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Silvia Irawati (1809511001)

Varhan Dwiyan Indra (1809511044)

Ferdy Olga saputra (1809511050)

Nabilah Rizky Amalia (1809511055)





1. Definisi penyakit
Heart failure atau gagal jantung adalah kondisi saat pompa jantung melemah,
sehingga tidak mampu mengalirkan darah yang cukup ke seluruh tubuh. Kondisi ini juga
dikenal dengan istilah gagal jantung kongestif. Gagal jantung dapat disebabkan oleh
hipertensi, anemia, dan penyakit jantung.

2. Patofisiologi penyakit

Keterangan gambar :
a. Gambar (A)
Penurunan katup mitral dan puncak koroner kanan katup aorta.
b. Gambar (B)
Hasil ekokardiografi pasca operasi.
Keterangan gambar :
a. Gambar (C)
Peningkatan opasitas paru di lobus paru kaudal kanan.
b. Gambar (D)
Peningkatan opasitas paru, terlokalisasi di lobus paru kaudal kanan.

Keterangan gambar :
a. Gambar (A dan B)
Balonnya mengembang dan mengempis empat kali berturut-turut dengan istirahat
dua menit selama inflasi.

Keterangan gambar :
a. Gambar (A)
Ekokardiografi transthoracic menunjukkan subvalvular AS (SAS) parah yang
ditandai dengan struktur mirip membran tepat di bawah katup aoritik.
b. Gambar (B)
Ekokardiografi transthoracic pasca operasi.
Keterangan gambar :
a. Gambar (C)
Radiografi toraks menunjukkan peningkatan skor jantung vertebral (12,3 v) dan
peningkatan opasitas paru yang terlokalisasi di lobus paru kaudal kanan dan kiri
b. Gambar (D)
Pada radiografi toraks, peningkatan opasitas paru, yang terlokalisasi di lobus paru
kaudal kanan dan kiri.

3. Etiologi
Kasus ini mungkin disebabkan oleh penurunan katup mitral dan puncak koroner kanan
katup aorta. Selain itu, parameter berikut diperoleh: rasio akar atrium atau aorta kiri
(LA / Ao) 2,29 dan kecepatan cincin mitral Doppler puncak pada diastol awal (Puncak
E) 2,03 m / s.

4. Gejala Klinis
Laju aliran aorta tidak setinggi yang seharusnya (kecepatan aliran aorta untuk kasus 1
dan kasus 2 adalah 2,82 m /s dan 3,96 m /s, masing-masing).

5. Diagnosis
Diagnosis kasus ini sebagai AS dan memiliki insufisiensi katup mitral dengan kongesti
yang parah. Perawatan medis dari dalam (furosemid 1,5 mg / kg bid) tidak memperbaiki
kondisi anjing. Kemudian, ditemukan bahwa AS merupakan faktor eksaserbasi dari
insufisiensi katup mitral dengan gagal jantung kongestif (CHF) dan melakukan
valvuloplasti balon aorta.
6. Pengobatan
Sebagai premedikasi, butorphanol (Vetorfar; Meijiseika pharma, Tokyo,
Jepang, 0,2 mg / kg, iv), midazolam hidroklorida (Dormicum; Astellas PharmaInc,
Tokyo, Jepang, 0,2 mg / kg, iv), glikopirolat (Injeksi Glycopyrrolate; Yogeshwari medi-
cals, Maharashtra, India, 0,011 mg / kg, sc), dan meloxicam (Metacam 0,5%;
Boehringer IngelheimVetmedica, Tokyo, Jepang, 0,2 mg / kg, sc) diberikan. Selain itu,
natrium heparin (Heparinsodium; Eapharma, Tokyo, Jepang, 100 IU / kg, iv) diberikan
untuk pencegahan trombosis. Anestesi diinduksi dengan propofol 1% (Propofol Mylan;
Mylan Seiyaku, Tokyo, Jepang,6 mg / kg bolus, iv) dan dipertahankan dengan 1–2 vol%
dari isoflurane (Isoflurane untuk Penggunaan Hewan; Intervet, Osaka, Jepang) dalam
100% oksigen.
Kateterisasi dilakukan di bawah ekokardiografi fluroskopi dan transesofagus
(TEE). Kateter vena perifer 18-G dimasukkan ke dalam arteri karotis kiri, dan selubung
pengantar vaskular 4-Fr ditempatkan di dalam. Setelah menempatkan selubung, kawat
halus yang lentur berukuran 0,014” × 175 cm dimasukkan dari selubung dan maju ke
seberang katup aorta. Stenosis dikonfirmasi oleh TEE dan fluoroskopi. Kateter balon
PED TMP 10 × 40 mm (Tokai Medical Products paediatrics balloon catheter; Tokai
Medical Products, Kasugai, Aichi, Japan) dipilih untuk balon valvuloplasti dan naik
melewati kawat pemandu ke tingkat stenosis.

7. Daftar Pustaka
Yoshida, T., Matsuura, K., Goya, S. E. I. J. I. R. O. W., Ma, D., Shimada, K.,
Kitpipatkun, P., ... & Tanaka, R. (2020). Balloon valvuloplasty in two dogs with aortic
valve stenosis showing congestive heart failure. Veterinární medicína, 65(2), 89-94.
Veterinarni Medicina, 65, 2020 (02): 89–94 Case Report

Balloon valvuloplasty in two dogs with aortic valve

stenosis showing congestive heart failure
Tomohiko Yoshida, Kastuhiro Matsuura, Seijirow Goya, Danfu Ma,
Kazumi Shimada, Pitipat Kitpipatkun, Aki Takeuchi, Akiko Uemura,
Ryou Tanaka*

Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Veterinary Surgery, Tokyo University of Agriculture

and Technology, Fuchu-shi, Tokyo, Japan
*Corresponding author:

Citation: Yoshida T, Matsuura K, Goya S, Ma D, Shimada K, Kitpipatkun P, Takeuchi A, Uemura A, Tanaka R (2020):
Balloon valvuloplasty in two dogs with aortic valve stenosis showing congestive heart failure. Vet Med-Czech 65, 89–94.

Abstract: A 10-year-old female Papillon and a 1-year-old male Golden Retriever were presented to the Tokyo
University of Agriculture and Technology for a second opinion on an aortic valve stenosis (AS). The aortic flow
rate was not as high as it should have been (the aortic flow velocity for case 1 and case 2 was 2.82 m/s and
3.96 m/s, respectively). However, the AS was suspected to be an exacerbating factor in the congestive heart fail-
ure, so that a balloon valvuloplasty was conducted. As a result, the congestion and clinical symptoms were much
improved in both cases. In conclusion, in cases with an AS, in which afterload is a key factor for the exacerbation
of the congestion, a balloon aortic valvuloplasty may reduce the afterload and consequently lead to an improve-
ment in the congestion.

Keywords: interventional cardiology; congestive heart failure; dogs

Aortic valve stenosis (AS) is a congenital car- ria for balloon valvuloplasty. However, we found
diac malformation that is common in large dogs that the AS was an exacerbating factor in the con-
(Patterson 1968; Pyle et al. 1976; Tidholm 1997; gestion, and that balloon valvuloplasty should be
Ontiveros et al. 2019). In previous studies, bal- performed. As a result, the congestion and clinical
loon valvuloplasty was performed when the pres- symptoms improved prominently in both cases.
sure gradient was ≥ 80 mmHg (flow rate ≥ 4.5 m/s)
(Meurs et  al. 2005; Shen et  al. 2017). However,
in a severe AS, the left ventricular function decreas- Case descriptions
es due to a myocardial ischemia from the chronic
elevation of the left ventricular pressure (Griggs CASE 1
et al. 1973; Bache et al. 1981; Alyono et al. 1986).
Moreover, some cases showed a lower aortic flow A 10-year-old neutered female Papillon was pre-
velocity than expected (Kitabatake et  al. 1990; sented to our university for a second opinion with
Minners et al. 2008; Pibarot and Dumesnil 2012). regards to exercise intolerance and a moist soft
This study reports that a balloon aortic valvu- cough.
loplasty was performed for an AS accompanied On physical examination, right lateral moist
by congestion. The aortic flow velocity was slightly lung sounds (crackles), a grade IV/VI left basilar
high in both cases and did not match the crite- and apical systolic murmur with a regular rhythm,

Case Report Veterinarni Medicina, 65, 2020 (02): 89–94

and a heart rate (HR) of 115 beats per minute (bpm) From the above findings, we diagnosed this case
were found upon thoracic auscultation. Thoracic as  being an  AS and having mitral valve insuffi-
radiography revealed an increased vertebral heart ciency with severe congestion. The internal medi-
score (12.9 v) and a left atrium enlargement. An in- cal treatment (furosemide 1.5 mg/kg b.i.d.) did not
creased pulmonary opacity in the right caudal lung improve the conditions of the dog. Then, we found
lobe was also observed (Figure 1C). that the AS was an exacerbating factor of the mi-
On the transthoracic echocardiography, mitral tral valve insufficiency with congestive heart failure
valve insufficiency and an AS (aortic flow velocity, (CHF) and performed a balloon aortic valvuloplasty.
2.82 m/s) with the left atrium enlargement were As premedication, butorphanol (Vetorfar; Meiji
noted. These findings may have resulted from de- seika pharma, Tokyo, Japan, 0.2 mg/kg, i.v.), mida-
generation in the mitral valve and the right coro- zolam hydrochloride (Dormicum; Astellas Pharma
nary cusp of the aortic valve (Figure 1A). Moreover, Inc, Tokyo, Japan, 0.2 mg/kg, i.v.), glycopyrrolate
the  following parameters were obtained: a  left (Glycopyrrolate injection; Yogeshwari medi-
atrial/aortic root ratio (LA/Ao) of 2.29 and a peak cals, Maharashtra, India, 0.011 mg/kg, s.c.), and
Doppler mitral annular velocity at the early diastole meloxicam (Metacam 0.5%; Boehringer Ingelheim
(Peak E) of 2.03 m/s. Vetmedica, Tokyo, Japan, 0.2 mg/kg, s.c.) were ad-

(A) (B)

(C) (D)

Figure 1. In case 1, the left parasternal apical five-chamber views of the colour Doppler imaging and the thoracic
radiography before (A, C) and after the balloon valvuloplasty (B, D) are shown. The colour flow Doppler also dem-
onstrates some turbulence at the level of the vascular stenotic lesion (A; yellow arrowhead). However, the turbulence
reduced after the balloon valvuloplasty (B; blue arrow). On the thoracic radiography, the increased pulmonary opac-
ity was resolved after the balloon valvuloplasty (C, D)

Veterinarni Medicina, 65, 2020 (02): 89–94 Case Report

(A) (B)

Figure 2. The  TEE and fluoroscopic imaging in  case  1 at  the balloon valvuloplasty. (A) TEE imaging: The  trans-
verse middle-oesophageal long-axis-view was obtained with the array angle set to 130°. The balloon was inflated and
deflated four times (arrowhead). (B) The fluoroscopic imaging at the balloon valvuloplasty

ministered. Additionally, heparin sodium (Heparin plasty and advanced over the guidewire to the level
sodium; Eapharma, Tokyo, Japan, 100  IU/kg, of stenosis. The balloon was inflated and deflated
i.v.) was administered for  thrombosis preven- four times consecutively with a two minute break
tion. Anaesthesia was induced with propofol 1% between inflations (Figure 2A and 2B). After the TEE
(Propofol Mylan; Mylan Seiyaku, Tokyo, Japan, confirmation of the improvement in the AS, the bal-
6 mg/kg bolus, i.v.) and maintained with 1–2 vol% loon valvuloplasty was discontinued.
of isoflurane (Isoflurane for Animal Use; Intervet, The following postoperative day, an echocardiog-
Osaka, Japan) in 100% oxygen. raphy was performed (Figure 1B). The aortic flow ve-
The catheterisation was performed under fluor- locity decreased from 2.82  m/s to  1.31  m/s (HR,
oscopic and transoesophageal echocardiographic 105 bpm). The Peak E also decreased (from 2.03 m/s
(TEE) guidance. An 18-G peripheral venous catheter to 1.45 m/s). On the thoracic radiography, an in-
was inserted into the left carotid artery, and a 4-Fr creased pulmonary opacity, localised in the right
vascular introducer sheath was placed inside. After caudal lung lobe, was resolved (Figure 1D). A re-
placing the sheath, a 0.014” × 175 cm guidewire examination was performed after 1 year. On the echo-
was inserted from the sheath and advanced across cardiography, neither a restenosis nor the deterio-
the aortic valve. The stenosis was confirmed by TEE ration of  the congestion were noted (aortic flow
and fluoroscopy. A 10 × 40-mm TMP PED balloon velocity of 1.09 m/s, Peak E of 1.32 m/s, Peak E/Ea Sep
catheter (Tokai Medical Products paediatrics bal- of 25.1, Peak E/Ea Lat of 20.65) (Table 1).The owner
loon catheter; Tokai Medical Products, Kasugai, reported the dog was clinically normal with no sign
Aichi, Japan) was selected for the balloon valvulo- of weakness, collapse, or reduced exercise tolerance.

Table 1. Changes in  the echocardiographic findings and the  X-ray findings before and after the  balloon aortic

Case 1 Case 2
Ao flow Peak E Pulmonary oedema Ao flow Peak E Pulmonary oedema
(m/s) (m/s) (+/−) (m/s) (m/s) (+/−)
Before operation 2.82 2.03 + 3.96 2.93 +
After operation 1.31 1.45 − 2.33 1.48 −
After one year 1.09 1.32 − 2.25 1.7 −

Case Report Veterinarni Medicina, 65, 2020 (02): 89–94

CASE 2 The left atrium was enlarged, and mitral regurgita-

tion was also observed (LA/Ao of 3.0). Moreover,
A 1-year-old male Golden Retriever was present- the following parameters were obtained: the left
ed to our university for a second opinion regarding ventricular measurements included an end-dias-
a cough and exercise intolerance. On physical ex- tolic dimension (LVIDd) of 73.1 mm, a fractional
amination, a grade IV/VI left basilar systolic mur- shortening (FS) of 23.4%, and a Peak E of 2.93 m/s.
mur with a regular rhythm and a HR of 112 bpm From the above findings, we diagnosed this case
were noted upon auscultation. The thoracic ra- as SAS. Additionally, SAS was considered an exac-
diography revealed an increased vertebral heart erbating factor for the congestion. We considered
score (12.3 v) and an increased pulmonary opacity the use of a diuretic to improve the CHF. However,
that was localised in the right and left caudal lung because the blood pressure was low (systolic blood
lobes (Figure 3C). pressure of 90 mmHg), in this case, and the diu-
The transthoracic echocardiography showed retic agents could worsen hypotension, a balloon
a  severe subvalvular AS (SAS) characterised valvuloplasty was performed.
by a membrane-like structure just below the aor- The balloon valvuloplasty was performed under
tic valve (flow velocity of 3.96 m/s) (Figure 3A). the TEE guidance. The anaesthesia protocols and

(A) (B)

(C) (D)

Figure 3. In case 2, the right parasternal long-axis LV outflow views of the colour Doppler imaging and the thoracic
radiography before (A, C) and after the balloon valvuloplasty (B, D) are shown. The colour flow Doppler shows tur-
bulence originating across the fibrous membrane of the subvalvular aortic ridge (A; yellow arrowhead). After the bal-
loon valvuloplasty, the turbulence reduced (B; blue arrow). Moreover, the increased pulmonary opacity was resolved
on the thoracic radiography after the balloon valvuloplasty (C, D)

Veterinarni Medicina, 65, 2020 (02): 89–94 Case Report

(A) (B)

Figure 4. The TEE imaging, the transverse middle-oesophageal long-axis-view was obtained with the array angle set
to 105° in case 2. (A) The TEE imaging before the balloon valvuloplasty, the blue arrow shows the stenosis site. (B)
The TEE imaging at the balloon valvuloplasty. The yellow arrowhead shows the balloon

procedures before the sheath insertion were per- After one year, we performed the re-examination.
formed as described in case 1. On the echocardiography, the aortic flow velocity
An 8-Fr vascular introducer sheath was placed was slightly higher (aortic flow velocity of 2.25 m/s)
inside. After placing the sheath, a 0.035” × 260-cm and the  congestion was  slightly worse (Peak  E
guidewire was inserted from the  sheath and ad- of 1.7 m/s) (Table 1). However, the owner report-
vanced across the aortic valve. The guidewire in- ed the dog was clinically normal with no history
sertion was  slightly difficult due to  the presence of weakness, collapse, or reduced exercise tolerance.
of a pinhole-shaped membrane-like structure below
the aortic valve. A multipurpose catheter was insert-
ed to measure the pressure and determine the loca- DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS
tion of the stenosis by angiography. Subsequently,
a 15 × 40-mm balloon catheter (Tyshak I; NuMED In this study, balloon valvuloplasty was performed
Canada, Cornwall, ON, Canada) was advanced along for AS with severe congestion. Based on previous
the guidewire to the level of the stenosis and dilat- studies (Alyono et al. 1986; Meurs et al. 2005), these
ed several times. The dilation procedure was then cases did not match the criteria for balloon dilation.
repeated using an  18  ×  40-mm balloon catheter. However, balloon valvuloplasty was quite effective
The  balloon was  dilated four times with a  break in reducing the congestion in these cases. In case 1,
of a few minutes between dilations. Upon the TEE the mitral valve insufficiency increased the left atri-
observation, the  SAS improved compared with al pressure, leading to severe congestion. Moreover,
that before the dilation (Figures 4A and 4B). After the AS also resulted in the increased left ventricular
dilation, the balloon and guidewire were removed. pressure and exacerbated the congestion. At this
The following postoperative day, a transthorac- point, the balloon valvuloplasty was effective in re-
ic echocardiography was performed (Figure 3B). solving the exacerbation of the congestion by reduc-
The aortic flow decreased from 3.96 m/s to 2.33 m/s ing the left ventricular pressure. In case 2, a sig-
(HR, 90 bpm). The Peak E also decreased from nificant afterload from the AS caused CHF and left
2.93 m/s to 1.48 m/s. On the thoracic radiography, ventricular dysfunction. Because the blood pressure
an increased pulmonary opacity, which was local- was low due to the left ventricular dysfunction and
ised in the right and left caudal lung lobes, was re- diuretic agents could worsen the hypotension, we
solved (Figure 3D). could not use diuretic agents. Therefore, we per-

Case Report Veterinarni Medicina, 65, 2020 (02): 89–94

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