Anda di halaman 1dari 15

ü Kecepatan Cahaya

ü Refleksi/Pemantulan
ü Refraksi/Pembiasan
ü Prinsip Huygens
ü Dispersi dan Prisma
ü Pemantulan Internal Total
ü Prinsip Fermat
q Newton (1642 - 1727) à terdiri dari partikel-partikel ringan berukuran sangat kecil yang
dipancarkan oleh sumbernya ke segala arah dengan kecepatan yang sangat tinggi.
q Huygens ( 1629 - 1695) à cahaya adalah gelombang seperti halnya bunyi. Perbedaan
antara keduanya hanya pada frekuensi dan panjang gelombangnya saja.
q Thomas Young (1773 - 1829) dan Agustin Fresnell (1788 - 1827) berhasil membuktikan
bahwa cahaya dapat melentur (difraksi) dan berinterferensi.
q Jeans Leon Foucault (1819 - 1868) menyimpulkan bahwa cepat rambat cahaya dalam air
lebih rendah dibandingkan kecepatannya di udara.
q Maxwell (1831 - 1874) mengemukakan pendapatnya bahwa cahaya dibangkitkan oleh
gejala kelistrikan dan kemagnetan sehingga tergolong gelombang elektromagnetik.
q Einstein pada tahun 1905 dalam sebuah teori yang menggunakan konsep kuantisasi
yang dikembangkan oleh Max Planck (1858-1947) pada tahun 1900.
q Model kuantisasi mengasumsikan bahwa energi gelombang cahaya hadir dalam
partikel yang disebut foton. ; karenanya, energi dikatakan terkuantisasi.
q Teori Einstein à energi foton sebanding dengan frekuensi gelombang
! = ℎ$

dengan ℎ adalah konstanta Planck ℎ = 6,63 × 10+, - . /

Cahaya menunjukkan karakteristik gelombang dalam beberapa

situasi dan karakteristik partikel dalam situasi lain.
carried a shuttered lantern. One observer would open his lantern first,
the other would open his lantern at the moment he saw the light from
lantern. Galileo reasoned that, knowing the transit time of the light be
one lantern to the other, he could obtain the speed. His results were inc
Today, we realize (as Galileo concluded) that it is impossible to measure
of light in this manner because the transit time is so much less than the reac
of the observers.

Roemer’s Method Roemer’s Method

Olaus Roemer (1617) berhasil menghitung kecepatan cahaya dengan
In 1675, the Danish astronomer Ole Roemer (1644–1710) made the first
estimateadanya keterlambatan
of the bayangan
speed of light. Roemer’s bulan Jupiter saat
technique periode
involved astronomical ob
of one ofwaktu keterlambatan
the moons tersebut
of Jupiter, dicatat
Io, which has dan dibandingkan
a period of revolution around
dengan 42.5
jarak Jupiter h. The
dengan period
Bumi of revolution of Jupiter around the Sun
saat itu.
12 yr; thus, as the Earth moves through 90° around the Sun, Jupiter revolve
E1 Dengan metode ini, Roemer berhasil mengukur kecepatan cahaya
only (1/12)90° ! 7.5° (Fig. 35.1).
214,000 km/s.
observer Namun
using the metode ini masihofbelum
orbital motion Io as tepat karena
a clock would expect th
J1 J2
have akoreksi yang
constant harusHowever,
period. dipertimbangkan seperti
Roemer, after jarak antar
collecting data for more th
planet a systematic
yang belum variation
begitu tepat zamanin itu.Io’s period. He found that the peri
Io longer than average when the Earth was receding from Jupiter and sho
Figure 35.1 Roemer’s method for average when the Earth was approaching Jupiter. If Io had a constan
measuring the speed of light. In Roemer should have seen it become eclipsed by Jupiter at a particular in
the time interval during which the should have been able to predict the time of the next eclipse. However,
Earth travels 90° around the Sun checked the time of the second eclipse as the Earth receded from Jupiter,
(three months), Jupiter travels only
about 7.5° (drawing not to scale). that the eclipse was late. If the interval between his observations was three
then the delay was approximately 600 s. Roemer attributed this variation
to the fact that the distance between the Earth and Jupiter changed from o
vation to the next. In three months (one quarter of the period of revoluti
Earth around the Sun), the light from Jupiter must travel an additiona
equal to the radius of the Earth’s orbit.
ay Approximation in Geometric Optics
Fizeau’s Method1097
Metode pertama yang berhasil mengukur kecepatan cahaya
dikembangkan pada tahun 1849 oleh fisikawan Prancis Armand H. L.
urely Fizeau (1819–1896).
zeau Gambar di samping menunjukkan diagram yang disederhanakan dari
A peralatan Fizeau.
urce B Prosedur dasarnya adalah mengukur interval waktu total di mana cahaya
erval bergerak dari beberapa titik ke cermin yang jauh dan kembali. Jika !
Toothed Mirror adalah jarak antara sumber cahaya (dianggap berada di lokasi roda) dan
rts a wheel
heel Figure 35.2 Fizeau’s method for cermin dan jika interval waktu untuk satu putaran perjalanan adalah ",
eling measuring the speed of light using maka kecepatan cahaya adalah # = 2! / ".
rn to a rotating toothed wheel. The light
, the
source is considered to be at the Fizeau memperoleh nilai kecepatan cahaya adalah 3,1×10- .
location of the wheel; thus, the /
point distance d is known. Beberapa peneliti menyempurnakan metode Fizeau dan memperoleh nilai
yang kemudian digunakan hingga saat ini yaitu # = 2,9979 ×10- 2/3.
such as telescopes, cameras, and eyeglasses.

35.4 Reflection
When a light ray traveling in one medium encounters a boundary with another
medium, part of the incident light is reflected. Figure 35.5a shows several rays of a
beam of light incident on a smooth, mirror-like, reflecting surface. The reflected
rays are parallel to each other, as indicated in the figure. The direction of a
reflected ray is in the plane perpendicular to the reflecting surface that contains the

Ketika berkas cahaya mengenai sebuah penghalang (a) (b)

datar, cahaya baru akan terjadi yang bergerak menjauhi S E C T I O N 3 5 . 4 • Refl

penghalang tersebut à Pemantulan

Courtesy of Henry Leap and Jim Lehman

Pemantulan terjadi pada bidang batas antara dua Retroreflector

medium berbeda.
Hukum pemantulan : $

Courtesy of NASA
!" = !"

George Semple
(c) S ES ECC TTI OISNOE C3NT5I O. 4N3•355Reflection Reflection
.. 44 • •Reflection
1101 1101
Figure 35.5 Schematic representation of (a) specular reflection, where the reflected
(a) other, and (b) diffuse reflection, where the reflected
rays are all parallel to each (b) rays
travel in random directions. (c) and (d) Photographs of specular and diffuse reflection
using laser light.
Incident Reflected Retroreflector

ray ray
Courtesy of NASA
Courtesy of NASA

George Semple
George Semple
θ1 θ 1′
At the Active Figures link

George Semple
(a) (a) (b) (b)

Active Figure 35.6 According to the law of reflection, at, vary

!"1 # ! 1. The incident ray, the reflected ray, and the normal all the incident angle(d)and see the
lie in the same plane. (c) effect on the reflected ray.
Figure 35.8 Applications of retroreflection. (a) This panel on the Moon reflects a
laser beam directly back to its source on the Earth. (b) An automobile taillight has
small retroreflectors that ensure that headlight beams are reflected back toward the car
that sent them. (c) A light ray hitting a transparent sphere at the proper position is
incident ray. Reflection of light from such a smooth surface is called specular retroreflected. (d) This stop sign appears to glow in headlight beams because its
surface is covered with a layer of many tiny retroreflecting spheres. What would you
reflection. If the reflecting surface is rough, as shown in Figure 35.5b, the surface see if the sign had a mirror-like surface?
George Semple
George Semple

reflects the rays not as a parallel set but in various directions. Reflection from any (a)
rough surface is known as diffuse reflection. A surface behaves as a ofsmooth (d)surface
an optical semiconductor
chip called a digital micromirror device. This device contains
an array of over one million tiny mirrors (Fig. 35.9a) that can be individually tilted
as long as the surface variations are much smaller (c) (c) than the wavelength of the
by means of signals to an address electrode underneath the edge of the mirror.
Figure Each onmirror corresponds to a pixel in the projected image. When the pixel
Figure 35.8 35.8 Applications
Applications of retroreflection.
of retroreflection. (a) panel
(a) This This panel the Moon
on the Moon reflects
reflects a a
quation 35.3, we can infer that when light moves from a material in which its
h to a material in which its speed is lower, as shown in Figure 35.11a, the angle Quick Quiz 35.2 If beam ! is the inco
n ! 2 is less than the angle of incidence ! 1, and the ray is bent toward the of the other four red lines are reflected beams and
he ray moves from a material in which light moves slowly to a material in
ves more rapidly, as illustrated in Figure 35.11b, ! 2 is greater than ! 1, and the
way from the normal.
havior of light as it passes from air into another substance and then re- From Equation 35.3, we can infer that when lig
o air is often a source of confusion to students. When light travels in air, speed is high to a material in which its speed is lowe
of refraction ! 2 is less than the angle of inciden
normal. If the ray moves from a material in whic
which it moves more rapidly, as illustrated in Figure
ray is bent away from the normal.
Normal Reflected
ray 1102 CHAPTER 35 • The Nature of Light and the Laws of Geometric Optics
Ketika berkas cahaya mengenai permukaan bidang batas
The behavior of light as it passes from air i
! " yang memisahkan dua medium berbeda,
emerges into berkas cahaya
air is often a source of confusion t
35.5 %Refraction
θ 1′
akan dipantulkan dan memasuki medium kedua dengan
When a ray of light traveling through a transparent medium encounters a boundary
v1 arah yang berbeda à Pembiasan
leading into another transparent medium, as shown in Figure 35.10, part of the energy
is reflected and part enters the second medium. The ray that enters the second
v2 medium is bent at the boundary and is said to be refracted. The incident ray, the
Henry Leap and Jim Lehman

reflected ray, and the refracted ray all lie in the same plane. The angle of refraction,
θ2 # $ ! 2 in Figure 35.10a, depends on the properties of the two media and on the angle of
Incident Normal Reflected
incidence through the relationship
B ray ray
sin ! 2 v
Refracted " 2 " constant (35.3)
sin ! 1 v1
A !
where v 1 is the speed of light in the first medium and v 2 is the speed of light in the
(a) (b) θ 1′
second medium. θ1
e 35.10 (a) A ray obliquely incident on an air–glass interface. The re-
bent toward the normal because v 2 # v 1. All rays and the normal lie in %
sin $
% (
The path of a light ray through a refracting surface is reversible. For example, the

Hukum pembiasan = = )*+,-.+

ray shown in Figure 35.10a travels from point A to point B. If the ray originated at B, it
en it leaves the block. sin $ (
ne. (b) Light incident on the Lucite block bends both when it enters thewould travel to the left along line BA to reach point A, and the reflected part would
&point downward&and to the left in the glass.
Glass v2

Henry Leap and Jim Lehman

dengan (& adalah adalah cepat rambat cahaya dalam medium 1 (udara) θ2
Quick Quiz 35.2 If beam ! is the incoming beam in Figure 35.10b, which
(% adalah adalah cepat
of therambat cahaya
other four red lines are reflecteddalam medium
beams and which are refracted 2 (gelas)
From Equation 35.3, we can infer that when light moves from a material in which its ray
speed is high to a material in which its speed is lower, as shown in Figure 35.11a, the angle
At the!1Active
of refraction ! 2 is less than the angle of incidence , and the Figures linkthe
ray is bent toward
normal. If the ray moves from a material in which light moves slowly to avarymaterial in Active Figure 35.10 (a) A ray obliquely incident on an
which it moves more rapidly, as illustrated in Figure 35.11b, ! 2 is greater than ! 1, and the
ray is bent away from the normal. the incident angle and see the fracted ray is bent toward the normal because v 2 # v 1. A
The behavior of light as it passeseffect oninto
from air theanother
substance and
and then re- the same plane. (b) Light incident on the Lucite block b
emerges into air is often a source of refracted
confusion torays.
students. When light travels in air, block and when it leaves the block.

Incident Normal Reflected

ray ray

A ! "
S E C T I O N 3 5 . 5 • Refraction 1103

Normal Normal
a) Saat berkas cahaya bergerak dari udara ke kaca, cahaya
melambat saat memasuki kaca dan jalurnya berbelok
θ1 > θ2 θ1 < θ2
mendekati ke arah normal.
θ1 θ1
b) Ketika berkas cahaya bergerak dari kaca ke udara,
Air Glass cahaya mempercepat memasuki udara dan jalurnya
Glass Air v2 > v1
berbelok menjauhi dari normal.
v2 < v1 θ2
At the Active Figures link
at, light
passes through three layers of
material. You can vary the
(a) (b)
incident angle and see the
Active Figure 35.11 (a) When the light beam moves from air into glass, the light slows effect on the refracted rays for
Indeks bias
down on entering the glass and its path is bent toward the normal. (b) When the beam a variety of values of the index
moves from glass into air, the light speeds up on entering the air and its path is bent of refraction (page 1104) of the
away from theSecara
normal. umum, laju cahaya pada material apapun lebih kecil
dari laju cahaya
three udara. dalam ruang hampa
Jadi, cahaya bergerak dengan kecepatan maksimum dalam ruang hampa udara.
Indeks bias adalah perbandingan laju cahaya di ruang hampa terhadap laju cahaya dalam medium.

laju cahaya dalam vakum 1

its speed is 3.00 ! 108 m/s, but this speed ! ≡
is reduced to approximately 2 ! 108 m/s=
when the light enters a block of glass. When the light cahaya dalam medium
into air, its speed 2
instantaneously increases to its original value of 3.00 ! 10 m/s. This is far different
from what happens, for example, when a bullet is fired through a block of wood. In
this case, the speed of the bullet is reduced as it moves through the wood because
some of its original energy is used to tear apart the wood fibers. When the bullet
enters the air once again, it emerges at the speed it had just before leaving the
block of wood.
To see why light behaves as it does, consider Figure 35.12, which represents a
beam of light entering a piece of glass from the left. Once inside the glass, the light
Index of refraction
From n ! definition, we see that the index !
this of refraction is a dimensionless
number greaterspeedthanof light
unity in a medium
because v c. Furthermore, n is equal
v is always less than
to unity for vacuum. The indices of refraction for various substances are listed
in Table 35.1.
From this definition,As welightsee thatfrom
travels theoneindex
medium of torefraction
another, its isfrequency
a dimensionless
does not
change but its wavelength does.
number ngreater
than unity because v is always less than c. Furthermore, n is35.14.
To see why this is so, consider Figure
Waves pass an observer at point A in medium 1 with a certain frequency and are
to unity for vacuum. The indices of refraction for various substances are listed
in Table 35.1.
Table 35.1
1 As light
v1 travels from one medium to another, its frequency does not
Indices of Refractiona
λchange vbut its wavelength does. To see why this is so, consider Figure 35.14.
n1 = c
2 2
v1 Waves pass an observer at point A in medium Index of 1 with a certain frequency
Index of and are
Substance Refraction Substance Refraction
n2 = c
λ1 Solids at 20°C Liquids at 20°C
A Figure 35.14 As a wave moves
Table 35.1
from medium 1 to medium 2, its
Cubic zirconia
Diamond (C)
Carbon disulfide
1 wavelength changes but its
frequency remains of Refraction
constant. a
Fluorite (CaF2) 1.434 Carbon tetrachloride 1.461
2 v2
λ2 Fused quartz (SiO2) 1.458 Ethyl alcohol 1.361
B Gallium phosphide 3.50 Glycerin 1.473
Index of Index of
Glass, crown 1.52 Water 1.333
Substance Refraction Substance Refraction
n2 = c Glass, flint 1.66
v2 Ice (H2O) 1.309 Gases at 0°C, 1 atm
Solids at 20°C Polystyrene 1.49 Liquids Air
at 20°C 1.000 293

Saat cahayaFigure 35.14 As a wave moves Carbon dioxide 1.000 45

bergerak dari satu medium ke medium
from medium 1 to medium 2, its
Cubic zirconia Sodium chloride (NaCl)
2.20 1.544
Benzene 1.501
Diamond (C) a All values 2.419 Carbon disulfide 1.628
lain, frekuensinya tidak
wavelength berubah
changes but its tetapi panjang
Fluorite (CaF2)
are for light having a wavelength of 589 nm in vacuum.
1.434 Carbon tetrachloride 1.461
frequency remains constant.
gelombangnya berubah. Fused quartz (SiO2) 1.458 Ethyl alcohol 1.361
Gallium phosphide 3.50 Glycerin 1.473
! = #$ Glass, crown
$ ! ( ⁄)
Water 1.333
% % % &
Glass, flint
= = =1.66 $%)%at=
$ )&
0°C,&1 atm
!% = #$% !& = #$& $& 2 !&
Ice (H O) (⁄)& 1.309 )%
Polystyrene 1.49 Air 1.000 293
Sodium chloride (NaCl) 1.544 Carbon dioxide 1.000 45

sin -& !& )%

= = Hukum aSnell (Pembiasan)
All values )% sinof-589% nm=in vacuum.
are for light having a wavelength )& sin -&
sin -% !% )&
Dutch Physicist and A′ B′
Astronomer (1629–1695) (a) (b)
Huygens is best known for his Figure 35.17 Huygens’s construction for (a) a plane wave propagating to the right and
contributions to the fields of (b) a spherical wave propagating to the right.
optics and dynamics. To
Huygens, light was a type of
vibratory motion, spreading out
and producing the sensation of
Huygens’s Principle Applied to Reflection and Refraction
light when impinging on the The laws of reflection and refraction were stated earlier in this chapter without proof.
eye. On the basis of this theory,
he deduced the laws of
We now derive these laws, using Huygens’s principle.
reflection and refraction and For the law of reflection, refer to Figure 35.18a. The line AB represents a wave front
ight and the Laws of Geometric Optics explained the phenomenon of of the incident light just as ray 1 strikes the surface. At this instant, the wave at A sends
double refraction. (Courtesy of out a Huygens wavelet (the circular arc centered on A) toward D. At the same time, the
Rijksmuseum voor de wave at B emits a Huygens wavelet (the circular arc centered on B) toward C. Figure
A B Geschiedenis der Setiap titik pada biang gelombang utama akan
35.18a shows these wavelets after a time interval !t, after which ray 2 strikes the surface.
Natuurwetenschappen and Niels
Bohr Library.) menjadi sumber gelombang berikutnya (anak
Because both rays 1 and 2 move with the same speed, we must have AD " BC " c !t.
The remainder of our analysis depends on geometry, as summarized in Figure
gelombang/wavelets) yang kemudian berkembang
35.18b, in which we isolate the triangles ABC and ADC. Note that these two triangles
are congruent because they have the same hypotenuse AC and because AD " BC.
c ∆t dengan laju dan frekuensi yang sama dengan
From Figure 35.18b, we have

Old c ∆t New Old New gelombang utamanya.

cos # "
and cos # & "
wavefront wavefront wavefront wavefront AC AC
where, comparing Figures 35.18a and 35.18b, we see that # " 90° $ % 1 and
Prinsip Huygens dipergunakan untuk membuktikan
# & " 90° $ %&1. Because AD " BC, we have

Hukum Pemantulan cos dan Hukum

# " cos #& Snell/Pembiasan.
S E C T I O N 3 5 . 7 • Dispersion and Prisms 1109

A′ B′
(a) Therefore, (b) 2 2
Figure 35.17 Huygens’s construction for (a) a plane wave propagating to the right and ! " !# 1
1 B
(a) gelombang bidang yang merambat ke kanan
(b) a spherical wave propagating to the right.
90$ % & 1 " 90$ % &#1 θ1
(b) gelombang bola yang merambat
and ke kanan. B D

Huygens’s Principle Applied to Reflection and Refraction θ 1′

& 1 " &#1 θ1 D θ2
The laws of reflection and refraction were stated earlier
which in this
is the law chapter without proof.
of reflection. A C θ2
We now derive these laws, using Huygens’s principle.Now let us use Huygens’s principle and Figure 35.19 to derive Snell’s law of refrac- A C
γ′ γ
For the law of reflection, refer to Figure 35.18a.
Weline ABour
focus represents
attentiona wave front
on the instant ray 1 strikes the surface and the subsequent
(a) Figure(b) 35.19 Huygens’s construc-
of the incident light just as ray 1 strikes the surface.
timeAt this instant,
interval until the
ray wave at A sends
2 strikes the surface. During this time interval, the wave at A tion forAtproving
Figure 35.18 (a) Huygens’s construction for proving the law of reflection. the Snell’s law of
out a Huygens wavelet (the circular arc centeredsends on A)out
toward D. At thewavelet
a Huygens same time,
arc centered
instant on A)
that ray 1 strikes the toward
surface, itD. In out
sends thea same
wavelet from
refraction. At the
A and ray 2 instant that ray 1
wave at B emits a Huygens wavelet (the circularinterval,
arc centered
the waveon B)
at Btoward
sends C.
a sends out a wavelet
Huygens Huygens (the
arcfrom B. We choose
centered on B)a radius
towardof the
C. wavelet to bethe
strikes c !t,
surface, it sends out a
35.18a shows these wavelets after a time interval !t, after which ray 2 strikes the surface. where !t is the time interval for ray 2 to travel from B to C. (b) Triangle ADC iswavelet from A and ray 2
Because these two wavelets travel through different media, the radii of the wavelets are
Because both rays 1 and 2 move with the same speed, we must have AD " BC " c !t. congruent to triangle ABC. sends out a Huygens wavelet from
different. The radius of the wavelet from A is AD " v 2 't, where v 2 is the wave speed in
The remainder of our analysis depends on geometry, as summarized in Figure B. The two wavelets have different
the second medium. The radius of the wavelet from B is BC " v 1 't, where v1 is the radii because they travel in differ-
35.18b, in which we isolate the triangles ABC and ADC. Note that these two triangles
wave speed in the original medium. ent media.
are congruent because they have the same hypotenuse AC and because AD " BC.
From triangles ABC and ADC, we find that
From Figure 35.18b, we have
BC v 't AD v 't
we see from Figure 35.20, the index of refraction generally decreases with
400 500 600 700
ng wavelength. This means that violet light bends more than red light does when
into a refracting material. To understand the effects that dispersion can have on λ , nm
onsider what happens when light strikes a prism, as shown in Figure 35.21. A ray Figure 35.20 Variation of index of
refraction with vacuum wavelength
e-wavelength light incident on the prism from the left emerges refracted from its
for three materials.
direction of travel by an angle (, called the angle of deviation.
w suppose that a beam of white light (a combination of all visible wavelengths) is
t on a prism, as illustrated in Figure 35.22. The rays that emerge spread out in a
f colors known as the visible spectrum. Sifat penting dari indeks
These colors, biasof !decreasing
in order adalah
ngth, are red, norange, yellow, green, untukblue, bahan tertentu,
and violet. Clearly,indeks bias of
the angle δ
on ( depends on wavelength. Violet bervariasi light deviates the most,
dengan red the
panjang least, and
Crown glass
maining colors 1.52 in the visible spectrum cahayafallyang
between these
melewati extremes.
bahan Newton
that each color has a particular angle of deviation and that the colors can be
à Dispersi
ined to form1.50 the original whiteAcryliclight.
Figure 35.21 A prism refracts a
Indeks bias pada umumnya berkurang Prisma membiaskan sinar cahaya
aterial, the of1.48light into a spectrum is demonstrated most vividly in nature by the single-wavelength light ray through
, as of a rainbow, which is often seen dengan
Figure meningkatnya
by an observer panjang
positioned between the Sun dengan panjang
an angle (. gelombang tunggal
Fused quartz
gelombang. melalui sudut " (sudut deviasi).
at different

reases with
400 500 600 700
does when
λ , nm
an have on Berkas cahaya putih yang masuk pada
5.21. A ray Figure 35.20 Variation of index of
ed from its refraction with vacuum wavelength sebuah prisma didispersikan menjadi
for three materials.
warna-warna komponennya. Indeks bias
lengths) is
ad out in a berkurang saat panjang gelombang
decreasing bertambah.
e angle of δ
least, and
es. Newton
ors can be
Figure 35.21 A prism refracts a
ture by the single-wavelength light ray through
en the Sun an angle (.
The Nature of Light and the Laws of Geometric Optics

• The Nature of Light and the Laws of Geometric Optics


Normal n2<n1
2n 2 < n 1
Berkas cahaya merambat dari medium !" ke !# !# < !" .
θ2 2 3

n2 θ2 34
Ketika sudut datang meningkat, sudut bias akan meningkat hingga
θ1 4 suatu saat mencapai sudut bias mencapai 90°.
n1 θ1 5
Untuk sudut datang yang lebih besar, maka akan terjadi
à Pemantulan Internal Total

Sudut datang yang menghasilkan sudut bias 90° adalah sudut kritis &'.
Active Figure 35.26 (a) Rays travel from a medium of index
Active Pada
of refraction into a(a)
n135.26 datang
medium ofini,
Rays travel index
of energi
a medium 2, dari cahaya datang
of nindex
n2<n1 where
of n 2 % n1 .into
refraction As the angle ofofincidence
a medium !1 increases,
index of refraction n 2, the
n2<n1 angleKetika
where of % n1 . (
n 2 refraction = (* , of(incidence
! 2 angle
increases = 90°
#until ! 2 is ; Hukum
!190° (ray 4).the Snell
For even menjadi :
refraction ! 2 increases
of incidence, until
total ! 2 is 90°
internal (ray 4). occurs
reflection For even (ray
5). (b)angles of incidence, total internal reflection occurs (ray
The angle
The to
equal angle
90° of
of incidence
is the
! angle
sin (
critical"producing an=
!c*. At
an angle
! #ofsin
angle refrac-
90° = !#
of refrac-
n2 tion equal toall90°
incidence, of isthe
criticalofangle !c . At thislight
the incident angle of
is reflected.
nn1 2 incidence, all of the energy of the incident!light is reflected.
n1 θc #
θc At the Active Figures sin (
* = untuk !" > !#
you canAt the Active
vary Figures angle
the incident link at and !see,
" the effect on
the can vary the
refracted rayincident
and theangle and seeof
distribution the effect on
(b) the refracted ray and the distribution
energy between the reflected and refracted rays. of incident
(b) energy between the reflected and refracted rays.

angles of
of incidence greater than
incidence greater than!!c, ,the
at at
thethe bound-
shown by
by ray
ray 55 in
in Figure 35.26a. This
Figure 35.26a. Thisray rayisisreflected
boundary as as it strikes
it strikes
Pierre de Fermat (1601-1665) mengembangkan prinsip umum yang dapat digunakan untuk menentukan
jalan yang diikuti cahaya ketika bergerak dari satu titik ke titik lainnya.
Prinsip Fermat:
Lintasan yang dilalui oleh cahaya untuk merambat dari satu titik ke titik lain adalah lintasan yang
membutuhkan interval waktu terkecil (minimum).
Konsekuensi nyata dari prinsip
ini 1115
adalah bahwa lintasan cahaya yang merambat dalam medium homogen
adalah garis lurus karena garis lurus adalah jarak terpendek antara dua titik.
vious consequence of this
omogeneous medium are
etween two points. P
to derive Snell’s law of r1
a θ1
n medium 1 to point Q in θ1
distances a and b, respec- d_x
um 1 and c/n 2 in medium n2 x Gambar geometri yang memperlihatkan bagaimana
ht leaves P at t ! 0, we see θ2
θ2 b Prinsip Fermat dapat digunakan untuk mendapatkan
hukum pembiasan Snell.
$ x)2
Figure 35.31 Geometry for
deriving Snell’s law of refraction
we take the derivative of t
using Fermat’s principle.

$ x)2

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