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Untuk Memenuhi Tugas Stase Keperawatan Anak

Disusun Oleh :
Dwi Apriyanti, S.Kep


TAHUN AJARAN 2020/2021

No : Hari : Kamis Tanggal : 01 April 2021

Nama Mahasiswa : Dwi Apriyanti, S.Kep

NPM : 030520437
Nama Pembimbing : Ibu Mila Sartika, S.Kep., M.Kep
Pencapaian Kompetensi dan : Memilih jurnal atau EBP
pilihan tema
Tujuan Khusus Isi Jurnal : Tujuan pada penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui
pengaruh pemberian tepid sponge terhadap
penurunan suhu tubuh pada anak demam usia
toddler di RSUD Majalengka.
Penulis Jurnal : Hera Hijriani
Sumber Publikasi : Jurnal Keperawatan dan Kesehatan MEDISINA
AKPER YPIB Majalengka
Waktu Publikasi Jurnal : 10 Juli 2019
P (population/problem) : - Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah semua
pasien anak demam usia toddler yang di
rawat di ruang Melati RSUD Majalengka.
- pengaruh pemberian teknik tepid sponge
terhadap penurunan suhu tubuh pada anak
demam usia toddler.
I (intervention) : Intervensi pada penelitian ini yaitu teknik tepid
C (comparation/control) : - Pembanding pada penelitian ini yaitu : Hasil
penelitian ini sejalan dengan penelitian Ns.
Sri Haryani S, S.Kep Dan Ns. Syamsul Arif,
M.Kes (2012) tentang “Pengaruh Kompres
Tepid Sponge Hangat Terhadap Penurunan
Suhu TubuhPada Anak Umur 1-10 Tahun
Dengan Hipertermia Di RSUD Tugurejo
Semarang”. Dengan hasil penelitian
menunjukan ada pengaruh kompres tepid
sponge hangat terhadap penurunan suhu
tubuh pada anak umur 1-10 tahun dengan
hipertermia. Dilihat dari hasil rata–rata
penurunan suhu tubuh sebesar 1,4ºC setelah
30 menit dilakukan Kompres Tepid Sponge.
O (outcome) : Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dan pembahasan dapat
di simpulkan beberapa hal sebagai berikut:
1. Rata-rata suhu tubuh pada anak demam usia
toddler (1-3 tahun) di RSUD Majalengka tahun
2017sebelum diberikan teknik tepid sponge adalah
38,3°C dengan standar deviasi 0,24495.
2. Rata-rata suhu tubuh pada anak demam usia
toddler (1-3 tahun) di RSUD Majalengka tahun
2017 sesudah diberikan teknik tepid sponge adalah
37,6°C dengan standar deviasi 0,27222.
3. Ada pengaruh pemberian tepid sponge terhadap
penurunan suhu tubuh pada anak demam usia
toddler (1-3 tahun) di RSUD Majalengka Tahun
2017. Yaitu ada perbedaan yang signifikan antara
sebelum dan sesudah di lakukan tepid sponge
didapatkan nilai p value= 0,000(<0,05)
T (time) : Waktu yang diperlukan dalam penelitian ini relatif
singkat yaitu15menit.
Saran Peningkatan Kualitas : - Nasional : Saran kepada peneliti untuk
isi Jurnal menjelaskan pada penelitiannya bagaimana
cara peneliti melakukan teknik tepid sponge
terhadap responden, dan menjelaskan alat-
alat yang digunakan saat penelitian.
- Internasional : saran kepada peneliti untuk
menjelaskan cara melakukan teknik tepid
sponge dan waktu dilakukan penelitian.
Link Jurnal :

Oleh : Hera Hijriani (STIKes

YPIB Majalengka)


Demam merupakan suatu kondisi dimana suhu tubuh mengalami peningkatan di atas
normal. Seseorang dapat dikatakan demam jika suhu tubuhnya mencapai lebih dari
37,5°C. Suhu tubuh demam dapat diatasi secara farmakologis dan non farmakologis.
Terapi non farmakologis ada beberapa cara salah satunya dengan metode kompres tepid
sponge. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian tepid sponge
terhadap penurunan suhu tubuh pada anak demam usia toddler (1-3 tahun) di RSUD
Majalengka tahun 2017.
Desain penelitian ini menggunakan quasi eksperimen one group pretest-posttestt. Banyak
sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah 20 responden usia 1-3 tahun. Teknik
pengambilan sampel dalam penelitian ini menggunakan acidental sampling. Dalam
penelitian ini peneliti menggunakan thermometer digital dan air hangat (26°C-35°C).
Hasil penelitian menunjukan ada pengaruh pemberian tepid sponge terhadap penurunan
suhu tubuh pada anak demam usia toddler (1-3 tahun) di RSUD Majalengka tahun 2017.
Dilihat dari hasil analisis uji paired t test di dapat p value sebesar 0,000 < 0,05 dengan
rata- rata penurunan suhu sebelum dan sesudah sebesar 0,64 °C.
Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah adanya pengaruh pemberian tepid sponge terhadap
penurunan suhu tubuh pada anak demam. Diharapkan penelitian tepid sponge ini dapat
dijadikan tambahan pengetahuan untuk perawat dan orang tua untuk membantu
menurunkan suhu tubuh pada anak demam.

Kata Kunci : Tepid Sponge, Suhu Tubuh Demam

Daftar Pustaka : 28 Pustaka (2008-2016)


Fever is a condition where the body temperature has increased above normal. A
person can be said to have a fever if his body temperature reaches more than
37.5°C. The high temperature can be treated pharmacologically and non-
pharmacologically. There are several ways of non pharmacological therapy, one
of them is by the method of tepid sponge compress. This study aims to determine
the effect of tepid sponge on the decrease of body temperature in children at
toddler age (1-3 years) with fever at District General Hospital Majalengka in
The design of this study used quasi experimental one group pretest-posttest. The
samples used in this study were 20 respondents aged 1-3 years. Sampling
technique in this study used accidental sampling. In this study the author used a
digital thermometer and warm water (26°C-35°C).
The study results showed that there was an effect of giving tepid sponge on the
decrease of body temperature in children at toddler age (1-3 years) with fever at
District General Hospital Majalengka in 2017. The analysis result of paired t test
showed p value of 0.000 <0,05, with the mean of temperature decrease before
and after treatment of 0.64°C.
The conclusion of this study was that there was an effect of giving tepid sponge on
the decrease of body temperature in children with fever. It is expected that this
tepid sponge study can be used as additional knowledge for nurses and parents to
help lowering body temperature in children with fever.

Keywords : Tepid Sponge, Fever Body

Temperature Bibliography : 28 References (2008-
PENDAHULUAN jumlah kasus demam di seluruh dunia
Demam merupakan suatu kondisi mencapai 16 - 33 juta dengan 500 – 600
dimana suhu tubuh mengalami ribu kematian tiap tahunnya, anak
peningkatan di atas normal. Seseorang merupakan yang paling rentan terkena
dapat dikatakan demam jika suhu demam, walaupun gejala yang dialami
tubuhnya mencapai lebih dari 37,5°C. anak lebih ringan dari dewasa. Hampir
Demam pada dasarnya dapat dialami oleh semua daerah endemik, insidensi demam
seluruh kalangan usia, mulai dari bayi banyak terjadi pada anak usia 3-12 tahun.
sampai orang lanjut usia. Hal ini dapat Data kunjungan ke fasilitas kesehatan
terjadi karena pada dasarnya demam pediatrik di Brazil terdapat sekitar 19%
menunjukkan bahwa mekanisme dalam sampai 30% anak diperiksa karena
tubuh berjalan normal dalam melawan menderita demam (Jayanti, 2011;
penyakit yang menimbulkan reaksi infeksi Supiyanto, 2016). Kompres adalah salah
oleh virus, bakteri, jamur, atau parasit satu metode fisik untuk menurunkan
(Sodikin et all, 2012). Badan Kesehatan suhu tubuh bila mengalami demam.
Dunia WHO (2013) memperkirakan Adapun beberapa metode kompres yang
sering digunakan adalah pemberian semakin mempercepat penurunan suhu
kompres air hangat, kompres air biasa, tubuh (Reiga, 2010; Hamid, 2011).
dan kompres alkohol (Sodikin, 2012). Hasil studi pendahuluan
Tepid sponge merupakan didapatkan prevalensi demam pada anak
kombinasi teknik blok dengan seka. di RSUD Majalengka tahun 2016
Teknik ini menggunakan kompres blok mengalami peningkatan dari tahun 2015
tidak hanya di satu tempat saja, melainkan yaitu sebesar 667 anak (63,89%).
langsung dibeberapa tempat yang Tindakan yang dilakukan untuk
memiliki pembuluh darah besar. Selain itu mengatasi demam pada anak selain
masih ada perlakuan tambahan yaitu menggunakan terapi antipiretik yaitu
dengan memberikan seka di beberapa area dengan menggunakan kompres hangat
tubuh sehingga perlakuan yang di dan menganjurkan banyak minum air
terapkan terhadap klien pada teknik ini putih. Berdasarkan uraian diatas maka
akan semakin komplek dan rumit pertanyaan dari penelitian ini apakah ada
dibanding dengan teknik yang lain. pengaruh pemberian teknik tepid sponge
Namun dengan kompres blok langsung terhadap penurunan suhu tubuh pada
diberbagai tempat ini akan mempasilitasi anak demam usia toddler di RSUD
penyampaian sinyal ke hipotalamus Majalengka?
dengan lebih gencar. Selain itu pemberian Tujuan umum penelitian ini
seka akan mempercepat pelebaran adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh
pembuluh darah perifer akan pemberian tepid sponge terhadap
mempasilitasi perpindahan panas dari penurunan suhu tubuh pada anak demam
tubuh kelingkungan sekitar yang akan usia toddler di RSUD Majalengka.

METODOLOGI PENELITIAN data bivariat dengan uji normalitas data

Penelitian ini menggunakan yang menggunakan Shapiro Wilk karena
rancangan penelitian metode penelitian sampel kurang dari 50 responden. Uji T
eksperimental dengan pendekatan one test dependen untuk membandingkan data
group pretest- posttest. Dalam penelitian sebelum dan sesudah dilakukan intervensi
ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian dengan tingkat signifikasi 0,05 dan tingkat
tepid sponge terhadap penurunan suhu kepercayaan 95%.
tubuh pada anak demam usia toddler (1 – Pengambilan data dilakukan
3 tahun) di Ruang Perawatan Anak di melalui pengamatan dengan
RSUD Majalengka Tahun 2017. menggunakan lembar obervasi yang telah
Populasi dalam penelitian ini disiapkan. Pengisian lembar observasi
adalah semua pasien anak demam usia dilakukan 2 kali yaitu sebelum dilakuka
toddler yang di rawat di ruang Melati tepid sponge dan langsung setelah
RSUD Majalengka. Dalam menentukan dilakukan tepid sponge.
jumlah sampel dalam penelitian ini Penelitian dimulai dengan
menggunakan Acidental sampling yaitu penentuan sampel yang diambil dari
mengambil kasus atau responden yang seluruh pasien demam. Kemudian
kebetulan ada atau tersedia di suatu tempat melakukan informed consent kepada
sesuai dengan konteks penelitian keluarga responden dengan memberi
(Notoatmojo, 2010). ). Menurut Sugiyono penjelasan mengenai tujuan, manfaat, dan
(2010) jumlah sampel minimum dalam prosedur intervensi penelitian serta
penelitian eksperimen adalah 10-20 dimintai persetujuannya. Setelah
sampel, maka peneliti mengambil mendapat penjelasan, apabila keluarga
sampel sebanyak 20 responden. Untuk responden bersedia, maka keluarga
mengetahui apakah ada perubahan suhu responden mengisi lembar persetujuan.
tubuh, maka dilakukan tabulasi dan analisa


1. Mengetahui rata-rata suhu tubuh pada Tabel 4.1 Rata-rata Suhu Tubuh Anak
anak demam usia toddler di RSUD Demam Usia Toddler (1-3 Tahun) di
Majalengka Tahun 2017 sebelum RSUD Majalengka Tahun 2017
dilakukan tepid sponge. Sebelum Dilakukan Tepid Sponge.

Variabel Mean Median Min- SD

Suhu Tubuh 38,00-
Sebelum 39,00
Tepid 38,3000 38,3000 0,24495

Berdasarkan tabel 4.1 dapat tubuh tersebut, agar suhu tubuh dapat
diketahui bahwa rata-rata suhu tubuh anak dipertahankan secara konstan, maka
demam usia toddler sebelum diberikan diperlukan pengaturan (regulasi)
tindakan tepid sponge adalah 38,3 °C, suhu tubuh akan menentukan suhu tubuh.
Median 38,3 °C dengan standar deviasi Keseimbangan tersebut dipengaruhi oleh
0,24495 dan nilai minimum serta karena kecepatan reaksi kimia bervariasi
maksimumnya adalah 38,0 °C dan 39,0 sesuai suhu, selain itu sistem enzim tubuh
°C. Menurut Sodikin (2012) pada juga memiliki rentang suhu sempit agar
manusia, suhu tubuhnya cenderung berfungsi optimal, maka fungsi tubuh
berfluktuasi tiap saat. Ada banyak faktor yang normal tergantung pada suhu badan
yang menjadi penyebab fluktuasi suhu yang relatif tetap.

2. Mengetahui Rata-rata Suhu Tubuh Tabel 4.2 Rata-rata Suhu Tubuh Anak
Pada Anak Demam Usia Toddler Di Demam Usia Toddler (1-3 Tahun) di
RSUD Majalengka Tahun 2017 RSUD Majalengka Tahun 2017
Sesudah Dilakukan Tepid Sponge. Sesudah Dilakukan Tepid Sponge
Variabel Mean Median Min- SD
Suhu 37,2
Tubuh 0- 0,27
Sesudah 37,6600 37,6500 38,4 222
Tepid 0

Berdasarkan tabel 4.2 dapat mekanisme pertahanan hospes

diketahui bahwa rata-rata suhu tubuh (penjamu). Kebanyakan demam pada
anak demam usia toddler sesudah anak akibat perubahan pada pusat panas
diberikan tindakan tepid sponge adalah (termoregulasi) di hipotalamus (Sodikin,
37,6 °C, Median 37,6 °C dengan standar 2012). Kausa demam selain infeksi juga
deviasi 0,27222 dan nilai minimum serta dapat disebabkan oleh keadaan toksemia,
maksimumnya adalah 37,20 °C dan karena keganasan atau reaksi terhadap
38,40°C dengan rata-rata penurunan suhu pemakaian obat. Selain itu juga karena
tubuh sebesr 0,64 °C. Demam terjadi gangguan pada pusat regulasi suhu
jika berbagai proses infeksi ataupun non sentral yang menyebabkan peninggian
infeksi saling berinteraksi dengan temperatur seperti pada heat stroke,
perdarahan otak, koma atau gangguan sentral lainnya (Sodikin, 2012).
Komplikasi dari demam yang
3. Mengetahui Pengaruh Pemberian dapat terjadi yaitu bisa timbulnya kejang,
Tepid Sponge Terhadap Penurunan resiko persisten bakteremia, resiko
Suhu Tubuh Pada Anak Demam Usia meningitis, dan risiko ke arah keseriusan
Toddler (1-3 Tahun) Di RSUD penyakit (Suriadi, 2010). Menurut Valita
Majalengka Tahun 2017. (2008) dalam Supiyanto (2016) dampak
demam jika tidak mendapatkan
penanganan lebih lanjut antara lain
dehidrasi sedang hingga berat, kerusakan
neurologis, dan kejang demam.

Tabel 4.3 Pengaruh Pemberian Tepid

Sponge Terhadap Penurunan Suhu
Tubuh Pada Anak Demam Usia
Toddler (1-3 Tahun) Di RSUD
Majalengka Tahun 2017

Variabel Mean SD CI 95% df P

Pre test – 0,64 0,09 0,5934 - 19 0,000
Post test 0,68655

Berdasarkan tabel 4.4 hasil kombinasi teknik blok dengan seka.

penelitian dengan menggunakan uji Teknik tepid sponge ini menggunakan
paired T test (T Dependen) di dapatkan kompres blok tidak hanya di satu tempat
nilai p value = 0,000 < nilai α = 0,05 saja, melainkan langsung dibeberapa
dengan demikian Ho ditolak, yang artinya tempat yang memiliki pembuluh darah
ada pengaruh teknik Tepid Sponge besar seperti di leher, ketiak, dan lipat
terhadap penurunan suhu tubuh pada anak paha. Selain itu masih ada perlakuan
demam usia toddler di RSUD Majalengka tambahan yaitu dengan memberikan seka
Tahun 2017. dibeberapa area tubuh sehingga perlakuan
yang diterapkan terhadap klien pada
Prosedur pendinginan seperti
teknik ini akan semakin komplek dan
mengusap atau mandi air hangat tidak
rumit dibandingkan dengan teknik yang
efektif dalam mengatasi demam pada
lain. Namun dengan kompres blok
anak-anak baik jika digunakan sendiri
langsung diberbagai tempat ini akan
atau dikombinasikan dengan antipiretik,
memfasilitasi penyampaian sinyal ke
dan menyebabkan ketidak nyamanan
hipotalamus dengan lebih gencar. Selain
(Sharber, 1997; Wong,, 2009).
itu pemberian seka akan mempercepat
Tetapi ada kecenderungan bahwa
pelebaran pembuluh darah perifer akan
pemberian antipiretik yang disertai
memfasilitasi perpindahan panas di tubuh
dengan tepid sponge mengalami
ke lingkungan sekitar yang akan semakin
penurunan suhu lebih besar bila
mempercepat penurunan suhu tubuh
dibandingkan dengan pemberian
(Reiga, 2010; Supiyanto, 2016).
antipiretik saja (Setiawati, 2009; Sodikin,
2012). Dalam penelitian (Hamid, 2011) pada
tepid sponge pemberian kompres dapat
Teknik tepid sponge merupakan
diberikan sesuai dengan protap tindakan
yaitu selama 10-15 menit, kemudian Pada Anak Umur 1-10 Tahun Dengan
pemberian kompres dihentikan, waslap Hipertermia Di RSUD Tugurejo
diambil dan tubuh dibiarkan terbuka. Hal Semarang”. Dengan hasil penelitian
ini akan memfasilitasi evaporasi melalui menunjukan ada pengaruh kompres tepid
kulit yang telah berdilatasi kelingkungan sponge hangat terhadap penurunan suhu
sekitar menjadi maksimal. Tepid sponge tubuh pada anak umur 1-10 tahun dengan
dapat kembali diberikan setelah 90 menit hipertermia. Dilihat dari hasil rata – rata
kemudian. Ini merupakan waktu yang penurunan suhu tubuh sebesar 1,4ºC
tepat karena setelah 90 menit efek terapi setelah 30 menit dilakukan Kompres
tepid sponge mulai menghilang yang Tepid Sponge.
ditandai dengan kembali meningkatnya Pemberian kompres tepid sponge dalam
suhu pada anak. Pemberian tepid sponge penelitian ini terbukti dapat menurunkan
yang selanjutnya akan mencegah suhu tubuh pasien. Hasil penelitian
kenaikan suhu lebih lanjut.Hasil mendapatkan bahwa suhu tubuh pada
penelitian ini sejalan dengan penelitian pasien anak setelah pemberian kompres
Ns. Sri Haryani S, S.Kep Dan Ns. tepid sponge rata-rata dapat mengalami
Syamsul Arif, M.Kes (2012) tentang penurunan sebesar 0,64 °C. Waktu yang
“Pengaruh Kompres Tepid Sponge diperlukan dalam penelitian ini relatif
Hangat Terhadap Penurunan Suhu Tubuh singkat yaitu 15 menit.

Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dan sesudah diberikan teknik tepid sponge
pembahasan dapat disimpulkan beberapa adalah 37,6 °C dengan standar deviasi
hal sebagai berikut: 0,27222.
1. Rata-rata suhu tubuh pada anak 3. Ada pengaruh pemberian tepid
demam usia toddler (1-3 tahun) di sponge terhadap penurunan suhu
RSUD Majalengka tahun 2017 tubuh pada anak demam usia toddler
sebelum diberikan teknik tepid (1-3 tahun) di RSUD Majalengka
sponge adalah 38,3 °C dengan standar Tahun 2017. Yaitu ada perbedaan
deviasi 0,24495. yang signifikan antara sebelum dan
sesudah di lakukan tepid sponge
2. Rata-rata suhu tubuh pada anak
didapatkan nilai p value= 0,000
demam usia toddler (1-3 tahun) di
RSUD Majalengka tahun 2017

SARAN antipiretik juga dapat

Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dan menggunakan kompres tepid
pembahasan ditemukan beberapa hal sponge.
untuk dijadikan beberapa saran sebagai
berikut ini:
2. Petugas kesehatan agar berupaya
menerapkan pengetahuan tentang
1. Petugas kesehatan berupaya
kompres tepid sponge kepada orang
menerapkan tindakan tepid sponge
tua pasien untuk membantu
untuk membantu menurunkan suhu
menurunkan suhu tubuh pada anak
tubuh pada anak demam.
demam. Memberikan penyuluhan
Memberikan informasi kepada
kepada responden mengenai
responden untuk membantu
tindakan kompres tepid sponge
menurunkan suhu tubuh pada anak
dengan air hangat yang dilakukan
demam selain menggunakan
peneliti dapat membantu
menurunkan suhu tubuh pada anak kepada responden agar melakukan
demam. kompres tepid sponge secara mandiri
3. Petugas kesehatan dapat baik di rumah sakit ataupun di rumah
menerapkan teknik tepid sponge apabila suhu tubuh anak mengalami
sebagai alternatif untuk membantu peningkatan kembali.
menurunkan suhu tubuh pada
pasien demam secara mandiri.
Memberikan penyuluhan

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Sekolah Yang Mengalami Supiyanto, dkk. 2016. Manfaat Kompres
Demam Di Ruang Perawatan Tepid Sponge Terhadap
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Kompres Hangat Perbandingan Pemberian
Dengan Kompres Dingin Kompres Hangat Dan Tepid
Terhadap Penurunan Sponge Terhadap Penurunan
Suhu Tubuh Pada Suhu Tubuh Anak Yang
Pasien Anak Karena InfeksiDi Mengalami Demam Di RSUD dr.
Djojonegoro Temanggung. PROVINSI LAMPUNG.
Jurnal Ners
This is an Open Access article
Vol. 14, No. 3, Special Issue 2019 distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution 4.0 International License

Original Research

The Difference Between the Conventional Warm Compress and Tepid Sponge
Technique Warm Compress in the Body Temperature Changes of Pediatric Patients
with Typhoid Fever

Aulya Kartini Dg Karra1, Muh. Aswar Anas2, Muh. Anwar Hafid2, and Rosdiana Rahim2
1Faculty of Nursing, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia
2Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Alauddin State Islamic University Makassar, South Sulawesi, Indonesia


Introduction: The use of warm compresses and warm sponge techniques Received: Dec 26, 2019
as a modality therapy for the management of fever in typhoid children has Accepted: Dec 31, 2019
a good influence. The purpose of this research was to learn of the
differences between conventional warm compress and the tepid sponge KEYWORDS
technique as related to the body temperature changes of pediatric patients typhoid; children; warm; compresses;
with typhoid fever. A fever that does not get a good standard of treatment warm sponge; fever
can cause dehydration, neurological damage and febrile seizures.
Methods: The research design was quasi-experiment with two groups pre-
Aulya Kartini Dg Karra
post test. The population was taken from the Kampili Community Health  aulya.kartini.dg-
Center while the 20 samples were taken using the purposive sampling
technique. Conventional warm compresses were placed on the forehead,  Faculty of Nursing, Universitas
while warm tepid sponges were compressed and placed on the forehead, Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia
armpits and the folds of the thighs simultaneously.
Results: . The data of the results were significance tested using the General
linear model repeated measure (p value 0.03 for conventional warm
compresses and p value 0.01 on a warm compress tepid sponge technique).
Conclusion: Statistically, the warm compress tepid sponge technique is
more meaningful and qualitatively, the temperature change is better after
the compression.

Cite this as: Karna, A.K.D., Anas, M.A., Hafid, M.A., & Rahim, R. (2019). The Difference Between the Conventional Warm
Compress and Tepid Sponge Technique Warm Compress in the Body Temperature Changes of Pediatric
Patients with Typhoid Fever. Jurnal Ners, 14(3si),321-326. doi: 17173

Typhoid fever is a systemic infection caused by Gram
negative bacteria Salmonella Typhi. This bacteria are
on food or drinks associated with poor hygiene and
areas with poor sanitation. Typhoid fever is a serious
health problem and it is a major cause of infant
morbidity and mortality in developing countries
(Almeida & Almeida, 2008). Fevers that do not get a
good treatment can cause dehydration, neurological
damage and febrile seizures (Arbianingsih, 2011).
A report from the WHO revealed that 21 million
cases and > 600,000 deaths every year worldwide
are due to typhoid fever. Developing countries have
the highest number of typhoid fever cases caused by
the rapid population growth, increased urbanization
and limited water and health service hygiene
500 per 100,000 population in Southeast Asia and in
& Negash, 2015) Areas with high endemicity Northeast Asia, it was less than 100 cases per
include Central Asia, South Asia, Southeast Asia 100,000 population (Burnside dan M.C Glynn, 2014).
and South Africa (Almeida & Almeida, 2008). A In Indonesia, typhoid fever should get serious
study conducted in urban areas in some Asian attention from various parties because this disease is
countries focused on children aged 5 - 15 years endemic and threatens public health. The problem is
showed that the incidence of positive blood increasingly complex with increasing career cases
cultures reached 180-194 per 100,000 children in (carrier) or relapse and resistance to the drugs used,
South Asia in those aged 5-15 years. It was 400– thus making it more difficult for treatment and
prevention efforts to respond. In 2008, typhoid sample totaled 20 people, consisting of 10 in the
morbidity in Indonesia was reported to be 81.7 per conventional warm intervention groups and 10
100,000 population, with the distribution according people in the group for the tepid sponge technique.
to the age group being 0.0 / 100,000 population (0– The sample in the research were children aged 3 -
1 years), 148.7 / 100,000 population (2-4 years), 12 years old (preschool and school years) who had
180, 3 been admitted to the Kampili Health Center
/ 100,000 (5-15 years) and 51.2 / 100,000 (= Inpatient Room, who had typhoid fever based on a
16 medical diagnosis (temperature; 37,20C – 39,50C)
years). This figure shows that the highest number of and who had received fluid therapy and antipyretic
sufferers is in the 2-15 years old age group therapy.
(Kemenkes, 2006) This study used the research instrument of
One effort to reduce fever is with a warm observation sheets for the body temperature
compress. According to the research, a warm research method, in addition to conventional
compress can be used as an independent act by the warm compress equipment, tepid sponge warm
nurses to help to reduce the patient’s body compress equipment, a wrist watch, stationery and
temperature (Surakarta & Ambarwati, n.d.) a mercury thermometer for the axillary
Conventional warm compresses (forehead area) can measurements. Measuring the body temperature
reduce the body temperature but warm compresses was done using a mercury thermometer because it
on the forehead produce insignificant decreases in has a 99% accuracy rate. Mercury responds to body
temperature (Edbor, Arora, & Mukherjee, 2011). temperature and it is not related to other factors
Another action used to reduce heat is a tepid such as battery usage or damage as might happen to
sponge. Tepid sponging is a procedure used to a digital thermometer machine.
improve the control of body heat loss through The location of this study was in the Inpatient
evaporation and conduction, which is usually done Room of the Kampili Community Health Center,
in patients who have a high fever. The purpose of Pallangga District, Gowa Regency. To determine
the tepid sponge action is to reduce the body the effect of the conventional warm compress and
temperature in patients who have hyperthermia tepid sponge technique warm compress on the
(Gebreyesus & Negash, 2015). The tepid sponge body temperature changes of pediatric patients
technique is more effective at lowering the body with typhoid fever, the data was analyzed using
temperature in the first the General Linear Model-Univariate test. In
15 minutes. The research carried out combining addition, the General Linear Model - Repeated
mothers with the tepid sponge technique showed Measure test was also used to determine whether
that it can reduce the body temperature better than there were significant differences in the variables
just using profen mothers only (Hidayati, 2014). that were measured repeatedly.
According to a study conducted by (Kania,
2015), the reduction of the body temperature using RESULTS
a warm sponge with antipyretic drugs was
Based on the results of the research conducted on
significantly faster than using only antipyretics and
paracetamol. However, the effects of discomfort
20 respondents using a conventional warm
were milder.
compresses and the tepid sponge technique,
Based on the background phenomenon of the
[Table 1] shows the demographic data, namely
above problems, the researchers wanted to examine
the distribution of respondents based on the
the difference between a conventional warm
highest age at 7 - 12 years especially in reference
compress and the tepid sponge technique related to
to the tepid sponge techniques (60.0%).
the body temperature changes of pediatric patients
Conventionally, those between the ages of 3-6
with typhoid fever.
years old and 7-12 years old were comparable
(50% each), while the distribution of respondents
by sex was that (70%) were women in the
This research was conducted using a quasi- conventional warm compress group while the
experimental technique. A quasi-experiment sexes were split by 50% each in the tepid sponge
explains the relationship used as a basis to predict a technique. The variable data on the form and
phenomenon (Kanj et al., 2015). The types of design duration of the fever suffered after 4-6 days of
used were two groups of pre-test post-tests. The compressing was so for as many as 13
respondents (65%), which is the duration of fever was 38.60C compressed with the tepid sponge
suffered the most. The distribution of the technique. [Table 3] After the General Linear
respondents based on length of the treatment Model-Repeated Measure test is carried out the
performed was 1 day of treatment for 13 following results: Temperature changes between
respondents (65%), which was the most common the pre-test and post- test in the conventional
treatment time. [Table 2] shows that the warm compress groups were as follows: in the 5
distribution of the respondents based on the level minutes after compressing, the p value was 0.07
of fever was, for the conventional warm (p> α) or 0.07> 0.05, which means that
compresses in the pre-test measurements, at the conventional warm compresses are not
highest febrile level, namely 38.50C. The highest statistically significant but they are able to reduce
sub-febrile value was 37.90C. For the tepid the average body temperature by 0,150C in
sponge technique, the highest score was 38.60C quality. At 15 minutes, the p value was 0.01 (p
and the highest sub-febris was 38.20C. The <α) or 0.01 <0.05, which
highest temperature compressed in this research
Table 1. Distribution of the Respondents Based on their Demographic Data
Respondent’s Conventional Warm Warm compress
Characteristics Tepid Sponge
Frequency (%) Frequency (%)
3- 6 years 5 50.0 4 40.0
7-12 years 5 50.0 6 60.0
Total 10 100 10 100
Male 330.0 5 50.0
Female 770.0 5 50.0
Total 10 100 10 100
Old Fever suffered Frequency Percentage (%)
1 - 3 days 7 35.0
4 – 6 days 13 65.0
Total 20 100
Duration of treatment Frequency Percentage (%)
1 day 13 65.0
2 days 7 35.0
Total 20 100

Table 2. Respondent’s Frequency Distribution Based on the Dependent Variables

Warm Compress Warmth Level Highest Value Pre-test
Conventional Febris 38,5
Subfebris 37,9
Febris 38.6
Sub-febris 38,2

Table 3. Effect of Compression on Changes in Body Temperature at Every Time of Measurement

Technique Transfer Temperature Change P value
Conventional Pre-test-minute ke 5 0,07
(p value 0,03) Pre-test-minute ke 15 0,01
Pre-test-minute ke 30 0,78
Pre-test-minute ke 60 0,21
Tepid sponge Pre-test minute ke 5 0,01
(p value 0,01) Pre-test-minute ke 15 0,01
Pre-test-minute ke 30 0,02
Pre-test-minute ke 60 0,11

Table 4. Effect of Compression on Changes in Body Temperature - Multivariate Analysis

Warm Technique Temperature Change P value
Conventional Pillai's Trace ,003
Wilks' Lambda ,003
Hotelling's Trace ,003
Roy's Largest Root ,003
Pillai's Trace 0,01
Tepid Sponge Wilks' Lambda 0,01
Hotelling's Trace 0,01
Roy's Largest Root 0,01

means that conventional warm compresses in the compresses (0.01<0.03). The multivariate tests
15th minute after compressing caused a decrease in included Pillai's Trace test, Wilks' Lamda,
body temperature. At 30 minutes, the p value was 0, Hotelling's Trace and Roy's Largest Root; the
78 (p> α) or 0.78> 0.05, which means that there is no
values of the 4 tests were also used to
decrease in body temperature and it even tends to
increase from the pre-test value. At 60 minutes, we strengthen the results of the hypothesis.
got a p value of 0.21 (p> α) or 0, 21> 0.05, which
means that conventional warm compresses 60 DISCUSSION
minutes after the compression do not lower the body A heat or fever conditions is where the brain fixes the
temperature and it even tends to increase from the body temperature above the normal setting, which is
pre test value.
above 380C. However, true heat is when the
The temperature changes between the pre-test
temperature is > 38.50C. As a result of the increasing
and post-test in the warm compress group for the
tepid sponge technique were as follows. In the 5 demand, the body will produce heat. Infection is the
minutes after compressing, it got a p value of 0.01 entry of microorganisms (microorganisms or very
(p small living things that are generally not visible to the
<α) or 0.01 <0.05, which means that the tepid eye) into the body. The entry of microorganisms does
sponge technique affects the decrease in body not necessarily cause us to fall sick, depending on
temperature. At 15 minutes, p value 0.01 was many things. Among others, it depends on how strong
obtained (p <α) or our immune system is. If our immune system is strong,
1.1 <0.05, which means that the tepid sponge then we may not get sick. Even if we are sick, our body
technique has an effect on decreasing the then forms immune substances (antibodies).
body temperature in the 15 minutes after Microorganisms can include germicidal bacteria,
compressing. In the 30 minutes after viruses and fungi. In children who have an infection,
compressing, the p value was the signs of an elevated body heat often appear. It has
0.1 (p> α) or 0.02> 0.05, which means that the tepid been proven that a fever is deliberately made by our
sponge technique is not statistically significant body as an effort to help the body get rid of infection.
but it is able to reduce the average body When attacked by an infection, the body must eradicate
temperature by 0.110 C 30 minutes after it. The trick is by deploying the immune system.
compressing. At 60 minutes, the p value was Commanding the forces to fight infection are the
0.11 (p> α) or 0.11> 0.05, which means that white blood cells. In carrying out their duties to be
the tepid sponge technique does not reduce effective and on target, white blood cells cannot be
the body temperature 60 minutes after alone. Support is needed by many parties including
compressing, which is even higher than the pyrogens. Pyrogens have a complex role in the
pre test value [Table 4]. The effect of the regulatory mechanism that exists in the human body.
Pyrogens have 2 missions: 1. Deploy the white
compress on changes in body temperature
blood cells or leukocytes to the site of infection and 2.
analyzed using multivariate analysis was
cause a fever that will kill the virus. This is because
done to find out whether the mean of the viruses do not deal well with high temperatures. The
post-test measurements differed typhoid virus thrives at low temperatures (Djuwariyah,
significantly. Multivariate tests were carried 2011).
out by looking at Table 4.8. From all of the The occurrence of fever when someone has an
tests, it was concluded that they all rejected infection in one of his organs, for example, is not a
Ho because all of the tests produced the negative sign like it is in typhoid. Typhoid fever has
same p-value, which was 0.03 <0.05. There the typical symptom of a continuous fever. This is a
was a significant difference in the changes in fever that persists with a maximum fluctuation of
body temperature with the conventional 0,40C over a 24 hour period (Kemenkes, 2006).
warm compresses. For the tepid sponge Typhoid fever is more common in school-aged
technique, all tests produced the same p- children (Nasution, 2015). In typhoid fever patients,
value, that is 0.01 <0.05. There was a there is a fever that is not too high and that lasts for 3
significant difference in the changes in body weeks. The first week is where there is an increase in
temperature. Of the two types of fluctuating body temperature. Usually the body
temperature increases at night and decreases in the
compresses based on the analysis, the tepid
morning (NurrochmadC & Williams, 2014). The
sponge technique was more statistically
first step in managing the fever is to make the
significant because the p value was lower diagnosis as precise as possible before establishing
than that of the conventional warm treatment modalities that are not necessarily drugs
(Pujiarto, 2008). respondents had any secondary diseases. This was
One effort to reduce fever is warm compresses based on the medical diagnoses concluded from the
that cause the body temperature to warm up. The clinical examinations and laboratory examinations
body will interpret that the temperature is quite (widal test). The researchers also first examined for the
hot and eventually the body will reduce the existence of a wound,; if no wound was found, then
compressing could be done. The average value of the
temperature control in the brain so as not to
respondent's body temperature before being
increase the body's temperature further. Warmer
compressed (pre test) was 37.80C for the conventional
temperatures make the vessels carrying the warm compresses whereas for the tepid sponge
peripheral blood widen and vasodilate, so the skin technique, it was 38.040C.
pores will open and facilitate heat dissipation. From the Differential Univariate-General Linear
Changes in body temperature will therefore occur Model and the General Linear Model-Repeated
(Djuwariyah, 2011). A warm compress on the skin Measure test, it is known that conventional warm
can inhibit shivering and the resulting metabolic compresses and the tepid sponge technique
effects. In addition, a warm compress also induce significantly influence body temperature changes.
peripheral vasodilation, thereby increasing the Based on the results of the testing using the Univariate-
amount of body heat coming out (Purba & General Linear Model, it showed a value of p <α
Wandra, 2016). A warm compress can be made by (0,03<0,05) which concluded that there was a
coating the surface of the skin with a towel soaked difference between conventional warm compresses
and the tepid sponge technique (H0 rejected).
in warm water. The results of the research
Based on the General Linear Model-Repeated
conducted proved that a compress of wet warmth
Measure test, the p value for conventional warm
is effective at lowering the body temperature in compresses was obtained after compressing: after 5
fever patients diagnosed with typhoid fever minutes (0.07)> 0.05, the average effect given was a
(Purwanti & Ambarwati, 2008). The non- decrease in body temperature of 0,150C, in 5 minutes
pharmacological treatment of fever that can be and up to 15 (0.01) <0.05, the average effect given was
done includes compressing. The compress a decrease in body temperature of 0.280C, at 30
techniques that can be used come in the form of a minutes (0.78)> 0.05, the average effect given was a
conventional warm compress or the tepid sponge decrease in body temperature of 0.010 C and at 60
technique. Warm water compresses are more minutes (0.21)> 0.05, the average effect given was an
effective by 74.6% at reducing the body increase in body temperature of 0.690C from the initial
temperature of pediatric patients with a fever than temperature of the compress.
compress plasters (Yuliani, 2006). The tepid Based on the results of the statistical tests on the
sponge is one of the warm compress techniques changes in body temperature after being compressed,
the decrease was only found in the 5 to 15 minute
that combines a block technique related to the
period for the conventional warm compresses while
superficial large vessels with the seka technique the tepid sponge technique decreased the temperature
throughout the body. The results of the research for between 5 to 30 minutes; 60 minutes after both
conducted shows there to be a significant types of compress were used, there was an increase in
comparison of effectiveness between a tepid temperature again. Because this research was only
sponge compress and warm water compress empirical, the researchers assume that it is influenced
toward the body temperature reduction in typhoid by the placement of the compression cloth.
fever children with hyperthermia. The tepid Conventional warm-sensitive neurons are less
sponge compress show a greater reduction in sensitized because the compress is only placed at 1
numbers compared to the warm water compress point. Impulses from afferent nerve fibers received by
(Susanti, 2012). Child nursing uses the hypothalamus to control body temperature are
determined by the receptors. Unlike what is the case
the principle of a family care center that there is a with warm compresses, the tepid sponge technique and
family partner in contact related to child care. The the placement of the compress cloth at 3 points of
associated nurse provides appropriate information afferent nerve fibers allows for the stimulus to the
for them to make decisions, assesses the family receptor to be stronger which allows for decrease in
needs and gathers the families to help them learn of temperature for longer, up to 30 minutes after
appropriate resources in their environment (Suyanto, compressing.
This research was carried out for 3 weeks by CONCLUSION
compressing 1 respondent for 15 - 20 minutes (to
avoid the rebound phenomenon). The respondents Based on the results of the study, it was obtained
were children who had typhoid fever in the inpatient that the average for the conventional warm
ward of the Kampili health center, totaling 20 compress pre- test body temperature was 37.830C
respondents. while the average tepid sponge technique warm
The respondents in this study each received compress pre-test body temperature was 38.040C.
parenteral fluid therapy in the form of IVFD Ringer Changes in the body temperature fluctuated in both
Lactat and antiperetic therapy. None of the the conventional warm compresses and tepid sponge
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