsi

21 Yuswat P 44 th S II 1 Susp.ISK
22 Rita Sandra L 35 th Tempilang 1 ISPA
23 Iskandar L 35 th Sangku 1 CC
24 Soimah L 50 th B.Kelumbi 1 OA
25 Sumaini P 55 th B.Kota 1 Dyspepsia
26 Indah Pratwi P P 12 th Tempilang 1 ISPA
1 Solihin L 71 th Tempilang 1 GEA
2 Misnah P 32 th Tempilang 1 Flour Abus
3 Reki L 24 th Air Lintang 1 Susp.Typoid
4 Padli L 51 th Tempilang 1 TTH
5 David L 12,5 th B.Kota 1 Febris
6 Joharman L 12 th B.Kota 1 Febris
7 Piuk L 32 th Nyikep 1 Skizo Hebarpremik
8 Muhlisin L 25 th Sangku 1 Chepalgia
9 Rosmiat P 61 th S.Surya 1 Febris
10 Tarsan L 35 th Tj.Niur 1 Susp.Stomatts
11 Sugianto L 33 th Tempilang 1 ISPA
12 Syahya hapizizah P 12 th Tempilang 1 Febris
13 11-Jun-13 Hariana P 27 th Air Lintang 1 Febris
14 Nurdin L 63 th Air Lintang 1 CC
15 Heni P 27 th BB 7 1 Dyspepsia
16 Rohayah P 46 th Tempilang 1 CC
17 Puspawat P 46 th Tempilang 1 Dyspepsia
18 Israj L 13 th Tempilang 1 Urtkaria
19 H.Amir L 66 th Tempilang 1 CC
20 Ruslan L 52 th Sangku 1 CC
21 Sumarni P 60 th Tempilang 1 DM
22 Sumarni P 38 th B.Kota 1 CC
23 Rosidi L 50 th Pelaik 1 Dyspepsia
24 Martni P 34 th Tempilang 1 CC
25 Sakni P 37 th Tempilang 1 CC
1 Sri wahyuni P 25 TH B.Kota 1 Febris
2 Sumarni P 41 th B.Kota 1 Febris

3 Maskurnia P 46 th Tempilang 1 Dyspepsia
4 Mira P 27 th Tempilang 1 Chepalgia
5 Mira Tania P 18 th S.Surya 1 Febris
6 Pairah P 80 th Tempilang 1 Febris
7 Samawat P 13 th pancur 1 Febris
8 Arianto L 40 th Tempilang 1 Febris
9 Herman L 26 th B.Kota 1 GOUT
10 Bakar L 58 th Tempilang 1 Dyspepsia
11 Linda P 33 th B.Kota 1 LBP
12 Habibah P 60 th Tempilang 1 OMA
13 Hamdan Andrean L 34 th Tempilang 1 Febris
14 Yeni Ronita P 29 th S.Surya 1 Asma Branchiale
15 A.Kadir Raswan L 72 th S.Surya 1 Faringits
16 12-Jun-13 Agung L 8 th Tempilang 1 Urtkaria
17 Nur P 27 th S II 1 TTH
18 Ngadino L 69 th Tempilang 1 Dyspepsia
19 Neli P 39 th Air Lintang 1 Urtkaria
20 Erni Trisnawat P 31 th Tempilang 1 Dyspepsia
21 Saripah P 28 th Air Lintang 1 ISPA
22 Yulia L 19 th Tempilang 1 ISPA
23 Sudin L 55 th Air Lintang 1 OA
1 Sarmina P 52 th Air Lintang Dyspepsia
2 Yuniart P 31 th Tempilang 1 CC
3 Ira P 31 th PKS 1 Urtkaria
4 Tomi L 26 th Air Lintang 1 ISPA
5 Bait P 54 th Tempilang 1 ISK
6 Wahyu Hidayat L 13 th Tj.Niur 1 Febris
7 Yahni P 49 th Tj.Niur 1 Dyspepsia
8 Agus L 24 th B.Kota 1 Skizo Hebarpremik
9 Nasiah P 54 th Tempilang 1 DM
10 Harun L 53 th Tj.Niur 1 Faringits
11 Darsih P 42 th Tempilang 1 TTH
12 Tamrin L 15 th Nyikep 1 Lipoma

13 Ira Irawan P 24 th Tempilang 1 Dyspepsia

14 Zella Utarila P 10 th Tempilang 1 Faringits
15 Nurmayana P 47 th Tempilang 1 HT
16 Mirnawat P 25 th Tempilang 1 Chepalgia
17 Rina P 35 th Tempilang 1 OA
18 Tohar L 34 th B.Kota 1 Faringits
19 Mardiah P 30 th Tempilang 1 DM + dyspepsia
20 Horman L 31 th Air Lintang 1 ISPA
1 Samik P 54 th Tempilang 1 HT
2 Dodi L 25 th B.Kota 1 Chepalgia
3 Ramli L 64 th Air Lintang 1 Susp.Hypertroid
4 Rejo L 47 th Tempilang 1 Obs.Febris
5 Yanto L 28 th Tempilang 1 Tonsilo Faringits
6 Arinsah L 40 th Air Lintang 1 Skizo Paranoid
7 Wakinem P 36 th Kelumbi 1 ISPA
8 Santri P 12 th Tempilang 1 Febris
9 Eko Julianto L 17 th Pelaik 1 Tonsilo Faringits
10 Kusyant P 24 th Tempilang 1 Urtkaria
11 Salbiah P 37 th S.Surya 1 Dyspepsia
12 Putri P 22 th S II 1 Faringits
13 Sumarno L 53 th Kelumbi 1 Dyspepsia
14 Karmin L 24 th Nyikep 1 Obs.Febris
15 Hawani P 27 th Buyan 1 Epilepsi
16 sundari P 18 th Nyikep 1 Dyspepsia
17 Deni Syaputra P 18 th Air Lintang 1 Dyspepsia
18 Lela Anggraini P 28 th Tempilang 1 OMA
19 Marhom L 50 th B.Kota 1 HT + Dyspepsia
20 Sapwan L 5,6 th Tj.Niur 1 ISPA
21 Supranto L 29 th S.Surya 1 ISPA
22 Karmin L 24 th Nyikep 1 ISPA
1 Agus L 25 th B.Kota 1 Skizo Hebarpremik
2 Nadia D a P 12 th Air Lintang 1 Dyspepsia
3 Bias Aqmal Tangka L 17 th Tempilang 1 Dyspepsia

4 Tarsan L 35 th Tj.Niur 1 Stomatts
5 Masriadi L 29 th Tempilang 1 Chepalgia
6 Adi Suhendra L 18 th Tempilang 1 Dyspepsia
7 15-Jun-13 Mery P 40 th Tempilang 1 ISPA
8 Megawat P 19 th Tempilang 1 CC
9 Harun L 22 th Brafo 1 Febris
10 Kartum L 23 th Alfa 1 Febris
11 Annisyah ulfa P 17 th Tempilang 1 Dyspepsia
12 Julianto L 7 th Sangku 1 Febris
13 Herdiana P 45 th Tempilang 1 Urtkaria
1 Ana P 9 th S.Surya 1 Faringits
2 Tamrin L 15 th Nyikep 1 Furunkel
3 Ahim L 60 th Tj.Niur 1 Dyspepsia
4 Kamok L 46 th B.Kota 1 Dyspepsia
5 Sopinah P 47 th Air Lintang 1 CC
6 Anisa P 45 th Tempilang 1 DM
7 Agus Irawan L 24 th Brafo 1 Dyspepsia
8 Sahril L 25 th Brafo 1 CC
9 Adita L 7 th Tempilang 1 Urtkaria
10 Mira Elena Tasya P 9 th B.Kota 1 Influenza
11 Jasian P 48 th B.Kota 1 HT
12 Heni P 38 th Air Lintang 1 ISPA
13 Yasmin A P 6 th Tempilang 1 ISPA
14 Sumardin L 29 th Tempilang 1 ISPA
15 Basok adam L 10 th S II 1 Tinea Capits
16 Sakni P 59 th Tj.Niur 1 CC
17 Gerimis L 42 th Tj.Niur 1 Skizo Residual
18 Rifigul Anam L 12 th Tempilang 1 Febris
19 Husin L 58 th B.Kota 1 DM
20 Devita Sari P 18 th Air Lintang 1 Dyspepsia
21 Ahfandi L 10 th S II 1 Obs.Febris
22 Riko Mardiana L 13 th B.Kota 1 ISPA
1 Rohidin L 24 th Tempilang 1 CC
2 Sunainah P 48 th Tj.Niur 1 HT
3 Sumarni P 32 th Tempilang 1 DM
4 Suryadi L 41 th S II Chepalgia
5 Parman L 62 th Pelaik 1 Susp.HNP
6 Mila P 30 th Tempilang 1 GOUT
7 Tiara Ayu amani P 12 th B.Kota 1 Febris
8 Haribet L 27 th Tempilang 1 CC
9 Benu L 34 th PKS 1 CC
10 Yunus Tirta L 9 th Nyikep 1 Dyspepsia
11 Resi L 27 th Air Lintang 1 Faringits
12 Ira Irawan P 24 th Tempilang 1 Tonsilo Faringits
13 Perli Pudianto L 22 th Air Lintang 1 Febris
14 Gebi P 13 th Tempilang 1 Susp.DHF
15 Ida Rustka P 22 th Tempilang 1 ISPA
16 Tjik meiny P 27 th Tempilang 1 ISPA
1 Ngadiem P 52 th Tempilang 1 Myalgia
2 Elmon P 33 th Tempilang 1 ISPA
3 Juhari L 72 th Tempilang 1 Myalgia
4 Judin L 55 th Kelumbi 1 HT
5 Harun L 52 th Tj.Niur 1 Obs.Febris
6 Heni L 32 th Tj.Niur 1 Dyspepsia
7 Putri Hapsari P 11 th Tempilang 1 Febris
8 Iskandar L 35 th Sangku 1 Dyspepsia
9 Heni P 30 th B.Kota 1 Otts Extema
10 Azwar Anas L 18 th Sangku 1 Obs.Febris
11 Tri Eko Wahyudi L 16 th Air Lintang 1 Febris
12 Imam Tantowi L 16 th B.Kota 1 Febris
13 Aceng hidayat L 24 th B.Kota 1 ISPA
14 Karso L 45 th Tempilang 1 HT
15 Rusmiat P 23 th Fanta 1 Dyspepsia
16 Tet P 19 th Fanta 1 Febris
17 Maskinoi P 23 th Kelumbi 1 Myalgia
18 Rosiah P 19 th Kelumbi 1 Febris
1 Mujni L 58 th Air Lintang 1 GEA
2 21-Jun-13 Romnah P 62 th B.Kota 1 Myalgia
3 Rajibri L 7,5 th Tempilang 1 ISPA
4 Hardi Arianto L 6 th Sangku Konjungtvits
5 Atna L 36 th Sangku Dyspepsia
6 Lina Novriana P 27 th B.Kota 1 Konjungtvits
7 Bujang ladi L 70 th B.Kota 1 obs.ISPA
8 Heri Julianto L 20 th Sangku 1 Dyspepsia
9 Savera P 26 th Air Lintang 1 Febris
10 Marwi L 58 th Tempilang 1 Konjungtvits
11 21-Jun-13 Sumarni P 52 th Tempilang 1 CC
12 Zaini L 35 th Kelumbi 1 CC
13 Rosida P 57 th Tempilang 1 DM
14 Pinda P 34 th Tempilang 1 CC
15 Ilham L 34 th Tempilang 1 OA
16 Zulpikar L 20 th Tempilang 1 CC
17 Rusdan L 42 th Sangku 1 CC
18 Erwan L 42 th Air Lintang 1 CC
1 Ramisah P 9,6 th Tempilang 1 Obs.Febris
2 Fiki Fikrianto L 13 th Tempilang 1 Febris
3 Abu Badri L 60 th S II 1 ISPA
4 Ket P 6,6 th Tempilang 1 ISPA
5 Melda P 16 th Sangku 1 Dyspepsia
6 Rohina P 56 th Tempilang 1 HT
7 Janah P 35 th Pelaik 1 Dyspepsia
8 Juli.P L 25 th Air Lintang 1 Obs.Febris
9 Zahri L 19 th Tempilang 1 Obs.Febris
10 Nia P 26 th Kamat 1 Dyspepsia
11 M.Rozali L 12 th Air Lintang 1 Obs.Febris
12 Juheria P 45 th Tempilang 1 Chepalgia
13 Topik L 23 th Tempilang 1 Hourdeolum
14 Ulan P 30 th S II 1 Dermatts sedang

Pct, Ranitdin
Antasida, Ranitdin
Antasida, Ranitdin
Antasida, Ranitdin
Pct, B.COM
Ambroxol, CTM, Amox
Antasida, Ranitdin
Dexa, CTM
Captopril, PCT, B.Com
Antasida, Ranitdin
Ambroxol, CTM, Amox
Ambroxol, CTM, Amox
PTU, Propanolol
Pct, Cipro
Nadic, Dexa
Ambroxol, CTM, Amox
Pct, B.COM
Pct, Amox
Pct, Amox
Amox, Ambroxol
Antasida, Ranitdin
Antasida, Ranitdin
Antasida, Ranitdin
Ambroxol, CTM, Amox
Ambroxol, CTM, Amox
Antasida, Ranitdin
Captopril, Furosemide
Pct, Amox
Antasida, Ranitdin
Ambroxol, CTM, Amox
Captopril, Furosemide
Nadic, Dexa
Glimepirid, Methpormin
pct,, amox
Antasida, Ranitdin
Antasida, Ranitdin
Cpz, Thp, Hpd
Pct, B.COM
Antasida, Ranitdin
Captopril, Furosemide, Methpormin
Pct, B.COM
Cpz, Thp, Hpd
Pct, B.COM
Amox, Dexa, Pct
pct,, amox
Amox, Dexa, Pct
pct,, amox
Pct, B.COM
Amox, Dexa, Pct
Ambroxol, CTM, Amox
Ambroxol, CTM, Amox
Antasida, Ranitdin
Antasida, Ranitdin
Ambroxol, CTM, Amox
Pct, B.COM
Pct, B.COM
Salbutamil, Ambroxol, Dexa
Cpz, Thp, Hpd
Allu, Nadic, Dexa
Ambroxol, CTM, Amox
Antasida, Ranitdin
Captopril, Furosemide
Cpz, Thp, Hpd
pct,, amox
Amox, Dexa, Pct
Amox, Dexa, Pct
Cotry, Antasida, Zink
Captopril, Furosemide
Pct, Cipro
Pct, B.COM
Antasida, Ranitdin
Pct, Ranitdin
Pct, B.COM
Captopril, Furosemide
Glimepirid, Methpormin
pct,, amox
Amox, Dexa, Pct
Amox, Dexa, Pct
Antasida, Ranitdin
Ambroxol, CTM, Amox
Pct, B.COM
Amox, Dexa, Pct
Antasida, Ranitdin
B. Com, Pct
Nifedifin, Amox, Ambroxol
Glimepirid, Methpormin
Ketokonazole,, CTM
Antasida, Ranitdin
Allu, Nadic, Dexa
Captopril, Furosemide
Antasida, Ranitdin
Pct, Simvas
Pct, Ranitdin
Glimepirid, Methpormin
Pct, B.COM
Amox, Ambroxol
Pct, B.COM
CTM,, Dexa
CTM,, Dexa
Antasida, Ranitdin
Amlo, Simvaas, Pct
pct,, amox
Amox, Nadic
Amox, Dexa, Pct
CTM,, Dexa
Captopril, Furosemide
pct,, amox
Dexa, CTM
pct,, amox
Ambroxol, CTM, Amox
Ambroxol, CTM, Amox
Pct, B.COM
Pct,, Amox, Dexa
Pct,, Amox, Dexa
pct,, amox
Nadic, Dexa
Antasida, Ranitdin
Amox, Nadic
Cipro, Asmef
Pct, B.COM
Capto, Antasida, Ranitdine
pct,, amox
pct,, amox
Antasida, Ranitdin
Antasida, Ranitdin
Pct, B.COM
Captopril, Furosemide
Asmef, Cipro,, Furosemide
Ambroxol, CTM, Amox
Pct, B.COM
Nadic, Dexa
Antasida, Ranitdin
Ambroxol, CTM, Amox
Metro, Antasida,, Lopremide
Nystatn, Metro, CTM
Pct, Cipro
Cipro, Furosemide, Asmef
pct,, amox
pct,, amox
Cpz, Thp, Hpd
Pct, Ranitdin
pct,, amox
Kandistatn, CTM, Amox
Amox, Ctm, Ambroxol
pct,, amox
pct,, amox
Pct, B.COM
Antasida, Ranitdin
Pct, B.COM
Antasida, Ranitdin
Dexa, CTM
Pct, B.COM
Pct, B.COM
Glimepirid, Methpormin
Pct, B.COM
Antasida, Ranitdin
Pct, B.COM
Pct, B.COM
pct,, amox
pct,, amox
Antasida, Ranitdin
Pct, Ranitdin
pct,, amox
pct,, amox
pct,, amox
pct,, amox
Allu, Nadic, Dexa
Antasida, Ranitdin
Nadic, Dexa
Cipro, Dexa, Asmef
pct,, amox
Ambroxol, Salbu, Dexa
Pct,, Amox, Dexa
Dexa, CTM
Cipro, Furosemide, Asmef
Antasida, Ranitdin
Dexa, CTM
Antasida, Ranitdin
Amox, Ctm, Ambroxol
Amox, Ctm, Ambroxol
Nadic, Dexa
Antasida, Ranitdin
Pct, B.COM
Dexa, CTM
Amox, Ctm, Ambroxol
Cipro, Asmef,, Furosemide
pct,, amox
Antasida, Ranitdin
Cpz, Thp, Hpd
Glimepirid, Methpormin
Pct,, Amox, Dexa
Cipro, Furosemide, Asmef
Amox, Asmef
Antasida, Ranitdin
Pct,, Amox, Dexa
Captopril, Furosemide
Pct, Ranitdin
Nadic, Dexa
Pct,, Amox, Dexa
Antasida,, Ranitdin,, Glimepiride
Amox, Ctm, Ambroxol
Captopril, Furosemide
Pct, Ranitdin
PTU, Propanolol
pct,, amox
Pct,, Amox, Dexa
Cpz, Thp, Hpd
Amox, Ctm, Ambroxol
pct,, amox
Pct,, Amox, Dexa
Dexa, CTM
Antasida, Ranitdin
Pct,, Amox, Dexa
Antasida, Ranitdin
pct,, amox
Antasida, Ranitdin
Antasida, Ranitdin
Cipro, Dexa, Asmef
Capto, Antasida, Ranitdine
Amox, Ctm, Ambroxol
Amox, Ctm, Ambroxol
Amox, Ctm, Ambroxol
Cpz, Thp, Hpd
Antasida, Ranitdin
Antasida, Ranitdin
Kandistatn, CTM, Amox
Pct, Ranitdin
Antasida, Ranitdin
Amox, Ctm, Ambroxol
Pct, B.COM
pct,, amox
pct,, amox
Antasida, Ranitdin
pct,, amox
Dexa, CTM
Pct,, Amox, Dexa
Dexa, Metro, Asmef
Antasida, Ranitdin
Antasida, Ranitdin
Pct, B.COM
Glimepirid, Methpormin
Antasida, Ranitdin
Pct, B.COM
Dexa, CTM
Vit. C, CTM
Captopril, Furosemide
Amox, Ctm, Ambroxol
Amox, Ctm, Ambroxol
Amox, Ctm, Ambroxol
Ketokonszole, CTM
Pct, B.COM
Cpz, Thp, Hpd
pct,, amox
Glimepirid, Methpormin
Antasida, Ranitdin
pct,, amox
Amox, Ctm, Ambroxol
Pct, B.COM
Captopril, Furosemide
Glimepirid, Methpormin
Pct, Ranitdin
Nadic, Dexa
Allu, Nadic, Dexa
pct,, amox
Pct, B.COM
Pct, B.COM
Antasida, Ranitdin
Pct,, Amox, Dexa
Pct,, Amox, Dexa
pct,, amox
pct,, amox
Amox, Ctm, Ambroxol
Amox, Ctm, Ambroxol
Nadic, B.Com
Amox, Ctm, Ambroxol
Nadic, B.Com
Captopril, Furosemide
pct,, amox
Antasida, Ranitdin
pct,, amox
Antasida, Ranitdin
Dexa,, amox, asmef
pct,, amox
pct,, amox
pct,, amox
Amox, Ctm, Ambroxol
Captopril, Furosemide
Antasida, Ranitdin
pct,, amox
Nadic, B.Com
pct,, amox
Metro, Antasida,, Lopremide
Nadic, B.Com
Amox, Ctm, Ambroxol
Amox, Nadic
Antasida, Ranitdin
Amox, Nadic
Amox, Ctm, Ambroxol
Antasida, Ranitdin
pct,, amox
Amox, Nadic
Pct, B.COM
Pct, B.COM
Glimepirid, Methpormin
Pct, B.COM
Nadic, Dexa
Pct, B.COM
Pct, B.COM
Pct, B.COM
pct,, amox
pct,, amox
Amox, Ctm, Ambroxol
Amox, Ctm, Ambroxol
Antasida, Ranitdin
Captopril, Furosemide
Antasida, Ranitdin
pct,, amox
pct,, amox
Antasida, Ranitdin
pct,, amox
Pct, Ranitdin
Amox, CTM, Asmef
CTM,, Dexa
Kepala Puskesmas Tempilang

dr. Ratnosoppi
NIP.19810316 200804 1 001

Bulan : Juli 2014


1 Akhsan AB L 54 Kelapa mata merah berair Conjungtivitis

2 Hilza Lidiyana P 7 Kelapa Demam. Batuk pilek ISPA
3 Sardi L 44 Kelapa Demam. Batuk pilek ISPA
4 Norima P 45 Kelapa Demam Febris
6 Kuswandani L 52 Kelapa Demam Febris + batuk
7 Leni Mustika P 35 Kelapa Batuk sesak nafas Asma Bronchiale
8 Jikli Ananta L 8 Tebing Demam. Batuk pilek ISPA
9 Malia P 28 Sp.Yul Demam. Batuk pilek ISPA
10 Merista Utami P 8 Sp.Yul Stomatitis
11 Zakia P 8 Kelapa Demam. Batuk pilek ISPA
12 Randa L 13 Kelapa Combutio gr II
13 Wati P 60 Kelapa OA
14 Murni P 43 Tebing Kontrol Jiwa
15 Sukading L 57 Kelapa Badan lemas DM Tipe II
16 Agung Saputra L 22 Kelapa Dermatitis
17 Fiona Pebrianka P 2 Beruas Demam. Batuk pilek ISPA
18 Satria Ani P 26 Kelapa Sakit BAK ISK
19 Zahra Fazila P 1 Mancung Demam. Batuk pilek ISPA
20 Sifa P 11 bln Pkl. Niur ISPA
21 Hasanudin L 53 Kelapa Demam.Pusing.mual Gastritis
1 Sumiarno L 40 Kelapa Demam. Batuk pilek ISPA
2 Dzaki L 10 Kelapa Batuk
3 Ricky Azrofi L 18 Kelapa Sakit BAK ISK
4 Ria Anggraini P 27 Kelapa Furunkel
5 Aini P 38 Sp.Yul Pusing, Sakit kepala Cepalgia
6 Maryani P 42 Sp.Yul Pusing, Sakit kepala Cepalgia

7 Warsih P 73 Kelapa Dislipedemia

8 Jumbadi L 52 Kelapa Badan lemas DM Tipe II
9 Eva Akhsat P 8 Sp.Yul Demam. Batuk pilek ISPA
10 Mala Sahanan L 46 Kelapa Badan gatal-gatal Dermatitis
1 Abdul Jalil L 27 Kelapa Pusing Febris
2 Dewi Wati.A P 58 Kelapa sakit perut Dispepsia
3 Sunarya L 29 Kelapa Demam.batuk.pilek ISPA
4 Ferly Aurel L 4,5 Terentang sakit perut dispepsia
5 Rohala P 34 Kayu Arang Badan lemas DM Tipe II
6 03/06/2014 Khadijah P 2,10 Kacung Demam.batuk.pilek ISPA
7 Alpiyah P 42 Kacung Demam.batuk.pilek ISPA
8 Akia Afiqoh P 3 Kelapa Demam.batuk.pilek ISPA
9 Alvira P 6 Pusuk Demam.batuk.pilek ISPA
10 Daviana.S P 2 Terentang Demam.batuk.pilek ISPA
11 Asim L 43 Sp.Yul sakit perut Dispepsia
1 Rozi L 13 Sumarco mata merah berair Konjungtivitis
2 Ari L 24 Kelapa Demam.batuk.pilek ISPA
3 Syanurmita P 43 Kelapa Demam.batuk.pilek ISPA
4 Hairul L 22 Kapuk Epilepsi
5 Mona P 2,7 Sp.Tempilang GE
6 Keysa Husnah P 1,3 Banyu Asin Demam.batuk.pilek ISPA
7 Elisya P 1,5 Penegak Demam.batuk.pilek ISPA
8 Falen L 10 Kelapa Demam.batuk.pilek ISPA
9 Kiki Azizi P 32 Sp.Tempilang Enteritis
10 Wirta Mandala L 9 Sinar Sari Demam.batuk.pilek ISPA
11 04/06/2014 Syahroni L 65 Tuik Demam.batuk.pilek ISPA
12 Amanda Dwi Cahya P 6 Sinar Sari Demam.batuk.pilek ISPA
13 Ermalissona P 40 Sinar Sari Demam.batuk.pilek ISPA
14 Nazila P 43 Kelapa Stroke NH
15 Rohani P 49 Tebing DM Tipe II
16 H.Alfian Nizar L 76 Kelapa ISPA
17 Sintina P 3.11 Kelapa ISPA
18 Maila P 55 Air Bulin Asma Bronchiale
19 Indra Akang L 59 Air Bulin ISPA
20 Muhalakuhu L 65 Kelapa RA
21 Sudirman L 30 Kelapa Kontrol Epilepsi
1 Patini P 29 Kacung kontroljiwa
2 M.Ayut L 41 Kelapa Badan lemas DM Tipe II
3 Revaldi L 7 Beruas Demam.batuk.pilek ISPA
4 Faizah P 5,9 Tebing Demam Febris
5 Puja Alpinda P 1,2 Kelapa Demam Febris
6 Firlian Pratama L 4 Air Bulin Demam.batuk.pilek ISPA
7 Budi L 18 Tebing Abses
8 Aisyah P 42 Kelapa kontrol Paranoid
9 Pikri L 4,7 Simbel Demam.batuk.pilek ISPA
10 Cupri L 38 Pkl.Niur Pharingitis
11 05/06/2014 Aldoni L 44 Kacung Hemaroid
12 Nelly Handayani P 29 Kelapa Pusing susah tidur Hypertensi
13 Paini P 50 ISK
14 Hasanudin L 51 Kelapa DM Tipe II
15 Tamudin L 55 Dendang cephalgia
16 Mutiara P 22 Tebing Post partum
17 Syarifudin L 29 Kelapa Demam.Pusing.mual Gastritis
18 Raihan L 6 Kelapa Demam.batuk.pilek ISPA
19 Viona P 5 Kelapa Demam.batuk.pilek ISPA
20 M.Rizki Anada P 5,8 Kelapa Demam.batuk.pilek ISPA
21 Ameliawati P 2 Sp.Tempilang Demam.batuk.pilek ISPA
1 Riko L 6 Terentang VL post trauma
2 Mayadi L 31 Terentang Kaki sakit ngilu2 Arthritis
3 Rozihan L 8 Kapuk Abdomen Pain
4 M.Algozali L 2 bln Kelapa Konstipasi
5 Calista P 2,8 Kayu Arang Demam.batuk.pilek ISPA
6 Rifa Gustina P 10 Sp.Tempilang Demam.batuk.pilek ISPA
7 Rosmini P 20 Neknang mata merah berair Konjungtivitis
8 Ismarita P 39 Dendang Demam.Pusing.mual Gastritis
9 Tauhid L 38 Kacung Demam.batuk.pilek ISPA

10 Keysa P 3 Ibul Cacingan
11 Hendra G L 29 BMSE Febris
12 M. Khalid Husein L 10.1 Kelapa ISPA
13 Ria Anggraini P 27 Kelapa Abses
14 Sumanja L 73 Kelapa Febris
15 Viki Apfiansyah L 3,9 Pusuk Demam.batuk.pilek ISPA
16 Bambang L 22 Sp.Tempilang Demam.Pusing.mual Gastritis
17 Juwita P 21 Beruas Demam.Pusing.mual Gastritis
18 Romiati P 36 Pusuk Pusing susah tidur Hypertensi
19 Dayang P 24 Ibul Demam.batuk.pilek ISPA
20 Saringat L 95 Kelapa Pusing susah tidur Hypertensi
21 Baderun L 36 Air Bulin Kontrol Jiwa
22 Martini P 36 Kelapa Pusing Sakit Kepala cephalgia
1 Tumpak Lubis L 54 Kelapa Demam.batuk.pilek ISPA
2 Viyanti P 6 Dendang Demam.batuk.pilek ISPA
3 Pajri L 33 Dendang Migrain
4 Melani P 4 Sp.Tempilang Demam.batuk.pilek ISPA
5 Mutia Dintia.B P 5 Rangkui Ektina
6 08/06/2014 Wirya L 2 Pkl.Beras Commond cold
7 M.Alfian L 8 Kelapa Demam.batuk.pilek ISPA
8 Rusni P 26 Terentang Demam.batuk.pilek ISPA
9 Yumna P 1 Kelapa Demam.batuk.pilek Commond cold
10 Surya P 21 Kelapa RFA
11 Syhate L 73 Kelapa Demam.batuk.pilek Gastritis
1 Subaidah P 23 Kelapa Demam.batuk.pilek ISPA
2 Silvia P 18 Mancung Demam.Pusing.mual Gastritis
3 Alex L 23 Pkl.Pinang mata merah berair Conjungtivitis
4 Amrullah L 47 Kelapa Sakit BAK ISK
5 Aldoni L 41 Kacung Hemaroid
6 Yahya Ilhak L 50 Terentang gatal-gatal Ultikaria
7 Warsih P 72 Kelapa Pusing Tengkuk berat Hipertensi
8 10/06/2014 Yuliarti P 44 Mancung Thopus
9 Rendi.P L 4 Mancung Demam.batuk.pilek ISPA

10 Rahma Syintia P 1 Kelapa Pusing Febris

11 Siti Fatimah P 39 Kelapa R.A
12 Achmad L 23 Pusuk gatal-gatal Ultikaria
13 Sana P 80 Sp.Yul Demam.Pusing.mual Gastritis
14 Sudirman L 30 Kelapa Epilepsi
15 Asmi P 44 Beruas Pusing Tengkuk berat Hipertensi
1 Calista P 2,8 Kayu Arang Demam.batuk.pilek ISPA
2 Hafis L 1,5 Kelapa Demam.batuk.pilek ISPA
3 Sutiah P 62 Kelapa Deman. Badan lemas DM Type II
4 Eis Sukaesiah P 48 Kelapa Demam.batuk.pilek ISPA
5 Achmad Koprawi L 57 Kelapa Demam. Pusing cepalgia
6 Geisya Raafiqol P 3,6 Tebing Demam.batuk.pilek ISPA
7 Fahreza L 5,3 Kelapa Demam.batuk.pilek ISPA
8 Asnah P 45 Kelapa kontrol Sc. Paranoid
9 Asep Sutiawan L 33 Kelapa Demam.batuk.pilek ISPA
10 Efriza P 38 Dendang Demam.batuk.pilek ISPA
11 Saidan L 51 Dendang Pusing Tengkuk berat LBP
12 Asnah P 59 Kelapa Demam. Pusing Hipertensi
13 Asep Saputra L 5 Mancung Demam.batuk.pilek ISPA
14 Sain L 75 Pusuk Pusing Tengkuk berat Hipertensi
15 Nyuminah P 61 Kelapa Demam. Pusing ISPA
16 Martini P 46 Kelapa Deman. Badan lemas DM Tipe II
1 Alfat Maulana L 2,1 Kelapa Demam.batuk.pilek ISPA
2 Akbar L 5 Kacung Infeksi sekunder
3 M.Nasir L 50 Tuik Demam.batuk.pilek ISPA
4 Asri L 56 Mancung Tinea
5 Leo L 24 Simbel Infeksi sekunder
6 Boby L 1 Kayu Arang Demam.batuk.pilek ISPA
7 12/06/2014 Marwah L 2,1 Tebing Demam Febris
8 Asnah P 44 Simbel Arthritis
9 Rohani P 49 Tebing Deman. Badan lemas DM Tipe II
10 Ispandiar L 33 Kelapa Demam.batuk.pilek ISPA
11 Sapran L 33 Kelapa Kontrol Jiwa
12 Maliha P 59 Kelapa Deman. Badan lemas DM Tipe II
13 Salamah P 39 Kelapa gatal-gatal Ultikaria
1 Dewi Wati.M P 58 Kelapa Kaki sakit ngilu2 Arthritis
2 Ira Dhiani P 29 Kelapa Arthritis
3 Berliana.P P 29 Kelapa Demam.Pusing.mual Gastritis
4 Tumpak Lubis L 54 Kelapa Kontrol mata
5 Nuryana P 30 Kelapa Demam.Pusing.mual Gastritis
6 Purwanti P 61 Kelapa Pusing susah tidur Hypertensi
7 Delly P 18 Sp.Tempilang OMA
8 Pita Aprina P 8 Kelapa Demam.batuk.pilek ISPA
9 Yulianto L 29 Pusuk Demam Febris
10 14/06/2014 Suparno L 69 Kelapa Badan gatal-gatal Dermatitis Alergi
11 M.Mulyadi L 46 Kelapa Badan lemas DM Tipe II
12 Susi P 32 Kamat Pusing, Sakit kepala cepalgia
13 Basirun L 66 Kelapa Demam.batuk.pilek ISPA
14 Fairuz Khalil L 1,11 Kelapa Demam.batuk.pilek ISPA
15 Diska P 5 Kacung Demam.batuk.pilek ISPA
16 Junizar L 34 Kacung Demam.batuk.pilek ISPA
17 Sunarti P 34 Kamat Dislipedemia
18 Rosdiana P 46 Kelapa Kaki sakit ngilu2 Arthritis
19 Yuliana P 25 Kelapa Amenorea
1 Sudirman L 37 Kelapa Myalgia
2 Saharudin L 53 Kelapa Commond cold
3 Nurleli P 30 Dendang DM
4 M.Yahya L 33 Dendang Commond cold
5 Kurnia.P L 16 Mancung sakit perut Malaria Vivax
6 Syakdudin L 59 Mancung Badan lemas DM Tipe II
7 Ariqoh Zulfa P 4 Sinar Sari Stomatitis
8 Angga L 1,3 Kelapa Obs. Febris
9 Misna Lasari P 1.3 Kelapa Post partum
10 15/06/2014 Rohala P 35 Kayu Arang Badan lemas DM Tipe II
11 Geisha Irish.S P 2 Kelapa Demam.batuk.pilek ISPA
12 M.Ayub L 42 Kelapa Badan lemas DM Tipe II

13 Aisyah P 41 Kelapa kontrol Sc.Paranoid

14 Helen P 4 Sp.Yul Obs.Abdominal pain
15 Eti P 30 Sinar Sari sakit perut Dispepsia
16 Shofifitri P 2,5 Kelapa Demam.batuk.pilek ISPA
17 Martini P 49 Kelapa Dispepsia
18 Anderawati P 41 Sinar Sari Demam.batuk.pilek ISPA
19 Betharianti P 25 Tebing Demam.batuk.pilek ISPA
1 Hamidi L 21 Belit kontroljiwa
2 Risna P 4 Kapuk Demam ISPA
3 Aisyah P 3 Dendang Badan gatal-gatal Dermatitis Alergi
4 Yulianto L 41 Dendang Pusing, Sakit kepala cepalgia
5 Yusnita P 45 Kelapa Badan lemas DM Tipe II
6 Azzahra Z P 2,2 Tebing Demam.batuk.pilek ISPA
7 Liska P 20 Sinar Sari Pusing, Sakit kepala cepalgia
8 Bandiya P 59 Kelapa Otitis ekstra
9 Marzuki L 52 Mancung Badan lemas DM Tipe II
10 Subher L 45 Kelapa Demam.batuk.pilek ISPA
11 Rohimah P 56 Kacung Kaki sakit ngilu2 Arthritis
12 Sutini P 44 Kelapa Kaki sakit ngilu2 Arthritis
13 Nurul Holipah P 2,8 Beruas Demam.batuk.pilek ISPA
14 Megawati P 29 Kelapa Kontrol Jiwa
15 Herizon L 47 Kelapa hepotensi
16 Vazetry L 3,10 Dendang Berak-berak Diare
1 Fitri P 43 Kelapa sakit perut Dispepsia
2 Zahra Fazila P 1 Mancung Demam.batuk.pilek ISPA
3 Sinta P 10 Sp.Tempilang Demam.batuk.pilek ISPA
4 Marfuah P 46 Kelapa Badan lemas DM Tipe II
5 Yolanda.S L 5 Kelapa Demam.batuk.pilek ISPA
6 H.Sapdi L 42 Kamat gatal-gatal Ultikaria
7 M.Dafa.H L 8 Kelapa Demam.batuk.pilek ISPA
8 Ira Dhiani P 29 Kelapa Demam.batuk.pilek ISPA
9 Elies P 38 Kelapa gatal-gatal Ultikaria
10 Isa L 91 Air Bulin Hemaroid

11 Sudirman L 30 Kelapa Kontrol Epilepsi

12 Murtiara Gea.Q P 2 Kelapa Demam.batuk.pilek ISPA
13 Sahroni L 46 Sp.Yul OA
14 Faska.P L 3,6 Kelapa Demam.batuk.pilek ISPA
1 Nazelita Sapitri P 3 BPRE Demam Febris
2 Dewi Wati.M P 58 Kelapa Gasritis
3 Mariyam P 47 Kayu Arang Kontrol Jiwa
4 Yunariah P 49 Kayu Arang Pusing susah tidur Hypotensi
5 Maimunah P 55 Petaling Dislipedemia
6 Andien Dwi C P 6,11 Dendang Demam Febris
7 Helen P 4 Sp.Yul Demam.batuk.pilek ISPA
8 M.Febiansyah P 7,5 Pusuk Demam.batuk.pilek ISPA
9 18/06/2014 Nita Sari P 15 Mancung Chest pain
10 M.Rafa Ardiansyah L 1,8 Terentang Demam Febris
11 Johari L 44 Sp.Yul Schizoprenia
12 Cesa Pabregas L 5,7 Tebing Infeksi sekunder
13 Alpian Nazar L 75 Kelapa gatal-gatal Ultikaria
14 Sain L 80 Pusuk Prostat
15 Murni P 84 Kelapa Imsomnia
16 Syahrul L 63 Kelapa Pharingitis
17 Widia Ningsih P 27 Penyampak Rhematik
1 Nurhana P 69 Kelapa ISPA
2 Rika P 37 Kelapa Tinea Corpsis
3 Harianto L 34 Kelapa Haemoroid
4 Mariyatun P 78 Kelapa Decomp Cordis
5 Nurfitria P 9 Kelapa Pusing Febris
6 Abdul.H L 9 Kamat Pusing Febris
7 Mughni L 45 Kelapa Demam.Pusing.mual Gastritis
8 Ariyani P 22 Kacung R.A
9 Seriun L 61 Air Bulin HT + Haemoroid
10 Baderun L 36 Air Bulin Paranoid
1 Hidayat L 1,11 Kamat Demam.batuk.pilek ISPA
2 Kaisya Zecha P 1,6 Belo Laut Badan gatal-gatal Dermatitis Alergi

3 Amran L 46 Kelapa Demam.Pusing.mual Gastritis
4 Suwandi L 9,5 Kelapa Pusing Febris
5 Amarudin L 45 Mancung kaki ngilu Arhtritis
6 Arpan Suganda L 11 Belit Post KLL
1 Maysaroh P 50 Kelapa GEA
2 Susan P 23 Kacung konsultasi
3 Arif L 15 Simbel Pusing Sakit Kepala Chepalgia
4 Devi P 15 Kelapa Demam. Batuk pilek ISPA
5 Riza Umami P 8 Tuik Demam.batuk.pilek ISPA
6 Adelia P 3 Kelapa TFA, GEA
7 Marwah P 4 Kelapa Demam.batuk.pilek ISPA
8 Sarmin L 56 Tuik GERD
1 M.Nur L 76 Kelapa Badan gatal-gatal dermatitis
2 Kiki Azizi L 32 Sp.Tempilang Diare
3 Perdinanto L 8 Sinar Sari Demam.batuk.pilek ISPA
4 Audi P 5 Kelapa sakit perut Dispepsia
5 Azril L 1 Sp.Tempilang Demam.batuk.pilek ISPA
6 Yati P 32 Kelapa Demam.Pusing.mual Gastritis
7 Arpah P 87 Kelapa Hipertensi
8 Wardiyanto L 42 BINE Demam Febris
9 Wahyuda L 2 BINE Febris
10 Nabil.A L 6 Kelapa Demam.batuk.pilek ISPA
11 Andrea Riski L 5 Dendang Demam.batuk.pilek ISPA
12 Rohimah P 56 Kacung kaki ngilu Arhtritis
13 Rusmita P 27 Kelapa Demam. Batuk pilek ISPA
14 Ziad Rifal.H L 5,8 Kelapa Demam.batuk.pilek ISPA
15 Teti Yuliana P 34 Kelapa Dislipedemia
16 Saparni P 34 Tebing mata merah berair Konjungtivitis
17 Abizar L 11 Sp.Yul Obs.Vomitus
18 Samit L 65 Kayu Arang Demam. Batuk pilek ISPA
19 Syahte L 71 Kelapa sakit perut Dispepsia
20 Isa L 91 Air Bulin Konstipasi
1 Dimas L 10 Kelapa sakit perut Dispepsia
2 Lupi P 3 Dendang Demam.batuk.pilek ISPA
3 Roteni P 56 Dendang Demam Susp TB Paru
4 Samsu P 51 Pkl.Niur Kontrol Jiwa
5 Pauzi L 7 Pusuk Demam.batuk.pilek ISPA
6 Elies P 38 Kelapa ISPA
7 M.Ihsan L 1,10 Kelapa Demam.batuk.pilek ISPA
8 24/06/2014 Maryam P 47 Kayu Arang sakit perut Dispepsia
9 Pasita Duma P 35 Kelapa Demam.Pusing.mual Gastritis
10 Ayub L 46 Kelapa Pusing Sakit Kepala Chepalgia
11 Asnah P 45 Kelapa Sc.Paranoid
12 Rusdiana P 74 Kelapa FA
13 Rido L 7 Kelapa Demam.batuk.pilek ISPA
14 Dedi.S L 26 Kelapa RFA
15 Kin L 56 Kelapa HT gr II
1 Zakira P 1,5 Kelapa Demam.batuk.pilek ISPA
2 Mizan L 3,1 Kelapa Demam.batuk.pilek ISPA
3 Anggraini P 10 Dendang Demam.batuk.pilek ISPA
4 Yesintha P 29 Dendang Demam.Pusing.mual Gastritis
5 Rafa L 1,5 Rambang Demam.batuk.pilek ISPA
6 Soleha P 42 Neknang Demam. Batuk pilek ISPA
7 Aditia L 6 Kelapa Serumen
8 Asri L 57 Mancung Tinea Corpsis
9 Renianti P 20 Kelapa hemoroid
10 Norma P 43 Pkl.Niur Dislipedemia
11 Erawan L 55 Kelapa Demam. Batuk pilek ISPA
12 Azuar L 51 Pusuk Dislipedemia
13 Rika P 37 Kelapa Dislipedemia
14 Purwanti P 61 Kelapa Pusing Tengkuk berat Hypertensi
15 Nuryana P 30 Kelapa Demam.Pusing.mual Gastritis
16 Tumpak Lubis L 53 Kelapa Kontrol mata
17 M.Rizki L 5 Kelapa Demam.batuk.pilek ISPA
18 Geisha P 2 Kelapa Demam.batuk.pilek ISPA
19 Zahra.N P 8 Kelapa ISPA
20 Hasirul.A L 2 Penyampak Pusing Febris
1 Patini P 29 Kacung Epilepsi
2 Jamila P 32 Bujang Kontrol Jiwa
3 Afandi L 1,11 Kelapa Demam.batuk.pilek ISPA
4 Zidan L 1,2 Sinar Sari Febris
5 Abi L 2,10 Kelapa gatal-gatal Ultikaria
6 Ahmad Kamil L 10 Kelapa gatal-gatal Ultikaria
7 Arya L 3 Bujang Demam.batuk.pilek ISPA
8 Alika P 1,9 Kelapa Demam.batuk.pilek ISPA
9 Tera P 33 Kelapa Demam. Batuk pilek ISPA
10 Mustafa Musa L 66 Kelapa sakit perut Dispepsia
11 Murni P 76 Pusuk Pusing Tengkuk berat Hipertensi
12 Leni Mustika P 35 Kelapa Demam. Batuk pilek ISPA
13 Khairil L 42 Kelapa Demam.Pusing.mual Gastritis
14 Meliawati P 39 Juru Infeksi sekunder
15 Syarifudin L 29 Kelapa Demam. Batuk pilek ISPA
16 Ellen.S P 14 Kelapa Tinea Corpsis
17 Jeska Amelia P 9 Kelapa Berak-berak demam GE
18 M.Abdul Afiz L 5,6 Kelapa Demam.batuk.pilek ISPA

Atasan Langsung

NIP 19670803 199103 1 004

Amox syr, Ambroxsol syr
Deksatrometorfan syr
Salbutamol, Ambroxsol, Cefadroksil
Cefad syr, Pct, DMP syr, CTM, Dexa, Salb
GG, Ibuprofen, Cetirizin, Vit.C
Gentian Violet, Dexa, Ibuprofen, Vit.C
Amox syr, Pct, GG, Dexa, CTM
Amox, Asmet, Oksitetra salep kulit
Meloksikam 15 mg, Vit B kompleks
Thp, Hlp 0,5 mg, Cpz
Dexa, Cetirizin, Hidrokortison krim
Amox syr, Ambroxsol syr
Amox syr, Ambroxsol syr
Pct drops, Dexa, CTM, DMP sirup

Cifro, Asmet
Cetirizin, Ichtyiol
Amox syr, Ambroxsol syr
Antal.Amox. Dexa
Amox syr, Ambroxsol syr
Amox syr, Ambroxsol syr
Amox syr, Ambroxsol syr
Amox syr, Ambroxsol syr
Dexa, Amox, Asmet, CTM, Oxys.mata, Oxyinj
Antasida, GG, Amox, Pct, B12 inj
Ambroksol, CTM, Pct, amox, Dexa
Thp, Hlp 5 mg, Cpz, Feno, Karbamazepin
Zinc, Domperidon susp, Pct syr, Oralit
Kotri susp, GG,Dexa, Pct, Oxytetra slp. Kulit
Pct syr, Amox, GG, Dexa,CTM
Pct drops, Amox, GG, Dexa,CTM
Amox syr, Ambroxsol syr
Amox syr, Ambroxsol syr
Amox syr, Ambroxsol syr
Ambroksol syr, Cipro, Prednison, Atg, B1
Atc susp, pct, Metformin, Gliben, Vit B6
Pct, CTM, Amox, Ambroksol syr, Pct
Amox syr, Pct, GG, Dexa, CTM
Amox,Dexa, Salbu, Ambroksol syr, Pct
Ambroksol syr, Amox, Dexa, Antalgin
Na, Diklofenak, Dexa, Vit B1
Clobazam, Fenitoin 100 mg, Feno 30 mg
Amox syr, Ambroxsol syr
Pct syr, Dexa, Amox, GG, CTM
Amox syr, Pct, GG, Dexa, CTM
Amox, Atg, Dexa, BC, Oxy salep kulit, Oxy inj
Hallopuridol, thp, Cpz
Amox syr, Ambroxsol syr, Pct, Dxa, CTM, BC
CTM, Eritromisin, Dexa, Ambroksol
Anti hemoroid, Pct, Cipro, Vit.K
Meloksikam 15 mg, Atc susp, Omz, Pct, BC
Cipro, Pct, Omeprazol, Ranitidin inj
Pct, atc susp, Vit B komp, Metformin, Gliben
Antalgin, Dexa, Na, Diklofrnak
Amox syr, Ambroxsol syr
Amox syr, Ambroxsol syr
Amox syr, Ambroxsol syr
Amox syr, Ambroxsol syr
Ibuprofen 200 mg, Amox syr
Meloksikam 15 mg, Dexa, Pct
Antasida susp, Amox syr
Dulkolax supp anak
Amox syr, GG, Dexa, CTM, Pct, Sbt, vit.C, Oxy SK
Amox syr, GG, Dexa, CTM, Pct, Sbt, vit.C, Fenol TT
Dexa, Amox, Asmet, Oxys.mata
Antasida, Omeprazol
Ambroksol, Dexa, Amox
Pirantel Pamoat
Antasida, Pct, Amox, Dexa
Ambroksol, Dexa, CTM, Pct, Salbutamol
Amox, Asmef, Dexa, Vit.C 25mg
Paraseramol, Vit.B kompleks
Amox syr, Ambroxsol syr
Risperidon, Thp, Feno 30mg
Antal. Bi. Dexa
Paraseramol, Vit.B kompleks, Dexa, Amox
Cefadroksil syr, Dexa, GG, CTM, Vit.C
Antalgin, Vit.B kompleks, Ergotamin, B12 inj
Amox syr, Ambroxsol syr
Amox syr, Dexa, CTM, Oxy s.kulit, Hidrokortison
Pct drops, Oxy s. Kulit, Hidro, Mikonazol, CTM
Cefad syr, Pct syr, Ambroksol syr, Dexa, CTM, Vit.C
Amox, Asmef, Dexa, CTM
Parasetamol drops, CTM
Amox, Ibuprofen, Cetirizin,Vit.B kom
Pct, Omeprazol, Amlodipin, Ambroksol syr, Antasida
Dexa, Na.Diklofenak, Ambroksol, Amox
Cimetidin, Antasida suspensi, Parasetamol
CTM, Anti hemoroid, Cipro, Pct
Captopril 25mg, Na.Diklofenak, Dexa, Antalgin
Allopurinol, Dexa, Na.Diklofenak,
Kotri syr GG,Dexa, CTM
Pct syr, Amox, Dexa, Vit.B kom, CTM
Na.Diklofenak, Dexa, Vit. B1, B12 inj
CTM, Dexa
Ambroksol syr, Atc susp, Antalgin, Vit.B6, B12 inj
Clobazam, Fenitoin 100 mg, Feno 30 mg
anta,ome,cap 12,5
Cefad syr, Ambroksol syr, Dexa, Salbutamol
Cefad syr, Pct, drops, GG, Dexa, CTM, Salbutamol
Pct. Libronil.B6
Amox, GG. Salbutamol , Dexa
Antal, Vit.B kom
Amox syr, Ambroxsol syr,Dexa, Salbutamol
Amox syr, Pct syr, GG, Dexa, CTM
Hallopuridol, thp, Cpz
Cipro, Ambroksol, Ibuprofen, Cetirizin
Cipro, GG, Domperidon, Salbutamol, Omeprazol
Captopril 25mg, Amlodipin, Meloz, B komp, Cetz
Amlodipin, Melox 15mg, Vit.B kom, Gentian Violet
Amox syr, Pct syr, GG, Dexa, CTM, Salbutamol
Amlodipin, Vit.B kom
Na.Diklofenak, Dexa, Amox, Cetirizin
Melformin, Glimepirid, Omeprazol, Vit.B kom
Amox syr, GG, Dexa, Pct, CTM
Oxy s.kulit, Amox syr, CTM, Dexa, Pct
Antalgin, Dexa, Amox, Vit.B kom, B12 inj
Mikonazol, CTM, Dexa, Ketokonazol, Difen inj
Asmef, Dexa, Amox, Vit.C, Oxytetra inj
Kotri syr GG,Dexa, CTM, Pct
Pct syr.amox syr
Na Diklofenak, Dexa
Antalgin, Metformin, Glibenklamid, Vit.B kom
Amox, Dexa, Antalgin, Ambroksol
Thp, Hlp 1,5 mg
Metformin, Glibenklamid, Vit.B komp, Na Diklof, Atg
Cetirizin, Antalgin, Antasida suspensi
Antasida, Omeprazol, Pct, Meloksikam
Antasida susp
Captopril 25mg, Nifedipin
Antalgin, Amox, Dexa, CTM
Amox syr, Ambroxsol syr, Dexa
Parasetamol, Meloksikam
Cetirizin, Salisil talk, Amlodipin
Glimepirid, Metformin
Antalgin, Vit.B komplek
Ambroksol syr, Dexa, Amox
GG, Dexa, CTM, Pct, Salb, Vit.C,Amox syr
Ambroksol syr, Dexa, Amox, Pct
Pct, Amox, Ambroksol syr, Dexa, B12 inj
Simvastatin, Parasetamol
Meloksikam, Dexa
Vit.B kompleks
Antalgin Vit.B komp, B12 inj
Cetirizin, Pct, Dexa inj, Difen inj
Betametason, Cetirizin, Dexa
Cetirizin, Ibuprofen, Vit.B kompleks
Darplex, Cimetidin, Antalgin, Vit.B komp, Primakuin
Melformin, Glimepirid, Vit.B1
Gentian Viole
Parasetamol syr
Simvastatin, Vit.B kompleks, Kalk
Metformin, Glibenklamid, Vit.B komp, Meloksikam
Dexa, Ambroxsol syr, CTM, Sal, Pct syr
Amox, GG, Merformin, Glimepirid, B komp
Hallopuridol, thp, Cpz
Amox syr, Pct, CTM, Vit.C
Omeprazol, Antasida, Pct, Domperidon
Amox syr, Ambroxsol syr, Pct syr
Omeprazol, Atc, Cetirizin, mikonazol, Oxy sk, Hidro
Ambroksol syr, Parasetamol
Pct, GG, CTM, Dexa
Thp, Cpz
GG, Dexa, CTM, Pct, Salb, Vit.C,Amox syr
CTM, Dexa, Ibuprofen, Amox syr, Oxy s.kulit
Antalgin, Vit.B kompleks
Metformin, Meloksikam
GG, Dexa, CTM, Pct, Salb, Vit.C,Amox syr, Pirantel
Parasetamol, Vit.B kompleks
CTM, Dexa, Fenol gliserol t telinga
Glimepirid, Metformin
Parasetamol, Vit.B kompleks, Antasida suspensi
Meloksikam, Dexa
Meloksikam, Dexa
Amox syr, GG, Dexa, CTM, Pct, Salbutamol, Vit.C
Thp, Amitriptilin, Alprazolam, Antasida
Vit.B kompleks
Zink, Oralit, Amox syr
Donperidon, Omeprazol, Antasida, Pct
Amox syr, Ambroxsol syr, Dexa
Amox syr, Ambroxsol syr, Pct
Vit.B kompleks
Parasetamol syr, Cefadroksil syr
Dexa, CTM, Oksitetrasiklin s.kulit
Amox syr, Ambroxsol syr, Fenol Gliserol t telinga
Vit.B kompleks
Selisil talk
Amox, Pct, anti hermoroid
Clobazam, Fenitoin 100 mg, Feno 30 mg
Amox syr, Ambroxsol syr, Pct syr
Meloksikam, Vit.B1, Antasida suspensi
Pct syr, GG, CTM, Amox syr
Pct,dexa,amox, CTM, GG
Antasida, Ambroksol, Antalgin, Cipro
Antal, Omeprazol, Vit.B
Simvastatin, Meloksikam, Dexa, Antalgin
Pct syr, Amox, Vit.B6, CTM
Amox syr, Ambroxsol syr, Dexa, Pct
Amox syr, Ambroxsol syr, Dexa, CTM
As Mefenamat, Dexa, Bc
Pct syr, Amox, Dexa, GG, CTM
Cpz, Thp, Hlp 1,5 mg
Pct, Amox, Dexa, Ctm, Oxy s.kulit
Pct,dexa,amox,ctm, Salisil talk
Captopril, Antalgin, cifro
Na Diklofenak, Dexa, Diazepam
Antalgin, Dexa, Amox, Vit.B kom
Pct, Dexa, CTM
Pct, Antasida, GG, Na diklofenak, Amox
CTm, Ketokonazol, Vit.C, Mikonazol
Anti hemoroid
Digoxin, Antasida susp, Captopril 25 mg
Pct, Dexa, CTM, Amox
Pct syr, Dexa, Amox, CTM
Antasida, Cimetidin, Vit.B6
Na Diklofenak, Dexa, Vit.B, B12 inj
Anti Haemoroid, Captopril 25 mg, Antalgin, Cipro
Risperidon, Thp, Feno 30mg
Amox syr, GG, Dexa, Pct, CTM, Salbu, Vit.C
Betametason cream, Dexa, CTM, Amox syr
Antasida, Omeprazol, Cimetidin
Pct, Amox
Dexa, Na.Diklofenak
Donperidon susp, Pct
Loperamid, Oralit, Pct, Domperidon, Zinc
Amox, Asmef
Antasida, Pct, Donperidon
Amox, Ambroxol, Dexa, CTm
Cotrimoz, Zinc, Oralit, GG, Dexa, CTM
Donperidon syr, Oralit, Zinc
Amox syr, Pct syr, GG, Dexa, CTM, Salbutamol
Omz, Antasid, Domperidon
Cetirizin, Salisil talk
Loperamid, Amox, Bcomp
Amox syr, Ambroxsol syr, Pct, Dexa
Pct, Antasid syr
GG, Dexa, CTM, Salbutamol, Vit. C, Amox syr
Antasida, Omeprazol, inj.B12, Pct
Amox, Captopril, Pct, Amlodipin
Pct, Dexa, Kloramfenikol
Pct syr, Amox syr
Amox syr, Ambroxsol syr, Dexa, Pct
Amox syr, GG, Dexa, CTM, Pct, Salbutamol, Vit.C
Meloxicam, Dexa
Ambroxol syr, Pct, Bcomp
GG, Dexa, Ctm, Pct, Salbutamol, Vit.C, Amox syr
Simpastatin, Antasida
Dexa, Asmef, Amox
Donperidon syr, Amox syr, Dexa, CTM, Salisil
Ambroxol syr, Pct, Dexa, Amox
Antasida, Omeprazol, Pct, Amlodipin
Antasida susp, Zinc, Domperidon susp, Pct
Amox syr, Ambroxsol syr, Dexa, CTM, Salbu
Amox, Cetirizin, B komp
Thp, Hlp 1,5 mg, Cpz
Amox syr, Pct Drop, Dexa, CTM, Salb, GG
Omeprazol, Cipro, Parasetamol
Cefad syr, GG, Dexa, CTM, Salbutamol, Pct syr
Alprazolam, Omeprazol, Diazepam, Pct
Thp, Hlp 1,5 mg, Cpz
Ibuprofen, Amox, Dexa, B komp
Amox syr, Pct syr, GG, Dexa,CTM, Salbutamol
Ibuprofen, Cipro, Dexa, GG, Cetirizin
Capt 12,5mg, Amlodipin, Asmef
Amox syr, Pct syr, Dexa, GG, CTM
Amox syr, Pct, Dexa, GG, CTM
Amox syr, Dexa, GG, CTM
Pct, Antasid, Anti hemoroid, Cipro, Simvastatin
Amox syr, Dexa, GG, Pct
Ambroksol syr, Dexa, Pct
Amox syr, Dexa, CTM, Pct, Fenol t telinga
Ketokonazol, CTM, Betametson, Difen inj
Anti hemoroid, Atg, Dexa, Cipro, Oxy inj, Spuit 2,5m
Antalgin, Dexa, B komp, Simvastatin
Amox, Antalgin, Dexam Amb syr, B12inj, spuit 2,5ml
Simpastatin, Antalgin, B komp
Simvastatin, Vit.C
Captopril 25mg, Nifedipin
Antasida suspensi
Kotrimoksazol susp, GG, Dexa, CTM, Pct
Pct sirup, Amox, Dexa, CTM, GG
Zinc,Kotri susp, Oralit, GG, Dexa, Pct
Pct syr, Amox, Dexa,GG, CTM
Karbamazepin, Risperidon, Thp
Thp, Hlp 5mg, Cpz
Amox, Dexa, CTM, Ambroksol syr
Pct syr, Amox, Dexa, CTm, B komp
Amox syr, CTM, Dexa, Betametason
CTM, Dexa, Hidrokortison
Kotri susp, GG,Dexa, Pct, CTM
Kotri susp, GG,Dexa, Pct syr, CTM
Amox, Dexa, Ambroksol, Pct
Haloperidol 5mg
Furosemid, Amox, Atalgin, CTM, Gentamisin sk
Amox, Ambroxol, Dexa, CTM, Salbutamol
Antasida suspensi, Omeprazol, Pct
Gentamisin salep kulit
Parasetamol, Cetirizin, GG
Ketokonazol, CTM, Mikonazol
Domperidon, CTM, Dexa, GG, Pct
Amox syr, CTM, Dexa, GG, Pct

1 M. Robbi 10bln Kapuk ISPA
2 Hairul 22 Kapuk Epilepsi
3 Koko 13 Kelapa Strain
4 Risna 5 Kapuk ISPA
5 Rafif 5.4 Kelapa ISPA
6 Sumi 26 Kapuk ISPA
7 Azela 1.3 Tebing ISPA
8 Joni 5.3 Kelapa Febris
9 Robiansyah 28 Kacung Gastritis
10 Yustikswati 21 Sinar Sari ISPA
11 Rafa 2bln Kelapa Dermatitis
12 Heru 13 Pkl. Niur Diare
13 Sugiman 37 Terentang VE
14 Tutut 23 Kelapa ISPA
15 Rohani 48 Tebing DM Tp II
16 Dewi Wati 59 Kelapa GE
17 Rohimah 56 Kacung Artritis Gout
18 Azizah 5 Kacung ISPA
19 Murni 43 Tebing Paranoid
20 Tarudin 44 Kelapa Myalgia
1 Danes 1 Kelapa Febris
2 Hairul 21 Neknang Trauma

3 Sumaharyanto 46 Kelapa Febris
4 Sugianto 53 Kelapa Gastritis
5 Misyanti 54 Kelapa Hipertensi
6 Senyum 46 Terentang Rematik Artritis
7 Hammad 1 Kelapa C. Cold
8 Jaki 5 Kelapa Infeksi Scunder
9 Oktaviona 9 bln Kelapa ISPA
10 Sudirman 30 Kelapa Epilepsi
1 Bastari 44 Kelapa ISPA
2 Nuraini 38 Kayu Arang Asma Bronchial
3 Elies 38 Kelapa ISK
4 Jamizan 33 Kelapa Asam Urat
5 Said Ihsan 4 Kelapa Diare
6 06/08/2014 Sumarjan 73 Kelapa ISPA
7 Isa 36 Kelapa DM Tp II
8 Rumiati 46 Mancung ISPA
9 Laila 35 Kelapa Gastritis
10 M. Irfan 1.2 Kelapa ISPA
11 Maryani 32 Pusuk Konjuctivitis
1 Zuliana 5.4 Pusuk ISPA
2 Tarman 50 Tebing Konjuctivitis
3 Sulaiman 41 Kelapa Asma Bronchial
4 Rama 6 Sinar Sari ISPA, Ektina
5 Pariah 34 Kelapa Infeksi Scunder
6 Sulaiman 74 Kelapa Angina Pektoris
7 Aldoni 44 Kacung ISK, Hemoroid
8 M. Khalid 11 Kelapa ISPA
9 Nurul Fadilah 6 Kelapa ISPA

10 Minarti 34 Kelapa RA
11 07/08/2014 Misti 55 Kelapa ISPA
12 Syafitri 6 Kelapa ISPA
13 Manisa 12 Tuik ISPA
14 Robi 8 Kelapa Diare
15 Rhagysba 5 Kelapa Diare
16 Robin 26 Tebing Dermatitis
17 Rafif 5.2 Kelapa ISPA
18 Mario 17 Mancung Ekstaksi kuku
19 Hadi 46 Kelapa VL
20 Adi 7.6 Kelapa DATD
21 Syahte 72 Kelapa Hipertensi
1 Rebi 38 Sinar Sari Cephalgia
2 Sakim 70 Bayu Asin Hipertensi
3 Barniati 26 Pusuk Konjuctivitis
4 Kosinal 30 Simpang Belinyu Insect bite
5 Raditia 6 Kelapa ISPA
6 Ana 32 Kelapa Dermatitis
7 Khaila 8bln Kelapa ISPA
8 Agus 11 Sumarco ISPA
9 Toto 40 Bukit Perak CC, Myalgia
10 Aryan 3 Dendang DKI Infeksius
11 08/08/2014 Rusi 39 BMSE Dyspepsia
12 Nurleli 30 Dendang Dermatitis
13 Akhsan 54 Kelapa Hipertensi
14 Pariah 34 Kelapa Dislipidemia
15 Destia 3.7 Tebing ISPA
16 Erawan 54 Kelapa ISPA
17 Asnah 45 Kelapa Sc. Paranoid
18 Hamidi 21 Belit Sc. Paranoid
19 Megawati 29 Sinar Sari Kontrol jiwa
20 Mariati 51 Kelapa DM Tp II
21 Siti 53 Sinar Sari Hipertensi
1 Sulaiman 70 Pangkal Niur Hipertensi
2 Hikma 7bln Kelapa ISPA
3 Alfin 4 Kelapa DATD
4 Anggreani 11 Kacung ISPA
5 Keanu 1 Kelapa DATD
6 Neli 28 Terentang Hemoroid
7 Khadijah 2.7 Kelapa Asma
8 Dasvin 50 Dendang Myalgia
9 Pasita 35 Kelapa Dislipidemia
10 Aliza 50 Kelapa Fascitis
11 Nurhana 68 Kelapa ISPA, Dispepsia
12 Ira 29 Kelapa Dislipidemia
13 Susanto 20 Kelapa Dislipidemia
14 Ria 27 Kelapa Stomatitis
15 M. S Rangkuti 47 Kelapa Cephalgia
16 Viona 5 Kelapa RFA
17 M.Rizki 5.6 Kelapa ISPA
18 Ersiana 37 Sinar Sari Susp OA
19 Roinah 26 Belit Fascitis
20 Mali 28 Simpang Yul ISPA
21 Merista 9 Simpang Yul Dispepsia
22 Andari 5 Beruas Obs. Febris
1 Sukri 14 Kelapa Kontrol jiwa
2 Prihatini 21 Kelapa Varicella
3 Zafar 1 Dendang ISPA
4 Rizki 2.6 Kelapa ISPA
5 Ummu 46 Kacung ISPA
6 Rafa 3bln Kelapa Furunkel
7 Murtani 37 Kelapa ISPA
8 Neli apriani 3bln Kelapa ISPA
9 Alis 63 Terentang DM Tp II
10 Dui 40 Sumarco Artritis
11 Dewi Wati 29 Kelapa Gastritis
12 Fadjiarti 42 Kelapa ISPA
13 Fera Yuliana 33 Kelapa ISPA
14 Rohani 49 Tebing DM Tp II
15 Rohiza 29 Kacung Dermatitis
16 Msy. Amira 11bln Kelapa ISPA
17 Riska 26 Kelapa Dermatitis
18 Purwanti 62 Kelapa Hipertensi
1 Radit 4bln Kelapa ISPA
2 Irna 39 Kelapa Artritis
3 Sumiati 31 Kelapa Diare
4 Zalfa 3.5 Kapuk ISPA
5 Andrean 14 Simpang Tempilang Konjuctivitis
6 Tama 6 Kelapa Dermatitis
7 Hairul 23 Kapuk Kontrol Epilepsi
8 12/08/2014 Lin Suradi 39 Kacung Gastritis
9 Patan 3bln Kelapa ISPA
10 Akila Ayu 4bln Kelapa Dermatitis
11 Galuh 11 Terentang ISPA
12 Elzam 49 Kelapa Dislipidemia
13 Dina 9 Mancung ISPA
14 Devi 26 Kelapa ISPA
15 Jumli 32 Sinar Sari Febris
1 Zulbi 9bln Kelapa ISPA
2 Zaki 1 Kelapa ISPA
3 Andrea 2 Dalil ISPA
4 Patini 30 Kacung Kontrol jiwa
5 Bilal 2.11 Kelapa ISPA
6 Naini 41 Kacung Vertigo
7 Resti 5.1 Kelapa ISPA
8 Eka 38 Kamat Hipertensi
9 Ismail 34 Pusuk Gastritis
10 Siti 18 Pusuk Gastritis
11 Tumpak Lubis 52 Kelapa Kontrol Mata
12 Cupri 39 Kelapa Konjuctivitis
13 Mariyati 46 Kelapa ISPA
14 Rohayu 54 Kelapa Kontrol kolesterol
15 Subher 46 Kelapa Hipertensi
16 Aminah 59 Kelapa Cephalgia
1 Johari 44 Simpang Yul Kontrol jiwa
2 Humairah 4.4 Kelapa ISPA
3 Selvi 2 Kelapa ISPA
4 Yuli 3.1 Kelapa Infeksi Scunder
5 Febriansyah 4.6 Kacung ISPA
6 Prihartini 21 Kelapa Varicella
7 Aldo 6bln Pusuk C. Cold
8 Fitri 44 Kelapa Neuritis

9 Zainani 66 Kelapa Hipertensi
10 Iwan 32 Mancung Pendarahan
11 14/08/2014 Viola 1.4 Kelapa ISPA
12 Falen 11bln Kelapa ISPA
13 Muslimah 40 Kacung Cephalgia
14 Edi 45 Kacung Cephalgia
15 Webyar 15 Kacung VL
16 Sinta 16 Kacung V. Laceratum
17 M. Faisal 5 Kelapa Febris
18 Oni 29 Beruas ISPA
19 Sudirman 30 Kelapa Epilepsi
20 Didah 29 Kelapa Konjuctivitis
21 Zuraidah 49 Kelapa ISPA
1 Jamilah 33 Bujang Kontrol jiwa
2 Samsu 51 Pangkal Niur Kontrol jiwa
3 Hidli 7bln Sinar Sari ISPA
4 Wahyu 14 Biat Gastritis
5 Yoza 10 Kelapa ISPA
6 Said Usman 34 Kelapa ISPA
7 Gopardi 42 Beruas Fraktur
8 Nazaroni 48 Kelapa Hipertensi
9 Sofian 41 Kelapa Pharingitis
10 15/08/2014 Maimunah 55 Petaling RA
11 Sumarni 49 Tebing Ca mamae
12 Aisyah 7 Kacung ISPA
13 Abu Yazid 5 Kacung Febris
14 Nyuminah 61 Kelapa Cephalgia
15 Taimun 32 Mancung RA
16 Essa 9 Kelapa Konjuctivitis
17 Minan 22 Pulai Cephalgia
18 Aisyah 42 Kelapa Kontrol jiwa
19 Rika. P 23 Kelapa Vertigo
1 Erwin 23 Kelapa GE
2 Laila 4.1 Kelapa Enteritis
3 Aulia 4 Kelapa ISPA
4 Silvi 2.9 Kelapa ISPA
5 Manogar 33 Kacung Pharingitis
6 Fikri 10 Kelapa ISPA
7 Andrean 14 Kelapa Konjuctivitis
8 Sukirno 55 Kelapa RA
9 Sela 1.7 Simpang Tempilang ISPA
10 16/08/2014 Mustafa Musa 68 Kelapa Dermatitis
11 Rika 37 Kelapa ISPA
12 Purwanti 62 Kelapa Hipertensi
13 Najwa 5 Pusuk Infeksi Scunder
14 M. Irfan 1 Kelapa ISPA
15 Basirun 66 Kelapa Cephalgia
16 H. Alfian 75 Kelapa Hipertensi
17 Siti Fatimah 39 Kelapa Hipotensi
18 Suherni 36 Kacung Kontrol jiwa
19 Septiawan 9 Kelapa ISPA
1 Helen 9 Kelapa Febris
2 Aulia 3.8 Dendang ISPA
3 Yuhena 57 Kelapa Retensi Urin
4 Maimunah 55 Petaling Artritis
5 Kosasih 56 Kelapa DM Tp II
6 Dewi Wati 58 Kelapa Dispepsia
7 Khairil 42 Kelapa Gastritis
8 Leni 35 Kelapa ISPA
9 Melia Wati 39 Dendang Hemoroid
10 Diaz 1 Kelapa ISPA
11 M. Bahnei 6.8 Beruas ISPA
12 Feroza 11 Kelapa Urticaria
13 Fahreza 5.4 Kelapa ISPA
14 Rezan 3 Kelapa ISPA
15 Malia 28 Simpang Yul Gastritis
16 Andi 35 Kelapa ISPA
1 Lili 31 Kacung Rhintis Alergi
2 Aryan 4.8 Kacung ISPA, DATD
3 Hairul 22 Kapuk Epilepsi
4 Anisa 11bln Kelapa ISPA
5 Hlik 7bln Simpang Yul ISPA
6 Yunita 26 Kelapa Combutio
7 Defli 5 Air Bulin ISPA
8 Kalok 45 Kelapa RFA
9 Nazila 43 Kelapa ISPA
10 Noval syah 3.9 Kelapa ISPA, DATD
11 Ermalisona 42 Sinar Sari ISPA, Myalgia
12 Amanda 6.7 Sinar Sari ISPA
13 Alda 42 Kelapa ISPA, DKI
14 Megawati 29 Sinar Sari FA
15 La Kudir 58 Kelapa ISPA
16 Agus 30 Kelapa Urticaria
17 Sisilia 2.11 Pusuk ISPA
18 Kamis 56 Simpang Tempilang Asma
19 H. Alfian 76 Kelapa Hipertensi
20 Sunarsih 37 Kelapa ISPA
1 Badi 74 Simpang Yul Hipertensi
2 Akesah 43 Kelapa ISPA
3 Nauri 67 Kelapa Hipertensi
4 Qodif 3 Kelapa ISPA
5 Saukani 48 Kelapa ISPA
6 Megawati 32 Kelapa ISPA
7 Sofiah 63 Kelapa DM Tp II
8 Cupri 38 Pangkal Niur Konjuctivitis
9 20/08/2014 Deniati 30 Kelapa Hipertensi
10 Irma 32 Kelapa Jerawat
11 Rara 13 Air Bulin V. Sceicum
12 Bunga 9bln Belit Vomitus
13 Sumatni 54 Kelapa RA
14 Salipah 64 Kelapa ISPA
15 Murni 43 Tebing Kontrol jiwa
16 Hamidin 57 Kelapa RA
17 Jamaidah 47 Payak DM Tp II
1 Murtani 37 Kelapa RA
2 Kamim 32 Kacung ISPA
3 Misar 47 Beruas V. Laceratum
4 Anggori 8 bln Tebing ISPA
5 Sonia 2.7 Kelapa ISPA
6 Vani 11 Kelapa ISPA
7 Dedi 34 Terentang ISPA
8 M. Soleh 45 Kacung Hipertensi
9 Ifra 5 Kelapa ISPA
10 Mulki 8bln Kelapa ISPA
11 Arjuna 10 Simpang Tempilang ISPA
12 Salman 5 Kelapa ISPA
13 Basir Rido 32 Simpang Tempilang Sc. Paranoid
14 Azril 1 Simpang Tempilang GE
15 Lina Maryana 26 Kelapa ISPA
16 Emi 33 Rangkui Dermatitis
1 Rasta 5 Kacung ISPA
2 Rafa 2.7 Kelapa ISPA
3 Nazril 2.9 Kurau GE
4 Sutarjo 49 Kacung OA
5 Samsu 51 Pangkal Niur Kontrol jiwa
6 Ramlan 47 Kelapa ISPA
7 Ainur 48 Kelapa Hipertensi
8 Dewi Nurhaidah 42 Kelapa C. Cold
9 Asnah 43 Kelapa Sc. Paranoid
10 Fitri 21 Kelapa ISPA
11 Saina 75 Pusuk BPH
12 22/08/2014 Seniah 63 Dendang ISPA
13 Delly 18 Simpang Tempilang Pharingitis
14 Rahma 4 Kelapa ISPA
15 Kartini 48 Kelapa Neuritis
16 Kahir 61 Ganjan Hipertensi
17 H. Alfian 76 Kelapa ISPA
18 Romlah 61 Kacung ISPA
19 Resti 2 Dinai ISPA, DATD
20 Ariya 8 bln Kelapa ISPA
21 Misia 36 Kacung Konjuctivitis
22 Siptiana 21 Dendang ISPA
23 Martina 30 Kacung ISPA
1 Alan 20 Kelapa Cephalgia
2 Zaidan 44 Kacung ISPA
3 Budiman 36 Terentang Tyfoid Faver
4 Dimas 8 Simpang Belinyu Obs. Vomitus
5 Ferdi 5.8 Beruas Dermatitis
6 Deniati 36 Sinar Sari Dispepsia
7 Dewi Wati 58 Kelapa ISPA
8 25/08/2014 Sugina 54 Kelapa DM Tp II
9 Erawan 54 Kelapa Artritis
10 Defrizal 27 Kelapa Dispepsia
11 Maimunah 55 Petaling Kontrol kolesterol
12 Tumpak Lubis 53 Kelapa Kontrol Mata
13 Khairani 14 Kelapa Infeksi Scunder
14 Romuni 44 Beruas Tiroid
15 Saptiyana 5 Kelapa ISPA
1 Hairul 23 Kelapa Sc. Paranoid
2 Anggraini 11bln Kacung ISPA
3 Zian 2.1 Simpang Kabu Febris
4 Misnawati 11 Simpang Tempilang Cephalgia
5 Misna 40 Beruas Artritis
6 Abadi 49 Kelapa Artritis
7 Mamat 24 Beruas Infeksi bite
8 Qisza 7bln Kelapa C. Cold
9 Nila Krisna 36 Kelapa Dermatitis
10 Asnah 51 Kacung Dislipidemia
11 Sailah 59 Tuik Hipertensi
12 M. Faiq 2 S. Baru Urticaria
13 Sirna 5 Dinai ISPA
14 Amelia 1 Dinai ISPA
15 Gani 48 Dinai ISPA
16 Aisyah 73 Kelapa Hipertensi
17 Habibah 81 Kelapa Hipertensi
18 Etik Vita 2 Simpang Tempilang ISPA
19 Yuhanis 24 Simpang Tempilang Keputihan
20 Humairah 6 Simpang Juru ISPA
1 Patimah 44 Terentang Cephalgia
2 Saputra 7 Terentang Enteritis
3 Hamidi 21 Belit Sc. Paranoid
4 Jamilah 33 Bujang Kontrol jiwa
5 Cikma 37 BPL Hipertensi
6 Said Azri 1.7 Kelapa Urticaria
7 Nurleli 30 Dendang Dermatitis
8 Nelly 29 Kelapa Enteritis
9 27/08/2014 Darman 46 Kelapa ISPA
10 Misyanti 54 Kelapa HT, Myalgia
11 Bunga 19 Tebing ISPA
12 Usali 50 Simpang Tempilang HT, Neuritis
13 Sauni 54 Pusuk Post TB Paru
14 Nur Atika 2.1 Kelapa Dispepsia
15 Siti Habsah 53 Kelapa Asma Bronchial
16 Sugi yanti 41 Kelapa Dismenoroe
17 Kalmi 42 Air Bulin Kontrol kolesterol
1 Faisal 35 Tempilang Tophus
2 Saili 53 Beruas DM Tp II
3 Hari 39 Kelapa RA
4 Dika 5 Belit V. Appartum
5 A. Al-Qatar 9 Dendang ISPA
6 Tasripah 48 Mancung Hipertensi
7 Lola 4 Simpang Tempilang ISPA
8 Saritua 65 Kelapa ISPA
9 Salmut 50 Rangkui Hipertensi
10 Gunik 42 Kelapa RFA, Myalgia
11 Syakira 3.8 Mancung ISPA
12 Rifki 3 Pangkal Niur ISPA
13 Wiwik 23 Pangkal Niur Myalgia
14 Bagus 31 Kelapa Vomitus
15 Roby Firdaus 24 Kelapa Konjuctivitis
16 Rahayu 51 Kelapa Dislipidemia
17 Narto 38 Pusuk Cephalgia
18 Hoviati 42 Kelapa Kontrol
19 Sumiyati 34 Kelapa Dislipidemia
20 Isro 31 Kelapa RA
1 Nur Rahmi 32 Tebing ISPA
2 Farrel Asa 3.5 Tebing ISPA
3 M. Nuruzzaman 23bln Simpang Yul GE
4 Aira 3 Bayu Asin Infeksi Scunder
5 Audi 1 Kelapa Infeksi Scunder
6 Seno 5.4 Sinar Sari Dermatitis
7 Suparno 43 Pangkal Niur RA
8 Erawan 54 Kelapa Urticaria
9 Razif Faqih 5 Kelapa Haematum

10 Raminah 30 Kelapa ISPA
11 Nidaan 4 Kelapa ISPA
12 Jaminah 53 Kelapa RA
13 Muhadir 68 Tebing Tophus
14 Ranteni 38 Mancung ISPA
15 Neza 3.1 Simpang Tempilang Enteritis, ISPA
16 Sain 75 Pusuk BPH
17 Haikal 9bln Simpang Yul ISPA
18 Elisya 1.7 Penegak ISPA
19 Akia Afiqah 5bln Kelapa ISPA
20 Arfandi 4 Kelapa ISPA
Bulan : Agustus 2014


Amox syr, Pct drops, Domp susp, GG, Dexa, Sal,CTM

Thp, Hlp 5mg, Cpz, Karbamazepin, Feno 30mg, Cpz
Dexa, Asmef, Amox
Cefad syr, Pct syr, GG, Dexa, Salbutamol, CTM
Cefad syr, Pct, GG, Dexa, CTM
Amox, Antalgin, GG , Cetirizin
GG. Dexa, CTM, Pct, Salbutamol, Vit.C, Amox syr
Parasetamol syr, Amox syr
Antasida, Omeprazol, Antalgin
Ambroksol, Dexa, Amox
Dexa, CTM, Pct, Amox syr, Betametason
Loperamid, Domperidon, Amox
Asmef, Amox, Dexa, Ozytetra salep kulit
GG, Dexa, Amox
Melformin, Glimepirid
Antasida susp, Loperamid, Na Diklofenak, Amox
Melformin, Dexa, Dexa inj, Spuit
Amox syr, GG, Dexa,CTM
Thp, Hlp 0,5mg, Cpz
Antalgin, Cipro,Dexa
Pct syr, Dexa, B komp, CTm
Dexa, Asmef, Amox
Pct, Dexa, B komp, B12 inj
Antasida susp, Pct, Cimetidin
Amlodipi, Simvastatin, Atg, Antasida susp
Na.Diklofenak, Dexa, Vit.B kompleks
Kotri susp, Pct, Vit.B komp, Prednison, CTM
Amox syr, CTM, Dexa, Vit.B komp, Betametason
Amox syr, CTM, Dexa, GG, Pct
Clobazam, Fenitoin 100mg, Feno 30mg
Amox, Dexa, Ambroksol, Pct
Amox, Salbutamol, Dexa, Ambroksol
Cipro, Asmef, Dexa, Antasida susp
Zinc, Oralit, Metronidazol
GG, CTM, Vit.C
Antalgin, Metformin, Gliben, Na.Diklofenak, Metro
Antalgin, Dexa, Amox, Ambroksol syr
Ambroksol syr, Amox, Pct, Antasida
Pct syr, GG, Amox, Dexa, CTM
Dexa, CTM, Amox, Oxy salep mata
GG, Dexa, Amox syr, CTM, Pct, Salbu, Vit.C
Asmef, Amox, Dexa
Salbu, Amox, Ambroksol syr, Dexa
Cefad syr, Pct syr, GG, Dexa, Salbutamol, CTM, Oxy sk, Beta sk
Oxytetrasiklin salep kulit
Anti hemoroid, Pct, Amox
Ambroksol syr, Dexa
Ambroksol syr, Pct, Amox, CTM
Antalgin, Dexa, Na.Diklofenak, B12 inj
Amox, Prednison, Pct, Ambroksol syr, B12 inj
Atc susp, Amox syr, GG, Dexa,CTM, Pct, Sbt,Vit.C
Ambroksol syr, Antasida susp, Dexa,Amox
Loperamid, Amox, Oralit
Loperamid, Amox, Oralit, Domperidon
Betametason, Cetirizin
GG, Dexa, CTm, Salbu, Vit.C, Amox syr
Asmef, Amox
Cipro, Asmef, B kompleks, ATS inj
Zinc, Koti susp, Domperidon susp, Oralit, Pct syr
Captopril, Amlodipi, Dzp, Omeprazol, Meloksikam
Parasetamol, B12 inj
Captopril, Pct, Amox, B komp
Antalgin, Dexa, Amox, Oxy inj
Amox, Asmef, Dexa, CTm
Ambroksol syr, Dexa, Amox, Pct
Dexa, CTM, Betametason
Pct drop, Amox, Dexa, GG
Ambroksol syr, Amox, Dexa, Pct
Pct, Cetirizin, Vit.C, B12 inj
Cefad syr, Pct syr, Dexa,CTM, Genta, Beta sk
Papaverin, Vit.B1
Amb syr, Amox, Captopril, Antalgin
Cefad syr, pct, Dexa, GG, Salbu, CTM
Amox, Dexa,GG, Cetirizin
Thp, Hlp 1,5mg, Cpz, Captopril 12,5 mg
Thp, Cpz
Amitriptilin, Alprazolam, thp, Antalgin
Simvastatin, Antalgin, Metformin, glibenklamid
Captopril, Omeprazol, Amitriptilin, Antalgin
Amlodipi, CTM, Salisil
Amox syr, Pct drops, GG, Dexa, Sal,CTM
Zinc, Oralit, Koti susp
Cefad syr, GG, Dexa, CTM, Salbu, Pct drop
Zinc, Oralit
Anti hemoroid supp, Asmef
Cefad syr, Dexa, Salbu, GG, Pct syr, Gentamisin
Na.Diklofenak, Dexa
Na. Diklofenak, B.Comp
Omeprazol, GG, Meloksikam, B.Com
Simvastatin, Vit.C
Amox syr, GG, Dexa,CTM, Salb
Amox syr, GG, Dexa,CTM, Salb
Na. Diklofenak, B.Comp
Na. Diklofenak, Dexa
Ibuprofen, Cetirizin, B com
Antasida susp, Pct syr
Parasetamol syr
Antalgin, Antasida susp, Amox, B comp
Pct, Dexa, Amox, CTM, Asiklovir krim
Pct syr, Amox, Gg, Dexa, B.Com
Pct syr, Amox, Gg, Dexa, CTM
Amox, CTM, Dexa, Pct, B.Com, Ambroksol
Amox syr, Gentamisin salep kulit
Antalgin, Dexa, Amox, Ambroksol, B12 inj
Pct drop, Amox, Dexa, GG, Salbu, Vit.C
Antasida, Na. Diklofenak, Vit B1, B12 inj
Cipro, Pct, Dexa, Ambroksol, B12 inj
Antasida, Ambroksol, Pct, Amox, Vit. B comp
Melformin, Gliben, Simvastatin, B com
CTM, Dexa, Diphen inj
Pct drop, Gg, Dexa, CTM, Amox
Salisil talk
Captopril, Nipedipin
GG, Dexa, CTM, Salbu, Vit.C, Amox syr, Pct
Meloksikam, Dexa
Loperamid, Amox, Papaverin
GG, Dexa, CTM, Pct, Salbu, Vit.C, Amox syr
CTM, Asmef
Salisil, CTm, Dexa, Amox syr
Thp, Hlp 5mg, Cpz, Karbamazepin, Feno 30mg
Antasida, Omeprazol, Pct
GG, Dexa, CTM, Pct, Salbu, Vit.C, Amox syr
Pct drop, Dexa, CTM, Salisil talk
GG, Dexa, CTM, Pct, Salbu, Vit.C, Amox syr
Antalgin, Vit. B comp
Ambroksol syr, Dexa, Amox
CTM, Dexa, Amox, Asmef
Pct, Amox, Antasida, Omeprazol
Kotri susp, GG, Dexa,Pct, CTM
Pct syr, Amox, GG, Dexa, CTM
Kotri susp, GG, Dexa,Pct, CTM
Risperidon, Thp, Karbamazepi
GG, Dexa, CTM, Pct, Salbu, Vit.C, Amox syr
Dzp, Antalgin, Simetidin, Antasida susp, Vit.B6
Kotri susp, GG, Dexa, Pct, CTM
Dexa, Vit. B komp, Antalgin, B12 inj
Antasida, Simetidin, Pct
Antasida, Simetidin, Pct
Oksitetrasiklin salep mata
Dexa, Ambroksol, Pct, Cipro
Sumvastatin, Dexa, antalgin
Kaptopril, antalgin, Ambroksol, Amox
Antalgin, Dexa, Vit. B komp
Thp, Hlp 1,5mg, Cpz
Pct syr, Amox, GG, Dexa,CTm
Amox syr, GG, Dexa, CTM, Pct
Amox syr, Dexa, CTM, Pct, Gentamisin sk
Pct syr, Amox, GG, Dexa, CTM
Pct, Amox, Dexa, CTM, Asiklovir salep
Amox syr, Pct, Dexa, CTM, Vit. B komp
Na. Diklofenak, Dexa, Vit.B1
Kaptopril 25mg, Antalgin, Na.Diklofenak, Vit.B1
Vit. K
Kotri susp, GG, Dexa, Pct, CTM
Amox syr, GG, Dexa,CTM, Pct
Na. Diklofenak, Dexa, Antalgin
Antalgin, Dexa, Amox, Vit.B komp
Amox, Dexa, Asmef, Vit.C
Amox, Dexa, Asmef, Vit.B kom
Pct syr, Amox, Dexa, Vit.B komp
Cipro, Dexa, Antalgin, Ambroksol, B12 inj
Clobazam, Fenitoin 100mg, Feno 30mg
Amox, Antalgin, Dexa, CTM, Oksi salep mata
Pct, Dexa, Amox, CTM, Ambroksol, B12 inj
Cpz, Thp, Hlp 5mg
Cpz, Thp, Hlp 1,5mg
Kotri susp, GG, Dexa, CTM, Pct
Antasida susp, Simetidin, Pct
Ambroksol, Dexa, Amox, Pct
Ambroksol, Dexa, Antalgin, Amox, CTM, B 12inj
Amox, Dexa, Asmef
Kaptopril, Na.Diklofenak, Vit. B1, Dexa
Amox, Dexa, Pct, Ambroksol
Asmef, Na.Diklofenak, Omeprazol
Pct, Amox, Dexa, Vit. B komp
Pct syr, Amox, Dexa, Vit.B komp, CTM
Antalgin, Antasida, Na.Diklofenak, B12 inj
Dexa, Na.Diklofenak, Vit.B1, B12 inj
CTM, Dexa, Amox, Oksitetra salep mata
Antalgin, Dexa,Cipro, OBH, B12 inj
Thp, Cpz, Hlp 1,5mg
Antalgin, Dzp, Antasida
Cipro, Papaverin, Loperamid, Domperidon
Zinc, Kotri susp
pct, Amox, Ambroksol, Dexa,CTM, Vit.B komp
Oksitetrasiklin salep mata, Amox syr, GG, Pct, Dexa, CTm
Ambroksol, Amox, Pct, Vit.B komp
Pct, Amox, Ambroksol, Dexa
Vit.K, Dexa, Asmef
Na. Diklofenak, Dexa, Vit.B1, B12 inj
Amox syr, GG, Dexa, Pct
Prednison, Cipro, Ambroksol, Pct
Captopril, Nipedipin
Amox syr, CTM, Dexa, Pct, Gentamisin
Pct syr, Amox, Dexa, GG, CTm
Antalgin, Dexa,Vit.B komp, B12 inj
Ambroksol, Amox, Captopril, Vit.B komp
Na.Diklofenak, Dexa, Vit.B 1, B12 inj
Amox, Dexa, Asmef, Vit.C
Ambroksol syr, Dexa, Amox, Pct
Pct, Antasida susp, Amox, Vit.B komp
Dulkolax supp 5mg, Amox syr, GG, Dexa, Pct, CTM
Furosemid, Vit.B komp, Dexa
Meloksikam, Dexa, Pct, Simvastatin
Pct, Omeprazol, Gliben, Metformin
Omeprazol, Na.Diklofenak, Vit.B komp
Omeprazol, Antasida, Pct
GG, CTM, Dexa
Anti hemoroid supp
GG, CTM, Dexa, Salbu, Cefad syr, Domperidon sp
Pct syr, Amox, Dexa,GG, CTM
Dexa, CTM
Cefad syr, GG, Dexa, CTM, Salbu
Kotri susp, GG, Dexa, Pct, CTM
Antasida, Pct, Vit. B6, B12 inj
Cipro, Prednison, Pct, Ambroksol
Cetirizin, Dexa
Cefad syr, GG, Dexa, CTM, Sbt, Zinc, Oralit, Pct syr, Domp syr
Thp, Cpz, Hlp 5mg, Feno 30mg
Amox syr, Pct drop, CTM, Dexa, GG
Amox syr, Pct drop, CTM, Dexa, GG, Salbu
Amox, Asmef
Ambroksol syr
Amox, GG, Dexa, B komp, Cetirizin
GG, Amlodipim, Clobazam, Fenitoin, Ibuprofen, Amox
Amox syr, Pct syr, GG, Dexa, CTM, Salbu, Zinc
Ibuprofen, GG, B komp
pct, GG, Dexa, Salbu, CTM
Amox, GG, Dexa, Cetirizin
Ibuprofen, Amox, Amitriptilin, Alprazolam, Thp
Amox, GG, CTM, Pct, B komp, B12 inj
Dexa, Cetirizin, Dexa inj, Difen inj
Amox syr, Dexa, GG. Salbu, CTM
GG, Salbutamol, Amox, B komp, Dexa
Amlodipin, GG, B komp
GG, Pct, Amox, B komp
Captopril, Amtasida susp, Antalgin, Dzp
Ambroksol, Amox, CTM, Pct, Dexa
Amlodipin, pirasetam
Kotri susp, GG, Dexa, Pct, CTM
Amox, Ambroksol, Dexa, Vit.B1
Antalgin, Dexa, Amox, Ambroksol, CTM, B12 inj
Metformin, Gliben, Vit.B komp, Na.Diklofenak
Amox, Pct, Dexa
Amox, Pct, Dexa, Vit.B komp
Domperidon susp, Kotri, pct, Vit.B kop
Na. Diklofenak, Dexa, Vit B1, B 12 inj
Amox, ambroksol, Dexa, Vit.B12 inj, Antalgin
Thp, Hlp 0,5mg, Cpz
Na. Diklofenak, Prednison, Vit. B1, B12 inj
CTM, Merformin, Gliben, B komp, Na.Diklofenak
Na. Diklofenak, Dexa, Vit.B1, B12 inj
Cipro, Dexa, Pct, Ambroksol syr, B12 inj
Captopril 12,5mg, Antalgin
Pct drop, Amox, Dexa, GG, CTm
Koti susp, pct, Dexa,GG, CTM
Pct, Ambroksol syr, Amox, Dexa
Ibuprofen, CTM, GG, B komp
Captopril 12,5mg, Amlodipin, Dzp, Pct
Pct syr, Dexa,GG, CTM
Amox syr, Pct drop, GG, Dexa,CTM, Salb
Amox syr, Pct drop, GG, Dexa,CTM, Salb
Kotri susp, Pct, Dexa, GG, CTm
Thp, Hlp 1,5mg. Cpz
Zinc, Pct drop, Kotri, Papaverin, Vit. B6, oralit
Ambroksol, Amox, Dexa Pct
CTM, Ketokonazol, Mikonazol
Kotri susp, GG, Dexa Pct, CTM
pct syr, B komp, Dexa,CTM
Zinc, Kotri susp, Papaverin, Pct, domperidon susp
Na. Diklofenak, Vit. B komp
Thp, Hlp 1,5mg, Cpz
Pct, Ambroksol syr, Amox, Dexa
Na. Diklofenak, Amlodipin, Vit. B1, Antalgin
CTM, Dexa
Cpz, Thp, Hlp 1,5mg
Ambroksol, Cipro, Antalgin, Dexa
Cipro, Dexa, antalgin
Pct, Ambroksol syr, Amox, CTM, Betametason
Amox, Dexa, CTM, Antalgin, Oksitetra inj
Kotri susp, GG, Dexa,CTM, Pct
Na. Diklofenak, Vit. B1, B12 inj
Captopril 12,5mg, Pct, Nadik, Ambroksol, Amox
Amb syr, Amox, Vit.C
GG, CTM, Ibuprofen, B. Komp, B 12 inj
Amox syr, Zinc, GG, Dexa, CTM, Salb
Amox syr, Pct drop, GG, Dexa,CTM, Salb
Oksitetrasiklin salep mata, Amox, Dexa
GG, Pct, Vit.C
GG, Dexa, Amox, Oksitetrasiklin salep mata
Antalgin, B komp
Pct, Ambroksol, Dexa, Amox
Kloramfenikol, Pct, Antasid, Omeprazol, B12 inj
Domperidon susp, Amox syr
CTM, Dexa, PCt, Oksiterasikin sk, Amox syr
Antasida, Omeprazol, Pct
Pct, Ambroksol, Meloksikam, Omeprazol
Merformin, Glimepirid
Meloksikam, Oksitetrasiklin, Dexa, CTM
Omeprazol, Antasida, Asam Traneksamat
Simvastatin, Dexa, Pct, Meloksikam
Cetirizin, Gentamisin
PTU, Propranolol
Ambroksol syr, Amox syr
Thp, Cpz, Hlp 5mg, Feno 30mg
Kotri susp, GG, Dexa,Pct, CTM
Oralit, Domperidon susp, Pct syr, Amox syr
Parasetamol, Antasida susp
Antasida, Omeprazol, Meloksikam
Meloksikam, Dexa, Pct
Asmef, Amox, Dexa
Parasetamol drop
Dexa, CTM, Betametason
Pct, Simvastatin, Meloksikam
Captopril, Nipedipin, Antalgin, B komp
CTM, Dexa, B komp, Pct syr, Salisil bedak
Amox syr, GG, B komp, CTM, Dexa
Kotri susp, GG, Dexa, Pct, CTM
Ambroksol, Antalgin, Dexa, Amox
Amlodipin, Pirasetam
Amlodipin, Pirasetam, Metformin
GG, Dexa,CTM, Pct, Salbu, Vit.C, Amox syr
Metronidazol, Dexa, CTM
GG, Dexa,CTM, Pct, Salbu, Vit.C, Amox syr
Antalgin, Dexa, Na.Diklofenak, B12 inj
Papaverin, Vit.B6, Kotri, Zinc
Thp, Cpz
Thp, Cpz, Hlp 5mg
Amlodipin, Pirasetam, Antasida, Omeperazol, Dzp
Dexa, CTM
Amox, Pct, Dexa, Ambroksol
Amlodipin, Captopril 12,5mg, CTM, Ibuprofen
Pct, Amox, CTM, Vit.C
Na. Diklofenak, Dexa, Captopril 12,5mg, Vit.B1
Antalgin, Vit. B comp
Papaverin, Kotri, CTM, Vit.B komp
Salbutamol 4mg, Dexa, Pct, Ambroksol syr
Asmef, Amox, Dexa
Simvastatin, Dexa, Antalgin
Allopurinol, Dexa, Antalgin, B12 inj
Metformin, Gliben, Vit.B komp, Antalgin, B12 inj
Antalgin, Dexa, Na.Diklofenak, B12 inj, B kom
Dexa, B komp, CTM, Amox, Pct
Koti susp, pct, Dexa,GG, CTM
Captopril, Antasida, Antalgin, Dzp
Pct, Amox, GG, Dexa, CTM
Ambroksol syr, Dexa, Amox, Pct
Amlodipin, Pct
Amox, GG, CTM, Ibuprofen, Dexa
Cefad syr, GG, Dexa, CTM, Salbu, Pct syr
Cefad syr, Dexa, CTM
AsamjMefenamat, Vit.B komp
Domperidon, Cipro, Papaverin, Pct
Asmef, Amox, Dexa
Simvastatin, Dexa, Antalgin
Antalgin, Dexa, Cipro, Vit.b komp
Vit. C
Simvastatin, Dexa, Antalgin
Na.Diklofenak, Dexa, Vit.B1, B12 inj
Antalgin, Dexa, Amox, OBH
Ambroksol syr, Amox, Dexa, Pct, CTM
Domperidon susup, Oralit, Zinc, Ppv, Pct, Kotri
Pct syr, CTM, Dexa, Amox, Gentamisin
Gentian, Gentamisin, Amox syr, CTM, Dexa, BC
Betametason, CTM, Dexa, Pct, Amox syr
Na. Diklofenak, Dexa, Vit.B1, B12 inj
Ambroksol syr, Dexa, CTM, Nadik, difen inj, Gentamisin
Dexa, CTM
GG, Pct, Amox, B komp
Pct syr, Dexa, mox, CTM, B kom
Dexa, Na.Diklofenak, Vit.B1, B12 inj
Allopurinol, Na.Diklofenak, Pct, Antasida susp
Ambroksol, Dexa,Cipro, Antalgin,B12 inj
Kotri susp, Zinc, Oralit, Ambroksol syr
Cipro, Asmef, Dexa
Pct drop, dexa,Amox, CTM, GG
Amox syr, GG, Dexa, CTM, Salb
Cefad syr, Ambroksol syr, Dexa,CTM, Salb, Pct drop
Amox syr, Pct syr, GG, Dexa, CTM, Salbu

Atasan Langsung

NIP 19670803 199103 1 004

Bulan : September 2013

1 Sandra P 30 thn Sinar surya 1 Febris
2 Burhanudin L 40 thn Air lintang 1 Hipertensi
3 Topi L 20 thn Tj niur 1 Skizoresudual
4 Gerimis L 41 thn Tj niur 1 Skizoresudual
5 Miharjono L 24 tn Lingkun 1 Ispa
6 Joni L 21 thn Nyikep 1 Stroma
7 Yuniani P 36 thn Tempilang 1 Hipertensi
8 Rani P 22 thn Tempilang 1 Dyspepsia
9 Adi L 13 thn Tempilang 1 Faringits
10 2-Sep-13 Rasikin L 17 thn Brafo 1 Febris
11 Filia P 30 thn Air lintang 1 Dyspepsia
12 Rosida P 59 thn Tempilang 1 DM
13 Nayah P 80 thn B.kota 1 Urtcaria
14 Sumarni P 38 thn B.kota 1 DM
15 Zainap P 44 thn Tempilang 1 Dyspepsia
16 Arjun L 7 thn Parit X 1 Ispa
17 Turifah P 35thn Tempilang 1 Ispa
18 Asim L 66 thn Tempilang 1 Hipertensi
19 Armiani P 45 thn Air lintang 1 Hipertensi
1 Juheria P 42 thn Tempilang 1 Myalgia
2 Anggun L 11 thn Tempilang 1 Hematum
3 Harfin L 13 thn B.kota 1 Commond cold
4 Marhan L 58 tn B.kota 1 Hipertensi
5 Yanto L 28 thn Tempilang 1 Commond cold
6 Darna P 16 thn B.kota 1 Konjungtvits
7 Budiman L 30 thn Lingkun 1 Susp bronchits
8 Ilut P 33 thn Sika 1 Tonsilofaringits
9 Haini P 75 thn Simpang yul 1 Hematum

10 Armana L 60 thn Tempilang 1 Hipertensi
11 Misna P 43 thn Air lintang 1 Febris
12 Salima P 48 thn Simpang yul 1 Febris
13 Nurdin L 63 thn Air lintang 1 Febris
14 Yani P 47 thn Air lintang 1 DM
15 Nopriansyah L 24thn Tempilang 1 DM
16 Eka P 16 thn Air lintang 1 Faringits
17 M.atori L 60 thn Pelaik 1 Febris
18 Toyib L 50 thn Brafo 1 Febris
19 Nurhuda P 31 thn Bubung tujuh 1 Ispa
20 Jahila P 55 thn Air lintang 1 Dyspepsia
1 Suryadi L 41 thn Sungai II 1 Konjungtvits
2 Gian L 6 thn Tempilang 1 Ispa
3 Saptna P 46 thn Sangku 1 Febris
4 Suparman L 29 thn Brafo 1 Myalgia
5 Lah P 45 thn Tempilang 1 Ispa
6 Widia P 36 thn Tempilang 1 Peptcum ulcus
7 Wardiah P 60 thn Tempilang 1 Hipertensi
8 Sartna P 38 thn Tempilang 1 Dyspepsia
9 Sirok P 78 thn Tempilang 1 Ispa
10 Vien P 26 thn Tempilang 1 Febris
11 Asna P 31 thn Tj.niur 1 Dyspepsia
12 Badi L 78 thn Simpang yul 1 OA
13 Malla L 58 thn Sungai II 1 Faringits
14 Asni P 51 thn Air lintang 1 Febris
15 Ayu P 72 thn Tempilang 1 Diare
16 Ina asri P 38 thn Air lintang 1 Febris
17 Sit wakiah P 37 thn Air lintang 1 Hipertensi
18 M.Arif L 7 thn Limbung 1 Diare
19 Ernawat P 45 thn Tempilang 1 Ispa
20 Suryat P 41 thn B.kota 1 Ispa
21 Anwar L 40 thn B.kota 1 Ispa
22 Asni P 65 thn B.kota 1 Vertgo
1 Juhari L 43 thn Simpang yul 1 Skizoresudual
2 Satriani P 34 thn Air lintang 1 Herpes
3 Mari P 52 thn Sangku 1 Myalgia
4 Subaidah P 53 thn Sangku 1 OA
5 Mariana P 39 thn Pelaik 1 Dyspepsia
6 Tuyem P 55 thn Sika 1 Myalgia
7 Suaina P 62 thn Air lintang 1 DM
8 Hanina P 40 thn Air lintang 1 Dyspepsia
9 Mariam P 65 thn Tj.niur 1 Hipertensi
10 Ike P 29 thn Air lintang 1 Myalgia
11 Pian P 41 thn Tj.niur 1 Dyspepsia
12 Seribut L 61 thn Tj.niur 1 Dyspepsia
13 Saimah P 57 thn Tj.niur 1 Dyspepsia
14 Rogayah P 55 thn Air lintang 1 Hipertensi
15 Ujang L 36 thn Parit X 1 Commond cold
16 Jaya L 50 thn Tempilang 1 Ispa
17 Ainah P 45 thn Sangku 1 Faringits
18 Jamilah P 25 thn Pelaik Faringits
19 Zikri L 16 thn Air lintang Dyspepsia
20 Unaisih P 51 thn Kelakak manau 1 DM
21 Baidin L 61 thn Kelakak manau 1 OA
22 Delly P 15 thn Air lintang 1 Dyspepsia
23 Zamkar L 48 thn Simpang yul 1 Ispa
24 Saril L 43 thn Air lintang 1 Ispa
1 Ngadiman L 66 thn Tempilang 1 DM
2 Taufik L 35 thn Air lintang 1 Dyspepsia
3 Juleha P 62 thn Air lintang 1 Dyspepsia
4 Piki L 26 thn B.kota 1 Myalgia
5 M.Saleh L 37 thn Kelumbi 1 Epilepsi
6 6-Sep-13 Maysuri P 18 thn Tempilang 1 Flour albus
7 Sumarni P 40 thn B.kota 1 DM
8 Romidi L 45 thn Tempilang 1 Ispa
9 Tita P 42 thn Air lintang 1 Hipertensi
1 Sudarman L 49 thn Tempilang 1 Hipertensi
2 Subandi L 70 thn Tempilang 1 Ispa
3 Sit aisyah P 41 thn Sinar surya 1 Urtcaria
4 Ihsan L 40 thn Pelaik 1 Ispa
5 Sukarna L 55 thn B.kota 1 Dyspepsia
6 Kamisah P 41 thn Air lintang 1 Dyspepsia
7 7-Sep-13 Saptni P 39 thn B.kota 1 Dyspepsia
8 Saptna P 46 thn Sangku 1 Bronchits
9 Sono L 28 thn Nyikep 1 Post KLL
10 Semaun L 48 thn Air lintang 1 Ispa
11 Rudiasyah L 50 thn Nibung 1 Febris
12 Yosi L 14 thn Tjg Gadung 1 ISK
13 Miat P 40 thn Bubung tujuh 1 Dyspepsia
1 Sumarni P 26 thn Lingkun 1 Ispa
2 Supart P 65 thn Tempilang 1 Dyspepsia
3 Darmawi L 63 thn Tj.niur 1 Urtcaria
4 Wahyudi L 40 thn Sinar surya 1 Dyspepsia
5 Sumainah P 48 thn Tj.niur 1 Dyspepsia
6 Tamrin L 15 thn Nyikep 1 Dyspepsia
7 Elita P 31 thn Air lintang 1 DM
8 Rani P 10 thn Air lintang 1 Faringits
9 Napia P 55 thn Sika 1 Faringits
10 Ola P 8 thn Air lintang 1 Tonsilofaringits
11 Sit rohaya P 13 thn Tempilang 1 OMA
12 Perli P 6 thn Limbung 1 Tonsilofaringits
13 Sabrina P 11 thn Basun 1 Dyspepsia
14 Tut P 40 thn Air lintang 1 Dyspepsia
15 Asnin L 60 thn Air lintang 1 Commond cold
16 Supangat L 55 thn Air lintang 1 Commond cold
17 Samikun L 31 thn Fanta 1 LBP
18 Subaidah P 31 thn Tj.niur 1 Febris
19 Sarina P 35 thn Air lintang 1 Febris
20 Endang P 37 thn Tempilang 1 Ispa
21 Rita P 74 thn Simpang yul 1 Ispa
22 Nyok P 38 thn Simpang yul 1 Dyspepsia
23 Juhani L 71 thn Simpang yul 1 Dyspepsia
24 Ruhat L 51 thn Simpang yul 1 Ispa
25 Jumlat P 46 thn Penyampak 1 Ispa
26 Astopah P 50 thn Penyampak 1 Febris
27 Heru L 25thn Tempilang 1 Febris
28 Piki L 24 thn Kelumbi 1 Febris
29 Gastriadi L 46 thn Kelumbi 1 Dyspepsia
30 Sukril L 34 thn Tj.niur 1 Dyspepsia
1 Juhari L 45 thn Simpang yul 1 Ispa
2 Elia P 36 thn Tempilang 1 Skizoresudual
3 Erna P 20 thn Air lintang Ispa
4 Dewi P 23 thn Air lintang 1 Dyspepsia
5 Arianto L 40 thn Dam III 1 Febris
6 Yandera L 33 thn Air lintang 1 LBP
7 Rafi L 12 thn B.kota 1 Dyspepsia
8 Ariyanto L 30 thn Bubung tujuh 1 Corpus alimen
9 Misiyem P 21 thn Tj.niur 1 Susp. TB
10 Saparudin L 46 thn Air lintang 1 Febris
11 Imas P 25 thn Air lintang 1 Epilepsi
12 Sopan L 65 thn Pelaik 1 Peptc ulcer
13 Muhidi L 53 thn Tempilang 1 Dyspepsia
14 Sutrisno L 40 thn Sangku 1 OA
15 Murdan L 45 thn Sangku 1 RA
16 Herdiana P 40 thn Tempilang 1 Dyspepsia
17 Emi P 29 thn Sinar surya 1 Urtcaria
18 Sunart P 29 thn Air lintang 1 Ispa
1 Sopiana P 43 thn B.kota 1 Hipertensi
2 Ilyas L 53thn Air lintang 1 Dermatts
3 Saudah P 38 thn Kelumbi 1 caries
4 Juhari L 74thn Tempilang 1 Commond cold
5 Darsih P 23 thn B.kota 1 Commond cold
6 Ngadino P 69 thn Tempilang 1 TTH
7 Cinta P 11 thn Tempilang 1 GE
8 Solifah P 57 thn Tempilang 1 Myalgia
9 Zakaria L 23 thn Air lintang 1 Myalgia
10 Muri L 9 thn Tempilang 1 Varicela
11 Jais L 54 thn Tempilang 1 Hipertensi
12 Tita P 42 thn Air lintang 1 Hipertensi
13 Sapri L 42 thn Air lintang 1 Febris
14 Satriani P 35 thn Air lintang 1 Febris
15 Meizi P 6 thn Tempilang 1 Vomitus
16 Jasian L 46 thn B.kota 1 Pinea artrits
17 Rusilan L 46thn Tempilang 1 Myalgia
18 Kamisah P 51 thn Sinar surya 1 Ispa
19 Yani P 48 thn Air lintang 1 DM
20 Suryadi L 39 thn Tempilang 1 Ispa
21 Nurhasanah P 33 thn KTW Pinea artrits
22 Horman L 27 thn Air lintang 1 Ispa
23 Haryani P 38 thn Air lintang 1 Dyspepsia
24 Saiful L 48 thn Tempilang 1 Hypertroid
25 Yiyin P 37 thn Tempilang 1 Ispa
26 Salsabila P 51 thn Tempilang 1 Dyspepsia
27 Arini P 24 thn Sika 1 Faringits
28 Peni P 27thn Sinar surya 1 Faringits
29 Parel L 5 thn B.kota 1 Ispa
30 Jasli L 40 thn Air lintang 1 Ispa
31 Sri suharningsih P 45 thn Bubung tujuh 1 Febris
32 Julita P 37 thn Air lintang 1 Cepalgia
1 Toibah P 56 thn Sika 1 Commond cold
2 Kaka L 5 thn Tempilang 1 Ispa
3 Semawi L 53 thn B.kota 1 Myalgia
4 Sahima P 59 thn Bubung tujuh 1 Dermatts
5 Iskandar L 32 thn B.kota 1 Skizoresudual
6 Gustna P 28 thn Tempilang 1 OE
7 Rajo L 60 thn Bubung tujuh 1 Pinea artrits
8 Bedu L 32 thn Air lintang 1 Dyspepsia
9 Subran L 53 thn Buyan 1 Dyspepsia
10 Yuhani P 48 thn Buyan 1 Dyspepsia
11 Bagas L 10 thn Sinar surya 1 Myalgia
12 18-Sep-13 Puspowat P 46 thn Tempilang 1 OA
13 Napsiah P 45 thn Tempilang 1 Dyspepsia
14 Narsih P 28 thn Sangku 1 Dyspepsia
15 Kasroni L 43 thn Air lintang 1 Hipertensi
16 Suryani P 33 thn Sungai II 1 Dyspepsia
17 Sit robiyah P 30 thn B.kota 1 Dyspepsia
18 Filia P 30 thn Air lintang 1 Myalgia
19 Herman L 53 thn Air lintang 1 Faringits
20 Warasendi L 26 thn Air lintang 1 Faringits
21 Yat P 29 thn Air lintang 1 Faringits
22 Dul L 26 thn Tempilang 1 Dyspepsia
23 Ilham L 28 thn Tempilang 1 Commond cold
1 Agus L 22 thn B.kota 1 Skizoresudual
2 Tuminem P 62 thn Tempilang 1 Urtcaria
3 Iwan L 30 thn Tempilang 1 Skizoresudual
4 Sudaria P 23 thn Kelumbi 1 Febris
5 Lipah P 27 thn Kelumbi 1 Ispa
6 Burhanudin L 16 thn B.kota 1 Dermatts
7 Anip P 52 thn Tempilang 1 Urtcaria
8 20-Sep-13 Sumarwan L 55 thn Tempilang 1 Post KLL
9 Ngadino L 60 thn Tempilang 1 TTH
10 Sunarsi P 51 thn Sinar surya 1 Faringits
11 Samsiah P 61 thn Sinar surya 1 Hipertensi
12 Yudha L 13 thn B.kota 1 Ispa
13 Juliana P 38 thn Tempilang 1 TTH
14 Heriyadi L 9 thn Tempilang 1 Ispa
15 Jono L 46 thn Simpang yul 1 Dyspepsia
16 Reban L 75 thn Tempilang 1 Ispa

17 Sulmaldi L 51 thn Tempilang 1 DM
18 Sopinah P 47 thn Air lintang 1 Asma bronchits
19 Hapip L 73 thn Air lintang 1 Febris
20 Sunanto L 27 thn Sangku 1 Urtcaria
21 Diya P 38 thn Kelakak manau 1 Ispa
22 Andi L 41 thn B.kota 1 Dyspepsia
23 Dede L 38 thn Tempilang 1 Dyspepsia
1 Artna P 27 thn Air lintang 1 Ispa
2 Sigit L 18 thn Tempilang 1 Asma bronchits
3 Samikun L 55 thn Fanta 1 Hipertensi
4 Julia P 18 thn Sungai II 1 Susp apendiksits
5 Yanto L 30 thn B.kota 1 Febris
6 Asni P 60 thn Air lintang 1 Myalgia
7 Saparudin L 46 thn Air lintang 1 Epilepsi
8 Rina wat P 22 thn B.kota 1 Commond cold
9 Sahri L 42 thn Sungai II 1 caries
10 Sumarni P 38 thn B.kota 1 DM
11 Tita P 38 thn Tempilang 1 Hipertensi
12 Yanto L 27 thn Tempilang 1 Skizoresudual
13 Nabil L 6 thn Air lintang 1 Furunkel
14 Maulana L 30 thn Tempilang 1 Commond cold
15 23-Sep-13 Linda P 33 thn B.kota 1 Faringits
16 Amanda P 5,6 thn Sungai II 1 OE
17 Titk P 35 thn Tempilang 1 Pteriqium
18 Sri purnama P 14 thn Tempilang 1 Ispa
19 Sumarni P 33 thn Buyan 1 Commond cold
20 Sandi L 20 thn B.kota 1 Tonsilofaringits
21 Samik P 54 thn Tempilang 1 Hipertensi
22 Reni P 24 thn Air lintang 1 Febris
23 Handika L 26 thn Air lintang 1 Febris
24 Mena P 60 thn Tempilang 1 Ispa
25 Ria P 25 thn Sungai II 1 Ispa
26 Zaldi L 43 thn Sangku 1 Dyspepsia
27 Afdal L 5 thn Tempilang 1 Dyspepsia
28 Ruani P 47 thn Sangku 1 Faringits
29 Elis P 37 thn Sangku 1 Dyspepsia
1 Muharudin L 35 thn Tj.niur 1 Febris
2 Rejo L 47 thn Tempilang 1 Dyspepsia
3 Nana P 34 thn Kelumbi 1 Tonsilofaringits
4 Lamirah P 40 thn Air lintang 1 Chepalgia
5 25-Sep-13 Doni L 9 thn Air lintang 1 Tonsilofaringits
6 Gerimis L 40 thn Tj.niur 1 Skizoresudual
7 Diana P 60 thn Tempilang 1 Hipertensi
8 Romani P 37 thn B.kota 1 Ispa
9 Semawi L 13 thn B.kota 1 Dyspepsia
10 Yunarni P 24 thn Tempilang 1 Myalgia
11 Jumila P 46 thn Tempilang 1 Tinea capits
12 Mardiana P 59 thn Sika 1 Dyspepsia
13 Romidi L 51 thn Tempilang 1 Ispa
14 Sulmadi L 57 thn Tempilang 1 Bronchits
15 Anip P 51 thn Tempilang 1 Dyspepsia
16 Asmani P 60 thn Sangku Dyspepsia
17 Intan P 8 thn Tempilang 1 Ispa
1 Sukanto L 38 thn Penyampak 1 Hemoroid
2 Alim L 66 thn Tempilang 1 Hipertensi
3 A mutaqqin L 6 thn Tempilang 1 Laringits
4 Saptna P 46 thn Sangku 1 Bronchits
5 Apiah P 54 thn Sinar surya 1 Pinea artrits
6 Tharmize L 54 thn Tempilang 1 Ispa
7 M.fadil L 62 thn PKS 1 Tonsilofaringits
8 Sutna P 31 thn Tempilang 1 Chepalgia
9 Hamidah P 78 thn Tempilang 1 Myalgia
10 H.Masri L 46 thn Tempilang 1 Ispa
11 Herdiana P 56 thn Tempilang 1 Tonsilofaringits
12 Sofyan L 6 thn Air lintang 1 Ispa
13 Ilham L 32 thn Tempilang 1 Febris

14 Nuryat P 21 thn Bubung tujuh 1 Myalgia
15 Sit rokiah P 43 thn Air lintang 1 Myalgia
16 Leni P 42 thn Air lintang 1 Dyspepsia
17 Samisah P 67 thn Tempilang 1 Dyspepsia
18 Solna P 38 thn Tempilang 1 Dermatts
19 Julia P 5,6 thn Nyikep 1 Commond cold
20 Alista P 31 thn Air lintang 1 Febris
21 Bayu L 12 thn PKS 1 Ispa
22 Azmi L 29 thn Air lintang 1 Dyspepsia
23 Musraini P 5,3 thn Tempilang 1 Faringits
24 Olivia P 45 thn Tj.niur 1 Febris
25 Jumat P 53 thn Air lintang 1 Febris
26 Muhardi L 20 thn Air lintang 1 Dyspepsia
27 Besen P 20 thn Sungai II 1 Dyspepsia
28 Sit nurapiah P 22 thn Sungai II 1 Ispa
29 Basiah P 38 thn Tempilang 1 Hipertensi
30 Aril L 7 thn Air lintang 1 Ispa
1 Muryani P 60 thn Pelaik 1 Gout
2 Sidi L 72 thn B.kota 1 OMA
3 Jumilah P 16 thn Air lintang 1 Dermatts
4 Irman L 37 thn Sinar surya 1 Ispa
5 Reza L 13 thn Air lintang 1 OE
6 Dola L 29 thn Tempilang 1 Commond cold
7 Salbiah P 53 thn Tempilang 1 Asma bronchits
8 Iin P 27 thn Tempilang Asma bronchits
9 Selpiana P 35 thn B.kota 1 Febris
10 Arjun L 7 thn Penyampak 1 Ispa
11 Feri L 17 thn B.kota 1 Commond cold
12 Sahad L 61 thn Air lintang 1 Ispa
13 Ilham L 8 thn Sangku 1 Tonsilofaringits
14 Murhadi L 50 thn B.kota 1 Tonsilofaringits
15 M.Hafiz L 12 thn B.kota 1 Laringits
16 Yusmiat P 53 thn Tempilang 1 Ispa

17 Jodi L 13 thn Sangku 1 Urtcaria
18 30-Sep-13 Jainab P 30 thn B.kota 1 Dyspepsia
19 Sanen L 29 thn Fanta Dyspepsia
20 Semawi L 60 thn Tempilang 1 Dyspepsia
21 Afi L 48 thn Tempilang 1 Dyspepsia
22 Andri L 19 thn Nibung 1 Febris
23 Sumarni P 52 thn Nibung 1 Tonsilofaringits
24 Reniba P 54 thn Air lintang DM
25 Wandi L 29 thn Tempilang 1 Dyspepsia
26 Sopinah P 48 thn Tempilang 1 Dyspepsia
27 Maulana L 6 thn Tempilang 1 Dermatts
Kepala Puskesmas Tempilang

dr. Ratnosoppi
NIP.19810316 200804 1 001

Pct, Amox
Amlodiphine, Furosemide
Cpz, THP, Hpd
Cpz, THP, Hpd
Amox,, CTM, Ambroxol
PTU, Propanolol
Amlodiphine, Furosemide
Ranitdine, Antasida
Amox, Dexa, Pct
Pct, Amox
Ranitdine, Antasida
Glimepiride, Methpormin
Dexa, CTM
Glimepiride, Methpormin
Ranitdine, Antasida
Amox,, CTM, Ambroxol
Amox,, CTM, Ambroxol
Amlodiphine, Furosemide
Amlodiphine, Furosemide
Nadic, Dexa
CTM,, Nadic
Pct, B. Com
Amlodiphine, Furosemide
Pct, B. Com
Nadic, Amox
Ambroxol, CTM, Dexa
Amox,, Dexa, Pct
CTM,, Nadic
Amlodiphine, Furosemide
Pct, Amox
Pct, Amox
Pct, Amox
Glimepiride, Methpormin
Glimepiride, Methpormin
Amox,, Dexa, Pct
Pct, Amox
Pct, Amox
Amox,, CTM, Ambroxol
Ranitdine, Antasida
Nadic, Amox
Amox,, CTM, Ambroxol
Pct, Amox
Nadic, Dexa
Amox,, CTM, Ambroxol
Ranitdin, Antasida, Metro
Amlodiphine, Furosemide
Ranitdine, Antasida
Amox,, CTM, Ambroxol
Pct, Amox
Ranitdine, Antasida
Nadic, Dexa
Amox,, Dexa, Pct
Pct, Amox
Cotry, Loperamide, Metro
Pct, Amox
Amlodiphine, Furosemide
Cotry, zink , Metro
Amox,, CTM, Ambroxol
Amox,, CTM, Ambroxol
Amox,, CTM, Ambroxol
Simvas, Pct, Ranitdin
Cpz, THP, Hpd
Acyclovir, ctm, amox
Nadic, Dexa
Nadic, Dexa
Ranitdine, Antasida
Nadic, Dexa
Glimepiride, Methpormin
Ranitdine, Antasida
Amlodiphine, Furosemide
Nadic, Dexa
Ranitdine, Antasida
Ranitdine, Antasida
Ranitdine, Antasida
Amlodiphine, Furosemide
Pct, B. Com
Amox,, CTM, Ambroxol
Amox,, Dexa, Pct
Amox,, Dexa, Pct
Ranitdine, Antasida
Glimepiride, Methpormin
Glimepiride, Methpormin
Ranitdine, Antasida
Amox,, CTM, Ambroxol
Amox,, CTM, Ambroxol
Glimepiride, Methpormin
Ranitdine, Antasida
Ranitdine, Antasida
Nadic, Dexa
Nystatn, CTM, Metro
Glimepiride, Methpormin
Amox,, CTM, Ambroxol
Amlodiphine, Furosemide
Amlodiphine, Furosemide
Amox,, CTM, Ambroxol
Dexa, CTM
Amox,, CTM, Ambroxol
Ranitdine, Antasida
Ranitdine, Antasida
Ranitdine, Antasida
Ambroxol, Amox,, Dexa
Asmef, amox
Amox,, CTM, Ambroxol
Pct, Amox
Cipro, Asmef, Furosemide
Ranitdine, Antasida
Amox,, CTM, Ambroxol
Ranitdine, Antasida
Dexa, CTM
Ranitdine, Antasida
Ranitdine, Antasida
Ranitdine, Antasida
Glimepiride, Methpormin
Amox,, Dexa, Pct
Amox,, Dexa, Pct
Amox,, Dexa, Pct
Amox, Dexa, Pct
Amox,, Dexa, Pct
Ranitdine, Antasida
Ranitdine, Antasida
Pct, B. Com
Pct, B. Com
Nadic, Dexa
Pct, Amox
Pct, Amox
Amox,, CTM, Ambroxol
Amox,, CTM, Ambroxol
Ranitdine, Antasida
Ranitdine, Antasida
Amox,, CTM, Ambroxol
Amox,, CTM, Ambroxol
Pct, Amox
Pct, Amox
Pct, Amox
Ranitdine, Antasida
Ranitdine, Antasida
Amox,, CTM, Ambroxol
Cpz, THP, Hpd
Amox,, CTM, Ambroxol
Ranitdine, Antasida
Pct, Amox
Nadic, Dexa
Ranitdine, Antasida
Cypro,, Asmef
Amox, CTM, Ambroxol
Pct, Amox
Metro, Ranitdin, Antasida
Ranitdine, Antasida
Nadic, Dexa
Nadic, B. Com
Ranitdine, Antasida
Dexa, CTM
Amox,, CTM, Ambroxol
Amlodiphine, Furosemide
CTM, Dexa
Amox, Dexa, Asmef
Pct, B. Com
Pct, B. Com
Simvas, Nadic
Cotry, Zink,, Antasida
Nadic, Dexa
Nadic, Dexa
Acyclovir, Pct, Amox
Amlodiphine, Furosemide
Amlodiphine, Furosemide
Pct, Amox
Pct, Amox
Domperidone,, Antasida
Ketokonazole, CTM
Nadic, Dexa
Amox,, CTM, Ambroxol
Glimepiride, Methpormin
Amox,, CTM, Ambroxol
Ketokonazole, CTM
Amox,, CTM, Ambroxol
Ranitdine, Antasida
PTU, Propanolol
Amox,, CTM, Ambroxol
Ranitdine, Antasida
Amox,, Dexa, Pct
Amox,, Dexa, Pct
Amox,, CTM, Ambroxol
Amox,, CTM, Ambroxol
Pct, Amox
Pct, Ranitdin
Pct, B. Com
Amox,, CTM, Ambroxol
Nadic, Dexa
CTM, Dexa
Cpz, THP, Hpd
Nadic, Dexa
Ketokonazole, CTM
Ranitdine, Antasida
Ranitdine, Antasida
Ranitdine, Antasida
Nadic, Dexa
Nadic, Dexa
Ranitdine, Antasida
Ranitdine, Antasida
Amlodiphine, Furosemide
Ranitdine, Antasida
Ranitdine, Antasida
Nadic, Dexa
Amox,, Dexa, Pct
Amox,, Dexa, Pct
Amox,, Dexa, Pct
Ranitdine, Antasida
Pct, B. Com
Cpz, THP, Hpd
Dexa, CTM
Cpz, THP, Hpd
Pct, Amox
Amox,, CTM, Ambroxol
CTM, Dexa
Dexa, CTM
Asmef, Amox
Simvas, Nadic
Amox,, Dexa, Pct
Amlodiphine, Furosemide
Amox,, CTM, Ambroxol
Simvas, Nadic
Amox,, CTM, Ambroxol
Ranitdine, Antasida
Amox,, CTM, Ambroxol
Glimepiride, Methpormin
Ambroxol, Amox,, Dexa
Pct, Amox
Dexa, CTM
Amox,, CTM, Ambroxol
Ranitdine, Antasida
Ranitdine, Antasida
Amox,, CTM, Ambroxol
Ambroxol, Amox,, Dexa
Amlodiphine, Furosemide
Pct, Amox
Nadic, Dexa
Pct, B. Com
Amox, Dexa, Asmef
Glimepiride, Methpormin
Amlodiphine, Furosemide
Cpz, THP, Hpd
Asmef, Metro, Dexa
Pct, B. Com
Amox,, Dexa, Pct
Nadic, Dexa
Nadic, Dexa
Amox,, CTM, Ambroxol
Pct, B. Com
Amox,, Dexa, Pct
Amlodiphine, Furosemide
Pct, Amox
Pct, Amox
Amox,, CTM, Ambroxol
Amox,, CTM, Ambroxol
Ranitdine, Antasida
Ranitdine, Antasida
Amox,, Dexa, Pct
Ranitdine, Antasida
Pct, Amox
Ranitdine, Antasida
Amox,, Dexa, Pct
Pct, Ranitdin
Amox,, Dexa, Pct
Cpz, THP, Hpd
Amlodiphine, Furosemide
Amox,, CTM, Ambroxol
Ranitdine, Antasida
Nadic, Dexa
Ketokonazole, CTM
Ranitdine, Antasida
Amox,, CTM, Ambroxol
Ambroxol, Amox,, Dexa
Ranitdine, Antasida
Ranitdine, Antasida
Amox,, CTM, Ambroxol
Cypro, Asmef, Ranitdin
Amlodiphine, Furosemide
Amox,, Dexa, Pct
Ambroxol, Amox,, Dexa
Ketokonazole, CTM
Amox,, CTM, Ambroxol
Amox,, Dexa, Pct
Pct, Ranitdin
Nadic, Dexa
Amox,, CTM, Ambroxol
Amox,, Dexa, Pct
Amox,, CTM, Ambroxol
Pct, Amox
Nadic, Dexa
Nadic, Dexa
Ranitdine, Antasida
Ranitdine, Antasida
CTM, Dexa
Pct, B. Com
Pct, Amox
Amox,, CTM, Ambroxol
Ranitdine, Antasida
Amox,, Dexa, Pct
Pct, Amox
Pct, Amox
Ranitdine, Antasida
Ranitdine, Antasida
Amox,, CTM, Ambroxol
Amlodiphine, Furosemide
Amox,, CTM, Ambroxol
allu,,, Nadic
Amox, Dexa, Pct
CTM, Dexa
Amox,, CTM, Ambroxol
Nadic, Dexa
Pct, B. Com
Ambroxol, Amox,, Dexa
Ambroxol, Amox,, Dexa
Pct, Amox
Amox,, CTM, Ambroxol
Pct, B. Com
Amox,, CTM, Ambroxol
Amox,, Dexa, Pct
Amox,, Dexa, Pct
Amox,, Dexa, Pct
Amox,, CTM, Ambroxol
Dexa, CTM
Ranitdine, Antasida
Ranitdine, Antasida
Ranitdine, Antasida
Ranitdine, Antasida
Pct, Amox
Amox,, Dexa, Pct
Glimepiride, Methpormin
Ranitdine, Antasida
Ranitdine, Antasida
CTM, Dexa

Bulan : Oktober 2013
1 Umi P 50 thn Kp.Panjang 1 Pinea artrits
2 Yarmini P 45 thn B.kota 1 OA
3 Salbiah P 58 thn Tempilang 1 DM
4 Seming L 50 thn Tempilang 1 Myalgia
5 Julia P 38 thn Nyikep 1 Febris
2 Oktober 2013
6 M yudi L 5 thn Sungai II 1 Ispa
7 Sumarni P 42 thn Tempilang 1 Cepalgia
8 Naiwa P 1 thn Tempilang 1 Ispa
9 Kaka L 5 thn Tempilang 1 Ispa
10 Sastra L 8 bln Tempilang 1 Ispa
1 Ira P 35 thn B.kota 1 Flour albus
2 Jeri L 5 thn B.kota 1 Ispa
3 Ramlan L 52 thn Tempilang 1 Pinea artrits
4 Nurhasana P 40 thn Kp.Panjang Pinea artrits
5 Rozani P 46 thn Sangku 1 Dyspepsia
6 Jumila P 13 thn Tempilang 1 Tinea capuris
7 Ramdani L 23 thn Air lintang 1 Chepalgia
8 Semaun L 40 thn Air lintang 1 Rhinits alergi
9 Syamsudin L 44 thn Tempilang 1 Vertgo
10 Masnawat P 34 thn Pancur 1 Dyspepsia
11 Jumiat P 41 thn Air lintang 1 DM
12 Sumirta L 27 thn Kelakak manau 1 Tonsilofaringits
13 Nia P 28 thn Kamat 1 Dyspepsia
14 Jakfar L 8 thn Kamat 1 Furunkel
4 Oktober 2013
15 Asmala P 30 thn 1 OE
16 Rosiah P 54 thn Air lintang 1 Hipertensi
17 Seribut L 61 thn Tj.niur 1 Asma broncial
18 Sakilah P 46 thn Tj.niur 1 Myalgia
19 Yant P 30 thn Tempilang 1 Ispa
20 Aal L 27 thn B.kota 1 Ispa
21 Ayong L 57 thn Nyikep 1 Ispa
22 Zaher L 32 thn Kamat 1 Ispa
23 Miyak P 51 thn Nyikep 1 Febris
24 Asmawat P 27 thn Kamat 1 Febris
25 Yan juanda L 39 thn Air lintang 1 Dyspepsia
26 Riski L 6 bln B.kota 1 Ispa
27 Ega L 2 thn kelumbi 1 Ispa
28 Adelia P 1 thn Air lintang 1 Ispa
29 4 Oktober 2013 udai L 5 bln Sinar surya 1 Ispa
1 Rosidi L 50 thn Tempilang 1 Myalgia
2 Yuliana P 22 thn Nyikep 1 Lipoma
3 Gerimis L 16 thn Nibung 1 Ispa
4 Iwan L 30 thn Tempilang 1 Skizoresudual
5 Masran L 54 thn B.kota 1 RA
6 Toto L 48 thn Sungai II 1 Febris
7 Misua P 46 thn Sungai II 1 Dyspepsia
8 Idrus L 28 thn Sinar surya 1 Commond cold
9 Main L 62 thn Tempilang 1 DM
10 Elia P 34 thn Tempilang 1 Dyspepsia
11 Semun P 34 thn B.kota 1 Rhinits alergi
12 Anyok P 60 thn Tempilang 1 Commond cold
13 Y Simanujorang L 63 thn Sinar surya 1 Myalgia
14 Sirwan L 63 thn Tempilang 1 Myalgia
15 Sant P 51 thn Tj.niur 1 Urtcaria
16 Saharun L 30 thn Tj.niur 1 DM
17 Meliat P 49 thn Tempilang 1 Dyspepsia
18 Rohidin L 30 thn Fanta 1 Dyspepsia
19 7 Oktober 2013 Sattuo L 42 thn B.kota 1 LBP
20 Masipah P 72 thn Sika 1 Commond cold
21 Yulin P 39 thn Tempilang 1 Commond cold
22 Abu mansur L 21 thn Tempilang 1 DM
23 Andi L 61 thn Tempilang 1 Commond cold
24 Heriat P 35 thn Sika 1 TTH
25 Nurerawat P 36 thn Penyampak 1 Hipertensi
26 Suryadi L 49 thn Sungai II Konjungtvits
27 Maskurnia P 45 thn Tempilang 1 Febris
28 Hakimin L 48 thn Tempilang 1 Dyspepsia
29 jurita P 29 thn Tempilang 1 Dyspepsia
30 Senta P 2 thn Pancur 1 Rhinits alergi
31 Agistan P 1 thn Tempilang 1 Ispa
32 Alif L 1 thn Tempilang 1 Ispa
33 Beli P 1 thn Tempilang 1 Ispa
34 Zahra P 5 thn Tj.niur 1 Dermatts
35 Radit L 10 bln Nibung 1 Ispa
36 Dia P 6 bln Bubung tujuh 1 Ispa
37 Aura P 4 thn B.kota 1 Ispa
1 Rohani P 47 thn Sinar surya 1 Myalgia
2 Tri P 25 thn Tj.niur 1 Dyspepsia
3 9 Oktober 2013 Jumirah P 45 thn Air lintang 1 Dermatts
4 Warni P 27thn Air lintang 1 Tonsilofaringits
5 Sabirin L 30 thn Sika 1 Dyspepsia
6 Yana P 31 thn Air lintang 1 Dyspepsia
7 Shandy L 10 thn Sinar surya 1 Tonsilofaringits
8 Surjaya L 54 thn Tempilang 1 Myalgia
9 Misjayanto L 33 thn Tempilang 1 Ispa
10 Perli P 6 thn Limbung 1 Rhinits alergi
11 Nasirah P 40 thn Fanta 1 Dyspepsia
12 Nursawat P 43 thn Penyampak 1 Hipertensi
13 Bakht L 3 thn Tempilang 1 Dermatts
9 Oktober 2013
14 Udai L 5 thn Sinar surya 1 Pnemonia
15 Deka L 1 thn Air lintang 1 Ispa
16 Rifki L 1 thn Tempilang 1 Ispa
17 Aulia P 6 bln B.kota 1 Konstpasi
18 Fajar L 1 thn Limbung 1 Ispa
19 Fadil L 2 thn Tempilang 1 Dermatts
20 Edo L 3 thn Tempilang 1 Febris
21 Ulandari P 1 thn Air lintang 1 Ispa
1 Sumarman L 55 thn Tempilang 1 Vulnus laceratum
2 Imam L 16 thn B.kota 1 Herpes simplek
3 Wahyu L 5 thn Tempilang 1 Tonsilofaringits
4 Sunart P 32 thn Kamat 1 Myalgia
5 Juhari L 45 thn Simpang yul 1 Skizoresudual
6 Ramlan L 52 thn Tempilang 1 Dyspepsia
7 Alia P 37 thn B.kota 1 Vertgo
8 Yenni P 34 thn Air lintang 1 Dyspepsia
9 Sumiat P 65 thn Tempilang 1 Febris
10 Sopinah P 47 thn Air lintang 1 DM
11 Bastari L 50 thn Tempilang Dyspepsia
12 Riki L 24 thn kelumbi 1 Ispa
13 Lidia P 30 thn B.kota 1 Ispa
14 10 Oktober 2013 Abu basri L 60 thn Sungai II 1 Dyspepsia
15 Sri mustka P 48 thn Air lintang 1 Urtcaria
16 Veri L 6 thn Nibung 1 Ispa
17 Rahma P 55 thn Tempilang 1 Dyspepsia
18 Peliadi L 22 thn Tempilang 1 Dyspepsia
19 Sumini P 40 thn Sangku Ispa
20 Romi L 52 thn Tj.niur 1 Skizoresudual
21 Muhammad L 30 thn Tempilang 1 Dyspepsia
22 Astut P 40 thn Sinar surya 1 Dyspepsia
23 Liza P 28 thn Tempilang 1 Dyspepsia
24 Desi P 10 bln Tempilang 1 Rhinits alergi
25 Pitri P 1,2 thn Tempilang 1 Rhinits alergi
26 Galang L 1 thn Basun 1 Commond cold
27 Nadia P 11bln Sungai II 1 Febris
28 Reiner L 14 bln Tempilang 1 Febris
29 Kayana P 3 bln Tempilang 1 Febris
30 10 Oktober 2013 Dina P 12 bln Sangku 1 Ispa
31 Keysha P 10 bln Tempilang 1 Rhinits alergi
10 Oktober 2013

32 Abdila L 11 bln PKS 1 Stomatts

1 Iroh P 45 thn Kamat 1 Myalgia
2 Mirda P 14 thn Nyikep 1 Epilepsi
3 Erwin L 42 thn Air lintang Myalgia
4 Nasia P 54 thn Tempilang 1 DM
5 Rohila P 57 thn Tempilang 1 Commond cold
6 Adi L 48 thn B.kota 1 LBP
7 Warsia P 37 thn Tj.niur 1 Febris
8 Nurhasana P 40 thn KTW Febris
9 Elisa P 6 thn Tempilang 1 Ispa
10 Hasan L 75 thn Tempilang 1 Commond cold
11 Sulaiman L 60 thn Air lintang 1 Asma broncial
12 Sugiat P 61 thn Tempilang 1 DM
11 Oktober 2013
13 Mariah P 23 thn Tj.niur 1 Dyspepsia
14 Kari L 67 thn Tj.niur 1 Dyspepsia
15 Ruslan L 52 thn Sangku 1 Febris
16 Seta L 46 thn kelumbi 1 Dyspepsia
17 Samsiah P 60 thn Sinar surya 1 Rhinits alergi
18 Saini L 27 thn Air lintang 1 DM
19 Yani P 55 thn Tempilang Rhinits alergi
20 Sukiawat P 37 thn Tempilang 1 Rhinits alergi
21 Hanafi L 47 thn kelumbi 1 Rhinits alergi
22 Yolan P 2,5 thn Tempilang 1 Furunkel
23 Jopani L 8 bln Tj.niur 1 Urtcaria
24 Ramadani L 10 bln Tempilang 1 Ispa
1 Minah P 50 thn Pelaik 1 Hipertensi
2 Dimas L 14 thn Tempilang 1 Disc abdomen
3 Adari L 29 thn Nyikep 1 Dyspepsia
4 Jamal L 55 thn Tempilang 1 TTH
5 Saharun L 50 thn Tj.niur 1 DM
6 Asiya L 64 thn Penyampak 1 Rhinits alergi
7 16 Oktober 2013 Morani P 58 thn Penyampak 1 OA
8 Suwardi L 44 thn Fanta 1 Pteriqium
16 Oktober 2013

9 Reka L 24 thn Tebing 1 Commond cold

10 Hendri L 28 thn Fanta 1 Chepalgia
11 Allan L 45 thn Penyampak 1 Commond cold
12 Maimunah P 20 thn KTW 1 Commond cold
13 Semawi L 60 thn B.kota 1 Rhinits alergi

1 Ervina P 31 thn Tempilang 1 Tonsilofaringits

2 Sunai P 50 thn Tj.niur 1 Hipertensi
3 Andi L 27 thn Bravo 1 Asma broncial
4 Nurhayat P 54 thn Tempilang 1 Myalgia
5 Masri L 83 thn Tempilang 1 Rhinits alergi
6 Mardiana P 51 thn Tempilang 1 Chepalgia
7 Herdiana P 47 thn Tempilang 1 Hemoroid
8 Seribut L 65 thn Tj.niur 1 Susp TBC
9 Partk P 24 thn Tempilang 1 DM
10 Devi P 35 thn Sinar surya 1 Bronchits
11 Rahman L 40 thn Sangku 1 Chepalgia
12 Saila P 32 thn Tempilang 1 Ispa
13 Piuk L 45 thn Nyikep 1 Skizoresudual
14 Ajis L 27 thn Tempilang 1 Febris
15 Aris P 40 thn Tempilang 1 Febris
16 17 Oktober 2013 Miak P 31 thn Bubung tujuh 1 Dyspepsia
17 Masiah P 24 thn Simpang yul 1 Dyspepsia
18 Mangaratua L 6 thn PKS 1 Ispa
19 Ilham L 6 thn Air lintang 1 Tonsilofaringits
20 Khalifah L 37 thn Tempilang 1 Skizoresudual
21 Iskandar L 42 thn B.kota 1 Dyspepsia
22 Muhammad L 39 thn Penyampak 1 Dyspepsia
23 Suhaini P 58 thn Penyampak 1 GE
24 Tijah P 6 thn Tempilang 1 Ispa
25 Gian L 54 thn Tempilang 1 Ispa
26 Durela L 34 thn Tempilang 1 Dyspepsia
27 Sopiana P 36 thn B.kota 1 Peptc ulcer
28 Rasmi P 36 thn Air lintang 1 Dyspepsia
29 Rama L 5 thn Tempilang 1 Ispa
30 Septa P 1 thn B.kota 1 Febris
31 Medi L 2,7 thn Air lintang 1 Dermatts
32 Bela P 5 thn Sinar surya 1 Ispa
33 Refan L 2 bln Tempilang 1 Ispa
34 Kezia P 1 thn Tempilang 1 Commond cold
35 Fiola P 1,1 thn B.kota 1 OMA
36 Afika P 1,1 thn Tempilang 1 Susp DHF
37 17 Oktober 2013 Juli P 3 bln Tempilang 1 Pnemonia
38 Rest P 2,3 thn Air lintang 1 Ispa
39 Nadia P 6 bln Air lintang 1 Febris
40 Eri L 3 thn Tempilang 1 Tonsilofaringits
41 Pika P 2 bln Sangku 1 Faringits
42 M.asri L 22 bln B.kota 1 GE

1 Syaparudin L 43 thn Air lintang 1 Epilepsi

2 Bong kap kui P 59 thn Air lintang 1 Chepalgia
3 Sutarman L 43 thn Air lintang 1 Commond cold
4 Sugiart P 56 thn Tempilang 1 Dyspepsia
5 Marsani L 23 thn Air lintang 1 Myalgia
6 Yani P 48 thn Air lintang 1 DM
7 Sit rokiah P 46thn Sangku 1 Dyspepsia
8 Dewi P 25 thn Alfa 1 Tonsilofaringits
9 Nurdin L 62 thn Air lintang 1 Dyspepsia
10 Apriyant P 31 thn Tempilang 1 Febris
11 M.Herpianto L 14 thn Simpang yul 1 Febris
12 Sakiman L 60 thn Sangku 1 Hipertensi
13 Romiza P 57 thn Sangku 1 Hipertensi
14 18 Oktober 2013 Cik ayu P 28 thn Simpang yul 1 Skizoresudual
15 Ajeng P 11 thn Sungai II 1 Susp DHF
16 Risna P 30 thn B.kota 1 Ispa
17 Mulyadi L 37 thn Tempilang 1 Skizoresudual
18 Oktober 2013

18 Sobri L 30 thn Tj.niur 1 Ispa

19 Bono L 48 thn Air lintang 1 Dyspepsia
20 Riduan L 32 thn Air lintang 1 Dyspepsia
21 Geisha P 1,8 thn Sangku 1 GE
22 M.Faiz L 6 bln Tempilang 1 Ispa
23 M.Nizuli L 3 thn Air lintang 1 Dermatts
24 Ihwan L 1,6 thn Air lintang 1 Pnemonia
25 Danis L 6 bln Air lintang 1 Pnemonia
26 Nopariani L 1,6 thn Basun 1 Pnemonia
27 Rahmat L 1,2 thn B.kota 1 Ispa
1 Yuli P 20 thn Tempilang 1 Tonsilofaringits
2 Ningsih P 28 thn Tj.niur 1 Dyspepsia
3 Ngadiman L 66 thn Tempilang 1 Febris
4 Jainah P 50 thn Tempilang 1 Commond cold
5 Zainap P 44thn B.kota 1 Dyspepsia
6 Neli P 28 thn Air lintang 1 OMA
7 Usman L 55 thn Air lintang 1 Dermatts
8 Tita P 43 thn Air lintang 1 Hipertensi
19 Oktober 2013
9 Sopiani P 35 thn B.kota 1 Pirai artrits
10 Sarmina P 50 thn Air lintang 1 Hipertensi
11 Mawar P 42 thn B.kota 1 Myalgia
12 Misnah P 32 thn Tempilang 1 Hipertensi
13 Hafis L 1 bln Air lintang 1 Ispa
14 Putra L 1,2 thn Basun 1 Ispa
15 Yuanita P 15 bln Air lintang 1 Ispa
16 Naura P 4,5 thn Tempilang 1 Dermatts
17 Putra diyu L 1,6 thn Tempilang 1 Tonsilofaringits
18 Aila P 4 bln Alfa 1 Ispa
19 Adeliana P 7 bln PKS 1 Dermatts
20 19 Oktober 2013 Fika P 17 bln Air lintang 1 Ispa
21 Aria L 1,2 thn Air lintang 1 Commond cold
22 Kenza L 4 thn Tempilang 1 Ispa
23 Geo L 5 thn Tempilang 1 Febris

Ketokonazole, CTM
Nadic, Dexa
Glimepiride, Methpormin
Nadic, Dexa
Pct, Amox
Amox,, CTM, Ambroxol
Pct, Ranitdin
Amox,, CTM, Ambroxol
Amox,, CTM, Ambroxol
Amox,, CTM, Ambroxol
Nystatn, CTM, Metro
Amox,, CTM, Ambroxol
Ketokonazole, CTM
Ketokonazole, CTM
Ranitdine, Antasida
Ketokonazole, CTM
Pct, Ranitdin
CTM, Dexa
Pct, Ranitdin
Ranitdine, Antasida
Glimepiride, Methpormin
Amox,, Dexa, Pct
Ranitdine, Antasida
Dexa, Pct, Amox
Nadic, Dexa
Amlodiphine, Furosemide
Ambroxol, CTM, Dexa
Nadic, Dexa
Amox,, CTM, Ambroxol
Amox,, CTM, Ambroxol
Amox,, CTM, Ambroxol
Amox,, CTM, Ambroxol
Pct, Amox
Pct, Amox
Ranitdine, Antasida
Amox,, CTM, Ambroxol
Amox,, CTM, Ambroxol
Amox,, CTM, Ambroxol
Amox,, CTM, Ambroxol
Nadic, Dexa
Amox, asmef, Dexa
Amox,, CTM, Ambroxol
Amox,, CTM, Ambroxol
CTM, Dexa
Pct, Amox
Ranitdine, Antasida
Pct, B. Com
Glimepiride, Methpormin
Ranitdine, Antasida
CTM, Dexa
Pct, B. Com
Nadic, Dexa
Nadic, Dexa
Dexa, CTM
Glimepiride, Methpormin
Ranitdine, Antasida
Ranitdine, Antasida
Nadic, Dexa
Pct, B. Com
Pct, B. Com
Glimepiride, Methpormin
Pct, B. Com
Simvas, Nadic
Amlodiphine, Furosemide
Nadic, Amox
Pct, Amox
Ranitdine, Antasida
Ranitdine, Antasida
CTM, Dexa
Amox,, CTM, Ambroxol
Amox,, CTM, Ambroxol
Amox,, CTM, Ambroxol
CTM, Dexa
Amox,, CTM, Ambroxol
Amox,, CTM, Ambroxol
Amox,, CTM, Ambroxol
Nadic, Dexa
Ranitdine, Antasida
CTM, Dexa
Amox,, Dexa, Pct
Ranitdine, Antasida
Ranitdine, Antasida
Amox,, Dexa, Pct
Nadic, Dexa
Amox,, CTM, Ambroxol
CTM, Dexa
Ranitdine, Antasida
Amlodiphine, Furosemide
CTM, Dexa
Amox, asmef, Dexa
Amox,, CTM, Ambroxol
Amox,, CTM, Ambroxol
Antasida, Ranitdin, Pavaverin
Amox,, CTM, Ambroxol
CTM, Dexa
Pct, Amox
Amox,, CTM, Ambroxol
Amox, asmef, Dexa
Acyclovir, CTM, Pct
Amox,, Dexa, Pct
Nadic, Dexa
cpz, THP, Hpd
Ranitdine, Antasida
Simvas, Pct, Ranitdin
Ranitdine, Antasida
Pct, Amox
Glimepiride, Methpormin
Ranitdine, Antasida
Amox,, CTM, Ambroxol
Amox,, CTM, Ambroxol
Ranitdine, Antasida
Dexa, CTM
Amox,, CTM, Ambroxol
Ranitdine, Antasida
Ranitdine, Antasida
Amox,, CTM, Ambroxol
cpz, THP, Hpd
Ranitdine, Antasida
Ranitdine, Antasida
Ranitdine, Antasida
CTM, Dexa
CTM, Dexa
Pct, B. Com
Pct, Amox
Pct, Amox
Pct, Amox
Amox,, CTM, Ambroxol
CTM, Dexa
Nystatn, Dexa,, Amox
Nadic, Dexa
Nadic, Dexa
Glimepiride, Methpormin
Pct, B. Com
Nadic, Dexa
Pct, Amox
Pct, Amox
Amox,, CTM, Ambroxol
Pct, B. Com
Ambroxol, CTM, Dexa
Glimepiride, Methpormin
Ranitdine, Antasida
Ranitdine, Antasida
Pct, Amox
Ranitdine, Antasida
CTM, Dexa
Glimepiride, Methpormin
CTM, Dexa
CTM, Dexa
CTM, Dexa
Dexa, Pct, Amox
Dexa, CTM
Amox,, CTM, Ambroxol
Amlodiphine, Furosemide
Antasida,, Ranitdin
Ranitdine, Antasida
Simvas, Nadic
Glimepiride, Methpormin
CTM, Dexa
Nadic, Dexa
Dexa, Amox, Asmef
Pct, B. Com
Pct, Ranitdin
Pct, B. Com
Pct, B. Com
CTM, Dexa

Amox,, Dexa, Pct

Amlodiphine, Furosemide
Ambroxol, CTM, Dexa
Nadic, Dexa
CTM, Dexa
Pct, Ranitdin
Cipro,,, Asmef, Ranitdin
Amox, CTM, Ambroxol
Glimepiride, Methpormin
Ambroxol, CTM, Dexa
Pct, Ranitdin
Amox,, CTM, Ambroxol
cpz, THP, Hpd
Pct, Amox
Pct, Amox
Ranitdine, Antasida
Ranitdine, Antasida
Amox,, CTM, Ambroxol
Amox,, Dexa, Pct
cpz, THP, Hpd
Ranitdine, Antasida
Ranitdine, Antasida
Cotry, Metro,, Antasida
Amox,, CTM, Ambroxol
Amox,, CTM, Ambroxol
Ranitdine, Antasida
Metro, Ranitdin, Antasida
Ranitdine, Antasida
Amox,, CTM, Ambroxol
Pct, Amox
CTM, Dexa
Amox,, CTM, Ambroxol
Amox,, CTM, Ambroxol
Pct, B. Com
Amox, Dexa, Pct

Ambroxol, CTM, Dexa

Amox,, CTM, Ambroxol
Pct, Amox
Amox,, Dexa, Pct
Amox,, Dexa, Pct
Cotry, Metro,, Antasida

Pct, Ranitdin
Pct, B. Com
Ranitdine, Antasida
Nadic, Dexa
Glimepiride, Methpormin
Ranitdine, Antasida
Amox,, Dexa, Pct
Ranitdine, Antasida
Pct, Amox
Pct, Amox
Amlodiphine, Furosemide
Amlodiphine, Furosemide
cpz, THP, Hpd

Amox,, CTM, Ambroxol

cpz, THP, Hpd
Amox,, CTM, Ambroxol
Ranitdine, Antasida
Ranitdine, Antasida
Cotry, Metro,, Antasida
Amox,, CTM, Ambroxol
CTM, Dexa
Ambroxol, CTM, Dexa
Ambroxol, CTM, Dexa
Ambroxol, CTM, Dexa
Amox,, CTM, Ambroxol
Amox,, Dexa, Pct
Ranitdine, Antasida
Pct, Amox
Pct, B. Com
Ranitdine, Antasida
Amox, Dexa, Pct
CTM, Dexa
Amlodiphine, Furosemide
Ketokonazole, CTM
Amlodiphine, Furosemide
Nadic, Dexa
Amlodiphine, Furosemide
Amox,, CTM, Ambroxol
Amox,, CTM, Ambroxol
Amox,, CTM, Ambroxol
CTM, Dexa
Amox,, Dexa, Pct
Amox,, CTM, Ambroxol
CTM, Dexa
Amox,, CTM, Ambroxol
Pct, B. Com
Amox,, CTM, Ambroxol
Pct, Amox
Kepala Puskesmas Tempilang

dr. Ratnosoppi
NIP.19810316 200804 1 001

1 Nopiana 22 Tj. Niur Pusing 80/60 Cephalgia

2 Dwi inda 3 Tempilang Pilek,ada bengkak dipipi kanan 100/80 Tonsilo faringitis

3 Sopiana 34 B. Kota Batuk pilek 120/90 Febris

4 Senen 77 S.Surya Pusing, Mual 180/100 HT, Vertigo

5 Sumarni 32 Tempilang Batuk, pilek, dada sakit 80/60 RA

6 Jusmani 60 B. Kota Pusing, Lemas 100/80 DM

7 Kemi 3 Tempilang Mual, pedih perut 100/70 Dyspepsia

8 Yusuf 23 BB7 Dada sakit sebelah kanan 100/70 Dyspepsia

9 Tuminem 60 Tempilang Sakit badan sebelah 130/90 Konsul post. Stroke

10 Tita 43 Air Lintang Badan terasa kram, sesak,pusing 160/100 HT, DM

11 Anjas 6 Air Lintang Pilek, demam ISPA

12 Murtinah 51 Air Lintang Demam 140/90 ISPA

13 Feliani 34 Tempilang Pusing,badan ngilu 100/80 DM

14 Anisma 37 Air Lintang Pilek, pusing 100/70 Asma bronch

15 Eka 16 Air Lintang Sakit telinga sebelah kanan 80/70 OE

16 Sakirman 65 Tempilang Batuk berdahak 1 bulan 140/90 Susp. TB Paru

17 Atina 46 Tempilang Pilek, bersin-bersin 90/70 RA

18 Saiful 48 Tempilang Pusing, lemas 100/70 Hypertiroid

19 Muritno 9 Nyikep Bintik, bintik ditelinga kanan Alergi

20 Arjun 7 Tempilang Batuk, pilek, demam Faringitis

21 Supina 17 Tj. Niur SKD 100/80

22 Rosalia 7 Tempilang Muntah, perut sakit, mual, pusing Disc. Abdomen

23 Reslah 6.7 Air Lintang Pile, kaki korengan, gatal-gatal Dermatitis

24 Zainal 4 Tj. Niur Pilek, tenggorokan sakit, gatal, pusing

1 Agus 25 B. Kota Susah tidur 100/7o Skizo

2 Fahrozi 16 Air Lintang Pedih ulu hati\ 100/80 Dyspepsia

3 Muhija 65 Tempilang Batuk berdarah, susah BAB 170/90 ISPA, ht

4 Andi 17 Tempilang Badan gatal-gatal 100/70 Urticaria

5 Napiah 55 sika Tangan kram, sakit, pusing 140/90 HT

6 Rachmat 24 Air Lintang Batuk,pilek, tenggorokan sakit 100/70 Faringitis

7 DEWI 24 Tempilang Batuk, pilek, tangan sering kram 90/70 ISPA

8 Weni 23 Tempilang Menggigil, pusing, badan sakit 100/70 CC

9 ariyan 40 Tempilang Pusing 110/90 Cephalgia

10 Asni 60 Air Lintang Pusing sebelah, badan sakit, meriang 150/90 HT

11 Jena 21 Tempilang Pusing, mual, batuk, pilek 90/70 Dyspepsia

12 Lia 31 plaik pusing, mual 100/70 Dyspepsia

13 Radit 5 Tempilang Sakit perut,muntah Disc, Abd

14 Subaidah 37 Tj. Niur demam, pusing 140/90 Febris

15 IIS 26 Air Lintang Telinga kanan sakit 100/80 OF

16 Azizah 30 Air Lintang pusing, badan meriang 100/70 CC

17 Marnaswi 30 B. Kota sesak nafas, meriang 90/60 CC

18 Restri 6 Sangku batuk, pilek Tonsilo faringitis

19 Saskia 5.5 Tempilang pilek, pusing ISPA

20 Sarmila 38 B. Kota mual, pedih ulu hati 100/80 Dyspepsia

21 Rohani 62 Tj. Niur pusing, kaki kram 140/90

22 Yunen 36 Air Lintang pusing, perut pedih 90/70 Dyspepsia

23 Aryah 47 Tempilang Badan panas dingin, perut sakit 100/80 Faringitis

1 Muhammad 60 Panncur Batuk, sesaknafas,mudah capek 150/100 Asma bronch, HT

2 Maulana 30 Tempilang Mata merah, gatal, kepala sakit 100/80 Ptergium

3 Sukartina 36 B. Kota Jantung berdebar-debar 80/60 Dyspepsia

4 Maini 51 Tj. Niur Jantung berdebar-debar, mudah capek 130/90 DC

5 Paleri 6 S, Surya bengkak seluruh badan

6 Kusrahmadani 30 Air Lintang Batuk, pilek 100/70 ISPA

7 Mainur 21 Air Lintang Batuk pilek 80/60 ISPA

8 Sadiman 36 Air Lintang Sakit gigi 100/70 Abses

9 Ihsan 40 plaik Batuk berdarah, sesak nafas, susah tidur 90/70 asma bronch
10 Rebo 67 Tempilang Batuk berdahak, sesak nafas, mudah capek, ngilu 140/90 Susp. TB Paru

11 Masnawati 34 Panncur Sakit pingang, pusing, kaki tangan kram 110/80 OA

12 Rosiah 58 Air Lintang Pusing, batuk,mengi, mata gatal-gatal 150/120 HT

13 Suherra 43 Tempilang Sajit kepala, badan pegal 130/80 CC

14 Salmah 53 Air Lintang Tengkuk berat, pusing 160/100 HT

15 Margiut 26 Sangku Kontrol jahitan 100/70 GV

16 Dwi ariansyah 19 Tempilang Pusing, badan lemas 100/80 Cephalgia

17 Sopinah 46 Air Lintang Kontrrol DM 110/80 DM

18 Refa yeni 39 Air Lintang Koreng ditangan 130/90 DKA

19 Piah 30 Tempilang Pilek, pusing 100/80 RA

20 Refiah 50 Air Lintang Mual, pusing 120/80 Cephalgia

21 Samsiat 38 Tempilang Pusing, batuk, pilek 100/70 ISPA

22 Syahrul 25 Tempilang Demam, pusing 100/70 Febris

23 Maya 31 B. Kota pusing, nyeri ulu hati 90/70 Dyspepsia

Bulan : November 2013


Fe, Antalgin,BCOM, Antasida

Nnadic, Eritromycin, antasida

CTM, dexa



Gliben, Methformin

Antasida, B6

Antasida, Ranitidin


Gliben, antasida, capt

Eritromycin, GG

Gliben, Nadic

CTM, dexa


Amox, CTM, Nadic

CTM, dexa

Anamisin, B1

Dexa, ctn

amoxicline,CTM, GG

Domperidone, antasida
Eritromycin, dexa, ctm,hydrocortison

CTM, asmef, Ranitidin

Minta rujukan

Antasida, pct
ctm, antasida

ctm, inj. Dexa

Captopril, antalgin

CTM, Cefadroxil



Captopril, antalgin

CTM,GG, Antasida

Antasida, domperidone, antalgin

Domperidone, antasida

Asmef, cefadroxil

Nadic, PCT
PCT, Antasida, GG

PCT, Amoxicline, GG, CTM

PCT,,Amoxicline, CTM, GG, B6

Antasida, B6, Bcom


Capt, dexa,GG, Saalbutamol

CTM, Nadic, tetesmata

Antasida, Ranitidin


cotry,ctm, GG

CTM, GG, Amox

Asmef, cefadroxil, diazepam

Cefadroxil, Amoxiclin,ctm

Amoxicline, ambroxol, Salbutamol, BCOM

Nadic, diazepma, cefadroxil, Inj. B12

Nifedifin, antasid, nadic

B.Com, antalgin, nadic

Nifedifin, B6


Antasid, antalgin, B1

Metformin, glibenclamide

Asmef, metronidazole, prednison

CTM,Vit c, Antalgin

antasida, antalgin, B1
amoxicline, GG, CTM, Bcom

pct, B1, Bcom

Antasida, PCT, B6

Kepala Puskesmas Tempilang

dr. Ratnosoppi
NIP.19810316 200804 1 001

1 Mohani 56 Air Lintang Demam,lemas,Susah tidur 130/90 DM Typ II

2 Dani 29 Air Lintang Mata sebelah kiri sakit 90/70 Konjungtivitis

3 Dasikun 57 Tempilang Kaki korengan 100/80 DKI

4 Yurnaini 30 B. Kota Mata kanan sakit, ngilu, tangan kram 100/80 PTRIGIUM

5 Nur 21 SII Kaki gatal, ngilu 100/80 DKA

6 Agus suferi 29 Air Lintang Gatal-gatal, bintik merah 90/70 DKA

7 Sudarali 54 Sangku Pusing, Batuk, dada sakit 90/70 CC

8 13/12/2013 Sri susilawati 55 Tempilang Mual,pusing, badan lemas 130/90 CC

9 M. Sodli 38 KTW SKD 100/70

10 Zaki 9 Air Lintang Panas, pusing CC

11 Rusmini 33 Tempilang Sakit kepala, badan panas dingin, sakit tenggorokan 120/80 Tonsilo faringitis

12 Answen 32 B. Kota Jantung berdebar, sakit kepala 130/100 Dyspepsia

13 Udin 40 Afd, bravo Mual, pusing,nyeri ulu hati 110/70 Dyspepsia

14 Somiah 46 Air Lintang Pusing, tengkuk bert 190/100 HT

15 Santi 28 Tempilang Pusing,nyeri ulu hati 90/60 Dyspepsia

1 Juhiri 45 Sp. Yul Ambilobat susah tidur 120/80 skizo

2 Sagita 18 Penyampak Batuk,pilek 100/80 ISPA

3 Iwan 30 Tempilang Ambill obat sakit perut 110/80 skizo

4 Sumarni 55 B. Kota pilek, batuk, sakit kepala 120.80 Urticaria

5 Solifah 56 Tempilang kaki ngilu 120/80 RA

6 mus mulyadi 41 manau ada benjolan 110/80 Limpoma

7 Jenah 62 B. Kota Pusing, batuk, pilek 130/90 Cephalgia

8 16/12/2013 Ambar 6 Tempilang Batuk, pilek, demam ISPA

9 Irwan 38 Kelumbi Sakit kepala, mual 100/70 Cephalgia

10 Nopriansyah 13 Air Lintang Batuk, pilek, ISPA

11 yani 55 Air Lintang Korengan dikaki 100/80 DKA

12 Supangat 75 Air Lintang Badan panas dingin, sakit pinggang 160/100 RA

13 Ainin 65 Air Lintang Badan pegal, ada bintik dikulit 140/80 OA

14 Siti romlah 40 Tempilang kedinginan, menggigil 140/100 CC

15 Sugeng 71 Tempilang Batuk, pilek 100/80 ISPA

16 Ulandari 67 BB7 Batuk kering ISPA

17 Endang 24 Sika Pusing, demam,menggigil 100/70 Susp typoid

18 Marni 56 B. Kota Kaki bengkak, tengkuk berat 110/80 Myalgia

1 Siti 30 Sp. Yul Mata, mulut bergerak sendiri 90/70 Skizo

2 Rosdiana 33 Tempilang Panas dingin, perut mules, pedih 90/70 Dyspepsia

3 Dedi 34 Tempilang Batuk, sakit ulu hati 110/80 Dyspepsia

4 Ilias 53 Air Lintang Gatal-gatal 130/90 Urticaria

5 Suparni 61 Tempilang Mencret, perut sakit 90/70 ISPA

6 Hartono 34 B. Kota Mencret, badan ngilu 100/80 GE

7 Wairi 53 Penyampak Mata kabur, batuk, mengi 140/90 Katarak

8 Ike mawati 29 Air Lintang Ambil obat, sussah tidur 110/80 Skizo
9 Yanto 27 Tempilang ambil obat, sering melamun 90/70 skizo

10 Saleha 65 Tempilang Dada sakit, sesak nafas, pedih ulu hati 160/110 Dyspepsia

11 Sarmin 54 Tempilang jari sakit, susah digerakkan 150/90 HT

12 Ongki 24 Air Lintang perut pedih 100/70 Susp.ISK

13 Solmah 55 Buyan pinggang, betis sakit, tidak nafsumakan 90/70 OA

14 Sri asnety 50 Tempilang sakit seluruh badan 100/70 RA

15 Zaleha 50 Kekumbi Pusing, badan ngilu 100/80 Myalgia

16 Risa 11 B. Kota SKD 80/60

1 Iskandar 39 B. Kota Pedih ulu hati 100/80 Skizo

2 Samsiah 62 Dam 3 Kaki terasa berat, jantung berdebar 210/120 HT

3 Firma lestari 11 Sangku Panas dingin, pedih ulu hati, pusing Dyspepsia

4 Dinda arista 5.2 Tempilang Batuk, pilek, tenggorokan sakit Tonsilo faringitis

5 Sunarsih 33 Sika Gatal-gatal 110/80 Candidiasis

6 Ahmad basuki 19 S.Surya Panas dingin 80/60 Febris

7 Atina 36 Sangku Sesak nafas,perut pedih, pusing 80/60 Dyspepsia

8 Riana 5 Air Lintang Batuk pilek, gatal-gatal ISPA, Urtikuria

9 20/12/2013 Zelianda 6.5 Air Lintang Kaki dan badan bintik-bintik berisi air Furunkel

10 April 23 s, surya Pusing, perut, mual 110/80 Dyspepsia

11 Ivan 25 Tempilang Pusing, batuk, pilek 110/80 ISPA

12 Lasami 47 s, surya Kaki ngilu, pusing, perut sakit 120/80 Dyspepsia

13 Dola 29 Tempilang Ngilu badan meriang, Korengan 110/80 cc

14 Juharin 40 Air Lintang Batuk, pilek 130/90 cc

15 Hasan 55 Tempilang Badan pegal linu 120/90 RA

16 Tina 30 Tempilang Gatal-gatal seluruh badan 100/80 Urticaria

17 Syamsiah 60 B. Kota Batuk, demampusin 100/70 Febris

18 Juharin 44 Sp. Yul Mata berkunang-kunang 110/80

19 Anisa 24 Bravo Badan panas dingin,pusing 100/70

20 Sudi 80 Tempilang Kaki ngilu, sesak 100/70

1 Reni 50 Tj, Niur Susah tidur 110/80 Skizo

2 amelia 26 Air Lintang Tenggorokan sakit 100/70 Tonsilitis

3 Nurhayati 422 B. Kota Menstruasi terus sedikit 100/80

4 Iwan 30 Tempilang Batuk, pilek 100/80 RA

5 Karimah 35 Air Lintang Pusing 130/70

6 Arianti 8 Nibung Badan berkeringat dingin

7 Yani 50 Air Lintang Kepala sakit, mual 110/80 TTH

8 Sulastri 57 nyikep Pusing, muntah, badan ngilu 100/80 DM Typ II

9 Maini 35 Penyampak Sakit kepala, bdan ngilu 110.80 CC

10 Cika 6 manau Sakit kepala dan perut Tonsilo faringitis

11 Karlop 40 Tempilang Sesak, pusing 140/90 Dyspepsia

12 Hasan 70 Tempilang Perut pedih 160/90 HT, Dyspepsia

13 Abu mansur 61 Tempilang KontrolDM, Lemas 110/80 DM

14 Apriyanti 35 Air Lintang Pusing, hidung sakit 100/70

15 Sumidi 48 Air Lintang Demam, menggigil, mual, pusing 90/70 CC

16 Nurmah 46 Air Lintang Batuk, pilek 150/100 HT

17 Rosiah 58 Air Lintang Pusing, pedih ulu hati 160/100 HT

18 Rohani 59 Air Lintang Kaki sakit, Batuk, pusing 120/90 OA

19 MOR 50 Air Lintang Kaki berat, badan lemas, mudah capek 150/90 HT

20 Asmah 51 Tempilang sesak nafas, mudah capek, mual, perut pedih 150/100 HT

21 Sirop 63 Air Lintang Pusing 90/70 Myalgia

22 Sumarni 40 B. Kota Pusing, menggigil 100/80 DM

23 Dewi 27 Tempilang Muntah, demam, pusing, perut sakit 90/70 Susp typoid

24 Masad 60 sika Pusing, mual, perut pedih 140/90 Dyspepsia

1 Mohammad 74 Tempilang Mengi, batuk, pilek 110/80 Asma bronch

2 Maria 72 B. Kota Badan terasa dingin, mulut pahit 150/100 HT

3 Masnawaah 32 Pancur Sesak nafas, pusing, badan kram 90/70 Dyspepsia

4 Ngadiman 66 Tempilang Seluruh badan kesemutan, ngilu 100/70 DM

5 27/12/2013 krissusanto 50 Tempilang Pusing, berkunang 80/60 Cephalgia

6 supanudin 47 Air Lintang Minta rujukan EPILEPSI

7 Romlah 46 Kp. Panggung Sakit kepala, pilek 100/70 TTH

8 Mariana 54 Tempilang Pusing, mual 100/70 Cephalgia

9 Randa 13 Sangku Korengan seluruh badan, gatal-gatal DKA

10 ayuna 50 Tempilang Batuk,pilek, bersin, sesak nafas 100/80 Asma bronch

11 Mega 35 Tempilang Demam, sakit kepala 100/70 TTH

12 Yani 50 Air Lintang Sakit kepala, mual, pedih ulu hati 100/80 Dyspepsia
13 Aceng 20 B. Kota Batuk, pilek, pusing, sakit tenggorokan 110/80 Tonsilo faringitis
14 Solifah 55 Tempilang Tengkuk berat, kaki sakit, gemetar 1330/90 TTH

15 borgita 41 Parit X Muntah, mencret,pusing 80/60 GE

16 Rusdan 42 Sangku sakit bernafas 110/80 LBP

17 Samsuri 14 s II Korengan dikaki

18 Wati 47 ALFA Pusing, gemetar,ngilu kesemutan 110/80 OE

19 Samsiah 60 Dam 3 Batu, pilek, kaki ngilu 170/100 HT

20 Ahya 60 Sangku Pusing, badan sakit, batuk, tenggorokan gatal 140/90 CC

21 Asni 57 Air Lintang lutut sakir, perut pedih, mual 130/90 Dyspepsia

22 Fahri 6 B. Kota dema, batuk, pilek, badan sakit CC

1 Iwan 30 Tempilang Gemetar, ambil obat 90/70 skizo

2 Yatno 26 Limbung Sakit kepala, pnggang 110/90 Febris

3 Eri 19 Tempilang Batuk, pilek 80/60 ISPA

4 Samikun 45 fanta Sakit kepala, sendi ngilu, perut pedih, mual 130/90 Febris

5 Farhan 33 B. Kota telapak tangan bengkak 100/70 ABSES

6 Alianto 23 Sangku batuk 100/70 ISPA

7 Suryadi 43 B. Kota batuk, pusing 150/90 HT, Cepalgia

8 Roy marbun 53 afd. Golf kepala panas,, gatal 130/90 DKI

9 Sultan 25 afd. Golf gatal dibadan 100/80 DKA

10 Eko 25 Sangku Pusing, badan panas dingin 120/80 Febris

11 Diana 35 Air Lintang Perut terasa penuh, pusing, mual 100/80 Dyspepsia

12 Didin 32 plaik Badan ngilu sakit 110/90 Myalgia

Bulan : Desember 2013


Nadic, OMZ, Gliben

CTM, Nadic

Dexa, Amoxicline


CTM, Dexa, nadic

Betason salf, dexa, ctm

pct, cefadroxil, omz, asmef

rani,antasid, ct


CTM, Vit C, B1, Pct

Cipro,pct, dexa, vit C


Antasid, B6, Ranitidin

Captopril, B1

Antasid,B1, B6




CTM, Antasid, Antalgin, inj dexa


CTM, Amoxicline, ambroxol



Eritromycin, asmef

Nadic, CTM,Vit.C

Nadic,Ciprofloxacin, ctm,dexa

Ranitidin, antalgin
CTM, Amoxicline, vit C


Cefadroxil, PCT, Ranitidin

Nadic, Allupurinol, dexa


PCT,OMZ, Ranitidin

Dexa, Vit C, cefadroxil


Loperamide, antasida



Capt, OMZ

OMZ, Nadic

Cipro,, asmef, furosemide

Nadic, Ranitidin, B1,Inj.B12

Nadic, PCT

B1, aAsmef
CPZ,HPD, THP, Antasid

Nifedifin, Diazepam

Antasid, Ranitidin, pct,B6

Cotry, PCT,CTM, GG, B6

PCT, DEXA, Metro


Amox, CTM, GG, Dexa, vit.C

Amox, Dexa, CTM, Vit C

omz, ctm, antalgin



Ibuprofen, dexa

Amox, pct, GG
Antalgin, B1, B12

CTM, Inj. Dexa, Salicil talk

Pct, Amox, GG,CTM


Dexa, ambroxol

B1, Asmef


Simvastatin, nadic

Nadic, OMZ, Gliben

B1, asmef, B6

Pct, Amox, dexa, ctm

PCT, Dexa, Salbutamol

OMZ, Antasid

dexa, asmef

Asmef, cipro, ctm

Simvastatin, ranitidin


CTM, GG, Nadic

Nadic,domperidone, Captopril

Simvastatin, OMZ, Captopril

B1, b6, Nadic


PCT, CIPRO, OMZ, Diazepam

pct OMZ

salbu, dexa, ctm


Simvastatin, Nadic, OMZ, CTM



DZP, Ibupropen,CTM

Antasida, ranitidin

dexa, ctm, amox

dexa, ctm, salbutamol

pct, dzp

Asmef,DZP, ranitidin
Nadic, simvastatin

Antasid, loperamide

Nadik, dzp, simvastatin


B6, Nadic
Nadic, methformin

pct, antasid, ctm

Allupurinol, pct, B1


pct, ctm, nadic

Pct, ctm, nadic


Amox, PCT, CTM, Antasida, inj B12


Captopril, antasida, ctm, gg

dexa, ctm,cefadroxil

CTM, Dexa, nadic

pct, ctm

Antasida, Ranitidin, pct

Cefadroxil, PCT, CTM

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