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D 1502 0035

Has Been Approved by The Supervisors for Further Approval

by The Board Examiners

Tolitoli, July 2019

Supervisor Co-Supervisor

Moh.Rafi’i, S.Pd., M.Pd Diyenti Rusdin,S.Pd.,M.Pd

NIDN: 0916 068401 NIDN: 0917128703

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Dean of Teacher Head of English

Training and Education Faculty Education Study Program

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NIDN : 09028026201 NIDN : 091209801


Dengan ini saya menyatakan bahwa:

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Tolitoli, July 2019

Yang membuat pernyataan

D1502 0035


A Person who never made a mistake never

tried anything new
- Albert Einstein-

The person who assist a brother at time of

difficulty, then ALLAH will assist him in his
time of need.

Megawati. D 1502 0035. Menganalisa Kompetensi Dan Kinerja Guru Sertifikasi

Di Dalam Kelas Di SMKN 1 Galang. Skripsi. Program Study Bahasa Inggris.
Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan. Universitas Madako. 2019. Pembimbing (I)
Moh. Rafi’i (II) Diyenti Rusdin.

Departement Pendidikan Nasional mengimplementasikan program untuk

meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan di Indonesia yaitu program sertifikasi. Sertifikasi
adalah process pemberian sertifikat kepada guru yang professional yang telah
memenuhi persyaratan tertentu yaitu qualifikasi akademik, berkompetensi, sehat
jasmani dan rohani, dan mampu mewujudkan tujuan pendidikan nasional.Penelitian
ini adalah jenis penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1)
untuk mengetahui bagaimana persepsi guru tentang program sertifikasi di SMKN 1
Galang. (2) untuk mengetahui bagaimana kompetensi personal dan sosial guru
tersertifikasi di SMKN 1 Galang. (3) untuk mengetahui kinerja mengajar guru
tersertifikasi di dalam kelas. Sampel pada penelitian ini adalah guru tersertifikasi
sebanyak 5 orang. Prosedur penelitian ini adalah observasi, interview, questionare
and docmentation.Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah (1) persepsi guru tentang program
sertifikasi di SMKN 1 Galang cukup bagus. Seperti yang telah disebutkan oleh guru
tersertifikasi bahwa program sertifikasi meningkatkan kesejahteraan guru. (2)
kompetensi sosial dan personal guru tersertifikasi di SMKN 1 Galang sangat bagus.
Hal ini dapat dibuktikan dengan hasil supervisi dari pengawas. Dari hasil tersebut
dapat disimpulkan bahwa secara keseluruhan guru tersertifikasi di SMKN 1 Galang
mempunyai nilai yang baik khususnya pada kompetensi personal dan sosial. (3)
kinerja guru tersertifikasi in SMKN 1Galang sangat bagus. Hal ini dapat dibuktikan
dari hasil supervisi kepala sekolah sebagai pengawas. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa
guru tersertifikasi telah memenuhi kriteria sebagai guru yamh mempunyai kinerja
yang baik didalam kelas.

Kata kunci: menganalisa, kompetensi, kinerja, guru sertifikasi.


Megawati. D 1502 0035. AnAnalysis of The Competence and Teaching

Performance of The Certified Teacher in the clas at SMKN 1 Galang. Skripsi,
English Education Study Program, Teacher Traning and Education Faculty. Madako
University. 2019. Advisors: (I) Moh. Rafi’i (II) Diyenti Rusdin

The Ministry of National Education implements a program to improve education

quality in Indonesia, that is the certification program.Certification program is a
process to give a certificate to the teacher as a professional teacher who fills a
certain requirement. They are the academic qualification, competence, healthy in
spiritual and physics, and able to create the purpose of national education.This
research is a qualitative descriptive research. This research aims: (1) to know the
certified teacher perceptions about the certification programs in SMKN1 Galang. (2)
to now the personality and social competences of the certified teacher in SMKN1
Galang.. (3) to know the ccertified teacher teaching performance in SKN1
Galang.The result of this research are (1) Teacher perceptions about the teacher
certification program in SMKN 1 Galang is good enough. As the certified teacher
stated before, the certification programincrease the welfare of teacher.(2) The
personal and social competence of the certified teacher in SMKN1 Galang is very
good. It proves by the evaluation by the headmaster as the supervisor. The result is
most of the certified teacher has a good value particularly in personality and social
competence. (3) The teaching performance of the certified teacher is verry good. It
proves by the evaluation of the supervisor. The result is the certified teacher fulfill
the citeria as verry good teacher in their performance in the class.

Keywords: An Analysis, The competence,Teaching Performance, Certified Teacher


In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the merciful.

All praises be to Allah, Lord of the world who gives the guidance, strength,

healthy, and inspiration to researcher in writing this skripsi. Peace and blessing be

upon our prophet Muhammad SAW, his family, his companions, and his followers.

This skripsi is presented to English Education Study Program of Teacher Training

and Education Faculty of Madako University Tolitoli as a partial fulfilment of the

requirements for Strata 1 (S1). This skripsi could not be completed without a great

deal of many people, especially for her beloved parents, brother and sister who

always give supports, motivations and moral encouragements to finish this skripsi.

Her gratitude also goes to those who help her in finish her skripsi, among others:

1. Dr. Drs. Hi. Moh. Maruf Bantilan, MM. As the Rector of Madako University


2. Drs. Theopilus C. Motoh, MM as the Dean of Teacher Training and Education

Faculty of Madako University Tolitoli.

3. Marzuki S.Pd., M.Pd. as the Head of English Department of Madako University


4. Moh.Rafi’i, S.Pd., M.Pd, and Diyenti Rusdin, S.Pd., M.Pd as the supervisior and


5. All lecturers of English Department for the supports and appreciation in

reseacher’s academic process.

6. Idris S.Pt., M.Eng as the Head School of SMK N 1 Galang.

7. All of the teacher at SMK N 1 Galang who has guided the researcher in

conducting the research.

8. The researcher beloved parents who always help and pray for her.

9. Her friends in English Department, especially in “2019 graduation” whose names

cannot be mentioned one by one (thank you for being my friends in happiness and


The researcher realized that this skripsi is far from being perfect. Therefore,

the researcher expects some suggestions and criticism for this skripsi. At last, the

researcher hopes that this skripsi will be useful for many people.

Tolitoli, July 2019

The Researcher

D 1502 0035

COEVR PAGE ..................................................................................... i
APPROVAL PAGE ............................................................................. ii
DECLARATION ................................................................................. iii
MOTTO ................................................................................................ iv
ABSTRACT ......................................................................................... v
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .................................................................. vii
TABLE OF CONTENT ...................................................................... x
LIST OF TABLE ................................................................................. xii
LIST OF FIGURE ............................................................................... xii
LIST OF APPENDIX .......................................................................... xiv
1.1 Introduction ............................................................................. 1
1.2 Problem Statement ................................................................. 3
1.3 Objective of The Research ..................................................... 3
1.4 Significant of The Research ................................................... 4
1.5 Scope And Limitation ............................................................ 4
1.6 Definition of Key Terms ........................................................ 5
2.1 Previous Study ....................................................................... 7
2.2 Review of Related To Literature ............................................ 10
2.2.1 The Certified Teacher .................................................. 10 The Definition of Teacher Certification .......... 10 The Purpose of Certification Program ............. 11 The Provider of Certification Program ............ 12 The Assestment of Certification ...................... 12 The Mechanism of Certification ...................... 14
2.2.2 Teacher Personal and Social Competnces ................... 14 The Definition of Competences ....................... 14 Personality Competence .................................. 17 Social Competence .......................................... 18
2.2.3 Teacher Performance ................................................... 20
2.2.4 The Fectors Influences Teacher
Teaching Performance .................................................. 21
2.2.5 The Assestment of Teacher Teaching Performance .... 23
2.3 Conceptual Framework ........................................................ 25
3.1 Research Design .................................................................. 26
3.2 Population and Sample ........................................................ 26
3.3 Instrument of Collecting Data ............................................. 27
3.4 Technique of Collecting Data .............................................. 27
3.5 The Technique of Data Analysis ......................................... 29
4.1 Research Findings ................................................................ 32
4.1.1 School Information ................................................... 32
4.1.2 The Certified Teacher ............................................... 33
4.1.3 The Characteristic of The Informant ........................ 34
4.1.4 the certification program in SMKN 1 Galang .......... 37
4.1.5 The Factors Triggered Teacher To Be Certified
And Professional In Teaching ................................... 40
4.1.6 The Process To Become A Certified Teacher .......... 43
4.1.7 The Efectiveness of The Certification Programs to raise
The Quality of Education .......................................... 44
4.1.8 The Impact of The Certification Program
for The Teacher ......................................................... 47
4.1.9 The Result of Teaching Performance and
Competence Evaluation ............................................. 49
4.1.10The Result of The Questionare of The
Certified Teacher ....................................................... 52
4.2. Discussion
4.2.1 The Certified Teacher in SMKN 1 Galang ................ 59
4.2.2 The Personality And The Social Competence of The
Certified Teacher in SMKN 1 Galang ....................... 60
4.2.3 Teching Performance of The Certified Teacher
in SMKKN 1 Galang ................................................. 62
5.1 Conclusion ........................................................................... 64
5.2 Suggestion ........................................................................... 65
Table 4.1. ............................................................................................... 34
Table 4.2 ................................................................................................ 47
Table 4.3 ................................................................................................ 48
Table 4.4 ................................................................................................ 49
Figure 2.1 ............................................................................................... 25
Figure 4.1 ............................................................................................... 33
Figure 4.2 ............................................................................................... 49
Figure 4.3 ................................................................................................ 50
Figure 4.4 ............................................................................................... 51
Figure 4.5 ............................................................................................... 52
Figure 4.6 ............................................................................................... 53
Figure 4.7 ............................................................................................... 54
Appendix 1 The blueprint ......................................................................
Appendix 2 The questionare ..................................................................
Appendix 3 The certified teacher teaching performance evaluation .....
Appendix 4 The certified teacher competence evaluation ....................
Appendix 5 The Result of questionare ..................................................
Appendix 6 The documentation ............................................................
Appendix 7 Surat izin Badan Litbang ...................................................


1.1 Background

Education is not only important, but it is fundamental on the development of

human life. To achieve the aim of the educational system, each child needs to

get an education so they are actively developing their potential. There is an

aspect influence the quality of education namely educator. Educator is the

determining factors of success or failure the student in their achievement. To

support education and support the implementation, it needs human resources,

namely teachers.

One of the important aspect to realize that education is able to produce a

quality human resource that is the role of teachers. The Teachers as agents of

change play an important role in improving the quality of education. As the

components in the field of education, teachers should participate actively and put

their position as professional staff. That is why teachers are expected to have

competencies related to their duties and responsibilities.

The Ministry of National Education implements a program to improve

teaching quality in Indonesia, that is the certification program. It stated by the

Law No. 20/2003 about National Education System, Law No. 14/ 2005 about

Teacher and Lecturer. The teacher certification program is designed for teachers

in service and for those already have an undergraduate degree (S-1) or the four-

year professional (D-IV) certificate.

The main goal of education is to improve the professionalism of teachers by

implementing the certification program. It is a process to give a certificate to the

teacher as a professional teacher who fills a certain requirement. They are the

academic qualification, competence, healthy in spiritual and physics, and able to

create the purpose of national education. With the certification, the government

hopes teachers’ performance in the class will improve.

Another factor that influences teacher professionalism is teacher

competences. Educational changes depend on what teacher do. Teacher

competences mean how does teacher should be a professional educator.

According to the law no 14/ 2005, there are four competencies that must be

owned by the teacher. They are pedagogical competence, professional

competencey, social competencey, and personality competence. However, the

reality on the ground is that there are teachers do not meet the requirements of

qualification and professional certification that should be owned by a them as

the key to teach.

As the certified teacher, the teachers need to have the competence and it will

influence their performance in the class. Performance means a show of the work

done by teachers in performing their duties as educators. The quality of teacher

performance determines the quality of educational outcomes. In this research the

competence that will be discuss is the personality and social competence. As a

teacher, personality and social interaction is very important due to teacher is a

role model of the students.

As a matter of fact, based on the result of observation the researcher found

that the headmaster and the supervisor in SMKN 1 Galang do the supervision

twice a years. All of the certified teacher there should to complete the data as

thier need. However, the policy of the government by implementing a

certification program for the teacher in hopes the the welfare the competence

and the teacher teaching performance of the certified teacher can be increase.

Based on the background above, the researcher conducts the research entitled

“An Analysis of The Competence and the Teaching Performance of The

Certified Teacher in the Class at SMK N 1 Galang”.

1.2 Problem Statement

As stated on the background above, the researcher formulates the problems of

this research in the form of research as follow:

1) How is the certification program in SMKN 1 Galang?

2) How is the personality and social competence of the certified teacher in

SMKN 1 Galang?

3) How is the teaching performance of the certified teacher in SMKN 1 Galang?

1.3 Objective of The Research

Based on the problem statement above, the purpose of this study are:

1) To describe how is the certification program SMKN 1 Galang?

2) To describe how is the personality and social competences of the certified

teacher in SMKN 1 Galang

3) To describe how is the teaching performance of the certified teacher in

SMKN 1 Galang?
1.4 Significant of the Research

1) Theoretic

The theoretic advantages in this research are the researcher hopes it can be

a reference to gain an explanation about an analysis of the competence and

the teaching performance of the certified teacher in SMKN 1 Galang.

2) Practices

1. For the teacher

The researcher hopes the result of this research will be a reference for

the teacher as their self-introspection and increase more their

competences their teaching performance in the class.

2. For the Institution

The researcher expect to give a support to the teacher to be defend and

increase their performance to achieve the tquality of teaching process in

the school.

3. For Further Reseacher

The result of this research can be used as an additional reference with

different discussion.

1.5 Limitation and Scope of the Study

As stated previously in the background, the problem of the research should be

limited focuses on the personality and social competences in the school by

students evaluation and teaching performance of the certified teacher in the class

at SMK N 1 Galang.

1.6 Definition of Key Terms

1). The Qualitative Descriptive Research

The qualitative descriptive research is a research through analysis,

observation, and description of the data by survey field includes observation,

interview, questionnare, and documentation.

2). An analyze

Analyze is a process to examine a data or information in detail for

purpose of explanation so that the data is able to understand.

3). Teacher Competency

Teacher competency is the skill, the ability, and the knowledge that should

be owned by the teacher so that teacher can do their duty and responsible that

is given to them completely. In this research the researcher focus on personal

competency and social competency. Personal competency are include

knowledge of the subject matter, effective communication skills, punctual,

disciplined and understand the character of psychology children. Social

competence is required by a person's ability to succeed in dealing with others,

including skills in social interaction.

4). Teacher Teaching Performance

Teacher teaching performance is the result of teacher's output in quality or

quantity by doing their duties as an educator and as the responsible that is

given to them.

5). The Certified Teacher

The certified teacher is the teacher who has a certificate educator as a

professional teacher that is given by the government as a reward after fill

several requirement such us fort polio evaluation, and teacher training and


2.1 Previous Study

There are some researchers conduct the research of the teacher certification.

Related to this research, the researcher chooses some literature about the

previous study, which is relevant to the competence and teaching performance of

the certified teacher in the class at SMKN 1 Galang.

The first research is The Influences of Certification Program and Teacher

Performance on Student Learning Outcomes learning by Khaerul Azwar et all

(2015). The purpose of this study was to find out is there any correlation

between teacher certification program influence teacher teaching performance.

They conducted a descriptive design with a quantitative approach as the

methodology. They take all the population as the sample. The research was

conducted at Senior High School 2 Banda Aceh. The results showed that there

was a significant correlation between teacher certification and performance with

the student learning outcomes.

The second research is The influence of Personality Competency and Social

Competency of Teacher Economic Accountancy on Student Achievement in

SMA at Pati City Learning by Atik Alami (2012). The purpose of this study was

to know is there any relation with the personality competence and social

competence on student achievement in SMA at Pati City. They conducted

descriptive analysis and multiple regresion as the methodology. She used

population research as the technique sampling. The research was conducted at

Senior High School at Paty City. The results of the study is the personality and

social competency of teacher economic acccountancy has an influence on

student achievement in SMA at Paty City.

The third research is entitled The Effect of Pedagogic Competency,

Personality, Professional and Social Competency Teacher to Study Achievement

of Economic Lesson in State Senior High School of East Lombok District

learning by Pahrudin et all (2016). The purpose of this study was to know the

direct positive effect of pedagogy competency, personality, professional and

social competencies to study achievement of the economic lesson in state senior

high school of East Lombok District Academic Year 2015/2016. 2), know the

positive indirect effect of pedagogy competency, personality, social competency

to study achievement of the economic lesson in state senior high school of East

Lombok District academic year 2015/2016 with professional competency as an

intervening variable. This research uses descriptive with survey research. The

result showed pedagogical competencies that teachers had direct effect

positively to study achievement of economic study lesson, personality

competency directly effects to study achievement of the economic lesson by

26%, the professional competency directly effects to study achievement of the

economic lesson. social competence of teachers directly effect to study

achievement of the economic lesson, pedagogical competence indirectly effect

to study achievement through professional competency, personal competence

indirectly effect to study achievement through the professional competence, and

social competence indirectly effects to study achievement through professional

There are several differences between the first research, the second research,

the third research, and this research. They are the methodology, the purpose of

the research, and also the technique sampling. the first research uses descriptive

design with the qualitative approach as the methodology, while the second

research uses descriptive analysis and multiple regresion as the methodology, the

third research descriptive with survey research, while this research is a

descriptive study with a qualitative approach. Secondly, the research variable.

The first research focuses on the teacher certification program and Teacher

Performance, the second research focuses on the influence of personality

competency and social competency of teacher economic accountancy on student

achievement, The third research focuses on the effect of pedagogic

competency, personality, professional and social competency teacher to study

achievement of the economic lesson, while in this research the researcher

focuses on the competence and teaching performance of the certified teacher.

The novelty of this research is the researcher did an interview with the certified

teacher directly, while the first, the second, and the third researcher in review of

related literature were not.

2.2. Review of Related Literature

2.2.1 The Certified Teacher The Difinition of Teacher Certification

Teacher certification is a process to give a certificate to the teacher as

a professional teacher who fills a certain requirement. They are the

academic qualification, competence, health in spiritual and physics, and

able to realize the goals of national education. With the certification, the

government hopes teachers’ performance will improve. Widayati

(2013:20) stated the professionalism of teachers can be viewed from

various aspects such as the improvement of the quality of learning by

empowering the various supporting aspects of learning so that teachers

increased their creativity and productivity.

According to Bedjo Sujanto (2009: 7), certification of teachers is a

program designed to assess the feasibility of teachers in acting as an

agent of learning that can realize the goal of national. Act No. 14 the

Year 2005 on teachers and Lecturers states that certification as part of

improving the quality of teachers and an increase in welfare. Therefore,

this certification is an expected teacher becomes professional educators.

Masnur Muslich, (2005:5) stated that the educated minimal S1 / D4 and

competent teaching agent as evidenced by ownership teaching certificate

after being passed the competency test. The teachers who have been

certified show that they are a professional teacher.

Certification of the government's efforts in improving the quality of

education is followed by increased prosperity. Muslich (2007: 8) claimed

that the improvement of the quality of teachers through this certification

is an effort to improve the quality of education. The teacher with quality

is an absolute requirement in producing quality education. Certification is

proof of recognition of teachers’ competence who meets the professional

standards of teachers. As a reward, teachers who have passed the

certification get professional allowance equal to one times the base

salary. With the certification, the government hopes teachers’

performance will improve. The Purpose of Certification program

The teacher and lecturer law states that certification is part of

improving teacher quality and improving their welfare. Therefore,

through this certification, teachers are expected to become professional

educators, namely those who have at least S-1 / D-4 education and are

competent as learning agents as evidenced by the possession of an

educator's certificate after it has passed the competency test.

According to Marselus (2011: 76-77) the purpose of the certification

program, including:

1) Certification is carried out to determine the feasibility of the teacher in

carrying out the task as an agent of learning in order to realize the

educational goals of national goals.

2) Certification aims to improve the quality of educational processes and

3). Certification improves teacher dignity.

4). Certification improves teacher professionalism.

According to E. Mulyasa (2013: 24), competency standards and

teacher certification have the main objective, namely teacher

empowerment. Empowerment is intended to raise the dignity of the

teacher in their well-being, their rights, and to have a balanced position

with other established professions in their life. The Provider of Certification Program

The implementation of teacher certification is The Institute of

Labour Training that has been determined by the government based on

certain criteria, and in the implementation process in collaboration with

the Directorate General of PMPTK / Provincial / District / City

Education Service as the teacher manager and the Director General of

Higher Education/universities as certification organizers. The Assessment of Certification

Teacher certification in Indonesia is known as two types of

certification, namely teacher certification in positions and pre-service

teacher certification. Teacher certification in positions is carried out


1. Portfolio valuation.

Portfolios are physical evidence (documents) that describe the

work experience/achievement achieved in carrying out professional

duties as a teacher at a certain time. In the Regulation of the

Minister of National Education Republic of Indonesia Number 18 of

2007 concerning Certification for Teachers and Lecturers in

Occupation, the portfolio component includes:

a. Academic Qualifications Academic qualifications are the

highest formal education that has been attended by certification

participants proven by a diploma.

b. Education and Teacher Training, training is professional

development activities carried out in order to increase

competency while carrying out tasks as a teachers.

c. Teaching experience.

d. Lesson plan.

e. Assestment by the employer..

f. Academic achievement, Academic achievement covers the

achievements achieved by the teacher in his duties as a teacher.

g. Professional development.

h. Science forum participation.

i. Organizational experience.

j. Reward in field of education.

2. Education And Teacher Training

The teacher who failed in portfolio assessment, they are two

possible effects, as follow:

a. Complete the document of the portfolio.

b. Follow Education And Teacher Training. The provider of The

Education And Teacher Training is The Institute of Labour

Training that is has been determined by the government. The

Education and Teacher Training is conducted for 30 hours of

theoretical and 60 hours practical. In the process of The Education

And Teacher Training, the teacher will be a test based on the study

program. The Mechanism of Certification

Referring to Minister of Education and Culture Number 18 of 2007,

the requirements for certification participants for in-service teachers are

teachers who have undergraduate academic qualifications (S1) or four

diplomas (D-IV). Teacher certification in positions involves various

government institutions, namely the Ministry of National Education

(Directorate General of Higher Education and Directorate General of

PMPTK), Provincial Education Service, District / City Education

Office, and LPTK organizers.

2.2.2 Teacher Personal and Social Competencces The Definition of Competences

The quality of teaching competency plays an important role to

establish the quality of the learning process for the students. To

perform the professionalism level of the teacher, it is related to

his/her field master in order to contribute to improving the learning

performance of the students. Competence is basically a picture of

what a person should do the job. The term competency is derived

from the English language competence is the same as being

competent and competent equally with having the ability, power,

authority, skill, knowledge, attitude, etc. According to Deakin

Crick (2008) in the article Zlatko Bukvić entitled "Teachers

Competency for Inclusive Education" states competence as a

"complex combination of different knowledge, skills,

understanding, values, attitudes, and desire which leads to

effective, embodied human action in the world, in a particular

domain".Harger and McIntyre 2006 in Caena 2011:7 claimed that

teaching competency is the role of teacher to act in the classroom,

therefore directly linked with the craft of teaching. A teacher

carries a big responsibility in his/her classroom. One reason is that

all students depend on teacher. Everything the teacher says will

have an effect on the students. If the teacher feels joy of feels

anger, it will be spread among students.

According to Koster and Dengerink (2008:7), teacher’s

competency can be defined as the combination of knowledge,

skills, attitude, values and personal characteristics, empowering the

teacher to act professionally and appropriately in a situation,

deploying them an incoherent way. The success of the students in

the teaching-learning process in the classroom cannot be separated

from the action of the teacher as an educator, therefore teacher or

educator is pressed to have the competency to educate or in

Mulyasa in Roza (2014:1173) stated that teacher competency is

a qualitative description of teachers’ meaningful behavior. To

become professional teaching in performing their duties, it is

required to have the competence and ability to transfer knowledge

in accordance with the substance of science the scientific field

Realizing the importance of quality teachers, the government takes

teachers into account in any policy of education.

As a part of an effort to enhance the competence of the teacher

Government Regulation No. 19 the year 2005 on national education

standard about the teacher’s competence. More clearly in the act of

the RI No.14 Year 2005 on teacher and lecturer, the competency of

teachers can be classified into four areas of competencies;

pedagogical, personal, social and professional. In this chapter, the

researcher focus on two competencies of teacher that are personal

competency and social competency. Personality competence,

Modeling an educator or lecturer is needed by their students.

Therefore, an educator needs to have the capability with regard to

the development personality. This is a personal competence of

personal competence, namely with regard to the personal ability of

self-understanding, self-acceptance, self-direction, and self-

realization (Surya, 2003:138 in Hamidi and Indrastuti, 2012).

According to Bhargava & Pathy (2011) concerning the competence

of personality in his article Morallo entitled Personal and

Professional Competencies of Senior Teacher Education Students

stated that the "Teacher's personal competencies include knowledge

of the subject matter, effective communication skills, punctuality,

being a disciplinarian and understanding the nature of child

psychology. The conclusion of this statement is the personal

competence of teachers include knowledge of the subject matter,

effective communication skills, punctual, disciplined and

understand the character of psychology children.

Indicators of personal competence in this study based on the

opinion of Mulyasa (2009: 121) and the development of

questionnaires by researchers from higher education (higher

education), which shows a mature person and by example, work

ethic, high responsibility and pride a teacher, discipline, wise and

authoritative, a role model for students and noble. Social competence,

Professional teaching in the field, in addition to the need to have

a pedagogic competence, personality and professional

competence is also needed competencies related to social

activities (Social competence). Social competence is required by a

person's ability to succeed in dealing with others, including skills

in social interaction and social responsibilities (Surya : 2003:138

in Hamidi and Indrastuti, 2012).

In that Regulation, no 19 of 2005 stated that social competence

includes the ability to communicate, get along in school and

society. Mulyasa (2007) stated that social competency is the

ability of teachers as part of the public to communicate and

interact effectively with others include: learners, teachers, parents/

guardians of the students and the community. Indicators used in

the measurement of social competence of teachers include the

ability to communicate and interact effectively with students,

fellow teachers, and education personality and the

parents/guardians of the students and the community.

Mulyasa (2009: 173) claimed social competence get along and

communicate effectively, the relationship between the school and

the community, the role of teachers in the community, and the

teacher as an agent of social change. Social competence is

required by a person's ability to succeed in dealing with others,

including skills in social interaction and social responsibilities

(Surya : 2003:138 in Hamidi and Indrastuti, 2012). In that

Regulation, no 19 of 2005 stated that social competence includes

the ability to communicate, get along in school and society.

Mulyasa (2007) stated that social competency is the ability of

teachers as part of the public to communicate and interact

effectively with others include: learners, fellow teachers, parents/

guardians of the students and the community. Indicators used in

the measurement of social competence of teachers include the

ability to communicate and interact effectively with students,

fellow teachers, and education personnel and the

parents/guardians of the students and the community.

Based on some of the above understanding can be concluded

that social competence is the competence of teachers with regard

to the relationship between teachers and the environment or the

public, that society is in school or out of school, communicate and

interact with both the students and have the values and manners

and etiquette in the mix and adhere to the values and norms that

apply in school and society.

2.2.2 Teacher Performance

Teacher performance is a show of the work done by teachers in

performing their duties as educators. Kanto et al. (2014) stated that

certification programs have a positive effect on teacher performance.

The quality of teacher performance determines the quality of

educational outcomes. This means that the performance of teachers is

a decisive factor for the quality of education that will impact on the

quality of education after the completion of their school.

According to Anwar Prabu Mangkunegara (2012: 9), performance

is the result of work achievement or output in quality and quantity that

achieved by human resources in certain time to do their duties and

responsibilities that is given to them. However, the professional

teacher need to has a strong commitment to their teaching

implementation. The teacher must commit their Duties and

responsibilities due to these are the aspects to determine success or

failure teacher achievement in class.

The Ministry of Education And Culture (2012: 8) stated that

teacher performance is the realization of teacher competencies include

capability and motivation to finish the duty. Big responsibility given

to teachers in the process of improving the quality of service and

quality of graduates makes the teacher deserves attention. According

to Mulyasa, performance is the work achievement, work

implementation and the result of work.

Mueller (2012) stated the method to achieve certification is the

most significant factor in influencing teacher performance. Improved

performance of certified teachers can be realized if the teachers who

have been certified as professional educators are increasing. Teacher

performance has a certain specification. It can be measured based on

specification competence criteria that should be owned by each

teacher, that is how teacher make the lesson plan, how the teacher

conduct the lesson, and how to give a result. Teacher performance will

be better if they conduct the duties professionally such us teacher need

to has a strong commitment to their responsibilities, discipline,

creative, respectful, honest, and objective in the teaching process.

Based on several opinions above, the conclusion is that performance is

the work performance, work describing, the result of something

whereas physically or non-physically appropriate with instruction,

functions, and duty based on the knowledge, skill, attitude, and


2.2.3 The Factor Influences Teacher Teaching Performance

In outline, performance divided in two factors. They are, individual

factor and work situation. Individual factor determine how the teacher

involve their selves in work environment and work situation factors

means how individual involve their selves in around. Martinis Yamin

(2010: 129), stated that the factors the influences teacher performance


1. Personal factor or individual factor, that our knowledge, skill,

ability, confidence, motivation, and commitment of each teacher.

2. Leadership factor, the aspect of manager and leader team to give

support, instruction, to be the better teacher.

3. Team factor, involves the following criteria such as support of each

member of team and beliefs to each member of the team.

4. System factor, include the facilities that is given by the leader of

the school, organization process in the school, and work culture of

organization in the school.

5. Situational factor, include stressing and changing the situation of

internal (teacher motivation) and external (teacher certification)


According to E. Mulyasa (2007: 227) there are ten factors can

increasing teacher teaching performance. They are: supporting to work,

the responsibility of the duty, the interest of the duty, the appreciation to

the duty, the attention from the headmaster, interpersonally relationship

between each teacher, MGMP and KKG, discussion group, and library


Indra Fachrudi (2000: 52), divided the factors influences teacher

performance into two categories that are internal factor and external

factor. Internal factor is the factor that come from inside of the people

such us motivation, interest, talent, character, identity, age, experience,

education and gender. While factor external is the factor that come from

the outside of the people such us the environment, facility, policy and

administration system.

Based on the explanation above, the factors that influence teacher

performance are knowledge and skill, teacher characteristic, reward

system, teacher work environment, motivation, teacher group discussion.

2.2.4 The Assessment of Teacher Teaching Performance

According to Nawawi (2000: 71), performance evaluation is an effort to

identify, measure, and manage the work implementation of the worker.

The evaluation of teacher performance is an activity to guide and increase

the professionalism of the teacher that is from the teacher to the teacher,

and for the teacher. Siswanto Sastrohadiwiryo (2005: 231) stated that, an

activity that doing by the supervisor to evaluate the performance of the

educator by doing a comparison between performance and work

description in a certain period.

The system of teacher performance evaluation (IPKG) is an effort to

identify teacher performance in the class. It is related between professional

competences and pedagogic competencies. They are lesson planning, carry

out the lesson, evaluate the teaching process, increasing student skill and

actualized the potential that is owned by the teacher.

E. Mulyasa, (2013: 89) stated that the instrument of teacher

performance evaluation divide into two functions:

1) To value teacher capability to apply competences and skill in the

teaching process, guidance, or work implementation that is relevant

to the school function.

2) To count the number that has achieved by the teacher teaching

process, guidance, or work implementation that is relevant to the

school function.

3) Give advantages to determine any policies that is relate between

teacher welfare and performance as a basic education to create

student quality.

Based on the explanation above, the evaluation of teacher

performance is important to do in the school to improve teacher

performance in order to arrange a new strategy to achieve the goal of

national education. The evaluation will be a suggestion to the teacher

to improve and increase their performance. On the other hand, it

helps the teacher to do their duties better and to conduct the teaching

process as effective as possible to be a professional teacher.

2.3 Conceptual Framework

The Certified Teacher

The competence Teaching performance

The personality and social


Figure 2.1 The conceptual framwork

Based on the conceptual framework above, it shows that the researcher wants to

analyze the competences teaching performance of the certified teacher in the clas.

The researcher focus on two competences of teacher, they are personality

competences and social competences.



3.1 Research Design

This research used descriptive design. Descriptive research can be explained

as a procedure to analyze the problem by drawing subject and object in the

research based on the fact and do in naturally research. Based on Sugiyono

(2008) states that descriptive methode is a methode which is used to draw or

analyze the result of research but it is not used to make wide range of conclusion.

3.2 Population and Sample

3.2.1 Population

According to Sugiyono (2013: 117), population is a region of

generalization consisting of subjects or objects that have quality and

certain characteristics determined by researchers to be studied and then

draw conclusions. The population in this research is the certified teacher in

SMK N 1 Galang that consists of 25 teachers.

3.2.2 Sample

Selected of the sample is very important step in conducting a research.

It necessary for the researcher to determine the sample in order to limit the

object so that the researcher easier to conduct he research.

In selecting sample, the researcher use purposive sampling technique

and determine five certified teacher as the sample. According to Arikunto

(2006), purposive sampling is the process of selecting sample by taking

subject that is not based on the level or area, but it is taken based on the

specific purpose. The reason to choose these sample is that the researcher

may access just five of the certified teacher.

3.3 Instrument of Collecting Data

Instrument of collecting data is a way to get accurate information about the

main current study. According to Arikunto (2006) the device the researcher uses

to collect the data is called instrument. The main instrument in qualitative

research approach is the researcher, because developing of information as data

that found by the researcher. Founding information in this research need several

instruments such us interview, questionnaire, participant observation and


3.4 Technique of Collecting Data

Technique of collecting data in this research use several techniques. Those

are participant observation, interview, questionnare, and documentation.

3.4.1 Participation Observation

In qualitative research, observation is an important part of a research.

Observation is one of technique to collect the data directly in the field.

Before we decide to do a research, information about place, time,

participant, are the main problem in society. So to get information about

that the researcher needs to do an observation.

In collecting data, the using of observation is to know the information

about the certified teacher and their documentation to prove that they

have a certificate as a professional teacher.

3.4.2 Interview
Interview is a meeting of two people to exchange information and

idea through question and responses. The interviewer is a person who

delivers the question and interviewee is a subject who responds the

interviewer’s question (Moleong, 2005). In qualitative research, founding

in-depth information is important because in this research stressing of

accuracy and credibility information. In collecting data, the researcher

used unstructured interview to know the information about how is the

certified teacher perception about the certification perogram.

3.4.2 Questioner

According to Sugiyono (2013: 199) the questionnaire is a technique of

data collection that the researcher do by giving a set question or

statement for the respondent to answer. In This study used a closed

questionnaire, namely a questionnaire the answer was provided by the

researcher so that the respondent stayed choose. The researcher will give

the questionnare to the students as the participant of observation. The

researcher uses the questionnaire to obtain the information about the

personality and the social competence of the certified teacher.

3.4.3 Documentation

According to Suharsimi Arikunto (2010: 274) the method of

documentation is looking for data in the form of notes, transcripts, books,

newspapers, magazines, agenda, and so on. The documentation method in

this study use to obtain data about teacher certificate educator, teacher

teaching performance assessment, and teacher competence as the certified

teacher from The Instrument of Teacher Performance Evaluation and

teacher competence evaluation by supervisor and the headmaster.

3.5 The Technique of data analysis

Data analysis in qualitative research approaches different from

quantitative design, whereas characteristic data analysis in qualitative are

inductive and continuous. According to Sugiyono (2008: 245), there are

three activities to analyse data in descriptive qualitative research. Those

are data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing/verification.

Based on those statements, the researcher divides the activity in analysing

data into three activities, they are data reduction, data display, and

conclusion drawing.

1. Data reduction

Data reduction is the process of selecting, identifying,

classifying and coding the data that are considered important. In

conducting research, the researcher will get much data. Hence, the

researcher must select data that will give valuable information in

research. Thus, at first the researcher has to do reduction to

analyse the data.

2. Data display

Data display is the process to simply the data in the form of

sentence, narrative, or table. Data display refers to show data that

have been reduced in the form of patterns. It benefits to help the

researcher in understanding the data. In displaying data, the

researcher describes data that have been reduced into sentence

form. Sugiyono (2008: 249) stated that in qualitative research, the

most frequent form of display data is narrative text. Hence, the

researcher arranges the data in good sequence of narrative text in

order to be easier to understand.

3. Conclusion and verification

The last process is conclusion and verification. In qualitative

research, the characteristic of conclusion is temporary. It can

change if the researcher does not discover strong evidence to

support the next collecting data.



4.1 Research Findings

4.1.1 School Information

SMK N 1 Galang is one of vocational high school in Galang district. It

was established in 1986 and be neglected at 1992 No.0216/O/1992 on 5 May

1992. It located at Bandar Udara Street No.1 Lalos. Observe from the

geographical location, the large of SMKN 1 Galang is 32 Ha. The large of the

building is 10,044 m2 and the large of the environment is 220,667 m2. This

school is abutted with Ginungung and Lalos Village in the north, south, west

and east side.

The total of the rooms in this school is 41 rooms, it consists of 25

classrooms, UKS room, headmaster room, administration room, mosque,

cooperation room, tractor garage, generator room, warehouse of fuel,

generator room, biology laboratory, chemist laboratory, physics laboratory,

cultivation of plants and horticulture, mechanics automotive room and

computer laboratory. The classroom consists of 3 classes grade, they are X,

XI, XII. The class X consist of nine classes, class XI consists of nine classes,

and class XII consists of seven classes. The size of each class is 7,8 x 6,1 m2.

The condition of the class is suitable to use and the facilities are enough to

support the teaching process.

SMKN 1 Galang has a five-study program, they are Computer and

Network Engineering, Food Crops and Horticulture Agribusiness, Plantation

Crop Agribusiness, Poultry Agribusiness, Nautical Fishing Vessels, and

Automotive Engineering. Supporting the teaching process, each study

program has each teacher to handle as his or her study background. The total

of the teachers in SMKN 1 Galang are 50 teachers and the total of the student

are 612 students.

4.1.2 The Certified Teacher of SMK N 1 Galang

The certified teacher means the teacher who has a certificate educator as a

reward from the government as prove that the teacher is professional teacher

after fill the certain requirements. In SMKN 1 Galang, there are 25 certified

teachers. It can be seen from the figure as follow:

Diagram 4.1 The Total of Teacher in SMKN 1 Galang

The diagram above shows the total of the teacher in SMKN 1 Galang. It

consists of 50 teachers (100%). There are 25 certified teachers (64%), 25 non

certified teacher (25%). However, in this research, the researcher took 5

(11%) certified teachers as the informant. The reason is they capable to give
information about this research and they have complete data to answer this


4.1 3 The Characteristic of Informant

The certified teacher in SMKN 1 Galang has a different characteristic each

other. Viewed from the education level, the subject, the time of teaching,

teaching years, and certified year, the certifid teacher in SMKN 1 Galang has a

different information about that. It can be seen from the table as follow:

Table 4.1 The Sample of the certified teacher

Education Teaching Teaching Certified
No Name Subject
Level time Years Year
1 IP S1 Kejuruan NKPI 26 2014
2 NS S2 Intrepreniurship 40 2013
3 IT S1 Phisycs 24 2009
4 NM S1 Indonesian L 34 2008
5 SW S2 Islam Religion 36 2011

The first informant is Mr. Irpan Paputungan S.Pd. From the result of the

interview, he got his college degree and finished his study at the S1 level.

Then, he started his profession as a teacher in SMKN 1 Galang from 2003

until now. He is a certified teacher. He got his certificate educator as a

professional teacher in 2014. He is a teacher of NKPI. The total of teaching

time he has for a week is 26 hours. it has filled the criteria for the certified


The second informant is Mr. Nasrudin S.P, M.Si. From the result of the

interview, he got his collect degree and finished his study at the S2 level.
Then, he started his profession as a teacher in SMKN 1 Galang from 2009

until now. He is a certified teacher. He got his certificate educator as a

professional teacher in 2013. He is an Entrepreneur teacher. The total of

teaching time he has for a week is 40 hours. It has filled the criteria for the

certified teacher.

The third informant is Mrs. Indo Tenri, S.Pd. From the result of the

interview, she got her collect degree and finished her study at the S1 level.

Then, she started his profession as a teacher in SMKN 1 Galang in 2004 until

now. She is a certified teacher. She got her certificate educator as a

professional teacher in 2009. She is a physics teacher. The total of teaching

time he has for a week is 38 hours. It has filled the criteria for the certified


The fourth informant is Mrs. Nurmalah, S.S. From the result of the

interview, she got her collect degree and finished her study at the S1 level.

Then, she started his profession as a teacher in SMKN 1 Galang in 2000 until

now. She is a certified teacher. She got her certificate educator as a

professional teacher in 2008. She is an Indonesian teacher. The total of

teaching time he has for a week is 34 hours. It has filled the criteria for the

certified teacher.

The fifth informant is Mrs. Sulmawati, S.Ag. From the result of the

interview, she got her collect degree and finished her study at the S1 level.

Then, she started his profession as a teacher in SMKN 1 Galang in 1998 until

now. She is a certified teacher. She got her certificate educator as a

professional teacher in 2011. She is an Indonesian teacher. The total of

teaching time he has for a week is 36 hours. it has filled the criteria for the

certified teacher.

All in all, from the table above the researcher conclude that the informant

of this research is consists of 5 teacher that has difference in their educaton

level, the total of teaching time, teaching year, time certified. Firstly, from the

education level there are two teacher in S2 level they are Mr. Nasruddin, S.P.,

M.Si and Dra. Sulmawati, M.Pd. I and there are teachers in S1 level they are

Irpan Paputungan, S.Pd, Indo Tenri, S.Pd, and Nurmalah, S.S. Secondly, seen

from the length of teaching time in a week the teacher who has the longest

time in teaching in the class is Mr. Nasruddin, S.P., M.Si and the teacher who

has the shortest time to teach is Indo Tenri, S.Pd. Next, viewed from the

length of teaching time starting from the year 1998-2019 is Mrs Dra.

Sulmawati, M.Pd. I, and the latest one becomes a teacher is Mr Irpan

Paputungan, S.Pd from 2003-2019. The last is seen from certified years. From

the time of the certification starts, the teacher who first receives the certificate

is Mrs Dra. Sulmawati, M.Pd. I and the latest receives the certificate is Mr.

Nasruddin, S.P., M.Si.

4.1.4 The Certification Program in SMKN 1 Galang

Certification programs implemented by the government to improve the

quality of the teacher. The teacher who gets a certificate means that they are

professional. The certification fund that is given by the government to the

teacher in hopes that the welfare of the teacher will be increase. Therefore, the
criteria that can be used to measure the certified teacher's ability after getting a

certificate are their competence, professionalism, discipline, their welfare and

status to be enhanced. In this research, there is 5 certified teacher as the

informant. They are Mr. Irpan Paputungan S.Pd, Mr. Nasrudin SP, Mrs.

Nurmalah S.S, Mrs. Sulmawati, S.Ag, Mrs. Indo Tenri S. Pd.

On the one hand, after did some interview with the fifth informants the

researcher conclude that they have some different opinion about the

certification program. However, most of them have a positive response to this

program. Particularly, about the certification fund. It is helpful for the teacher.

It can be seen from the result of the interview from Mrs. Dra. Sulmawati,

M.Pd. I as the representative as follow:

Interviewee : alhamdulillah karena ada nilai tambah dari pada gaji kita nah
itulah salah satu semangat kita mengajar karena ada tambahan
gaji extra sebagai guru professional dan gaji pokok, jadi kami
sangat bersyukur kepada Allah SWT dan kita tidak perlu mencari
pekerjaan lain selain mengajar disekolah.

From the interview above she said that, alhamdulillah, there is an extra

salary for the certified teacher as a professional teacher. This one of the factors

that makes the teacher more spirit to teach. Therefore, we are very grateful to

Allah SWT and we do not need to look for another job except teaching in the

school. To conclude that statement, the teacher said that it makes them feel

grateful and have the spirit to teach. By implemented this program, the raising

of the professional of the teacher can be increased due to teachers feels that by

receiving the fund they do not need to look for another job to fill an of their
needs. Therefore, a certification fund is useful to increase the welfare of the


On the other hand, several opinions from the teacher are contained in

suggesting. For instance, they talk about the validity of data that have to make

by them before receive the certification fund. The problem is that they always

send the same data. They said that they do not have to send the same data


However, it is a problem for the certified teacher until now. It can be seen for

the comment of Mr. Irpan Paputungan, as follow :

Interviewee: menurut saya kebjakan sertifikasi ini cukup baik, tetapi adahal-
hal yang perlu di perbaiki sistem didalamnya yaitu pemberkasan
dimana setiap pencairan sertifikasi itu selalu meminta data untuk
dimasukkan sebagai syarat padahal data itu sudah berulang-ulang

Then, they talk about a certain time to teach in the school. Almost all of

them have enough time to teach, even more, their time is more than 24 hours as

the government's decision. As a professional teacher, teaching is a big

responsibility to do. Even though the teacher does not receive a certification

fund, teaching is the teacher's duty. As stated in law No. 14 at 2005 “ Teacher

is a professional educator that has the main responsibility that is educated,

teach, guide, instruct, coached, and evaluate. Therefore, It does not matter how

long the teacher has to teach in school. It can be seen from the comment of

Mrs. Dra. Sulmawati, M. Pd. I as follow:

Interviewe: program sertifikasi ini menurut saya semestinya cukup bagus cuma
kalau bisa jangan terlalu banyak di tuntut karena tanpa menerima
sertifikasi memang kita sebagai guru itu di tuntut untuk mengajar 24
jam bahkan lebih dari itu. Meskipun guru tidak menerima
tunjanagan tugas guru ya memamg harus mengajar. Karena kami
sudah melengkapi persyaratan dan hasilnya bisa dilihat pada
pengawas dan kepala sekolah kemudian dibayarkan. Jadi dengan
banyak persyaratan itu menjadi beban buat kami.

To sum up, the certification program is useful for the teacher. This is the

government's effort to increase the welfare of the teacher. As the state of the

law that teachers who pass certification mean they are competent so that they

are entitled to increase welfare in the form of functional, professional,

structural, and other welfare benefits.

4.1.5 The Factors Triggered the Teacher to be Certified and Professional in


As a teacher, to be a professional is a big responsibility. On the certification

program, the teacher is a demand to be professional by giving training and

education that should be followed by the teacher before getting the certificate.

The development of education depends on what teachers do. The policy of the

government to implement a certification program is one of the government's

efforts to develop a teacher competence by giving a certification fund and

teaching license and it proves that the teacher who gets a teaching license

means that they are a professional teacher.

From the result of the interview, there are two factors that triggered the

teacher to be a certified teacher. They are to get the certification fund and

admitted as the professional teacher.

1) Certification Fund

The certification fund is an extra salary that is give to the certified

teacher. It is helpful for the them to increase their welfare. Almost all of
them feel grateful to receive it. It can be seen from the result of interview by

Mrs Dra. Sulmawati, M.Pd. I as follow:

Interviewee: alhamdulillah karena ada nilai tambah dari pada gaji kita nah

itulah salah satu semangat kita mengajar karena ada

tambahan gaji extra sebagai guru professional dan gaji pokok,

jadi kami sangat bersyukur kepada Allah SWT.

From the interview above she said that, alhamdulillah, there is an extra

salary for the certified teacher as a professional teacher. This one of the factors

that makes the teacher more spirit to teach. To conclude that statement, the

teacher said that it makes them feel grateful and have the spirit to teach. By

implemented this program, the raising of the welfare of the teacher can be

increased due to teachers feels that by receiving the fund they do not need to

look for another job to fill all of their needs. Therefore, a certification fund is

useful to increase the welfare of the teacher.

2). Be professional Teacher

The teacher who has a certificate proves that they are professional

teacher. That is a reward from the government for the certified teacher that

they are admitted as a profssional teacher after fill the certain requirements

in certification program. This is one of the factor that triggered the teacher

to be certified teacher. It can be seen from the result of the interview of Mr.

Nasruddin and Mrs. Indo Tenri, S.Pd as the representative as follow:

Interviewee: kami sangat merespon positif terhadap pemerintah dengan

adanya program profesi guru dengan memberikan penghargaan
kepada guru yang dinyatakan lulus sertifikasi dengan memberikan
1 kali gaji pokok guru. Perasaan kami sangat bangga menjadi guru
professional karena tidak semua guru mempu menjadi guru
professional. Selain finansial yang diterima sebagai wujud
penghargaan negara, kami juga bangga dapat mengabdikan
segenap jiwa dan raga dengan pembangunan bangsa dan negara
melalui pembangna sumber daya menusia untuk menjadi manusia
yang cerdas dan beradab.

From the result of the interview above, the teacher said that we have a

positive response to the government program implemented the teacher

profession program by giving a reward to the teacher who has passed the

certification by giving an extra salary. They are proud to be a professional

teacher due to not all of the teachers can admit as a professional teacher.

Besides being financially accepted as a form of state appreciation, we are also

proud to be able to devote all our soul to the development of the nation and

state through the development of human resources to become intelligent and

civilized human beings. Secondly, the teacher feels proud to be a professional

after getting a certificate because not all of the teachers can be admitted as a

professional teacher.

To sum up, the factors that triggered the teacher to be a certified teacher is

to get certification fund and also admitted as a professional teacher. By

receiving the fund the teacher is able to fill their needs therefore their welfare

will be increase. To be professional is a big responsibility for them. By

following the certification program, the teacher is able to develop their

professional by following the teacher training and edducation for the certified

4.1.6 The Process to become a Certified Teacher.

The certification program started in 2007 and it establishes by checking all

of the teacher activity in the school or out of the school to give a

comprehensive example of teacher ability. The certificate can be acquired by

fort polio evaluation. Fort polio is a document that contains experience or the

achievement of the teacher at a certain time. Fort polio evaluation held by the

college that has been deciding by the government as stated in The Ministry of

National of Education at o57/0/2007.

Fort polio evaluation contains the four competence of the teacher. The

competence of teachers can be divided into four competence, they are

pedagogic competence, professional competence, social competence, and

personal competence. The component that should be evaluated from the fort

polio is an academic qualification, teacher training, teaching experience, lesson

plan, supervising activity, academic achievement, development of profession

or scientific achievement, education reward.

The result of the interview from the fifth informants about how is the

process to become a certified teacher shows that there are several requirements

to follow, as the result of the interview from Mr. Nasruddin, S.P as follow:

interviewee: proses untuk menerima tunjangan sertifikasi guru yaitu harus

terdaftar sebagai guru pada satuan pendidikan yang ditujukan
dengan SK oleh atasan baik negeri maupun swasta, guru tersebut
memiliki pendidikan minimal S1, lamanya mengajar minimal 6
tahun, mengumpulkan berkas fortopolio pendidik, dinyatakan
memenuhi kriteria dari kementrian pendidikan untuk mengikuti
diklat sertifikasi guru, mengikuti diklat profesi guru selama 2
minggu, setelah dinyatakan lulus diklat profesi guru, diberikan
sertifikat profesi guru sesuai mata pelajaran yang diampu.
From the result of the interview, the teacher said that several requirements

should be completed by the teacher. To be a certified teacher someone should

be registered as a teacher, graduate in S1 level, has been teaching for 6 years,

collect document of fort polio, fill the criteria to follow teacher training, after

that if the teacher passes the training the teacher will be given a certificate as

their subject each other.

4.1.7 The Effectiveness of Certification Program to raise the quality of


The effectiveness of the certification program will be shown by how much

the professional of the teacher will be increased. The quality of teachers'

professionalism that is expected for the teacher certification program is that the

raising of the competence of the teacher as the requirement to get a certificate.

The result of the interview from the fifth informants said that the certification

programs effective to increase the quality of education. It can be seen from the

result of the interview from Mrs. Dra. Sulmawati, M.Pd. I as follow :

Interviewe : yah bisa dikatakan efektif karena kami mengajar selama 24 jam
karena jika jam mengajar tidak mencukupi maka guru tidak akan
menerima tunjangan sertifikasi. Karena ini ditanda tangani oleh
kepala sekolah dan membuat surat pernyataan bahwa guru
mengajar selama 24 jam. Jadi program ini bisa dikatakan efektif.

The teacher said yes, it is effective because we teach for 24 hours. If the

teaching time does not enough the teacher will not receive the certification

fund. It will be signed by the headmaster and he makes a statement letter that

contains the teacher proved that they teach for 24 hours per week. Based on the

result of the interview, they said that as the requirements of the certification
program, they should teach for 24 hours per week. It is an effective program to

increase the competence of a teacher in particularly the pedagogic and

professional competence.

Otherwise, there is an opinion explaining that the certification program does

not effective yet. As a statement of Mr. Nasruddin, S.S as follows:

Interviewee : kegiatan sertifikasi guru diharapkan dapat meningkatkan mutu

pendidikan, akan tetapi perlu dipahami bahwa untuk meningkatkan
mutu pendidikan diperlukan beberapa indikator pendukung
diantaranya tersedianya sumber daya tenaga pengajar dan
tersedianya fasilitassarana dan prasarana. Guru harus dtingkatkan
sumber daya menusianya, sarana dan prasarana harus tersedia
sesuai dengan kebutuhan dilingkungan satuan pendidikan masing-
masing. Sampai saat ini sertifikasi guru belum efektif dalam
meningkatkan mutu pendidikan karena kurikulum yang digunakan
selalu berubah apalagi kurikulum yang berlaku pada jenjang
sekolah menengah kejuruan. Hari ini kurikulum berubah, belum
sepenuhnya diterapkan kurikulum berganti lagi sehingga kegiatan
guru lebih banyak tersita ke persoalan kurikulum.

The teacher said that Teacher certification activities are expected to improve

the quality of education, but it needs to be understood that to improve

education quality several supporting indicators are needed including the

availability of teaching resources and the availability of facilities and

infrastructure. Teachers must increase their resources, facilities and

infrastructure must be available by the needs of their respective education

units. Until now the teacher certification program has not been effective in

improving the quality of education because the curriculum used is always

changing especially the curriculum that applies to the level of vocational high

school. Today the curriculum is changing, the curriculum has not been fully
implemented, so the teacher's activities are more absorbed into curriculum


From the result of the interview with Mrs. Nurmalah, S.Pd, the quality of

education is not increasing by the implementation of the certification program

as the government expectation. The raising of it depends on the teacher itself.

Nevertheless, it is an effort from the government, for instance, the teacher

training that should be followed to raise the professional of the teacher. It can

be seen from the result of the interview of Mrs. Nurmalah, S.Pd as follow :

Interviewe: menurut saya efektif tergantung dari individunya. Bagi saya efektif
karena saya selalu mengajar selama 24 jam bahkan lebih dan tidak
pernah ada masalah mengenai tunjangan.

The teacher said that for me the effectiveness of the certification program

depends on the individual. For me, it is effective because I teach for 24 hours

even more than 24 hours. All in all, the certification program is one of the

government's efforts to raise the quality of education and also to enhance the

welfare of the teacher as the government's attention. This program is helpful

and motivated the teacher to teach. The implementation of this program is very

effective and has a positive effect on education. However, the teacher is the

key to the government's expectation. The raising of the quality of teachers will

be influenced by the rasing of the quality of education. Several influences

factor is the responsible, discipline, commitment, and also the professionalism

of the teacher.

4.1.8 The Impact of The Certification Program for The Teacher

The implementation of each program by the government must have a

reason. There must be something that should be improved or even increase as

expected that something to be better than before. As we have discussed before

the certification program. The certification program must have a positive

impact on the directness of the teacher. The teacher is the agent of change of

education quality to be better as the government expected.

Based on the result of the interview, the impact of the certification program

has a positive and negative impact. It can be seen from the result of the

interview of Mr. Nasrudddiin S.S as follow :

Interviewee : dampak positifnya yaitu guru penerima tunjangan sertifikasi

dapat merasakan peningkatan kesejahteraan misalnya media
pembelajaran satu per satu dapat dimiliki misalnya guru sudah
memiliki buku bahan ajar, lapto dan media pembelajaran
lainnya. Sedangkan dampak negatifnya yaitu karena penerima
tunjangan sertifikasi dapat cair apabila guru dinyatakan valid
melalui dapodik sehingga banyak guru yang dsibukkan dengan
kegiatan melengkapi berkas sertifikasi dibandingkan dengan
melaksanakan tugas utamanya untuk mengajar. Sehingga
disarankan pemerintah dapat mengevaluasi kembali persyaratan
pencairan sertifikasi agar guru-guru dapat lebih ikhlas mengajar
dalam meningkatkan kualitas sumber daya manusia.

The teacher said that the positive impact is that the teacher receiving the

certification allowance can feel an increase in welfare, for example, one-by-one

learning media can be owned, for example, the teacher already has

instructional materials, laptop, and other learning media. While the negative

impact is because the recipient of the certification allowance can be disbursed

if the teacher is declared valid through dapodik so that many teachers are

confused with the activity of completing the certification file compared to

carrying out the main task of teaching. So that it is suggested that the
government can re-evaluate the requirements for disbursing certification so that

teachers can be more sincere in teaching in improving the quality of human


The conclusion from the statement above is the policy of the certification

program is good enough. However, there is a system needs to be improved,

which is a certification file. Whereas certification fund requires to complete it.

Hence, the teaching process in the class is not effective due to the process to

complete the data. The consequence if the data is not complete the certification

fund cannot be received. Therefore, almost the teacher more concern to

complete their data than focus on their duty as a professional teacher.

4.1.9 The Result of Teaching Performance and Competence Evaluation

The academic supervision is an activity when the supervisor check or to

monitor teacher administration planning, lesson plan, and teaching activity. In

SMKN 1 Galang, the supervision is held second time in a year. There are two

kinds of supervision in SMKN 1 Galang, first is the evaluation of teacher

performance in the class by Mr. Zahlin, MM and the second is the evaluation

of teacher competences by the headmaster. Based on the instrument teacher

teaching evaluation, the supervision of teaching activity divided into 4

categories: 4= Very good (86 % - 100 %), 3=Good ( 70 % - 85 %), 2=Enough

(55 % - 69 %), 1=Less (- 55 %). The instrument evaluation of supervisor is

divided into 3 kinds as follow :

1. The score of evaluation use likert scale.

2. There 3 components to evaluate. They are the supervision of teaching

evaluation administration, the supervision of lesson plan, and the supervision

of teaching activity.

3. The last result, the total of score : the maksimal score x 100.

From the result of the supervision process in February 2019, there are several

aspects to evaluate from the supervisor and the headmaster. Firstly, from the

supervisor, the supervision is about the administration about teaching evaluate,

the lesson plan, and about teaching activity. Secondly, from the headmaster, the

supervision is about the fourth of competences. There are several components of

this type of supervision.

From the fifth informants, the researcher took the result of supervision from

the supervisor and the headmaster. Overall, the result is very good. All of the

criteria have been completed by the teacher. It can be shown from the result of

supervision in table 4.2 as follow :

Table 4.2 The Result f The Certified Teacher Teaching Performance Evaluation
Kinds of
No Name Teaching Teaching Information
Administration Lesson Plan Activity
1 Irpan Paputungan, S.Pd 92 95 95 Very good
2 Dra.Sulmawati, M.Pd.I 95 95 97 Very good
3 Nurmalah, S.S 95 95 93 Very good
4 Indo Tenri, S.Pd 97 97 95 Very good
5 Nasruddin, SP, M.Si 97 97 97 Very good

From the result of the certified teacher teaching performance evaluation above,

the certified teacher is in category very good teacher. Very good category is in 86 %

- 100 %. The data above shows that the certified teacher fills the criteria. Then,
In SMKN 1 Galang almost all of the certified teacher has a good teaching

performance as the headmaster’s evaluation result. The table is as follow :

Table 4.3 The Result of The Competence of The Certified Teacher Evaluation

1 Social
- Bersikap inklusif, bertindak objektif, serta
tidak diskriminatif. 4 4 4 4 3
- Komunikasi dengan sesama guru, tenaga
kependidikan, orang tua peserta didik, dan 4 4 4 4 3
2 Personal
- Bertindak sesuai dengan norma agama,
hukum, sosial dan kebudayaan nasional 3 4 3 3 4
- Menunjukkan pribadi yang dewasa dan 4 4 4 3 4

- Etos kerja, tanggung jawab yang tinggi, 4 4 4 4 4

dan rasa bangga menjadi guru.

The data above is the result of headmaster supervision of teacher competence.

The information the result is, “1” is the minimum point and “4” is the maximum

point. The data above shows that the certified teacher has a maximum point in

their competence in the class. It means that the teacher has a good result in their

competence evaluation based on the headmaster evaluation.

4.1.10 The Result of the Questionnaire of the Certified Teacher

In this research, the researcher uses a questionnaire to know how the

personal and social competence of the certified teacher that is consists of 25

questions. The total of the student as the sample of this questionnaire is 25

students. It shows in figure 4.2 as follow :

Figure 4.2 The total of students

From the diagram above it can be seen the total of male are 10 students with

total of precentage is 40 % and the total of female are 15 students with the

precentage is 60 %. Next, The score for this questionare is :

Information Totally Agree = 4

Agree =3

Dissagree =2

Totally Dissagree = 1

the result of students’ questionare show by the following table:

Table 4.4 the result of the questionare

NO NAME Personality Social
1 Dra. Sulmawati, M.Pd. I 39 33 2 1 16 34 0 0
2 Nurmalah, S.S 58 10 7 0 21 25 0 4
3 Nasruddin, SP, M.Si 40 32 2 1 24 25 1 0
4 Irpan Paputungan, S.Pd 39 33 3 0 18 31 0 1
5 Indo Tenri, S.Pd 24 41 8 2 13 23 11 3
The table above shows the result of the questionnaire from the 5 students and

25 of the questions. The researcher divided into two kinds of evaluation. First is

the personality competency evaluation that is consists of 15 questions and the

second is social competence evaluation that is consist of 10 questions. The result

of each teacher acquired by the sum of frequency from 5 students. It can be seen

in figure 4.3 as follow :

Personality and Social


1% 1%



e 4.3 The
and social
competence of Dra.Sulmawati, M.Pd. I
The description about the diagram above is 44% acquired by 39 + 34 =

71(44%), 54 % acquired by 33 + 34 = 67, 1 % acqired by 2 + 0 = 1%, 1 + 0 = 1

%. From the table above the researcher conclude that, viewed from the

percentage the highest percentage that is acquired by the 5 students is “A”

category that is 54% then “TA” Category is 44%. However, there is 1% of

student who chosed “D” and “TD” it means that there is 1% of student who

thinks that Mrs Dra.Sulmawati, M.Pd. I has a low competency. However, the
conclusion is the personality and social competence of Dra.Sulmawati, M.Pd. I

is good. Viewed from the result of the diagram above, the category of “TA” and

“ A” is highest than “D” and “TD” category.

Figure 4.3 the personality and social competence of Mrs. Nurmalah, S.S

The description about the diagram above is “TA” = (65%), “A” = (28%), “D”

= (6%), “TD”= (1%). From the table above, the researcher acumulate the

percentage of student who choosed “TA” category as the highest percentage that

is 65%. Then, the second category is “A” which is 28% as the second highest

percentage. However, there are 6% students who thinks that the personality and

social competence of Mrs. Nurmalah, S.S is still low and 1% students think she

is very low in her competence. So, the researcher conclude that the competence

of Mrs Nurmalah, S.S is very good viewed from the highest category acquired

by the students.
Figure 4.4 the personality and social competence of Mr Nasruddin S.P., M.Si

The description about the diagram above is 51 % acquired by 40 + 24 =

64, 46 % acquired by 32 + 25 = 57, 2 % acqired by 2 + 1 = 2%, 1 + 0 = 1 %.

From the table above, the researcher acumulate the percentage of student who

choosed “TA” category as the highest percentage that is 51%. Then, the second

category is “A” which is 46% as the second highest percentage. However, there

are 2% students who thinks that the personality and social competence of Mrs.

Nurmalah, S.S is still low and 1% students think she is very low in her

competence. So, the researcher conclude that the competence of Mrs Nurmalah,

S.S is very good viewed from the highest category acquired by the students.

Figure 4.5 the personality and social competence of Mr. Irpan Paputungan, S.Pd
The description about the diagram above is 46 % acquired by 39 + 18 = 57

(46%), 51% acquired by 33 + 31 = 64, 2 % acqired by 3 + 1 = 4, 1% acquired

by 0 + 1 = 1. From the table above, the researcher acumulate the percentage of

student who choose “A” category as the highest percentage that is 46%. Then,

the second category is “TA” which is 46% as the second highest percentage.

However, there are 2% students who thinks that the personality and social

competence of Mr Irpan Paputungan, S.Pd is still low and 1% students think she

is very low in her competence. So, the researcher conclude that the competence

of Mr Irpan Paputungan, S.Pd is good viewed from the highest category

acquired by the students.

Figure 4.6 the personality and social competence of Mrs Indo Tenri, S.Pd

The description about the diagram above is 30 % is acquired by 24 + 13 = 37,

51% is acquired by 41 + 23 = 64, 15 % acqired by 8 + 11 = 19, 4 % is acquired

by 2 + 3 = 5. From the table above, the researcher acumulate the percentage of

student who choose “A” category as the highest percentage that is 51%. Then,
the second category is “TA” which is 30% as the second highest percentage.

However, there are 15% students who thinks that the personality and social

competence of Mr Irpan Paputungan, S.Pd is still low and 4% students think she

is very low in her competence. So, the researcher conclude that the competence

of Mr Irpan Paputungan, S.Pd is good viewed from the highest category

acquired by the students.

Based on the result of the questionare, the highest score of the personality and

social competence by the students evaluation for certified teacher is the score of

Mrs. Nurmalah, S.S it can be seen form the total that is 65% of the students

totally agree that Mrs. Nurmalah, S.S has a very good competence in particularly

the personality and social competences. The second is Mr. Nasruddin, SP., M.Si

that total is 51% of the student totally agree that Mr. Nasruddin has a very good

competence in personal and social. The third is Mr. Irpan Paputungan, S.Pd the

total is 46% of students totally agree that Mr. Irpan Paputungan, S.Pd has a very

good personality and social competence.

The fourth is Mrs. Dra. Sulmawati M.Pd. I the total of the score is 44% of the

students totally agree that Mrs. Dra. Sulmawati M.Pd. I has a very good

competence in personal and social competences. The last is Mrs. Indo Tenri,

S.Pd the total of the score is

In conclusion, the result of questionare above shows that the student's

perception about the competence of the certified teacher is in a positive

response. It proves that the certified teacher in SMKN 1 Galang has a good

competence particularly in personality and social competence. However, there

are several of students thinks that the personality and social competence of

certified teacher still low. Yet, the result is that the answer of “very good” and

“good” category is in higher percentage. So, the researcher conclude that the

competence of personality and social of the certified teacher is good as the result

that acquired by the student as the informant of questioner evaluation.

4.2 Discussion

This research is focus on the certification program in SMKN 1 Galang, the

personality and social competence of the certified teacher in SMKN 1 Galang,

and the teaching performance of the certified teacher in SMKN 1 Galang. Based

on the result of findings, it can be explain as follow.

4.2.1 The Certification Program in SMKN 1 Galang

Certification program is the government effort to increase the welfare

of teacher as stated in the law no 14 at 2005. Remember the role of

teachers in the education process is so important, so it is expected that

teachers can carry out their duties and obligations in accordance with the

demands of their profession. As a profession, professionalism is something

that must be fulfilled by the teacher. in this research, to find an information

about teacher perception about the certfication program the researcher do

an interview with the certified teacher as an infromant.

Based on the result of the interview, the certification program in

SMKN 1 Galang can be explain by the teacher percecptions about the

certification program. They has a possitive response with this program.

The result of interview shows that the certified teacher feel grateful with

the government program to give the certficate educator to increase their

welfare. It is relevan with the statement by the law No. 14 at 2005 said that

the teacher who pass the certification programs means that they are

competent so that they need be increase in their welfare in their functional,

profession, and other welfare. They feel grateful to be certified teacher due

to it is helpful for them to fulfill their needs as a teacher by the

certification fund it also raise the spirit of teacher to teach in the class. not

only the welfare of teacher, but also their professionalism also increase. It

is relevan with the statement of The Department of National Education

that the cetification program implemented by an expectation the

professionalism teacher would be increase.

The certified teacher demand to teach for 24 hours per week. It means

that the certified teacher should be mastering in their subject. By the result

of interview, the certified teacher feel the increasing of their professiona.

by following the teacher training and education for the certified teacher the

professional of teacher can be increase. In conclusion, the certification

program increase the welfafre and the professionalism of the certified


4.2.2 The Personality And The Social Competence of The Certified Teacher

in SMKN 1 Galang
Personal competence refers to the individual to give appearance and

impression to the other individuals. The personal competence is the ability

of personality steady, stable, mature, wise and dignified, as being an

example for the students. Teacher's personality in the world of education is

very important, because understanding personality. Being the role models

in the school or even in the out of school, teacher is demand to has a good

personality. Not only the personality but also the aocial competency of the

teacher should be owned. One of the aspect that influence the personality

competency of teacher is the social competence. Mulyasa (2009: 173)

claimed social competence get along and communicate effectively, the

relationship between the school and the community, the role of teachers in

the community, and the teacher as an agent of social change.

In this research to abtain the data about the personal and social

competency the researcher took the data of the supervision of teacher

competency by the headmaster. Based on the result of findings, the

competence of the teacher is very good particularly is personality and

social competence. It can be seen from the result of supervision almost of

the certified teacher has a maksimum value. So, it can be conclude that the

certified teacher has a very good competency particularly in personal and

social competence.

4.2.3 Teaching Performance of The Certified Teacher in SMKN1 Galang

Teacher performance is a show of the work done by teachers in

performing their duties as educators. In general, the performance of

teachers will be increased along with the increase in the professionalism

of teachers in work. Improved performance of certified teachers can be

realized if the teachers who have been certified as professional educators

are increasing. Teacher performance has a certain specification. It can be

measured based on specification competence criteria that should be

owned by each teacher, that is how teacher make the lesson plan, how the

teacher conduct the lesson, and how to give a result. Teacher

performance will be better if they conduct the duties professionally.

In this research, the researcher abtain the result of teacher teaching

performance from the result of the supervision from the supervisor.

There are theree kinds of evaluation for the teacher. They are the

supervision about teaching admnistration evaluation, the supervision

about administration of lesson plan, and the supervision about teacher

teaching process. Siswanto Sastrohadiwiryo (2005: 231) stated that, an

activity that doing by the supervisor to evaluate the performance of the

educator by doing a comparison between performance and work

description in a certain period. Viewed on the result of findings, the

certified teacher in SMKN 1 Galang is in very good category in their

teaching performance. They filled the requirement and complete the data

as an professional educator.


5.1 Conclusion

The implementation of certification program that is stated in the law no 14 at

2005 is to increase the welfare and professional of teacher so the quality of

education also will be increase. Based on the researcher findings, the

implementation of certification program is success to increase the welfare and

professional of teacher in SMKN 1 Galang. It proves by the result of interview

they said that They feel grateful to get the certificate. It means that they are

admitted by the government as the professional teacher. As the professional

teacher means that they are able to fill the four competences. They are

pedagogical, professional, personality, and social competences.

Based on the result of findings, the certified teacher in SMKN 1 Galang fills

the fourth competences. They have a good result in particularly in personality

and social competences. However, based on the students evaluation there are

several students think that the personality and social competence of the certified

teacher still low. It proves by the accumulate of the questionnaire that was given

to them. Then, as the professional teacher, teacher performance should be better.

Based on the researcher findings, the result of the certified teacher teaching

performance in SMKN 1 Galang is very good. It proves by the result of the

teaching performance evaluation. It shows that the certified teacher fill the

criteria as the professional in teaching process in the class.

However, in SMKN 1 Galang the government expectation to increase the

quality of education by implementing the certification program is not successful.

Based on the researcher findings, several of the certified teacher think that the

certification program is not successful to increase the quality of education. It

proves by the result of the interview. They said that the completeness of the file

that should be owned by the certified teacher makes them more focus on it than

their responsible to carry out their duty as an educator.

In conclusion, the increasing of the quality of education is depend on what

the teachers do as an educator. However, the certification program is the

government efforts to increase the quality of education. To realize it, the teacher

needs to have responsible and be professional to carry out their duty as an

educator particularly as the certified teacher.

5.2 Suggestion

Based on the analysis of the competence and teaching performance of the

certified teacher in SMKN 1 Galang, the researcher gives several suggestion as

follow :

1. For the institution of school, the researcher expect to give a support to the

teacher to defend and increase their performance in the class.

2. As a professional teacher, the certified teacher is expected to defend their

teaching performance and their competence to raise the quality of education.

3. For further researcher, the result of this research can be used as an additional

reference with different discussion.

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Yamin Martinis. Sertifikaso Profesi Keguruan Indonesia, 2007 (Cet. II, Jakarta:
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The Questionnaire of the Personal and Social Competence of The Certified

The dimension of Teacher Competences Questionnaire (TCQ) adopted by Atik

Alami (Pengaruh Kompetensi Professional Dan Komepetensi Sosial Guru Ekonomi

Akuntansi Terhadap Prestasi Belajar Siswa SMA Di Kota Pati) and Romy Abdullah

(Pengaruh Kompetensi Kepribadian Guru PAI Terhadap Hasil Belajar Peserta didik

Kelas VIII di SMPN 1 Bukit Kemuning Kabupaten Lampung Utara).


Totally Agree = 5

Agree = 4

Neither Agree = 3

Dissagree = 2

Totally Dissagree = 1

Write Down your Identity

Name :

Class :

Day/date :

Please mark (√) the column based on your answer!


1 The certified teacher has a good attitude to the

headmaster, other teacher, and to the student.
- Guru sertifikasi bersikap baik kepada kepala
sekolah, guru, dan siswa.
2 The Certfied teacher communicate to the student
- Guru sertifikasi berkomunikasi dengan
siswa secara efektif.
3 The certified teacher respect each other.
- Guru sertifikasi menghormati satu sama
4 The certified teacher speaks and acts honestly in
anything arround.
5 The certfified teacher has a good relationship the
the student.
- Guru sertifikasi memiliki hubungan yang
baik dengan siswa.
6 The certified teacher teaching methode makes the
student is interest and happy.
- Cara mengajar guru sertifikasi membuat
siswa tertarik dan senang.
7 The certified teacher care and emphatic each
- Guru sertifikasi memiliki rasa peduli dan
empat satu sama lain.
8 Tthe certified teacher speaks polite.
- Guru sertifikasi bertutur kata yang baik.
9 The certified teacher has a good relationship with
other teacher.
- Guru sertifikasi memiliki hubungan yang
baik dengan guru lain.
10 The certified teacher care and emphatic to the
- Guru sertifikasi peduli dan empati terhadap
11 The certified teacher create comfortable situation
in the class.
- Guru sertifikasi menciptakan suasana
belajar yang nyaman di kelas.
12 The certified teacher shows a good model to the
- Guru sertifikasi menunjukan teladan yang
baik kepada siswa.
13 The certified teacher has a good relationship to
the student’s parrent.
- Guru sertifikasi mempunyai hubungan baik
terhadap orang tua siswa.
14 The certified teacher care and emphatic to the
student’s parent.
- Guru sertifikasi peduli dan empati terhadap
orang tua siswa.
15 The certified teacher always advice the student.
- guru selalu menasehati siswa,
16 The certified geacher always helps everyone who
needs a help.
- Guru sertifikasi menolong siapa saja yang
membutuhkan pertolongan.
17 The certified teacher pay attention to all of the
student in teaching process.
- Guru memperhatikan seluruh siswa dalam
proses pembelajaran.
18 The certified teacher involve the student’s parent
when the student have a problem at school.
- Guru sertifikasi melibatkan orang tua siswa
ketika trjadi masalah.
19 The teacher accept comment and suggestion from
the student.
- Guru menerima masukan dan saran dari
peserta didik.
20 The teacher does not do something bad when the
teacher gives a punishment.
- Guru tidak berbuat kasar dalam memberikan
21 The communicate of the certified teacher to the
student is understandable.
- Bahasa yang digunakan guru sertifikassi
saat berkomunikasi dengan peserta didik
mudah dipahami.
22 The certified teacher ask the student to pray
before start the lesson.
- Guru meminta siswa untuk berdoa sebelum
memulai pembelajaran.
23 The certified teacher admonish the student who
do a fault in the class.
- Guru sertifikasi menegur siswa yang
melakukan kesalahan di dalam kelas.
24 The certified teacher wear an orderly uniform
when they teach.
- Guru menggunakan pakaian yang rapih
ketika mengajar.
25 The certified teacher always come on time to the
The Question of Interview for The Certified Teacher
1. How long have you been a certified teacher?
(sudah berapa lama bapak/ibu menjadi guru sertifikasi)?

2. How long have you been receive a certification fund?

( Sudah berapa lama bapak/ibu menerima tunjangan sertifikasi?)

3. How is the process to be the certified teacher?

(bagaimana process untuk menjadi guru sertifikasi?)

4. Have you fill the validy time to teach for the certified teacher?
( apakah validitas jam mengajar bapak/ibu terpenuhi sebagai guru

5. How do you think about the certification programs?

(bagaimana program sertifikasi menurut bapak/ibu?)

6. How is your response about the certification programs?

(bagaimana respon bapak/ibu mengenai program sertfikasi?)

7. Is this program effective to raise the quality of education?

(apakah program sertifikasi ini effective menurut bapa/ibu?

8. Is there any possitive or negative effect of the certification program?

( apakah ada dampak positif atau negatif dari program sertifkasi?
The result of interview of Mr. Nasruddin, S.P., M.Si
Interviewer : Sudah berapa lama bapak menjadi guru di smk negeri 1 galang?
Interviewee : Sejak 10 sepuluh tahun
Interviewer : Sejak tahun berapa bapak menerima tunjangan sertifikasi guru, dan
bagaimana prosesnya?
Interviewee : Sejak tahun 2013 sudah menerima tunjangan sertifikasi guru. Proses
untuk menerima tunjangan sertifikasi guru yaitu: harus terdaftar
sebagai guru pada satuan pendidikan yang ditujukan dengan Sk (surat
kerputusan) oleh atasan baik negeri maupun swasta (yayasan), guru
tersebut memiliki pendidikan minimal S1 (sarjana), lamanya mengajar
minimal 6 tahun, mengumpulakan berkas fortofolio pendidikan,
dinyatakan memenuhi kriteria dari kementrian pendidikan untuk
mengikuti diklat sertifikat guru, mengikuti diklat profesi guru selama
2 minggu dan saya mengikuti diklat profesi guru yang
diselenggarakan oleh PSG Rayon 1 24 universitas negeri makassar di
makassar, setelah dinyatakan lulus diklat profesi guru diberikan
sertifikat profesi guru sesuai mata pelajaran yang di ampuh.
Interviewer : Kapan bapak mengikuti diklat profesi guru? Dan apa saja persyaratan
yang harus dipenuhi?
Interviewee : Saya mengikuti diklat profesi guru pada tahun 2013 yang di
selenggarakan oleh PSG Rayon 1 24 Universitas Negeri Makassar di
Makassar selama 14 hari. Parsyaratan yang harus dipenuhi yaitu:
harus terdaftar sebagai guru pada satuan pendidikan yang ditujukan
dengan Sk (surat kerputusan) oleh atasan baik negeri maupun swasta
(yayasan), guru tersebut memiliki pendidikan minimal S1 (sarjana),
lamanya mengajar minimal 6 tahun, mengumpulakan berkas fortofolio
pendidikan, dinyatakan memenuhi kriteria dari kementrian pendidikan
untuk mengikuti diklat sertifikat guru.
Interviewer : Apakah terpenuhi jumlah jam mengajar bapak yaitu 24 jam
perminggu? Dan apa konsekuensinya jika jam mengajarnya tidak
Interviewee : Alhamdulillah. Jumlah jam mengejar saya terpenuhi. Kewajiban guru
mengajar minimal 24 jam per minggu. Sementara saya mengajar 40
jam per minggu. Konsekuensinya jika jam mengejar tidak terpenuhi,
maka guru tersebut harus di berikan tugas tambahan yang relevan
untuk memenuhi beban mengajarnya misalnya Wakasek, Kapro,
Kepala Laboratorium, Pembina Osis, Pembina Pramuka, dan Ketua
Unit Produksi. Kalau di sekolah tersebut jabatan ini sudah dijalankan
oleh guru yang lain, maka guru yang tidak cukup jam mengajarnya
harus mencari jam tambahan pada sekolah lain yang memiliki jenjang
yang sama misalnya antara SMK Negeri 1 Galang dengan SMK
Negeri 1 Dako Pamean dan Sebagainya. Jumlah jam mengajar dengan
tugas tambahan yang dinyatakan valid melalui dapodik. Kalaupun
guru tersebut, jam mengajar ditambah tugas tambahan tetap tidak
mencukupi 24 jam, maka guru tersebut tidak menerima tunjangan
Interviewer : Bagaimana pemahaman bapak mengenai sertifikasi guru?
Interviewee : Sertifikat guru menurut undang-undang guru dan dosen. Ada 3 pilar
utama yang harus ada pada kegiatan sertifikasi guru yaitu: Guru harus
memiliki kompetensi sesuai dengan bidangnya, guru professional
adalah guru yang memiliki kompetensi sesuai dengan bidangnya
berdasarkan dengan disiplin ilmu yang dimiliki dan mampu mengajar,
mendidik, melatih dan membimbing peserta didik, guru harus
mendapatkan perlindungan hukum. Guru didalam melaksanakan
profesi sebagai guru harus mendapatkan perlindungan hukum. Guru
profesional yang memiliki sertifikasi guru harus diberikan
penghargaan oleh negara yaitu berupa tunjangan sertidikasi guru.
Interviewer : Bagaimana respon bapak terhadap adanya sertifikasi guru, dan
bagaimana perasaan bapak setelah menjadi guru penerima tunjangan
Interviewee : Kami sangat merespon positif terhadap pemerintah dengan adanya
program profesi guru dengan memberikan penghargaan kepada guru
yang dinyatakan lulus sertifikasi dengan memberikan 1 kali gaji
pokok guru. Perasaan kami sangat bangga menjadi guru profesional
karea tidak semua guru mampu menjadi guru profesional. Selain
finansial yang diterima sebagai wujud penghargaan negara, kami juga
bangga dapat mengabdikan segenap jiwa dan raga dengan
pembangunan bangsa dan negara melalui pembangunan sumber daya
manusia untuk menjadi manusia yang cerdas dan beradab.
Interviewer : menurut pendapat bapak/ibu apakah sertifikasi guru efektif dalam
peningkatan mutu pendidikan?
Interviewee : kegiatan sertifikasi guru diharapkan dapat meningkatkan mutu
pendidikan, akan tetapi perlu dipahami bahwa untuk meningkatkan
mutu pendidikan diperlukan beberapa indikator pendukung
diantaranya tersedianya sumber daya tenaga pengajar dan tersedianya
fasilitassarana dan prasarana. Guru harus dtingkatkan sumber daya
menusianya, sarana dan prasarana harus tersedia sesuai dengan
kebutuhan dilingkungan satuan pendidikan masing-masing. Sampai
saat ini sertifikasi guru belum efektif dalam meningkatkan mutu
pendidikan karena kurikulum yang digunakan selalu berubah apalagi
kurikulum yang berlaku pada jenjang sekolah menengah kejuruan.
Hari ini kurikulum berubah, belum sepenuhnya diterapkan kurikulum
berganti lagi sehingga kegiatan guru lebih banyak tersita ke persoalan
Interviewer : menurut bapak adakah dampak positif dan negative dari peraturan
pemerintah mengenai undang-undang sertifikasi guru? Jika ada apa
dampak positif dan negatif nya ?
Interviewee : dampak positifnya yaitu guru penerima tunjangan sertifikasi dapat
merasakan peningkatan kesejahteraan misalnya media pembelajaran
satu per satu dapat dimiliki misalnya guru sudah memiliki buku bahan
ajar, lapto dan media pembelajaran lainnya. Sedangkan dampak
negatifnya yaitu karena penerima tunjangan sertifikasi dapat cair
apabila guru dinyatakan valid melalui dapodik sehingga banyak guru
yang dsibukkan dengan kegiatan melengkapi berkas sertifikasi
dibandingkan dengan melaksanakan tugas utamanya untuk mengajar.
Sehingga disarankan pemerintah dapat mengevaluasi kembali
persyaratan pencairan sertifikasi agar guru-guru dapat lebih ikhlas
mengajar dalam meningkatkan kualitas sumber daya manusia.
The result of interview of Mrs. Indo Tenri, S.Pd
Interviewer : Sudah berapa lama ibu menjadi guru di smk negeri 1 galang?
Interviewee : sudah 15 tahun.
Interviewer : Sejak tahun berapa ibu menerima tunjangan sertifikasi guru, dan
bagaimana prosesnya?
Interviewee : Sejak tahun 2009 sudah menerima tunjangan sertifikasi guru. Proses
untuk menerima tunjangan sertifikasi guru yaitu: harus terdaftar
sebagai guru pada satuan pendidikan yang ditujukan dengan Sk (surat
kerputusan) oleh atasan baik negeri maupun swasta (yayasan), guru
tersebut memiliki pendidikan minimal S1 (sarjana), lamanya mengajar
minimal 6 tahun, mengumpulakan berkas fortofolio pendidikan,
dinyatakan memenuhi kriteria dari kementrian pendidikan untuk
mengikuti diklat sertifikat guru, mengikuti diklat profesi guru selama
2 minggu dan saya mengikuti diklat profesi guru yang
diselenggarakan oleh PSG Rayon 1 24 universitas negeri makassar di
makassar, setelah dinyatakan lulus diklat profesi guru diberikan
sertifikat profesi guru sesuai mata pelajaran yang di ampuh.
Interviewer : Kapan ibu mengikuti diklat profesi guru? Dan apa saja persyaratan
yang harus dipenuhi?
Interviewee : Saya mengikuti diklat profesi guru pada tahun 2009 yang di
selenggarakan oleh PSG Rayon 1 24 Universitas Negeri Makassar di
Makassar selama 14 hari. Parsyaratan yang harus dipenuhi yaitu:
harus terdaftar sebagai guru pada satuan pendidikan yang ditujukan
dengan Sk (surat kerputusan) oleh atasan baik negeri maupun swasta
(yayasan), guru tersebut memiliki pendidikan minimal S1 (sarjana),
lamanya mengajar minimal 6 tahun, mengumpulakan berkas fortofolio
pendidikan, dinyatakan memenuhi kriteria dari kementrian pendidikan
untuk mengikuti diklat sertifikat guru.
Interviewer : Apakah terpenuhi jumlah jam mengajar ibu yaitu 24 jam perminggu?
Dan apa konsekuensinya jika jam mengajarnya tidak terpenuhi?
Interviewee : Alhamdulillah. Jumlah jam mengejar saya terpenuhi. Kewajiban guru
mengajar minimal 24 jam per minggu. Sementara saya mengajar 40
jam per minggu. Konsekuensinya jika jam mengejar tidak terpenuhi,
maka guru tersebut harus di berikan tugas tambahan yang relevan
untuk memenuhi beban mengajarnya misalnya Wakasek, Kapro,
Kepala Laboratorium, Pembina Osis, Pembina Pramuka, dan Ketua
Unit Produksi. Kalau di sekolah tersebut jabatan ini sudah dijalankan
oleh guru yang lain, maka guru yang tidak cukup jam mengajarnya
harus mencari jam tambahan pada sekolah lain yang memiliki jenjang
yang sama misalnya antara SMK Negeri 1 Galang dengan SMK
Negeri 1 Dako Pamean dan Sebagainya. Jumlah jam mengajar dengan
tugas tambahan yang dinyatakan valid melalui dapodik. Kalaupun
guru tersebut, jam mengajar ditambah tugas tambahan tetap tidak
mencukupi 24 jam, maka guru tersebut tidak menerima tunjangan
Interviewer : Bagaimana pemahaman ibu mengenai sertifikasi guru?
Interviewee : Sertifikat guru menurut undang-undang guru dan dosen. Ada 3 pilar
utama yang harus ada pada kegiatan sertifikasi guru yaitu: Guru harus
memiliki kompetensi sesuai dengan bidangnya, guru professional
adalah guru yang memiliki kompetensi sesuai dengan bidangnya
berdasarkan dengan disiplin ilmu yang dimiliki dan mampu mengajar,
mendidik, melatih dan membimbing peserta didik, guru harus
mendapatkan perlindungan hukum. Guru didalam melaksanakan
profesi sebagai guru harus mendapatkan perlindungan hukum. Guru
profesional yang memiliki sertifikasi guru harus diberikan
penghargaan oleh negara yaitu berupa tunjangan sertidikasi guru.
Interviewer : Bagaimana respon ibu terhadap adanya sertifikasi guru, dan
bagaimana perasaan bapak setelah menjadi guru penerima tunjangan
Interviewee : Kami sangat merespon positif terhadap pemerintah dengan adanya
program profesi guru dengan memberikan penghargaan kepada guru
yang dinyatakan lulus sertifikasi dengan memberikan 1 kali gaji
pokok guru. Perasaan kami sangat bangga menjadi guru profesional
karea tidak semua guru mampu menjadi guru profesional. Selain
finansial yang diterima sebagai wujud penghargaan negara, kami juga
bangga dapat mengabdikan segenap jiwa dan raga dengan
pembangunan bangsa dan negara melalui pembangunan sumber daya
manusia untuk menjadi manusia yang cerdas dan beradab.
Interviewer : menurut pendapat bapak/ibu apakah sertifikasi guru efektif dalam
peningkatan mutu pendidikan?
Interviewee : kegiatan sertifikasi guru diharapkan dapat meningkatkan mutu
pendidikan, akan tetapi perlu dipahami bahwa untuk meningkatkan
mutu pendidikan diperlukan beberapa indikator pendukung
diantaranya tersedianya sumber daya tenaga pengajar dan tersedianya
fasilitassarana dan prasarana. Guru harus dtingkatkan sumber daya
menusianya, sarana dan prasarana harus tersedia sesuai dengan
kebutuhan dilingkungan satuan pendidikan masing-masing. Sampai
saat ini sertifikasi guru belum efektif dalam meningkatkan mutu
pendidikan karena kurikulum yang digunakan selalu berubah apalagi
kurikulum yang berlaku pada jenjang sekolah menengah kejuruan.
Hari ini kurikulum berubah, belum sepenuhnya diterapkan kurikulum
berganti lagi sehingga kegiatan guru lebih banyak tersita ke persoalan
Interviewer : menurut ibu adakah dampak positif dan negative dari peraturan
pemerintah mengenai undang-undang sertifikasi guru? Jika ada apa
dampak positif dan negatif nya ?
Interviewee : dampak positifnya yaitu guru penerima tunjangan sertifikasi dapat
merasakan peningkatan kesejahteraan misalnya media pembelajaran
satu per satu dapat dimiliki misalnya guru sudah memiliki buku bahan
ajar, lapto dan media pembelajaran lainnya. Sedangkan dampak
negatifnya yaitu karena penerima tunjangan sertifikasi dapat cair
apabila guru dinyatakan valid melalui dapodik sehingga banyak guru
yang dsibukkan dengan kegiatan melengkapi berkas sertifikasi
dibandingkan dengan melaksanakan tugas utamanya untuk mengajar.
Sehingga disarankan pemerintah dapat mengevaluasi kembali
persyaratan pencairan sertifikasi agar guru-guru dapat lebih ikhlas
mengajar dalam meningkatkan kualitas sumber daya manusia.
The result of interview Mrs. Sulmawati, S.Ag
Interviewer : sudah berapa lama ibu menjadi gurur di SMK N 1 Galang?
Interviewe : kurang lebih 21 tahun.
Interviewer : kemudian tahun berapa ibu menerima sertifikasi pendidik?
Interviewe : mulai tahun 2011 sampai sekarang.
Interviewer : bagaimana proses program sertifikasiyang ibu ikuti?
Interviewe : prosesnya kita harus mengikuti LPTK kalo kita tidak mengikuti itu
maka kita tidak akan terdaftar dan harus memiliki pendidikan S1 kalau
tidak lulus pendidikan S1 maka tidak menerima tunjangan sertifikasi.
Jadi meskipun ada guru yang mengajar namaun tidak memiliki ijazah
S1 maka dia tidk berhak menerima tunjangan sertifikasi.
Interviewer : kapan ibu mengikuti diklat sertifikasi ini ?
Interviewe : pada tahun 2011 yaitu pada bulan Oktober yaitu bertempat di UIN
Interviewer : kemudian persyaratan yang harus di penuhi itu seperti apa ibu?
Inerviewe : pesyaratannya harus mengajar minimal 5 tahun kemudian dia
memenuhi syarat, dan persyaratannya itu dia harus mengikuti
pelatihan atau diklat profesi guru. Jika tidak mengikuti pelatihan
maka guru tidak akan menerima tunjangan dan dinyatakan tidak lulus.
Interviewer : apakah validitas jam mengajar ibu itu terpenuhi selama 24 jam,
mengingat ini adalah salah satu syarat untuk guru menrima tunjangan
Interviewe : alhaamdulillah kalo jam mengajar malahan jam mengajar saya lebih.
Saya sekarang mengajar selama 36 jam sementara yang dibutuhkan iu
24 jam.
Interviewer : adakah efek atau pengaruh kelebihan jam mengajar seperti yang ibu
jelaskan tadi. Keuntungan lain yang didapatkan itu seperti apa ibu?
Interviewer : menegenai efek itu tidak ada efek apa-apa cuma kami tidak
mengalami hambatan untuk memperolah nilai hasil supervisi dan juga
kehadiran disekolah itu sangat berpengaruh.
Interviewer : jaddi kelebihan jam mengajarnya ibu ini tidak ada pengaruhnya?
Interviewe : iyah tidak ada pengaruh. Kalau misalkan ada guru yang kekurangan
jam di sekolahnya maka mereka bisa ke sekolah lain untuk mencari
tambahan jam mengajar.
Interviewer : kemudian bagaimana pemahamannya ibu mengenai program
sertifikasi ini?
Interviewe : program sertifikasi ini menurut saya semestinya cukup bagus cuma
kalau bisa jangan terlalu banyak di tuntut karena tanpa menerima
sertifikasi memang kita sebagai guru itu di tuntut untuk mengajar 24
jam bahkan lebih dari itu. Meskipun guru tidak menerima tunjanagan
tugas guru ya memamg harus mengajar. Karena kami sudah
melengkapi persyaratan dan hasilnya bisa dilihat pada pengawas dan
kepala sekolah kemudian dibayarkan. Jadi dengan banyak persyaratan
itu menjadi beban buat kami.
Interviewer : kemudian bagaimana responnya ibu terhadap program sertifiksi
Interviewe : alhamdulillah karena ada nilai tambah dari pada gaji kita nah itulah
salah satu semangat kita mengajar karena ada tambahan gaji extra
sebagai guru professional dan gaji pokok, jadi kami sangat bersyukur
kepada Allah SWT.
Interviewer : berarti dengan kata lain tunjangan sertifikasi ini mensejahterakan
Interviewe : bisa dikatakan seperti itu karena salah satu ada tambahan berarti kita
tidak mencari lagi tambahan gaji diluar misalnya mencari pekerjaan
lain selain mengajar disekolah.
Interviewer : menurut ibu program ini efektif tidak untuk meningkatkan mutu
pendidikan di sekolah?
Interviewe : yah bisa dikatakan efektif karena kami mengajar selama 24 jam
karena jika jam mengajar tidak mencukupi maka guru tidak akan
menerima tunjangan sertifikasi. Karena ini ditanda tangani oleh kepala
sekolah dan membuat surat pernyataan bahwa guru mengajar selama
24 jam. Jadi program ini bisa dikatakan efektif.
Interviewer : adakah dampak positif dan negtaif dengan program ini misalnya
masih ada guru-guru yang masih tidak setuju dengan kebijakan di
dalamnya misalnya banyak prosedur yang harus guru-guru lakukan
untuk diterimanya tunjangan sertifikasi ini.
Inerviewe : dampaknya semua positif tidak ada negatif nya karena semua guru-
guru semangat untuk mengajar apalagi waktu pencairan dana
sertifikasi sudah dekat, guru-guru akan tambah semangat lagi
mengajarnya. Tetapi sebelumnya maskipun belum tersertifikasi kami
juga tetap mengajar, dan ini juga sebagai motivasi untuk membuat kita
lebih semangat. Jadi tidak ada dampak negatif nya.
Interviewer : jadi program ini sangat berdampak positif bu dimana guru-guru
menjadi lebih profesional karena menurut penjelasan ibu tadi guru-
guru mengikuti pelatihan seperti bimtek.
Interviewe : iya ada bimtek dilaksanakan yang diminta dari Departement Agama
kemudian di tanda tangani oleh kepala sekolah dan diberikan izin
untuk ikut. Seperti yang saya ikuti kemarin itu dilaksanakan di
The result of interview of Mrs. Nurmalah, S.S
Interviewer : sudah berapa lama ibu menjadi gurur di SMK N 1 Galang?
Interviewe : sejak tahun 2000 sampai sekarang.
Interviewer : kemudian tahun berapa ibu menerima sertifikasi pendidik?
Interviewe : mulai tahun 2008.
Interviewer : bagaimana proses program sertifikasiyang ibu ikuti?
Interviewe : prosesnya kita harus mengikuti LPTK kalo kita tidak mengikuti itu
maka kita tidak akan terdaftar dan harus memiliki pendidikan S1 kalau
tidak lulus pendidikan S1 maka tidak menerima tunjangan sertifikasi.
Jadi meskipun ada guru yang mengajar namaun tidak memiliki ijazah
S1 maka dia tidak berhak menerima tunjangan sertifikasi.
Interviewer : kapan ibu mengikuti diklat sertifikasi ini ?
Interviewe : pada tahun 2008.
Interviewer : kemudian persyaratan yang harus di penuhi itu seperti apa ibu?
Inerviewe : pesyaratannya harus mengajar minimal 5 tahun kemudian dia
memenuhi syarat, dan perdyaratannya itu dia harus mengikuti
pelatihan atau diklat profesi guru. Jika tidak mengikuti pelatihan
maka guru tidak akan menerima tunjangan dan dinyatakan tidak lulus.
Interviewer : apakah validitas jam mengajar ibu itu terpenuhi selama 24 jam,
mengingat ini adalah salah satu syarat untuk guru menrima tunjangan
Interviewe : alhamdulillah terpenuhi, bahkan saya ada tabahan 10 jam jadi 34 jam
Interviewer : konsekuensi kalau tidak cukup jam pembelajaran oleh guru itu apa
saja bu?
Interviewer : yah tunjangan tidak akan diberikan kepada guru. Karena harus
terpenuhi 24 jam tersebut.
Interviewer : adakah pengaruh kelebihan jam mengajar. Keuntungan lain yang
didapatkan ittu seperti apa ibu?
Interviewer : menegenai pengaruh itu tidak ada.
Interviewer : jadi kelebihan jam mengajarnya ibu ini tidak ada pengaruhnya?
Interviewe : iyah tidak ada pengaruh. Yang terpenting itu 24 jam terpenuhi
adapun kalo kurang itu guru harus mencari tabahan jam disekolah
Interviewer : kemudian bagaimana pemahamannya ibu mengenai program
sertifikasi ini?
Interviewe : program sertifikasi ini dapat meningkatkan mutu pendidikan dan
juga guru-guru bisa menjadi professional.
Interviewer : kemudian bagaimana responnya ibu terhadap program sertifiksi
Interviewe : respon saya program sertifikasi ini sangat bermanfaat bagi guru-guru
dan juga kami bersyukur dengan adanya tunjangan sertifikasi ini.
Interviewer : berarti dengan kata lain tunjangan sertifikasi ini mensejahterakan
Interviewe : yah bisa dibilang seperti itu.
Interviewer : menurut ibu program ini efektif tidak untuk meningkatkan mutu
pendidikan di sekolah?
Interviewe : menurut saya efektif tergantung dari individunya. Bagi saya efektif
karena saya selalu mengajar selama 24 jam bahkan lebih dan tidak
pernah ada masalah mengenai tunjangan.
The result interview of Mr. Irpan Paputungan, S.Pd
Interviewer : sudah berapa lama bapak menjadi guru di SMK N 1 Galang?
Interviewe : sejak tahun 2003 sampai dengan sekarang.
Interviewer : kemudian tahun berapa bapak menerima sertifikasi pendidik?
Interviewe : mulai tahun 2015.
Interviewer : bagaimana proses program sertifikasiyang bapak ikuti?
Interviewe : prosesnya kita harus mengumpulkan berkas fortofolio pendidik,
kemudian jika guru di nyatakan lulus maka dari kementrian
pendidikan itu guru dinyatakan lulus atau tidak kemudian mengikuti
diklat sertifikasi guru, setelah dinyatakan lulus baru guru diberikan
sertifikat sesuai mata pelajaran yang diambil.
Interviewer : nah persyaratan yang harus di penuhi itu seperti apa pak?
Inerviewe : pesyaratannya harus mengajar minimal 5 tahun kemudian dia
memenuhi syarat, pendidikan guru minimal S1 dan persyaratannya itu
dia harus mengikuti pelatihan atau diklat profesi guru, mengumpulkan
berkas fortopolio, Jika dinyatakan lulus dari beberapa tes sesuai mata
pelajaran yang ampu barulah guru diberikan sertifikat yang namamya
sertifikat pendidik.
Interviewer : apakah validitas jam mengajar bapak itu terpenuhi selama 24 jam,
mengingat ini adalah salah satu syarat untuk guru menrima tunjangan
Interviewe : yah kalo untuk pemenuhan jam kalo untuk saya sudaha cukup namun
ada ketambahan jam 2 jam jadi totalnya 26 jam.
Interviewer : mengenai penambahan jam, berpengaruh tidak dengan tunjangan
yang diterima pak?
Interviewer : mengenai tambahan tunjangan itu tidak ada penambahan meskipun
tambahan jam pembelajarannya banyak.
Interviewer : kemudian bagaimana pemahamannya bapak mengenai program
sertifikasi ini?
Interviewe : menurut saya kebjakan sertifikasi ini cukup baik, tetapi adahal-hal
yang perlu di perbaiki sistem didalamnya yaitu pemberkasan dimana
setiap pencairan sertifikasi itu selalu meminta data untuk dimasukkan
sebagai syarat padahal data itu sudah berulang-ulang dimasukkan.
Interviewer : kemudian bagaimana responnya bapak terhadap program sertifiksi
Interviewe : sudah cukup baik dan mensejahterahkan namun tadi itu ada beberapa
hal tentang administrasi ketika data sudah valid atau sudah sah
menerima sertifikasi namun kita masih tetap dibebani dengan selalu
ada pemberkasan setiap pencairan dana sertifikasi.
Interviewer : lalu bagaimana perasaan bapak setelah menjadi guru yang menerima
tunjangan sertifikasi?
Interviewe : yah sangat bersyukur karena tunjangan yang diterima itu sangat
membantu jadi guru-guru sejahtera guru-guru terima tunjangan
sertifikasi ini.
Interviewer : menurut bapak program ini efektif tidak untuk meningkatkan mutu
pendidikan di sekolah?
Interviewe : kalo persoalan efektif iyah sudah efektif karena setiap guru itu harus
mengajar selama 24 jam sebagai kriteria atau syarat untuk menerima
tunjangan sertifikasi.
Interviewer : nah jika 24 jam tidak dipenuhi oleh guru apa konsekuensi yang
diterima oleh guru pak?
Interviewe : yah gaji tunjangan tidak akan diberikan kurang 1 jam saja dana tidak
akan cair. Jadi betul-betul harus 24 jam beru bisa memenuhi kriteria.
Interviewer : adakah dampak positif dan negtaif dengan program ini misalnya
masih ada guru-guru yang masih tidak setuju dengan kebijakan di
dalamnya misalnya banyak prosedur yang harus guru-guru lakukan
untuk diterimanya tunjangan sertifikasi ini.
Totally Agree =4
Agree = 3
Dissagree = 2
Totally dissagree = 1

No Indicator Sub Indicator Number Of Item

1 Personal Competence 1. Stable And Steady 1,15,19,16
2. Wisdom Personality 20,23

3. be a role model to the 4,8,12,24,25

4. has a work ethos as a 6,11,21,22
2 Social Competence 1. The relationship between 2,5,10,17
the teacher and the student
2. The realation between the 3,7,9,10
teacher each other
3. The relation between the 13,14,18
teacher and the student’s
The Result of The Certified Teachers Competence Evaluation

1 Social
- Bersikap inklusif, bertindak objektif, serta
tidak diskriminatif. 4 4 4 4 3
- Komunikasi dengan sesama guru, tenaga
kependidikan, orang tua peserta didik, dan 4 4 4 4 3
2 Personal
- Bertindak sesuai dengan norma agama,
hukum, sosial dan kebudayaan nasional 3 4 3 3 4
- Menunjukkan pribadi yang dewasa dan 4 4 4 3 4

- Etos kerja, tanggung jawab yang tinggi, 4 4 4 4 4

dan rasa bangga menjadi guru.

The Result f The Certified Teacher Teaching Performance Evaluation

Kinds of
No Name Information

Teaching Teaching
Administration Lesson Plan Activity
1 Irpan Paputungan, S.Pd 92 95 95 Very good

2 Dra.Sulmawati, M.Pd.I 95 95 97 Very good

3 Nurmalah, S.S 95 95 93 Very good

4 Indo Tenri, S.Pd 97 97 95 Very good

5 Nasruddin, SP, M.Si 97 97 97 Very good


The documentation of interview with the certified teacher in SMKN 1 Galang

Mr. Nasruddin, SP., M.Si Mr. Irpan Paputungan, S.Pd

Mrs. Dra. Sulmawati, M.Pd. I Mrs. Nurmalah, S.S

Mrs. Indo Tenri, S.Pd

The documentation of the students fill the questionare

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