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Mata Kuliah:


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NIM : ……………………………


T.A. 2017/2018

Modul Bahasa Inggris Keperawatan II/Prodi Ners/SMBP| 1


Mata kuliah ini menggambarkan tentang kemampuan yang harus dicapai oleh
peserta didik meliputi kemampuan melakukan percakapan dalam bahasa Inggris
pada saat melaksanakan asuhan keperawatan dan mampu membuat laporan
asuhan keperawatan dalam bahasa Inggris. Metode kuliah dengan pendekatan
Student Centre Learning (SCL) dan metode yang bervariasi sesuai pencapaian


Pedoman ketentuan dan tata tertib ini dibuat dengan tujuan untuk:
1. Menjamin terpeliharanya kondisi kelas yang kondusif selama proses
2. Memberikan landasan dan pedoman bagi pemberian sanksi atas
pelanggaran terhadap ketentuan yang telah ditetapkan.
3. Peningkatan kualitas mahasiswa terutama agar mahasiswa dapat
menyelesaikan studinya tanpa halangan atau kendala berarti.

Ketentuan Umum:
1. Mahasiswa wajib dan senantiasa menerapkan dengan penuh kesadaran dan
tanggung jawab akan nilai-nilai inti berbudi luhur yaitu kejujuran dan
konsisten, disiplin, beretika baik, memiliki inisiatif yang tinggi,
keterbukaan dan menghormati hak individu serta menjaga harga diri
sebagai seorang peserta didik.
2. Mahasiswa dituntut untuk aktif dan kreatif dalam proses akademik, dan
memiliki semangat berprestasi untuk meningkatkan potensi diri.

Pelaksanaan Perkuliahan:
1. Pelaksanaan perkuliahan dilakukan pada semester III (ganjil).

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2. Masa perkuliahan dilakukan sebanyak 18 kali pertemuan (45 jam) tatap
muka dan 2 pertemuan untuk Ujian Tengah Semester dan Ujian Akhir
3. Mahasiswa wajib menandatangani daftar hadir pada tiap kegiatan tatap
muka perkuliahan dan wajib menghadiri 75% dari keseluruhan tatap muka
perkuliahan yang dihadiri Fasilitator pengampu mata kuliah. Jika kurang
dari 75% maka Fasilitator berhak untuk tidak mengikutsertakan
mahasiswa yang bersangkutan dalam Ujian Tengah Semester maupun
Ujian Akhir Semester .

Tata Tertib Perkuliahan:

1. Setiap perserta kuliah harus tercantum dalam Daftar Hadir yang disediakan
2. Setiap peserta kuliah harus datang tepat waktu saat perkuliahan, apabila
mahasiswa datang terlambat lebih dari 15 menit sejak waktu perkuliahan
yang telah ditetapkan, maka mahasiswa tersebut boleh masuk ke dalam
kelas setelah mendapat izin dari Fasilitator pengampu mata kuliah.
3. Selama mengikuti perkuliahan mahasiswa wajib berpakaian sopan dan rapi
(tidak diperkenankan mengenakan kaos oblong dan celana jeans) serta
mengenakan sepatu.
4. HP wajib di silent selama mengikuti perkuliahan.
5. Tidak melakukan berbuatan yang tidak sopan kepada Fasilitator ataupun
sesama mahasiswa.
6. Tugas atau presentasi harus dikumpulkan dan dilaksanakan sesuai dengan
batas waktu pengumpulan dan pelaksanaan yang ditetapkan oleh fasilitator
(Fasilitator pengampu). Apabila tugas dan presentasi tidak dikumpulkan
dan dilaksanakan sesuai dengan batas waktu yang ditetapkan fasilitator,
kelompok atau mahasiswa harus mengulang dengan tugas baru.
7. Pelanggaran atas ketentuan atau tata tertib tersebut akan dikenakan sanksi
akademik, diantaranya:
a. Mendapat teguran lisan dari Fasilitator pengampu.
b. Mendapat hukuman berupa Five Minute Creative Show.

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c. Mendapat peringatan tertulis dari yang bersifat lunak sampai keras.
d. Dikeluarkan didalam kelas serta dicatat alpa didalam daftar hadir.

Tata Tertib Ujian:

1. Peserta ujian harus berpakaian seragam hitam putih dan mengenakan
2. Peserta ujian harus berlaku sopan.
3. Peserta ujian yang datang terlambat tidak diberi perpanjangan waktu.
4. Pengawas ujian berhak menolak peserta ujian yang datang terlambat lebih
dari 15 menit.
5. Mahasiswa yang akan mengikuti ujian tulis atau ujian praktikum (skills
lab) harus mengikuti persyaratan minimal kehadiran dalam kegiatan
diskusi tutorial 90%.
6. Ketentuan penilaian berdasarkan peraturan akademik Program Studi Ners
STIKes Mitra Bunda Persada Batam.


Mata kuliah ini memberikan kesempatan kepada mahasiswa untuk mampu

melakukan percakapan dalam bahasa Inggris pada saat melaksanakan asuhan
keperawatan. Selain itu mahasiswa diberi kesempatan untuk mampu membuat
laporan asuhan keperawatan dalam bahasa Inggris. Mahasiswa diberi kesempatan
mempelajari teknik percakapan, presentasi dan praktek melalui simulasi. Proses
pembelajaran meliputi kegiatan belajar yang dilakukan melalui diskusi penugasan,
dan praktikan.


Setelah mengikuti kegiatan pembelajaran pada Mata Kuliah Bahasa Inggris II

mahasiswa mampu:
1. Memperluas kosakata medis dasar.

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2. Menggunakan bahasa Inggris yang tepat dalam berkomunikasi secara efektif
dengan pasien dan keluarga.
3. Memahami percakapan Bahasa Inggris dalam lingkungan profesional saat
melaksanakan pengkajian keperawatan.
4. Memahami percakapan Bahasa Inggris dalam lingkungan profesional saat
melakukan tindakan keperawatan.
5. Memahami tata bahasa Inggris yang digunakan dalam membuat laporan
asuhan keperawatan.

Modul Bahasa Inggris Keperawatan II/Prodi Ners/SMBP| 5


A. Part of Body and Functions

No System
1 The nervous system consists of the central nervous
system (the brain and spinal cord) and the peripheral
nervous system. The brain is the organ of thought,
emotion, memory, and sensory processing, and serves
many aspects of communication and controls various
systems and functions. The special senses consist of
vision, hearing, taste, and smell. The eyes, ears,
tongue, and nose gather information about the body's
2 The musculoskeletal system consists of the human
skeleton (which includes bones, ligaments, tendons,
and cartilage) and attached muscles. It gives the body
basic structure and the ability for movement. In
addition to their structural role, the larger bones in the
body contain bone marrow, the site of production of
blood cells. Also, all bones are major storage sites for
calcium and phosphate. This system can be split up
into the muscular system and the skeletal system.
3 The circulatory system or cardiovascular system
comprises the heart and blood vessels (arteries, veins,
and capillaries). The heart propels the circulation of
the blood, which serves as a "transportation system" to
transfer oxygen, fuel, nutrients, waste products,
immune cells, and signalling molecules (i.e.,
hormones) from one part of the body to another. The
blood consists of fluid that carries cells in the
circulation, including some that move from tissue to
blood vessels and back, as well as the spleen and bone
4 The respiratory system consists of the nose,
nasopharynx, trachea, and lungs. It brings oxygen
from the air and excretes carbon dioxide and water
back into the air.
5 The gastrointestinal system consists of the mouth,
esophagus, stomach, gut (small and large intestines),
and rectum, as well as the liver, pancreas, gallbladder,
and salivary glands. It converts food into small,
nutritional, non-toxic molecules for distribution by the
circulation to all tissues of the body, and excretes the

Modul Bahasa Inggris Keperawatan II/Prodi Ners/SMBP| 6

unused residue. Sometimes also called the digestive
6 The integumentary system consists of the covering of
the body (the skin), including hair and nails as well as
other functionally important structures such as the
sweat glands and sebaceous glands. The skin provides
containment, structure, and protection for other
organs, but it also serves as a major sensory interface
with the outside world.
7 The urinary system consists of the kidneys, ureters,
bladder, and urethra. It removes water from the blood
to produce urine, which carries a variety of waste
molecules and excess ions and water out of the body.
8 The reproductive system consists of the gonads and
the internal and external sex organs. The reproductive
system produces gametes in each sex, a mechanism for
their combination, and a nurturing environment for the
first 9 months of development of the infant.
9 The immune system consists of the white blood cells,
the thymus, lymph nodes and lymph channels, which
are also part of the lymphatic system. The immune
system provides a mechanism for the body to
distinguish its own cells and tissues from alien cells
and substances and to neutralize or destroy the latter
by using specialized proteins such as antibodies,
cytokines, and toll-like receptors, among many others.
10 The main function of the lymphatic system is to
extract, transport and metabolize lymph, the fluid
found in between cells. The lymphatic system is very
similar to the circulatory system in terms of both its
structure and its most basic function (to carry a body
11 The endocrine system consists of the principal
endocrine glands: the pituitary, thyroid, adrenals,
pancreas, parathyroids, and gonads, but nearly all
organs and tissues produce specific endocrine
hormones as well. The endocrine hormones serve as
signals from one body system to another regarding an
enormous array of conditions, and resulting in variety
of changes of function. There is also the exocrine

The human body consists of many interacting systems. Each system

contributes to the maintenance of homeostasis, of itself, other systems, and
the entire body. A system consists of organs, which are functional collections

Modul Bahasa Inggris Keperawatan II/Prodi Ners/SMBP| 7

of tissue. Systems do not work in isolation, and the well-being of the person
depends upon the well-being of all the interacting body systems.

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Modul Bahasa Inggris Keperawatan II/Prodi Ners/SMBP| 9
B. Medical Instruments and Functions
No Medical Instrument Function
1 A thermometer is a device that measures
temperature or temperature gradient using a
variety of different principles. A
thermometer has two important elements:
the temperature sensor (e.g. the bulb on a
mercury thermometer) in which some
physical change occurs with temperature.
2 The stethoscope is an acoustic medical
device for auscultation, or listening to the
internal sounds of an animal or human body.
It is often used to listen to lung and heart
sounds. It is also used to listen to intestines
and blood flow in arteries and veins.
3 A sphygmomanometer or blood pressure
meter (also referred to as a sphygmometer)
is a device used to measure blood pressure,
composed of an inflatable cuff to restrict
blood flow, and a mercury or mechanical
manometer to measure the pressure.

4 Syringes and needles are sterile devices used

to inject solutions into or withdraw
secretions from the body. A syringe is a
calibrated glass or plastic cylinder with a
plunger at one and an opening that attaches
to a needle. The needle is a hollow metal
tube with a pointed tip. A syringe and needle
assembly is used to administer drugs when a
small amount of fluid is to be injected.
5 A wheelchair is a chair with wheels. The
device comes in variations where it is
propelled by motors or by the seated
occupant turning the rear wheels by hand.
Often there are handles behind the seat for
someone else to do the pushing.
Wheelchairs are used by people for whom
walking is difficult or impossible due to
illness, injury, or disability. People who
have difficulty sitting and walking often
need to use a wheelbench.
6 Medical gloves are disposable gloves used
during medical examinations and procedures
that help prevent contamination between
caregivers and patients. There are two main
types of gloves: exam and surgical. Surgical
Surgical Gloves

Modul Bahasa Inggris Keperawatan II/Prodi Ners/SMBP| 10

gloves have more precise sizing with a
better precision and sensitivity and are made
to a higher standard. Exam gloves are
available as either sterile or non-sterile,
while surgical gloves are generally sterile.

Exam gloves
All others.

C. The Names of Disease in The Medical World.

No System
1 The nervous system disorder:
a. Meningitis
b. Encephalitis
c. Mystenia Gravis
d. Stroke
e. Parkinson's disease
f. Alzheimer's
g. Seizures
h. Headache
2 The musculoskeletal system disorder:
a. Osteoporosis
b. Osteomalacia
c. Osteomyelitis
d. Fracture
3 The circulatory system or cardiovascular system disorder:
a. Dysritmia
b. Coronary atherosclerosis
c. Angina pectoris
d. Myocardial infarction
e. Endocarditis
f. Myocarditis
g. Pericarditis
h. Heart Failure (Chronic and Acute)
i. Cardiogenic shock
j. Thromboemboli
k. Pericardial effusion
l. Hypertension
4 The respiratory system disorder:
a. Sinusitis
b. Pharyngitis
c. Epistaxis
d. Atelectasis
e. Pneumonia
f. Tuberculosis
g. Pleural Effusion

Modul Bahasa Inggris Keperawatan II/Prodi Ners/SMBP| 11

5 The gastrointestinal system disorder:
a. Gastritis
b. Diarrhea
c. Acute Appendicitis
d. Peritonitis
e. Appendicitis
6 The integumentary system disorder:
a. Hypo / hyperpigmentation
b. Dermatitis
c. Urticaria
d. Steven Johnson syndrome
e. Leprosy
f. Herpes simplex
g. Combutcio
7 The urinary system disorder:
a. Acute glomerulonephritis
b. Chronic glomerulonephritis
c. Nephrotic syndrome
d. Renal Failure
8 The reproductive system disorder:
a. Sexually transmitted infections
b. Prostate cancer
c. Breast cancer
d. Ovarian cancer
e. Cervical Cancer
f. Impotence
g. Hypogonadism
h. Ectopic pregnancy
9 The immune system disorder:
a. Allergic rhinitis
b. Contact dermatitis
c. Atopic dermatitis,
d. Urticaria
e. HIV and AIDS
f. Systemic lupus erythemathosus
g. Rheumatic arthritis
10 The endocrine system disorder:
a. Hyperthyroid
b. Hypothyroid
c. Diabetes Mellitus
d. Hypoglycemia
11 The haematology system disorder:
a. Anemia
b. Polycythemia
c. Leukemia
d. Thrombocytopenia
e. Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP)
f. Hemophilia

Modul Bahasa Inggris Keperawatan II/Prodi Ners/SMBP| 12

Exercise 1: Label the parts of human body (1-19) using the words in the

Ankle Chest Chin Elbow Fingers Forehead

Heel Hip Knee Navel Neck Palm
Shoulder Sole Thigh Toes Waist Wrist

Modul Bahasa Inggris Keperawatan II/Prodi Ners/SMBP| 13

Exercise 2: Dibawah ini adalah instruksi secara bertahap mengenai cara
menginjeksi insulin secara mandiri. Gunakan perbendaharaan kata di
bawah ini untuk mengisi titik-titik dalam kalimat.

Assemble: Turn upside Depress: Check: Scew into:

menyusun & down: mendorong memeriksa memutar,
mempersiapkan membalik secara hati- memasang
sehingga hati dan
bagian atas memastikan
Pinch: Insert: Dispose Swab: Withdraw:
Mencubit memasukkan of: membersihkan mengambil
membuang dengan
kapas alkohol

No Instruction Vocabulary
1 ........ a needle and syringe of the correct size, making sure
that they both remain aseptic and ........ the needle on to the
2 The needle is ........ through the ruber stopper of the
medication bottle.
3 The prescribed dose of the fluid should be ........ from the
cointainer into the syringe.
4 ........ the bottle and syringe ........ and pull bad on the plunger
to the required dosage of fluid.
5 ........ the skin at the site chosen for the injection.
6 ........ the syringe needs to be ........ for air bubbles.
7 Using the hand you write with, hold the syringe like a pen or
pencil and with the other hand ........ about 2 to 3 inches on
either side of the skin.
8 About 2/3 of the needle is ........ at a 90o angle.
9 ........ the piston of the syringe.
10 Pull the needle out smoothly and quickly and then ........ of it.

Modul Bahasa Inggris Keperawatan II/Prodi Ners/SMBP| 14

Exercise 3: Medical instruments are used for taking blood samples.
Translate the instruments below into good Indonesian

Instruments Answer
A Syringe 2,5 D Perlak/pengalas D
ml/5 ml
B Tourniquet ............. Bengkok
C Tray/Trolley ............. Plester
D Rubber sheet ............. Sarung tangan
E Swab ............. Baki/meja
alcohol/cotton dorong
F Kidney ............. Tabung untuk
dish/receiver darah
G Tape ............. Kapas alkohol
H Vacutainer ............. Stuing
with EDTA
I Sterile glove ............. Spuit

Exercise 4: Buatlah dialog singkat dari ilustrasi instrumen medis dibawah


Instrument Conversation

Modul Bahasa Inggris Keperawatan II/Prodi Ners/SMBP| 15

Exercise 5: Deskripsikan gambar berikut ini beserta fungsinya! Perhatikan
penggunaan This, These, That, and Those pada kata benda
tunggal atau jamak.

No Instruments Description
1 That is a syringe. (to inject liquid)

Modul Bahasa Inggris Keperawatan II/Prodi Ners/SMBP| 16




Exercise 6: Fill in the box based on the definition below. Identify with
disease or disorder goes with its definition.

Cancer Anemia
Anorexia Chiscken pox
AIDS Diabetes
Pneumonia Stroke
Tonsilitis Malaria

Modul Bahasa Inggris Keperawatan II/Prodi Ners/SMBP| 17

No Definition Disease
1 Inflammation or infection of the lungs in which air
sacs fill with pus. It causes chest pain and coughing.
2 A disease in which the pancreas fails to produce
enough insulin.
3 A malignant tumor anywhere in the body is caused
by uncontrolled cell division.
4 A mild but contagious children’s disease, it’s
accompanied by a skin rash.
5 Sudden paralysis (usually on one side of the body)
caused by interruption of blood flow to the brain.
6 From the mental illness in which the person loses the
desire to eat, causing severe weight loss (especially
among adolescent females).
7 A week condition is caused by not enough red blood
cells in the body or by loss of blood.
8 A disease that is caused chills, fever and sweating, it
is transmitted by the bite of the anopheles mosquito.
9 Inflammation of the tonsils, causing sore throat and
10 Severe weakening or destruction of the body’s
immune system by the human immune deficiency


1. Bagi mahasiswa dalam kelompok kecil (5-7 orang)

2. Masing-masing individu akan menghafalkan kosa kata yang terdapat
didalam tabel sesuai dengan waktu yang telah ditentukan.
3. Melengkapi tabel yang kosong sesuai dengan kosa kata yang dihafalkan.
4. Membuat 5 kalimat dari kosa kata yang dihafalkan.
5. Masing-masing individu menyebutkan secara lisan kalimat tersebut kepada
anggota lain
Srategi Pembelajaran: Demonstasi dan SGD..

Modul Bahasa Inggris Keperawatan II/Prodi Ners/SMBP| 18


A. Human Character
1. Hafalkan daftar kosa kata berikut ini secara individu (7 menit)!
No Inggris Indonesia
1 Arrogant/conceited/cold Sombong X humble/modest
2 Absent-minded Linglung
3 Brave Berani (bisa adjective atau verb)
4 Broad-minded Luas pandangan X narrow-minded
5 Cold blooded Tak punya perasaan
6 Cruel Kejam
7 Clever Pandai X stupid/no brains
8 Cowardly Penakut X brave (-afraid = takut.
Aren’t you afraid of him?)
9 Cunning Pandai hal-hal buruk/cerdik
10 Diligent Rajin X lazy
11 Economical Hemat X prodigal
12 Fastidious/particular Rewel
13 Friendly Ramah tamah X unfriendly
14 Genius Sangat pandai
15 Greedy Rakus
16 Intelligent Cerdas
17 Honest Jujur X dishonest
18 Just Adil X unjust
19 Kind Baik hati X unkind
20 Mad/crazy Gila
21 Leery Curiga, sangsi. Leery of = curiga
22 Melodious Merdu, bagai buluh perindu
23 Nervous Gelisah, gugup, takut
24 Overactive Terlalu aktif
25 Patient Sabar X impatient
26 Polite Sopan X impolite/rude
27 Quiet Pendiam X talk active
28 Reliable Dapat dipercaya X unreliable
29 Selfish Egoistic X unselfish
30 Silly Sinting
31 Show off Suka pamer
32 Shy Pemalu X daring, (embarrass =
33 Sport-minded/air-minded Sangat-sangat suka/gemar akan
34 Stubborn Keras kepala
35 Strict Keras X lenient
36 Sweet Manis

Modul Bahasa Inggris Keperawatan II/Prodi Ners/SMBP| 19

- I’ve gotten leery about following his advice.
(Saya agak sangsi untuk mengikuti nasehatnya)
- I’m nervous about staying alone.
(Saya takut untuk tinggal sendiri)
- Ali embarrassed his father in front of many people.
(Ali mempermalukan ayahnya didepan banyak orang)
2. Isilah tabel yang disediakan berikut! Jangan melihat tabel yang sudah
terisi. Jika Anda masih meninggalkan kolom yang belum terisi, gunakan
sebaik-baik waktu yang diberikan untuk menghafalkan ulang.
No Inggris Indonesia
1 Arrogant ..........................................
2 Absent-minded ..........................................
3 .......................................... Berani
4 .......................................... Pandai
5 Diligent ..........................................
6 .......................................... Hemat
7 Friendly ..........................................
8 .......................................... Sangat pandai
9 Intelligent ..........................................
10 Honest ..........................................
11 .......................................... Adil
12 Kind ..........................................
13 Leery ..........................................
14 .......................................... Gelisah/gugup
15 Polite ..........................................
16 .......................................... Sabar

3. Buatlah 5 kalimat dari kosa kata yang Anda hafalkan.

B. Taste
1. Hafalkan daftar kosa kata berikut ini secara individu (3 menit)!
No Inggris Indonesia
1 Sweet Manis
2 Sour Masam
3 Salted (verb/noun)/satish/ Asin
4 Bitter Pahit/getir
5 Hot/spicy Pedas
6 Tasteless Tawar
7 Nice/tasty/delicious Enak
8 Fishy Amis/berikan

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9 Fatty Berlemak
10 Cheesy Beraroma keju
11 Burnt Gosong
12 The soup is too salty Sop itu terlalu asin
13 She salted the fish Ia mengasinkan ikan
14 Salted vegetables Asinan
15 Pickling/salting Pengasinan. Pickle = acar; asinan;
16 Crunchy/crispy Kemripik (Jawa) seperti makan
krupuk. Garing

2. Isilah tabel yang disediakan berikut! Jangan melihat tabel yang sudah
terisi. Jika Anda masih meninggalkan kolom yang belum terisi, gunakan
sebaik-baik waktu yang diberikan untuk menghafalkan ulang.
No Inggris Indonesia
1 .......................................... Manis
2 Sour ..........................................
3 .......................................... Pahit/getir
4 .......................................... Pedas
5 Tasteless ..........................................
6 Nice/tasty/delicious ..........................................
7 .......................................... Amis/berikan
8 .......................................... Berlemak
9 .......................................... Beraroma keju
10 .......................................... Gosong
11 Crunchy/crispy ..........................................
3. Buatlah 5 kalimat dari kosa kata yang Anda hafalkan.
C. Describing People Appearance
1. Hafalkan daftar kosa kata berikut ini secara individu (3 menit)!
No Inggris Indonesia
1 An obese person Kegemukan
2 Beautiful/pretty/sweet/cute/ Cantik/manis/ayu
good looking
3 Charming Menawan hati
4 Graceful Lemah lembut X clumsy/awkward
5 Handsome/good looking Cakep/ganteng X ugly
6 Tall Tinggi X short
7 Thin; lean Kurus X fat
8 Emaciated; scrawny Kurus kering; kerempeng
9 Tough Tegap
10 Skinny Kurus sekali
11 Slim Slender = langsing
12 Plump Sintal; gemuk padat
13 Stout Besar kuat

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14 Stout – hearted Gagah berani
15 He is stout built Badannya besar dan kuat

2. Isilah tabel yang disediakan berikut! Jangan melihat tabel yang sudah
terisi. Jika Anda masih meninggalkan kolom yang belum terisi, gunakan
sebaik-baik waktu yang diberikan untuk menghafalkan ulang.
No Inggris Indonesia
1 .......................................... Cantik/manis/ayu
2 Charming ..........................................
3 Graceful ..........................................
4 .......................................... Cakep/ganteng
5 Thin; lean ..........................................
6 Emaciated; scrawny ..........................................
7 .......................................... Tegap
8 .......................................... Kurus sekali
9 Slim ..........................................
10 Plump ..........................................
11 .......................................... Besar kuat

3. Buatlah 5 kalimat dari kosa kata yang Anda hafalkan.

D. Phacial Condition
1. Temukan arti kata sulit pada tabel dibawah ini!
No Image Condition
1 Straight hair and thin-face

2 Wavy hair and round-faced

3 Curly hair and dark skinned

4 A crew-cut

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5 Bald with freckles

6 Beard and moustache

7 Receding hair and a few wrinkles

- He used to have black hair but now it’s gone grey, almost white.
(Ia dulu mempunyai rambut hitam tetapi sekarang (rambutnya)
menjadi abu-abu, hampir putih)
- What sort of person would you like to go to with? Blonde, fair, dark,
or ginger haired/red haired.
(Orang macam apa yang Anda suka/cocok/berpacaran? Berambut
pirang, putih-pirang, hitam atau merah)
- She has such beautiful auburn hair (red-brown).
(Ia mempunyai rambut merah-coklat yang cantik)
2. Arti kata sulit
No Inggris Indonesia
1 .......................................... ..........................................
2 .......................................... ..........................................
3 .......................................... ..........................................
4 .......................................... ..........................................
5 .......................................... ..........................................
6 .......................................... ..........................................
7 .......................................... ..........................................
8 .......................................... ..........................................
9 .......................................... ..........................................
10 .......................................... ..........................................
11 .......................................... ..........................................
12 .......................................... ..........................................
13 .......................................... ..........................................

3. Buatlah 5 kalimat dari kosa kata yang Anda hafalkan.

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E. Diseases
1. Hafalkan daftar kosa kata berikut ini secara individu (8 menit)!
No Inggris Indonesia
1 Plague Pes
2 Dysentery Desentri
3 Small pox Cacar
4 Chicken pox Cacar air
5 Cancer Kanker
6 Asthma Asma
7 Malaria Malaria
8 Leprosy Kusta
9 Tuberculosis TBC
10 Anemia Kurang darah
11 Appendicitis Usus buntu
12 Inflammation of the lungs Radang paru-paru
13 Concussion of the brain Geger otak
14 Typhoid fever Tipes
15 Diabetes Kencing manis
16 Kidney trouble Gangguan ginjal
17 Jaundice Sakit kuning
18 Framb(o)esia Patek
19 Famine Kelaparan
20 To have a head-ache Pusing kepala
21 To have a tooth-ache Sakit gigi
22 To have a stomach-ache Sakit perut
23 To have sore throat Sakit tenggorokan
24 To have sore eyes Sakit mata
25 To have a sore mouth Sakit mulut
26 To have a cough Sakit batuk
27 To have a cold/to catch a Masuk angin
28 Measles Campak
29 Mumps Gondong
30 Fever Demam
31 Whooping cough Batuk rejan
32 Infectious disease Penyakit menular
33 Heart-troubles Sakit jantung
34 Chest pain Nyeri dada
35 Renal failure Gagal ginjal
36 Diarrh(o)ea Diare
37 Constipation Sulit buang air besar/sembelit

- Babies may get a fit of convulsion.
(Bayi-bayi bisa terserang/terkena sawan)

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- Diarrh(o)ea is the need to pass frequent, loose motions.
(Diare adalah sering buang air besar dan encer)
- His death was due to renal failure.
(Kematiannya disebabkan oleh gagal ginjal)
2. Isilah tabel yang disediakan berikut! Jangan melihat tabel yang sudah
terisi. Jika Anda masih meninggalkan kolom yang belum terisi, gunakan
sebaik-baik waktu yang diberikan untuk menghafalkan ulang.
No Inggris Indonesia
1 .......................................... Pes
2 .......................................... Desentri
3 .......................................... Cacar
4 .......................................... Cacar air
5 .......................................... Kanker
6 .......................................... Asma
7 .......................................... Malaria
8 .......................................... Kusta
9 .......................................... TBC
10 .......................................... Kurang darah
11 .......................................... Usus buntu
12 .......................................... Geger otak
13 .......................................... Tipes
14 .......................................... Kencing manis
15 .......................................... Gangguan ginjal
16 .......................................... Sakit kuning
17 .......................................... Campak
18 .......................................... Gondong
19 .......................................... Demam
20 .......................................... Batuk rejan
21 .......................................... Penyakit menular
22 .......................................... Sakit jantung
23 .......................................... Nyeri dada
24 .......................................... Gagal ginjal
25 .......................................... Diare
26 .......................................... Sulit buang air besar/sembelit

3. Buatlah 5 kalimat dari kosa kata yang Anda hafalkan.

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F. Skin Disease
1. Hafalkan daftar kosa kata berikut ini secara individu (2 menit)!
No Inggris Indonesia
1 Pimples Jerawat
2 Rash Kulit berbintik merah
3 Freckles Bintik-bintik pada muka
4 Boil/ulcer Bisul
5 Itch Gatal
6 Ulceration Koreng
7 Sore Luka; sakit
8 Scab Keropeng (over a sore)
9 Scar Bekas luka; birat; parut
10 Urticaria Ruam (bintil-bintil merah) kulit yang
gatal; biduran
11 Bollosus/bulla/bula Lepuh; gelembung berisi cairan
- Watch out those leaves will make you itchi.
(Awas daun itu akan membuatmu gatal = Awas daun itu gatal)
2. Isilah tabel yang disediakan berikut! Jangan melihat tabel yang sudah
terisi. Jika Anda masih meninggalkan kolom yang belum terisi, gunakan
sebaik-baik waktu yang diberikan untuk menghafalkan ulang.
No Inggris Indonesia
1 .......................................... Jerawat
2 .......................................... Kulit berbintik merah
3 .......................................... Bintik-bintik pada muka
4 .......................................... Bisul
5 .......................................... Gatal
6 .......................................... Koreng
7 .......................................... Luka; sakit
8 .......................................... Keropeng (over a sore)
9 .......................................... Bekas luka; birat; parut
10 .......................................... Ruam (bintil-bintil merah) kulit yang
gatal; biduran
11 .......................................... Lepuh; gelembung berisi cairan

3. Buatlah 5 kalimat dari kosa kata yang Anda hafalkan.

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G. Medical Expert
1. Hafalkan daftar kosa kata berikut ini secara individu (2 menit)!
No Inggris Indonesia
1 Cardiologist Dokter ahli jantung
2 Dermatologist Ahli penyakit kulit
3 Internist Ahli penyakit dalam
4 Obstetrician Dokter ahli kebidanan
5 Ophthalmologist Dokter mata
6 Orthopedist Dokter ahli bedah tulang
7 Pediatrician Dokter anak
8 Psychiatrist Dokter ahli jiwa
9 Surgeon Dokter ahli bedah
10 Hematologist Dokter ahli darah

2. Isilah tabel yang disediakan berikut! Jangan melihat tabel yang sudah
terisi. Jika Anda masih meninggalkan kolom yang belum terisi, gunakan
sebaik-baik waktu yang diberikan untuk menghafalkan ulang.
No Inggris Indonesia
1 .......................................... Dokter ahli jantung
2 .......................................... Ahli penyakit kulit
3 .......................................... Ahli penyakit dalam
4 .......................................... Dokter ahli kebidanan
5 .......................................... Dokter mata
6 .......................................... Dokter ahli bedah tulang
7 .......................................... Dokter anak
8 .......................................... Dokter ahli jiwa
9 .......................................... Dokter ahli bedah
10 .......................................... Dokter ahli darah

3. Buatlah 5 kalimat dari kosa kata yang Anda hafalkan.

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A. Vocabulary
Surgical ward : Bangsal bedah
Medical ward : Bangsal penyakit dalam
Orthopedic ward : Bangsal ortopedi
Gynecological ward : Bangsal penyakit kandungan
Pediatric ward : Bangsal penyakit anak
Dermatological ward : Bangsal penyakit kulit
Long stay ward : Bangsal rawat inap
Intensive care unit : Unit perawatan intensif
X-ray departement : Bagian rontgen
Central sterile supply : Bagian pusat sterilisasi
departement (C.S.S.D)
Dispensary : Apotek
Maternity unit : Unit maternitas/kelahiran
Physiotherapy departement : Bagian fisioterapi
Antenatal clinic : Klinik antenatal
Postnatal clinic : Klinik pasca melahirkan
Psychiatric unit : Bangsal psikiatrik
Admission department : Bagian pendaftaran
Infectious disease unit : Unit penyakit menular
Anesthetic room : Ruang anestetik
Occupational theraphy : Bagian terapi okupasi
Internist : Ahli penyakit dalam
B. Giving Direction
1. Useful Expressions
- Can you show me the way to admission department please?
(Dapatkah Anda menunjukkan jalan ke bagian pendaftaran pasien?)

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- It’s not too far to walk from here. (Tidak terlalu jauh berjalan dari
- Go straight ahead. (Jalanlah lurus)
- Go across this corridor. (Seberangilah koridor ini)
- You can’t miss it. (Anda pasti menemukannya)
- Surgical ward is across the maternity unit. (Bangsal bedah
bersebrangan dengan unit maternitas)
- Excuse me, how I can get to a long-stay ward? (Permisi dimanakah
bangsal rawat inap?)
- Which way must I take to get to orthopedic ward. (Jalan mana yang
harus saya tempuh ke bangsal orthopedi.)

Expression to ask direction:

- Could you tell me the way to ...?
- Can you direct me to ...?
- Please tell me how I can get to ... from here.
- Which way is it to ...?
- Is the way to ...?
- I need deraction to get to ...
- I would like to go to ...

2. Dialogue
A visitor is at Medicia Hospital. He is asking a nurse the way to patient
ward, in Mawar Room. (Visitor = V; Nurse = N)
V : Excuse me, can you show me the way to Mawar Room?
N : Of course, it is only about two minutes’ walk from here. Well, first
go straight ahead and then you arrive at a T junction of this street
then turn left and Mawar Room is at your right side.
V : Where I am now?
N : You are in emergency unit.
V : Thanks a lot for your information.
N : That is all right, have a nice visit.

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3. Vocabulary
Across Di seberang
At the side of Di sini
Intersection Perempatan
Get to Tiba
Up the stair Naik tangga
Through surgical room Lewat ruang bedah
Go along Susuri
T junction Pertigaan
Cebtral hospital Rumah Sakit Pusat
Road/street Jalan raya
Straight a head Lurus
Visitor Pengunjung
Turn left Belok kiri
Turn right Belok kanan
Past the recovery room Lewat ruang pemulihan
Round cafeteria Sekitar kafetaria
Corridor Jalan beratap yang menghubungkan
dua gedung
Drug store Apotek
Take the elevator to second Naik lift ke lantai dua

C. Conversation
Conversation in a ward of a hospital.
A : Do you want me to help you, Ms.?
B : Oh, yes, please get me another blanket, I am cold.
A : O.K. then. Just like this, right?
B : Yes, thank you. Oh, but nurse, please pull the backrest up a little.
A : O.K. do not worry. Em... Do you need another blanket?
B : Oh, no. But emm I want to talk to a doctor. If you do not mind would
you call the doctor for me?
A : of course, fortunately doctor Edward will come here to visit all the
patients in this ward, so, just wait and be patient please, O.K.?
B : All right then, thank you.
A : You are welcome.

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A hospital is an institution for the medical or psychiatric care and
treatment of patients. Patients may be admitted directly to a ward as the
result of an accident or illness. More often they will visit a daytime
clinic as an out patient, referred by a private doctor to see a hospital
aspecialist. .............. 5
A hospital can seem a frightening place, especially to children. It is
possible that adult patients are frightened, especially if admission was
so sudden that they were not prepared for it. Below are the names of
the department that may have to be visited.
Cardiology Problems og the heart. .............. 10
Chemical pathology Analysis of substances found in
samples of blood, urine and faeces.
Dermatology Problems of skin.
Ear, nose, and throat (ENT) Problems of hear, nose, throat and
sinuses. .............. 15
Endocrinology Problems og the endocrine glands,
and hormone.
Gastroenterology Problems of the stomach and
Haematology Diseases of the blood .............. 20
Microbiology Identification of organisms that cause
Nephrology Problems of the kidneys.
Neurology Problems of the brain and nerves.
Neurosurgery Brain and spinal cord surgery. .............. 25
Obstetrics Care of women and babies during
pregnancy, bith and postnatal
Oncology Treatment of cancers.
Opthalmology Problems of the eye. .............. 30
Orthopedics Surgical treatment of bone and joint
Paediatrics All the health problems affecting
Psychiatry Mental illness and emotional .............. 35
Radiology X-ray and their interpretation.
Rheumatology Problems of the joins and
surrounding tissues. .............. 40
Thoracic Surgery Chest and lung surgery.
Urology Problem of the kidneys and urinary
Venereology Venereal disease.

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Temukan arti kata sulit pada bacaan tersebut!
No Kata Sulit Arti
1 .......................................... ..........................................
2 .......................................... ..........................................
3 .......................................... ..........................................
4 .......................................... ..........................................
5 .......................................... ..........................................
6 .......................................... ..........................................
7 .......................................... ..........................................
8 .......................................... ..........................................
9 .......................................... ..........................................
10 .......................................... ..........................................
1 .......................................... ..........................................
2 .......................................... ..........................................
3 .......................................... ..........................................
4 .......................................... ..........................................
5 .......................................... ..........................................
6 .......................................... ..........................................
7 .......................................... ..........................................
8 .......................................... ..........................................
9 .......................................... ..........................................
20 .......................................... ..........................................

Exercise 1: Answer the following questions based on the passage above.

No Question Answer
1 The word ”illness” in line 3 is nearest in meaning to:
a. Disease
b. Accident
c. Cure
d. Sadness
2 The word ”doctor” in line 4 is nearest in meaning to:
a. Physician
b. Dentist
c. Specialict
d. Surgery
3 The cardiology departement is the departement for
a. Problems of the heart
b. Venereal diseases
c. Problems of the eye
d. Treatment of cancers
4 The word ”It” in line 6 refers to:
a. Hospital
b. Ward
c. Departement
d. Patient

Modul Bahasa Inggris Keperawatan II/Prodi Ners/SMBP| 32

5 In line 27, the word ”birth” is closest in meaning to:
a. Post natal
b. Sick
c. Pre natal
d. Delivery
6 All of the following statement are true except...
a. Radiology is the departement for controlling
X-rays and their interpretation.
b. Neurosurgery is the departement for
controlling problems of the brain and spinal
c. Dermatology is the departement for
controlling problems of skin.
d. Oncology is the departement for treatment of
7 The word ”directly” in line 2 is closest in meaning to:
a. Straight
b. Pay attention
c. See
d. Get ready
8 What is the best title for this passage?
a. Departement of a Hospital
b. A Hospital
c. Studying A Hospital
d. A Hospital and The Patients
9 What departement should you go to if your child was
a. Pediatrics
b. Psychiatrics
c. Urology
d. Obstetrics
10 The fact that a hospital can seem a frightening place
is discussed in line
a. 6 – 8
b. 8 – 10
c. 17 – 19
d. 26 – 27

Modul Bahasa Inggris Keperawatan II/Prodi Ners/SMBP| 33


1. Sebelum masuk pada pertemuan ke-4. Mahasiswa telah dibagi dalam

kelompok kecil.
2. Masing-masing kelompok akan membahas satu bangsal di rumah sakit.
3. Tiap anggota kelompok akan berperan sebagai pasien dan perawat di
bangsal rumah sakit.
4. Percakapan di bangsal rumah sakit dibuat dalam bentuk paper.
5. Dipresentasikan didepan kelas pada pertemuan ke-4.
Strategi Pembelajaran: Belajar mandiri, Role play, SGD

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Communicating effectively with patients and families is a cornerstone of

providing quality health care. The manner in which a health care provider
communicates information to a patient can be equally as important as the
information being conveyed. Patients who understand their providers are more
likely to accept their health problems, understand their treatment options, modify
their behavior and adhere to follow-up instructions. If the single most important
criterion by which patients judge us is by the way we interact with them, it stands
to reason that effective communication is at the core of providing patient-centered
care. Patient surveys have demonstrated when communication is lacking, it is
palpably felt and can lead to patients feeling increased anxiety, vulnerability and
Read the texts bellow carefully!
The Patient Perspective:
“On the unit in particular, I don‟t remember being called by my name in the six
days I was there. They asked me what name I would like to be called and I told
them but they didn‟t use it.”
“I felt like I was interrupting them when I asked for help.”
“There was one nurse who was really rude. I had an epidural and I couldn‟t feel
my legs so I got scared, but this other nurse just said, „Relax and enjoy that your
pain is relieved.”
“I was treated badly by a nurse. I would have wanted to complain, but there is no
way to do that. You don‟t want to jeopardize your care. It would be nice if there
was a way to get the message across that this nurse needs some attention for her
“As for the documentation in checking me in, it took them several hours to check
me into my room. But I was okay with that because they told me what was going
on and that ten other patients had come in at the same time, which I totally

Modul Bahasa Inggris Keperawatan II/Prodi Ners/SMBP| 35

understood. When you‟re in a situation like that the communication is what
soothes you. Not knowing scares you more.”
The Staff Perspective:
“The niceness of the nurses really has an impact. The happier they are, the more it
feeds on itself.”
“Having patients know that we want them to ask us questions, and that we are
receptive and responsive to the questions, helps us build stronger relations with
our patients.”
The Leadership Perspective:
“On the one hand, we need to treat [patients] as partners, and as intelligent, and
somebody who we need to engage in a positive way, but we also have to
recognize that the environment that we are placing them in is very foreign to
them, and it is creating feelings of helplessness, fear and anxiety. And we're not
really being responsive to that.” (Patrick Charmel, Griffin Hospital).
“…how do we [communicate to] patients…that they can open up to the front line
caregivers, they can question things, they can ask questions, that they have the
right to expect this type of personalized attention?” (Raymond Troiano, M.D.,
Sentara Virginia Beach General Hospital)

Optimal patient and family communication is about conveying a message

and establishing a connection. As caregivers, our intentions for communication
are rooted in our desire to help, support and provide care. We want to be
understood so that our patients will benefit from our expertise. Continually,
though, we are surprised when feedback from patients indicates that we did not
communicate effectively. The following guidelines developed by Northern
Westchester Hospital can assist caregivers in setting the stage for effective
1. Prepare yourself for the optimal exchange:
 I will give this patient my full attention.
 I will truly listen to what my patient is saying before I respond.
2. Create an environment that enhances a true exchange and connection:
 I will acknowledge the patient by the name they prefer to be called.
 I will introduce myself and will share some information about me.
 I will sit near my patient, rather than stand.
 I will make eye contact with my patient.
 I will be aware of my body language and its subconscious meaning.

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 I will, whenever possible, reassure my patient through the power of
 I will repeat what my patient has asked me to ensure my understanding of
their question.
 I will engage family members present, recognizing their important role in
the care of the patient.
3. Provide information and confirm understanding:
 I will explain what I am saying slowly and in small doses, giving my
patient adequate time to process the information.
 I will gently ask my patient to tell me what they understood.
 I will assist my patients to be true partners in their care by giving them
access to information about their disease process. I will suggest articles,
websites, books, and consumer libraries that might be helpful for further
 I will use technology, as appropriate, to highlight my point.
4. Ask for feedback on your communication style:
 I understand that each person learns differently.
 To make sure we establish an open and clear dialogue, I will ask if the
manner and style in which I am communicating is effective for the
Communicating health care information is difficult. The concepts are
complex and emotional. However, establishing a connection from the onset
enables patients to open up, be somewhat less frightened and concentrate on what
is really important―the information you are providing.
Special care and sensitivity is also in order when communicating with a
patient or family member who has a complaint about their care. The Cleveland
Clinic uses the acronym H.E.A.R.T. to describe how staff members are expected
to respond to patient and family complaints and/or concerns:
Hear the Story
Respond to the problem

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Thank them.
To keep this important approach to handling sometimes difficult
conversations top of mind, the hospital provided staff members with a badge,
reminding them to “Respond with H.E.A.R.T.”

1. Communication Standards
In healthcare, where fears and anxieties are high, it is important to use phrases
that are easily understood and convey our dedication to providing the highest
quality healthcare.
2. Establish A Connection
When we break down communication barriers with our patients and families,
we create an environment of open dialogue and trust. By adopting the
following effective communication strategies, you will see the positive
impact on patient satisfaction levels and the increased partnership that
manifests between patient and caregiver.
3. Five Important Key Points In Delivering High Patient Satisfaction
Patient Satisfaction Requires: C.P.R.
C: Compassionate Communication
P: Patient Information/Pain Management
R: Response
C.P.R Requires Consistent Delivery Of The Following:
a. Communicate to the patient who you are, what you do and who are the
members of the team.
b. Inform the patient daily what their plan is for the day and set expectations
– write on the whiteboard.
c. Inform the patient and family if they have any questions, concerns to call
– you are here to help.
d. Encourage the patient to communicate how we are doing in managing
their pain – their comfort is vital.
e. Include the patient – tell them what you are doing in the room, even the
simple things like adjusting IV’s or taking a vital sign. The more you

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communicate about what you are doing, the more comfortable they will
be with asking questions.
Step 1: Establish rapport You have
Good Morning, Mr. Smith, I am Susan your nurse today. I communicated:
have received report from Carol your night nurse and she told Who you are,
me you had trouble sleeping during the night. I also spoke your expertise,
with your physician this morning, so let’s go over what is your
planned for today. Please feel free to ask me questions. I have commitment to
been a nurse on the surgical unit for 12 years, so I am keeping patients
confident I can answer most questions, and if not, I will find informed
out the answer for you. It is important for you to be informed
about your plan of care. Today, you will be going down to
Radiology for an MRI. My best estimate for when this will
happen is mid morning. But, I will speak with Radiology to
confirm a time. Have you had an MRI before?
Step 2. Introduce other staff the patient may encounter You have
Another important staff member on our team is Andrea. She is communicated:
your nursing tech. Andrea is wonderful and assists me with We work as a
your care. I just want to make sure you know are names; so to team to care for
help you remember, I will write them down on the white you
Step 3: Reinforce our commitment to being responsive to You have
patient needs communicated:
It is very important to us that we do our very best to make you We are
as comfortable as we can during your stay. I will be coming in responsive to
periodically to assess how you are doing and to check if you your pain and
are experiencing any pain. Please tell me how I can best any other needs
manage your pain. Please call me if your level of discomfort you may have.
increases. We want to be responsive to your level of pain and
manage it effectively for you.
Step 4: Set expectations and offer encouragement You have
Mr. Smith, you are doing very well, considering it only 8 communicated:
hours since you came from surgery. I am going to check on Immediate next
my patient next door now. I will be back in to see you in about steps in the plan
one hour. As I said before, Andrea your tech will come in next of care and
to help you freshen up and the physical therapist will be in when you will
shortly after that. Please call if you need anything. Before, I be back.
go, is there anything else I can do or answer for you?

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Step 5: Communicate reasons for delays You have
Mr. Smith, I know I told you this morning that your MRI communicated:
would happen mid morning. I just received word from The reason for
Radiology, that there will be a delay. We had an emergency the delay, that
situation and the MRI machine is needed. Radiology assured you care about
me you are next on the list. This means you will have your them and your
MRI around 1pm. I have arranged for your lunch tray to be appreciation for
delivered to you when you come back from MRI. Mr. Smith, I their patience.
apologize and I thank you for your patience and

Helpful Patient Comfort/Communication Strategies

1) Conduct an environmental assessment (e.g. Can the patient reach the
telephone, tissue, trash can, TV controls, food tray, water)
2) Ensure each patient is covered and comfortable
3) Tell the patient that you round routinely to check comfort levels
4) Ask the patient if there was anything else you can do for them prior to leaving
the room
5) Tell the patient when you will be returning
6) Tell the patient when you are going off shift and the name of the nurse who
will be relieving you. When possible, bring the relieving nurse into the room
and introduce the nurse to the patient.

1) Acknowledge – Acknowledge the patient by name. Make eye contact, smile

remember the power of touch.
2) Introduce – Introduce yourself, share with the patient a little bit about
3) Duration – Give an accurate time expectation for tests, physician arrival and
tray delivery, etc.
4) Explanation – Explain step by step what will happen, answer questions and
how you can be reached.
5) Thank – Thank the patient for coming to us. Thank the family for assistance
and being there to support the patient.
Important Key Phrases

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- No, or I can’t What I can do is….
- I don’t Know I’ll find out for you.
- That’s not my job I’ll get someone to help you.
- Your right, this stinks I understand your concerns.
- That’s not my fault Let’s see what we can do about
- We’re short staffed Tell me how I can help you.
- Calm down I am sorry you feel…
- I’m busy right now I’ll be with you in just a moment.
- I’ll tell you how to go there I’ll take you were you need to go.
- I can’t release any information to As I am sure you understand,
you patient privacy is very important.
Let me check with the patient first.

Text 1: This is a conversation that takes place late at night on a hospital wards.
The patient is going to have an operation in the morning and speak to a

What Will Tomorrow Bring?

Mrs. “I don’t want to make a big song and dance about this, nurse,
Brown: but I’m absolutely parched. Do you think I could have
something to wet my whistle?”
Nurse: “Let’s have a look at your notes. Oh, I’m sorry, Barbara. ‘Nil
by mouth’ is what it says here. You’re in theatre in the
Mrs. Brown: “My lips are all dry and cracked. Listen to me! Sound like a
Nurse: “I tell you what, I’ll give you something to swill round in your
mouth. Don’t swallow through.”
Mrs. Brown: “Thanks.”
Nurse: “Here you go. That’s it, just enough to keep your mouth moist.
Spit into this. Good. How’s that? Any better?”
Mrs. Brown: “Thanks nurse.”
Nurse: “Can’t you sleep?”
Mrs. Brown: “No. Too bloody nervous. Excuse my French.”
Nurse: “There’s nothing to worry about, Barbara. The surgeon’s very
good, you know. He’s done loads of these. He can do them
blindfold. Really, you’ll be fine. It’ll be over in a jiffy and
you’ll be in and out like a dose of salts.”

Modul Bahasa Inggris Keperawatan II/Prodi Ners/SMBP| 41

Mrs. Brown: “All right.”
Nurse: “You met him yesterday, didn’t you? The surgeon?”
Mrs. Brown: “The tall man? Bow tie. Bald as a coot he is. That one?”
Nurse: “That’s him.”
Mrs. Brown: “Nice chap. Nice hands. I remember his spotless hands. He
called me his ‘pet’. Wasn’t that nice?”
Nurse: “Yes. So you can trust him to do a good job.”
Mrs. Brown: “Right but ……….”
Nurse: “But’ what?”
Mrs. Brown: “People die, don’t they? I mean, they can die under the knife.
I’m a bit frightened. I don’t mind admitting it. But I suppose if
it’s my time to go, it’s my time to go.”
Nurse: “Well yes, I suppose so. There is always a risk, but I’ve got a
good feeling about this one. About you. And my intuition’s
never wrong. Never.”
Mrs. Brown: “Do you think so? I hope you’re right, but you know, I’ve got a
dodgy feeling about it. It’s just a feeling, but you know……”
Nurse: “Everything’ll be fine. You just see. We’ve all got our fingers
crossed for you, but you won’t need it everything’ll be right as
rain. Tomorrow night you’ll sleep like a log and on Thursday
we’ll look back on this and have a good old laugh about it, you
and me. OK?”

- Song and dance: banyak cincong, mengoceh.
- To wet (my) whistle: adakah sesuatu yang dapat
- Moist: agak basah, lembab.
- French: kata sumpah.
- In a jiffity: sangat cepat.
- Like a dose of salts: sangat cepat.
- Coot: sejenis burung kecil berwarna hitam dengan
paruh putih. “As bald as a coot” merupakan
ungkapan yang lazim.
- Spotless: sangat bersih, tidak bernoda.
- Dodgy: tidak cukup baik.

Exercise 1: Di bawah ini beberapa pertanyaan tentang percakapan yang Anda

baca di atas. Pilihlah jawaban yang tepat dari a, b, dan c.

No Question Answer
1 What does the nurse refuse to give Barbara?
a. A drink
b. Something to eat
c. A sedative to help her sleep

Modul Bahasa Inggris Keperawatan II/Prodi Ners/SMBP| 42

2 The nurse gives Barbara something for her dry mouth but
what does she tell her to do?
a. Gargle
b. Drink slowly
c. Rinse the mouth
3 When the patient refers to her “time to go” she is talking
a. The time of the operation
b. Dying
c. How long she must wait
4 The nurse tells Mrs Brown that the surgeon is:
a. Experienced
b. Meticulous
c. Well qualified
5 What is happening if you are “under the knife”?
a. You are dead
b. You are being attacked
c. You are undergoing surgery
6 When the nurse says she has a “good feeling” she means:
a. She is feeling happy
b. She is feeling positive
c. She is feeling well


1. Mendiskusikan tentang komunikasi efektif dengan pasien dan keluarga

2. Merangkum dalam paper.
3. Sebelum masuk pada pertemuan ke-6. Mahasiswa telah dibagi dalam
kelompok kecil.
4. Masing-masing kelompok akan membuat suatu percakapan antara pasien
dan perawat yang bersifat komunikasi efektif
5. Tiap anggota kelompok akan berperan sebagai pasien dan perawat.
6. Percakapan dibuat dalam bentuk paper.
7. Dipresentasikan didepan kelas pada pertemuan ke-6.
Strategi Pembelajaran: Kuliah pakar, Belajar mandiri, Role play,

Modul Bahasa Inggris Keperawatan II/Prodi Ners/SMBP| 43


A. Useful expressions:
1. Receiver
- Good morning, St. Marry Hospital, can I help you?
- Good afternoon, Dr. Wilson clinic, may I help you?
- This is operating theater, with Susan, is there something I can do for
2. Caller
- Hello, is this St. Marry Hospital?
- Hello, is this 4305227.
- Hi! Alan, this is Shinta, how are you?

Modul Bahasa Inggris Keperawatan II/Prodi Ners/SMBP| 44

B. When you want to talk or speak with someone, you can use these
expressions in order to build up your vocabularies.
- Hello, I would to talk with dr. Abraham, may I?
- Hi! I am going to speak to nurse Shinta, can I?
- I’d like to speak to dr. Dill, please?
- Could you give a quick word with nurse Rosa, please?
- Hello, this is Dan North from Pediatric, I’d like a word with Dr.
Betty if it possible.
- Can you transfer me to dr. Wilson’s room, please?
- Could you ringer me to nurse Hanna, please?
C. When the person who want to talk with is not in the office, you can use
these expressions to help you in increase your vocabularies.
- Oh, I am sorry, dr. Wilson is not in the office right now, would you
leave a message for him, please?
- I’m sorry, dr. Dill is in the meeting at the moment, would like to call
him back in few minutes, please?
- Well, nurse Hanna is examining a patient now, I’ll tell her to call you
back soon.
- I’m sorry. Mr. Black, just went out ten minutes age.
- I’m afraid he can’t talk to you because he is operating a patient at the
- Well, nurse Shinta has already gone, it’s better for you to call her
again tomorrow.
D. When you want to transfer the caller, you can use these expressions.
- Okay Mr. Tony, I will transfer your telephone to his extention but just
in case you get cut off, his extention is 344.
- Well Mr. Black, I ringer you to his extention now.
- Well Mr. Brian, his extention is 345, I’ll try to connect you there.
E. Conversation
May I Speak to Dr. Frank, Please?

Modul Bahasa Inggris Keperawatan II/Prodi Ners/SMBP| 45

Nurse Caroline in Dr. Frank’s clinic is receiving phone call from nurse
Carol: Good morning, Dr. Frank’s clinic, with nurse Caroline, may
I help you?
Shinta: Hello, I would like to have a quick word with Dr. Frank, can
Carol: Of course you can, but if you don’t mind telling me with
whom I speak to?
Shinta: This is Shinta. I am a nurse from ARNEZA Hospital.
Carol: Is that S H I N T I A
Shinta: No, It’s S H I N T A.
Carol: Well nurse Shinta, from what departement are you?
Shinta: I am from emergency dept.
Carol: Okay nurse Shinta, I ringer you to his room but just in case
if you get cut off, his extention is 543, okay.
Shinta: 543, okay. Thanks.
Then the nurse Caroline rings her to Dr. Frank’s room but nobody
answer the thelephone.
Carol: Hello nurse Shinta, I just called Dr. Frank’s room but
nobody gets the telephone, may be he is not in the office at
the moment, would you like to leave a message?
Shinta: Yes, please tell him that there is a patient with compound
fracture at Tibia and Fibula in this hospital.
Carol: Okay, “there is a patient with compound fracture at Tibia
and Fibula in ARNEZA hospital.”
Shinta: Yes, you right.
Carol: Okay, I’ll try to call Dr. Frank and give the message to him
Shinta: By the way, do you have the cellular phone number of Dr.
Carol: I think so. Just a moment, here it is, 0816661768.
Shinta: ‘0816661768’ okay, I will call him now but if you meet Dr.
Frank, please tell him to contact me at 9899456 in this
Carol: ‘9899456’ yes nurse Shinta, I’ll give Dr. Frank the message.
Shinta: Thank you. Goodbye.
Carol: Goodbye.


Date : August 11. 2014
To : Dr. Frank
From : Ns. Shinta (Arneza Hosp)
Phone : 9899456

There is a Bahasa
Modul patient Inggris
with compound fracture,
Keperawatan please
II/Prodi call her 46
at Arneza Hospital.
Exercise 1: Buatlah percakan singkat berdasarkan informasi yang ada
pada kotak di bawah ini.


Date : August 23. 2014
To : Ns. Tina (Emergency Room)
From : Ns. Shelly (Surgical Room)
Phone : 7120358

Ward to book a bed for Ms. Jane Johnson with


1. Mendiskusikan tentang Receiving and Making Calls

2. Merangkum dalam paper.
3. Sebelum masuk pada pertemuan ke-8. Mahasiswa telah dibagi dalam
kelompok kecil.
4. Masing-masing kelompok akan membuat sebuah percakan tentang
Receiving and Making Calls.
5. Tiap anggota kelompok akan berperan sebagai pasien dan perawat atau
tenaga kesehatan lain.
6. Percakapan dibuat dalam bentuk paper.
7. Dipresentasikan didepan kelas pada pertemuan ke-8.
Strategi Pembelajaran: Kuliah pakar, Belajar mandiri, Role play,

Modul Bahasa Inggris Keperawatan II/Prodi Ners/SMBP| 47


A. Introduction (Perkenalan)
John : Eni, this is my friend Yulie.
Eni : How do you do?
Yulie : How do you do? I’m pleased (glad) to know you. (It is nice to
know you)
Eni : I’m sorry, what is your surename? (Surename = nama keluarga)
Yulie : Robins, my complete name is Yulie Robins.

Modul Bahasa Inggris Keperawatan II/Prodi Ners/SMBP| 48

Eni : Thanks, and my complete name is Eni Hastuti. My surename is
Hartanto. It is the name of my father. I am Javanese. Javanese
have never called their surename.
Yulie : Oh, thank’s a lot.
B. Greeting (Salam)
A : Good morning (afternoon, evening)
B : Good morning (afternoon, evening)
A : How are you?
B : Very well, thank you, and you?
A : Fine, thank you.
C. Leave Making (Pamitan – Minta Diri)
A : Well I must be off now.
B : O.K. I’ll see you to the front veranda.
A : Good bye.
B : Good bye. I’ll see you later. (Take care)
A : O.K.
D. Shall I…? (Untuk Menawarkan Jasa)
A : Shall I open the door?
: Shall I buy some rolls of bandage for you?
: Shall I clean the white board?
B : Yes, please. /(Well, it is not necessary. Yhank you anyway)
E. May I…? (Minta Izin)
May I talk to you for moment?
May I visit your mother? (She is ill)
May I wash my hands?
May I clean the room?
F. Polite Request (Would/Could)
Polite request explain the meaning of polite and request. Request
means to ask for something. Polite is the opposite of rude. Note that would
and could as polite request, may refer to now, every day or tomorrow. By
adding please to these request you can make them even more polite,
especially with example 3 : “Would you open the door?” Is rather direct and

Modul Bahasa Inggris Keperawatan II/Prodi Ners/SMBP| 49

needs please to make it more polite. Note that after would you mind we use a
gerund (verb + ING).
1. Could you explain this to me (please)? (now) Sure
Of course
2. Would you mind picking me up at 8:30 a.m.? Not at all
3. Would you correct my homework (please) tomorrow? Yes, of course
4. Could you give me a call this evening? (please) OK
Answer to The Above
Certainly – Sure – OK – Of course – Not at all.
There are many other indirect ways of making a polite request; e.g.
you can make a statement about your own wishes. The following are listed
roughly in order of least to most polite:
1. I wouldn’t mind a drink, if you have one.
2. Would you mind starting over again?
3. I wonder if you could put me on your mailing list, please.
4. Would you be good/kind enough to let me know? (more formal)
5. I would be (extremely) grateful if you would telephone me this
6. I wonder if you’d mind writing a reference for me.
These sentences are typical of (polite, spoken) English. In formal
letters useful formulae are:
1. I would be very grateful if you would …
2. I would appreciate it if you could …
3. Would you kindly …
Patient in hospital is ussually anxious and fearful. It is important that
hospital staff put them at their ease by being polite and pleasant. The
expression above teach you polite form in English. Be careful about the way
your voice rises and falls when you say these sentences.

Modul Bahasa Inggris Keperawatan II/Prodi Ners/SMBP| 50

Command Come in
Request Would you come in, please!

1. Hold your head up (tengadahkan kepala)

2. Take deep breath (tarik napas panjang)
3. Touch your ankle (sentuh pergelangan kaki)
4. Fist your fingers (kepalkan jari)
5. Put on your shirt (kenakan baju)
6. Lower down your truser (turunkan celana Anda)
7. Take your trouser off (lepaskan celana)
8. Keep your mouth open (tetap buka mulut)
9. Keep your eyes shut (tutup mata)
10. Extend your hand (rentangkan tangan)
Command Come in
Request Would you come in, please!

1. Take the breath in (tarik napas dalam)

2. Take your breath out (hembuskan napas)
3. Shake your head (gerakkan kepala)
4. On the knee down (berlutut)
5. Put your body upside down (tengkurap)
6. Slight over (bergeser)
7. Scoot over (bergeser)
8. Fold your knees (lipat lutut)
9. Hold your breath (tahan napas)
10. Fold your elbow (lipat siku)
11. Lay onto your tummy (tengkurap)
G. Do you mind + verb + ing …? (Berkeberatankah Saudara …?)
A : Do you mind cleaning the children ward?
B : Not at all.
H. Do you mind me + verb + ing …?
(Berkeberatankah Saudara, kalau saya …?)
A : Do you mind me cleaning the children ward?

Modul Bahasa Inggris Keperawatan II/Prodi Ners/SMBP| 51

B : Not at all.
I. Would you be so kind as to …? (Veru formal request)
Dear sir,
I’m interested in “Understanding Speaking Nursing” by the Academy of
MidwiferyYogyakarta, so would you be so kind as to send me the book? I
shall be very thankful.
Sincerely yours,
J. Would you like to …? (Mengajak/Mengundang)
A : Would you like to go the KFC restaurant tonight?
B : Yes/Of course.Sure, I’d like to.
C : I’d like to, but I’m sorry I can’t. Some other time.
K. Menawarkan Makanan dan Minuman
A : Would you like to have some tea?
B : Yes, please./No, thank you.
A : What would you like to have, tea, coffee, aqua water, or lemonade?
B : Tea please.
Would like to = want
 I would like to buy some medicine in a drug store.

L. I’m Sorry
A : I’m sorry for troubling you/I’m sorry to trouble you/ Excuse me for
troubling you.
I’m sorry for disturbing you/I’m sorry to disturb you/ Excuse me for
disturbing you.
B : It’s all right (It’s OK)/It doesn’t matter/Never mind.
I’m sorry juga diucapkan ketika mendengar berita buruk/musibah yang
menimpa sahabat.
A : John is ill, he is suffering from malaria.
B : I am sorry.
M. Visiting a Sick Friend
A : How are you feeling now? Q

Modul Bahasa Inggris Keperawatan II/Prodi Ners/SMBP| 52

If you want to leave you say:
I wish you a speedy recovery/ Wishing you speedy recovery/ I hope you will
be better soon.


1. Mendiskusikan tentang Conversation dimbimbing oleh fasilitator/dosen.

2. Mahasiswa menyiapkan sebuah tongkat.
3. Mahasiswa membaca dan mempelajari materi pada modul.
4. Setelah selesai membaca modul dan mempelajarinya mempersilahkan
mahasiswa untuk menutup bukunya.
5. Fasilitator mengambil tongkat dan memberikan kepada mahasiswa, setelah
itu fasilitator memberikan pertanyaan awal (contohnya: I’m sorry, what is
your surename?) dan siswa yang memegang tongkat tersebut harus
menjawabnya, demikian seterusnya sampai sebagian besar siswa mendapat
bagian untuk berbicara sesuai dengan ungkapan yang telah dipelajari di
dalam topik “Conversations”.
Stategi Pembelajaran: Mini lecture, Talking Stik


1. Sebelum masuk pada pertemuan ke-10. Mahasiswa telah dibagi dalam

kelompok kecil.
2. Masing-masing kelompok akan membuat sebuah percakan untuk:
Introduction, greeting, leave making, polite request, etc.
3. Tiap anggota kelompok akan berperan sebagai pasien dan perawat atau
tenaga kesehatan lain.
4. Percakapan dibuat dalam bentuk paper.
5. Dipresentasikan didepan kelas pada pertemuan ke-10.
Strategi Pembelajaran: Belajar mandiri, Role play, SGD

Modul Bahasa Inggris Keperawatan II/Prodi Ners/SMBP| 53


A. Admitting Patients
A patient coming into a health care institusion may be frightened and
uncomfortable. The patient may or may not be seriously ill or pain, but this is
time when you as a member of the nursing team, are very important to the
patient. Being pleasant and courteous from the time the patient enters the
institution door until he is settled will make the patient’s admission process
easier. In a simple word we know that admission is the administrative process

Modul Bahasa Inggris Keperawatan II/Prodi Ners/SMBP| 54

that covers the period from the time patient enters the institution door to the
time the patient is settled.
A nice, relaxed environment and welcome will create a favorable
first impression of the health care facility for the patient.
Introduce yourself (figure 1). Learn the patient’s name and use it
often. Do not call an adult patient by the first name unless given permission to
do so. Remember that the way you speak and behave will have a lot to do
with the patient’s impression of the institution. Smile and friendly. Do not
appear to be rushed or busy with other things. Do your work quietly and

Figure 1

When admitting a patient to your institution, keep in mind the

purpose for patient’s admission. A patient might be having surgery,
undergoing a procedure, seeking treatment for an ilness, or require long time-
term assistance with living.
Each institution will have its own policies and procedures for
admitting a patient. The nursing team will provide the patient (and the
patient’s family) with general information to help them to become more
familiar with the institution. This information includes a description of the
unit’s usual activities, usual mealtimes, information about any tests or
procedures the patient is to have, and information about the visiting hours of
the unit.
1. Patient Plan of Care

Modul Bahasa Inggris Keperawatan II/Prodi Ners/SMBP| 55

Upon admission or shortly thereafter, an individual patient plan of
care is written by the registered nurse. This plan serves as a course of
action to assist the patient to achieves optimum wellness. Patient plans of
care are one way for the nursing team to communicate. They provide a
structure for assessing, planning, implementating, and evaluating
individualized care.
a. Assesing
Gathering facts to identify needs and problems.
b. Planning
Deciding what to do and how to do it.
c. Implementating
Carrying out or accomplishing a given plan.
d. Evaluating
Determining whether a plan (such as the patient care plan) has been
Example: Mr. James is suffering from severe dehydration. This is his
Patient Care Plan:

Patient: Nursing intervention:

Mr. Robert Jameson At least 3000 ml daily.
08.00 – 16.00 : 1500 ml
Next of kin: 16.00 – 22.00 : 1000 ml
Mr. Leroy Jameson (son) 22.00 – 08.00 : 500 ml
Sit patient well up before giving
Needs/problems: drink.
Dehydration, inadequate fluid Offer drinks hourly (prefer tea/lemon
intake, dry, dehydrated skin. – does not like coffee).
Dry lip, coated tongue. Mouth care 4 – hourly.
Decreased urinary output. Observe & record output. Report
inadequate output.
Objectives/goals: Test urine for specific gravity, report
Adequate hydration. abnormal findings.
Moist lip & tongue. Record bowel actions. Add bran to
Urinary output of at least 2000 cereal. Plenty fruit.
ml per day. Urine concentration
(specific gravity) 1,010 – 1,025.
Daily bowel action.

2. Procedure

Modul Bahasa Inggris Keperawatan II/Prodi Ners/SMBP| 56

a. Preparation
1) Assemble your equipment on the beside table:
a) Admission checklist, if used in your institution
b) Urine specimen container and laboratory requisition slip
c) Institution gown or pajamas (if parts of institutional policy)
d) Clothing list
e) Portable scale
f) Blood preassure cuff and stethoscope
g) Admission pack (contents vary in each health care institution)
h) Thermometer
i) Bedpan and/or urinal, emesis basin, and wash basin (may be in
admission pack in some health care institutions)
2) Wash your hands
3) Fan-fold the bed covers down to the foot of the bed to open the
4) Place the hospital gown or pajamas at the foot of the bed.
5) Put the bedpan, urinal, emesis basin, wash basin, and admission
pack in the proper place in the bedside table drawer or stand.
b. Steps
6) When the patient arrives on the floor, introduce yourself to the
patient and to any visitors. Smile, be friendly. Call the patient by
his name. Offer to shake hands and tell the patient your name and
job title.
7) Escort the patient to his room. The patient may be escorted to the
room by an auxiliary worker. Introduce the patient to any
8) Ask the visitors to leave the room while you finish admitting the
patient, if this is your hospital’s policy.
9) Close the door in a private room, or draw the curtain around the
bed for privacy.

Modul Bahasa Inggris Keperawatan II/Prodi Ners/SMBP| 57

10) Ask the patient to change into the hospital gown or his own
pajamas. If necessary, help the patient get undressed and into the
gown. Weight the patient.
11) Help the patient to get into the bed or allow him to sit in a chair if
he is not ordered on bed rest.
12) Raise the side rails on the bed, if necessary.
13) Complete the admission checklist for your institution.

Modul Bahasa Inggris Keperawatan II/Prodi Ners/SMBP| 58

B. Useful Expression
- Welcome, Mr. Harry.
Selamat datang. Tuan Harry.
- I’ll show you your room, now.
Saya akan menunjukkan ruangan Anda, sekarang.
- I’d like to ask you some questions.
Saya ingin bertanya beberapa pertanyaan.
- Have you ever been in a hospital?
Apakah Anda pernah dirawat di Rumah Sakit?
- When was the last time you were hospitalized?
Kapan Anda terakhir kali dirawat di Rawat Sakit?
- Have you had any operation?
Apakah Anda pernah dioperasi?
- Are you allergic to anything?
Apakah Anda alergi terhadap sesuatu?
- Do you use hearing aid?

Modul Bahasa Inggris Keperawatan II/Prodi Ners/SMBP| 59

Apakah Anda menggunakan alat bantu pendengaran?
- Do you smoke? How many cigarettes in a day?
Apakah Anda merokok? Berapa batang rokok dalam sehari?
- Could you tell me about your illness?
Mohon ceritakan tentang penyakit Anda?
- What medicine have you taken at home?
Obat apa yang telah Anda minum di rumah?
- Do you want a religious service?
Apakah Anda ingin pelayanan spiritual/agama?

Exercise 1: Setelah membaca Rencana Perawatan Pasien Mr. James pada

contoh diatas, tentukan manakah diantara pernyataan berikut
ini yang benar:

No Statement Answer
1 Leroy Jameson is Robert Jameson’s sibling.
2 Mr Jameson is a drinker.
3 Mr. Jameson needs to drink.
4 The specific gravity of Mr. Jameson’s urine
is between 1,010 and 1,025.
5 Anything out of the ordinary should be
6 Mr. Jameson should avoid too much fruit.

Exercise 3: Use these vocabularies to make a short conversation about

patient’s admission

Got : Mendapatkan Send/sent : Mengirim

Fill in : Mengisi Married : Menikah
Daughter : Anak perempuan Born : Lahir
Son : Anak laki-laki Weight : Berat badan
Next of kins : Orang terdekat Height : Tinggi badan
Shrimp : Udang Wait : Menunggu

Modul Bahasa Inggris Keperawatan II/Prodi Ners/SMBP| 60

Admission card : Kartu pendaftaran


1. Membagi kelas menjadi 6 kelompok.

2. Membaca dan membahas wacana yang diberikan.
3. Mengisi formulir penerimaan pasien sesuai dengan kasus yang diberikan.
4. Mempresentasikan hasil kelompok di depan kelas.
Strategi Pembelajaran: Case study, SGD

Case History

The patient is a two-year-old girl – Jacqueline Johnson (her parents

call her ’Jackie’). She was admitted with superficial burns to her left arm,
chest and face. It appears that she pulled down a saucepan of very hot water
from the cooker and scalded herself. On admission her temperature was
recorder as 38.20C.
Her mother brought her in. She told staff that Jackie has started to
speak single words. She is a ’good eather’ who eats and drinks almost
anything, though prefers fruit juice to milk and likes sweets a lot. She is still
in nappies and has bowel movements usually twice a day. She calls both
feaces and urine ’wee wee’. When a nurse removed her nappy, her stools
were slightly discoloured and strong smelling. Her breathing is at a rate of
35/min and pulse rate 128/min.
Jacqueline is an active child though her mother says she cries a lot.
Her favourite toy is a clown called ’Ham’. She loves it when people read to

Gunakan informasi dari kasus di atas untuk melengkapi kolom di



Patient’s name

Modul Bahasa Inggris Keperawatan II/Prodi Ners/SMBP| 61

(Jacqueline Johnson)
Preferred form of adress
Reason for admission
(Superficial burns to L arm, chest & face. Accident in kitchen at home)
Source of information
Base-line: Temp. (38,20C)
Respiration (35/min)
Circulation (128/min)
(Says single words, call urine & stools ”wee wee”. Mother says Jackie ”cries
a lot”)
(Wears nappies. Stools strong smelling & slightly discoloured. Moves bowels
2 x daily)
Work and play
(Active child. Favourite toy clown ”Ham”)
Eating and drinking
(”Good eater”, prefers orange juice to milk)

# 10

Transfer is moving a hospital patient from one room, unit, or facility to

another. During the patient’s stay, a patient may be transferred from one unit or
facility to another. This may be done for several reasons:
1. The patient may have requested a private room, but none was available at the
time of admission.
2. The patient may ask to be transferred from a private room to a semiprivate
3. The patient may be moved to another unit because of a change in the patient’s
medical condition.

Modul Bahasa Inggris Keperawatan II/Prodi Ners/SMBP| 62

The patient may become alarmed if a doctor orders a transfer. In this case,
try to calm the patient. Explain that the change is being made for the patient’s
benefit. Before you help in transferring tha patient, be sure his new unit is ready.

Figure: Transferring a patient Figure: Patient are often transferred or

admitted by gurney or stretcher

Procedure Transferring The Patient:

1. Preparation
a. Assemble your equipment, according to the needs of the patient:
1) Wheelchair
2) Stretcher or the patient’s bed
3) Cart
b. Check to be sure the new unit is ready to receive the patient.
c. Wash your hands.
d. Identify the patient by checking the identification bracelet.
e. Ask visitors to step out the room, if this is your hospital’s policy.
f. Tell the patient you are going to transfer her to her new room.
g. Collect the patient’s personal belongings, petient’s record, and equipment
that are to be moved with her.

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2. Steps
h. Transport the patient to the new unit:
1) The patient can be moved in her own bed from one room to another.
Personal belongings can be placed on the bed and moved with the
patient. Or, if she has many personal articles, you may use a cart to
move them.
2) You may have to transport the patient by stretcher or wheelchair to
her new room. Here you will help patient from stretcher or
wheelchairinto her new bed. In these cases, put the patient’s
belongings and equipment on a cart. Move them after the patient is
settled and safe in the new unit.
i. Follow all safety precautions when wheeling the patient to her new unit.
(Some institutions have a transportation service that does this for you).
j. Give the patient both physical and emotional support. For example, she
may need to be reassured that her family and visitors will be given her
new room number.
k. Introduce the patient to her new roommate.
l. Make the patient comfortable in her new room.
m. Introduce her to the nursing staff who will be caring for her. Hand the
patient’s record to the clerk or nursing caregiver accepting the patient.
n. Arrange the room. Help the patient to put away her personal items or
o. Lowers the bed to a position of safety for the patient.
p. Pull the curtains back to the open position.
q. Raise the side rails where ordered, indicated, and appropriate for patient
r. Place the call light within easy reach of the patient.
3. Follow Up
s. Wash your hands.
t. Reports to the nurse manager or team leader in the new nursing unit that
the patient is now in the new unit. Describe how the patient reacted to the

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u. Return to your own floor.
v. Transport the patient’s belongings on the cart to the new room if a cart is
being used.
w. Strip the bed in the original room on your own floor and take the
equipment that was not transferred to the dirty utility room, or follow the
procedure used in your institution.
x. Wash your hands.
y. Report to your immediate supervisor:
1) That the patient has been transffered to the new unit.
2) The time of the transfer.
3) The patient’s reaction to the transfer.
4) Your observations of anything unusual.

Figure : Nurses are often upon to remain calm in stressful situation

“Nurse Shinta from emergency room is taking over Ms. Jane to Nurse
Rosa in Surgical Ward”
Nurse S: Good morning nurse, I would like to meet nurse Rosa, is she
Nurse R: Yes, I Rosa, you are nurse Shinta from emergency room,
aren’t you?
Nurse S: Yes, I am. I bring Ms. Jane for you.
Nurse R: Good, is this Ms. Jane?
Nurse S: Yes, that’s right.
Nurse R: Let me bring Ms. Jane to her room first.
Then nurse Rosa brings Ms. Jane to her room and moves her onto bed

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gently and carefully. After that nurse Rosa asks student to take vital signs
of her, then she backs to nurse station for taking over Ms. Jane with nurse
Nurse R: Okay, nurse Shinta we can take over now.
Nurse S: Okay.
Nurse R: So, what happened with her?
Nurse S: Well, she was hit by a car yesterday evening, after we
examined her, we found broken bone on her leg.
Nurse R: Did you take X-rays for her?
Nurse S: Yes, we did, on X-rays of her, we found compound fracture at
tibia and fibula.
Nurse R: I see, did you do something to treat her fracture?
Nurse S: We did not manipulate her fracture much, we just gave
temporary treatment.
Nurse R: And what did you do, so far?
Nurse S: As I told you on telephone, we cleaned up the wound, applied
IV solution with Lactate ringer, gave pain killer, closed
monitoring and took blood sample.
Nurse R: Did you write all of them on nursing note?
Nurse S: Yes, I did.
Nurse R: Did Dr. Frank make schedule to operate her?
Nurse S: No, he didn’t make it yet, but Dr. Frank told me that you have
to make close observation for I day.
Nurse R: Then Dr. Frank will make a schedule for her, won’t he?
Nurse S: Absolutely. And these are medicines that Dr. Frank gave for
Nurse R: Thanks and I think that’s enough, if I need more information,
I will call you later
Nurse S: Okay, thanks, good bye.
Nurse R: Good bye.

Exercise 1: Build an instruction the correct way to lift based on the picture.
Make it by your own words.

Exercise 2: Make a short conversation by using the following situations.

1. Identify the patient by checking the identification bracelet.

2. Ask visitors to step out the room.

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3. Tell the patient you are going to transfer her to her new room.
4. Introduce her to the nursing staff who will be caring for her.
5. Introduce the patient to her new roommate.

1. Mahasiswa mempelajari modul, menemukan informasi dan memahami
prosedur pemindahan pasien antar ruangan.
2. Mahasiswa bermain peran sesuai dengan percakapan yang ada dalam
3. Mahasiswa membuat percakan berdasarkan situasi yang dirancang di
dalam modul pembelajaran.
Strategi Pembelajaran: Project based learning (PjBL), role play

# 11

Clear communication providers the foundation for patient assessment

procedures from history taking to explaining assessment findings to the patient.
Being able to communicate effectively – or participate in the exchance of
information – is an essential skill for care providers.
To a great extent, the patient’s satisfaction with nurse is determined
nurse’s ability and willingness to communicate and empathize with patient needs
and expectation. Good communication during the assessment process sets the tone
for quality care and loyal patient.
A. Patient Communication
1. The Impact of Poor Patient Communication
a. Decreases the patient’s confidence and trust in nurse.
b. Deters the patient from revealing important information
c. Leads to the patient not seeking further care.
d. Leads to misunderstandings.
e. Leads to the misinterpretation of advice.

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f. Underlies most patient complains.
2. The Benefits of Good Patient Communication
a. Builds trust between the patient and the health care provider.
b. May make it easier for the patient to disclose information.
c. Enhances patient satisfaction.
d. Allows the patient to participate more fully in health decision making.
e. Helps the patient to make better nurse health decisions.
f. Leads to more realistic patient expectation.
B. Patient – Centered Communication
Effective communication involves patient-centered care – respecting
the patient as a whole, unique individual. A patient-centered approach to
patient care recognizes that there are two experts present during the
interaction between a health care provider and a patient. One expert is the
health care provider, who has clinical knowledge. The second expert is the
patient, who bring the experience, beliefs, and values to the health care
provider treatment planning process. Both have rights and needs, and both
have a role in decision making about care and implementation of treatment.
C. The RESPECT Model
1. Rapport
a. Connect with a patient on a social level
b. See the patient’s point of view
c. Consciously suspend judgment
d. Recognize and avoid making assumptions
2. Empathy
a. Remember that the patient has come to you for help
b. Seek out and understand the patient’s rationale for his or her behaviors
od disease
c. Verbally acknowledge and legitimize the patient’s feelings
3. Support
a. Ask about and understand the barriers to care and compliance
b. Help the patient overcome barriers
c. Involve family members if appropiate

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d. Reassure the patient that you are willing and able to help
4. Partnership
a. Allow the patient to be an equal partner in the decision-making process
b. Stress that you are working together to adress nurse problems
5. Explanations
a. Check often for understanding
b. Use verbal clarification techniques
6. Cultural Competence
a. Respect the patient’s cultural beliefs
b. Understand that the patient’s interaction with you may be defined by
c. Be aware of your cultural biases and preconceptions
7. Trust
a. Recognize that self-disclosure may be difficult for some patients
b. Consciously work to establish trust
D. Skills for Establishing Rapport
1. Get the Appointment off to a Good Start
a. Review the chart before going to greet the patient.
b. Have an open, friendly expression: smile
c. Greet an adult patient by last name and title (Mr., Mrs., Ms., Dr., etc)
d. Introduce your self. Escort the patient to the treatment room
e. Use touch sparingly.
2. Monitor Your Body Language
a. Sit facting the patient at eye level. Make eye contact.
b. Maintain an appropiate distance from the patient
c. Be aware of your own nonverbal behaviors. For example: Use
reassuring gestures, such as noddling your head, to encourage the
patient to keep talking.
d. Be alert for nonverbal clues that indicate that the patient is
uncomfortable or anxious. Some of these are fidgeting, rapid
breathing, shakiness of hands, eyes wandering around the treatment
room, or actual wringing of hands.

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E. Listening Skills
1. General Tips for Attention Listening
a. Pay attention to what is being said.
b. Use facial expression and body language to confirm that you are
listening to what the patient is saying.
c. Be allert to language barriers.
d. Respect each patient as an individual, taking care not to jup to
assumption about the patient.
2. Reflective Listening
Reflection – or repeating something the patient just said – can help the
clinician to obtain more specific information. Reflection is a way of
indicating that you are listening.
a. Repeat a key point of patient’s statement
Patient : I get a sharp pain in this tooth.
Clinician : The pain is sharp.
Patient : Yes, I frequently feel a very sharp pain when chewing
something hard.
b. Offer confirmation that you hear what is being said. An “um-hmm,”
”go on,” or “I see” may be all is required.
3. Empathic Listening
Be aware that patient are often anxious or concerned. Respond to patient
concerns with genuine sympathy and support.
a. Reflect on what you think the patient is feeling.
You seem concerned.
Most patients are anxious before having a root canal.
Flossing is frustating for you.
b. Restate a question or summarize a statement.
You don’t think that these x-rays are needed.
c. Encourage tha patient to talk about concerns rather than dismissing
Are you concerned that x-ray are not safe?
4. Clarify and Confirm Information

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Clarify patient responses to questions. Restate what you heard using your
own words and ask if you interpretation is correct. Use confirmation to
ensure that both the clinician and the patient are on the same track and to
clear up misconceptions.
a. Summarize what you heard the patient say.
Clinician : If I understand you correctly, you said.
b. Clarify information. Ask a question, if you want to clarify the patient’s
Patient : This is too much for me to handle.
Clinician : What is that you cannot handle? (Clinician gives the patient
an opportunity to explain the statement)
c. Rephrase the statement to clarify what the patient is saying.
Patient : I am worried that this is very serious.
Clinician : So, are you worried that you might lose that arm?
F. Questioning Skills
1. General Tips for Gathering Information
a. Use language that is understandable to the patient.
b. Ask one question at a time. Keep questions brief and simple and give
the patient plenty of time to answer.
c. Avoid leading questions.
d. Avoid interrupting the patient.
e. All questions should be asked in a positive way.
2. Use of Closed Questions
Closed questions can be answered with a yes or no a one ot two response
do not provide an opportunity for the patient to elaborate. Closed
questions limit the development of rapport between the clinician and the
patient. Use closed questions primarily to obtain facts and zero in on
specific information. Examples of closed questions include:
- Are you allergic to latex?
- How frequent are your seizures?
- Did you check your blood sugar levels this morning?
3. Use Open-Ended Questions

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Open-ended questions require more than a one-word response and allow
the patient to express ideas, feeling, and opinions. This type of
questioning helps the clinician gather more information than can be
obtained with closed questions. Open-ended questions facilities good
clinician-patient rapport because thay show that the clinician is interested
in what the patient has to say. Examples of such questions include:
- What happens to you if you are exposed to latex?
- What things can trigger your seizuires?
- What were your blood sugar levels this morning?
4. Exploring Details with Open-Ended Questions
Focused, open-ended questions define a content area for response but
pose the question in a manner that cannot be answered in a simple word.
- Please describe the paint that you are feeling.
- Please start from the beginning and tell me how this began and how it
has progressed.
- Do cold temperatures like an ice-cold drink cause the pain.
- Which of your family members have diabetes?
G. Communication Tasks During Patient Assassment
Communication tasks during the patient assessment process include
giving information to the patient, explaining a procedure to the patient,
reassuring the patient, and giving feedback to the patient.
1. Giving Information
Example: We do this to make sure that your temperature, pulse,
respiration, and blood pressure are OK before starting any treatment.
other ways of phrasing this include:
- This is….
- I need to….
- This is important because….
2. Explaining a Procedure
Example: I am going to wrap this cuff around your arm and pump some
air into it so that I can read your blood pressure. Other ways of phrasing
this include:

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- I just want to….
- Now I would like to….
- Now I am going to….
3. Seeking Cooperation from the Patient
Example: Could you roll up your sleever? Other ways of phrasing this
- I would like you to….
- If you would just….
- Would you please….?
4. Offering Encouragement
Example: Yes, that is fine. Other ways of phrasing this include:
- That’s good.
- Well done.
5. Offering Reassurance
Example: Do not worry; you will only feel the pressure of the cuff
around your arm. Other ways of phrasing this include:
- It won’t take long.
- This might feel a bit strange at first.
- You’ve had this done before, haven’t you?
6. Giving Feedback
Example: You reading are quite normal. Other ways of phrasing this
- Everything is OK.
- Your blood pressure is a bit high, so I’ll let Dr. King know what your
readings are.
H. Conversation
Nurse Sinta enters Mr. Robert’s room.
Ns. S = Nurse Sinta Mr. R = Mr. Robert
Ns. S : Excuse me, Mr. Robbert.
Permisi, Tuan Robbert.
Mr. R : Yes, come in please.

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Ya, silahkan masuk.
Ns. S : How are you feeling today?
Bagaimana perasaan Anda hari ini?
Mr. R : Not too well, Nurse. I’m afraid I have a bit of cold.
Tidak begitu sehat. Saya agak flu/pilek.
Ns. S : Ok, Mr. Robbert. I’d like to ask you some questions. Have you ever
been in a hospital?
Baiklah Tuan Robbert. Saya ingin mengajukan beberapa
pertanyaan. Apakah Anda pernah dirawat di rumah sakit?
Mr. R : Yes, I have.
Ya, pernah.
Ns. S : What is your chief complaint?
Apa keluhan utama Anda?
Mr. R : I have a chest pain and I am difficult to breath.
Dada saya nyeri dan saya juga merasa sesak napas.
Ns. S : Let me examine you, please take your dress off, Mr. Robbert.
Biar saya periksa Anda, tolong buka baju Anda Tn. Robbert.


1. Mendiskusikan tentang Communication Skills for Assessment dimbimbing

oleh fasilitator/dosen.
2. Mahasiswa menyiapkan sebuah tongkat.
3. Mahasiswa membaca dan mempelajari materi pada modul.
4. Setelah selesai membaca modul dan mempelajarinya mempersilahkan
mahasiswa untuk menutup bukunya.
5. Fasilitator mengambil tongkat dan memberikan kepada mahasiswa, setelah
itu fasilitator memberikan pertanyaan awal (contohnya: Did you check
your blood sugar levels this morning?) dan siswa yang memegang tongkat
tersebut harus menjawabnya, demikian seterusnya sampai sebagian besar
siswa mendapat bagian untuk berbicara sesuai dengan ungkapan yang
telah dipelajari di dalam topik “Communication Skills for Assessment”.

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Strategi Pembelajaran: Mini lecture, Talking stik

# 12

A. When examining a patient, you should:

1. Explain to the patient what you are going to do in a clear and simple way.
You can start using the following expressions:
- I am going to examine your (throat, skin, neck, chest, belly, etc.)
… so I can find out what’s causing this, what’s going on with you,
- I’d like to…
- What we are going to do today is….
- I will ask you to…
- Are you ready?
- OK?
2. Give your instructions in a clear but polite manner.
GRAMMAR NOTE I: The simple form of a verb is used to give
instructions or make requests.
E.g. Remove your clothes and put on this gown, please.
Please stick your tongue out for me.

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Notice that there is no subject because you (the person being asked to do
something) is obvious.
Use please to make a request more polite. Please can go either at the
beginning or at the end of a sentence.
However, you will make your requests a lot more polite if you use them
with such modals as CAN/COULD/WILL/WOULD.
E.g. Can/Could/Will/Would you stick your tongue out? - is more polite
than – Stick your tongue out.

COULD and WOULD are considered to be more polite than CAN and
Again, the word please makes the request even more polite. The two
possible positions of please in requests are either between you and the verb
or at the end of a sentence.
E.g. Would you please lie down so I can examine your belly?
Can you fold your arms across the chest, please?
It is best to start an examination making the polite requests with modals.
After the first few polite requests, direct instructions with imperatives can
be used.
E.g. Could you please remove your shirt and put on this gown?
Would you lie down on the examination table?
Rest your hands by your side, please.
Please breathe through your mouth and take slow, deep breathes.

Soften these instructions using the modals of polite request CAN,

COULD, WILL or WOULD. Follow the example:
1. Turn your head this way, Could you turn your head this way,
please. please?
2. Open wide, please. Say “Ahh”. Can you open wide, please? Say
3. Take off your shoes and socks, Will you take your shoes and socks,
please. please?
4. Roll up your sleeve for me, Would you roll up your sleeve for
please. me?
5. Tilt your head back a little Could you tilt your head back a
more, please. little more, please?
6. Take off your clothes and put Would you take off your clothes and
on this gown, please. put on this gown?

Now think about when each of these requests is made. Match them with the examination or
procedure they are used for. Follow the example:
Auscultation ………………………
Feet examination ………………………
Nose examination ………………………
Throat examination ………………………
Taking blood pressure ………………………

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Ear examination ………………………

3. Explain to your patient each step of the examination. Encourage him/her

to ask questions about the procedures you are performing. This will help to
alleviate anxiety. Use the following phrases:
- I’m just going to…
- First, I’ll…
- Then I‘ll…
- Now I’m going to…
- You’ll feel…
- That’s it. You did great.

GRAMMAR NOTE II: Such words as first, then, next, after that, finally
are the connecting words that show the order of steps in the procedure or
the order of events in the narrative. Try to use them when you describe
some process. They will make your explanation clear, logical and easy to
follow for your patients or colleagues. Then, next, and after that are
interchangeable; that is, after first and before finally, they can be mixed up
in different orders.

PUNCTUATION NOTE: When describing the order of events in writing,

use comma when first, next, after that and finally come at the beginning
of a sentence. Note that no comma is necessary after then.

Here are the instructions on how to take vital signs. Number them in
the order they should be given from 1 to 5. Then add the connecting words
to each step. The first one is done for you.
…. …. take the patient’s temperature.
…. …. check his or her blood pressure.
…. …. tell the patient to wait the doctor.
1 First, weigh the patient on the scale.
…. …. take his or her pulse and respirations.

4. At the end of an examination, share your findings with the patient:

- Everything looks normal.
- I haven’t found anything to suggest any problems.

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- One possibility is it could be what we call…
- Well, I am fairly certain you’ve got a …
B. Verbs used in instructions given during examinations:
- bend down - raise your leg
- open your mouth - turn on your side
- stand straight/stand up - lie on your side/back, lie
- breath in/out on the bed, lie down
- pull/push as hard as you - roll over/roll on to your
can back/front
- take off your shoes - tilt your head back
- follow my fingertip with - look straight ahead/look at
your eyes something
- stick your tongue out - sit/sit up
- turn your head to the left - relax
- flex your foot

Check the correct word combinations in the table below. Follow the example:

your foot your leg your head your shoulder

Raise x

C. To perform a thorough, complete assessment of a patient, four basic

techniques are used:
Inspection Palpation Auscultation Percussion

Match each technique with its meaning. Write it next to the definition.

a tapping the surface of a body part with a finger ….

b listening to the sounds of organs with a ….
c careful examination of a person ….
d touching with hands and feeling for texture, ….
shape, temperature, moisture, etc.

D. Patient Assessment Record


Modul Bahasa Inggris Keperawatan II/Prodi Ners/SMBP| 78

Name: Whom to contact MEDICAL INFORMATION
Ethel Patridge in emergency:
Parents and Robert Relevant medical history:
Greene Nil
Prefers to be Reason for Medical diagnosis:
addressed as: admission: Diabetic ketoacidosis
Effie Became unscious
after feeling unwell Allergies:
& increasingly Elastoplast
Address: Petient’s Patient’s feelings and
33 Madison Way, understanding of expectations related to present
Lower Stockton admission: illness:
Unconsciousness Unable to assess due to
on admission unconsciousness
Other persons Source of Nurse’s initial impression
important to assessment: (physical and social):
patient: Partner Physically fit, well-adjusted
Robert Greene young woman with lots of
(live in partner) friends
DOB: Family Knowledge/information skills
12.3.75 understanding of needed for continued self-
Telp. : admission: care after discharge:
01765 342189 Understanding 1. Diabetes and how it affect
Doctor: diabetes the body
Dr. Sullivan 2. Insulin therapy and self-
Primary nurse: administration
Jean Bradshaw 3. Factors effecting body’s
need for glocuse

Exercise 1: Manakah di antara pernyataan berikut ini yang benar?

No Statement Answer
A The patient’s nickname is Ethel.
B The patient is not married.
C The patient’s parents would not be able to get to the
hospital in an emergency.
D Jean bradshaw is the head nurse of the hospital.
E The patient was uncommunicative on admission.
F The patient felt sleepy before falling unconscious.
G The hospital got the information for the assessment
from form the patient’s parents.
H The patient is diabetic.
I The patient is diabetic ketoacidosis.
J The patient has diabetes.

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Exercise 2: Bacalah lanjutan dari Fomulir Pengkajian Pasien di bawah ini
dan gunakan informasi yang tersedia untuk melengkapi teks

Base-line function:
Breathing Rate: 32/min Cough: Nil
Circulation Pulse rate: 128/min BP: 90/45 mmHg
Colour Skin: Pink Lips: Pink
(Oral likes, dislikes, food intake appetite) (Type, time regular)
Likes Tea, cofee, wine
Dislikes Milk
Patient is Normal
Teeth Mouth
Own Clean & dry

The patient’s breathing is ………. (on, in, at) a rate of 32 per minute
and she does not ………. (to cough, coughing, have a cough). Her
pulse rate………. (are, to be, is) 128 per minute and her blood
pressure is ………. (ninety times forty-five, ninety over forty-five,
forty-five under ninety). She is ………. (at, in, of) normal body size
and has ………. (owns teeth, all teeth, her own teeth). She likes
most drinks but ………. (dislike, dislikes, has a dislike) of milk.

Read the following case notes on a patient who has had an accident:

The patient is a ten-year-old boy called Paul Marston. The following

information comes from him, his father and the ambulance crew.

History Diagnosis
On his way to school this morning, The patient has suffered a minor
the patient was cycling down hill head injury with a possible PTA
when he lost control of his bicycle. of 15 minutes with laceration.
The front wheel hit the kerb and he
flew over the handlebars. His head PMH (Pre Medication History)
and right shoulder hit the pavement The patient takes no medications
(he was not wearing a helmet) and he and does not suffer from any
was unconscious for about 2 minutes. allergies. He had a pre-school
When the ambulance arrived, he tetanus booster 4 years ago.
was confused but he was sitting up
talking. He walked into the Observation and Examination
ambulance and vomited once on the The examination shows that he is
way to the hospital. The patient’s a fit child, fully alert and
next memory is of being in the orientated. He has a 5-cm ragged,
ambulance (i.e. PTA was approx. 10- transverse laceration across the
15 minute). On admission he left frontal region just bellow the
complained of having a headache all hairline.
over. After vomiting, there was no
nausea and he did not complain of Treatment

Modul Bahasa Inggris Keperawatan II/Prodi Ners/SMBP| 80

pain anywhere else. The wound is cleaned, the edges
He has full movement in both of the wound are trimmed and the
eyes. Both eyes are strong and he has patient’s head receives 6 Ethilon
brisk reflexes. There is no tenderness sutures. His father is advised to
in his neck, no sign of trauma to his give paracetamol and to see
left shoulder and no evidence of any Practice Nurse for the sutures to
injury. Spine and chest are OK and be taken out.
he has no pain in his ribs. The
patient’s abdomen is soft, pelvis is
OK, legs are OK and he walks with a
normal gait.

Exercise 3: Pilihlah jawaban yang tepat untuk setiap pertanyaan-pertanyaan

dibawah ini:

No Question Answer
1 On an assessment form there might be a section called
“Prefers to be addressed as”. This is asking about:
a. The patient’s surname
b. The patient’s home
c. The patient’s nickname
2 On an assessment form, “Family understanding of
admission” asks the question:
a. Does the family understand why the patient is
being admitted?
b. What does the family believe is the reason for
admitting the patient?
c. Is the family in favour of admitting the patient?
3 On an assessment form the “nurse’s initial impression” is:
a. The nurse’s main impression of the patient.
b. The nurse’s opinion about the admission.
c. The nurse’s first thoughts about the patient.
4 According to the text, Paul Marston:
a. Fell over his bicyle.
b. Fell on his bicycle.
c. Fell off his bicycle.
5 When the ambulance came, the patient:
a. Was walking.
b. Was able to walk.
c. Refused to walk.

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6 On admission, the patient:
a. Had head pains.
b. Made a complaint about his head.
c. Head pains all over.
7 The laceration on the patient’s head is:
a. Vertical.
b. Horizontal.
c. Diagonal.

Exercise 4: Lengkapi Formulir Pengkajian Pasien Paul Marston di bawah

ini dengan memilih a, b, atau c untuk setiap poin. Ketika ada
beberapa pilihan jawaban yang mungkin, Anda harus memilih
yang paling tepat.


Patient’s Name: Prefers to be addressed Patient’s
Paul Marston as: understanding of
Paul admission:
Reason for admission: a. Fell of bike, cut on
a. Involved in road accident. head.
b. Lacerated forehead, headache + PTA 2 min. b. Confused about
c. Minor head injury, unconscious approx. 2 min, accident.
Answer: …. c. Feeling sick.
Answer: ….
Family’s understanding of admission:
Injured in accident Medical diagnosis:
a. Lacerated head with
Nurse’s initial impression (physical and social): PTA of poss. 15
a. Patient active, alert, no apparent problems min.
besides injury. b. Injured head. Poss.
b. Patient disorientated but not traumatised. PTA 15 min.
c. Patient active and alert, no signs of any kind of c. Poss. Injury to head
injury. with 15 min PTA.
Answer: …. Answer: ….

Modul Bahasa Inggris Keperawatan II/Prodi Ners/SMBP| 82

# 13

If you're training to be a medical professional, one of the first things you'll

learn is how to take a person's vital signs. Vital signs include finding your
patient's temperature, pulse, breathing and blood pressure. These four signs can
indicate the health of your patient and let you know what needs to be done (if
anything) to help your patient.
A. Instructions
1. Take your patient's temperature
You can take a temperature orally (mouth), rectally (rectum) or auxiliary
(armpit). You can use the same type of thermometer for oral or auxiliary
temperatures but must use a rectal thermometer to take a rectal
temperature. Auxiliary temperatures are about 1 degree lower than oral,
whereas rectal temperatures are 1 degree higher than oral temperatures.
2. Find your patient's pulse

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Take the pulse in the wrist or the neck. Use your index and middle fingers
to find the pulse. Count the number of beats during 60 seconds. Record
the pulses in even numbers. If you get an odd number, go up to the next
even number. Note any abnormalities or if the pulse isn't steady.
3. Count your patient's breaths as you take their pulse
Use the same 60 seconds you used when you took your patient's pulse.
Try not to let your patient know you're counting their breaths since people
tend to change their breathing pattern when observed.
4. Get your patient's blood pressure by using a blood pressure cuff
You can take blood pressure on the upper arm or on the thigh. Wrap the
cuff around the arm and make sure it won't slip. Find your patient's pulse
with a stethoscope. You'll want the pulse on the inside of the elbow below
the blood pressure cuff. Inflate the cuff and listen to the pulse. Stop
inflating the cuff when you stop hearing the patient's pulse. Slowly deflate
the cuff and note the number when you hear the patient's pulse again. This
is the systolic reading. Continue to deflate the cuff until the sound of the
pulse changes to a muffled sound. Note the reading on the gauge for the
diastolic reading.
B. Conversation
Pay attention to the forms the physician is using to give instructions to his
patient. Fill in the blanks with these forms.

Dr. Howell : Well, Ms. Sandler, if I could just examine you. Then we will
talk more about how to deal with your condition. First, I’ll
take your measurements and then I’ll check your vital signs.
Usually it’s my nurse who is doing this, but since I haven’t
seen you for such a long time, you get special treatment
Ms. Sandler : OK.
Dr. Howell : Well, let’s measure your height and weight. Will you please
stand on the scale?
Ms. Sandler : Should I take off my shoes?

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Dr. Howell : Yes, please. So, you weigh 135 pounds and you are 5 feet 3
inches tall. Now I’m going to wash my hands, get a
stethoscope and take your vital signs. Please have a seat on
the exam table. I’ll be right with you. OK. Let’s take your
temperature first. Open your mouth wide so I can put the
thermometer underneath your tongue.
Ms. Sandler : What’s my temperature, doctor?
Dr. Howell : It’s 97.6.
Ms. Sandler : Is that too low?
Dr. Howell : It’s a little on the low side, but it’s within the norm. Next
we’ll check your pulse. Your heart rate is 68 and your
respiration rate is 17. You are doing great so far. I just need
to measure your blood pressure. Please roll up your sleeve for
me. It’s 90 over 60.
Ms. Sandler : I think that one is low, too.
Dr. Howell : Do you ever get lightheaded?
Ms. Sandler : You mean dizzy? No, not really.
Dr. Howell : Then I wouldn’t worry about it. Believe me it’s better to have
the blood pressure low than high.
Ms. Sandler : Now that I think about it, doctor, I do feel a little woozy when
I don’t eat.
Dr. Howell : Do you feel better after you eat?
Ms. Sandler : Yes, it is usually gone 10 minutes after I have a meal. I just
need to eat.
Dr. Howell : Yes, diet is very important to your health, and I that’s
something else I wanted to talk to you about after I’m done
with the examination. Finally, I would like to listen to your
heart and examine your belly. Could you remove your shirt
and put on this gown? In the meantime, I’ll go and get some
literature about depression, you know, some helpful tips on
how to deal with it. I will also bring some pamphlets on
proper nutrition. I’ll be right back.

C. Look at the following examples of written and spoken abbreviations

Written Spoken
T 365
Temp thirty – six five
P 78 Pulse seventy – eight
BP 125/85 BP one twenty – five over eighty – five
RR 18 Resps 18
O2 SATS 97% Sats ninety – seven percent

Exercise 1: Please you choose a few of instructions when you want to


1. Patient’s temperature
2. Patient’s pulse

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3. Patient’s breaths
4. Patient’s blood pressure

Exercise 2: The physician will be recording his patient’s measurements in

the chart that has some abbreviations and symbols. Try to
figure these abbreviations and symbols out by doing this
matching activity:

1 T Foot
2 P Weight
3 R Fahrenheit
4 BP Pulse
5 Ht Respiration
6 Wt Temperature
7 F Height
8 lb Blood pressure
9 ‘ Inch
10 “ Pound

# 14

A. Describing Pain
There are two categories of pain: acute and chronic. Acute pain
subsides as healing takes place and lasts for a short time, usually for less than
3 moths. Acute pain may be sudden or slow in onset and may range from
mild to severe. In other words it may include anything from a pinprick to the
pain of an amputtaion.
Chronic pain is prolonged for 3 moths or longer and ranges from mild
to severe. If it comes back repeatedly, it is called “recurrent”. To describe
levels of pain, hospitals often use a numerical scale e.g. “pain reduce from 7
to 3”.
Routinely screen all patients for pain by asking about the presence of
pain. Pain terminology typically used by the patients to describe the pain such

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as the use of the word “ache”, “hurt” and/or “discomfort” should be assessed
and the term used in the ongoing assessment.
B. The McGill Pain Questionnaire
Describing types of pain can lead to misunderstandings and the
McGill Pain Questionnaire was designed to provide vocabulary so that
patients can communicate more clearly with nurses and doctors. To describe
pain, the McGill Pain Questionnaire uses words like these:
1. Throbbing. This is means beating repeatedly like a drum.
2. Shooting. Meaning rushing, like a bullet.
3. Stabbing. A penetrating pain like a knife being pushed in and taken out.
4. Cramping. A squeezing, contracting, muscular pain.
5. Gnawing. Feels like being eaten.
6. Hot, burning. As if on fire.
7. Aching. A dull, background pain.
8. Heavy. A pain which weighs you down.
9. Splitting. A word often used ti describe headaches – as if your head is
going to break open.
10. Tiring, exhausting. A paint that destroys energy.
11. Sickening. A pain that makes you feel sick.
12. Fearful. A great pain, central and all-consuming.
13. Punishing, cruel. A great pain that feels like torture going on and on
without relief.
C. Assesing Pain
1. Pain Assessment Parameters
Select a systematic pain assessment tool to assess the parameters of pain,
which include:
a. Location and radiation;
b. Onset, duration and timing;
c. Quality and pattern;
d. Precipitating factors (multidimensional);
e. Aggravating or alleviating factors (multidimensional);
f. Patient’s description of current pain and its history;

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g. Intensity and acceptable level of intensity at rest and with movement;
2. Pain Assessment Documentation Tools
Please mark the are of pain on Client surename :
the drawing. If you have more
Given name :
than one pain, label them A, B,
C, etc. Date of birth :
Sex :
Rate your pain on a scale from 0 to 10.

Date: ________________________
Rate your pain on a scale
from 0 – 10 ?
E. At the present time _______/10_______ _______/10______ _______/10______
F. At its worst _______/10_______ _______/10______ _______/10______
G. At it least _______/10_______ _______/10______ _______/10______
H. Person’s acceptable _______/10_______ _______/10______ _______/10______
pain level
Check the words that best  Dull ache  Dull ache  Dull ache
describe the kind of pain  Burning  Burning  Burning
you have. Check as many  Stabbing  Stabbing  Stabbing
words as apply.  Cramping  Cramping  Cramping
 Pins and needles  Pins and needles  Pins and needles
 Throbbing  Throbbing  Throbbing
 Sharp  Sharp  Sharp
 Deep  Deep  Deep
 Surface  Surface  Surface
 Other: __________  Other: ________  Other: ________
Does the pain  Yes  Yes  Yes
radiate/travel anywhere? If yes, where _____ If yes, where ___ If yes, where ___
 No  No  No
How & when did the pain ……………………... …………………… ……………………
begin? ……………………... …………………… ……………………
How often do you have  All the time  All the time  All the time
the pain?  Many times a day  Many times a day  Many times a day
 Once a day  Once a day  Once a day
 Other: __________  Other: ________  Other: ________
How long does the pain  Seconds  Seconds  Seconds
usually last?  Hours  Hours  Hours
 Minutes  Minutes  Minutes
 Constant  Constant  Constant

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What makes the pain  Walking  Walking  Walking
worse?  Dressing changes  Dressing changes  Dressing changes
 Moving  Moving  Moving
 Other (describe):  Other (describe):  Other (describe):
_______________ ______________ ______________
Is your pain worse at a  Morning  Morning  Morning
certain time of day?  Afternoon  Afternoon  Afternoon
When?  Evening  Evening  Evening
 Night  Night  Night
What makes the pain  Heat  Heat  Heat
better?  Cold  Cold  Cold
 Massage  Massage  Massage
 Changing position  Changing  Changing
 TENS, physio, position position
acupuncture  TENS, physio,  TENS, physio,
 Relaxation acupuncture acupuncture
 Distraction  Relaxation  Relaxation
 Lying still  Distraction  Distraction
 Other (describe):  Lying still  Lying still
_______________  Other (describe):  Other (describe):
______________ ______________

Read the following text carefully!

Mr. Morris is 65 years old. He has been admitted to hospital with
lung cancer and widespread metastases.
Mr. Morris is in a lot of pain and cannot concentrate for long
enough to answer many questions. He gramices frequently (makes facial
gestures of pain) and cries. He says things like, “it hurts, please give me
Location. When the nurse asks him where the pain is, he points to
his lower back (site A) and also his right shoulder (site B).
Quality and Intensity. Mr. Morris says that the pain at site A is ‘an
unbearable, gnawing pain’ and gets even worse if he coughs. There is a
‘sharp’ pain in his shoulder (site B) when he coughs.
At the moment, he is taking 90 mg of morphine 4 hourly with 400
mg of ibuprofen 6 hourly.

Dibawah ini adalah bagian dari Formulir Pengkajian Nyeri Mr. Morris.
Patient’s Name: Diagnosis: Intensity – Scale used: 0-
Mr. Morris Lung cancer with 10 (10 = worst pain)
metastases Least pain:

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Worst pain: Site A = 9
Site A = 10 when coughs/site B = B when Site B = 0
coughs Quality:
Location: (patient or nurse mark drawing) A = unberable gnawing
B = sharp
Manner of expressing pain:
Grimaces and cries. Pain is
so bad patient cannot

Exercise 1: Choose the right statement below!

No Statement Answer
1 Mr. Morris’ metastases are localised.
2 He bears the pain silently.
3 The intensity of the pain at site A varies a little.
4 The pain at site A is worse than at site B.
5 He is receiving 90 mg of morphine x 4 every hour.

D. Conversation
Mr. Black has pain on his leg and calls a nurse.
Nurse R: Good afternoon, Mr. Black, is there something that I can do for
Mr. B: Yes, I feel pain, pain on my leg, Nurse.
Nurse R: I see, when did the pain come on and off?
Mr. B: The pain come on when I tried to move my leg.
Nurse R: How long the pain come on?
Mr. B: Its about five to ten minutes.
Nurse R: Okay, Mr. Black, what does the nurse usually do to combat
your pain?
Mr. B: Yes, I was injected pain killer to relieve my pain by nurse Carol
yesterday afternoon.

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Nurse R: Where did her inject that medicine?
Mr. B: On my buttock.
Nurse R: Do you have any else complaint, Sir?
Mr. B: No, just pain on my leg.
Nurse R: Well, Mr. Black, I will call Dr. Frank and tell him about your
Mr. B: That’s good nurse.
Nurse R: And let’s see what he says.
Mr. B: Thanks, Nurse.
Nurse R: Meanwhile we wait the instruction from Dr. Frank, please take
Ponstan 500 mgs to relieve your pain.
Mr. B: Yes, Nurse.
Nurse R: And also I am going to give you oxygen 4 liter/minute then take
your vital signs soon.

E. Case Study
Sekarang bacalah dua riwayat kasus selanjutnya tentang Mr. Thompson dan
Mrs. Smith. Setelah itu, ada beberapa pertanyaan untuk dijawab yang diikuti
oleh formulir Pengkajian Nyeri yang harus dilengkapi.
Mr. Thompson is 45 years old. He had an accident and was admitted
to hospital 2 days ago. In surgery he had a splenectomy and a pin was
inserted into a fracture of his left femur.
Location and quality of pain. Mr. Thompson tells the nurse that is
hurts in two places. Site A is on the left side of his abdomen and he
describes this pain as “deep and aching”. Site B is on his left thigh where
he describes the pain as “sharp and throbbing”.
Intensity. The pain is worst at site A (reaching 10) when he cough.
At site B, the pain is worst (reaching 10) when he tries to change his
position in bed.
At best, the pain in both sites subsides to 6 when he lies perfectly
still. When the pain becomes really bad, Mr. Thompson clenches (grips) the
side-rails of his bed and grimaces.
The plan. The patient is receiving 75 mg of pethidine. We will
evaluate the patient’s response to the pethidine and, if the pain does not
subside, then either increase the dose or use an alternative route.

Exercise 2: Answer these questions below!

No Question Answer
1 About Mr. Thompson. The fracture is in:
a. The femur on his left-hand side
b. The left side of the femur
c. To the left of the femur
2 Location and quality of pain. The pain is:
a. On opposite sides of his body
b. On the same side but in two differemt places

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c. In two different places but alike in quality
3 Intensity of pain. The pain:
a. Varies in intensity
b. Comes and goes
c. Is consistent
4 The plan. If the pain does not decrease the plan is
a. Wait and see
b. Increase the dose of painkullers
c. Send the patient to another place for futher

Exercise 3: Isilah Formulir Pengkajian Nyeri berikut ini!


Patient’s Name: Intensity – Scale used:
Mr. Thompson 0 – 10 (10 = worst pain)
Diagnosis: Worst pain:
Location: (patient or nurse mark Least pain:
drawing) Quality:
Manner of expressing pain:

Mrs. Smith is 62 years old. She has breast cancer with bone
metastases in the right ribs and lumbar spine. She has arthiritis in both her

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knees and her left shoulder.
Location and quality of pain: There are four in sites of pain. Site A
is just below the patient’s ribs on her left hand side. Site B is in the middle
of her lower back.
She describes both A and B as “constant aching pain”. Site C is in
her left knee. Site D is on her left shoulder. She describes both C and D as
“inconsistent and trobbing”.
Intensity: the pain at all the four sites ranges from 3 to 8. At its
worst Mrs. Smith describes the pain as A “gnawing, sickening feeling”.
However, she says she “tries to keep going” and she is “reluctant to bother
the nurses”.
Her medication relieves the pain at sites A and B but any movement
of her arm makes the pain in her ribs worse, as does sitting upright in a
chair. Damp weather makes her shoulders and knees ache more. She falls
asleep easily but wakes every 2 or 3 hours because she “can’t get
Tha plan: to evaluate the patient’s current medication and possibly
add non-steroidal anti-inflamatory medication.

Exercise 4: Answer these questions below!

No Question Answer
1 About Mrs. Smith. The pain from her arthiritis is in:
a. Knee
b. Her two knees
c. Knee and shoulders
2 Quality of pain. The pain at sites C and D:
a. Comes and goes
b. Is constant
c. Is fading off
3 Location of pain. The pain is:
a. Here and there
b. All over
c. Localised to one side of her body

Exercise 3: Isilah Formulir Pengkajian Nyeri berikut ini!


Patient’s Name: Intensity – Scale used:
Mrs. Smith 0 – 10 (10 = worst pain)
Diagnosis: Worst pain:
Breast cancer, bone metastases Least pain:
Location: (patient or nurse mark Quality:

Modul Bahasa Inggris Keperawatan II/Prodi Ners/SMBP| 93

drawing with arrows) Manner of expressing pain:

# 15

Doing the right procedures is very important in nursing activities because

they are dealing with other people’s live knowing how to express the appropriate
steps in nursing activities.
A. Useful Expression
1. First … (Pertama …)
2. Second … (Kedua …)
3. Then … (Kemudian …)
4. Take the … (Ambil …)
5. Insert … (Masukkan …)
6. After that … (Setelah itu …)
7. Move … (Pindahkan …)
8. Sneeze … (Bersin …)

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9. Make it … (Buat jadi …)
10. Pull away … (Tarik …)
11. Press … (Tekan …)
12. Finally … (Akhirnya …)
B. Dialogue
Julie wants nurse Linda to describe how to give an hypodermic injection.
Julie : Suster?
Linda : Yes.
Julie : You said you would test me on hypodermic injection today?
Linda : Oh, yes, come in and let’s see what do you know about it.
Now if I ask you to give an insulin injection, what would you
need on your tray?
Julie : Well, I have to prepare the equipment, they are syringe of one
or two milliliter needles of seventeen or twenty size, and
alcohol swab.
Linda : And where would you get them from?
Julie : C. S. S. D. (Central Sterile Supplied Departement)
Linda : Now show me how you would administer the drug?
Julie : First of all, I’d check the dosage, and then I’d like to check the
cylinder for air, then I’d clean the injection site on upper arm
with alcohol swab.
Linda : And then?
Julie : I would get grasp one inch of skin and fatty tissue between my
thumb and fingers and I’d insert the needle into the skin at a
45 degree angle quickly, like this then I pull back the plunger
to see if the needle of syringe for blood return.
Linda : What will you do if blood return?
Julie : If blood returns, I’d withdraw the needle from the skin, apply
pressure to the site for about 2 minutes prepare new
medication and begin procedure again.
Linda : Good, I hope you can do your job well.

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C. Vocabulary
The following abbreviations are commonly used by doctors when they
prescribe drug:
b.i.d. twice a day dua kali sehari
t.i.d. three times a day tiga kali sehari
q.i.d. four times a day empat kali sehari
p.r.n. when necessary jika diperlukan
2 hrly once every two hours sekali tiap dua jam
a.c. before meals sebelum makan
p.c. after meals setelah makan
p.o. orally (through the mouth) lewat mulut
tab. Tablets Tablet
caps. Capsules Kapsul

There are many other abbreviations, which are commonly used by medical
staff. The following list gives you some example:
TPR temperature, pulse, and suhu, denyut, dan
respiratory pernapasan
BP blood pressure tekanan darah
CNS central nervous system sistem saraf pusat
CVS central venous system sistem vena pusat
RR respiration rate frekuensi pernapasan
BID brought in dead meninggal dalam
RTA road traffic accident kecelakaan lalu lintas
HI head injury cedera kepala
OD Overdose over dosis
Pt Patient pasien
Ep Epileptic epileptik
ChB chronic bronchitis bronhitis kronis
DVT deep vein thrombosis trombosis vena
MI myocardial infarction infark miokard
HPU has passed urine sudah buang air
SWO stomatch washout cuci perut
TOP termination of pregnancy penghentian kehamilan
PV through the vagina lewat vagina

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PR through the rectum lewat rektum
BIB blanket bath handuk mandi
NAD nothing abnormal detected tidak ada abnormalitas
ECG Electrocardiogram elektrokardiogram
EEG Electroencephalogram elektroensefalogram

D. Instrument
Study the following instruments and explain their functions.


E. Grammer Focus

Direct speech menyatakan isi Indirect speech menyatakan
pembicaraan seseorang dengan isi pembicaraan seseorang
mengutip kata-kata tanpa mengutip kata-katanya
sebagaimana yang diucapkan sebagaimana adanya.

Jika: Maka:


Statement: That + Statement:
John said, “I will go to hospital John said (that) he would go
tonight” to hospital that night.
Yes/No Question: Whether/If + Statement:
She asked, “Do you know the She asked whether/if I knew
doctor’s name?” the doctor’s name.
Imperatif: Wh- Statement:
She said to patient, “Sit down!” The teacher asked Jane why
she had mad many mistakes.
(Negative): To infinitive:

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She told me, “don’t speak!” She told the patient to sit
Present Past
Past simple Past perfect
Past perfect Past perfect

- Would, should, had better, might, used to, dan cold di dalam indirect
speech tidak mengalami perubahan.
- Kata penghubung that boleh dihilangkan.

F. Practice
1. These pictures show you how a nurse washes her hand but they are not in
correct order. Now arrange the pictures into a correct order of instruction.

Rinse hand (A) Turn on tap (B) Dry hand (C) Wet hand (D)

Clean finger
Apply soap (E) Apply lotion (F) Wash hand (G)
nails (H)

Repeat wash (I)

2. Build a paragraph based on the pictures above.

G. Case Study
Look at these sentences which describe filling the syringe from a vial, match
each one with the diagram it describes.
- She hold the vial up side down to withdraw the dose.
- She inserts the needle into the vial.
- The nurse cleans the rubber stopper with an alcohol sponge.
- She pushes down the plunger and injects air into the vial.

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- She draws air equal to the prescribed dose into syringe.
First …. At this stage ….

Next …. Finally ….

Then ….

# 16

This unit introduce specific language forms and expressions to a particular

function. In doing her duty a nurse usually gives some advice to the patients. In
that case you should give special attention to a number of problem situation and
suggested language forms which are appropriate to those situations.
A. Useful Expressions
- I’d like to suggest you that … (Saya ingin menyarankan Anda bahwa …)
- Why don’t you … Mr. Brown. (Bagaimana kalau Anda …, Tn. Brown)
- It’s better for you to … (Sebaiknya Anda …)
- My suggestion is … (Saran saya adalah …)
- I think you should … (Saya pikir Anda sebaiknya …)
- I suggest you to … (Saya sarankan Anda untuk …)
- The best way to do is … (Jalan yang terbaik adalah …)
- If you ask my advice, you have to … (Jika Anda minta nasihat saya,
Anda harus …)

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- You should … (Seharusnya Anda …)
B. Dialogue
Mr. Amsor is complaining about his stomachache and Nurse Linda is giving
her advice. (A = Amsor; N = Nurse Linda).
A : I’m afraid my stomachache will be getting worse., nurse.
N : Have you taken your medicine?
A : No, I haven’t. I forgot nurse.
N : Oh! You should take your medicine regularly Mr. Amsor. And I’m sure
you will be better soon.
A : OK, I will do it nurse. Thank you very much.
Doctor met Mr. Sabar and discussed about Mr. Sabar’s wife condition.
Doctor : I’m sorry to tell you that your wife needs an immediate surgery.
Mr. Sabar : Does she need a blood transfusion?
Doctor : Yes, but you have to sign the consent form prior to surgery.
Mr. Sabar : Am I allowed to meet her now?
Doctor : Yes, but don’t stay too long, she has bled a lot and she is too
weak to talk.
Mr. Sabar : What should I do then?
Doctor : You’d better fetch the blood. A nurse will go along with you to
the blood bank.
C. Grammar Focus
Adjective urgency with a that – clause.
Adjective of urgency which can be used to express strong advice, such as
necessary, urgent, essential and advisable.
Study the examples:
1. It is essential that we take good care of our health.
2. It is advisable that they not get overworked.
3. It is important that you not oversleep.
4. It is urgent that Mr. Rahmat exercise everyday.

Exercise 1: Gunakanlah ungkapan dan kosa kata dibawah ini untuk

memberikan saran terhadap pasien dengan kondisi sebagai

Modul Bahasa Inggris Keperawatan II/Prodi Ners/SMBP| 100

Kesehatan Health Sehat Healthy
Penting Important Puskesmas Health center
Makanan bergizi Nutritious food Rumah sakit Hospital
Mengkonsumsi Consume Menyediakan Provide
Sehingga So that Menjaga (kesehatan) Maintain
Asupan gizi Nutrition intake Dengan baik Well
Menjaga Keep Tubuh Body
Kencing manis Diabetes Diare Diarrhea
Kurang darah Anemia Kegemukan Obese
- I’d like to suggest you that … - I suggest you to …
- It’s better for you to … - The best way to do is …
- My suggestion is … - If you ask my advice, you have to …
- I think you should … - You should …

# 16

A. Useful Expressions
- What would you like to eat … Mr. John? (Anda ingin makan apa Tn.
- What would you like to drink? (Anda ingin minum apa?)
- I have coffee, tea and milk. (Saya punya kopi, the dan susu.)
- I’d like to have plain rice. (Saya ingin nasi putih)
- Please do not drink, eat or smoke after midnight. (Mohon jangan minum,
makan atau merokok setelah teng,ah malam)
- You must have an empty stomach tomorrow morning. (Anda harus
mengosongkan perut besok pagi)
- Can I help you? (Dapatkah saya membantu Anda?)
- Let me shave your moustache. (Biar saya cukur kumis Anda)
- Do you want me to comb your hair? (Apakah Anda ingin saya menyisir
rambut Anda)

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B. Patient Expression
- Nurse, I am not comfortable. (Suster, saya merasa tidak nyaman)
- This position is not comfort for me. (Posisinya tidak enak untuk saya)
- Nurse, I can not move my legs. (Suster, saya tidak dapat menggerakkan
kaki saya)
- Please, clean my dental plate. (Mohon bersihkan plat gigi saya)
- Can you do it by yourself? (Dapatkah Anda melakukannya sendiri?)
- Do you like it, … Mr. Arif? (Apakah Anda menyukainya … Tn. Arif?)
- Do you want anything else? (Apakah Anda ingin yang lain?)
- Why don’t you eat madame? (Mengapa Anda tidak makan?)
- Be careful, the soup is hot! (Hati-hati sopnya masih panas!)
- I have no appetite today, nurse. (Saya tidak nafsu makan hari ini, suster)
- I am a vegetarian, please don’t give me meat. (Saya seorang vegetarian,
mohon jangan beri saya daging)
C. Dialogue
Nurse : Did you sleep well last night?
Patient : Yes I did, but now I’m very hungry, nurse?
Nurse : What would you like to eat Madame?
Patient : I’d like to have a hot soup with meat in it.
Nurse : Oh, I am sorry you are not allowed to consume meat.
Patient : Oh that’s OK, just soup with carrot and potatoes. I hope it
would be nice.
Nurse : And what would you like to drink?
Patient : I think it would be nice to drink a glass of avocado juice.
Nurse : OK! Please wait a minute I’ll take it.
Patient : You are very kind, nurse.
Nurse : Thank you.

Exercise 1: Gunakanlah ungkapan dan kosa kata dibawah ini untuk

menawarkan sesuatu kepada pasien.

Sandaran Backrest Selimut Blanket
Sarung bantal Pillowcase Obat Medicine

Modul Bahasa Inggris Keperawatan II/Prodi Ners/SMBP| 102

Kursi roda Wheel chair Mencuci Wash
Membereskan Making the beds Take deep breath Ambil napas
tempat tidur dalam
Menyuap To bribe Menyuntikkan Inject
Dingin sekali Freezing Memasukkan Insert
Hangat Warm Nyeri Pain
- What would you like to … ? - Nurse, I am not comfortable.
- Can I help you? - This position is not comfort for me.
- Let me … - Nurse, I can not …
- Do you want me to … ?
- Can you do it by yourself?
- Do you like it, … ?
- Do you want anything else?

# 17

After the nurse has obtained the health resources and problems of the
patient, she can establish the nursing objectives. The nurse records key elements
of the nursing data base for every patient. Nursing database has been meet
includes these entry guidelines:
1. Health history information, chief complaint (major element of complaint).
2. Physical examination and diagnostic test information (assessment of
rspiration and cardiovascular system).
3. Functional health pattern (sleep, rest).
4. Analysis of data (problem list, need for nursing care, self-care, and patient
5. Summary of patient problems (skin problems, special diet needs).
6. Formulation of nursing diagnosis based on information for database.

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Everyday, the nurse writes a nursing report on the patient’s care. This
report concerns the progress and effect of nursing an the change in the health
status of the patient.
A. Useful Questions
Ask your partner to answer the following questions.
- Could you tell me your complete name? (Dapatkah Anda mengatakan
nama lengkap Anda?)
- What is your chief complaint? (Apa keluhan utama Anda?)
- What’s your religion? (Apakah kepercayaan Anda?)
- Do you smoke? (Apakah Anda merokok?)
- Are you feverish? (Apakah Anda demam?)
- Do you drink alcohol? (Apakah Anda minum alkohol?)
- Have you stopped smoking? (Apakah Anda sudah berhenti merokok?)
- Could you tell me about your family? (Dapatkah Anda menceritakan
tentang keluarga Anda?)
- How many brothers and sisters do you have? (Berapa saudara laki-laki
dan perempuan Anda?)
- Are you married? (Apakah Anda sudah menikah?)
- What is your father’s name? (Siapakah nama ayah Anda?)
- Have you ever suffered from a certain disease? (Apakah Anda pernah
menderita penyakit tertentu?)
- Are you allergic to certain foods? (Apakah Anda alergi terhadap
makanan tertentu?)
- How are you bowel habits? (Bagaimana buang air besar Anda?)
- What about your bladder habits? (Bagaimana buang air kecil Anda?)
- Do you pass water frequently? (Apakah Anda sering berkemih?)
- Are you pregnant? (Apakah Anda sedang hamil?)
B. Vocabulary
Antibiotic Antibiotika (obat untuk infeksi bakteri)
Antifungal Antijamur (obat untuk infeksi jamur)
Antivirus Antivirus (obat untuk infeksi virus)
Antispasmodik Obat untuk mencegah spasme

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Antidiuretik Obat untuk menekan produksi urine
Antidepresant Obat untuk mengatasi depresi
Antipyretic Obat untuk menurunkan suhu tubuh
Antipruritic Obat untuk mengatasi gatal-gatal
Antihelmintic Obat cacing
Bronchodilator Obat yang melonggarkan jalan napas
Cough medicine Obat batuk

C. Problems and Goals

Gurdip Singh is 87. He was admitted unconscious (scoring 6 on the
Glasgow Coma Scale) after a serious fall in which he injured his head. Two
weeks later, he is still unconscious and he is totally dependant for all personal
cleansing and it is necessary to look out for pressure sores and to keep his
skin clean and his hair untangled. There is also a potential problem of
dehydration and weight loss. He is normally 70 kg and he should be kept at
this weight if possible. There is a risk of dehydration and it is important to
maintain the patient’s intake of fluids and keep defecation and urination to
patient’s normal frequency.
Problems Goals
Problem 1:
Danger of pressure sore Keep skin and hair groomed
and clean
Problem 2:
Risk of dehydration Maintain hydration
Return defecation
Urination to normal
Problem 3:
Risk of weight loss Maintain weight at 70 kg

D. Nursing Care Plan

Mrs. Foster went for an operation and when she returned to the ward
at 14.00 she was still recovering from the anaesthetic and there was a
potential problem of respiratory obstruction. Nurses were instructed to make
regular observations of patient’s TPR, to lie the patient in the left lateral
position and to take immediate action if her airway became obstructed. Shock
could result from decreased volume of circulating blood because of

Modul Bahasa Inggris Keperawatan II/Prodi Ners/SMBP| 105

haemorrhage and fluid loss and so it was important to maintain fluid volume.
IVI was in progress when she arrived on the ward. Mrs. Foster was given 500
ml of dextrox 5% until 15.00 and then 500 ml normal saline solution over the
following four hours.
At 17.00, Mrs. Foster woke and said she was “in absolute agony”. The
first dose of Omnopon (15 mg) was given and the patient repositioned to keep
her as free from pain as possible. Mrs. Foster was prescribed 25 mg of
Omnopon every 4 haours.
The patient was helped to sit on a bed-pan at 18.00. She was
experiencing some discomfort from retentionn of urine and when this
repeated an hour later she was catheterised, producing 200 ml of urine.
Time Problems/Needs Nursing Intervention
14.00 Potential respiratory - Regular observation of TPR
obstruction - Lie in left lateral position
- Respond immediately to obstructed
Possible shock - Maintain fluid volume
- IVI 500 ml Dextrose 5% until 15.00
- 500 ml normal saline until 18.00
17.00 Pain ‘absolute agony’ - 1st dose 15 mg Omnopon
- Reposition patient
- Further 25 mg Omnopon x 4 h
18.00 Discomfort from - Bed pan (no urine produced)
retention of urine
19.00 Continued urine - Catheterisation (aim to produce 200
retention ml)


1. Fasilitator/dosen menjelaskan topik tentang “Nursing Documentation”

2. Mahasiswa belajar mandiri membuat dokumentasi asuhan keperawatan
berdasarkan kasus yang diberikan oleh fasilitator.
3. Hasil laporan dibuat dalam bentuk paper (kertas ukuran A4, huruf Times
New Roman 12, margin 3-3-3-3)
Strategi Pembelajaran: Kuliah pakar, Belajar Mandiri

Modul Bahasa Inggris Keperawatan II/Prodi Ners/SMBP| 106

# 18

Create an outline for your presentation. The following questions can help
you organize your speech:
- What is (hypertension)?
- What causes (hypertension)?
- What are the symptoms of (hypertension)?
- Who is more likely to develop (hypertension)?
- How is (hypertension) diagnosed?
- What health problems are associated with (hypertension)?
- How is (hypertension) treated?
- Clarify terms and concepts not readily comprehensible from information
about patient’s medical history.

Modul Bahasa Inggris Keperawatan II/Prodi Ners/SMBP| 107

- Case study: data, analysis of data, nursing diagnosis, nursing
intervention, and nursing evaluation.


1. Membagi kelas menjadi 6 kelompok

2. Fasilitator mambagikan kasus untuk tiap kelompok
3. Kelompok membaca dan membahas kasus yang diberikan
4. Membuat outline presentasi powerpoint berdasarkan kasus yang diperoleh
5. Kelompok mempresentasikan hasil diskusi di depan kelas dengan
manggunakan bahasa inggris.
Strategi Pembajaran: Case study, SGD

Medical History 1:

Mr Hussein is diagnosed as suffering from angina. The following notes

gives information about him and his medical history:

The patient is a 51-year-old, self-employed builder. He is married with

two grown-up children. In 1994 he had a heart attack but fully recovered and
resumed working. However, a couple of years later Mr. Hussein started to
suffer increasingly from attacks of breathlessness – at first only when doing
physical work but later when resting as well.
A month ago he began to get pains in his arms and chest and suffer from
a constant shortness of breath. His GP referred him to hospital for investigation
where he was diagnosed as having unstable angina and refferd to the cardiac
unit where cardiac catheterisation showed major narrowing of his coronary
The result was coronary bypass surgery two days ago to improve the
blood supply to his heart and he is now recovering from the operation. He
accepts the situation and is optimistic and cheerful, but he is anxious about post-
operation progress and concerned about losing his HGV licence as a result of
his illness.

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He has not slept well since coming to hospital. He has nightmares and
usually wakes at 2.00 and dozes on and off until 7.00, then feels tired for most
of the day.
He has sternal wound pain which he describes as “stabbing” and
“burning” – point 5 at best and 8/9 at worst (on a scale of 1-10). There are high
levels of muscular aches and pains all over arms and legs. These pains he
describes as “throbbing” – poin 4 at best and 8 at worst. Lack of sleep increases
his sensitivity to pain.
Blood pressure is in the range of 150/90 – 150/100 mmHg. There is a
potential for post-operative wound infection.

Post-operative wounds are expected to be healed and free from infection
within 6-12 weeks.

Nursing instruction:
The patient should receive analgesia after 22.00 in order to provide
longer relief from discomfort after lights are turned out. He should be given as
many pillows as he wants and noise in the ward should be reduced to a
minimum. He should be allowed time for sleep periods during the day. The
patient should have two showers daily when skin antiseptic should be applied.
Avoid salt in food.


Medical History 2:

Mr. Jameson is suffering from severe dehydration. The following notes

gives information about him and his medical history:

Mr. Jameson is taking in an insufficient quantity of fluid which is

causing his skin to become dry. It is necessary to ensure the patient takes in at
least 3000 ml of fluid every day and nurses must sit the patient upright before
giving him an hourly drink.
The aim is to get Mr. Jameson to produce more than 2000 ml of urine
every day. It is necessary to measure the specific gravity of his urine. Any
abnormalities out of the range 1.010 – 1.025 should be reported.
Keep the patient’s mouth, teeth and dentures clean. Ensure oral hygiene
is done every four hours in order to encourage a flow of saliva to keep the
patient’s oropharyngeal muscles healthy.


Medical History 3:

Modul Bahasa Inggris Keperawatan II/Prodi Ners/SMBP| 109


Mr. Collingwood is suffering from severe acute asthma. The following

notes gives information about him and his medical history:

Mr. John Collingwood is 52 years old. He lives with his wife Mary. He
has had chronic bronchitis since he was 25 and he had pneumonia in childhood.
He smokers 30 cigarettes a day. He has a morning cough and wheeziness as he
breathes and gets a lot of chest infections. He has a high carbohydrate intake
and drinks a lot of beer.
Over the past two weeks, Mr. Collingwood has had two severe asthma
attacks and was admitted to hospital when the third attack did not respon to his
usual treatment. He was diagnosed as severe acute asthma.
On admission the patient had to sit upright in order to be able to breathe
and said he found it difficult to sleep when lying flat. He therefore uses at least
two pillows. The patient is very frightened of dying and needs constant
Patient's complaint is difficulty in breathing and he uses of accessory
muscles in respiratory effort. He is cough every morning. Patient’s respiratory
is tachypnea and Abnormal breath sound (wheezing).



Sistem evaluasi pembelajaran yang akan dilakukan pada Bahasa Inggris II ini
adalah :
Kognitif : Uji tulis, proses tutorial , presentasi, diskusi
Psikomotor : Roleplay, praktikum
Afektif : Kedisiplinan, terlibat aktif, tanggung jawab,dan
mengikuti peraturan

Evaluasi selama satu semester diurutkan berdasarkan:

No Komponen Bobot
1 UTS 25%
2 UAS 30%
3 Penugasan 25%
4 Praktek 20%

Modul Bahasa Inggris Keperawatan II/Prodi Ners/SMBP| 110

Ketentuan penilaian berdasarkan peraturan akademik Program Studi Ners STIKes
Mitra Bunda persada Batam:

Nilai Angka Nilai Mutu Angka Mutu

79-100 A 4.00
68-78 B 3.00
56 – 67 C 2.00
40 – 55 D 1.00
< 40 E 0


Tim pengajar dalam Bahasa Inggris II ini adalah :

Koordinator : ……………………………
Fasilitator : ……………………………

Modul Bahasa Inggris Keperawatan II/Prodi Ners/SMBP| 111

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