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A. Data Pribadi
Nama : Tubagus Djumhana Atmakusuma
Pangkat/Gol. : Pembina Utama Muda I/ IV c
Jabatan : Dokter Pendidik Klinis Madya
NIP. : 195105181976061001
Tempat/Tgl.Lahir : Bogor/ 18 Mei 1951
Agama : Islam
Alamat rumah : Jl. Jatinegara Timur IV/ no.4 Jakarta
Alamat kantor : Divisi Hematologi Onkologi Medik
Departemen Ilmu Penyakit Dalam

B. Riwayat Pendidikan Formal

1963 : Sekolah Dasar di Jakarta
1966 : Sekolah Menengah Pertama di Jakarta
1969 : Sekolah Menengah Atas di Jakarta
1975 : Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia di Jakarta
1988 : S2 (Ahli Penyakit Dalam FKUI) di Jakarta
1996 : Konsultan Hematologi Onkologi Medik
1997 – 2004 : Peserta Program S3 Fak. Pasca Sarjana UI Jakarta

C. Riwayat Kepegawaian
01-10-1976 : Calon Pegawai Dep.Kes (RSCM)
01-10-1978 : Penata Muda/Dokter (Dep.Kes) Pengangkatan Pegawai Negeri
Penata Muda Tk. I/Dokter Depkes Gol. III/b
Penata Gol. III/c
01-10-1988 : Penata Tk. I Gol. III/d
01-10-1992 : Pembina Gol. IV/a
01-10-2001 : Pembina Tk. I Gol. IV/b
01-10-2006 : Pembina Utama Muda Gol. IV c

01-08-2010 : Dokter Pendidik Klinis Madya

D. Riwayat Pekerjaan :
1975 – 1983 : Dokter Umum
1981 – 1988 : Asisten Ahli Penyakit Dalam Fakultas Kedokteran UI Jakarta
1989 – sekarang : Staf Edukatif pada Bagian Ilmu Penyakit Dalam FKUI/RSCM Jakarta
1994 – 2008 : Kepala Instalasi Bank Darah RS Kanker Dharmais
2004 – 2008 : Ketua Komite Medis RS Kanker Dharmais
E. Riwayat Jabatan Struktural
2000 – 2004 : Anggota Koordinator Pelayanan Masyarakat Departemen Ilmu
Penyakit Dalam di RSCM Jakarta
2004 – 2008 : Manajer Operasional Instalasi Koordinator Pelayanan Operasional
Departemen Ilmu Penyakit Dalam di RSCM Jakarta
2008 – sekarang : Ketua Divisi Hematologi – Onkologi Medik Departemen Ilmu
Penyakit Dalam FKUI - RSCM

F. Riwayat Jabatan Fungsional di lingkungan FKUI/UI

1976 : Dokter Asisten (Calon Pegawai Negri)
1978 : Dokter Departemen Kesehatan (Pegawai Negri)
1992 : Dokter Pembina
2001 : Dokter pembina Tingkat 1
2006 : Dokter Pendidik Klinis Madya

G. Keanggotaan dalam Organisasi ProfesiNasional :

 Anggota IDI (Ikatan Dokter Indonesia)
 Anggota PAPDI (Persatuan Ahli Penyakit Dalam Indonesia)
 Ketua Umum Perhimpunan Hematologi dan Tranfusi Darah Indonesia (PHTDI)
 Sekertaris Umum Perhimpunan Thrombosis Hemostasis Indonesia (PTHI)
 Ketua Hubungan Antar Organisasi, Perhimpunan Mikologi Kedokteran Manusia
dan Hewan Indonesia (PMKI) – Pusat


 Anggota, International Society of Haematology (ISH)

Anggota International Hemastasis and Thrombosis (ISTH)
Anggota European Hematology Assocoation (EHA)
Anggota American Society of Hematology (ASH)
Angggota European Society of Medical Oncology (ESMO)
Ka Karya Ilmiah dan Presentasi Ilmiah.
Karya Ilmiah yang dipublikasikan
1. Eppy, Amin Z, Nainggolan G, Tubagus Djumhana A.Hiperkoagulasi pada pasien
kanker paru bukan sel kecil. Majalah Kedokteran Indonesia. Vol 57.No 2. Februari
2. Diany NT, Ari F Syam, Murdani A, Tubagus Djumhana A, Khie Chen. Candidiasis
in Malignancy. Gastroenterology Hepatology and Digestive Endoscopy. Vol 2. No 1.
April 2006.
3. Didi K, Pujiwati, Linda KW, Bambang S, Tubagus Djumhana A. Cerebral
Thrombosis in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus with The Antibody. Acta Medica
Indonesiana. Vol 39. No 2. Apr-Jun 2007.

Presentasi pada Simposium Ilmiah dan Pelatihan

1. Atmakusuma TD. Dose Intensity: Dose-Dense Chemotherapy In Lung Cancer
(Compared To In Breast Cancer). Presented in Indonesia – Singapore – Malaysia
Oncology Event, Jakarta, September 1st 2007.
2. Atmakusuma TD. Targeted Therapy In NSCLC, Impressive Survival Benefit. Presented
in The Meeting of Functional Medical Staff of Dharmais Cancer Hospital, Lembang,
August 11th 2007.
3. Atmakusuma TD. Multiple Myeloma and The Regimens of Chemotherapy and Targeted
Therapy. Presented in The Meeting of Functional Medical Staff of Dharmais Cancer
Hospital, Lembang, August 11th 2007.
4. Atmakusuma TD. Choice and Indications on Blood Transfusion. Presented in 4th National
Symposium on Emergencies, Jakarta, July 19th-20th 2007.
5. Atmakusuma TD. Alternative To Allogeneic Blood Transfusion : Autologous
Transfussion: To Prevent The Transfusion Transmissible Infections . June 19th 2007
6. Kurniadhi D, Pujiwati, Wijaya LK, Setiyohadi B, Atmakusuma TD. Cerebral Thrombosis
in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus with The Antibody Antiphospholipid Syndrome. In:
The Indonesian Journal of Internal Medicine Vol 39 No 2 April-June 2007. Jakarta:
Yayasan Penerbitan IDI; 2007: p.82-5
7. Atmakusuma TD. Problems and Management in Adult Thalassemia. Presented in
Training of Thalassemia, May 11th – 13th 2007
8. Atmakusuma, TD. Is There A Place For Thrombolysis In Vascular Disease Other Than
Coronary Diseases ?. Presented in The 3rd National Symposium on Vascular Medicine,
May 11th 2007.
9. Atmakusuma TD. The Role Of rH-GSCF In Cancer Chemotherapy. Presented in 4th
Round, A Module Professionalism Improving Course in Cancer Basic Science, Bandung,
May 4th-5th 2007.
10. Reksodiputro AH, Atmakusuma TD, Abdulmuthalib. Blood Stem / Progenitor Cell
Tranplantation In Malignant Lymphomas. Presented in 3rd Indonesia-Singapore Medical
Oncology Forum, Singapore, January 19th 2007.
11. Wahid I, Acang N, Atmakusuma TD. The safety and efficacy of LAM-8 on the First
Induction of Acute Myeloid Leukemia at Dharmais Cancer Hospital Jakarta. Presented in
3rd Indonesia-Singapore Medical Oncology Forum., Singapore, January 19th 2007.
12. Atmakusuma TD. Management of Deep Vein Thrombosis and Its Complications (e.g
Pulmonary Embolism). Presented in VIIth Internal Medicine Annual Scientific Meeting of
Faculty of Medicine Gajah Mada University, Yogyakarta, December 23rd 2006
13. Atmakusuma TD, Rinaldi I. Main Topics of Improving Supply Good, Save, Enough
Blood Transfusion in Indonesia.. Presented in Indonesian Society of Hematology and
Blood Transfusion , Semarang, December 6th 2006
14. Atmakusuma, TD. Anti Cancer Drugs : Chemotherapy in Nasopharyngeal and Head
and Neck Cancer. Presented in Pertamina Hospital, Jakarta, November 30th 2006.
15. Atmakusuma TD. Therapeutic Approach In Systemic / Invasive Fungal Infections.
Presented in Vth National Congress Indonesian Oncology Society, Palembang,
September 7th-9th 2006.
16. Atmakusuma TD. How To Give Blood and Assess The Benefit of Transfusion
Blood. . Presented in VIth National Scientific Meeting PHTDI, PHTI & BAKORNAS
HOMPEDIN, Palembang, September 5th-7th 2006.
17. Atmakusuma TD. Clinical Problems of Iron Overload in Adult Patient. Presented in
VIth National Scientific Meeting PHTDI, PHTI & BAKORNAS HOMPEDIN,
Palembang, September 5th-7th 2006.
18. Atmakusuma TD. Clinical Problems and Management in Adult Thalasemia.
Presented in VIth National Scientific Meeting PHTDI, PHTI & BAKORNAS
HOMPEDIN, Palembang, September 5th-7th 2006.
19. Atmakusuma TD. Clinical Implications of Strong Association VTE and Cancers. .
Presented in VIth National Scientific Meeting PHTDI, PHTI & BAKORNAS
HOMPEDIN, Palembang, September 5th-7th 2006.
20. Atmakusuma TD. Antiphospholipid Syndrome in Fetal Loss Syndrome. . Presented
in VIth National Scientific Meeting PHTDI, PHTI & BAKORNAS HOMPEDIN,
Palembang, September 5th-7th 2006.
21. Atmakusuma TD. Safe & Appropriate (Rationale) Blood Transfusion. Presented in
XI Internal Medicine Annual Scientific Meeting, Jakarta, August 9th -10th 2006.

22. Atmakusuma, TD. Blood Trasfusion in Anemia. Presented in XIth Internal Medicine
Annual Scientific Meeting, Jakarta, August 9th -10th 2006.
23. Atmakusuma TD. Diagnostic and Management of Deep Vein Thrombosis. Vth
Holistic Approach on Cardiovascular Disease, July 23rd 2006.
24. Atmakusuma TD. Risk Factors, Physiology Factors, and Clinical Manifestations of
Deep Vein Thrombosis. Presented in 13th National Congress of the Indonesian Society of
Internal Medicine (KOPAPDI XIII), Palembang, July 6th-9th 2006.
25. Atmakusuma TD. Anemia in Chronic Disease. Presented in 13th National Congress
of the Indonesian Society of Internal Medicine (KOPAPDI XIII), Palembang, July 6th-9th
26. Atmakusuma TD, Early Mortality on Young Lupus Patient Has Become Big
Problem in Indonesia. Jakarta, May 6th 2006.
27. Atmakusuma TD. Blood Transfusion in Anemia. Presented in Safe & Appropriate
(Rationale) Blood Transfusion , Faculty of Medicine YARSI University, Jakarta, May 1th
28. Atmakusuma TD. Chemotherapy Regimens in AML and ALL (Standard regimens,
Regimens for relapsed/refractory case). Presented in Acute and Chronic Leukemias:
From Diagnosis to Treatment, Jakarta, April 22nd-23rd 2006.
29. Atmakusuma TD. New Therapeutic Approach in Systemic Fungal Infection.
Presented in 2nd Annual National Cancer Symposium: Recent Management of Cancer:
Prevention, Diagnose & Treatment, Jakarta, March 3rd-4th 2006.
30. Atmakusuma TD. High Dose Paclitaxel for Solid Tumor. Presented in 2nd Annual
National Cancer Symposium: Recent Management of Cancer: Prevention, Diagnose &
Treatment, Jakarta, March 3rd-4th 2006.
31. Atmakusuma TD. Antithrombotic and Management of Anti Phospholipid Syndrome.
Presented in 7th National Symposium on Brain & Heart 7th Scientific Annual Meeting of
Internal Medicine, Palembang, January 19th-21st 2006.
32. Atmakusuma TD. The New Strategy in Antithrombotic & Anticoagulation Therapy
on CVD. Presented in 7th National Symposium on Brain & Heart 7th Scientific Annual
Meeting of Internal Medicine, Palembang, January 19th-21st 2006.
33. Atmakusuma TD. Clinical Manifestations of Haemostatic Abnormalities in Cancer
Patients. Presented in One day Symposium : Up Date in Malignancy, Jakarta, September
24th 2005.
34. Atmakusuma TD. Transfusion Medicine. Presented in National Scientific Meeting,
Bandung, September 23th 2005.
35. Atmakusuma TD. The Clinical Use Of Blood: General / Internal Medicine. Presented
in Blood Transfusion Unit, Red Cross in Indonesia, September 22nd 2005.
36. Atmakusuma TD. Case Study : Aspergillosis. Presented in The 2nd Indonesian-
Singapore Joint Meeting, Batam, September 16th -18th 2005.
37. Atmakusuma TD. Anti Phospholipid Syndrome (APS) in Thalassemia Patients.
Presented in 1st Hemofilia National Congress, Jakarta, September 10th-11th 2005.
38. Atmakusuma TD. Imunochemotherapy in Indolent Non Hodgkin Lymphomas.
Presented in Xth Congress and National Scientific Meeting of Indonesian Society of
Hematology and Blood Transfusion, Denpasar, April 14th-16th 2005.
39. Nully J, Atmakusuma TD, Sanityoso A. Diagnosis and Treatment of Non Hodgkin
Lymphomas with hepatitis C. Presented in Xth Congress and National Scientific Meeting
of Indonesian Society of Hematology and Blood Transfusion, Denpasar, April 14th-16th
40. Liza M, Juniara S, Wicaksono C, Sanityoso A, Atmakusuma TD. Myeloma Multiple
: Conventional Chemotherapy . Presented in Xth Congress and National Scientific
Meeting of Indonesian Society of Hematology and Blood Transfusion, Denpasar, April
14th-16th 2005.
41. Dewiasty E, Atmakusuma TD, Effendi S. Diagnosis and Treatment of Olfactory
Neuroblastoma . Presented in Xth Congress and National Scientific Meeting of
Indonesian Society of Hematology and Blood Transfusion, Denpasar, April 14th-16th
42. Karsono B, Atmakusuma TD. Transcription of e1a2 from Bcr-Ab1Fusion Gene in
Adult Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. Presented in Xth Congress and National Scientific
Meeting of Indonesian Society of Hematology and Blood Transfusion, Denpasar, April
14th-16th 2005.
43. Wismandari, Syafiq A, Khie Chen, Wijaya LK, Atmakusuma TD. M3 Acute
Myeloid Leukemia : Management and Complications of Disease and Therapy. Presented
in Xth Congress and National Scientific Meeting of Indonesian Society of Hematology
and Blood Transfusion, Denpasar, April 14th-16th 2005.
44. Rajabto W, Purwita WL, Wijaya LK, Atmakusuma TD. Warm and Cold Mixed Type
Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia : Diagnostic, Management, and Prognostic. Presented
in Xth Congress and National Scientific Meeting of Indonesian Society of Hematology
and Blood Transfusion, Denpasar, April 14th-16th 2005.
45. Atmakusuma, TD. The Role Of Low Molecular Weight Heparin (LMWH) In
Bedridden Patients. Presented in VIth Medan Annual Scientific Meeting – Symposium
on Thrombosis, Medan March 3rd 2005.
46. Atmakusuma TD. Anemia . Presented in Evidence Base Medicne in Daily Practice
(KPPIK 2005), Jakarta, February 20th 2005.
47. Atmakusuma TD. Clinical Use of Anticoagulant and Antithrombosis. Presented in
Evidence Base Medicne in Daily Practice (KPPIK 2005), Jakarta, February 20th 2005.
48. Atmakusuma TD. Should Systemic Fungal Infection Managed Early?. Presented in
III Congress and National Scientific Meeting of Indonesian Society of Mycology
Medicine, Semarang, October 1st-3rd 2004.
49. Atmakusuma TD. Management of Systemic Candidosis in Cancer Patients with
Neutropenia. Presented in 17tth Asia-Pacific Cancer Conference, October 8th-11th 2003.
50. Atmakusuma TD. Management of Systemic Candidosis. Presented in Vth Work
Congress of Indonesian Society of Hematology and Blood Transfusion, Bandung, April
1st-2nd 2003.
51. Atmakusuma TD. Chronic Deep Vein Thrombosis. In: Simadibrata M et al, editors.
Chronic and Degenerative Diseases. Jakarta: Pusat Informasi dan Penerbitan Ilmu
Penyakit Dalam; 2003: p. 1-8.
52. Atmakusuma TD. The Difference of Deep Thrombosis and Acute Artery Thrombosis
in Diagnosis and Treatment. In: Prodjosudjadi W et al, editors. 2003 1st National
Scientific Meeting. Jakarta: Pusat Informasi dan Penerbitan Ilmu Penyakit Dalam; 2003:
53. Atmakusuma TD. Training : Management of Pre, Durante, and Post Cytostatic
Chemotherapy. Presented in The 4th National and The 1st Regional Scientific Meeting of
Haematology-Medical Oncology, Internal Medicine" - " From Basic Science to Clinical
Application and From Prevention to Current Management and Supportive Care, Jakarta,
June 21st–23rd 2002.
54. Atmakusuma TD. Relapsed and Refractory Non Hodgkin Lymphomas. Presented in
The 4th National and The 1st Regional Scientific Meeting of Haematology-Medical
Oncology, Internal Medicine" - " From Basic Science to Clinical Application and From
Prevention to Current Management and Supportive Care, Jakarta, June 21st–23rd 2002.
55. Atmakusuma TD. Chemoprevention and Its Impact of Prevention Program On
BRCA Carrier Women. Presented in The 4th National and The 1st Regional Scientific
Meeting of Haematology-Medical Oncology, Internal Medicine" - " From Basic Science
to Clinical Application and From Prevention to Current Management and Supportive
Care, Jakarta, June 21st–23rd 2002.
56. Setianingsih I, Atmakusuma TD, Harahap A, Nainggolan IM, Kartikasari AER.
Gene Mutations In Adult Thalassemia And The Role Of Genetic Counselling. Presented
in The 4th National and The 1st Regional Scientific Meeting of Haematology-Medical
Oncology, Internal Medicine" - " From Basic Science to Clinical Application and From
Prevention to Current Management and Supportive Care, Jakarta, June 21st–23rd 2002.
57. Atmakusuma TD. Pelvic and Intrabdominal Procedures and Other Conditions As
The Sources Of Pulmonary Embolism: Prevention Strategy and Current Treatment with
Antithrombotic Agents. Presented in The 4th National and The 1st Regional Scientific
Meeting of Haematology-Medical Oncology, Internal Medicine" - " From Basic Science
to Clinical Application and From Prevention to Current Management and Supportive
Care, Jakarta, June 21st–23rd 2002.
58. Atmakusuma TD. Management of Hematological Abnormalities and Blood
Component Transfusion in DHF. Presented in The 4th National and The 1st Regional
Scientific Meeting of Haematology-Medical Oncology, Internal Medicine" - " From
Basic Science to Clinical Application and From Prevention to Current Management and
Supportive Care, Jakarta, June 21st–23rd 2002.
59. Atmakusuma TD. Current Diagnosis and Management of CLL : The Role of
Fludarabine. Presented in The 4th National and The 1st Regional Scientific Meeting of
Haematology-Medical Oncology, Internal Medicine" - " From Basic Science to Clinical
Application and From Prevention to Current Management and Supportive Care, Jakarta,
June 21st–23rd 2002.
60. Atmakusuma TD. A patient with Leucocytosis : What are the Causes and How to
Treat Them ?. Presented in The 4th National and The 1st Regional Scientific Meeting of
Haematology-Medical Oncology, Internal Medicine" - " From Basic Science to Clinical
Application and From Prevention to Current Management and Supportive Care, Jakarta,
June 21st–23rd 2002.
61. Atmakusuma TD. Diagnosis and Treatment of Women with Anemia and
Thrombopenia. Presented in The 4th National and The 1st Regional Scientific Meeting of
Haematology-Medical Oncology, Internal Medicine" - " From Basic Science to Clinical
Application and From Prevention to Current Management and Supportive Care, Jakarta,
June 21st–23rd 2002.
62. Effendi S, Reksodiputro AH, Atmakusuma TD, Abdulmuthalib, Sudoyo AW.
cErbB2 (HER2/NEU) in Breast Cancer. Presented in The 4th National and The 1st
Regional Scientific Meeting of Haematology-Medical Oncology, Internal Medicine" - "
From Basic Science to Clinical Application and From Prevention to Current Management
and Supportive Care, Jakarta, June 21st–23rd 2002.
63. Atmakusuma TD. Thalassemia in Adult. Presented in Symposium New Horizon in
Thalassemia Control, Jakarta, June 11th-12th 2002


1. Atmakusuma TD. Multidrug Resistancein Cancer. Presented in 4th Round, A Module
Professionalism Improving Course in Cancer Basic Science, Bandung, May 4th-5th 2007.
2. Atmakusuma TD, Karsono B, Hartini S, Herawati H, Indarini R. CD 34+ and CFU-GM
of Marrow Cells In Patients With Non-Hodgkin Lymphomas Who Received CHOP
Regimen. Presented in 3rd Indonesia-Singapore Medical Oncology Forum., Singapore,
January 19th 2007.
3. Eppy, Harsal A, Amin Z, Nainggolan G, Atmakusuma TD. Hipercoagulation on Non
Small Cell Lung Cancer Patient. In: The Journal of the Indonesian Medical Association
Vol. 57 No. 2 February 2007. Jakarta: Yayasan Penerbitan IDI; 2007: p. 41-6
4. Girson R, Taufiq, Sanityoso A, Gumay S, Atmakusuma TD, Abdulmuthalib. Prognostic
in Sarcoma Ewing. In: The Indonesian Journal of Internal Medicine Vol 38 No 1
January-March 2006. Jakarta: Yayasan Penerbitan IDI; 2006: p. 51-2
5. Atmakusuma TD, Reksodiputro AH, Kurnianda J. Efficacy and Safety of New Product
of Recombinant Human Rhu-Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor (Filgastrim ) to
Treat Chemotherapy-induced Severe Neutropenia (grade IV).
6. Atmakusuma TD. Iron-overload in Thalassemia and non-Thalassemia Patients. Presented
in The 2nd Indonesian-Singapore Joint Meeting, Batam, September 16th -18th 2005.
7. Atmakusuma TD. Management of Systemic/Invasive Fungal Infections. Presented in The
2nd Indonesian-Singapore Joint Meeting, Batam, September 16th -18th 2005.
8. Atmakusuma TD. Nadroparine in Women with Fetal Loss due to APS in Jakarta.
Presented in The 2nd Indonesian-Singapore Joint Meeting, Batam, September 16th -18th
9. Atmakusuma TD, Reksodiputro AH, Tambunan KL, Setyaningsih I, Pattanapanyasat K,
Doulsri E. Potential Factors Which May Cause A Higher Level of ACA IgG and IgM in
Adult ß-Thalassemias. Presented in XXIst Congress of the Internatial Society on
Thrombosis and Haemostasis 53rd Annual SSC Meeting, Geneva, July 8th 2007.
10. Atmakusuma TD. Reksodiputro AH, Tambunan KL, Setyaningsih I. Correlation
Between A Higher Level of ACAs With The Hemostasis Abnormalities Among Adult
11. Atmakusuma TD. Potential Factors Which May Cause The High Level of ACA
IgG/IgM and Their Correlation with The Haemostasis Abnormalities Among Adult β
12. Atmakusuma TD, Reksodiputro AH, Tambunan KL, Setyaningsih I.
Antiphospholipid Antibodies in Adult ß –Thalassemia.. Presented in 1st Malaysia-
Indonesia Medical Science Conference, Kuala Lumpur, July 21st-23rd 2005 and XXIst
Congress of the International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis 53rd Annual SSC
Meeting, Geneva, July 2007.
13. Atmakusuma TD. Potential Factors Which May Cause The High Level of
Antiphospholipid Antibody and Their Correlation with The Haemostasis Abnormalities
Among Adult ß-Thalassemia.
14. Atmakusuma TD. Deep Vein Thrombosis: Diagnostic Strategies and Management.
Presented in The First Regional Symposium on Thrombosis - Haemostatic, Medan, May
1st-2nd 2007.
15. Atmakusuma TD, Reksodiputro AH. Abdulmuthalib, Setyaningsih I, Syafiq M.
Current Situation And Practical Management Of Iron Overload In Indonesia: Diagnostic
Procedures, Treatments And Complications.
16. Atmakusuma TD. Side Effects Of Cytotoxic Chemotherapy: What Can We Do In
The Primary Health Care.
17. Atmakusuma TD. Molecular Aspects of Cutaneous T-Cell Lymphomas (CTCL).
18. Agustian H, Fauzan A, Atmakusuma DT, Abdulmuthalib, Effendi S. Extranodal
NK/T Cell Lymphoma, Nasal Type.
19. Atmakusuma TD. Iron Overload in Patients with Cancer and Hematologic Disorders.
20. Atmakusuma TD. Thrombosis Problems in Daily Practice. Presented in Evidence
Base Medicne in Daily Practice (KPPIK 2005), Jakarta, February 20th 2005.
21. Atmakusuma TD. Selecting an Appropriate Aagents for Empirical Antifungal
Therapy: The Role of Voriconazole. Presented in Xth Congress and National Scientific
Meeting of Indonesian Society of Hematology and Blood Transfusion, Denpasar, April
14th-16th 2005.
22. Atmakusuma TD. The Role Of Erythropoietin Βeta In Management Of Anemia In
Cancer Patients.
23. Atmakusuma TD. Principles of Targeted Therapy.
24. Atmakusuma, TD. Thrombotic Microangiopathy (TMA) Syndrome. Presented in 3rd
National Congress of Indonesian Society of Intensive Medicine, Jakarta, June 16th 2007
25. Atmakusuma TD. Massive Transfusion And Coagulopathy In Patients With
Bleeding. Presented in 3rd ASIAN Symposium on Transfusion Medicine and Alternative,
Jakarta, September 20th-21st 2006.
26. Atmakusuma, TD. Correlations of NSAID with Arteries and Veins Thrombosis.
27. Atmakusuma TD, Reksodiputro AH, Tambunan KL, Djoerban Z, Abdulmuthalib,
Sudoyo AW, Widjanarko A. Infection on Cancer Patient with Leucopenia.
28. Atmakusuma TD, Reksodiputro AH, Tambunan KL, Djoerban Z, Abdulmuthalib,
Sudoyo AW, Widjanarko A. Infection on Blood Cancer Patient.
29. Atmakusuma TD. Anticoagulant on Cancer : General or Personal Approach. 11th
Hematology-Oncology Medic Meeting – Targeted Therapy: New Paradigm in Cancer
Therapy, Jakarta, May 29th 2004.
30. Atmakusuma TD. Non Hodgkin Lymphoma Primary Extranodal : Treatment and
Prognosis. Presented in Scientific Symposium (11th Anniversary of Dharmais National
Cancer Hospital), Jakarta, October 9th 2004.
31. Atmakusuma TD. Thrombosis on Women. Vein Thrombosis Vena and Thrombosis
on Special Location : Pathogenesis, Diagnose, and Guideline. November 2nd 2002.
32. Atmakusuma TD. Deep Vein Thrombosis in Individual with Certain Diseases : Does
it Need Prophylaxis ? Presented in Banjarmasin, June 5-6th 2004.
33. Atmakusuma TD. Hereditary Abnormalities in Haematologic-Oncologic Patients and
Role of Family Doctors, And Supportive Therapy in Cancer Patients.
34. Atmakusuma TD. Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation in Obstetrics. Presented
in PERDICI, Jakarta, June 5th 2004.

Buku Teks
1. Abdulmuthalib, Atmakusuma TD. Treatment of Anemia on Patient with Chemotherapy.
In : Siti Setiati et al, editors. Current Diagnosis and Treatment In Internal Medicine.
Jakarta: Pusat Informasi dan Penerbitan Ilmu Penyakit Dalam; 2001: p.127-32.
2. Atmakusuma TD. Anemia on Chronic Diasease and Cancer: The Role of Erythropoetin
Recombinant. In: Siti Setiati et al, editors. Current Diagnosis and Treatment In Internal
Medicine. Jakarta: Pusat Informasi dan Penerbitan Ilmu Penyakit Dalam; 2001: p.62-7.
3. Atmakusuma TD. Apheresis. In: Sumaryono et al, editors. Prosedur Tindakan di Bidang
Ilmu Penyakit Dalam. Jakarta: Pusat Informasi dan Penerbitan Ilmu Penyakit Dalam;
1999: p.91-5.
4. Atmakusuma TD, Sutandio N. Blood Transfusion. In: Sumaryono et al, editors.
Prosedur Tindakan di Bidang Ilmu Penyakit Dalam. Jakarta: Pusat Informasi dan
Penerbitan Ilmu Penyakit Dalam; 1999: p.115-20.
5. Atmakusuma TD. .Massive Transfusion in Bleeding. In: Sudoyo AW et al, editors.
Proceeding Symposium. 4th Annual Internal Medicine Scientific Meeting 1999. Jakarta:
Pusat Informasi dan Penerbitan Ilmu Penyakit Dalam; 1999: p. 209-23.
6. Reksodiputro AH, Irawan C, Sutandio N, Agus W, Atmakusuma TD. Molecular
Biology Aspect in Cancer. In: Sudoyo AW et al, editors. Proceeding Symposium. 3 rd
Annual Internal Medicine Scientific Meeting 1998. Jakarta: Pusat Informasi dan
Penerbitan Ilmu Penyakit Dalam; 1998: p. 123-31.
7. Atmakusuma TD : Thalassemia : One of Haemoglobinopathy (Buku Ajar)

Demikian daftar riwayat hidup ini saya buat dengan sesungguhnya dan apabila dikemudian
hari terdapat keterangan yang tidak benar saya bersedia dituntut dimuka pengadilan serta
bersedia menerima segala tindakan yang diambil oleh pemerintah.

Jakarta, 6 Maret 2012

Yang membuat,

Dr. dr. Tubagus Djumhana Atmakusuma, SpPD-KHOM

Anda mungkin juga menyukai