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B737-800/900 ER






JL.AMD Manunggal X Kedaung Wetan Kec.Neglasari
Kota Tangerang



Puji dan syukur kita panjatkan kehadirat ALLAH SWT yang telah
memberikan hidayahnya sehingga penulis dapat menyelesaikan makalah Aircraft
System ini.
Berkat bantuan dan dukungan serta bimbingan dari berbagai pihak, penulis
dapat menyelesaikan laporan ini. Oleh karena itu dalam kesempatan ini penulis
mengucapkan rasa terima kasih dan penghargaan kepada :
1. Allah SWT yang memberikan banyak rahmat kepada penulis sehingga
dapat menyelesaikan Makalah Aircraft System dengan lancar dan tepat
2. Bapak Muhammad Saifuddin selaku guru Aircraft System kelas 12 yang
telah mengarahkan dan menjelaskan cara pembuatan makalah ini.
3. Sekuruh rekan kelas XII AP 1.

Untuk semua ini, kami tidak bisa memberikan apa-apa kecuali ucapan terima
kasih yang sangat mendalam dan semoga budi baik yang telah diberikan dicatat
sebagai amal ibadah yang diberkahi oleh Allah swt.

Akhirnya kami berharap, semoga makalah sederhana ini dapat bermanfaat dan
sebagai sumbang pikiran yang dapat penulis berikan dalam upaya peningkatan
kualitas pembelajaran.
Tangerang ,20 Oktober 2019



Makalah ini kami persembahkan kepada :

1. Tuhan Yang Maha Esa
2. Bapak Muhammad Saifuddin selaku guru Aircraft System
3. Teman-teman dan para pembaca makalah ini.


 "Banyak kegagalan dalam hidup ini dikarenakan orang-orang tidak

menyadari betapa dekatnya mereka dengan keberhasilan saat mereka
menyerah." (Thomas Alva Edison)
 Berangkat dengan penuh keyakinan. Berjalan dengan penuh keikhlasan.
Istiqomah dalam menghadapi cobaan. YAKIN, IKHLAS, ISTIQOMAH.
 Tidak ada masalah yang tidak bisa diselesaikan selama ada komitmen
bersama untuk menyelesaikannya.
 Sabar dalam mengatasi kesulitan dan bertindak bijaksana dalam
mengatasinya adalah sesuatu yang utama.


Kata pengantar.........................................................................................................ii
Daftar isi
BAB 1 : Pendahuluan
1.1 Latar Belakang
1.2 Maksud dan Tujuan Penulisan
1.3 Rumusan Masalah
1.4 Metode penulisan
BAB 2 : Pembahasan

BAB 3 : Penutup
3.1 Kesimpulan
3.2 Saran



1.1 Latar Belakang

Nose landing gear adalah landing gear yang letaknya berada di depan
pesawat dan di bawah cockpit. Nose landing gear juga berfungsi untuk
membelokkan pesawat pada saat di ground. Landing gear menyediakan
dukungan untuk statis dan ground pesawat kondisi manuver. Landing gear
juga bereaksi terhadap beban pesawat kekuatan yang dihasilkan selama
pergerakan pesawat.

ada beberapa poin penting yang akan kami bahas dalam makalah ini.
Hal ini bertujuan untuk menambah wawasan para pembaca, terutama kami
selaku penulis. Dan yang akan kami bahas dalam makalah ini adalah Main
Landing Gear Extension and Retraction pada pesawat B737-800/900 ER,
yang direferensikan dari AMM Chapter 32.

1.2 Maksud dan Tujuan Penulisan

Tujuan dari penyusunan makalah ini adalah sebagai berikut :
a. Untuk memenuhi tugas aircraft system
b. Menambah wawasan dan pengetahuan siswa tentang Nose wheel
Removal and Installation.
c. Mengetahui tentang pengertian dan sistem kerja Nose wheel Removal
and Installation.
d. Mengetahui tentang cara penyusunan makalah ilmiah yang tepat dan
e. Sebagai sarana untuk mengembangkan pengetahuan dan wawasan
tentang ATA Chapter 32

1.3 Rumusan Masalah

A. Apa yang dimaksud dengan Nose Wheel?
B. Apa saja komponen pada Nose Wheel?
C. Bagaimana proses removal dan installation Nose Wheel?

1.4 Metode Penulisan

Untuk mendapatkan materi dalam penyusunan makalah ini, penulis

mendapatkan referensi dari Aircraft Maintenance Mannual B737-800/900 ER
Chapter 32-32. Selain itu, kami juga mendapatkan tambahan referensi dari
internet dan bimbingan dari guru mata pelajaran Aircraft System kami, yaitu
Bapak Muhammad Saifuddin.



2.1 Pengertian Nose Landing Gear

The nose landing gear absorbs landing forces and holds the forward part
of the airplane weight when the airplane makes a landing. The nose landing
gear doors open to permit gear operation. They close to aerodynamically seal
the nose landing gear wheel well.

2.2 Komponen Terkait

2.2.1 Nose Landing Gear Components

The nose landing gear has two wheel assemblies.
The nose landing gear has these components:
a. Shock strut
b. Drag strut
c. Lock link
d. Gas and oil charging valves
e. Torsion links
f. Integral axle
g. Tow fitting
h. Jack pad
i. NLG doors.

2.2.2 fungsi

A. Shock Strut
The nose gear shock strut supports the nose of the airplane. The shock strut
consists of an outer and inner cylinder. The shock strut also has two
centering cams, one in the outer cylinder and one in the inner cylinder. The
center cams hold the nose wheels in a straight line position for gear
extension or retraction.
When the shock strut retracts or extends, it rotates around two trunnion
bearing and pins at the top of the outer drag strut. Each pin extends through
a trunnion bearing and support in the nose wheel well aft lower side wall
structure. Trunnion bolts keep the trunnion pins from backing out during
landing gear operation.
The right trunnion pin also has a hydraulic swivel assembly connected. This
permits the use of rigid hydraulic lines.
The left trunnion pin is hollow. Two nose wheel steering cables go through
the pin and the left nose wheel aft lower side wall structure for nose wheel
steering control.

b. Drag Strut
A drag strut holds the nose gear in the extended or retracted position.

The drag strut consists of an upper and lower link, hinged in the center. The
drag strut folds about the hinge during landing gear operation. The lower
end of the lower drag strut connects to the shock strut outer cylinder. The
upper end of the upper drag strut connects to the nose wheel well forward
upper side wall structure.
When the landing gear operates, the drag strut rotates around two trunnion
pins at the top of the upper drag strut. Each pin extends through a trunnion
bearing and support in the nose wheel well forward upper side wall
structure. Trunnion bolts keep the trunnion pins from backing out during
landing gear operation.

c. Lock Mechanism
A lock mechanism moves to an over-center position to lock the drag strut in
the up and the down positions. The lock mechanism also stabilizes the drag
strut in the fore and aft direction. The lock mechanism consists of two lock
links, two springs, and a lock actuator.

d. Lock actuator
The lock actuator moves the lock mechanism to the locked position when
the nose landing gear is up or down.

e. Nose Landing Gear Actuator

The nose landing gear actuator supplies the force to retract and extend the
nose landing gear.

f. Gas and Oil Charging Valves

The shock strut uses hydraulic fluid and compressed dry air or nitrogen to
control the shock strut action. The gas charging valve lets you pressurize
the shock strut. The oil charging valve permits hydraulic servicing of the
shock strut.

g. Torsion Links
The torsion links prevent the inner shock strut from rotation in the outer
shock strut except when a steering force is applied. The torsion links also
permit movement up and down of the inner shock strut in the outer shock
The torsion links consist of an upper and lower link connected at the aft
ends. The forward end of the upper link connects to a steering collar on the
outer shock strut. The forward end of the lower link connects to the inner
shock strut. Steering forces applied to the upper torsion link by the steering
system are transmitted to the inner cylinder by the lower link.
You can disconnect the torsion links to let the nose landing gear move more
than the normal steering limits of 78 degrees.

h. Integral Axle
The main landing gear axle attaches to the bottom of the inner cylinder. You
can not remove the axle if it gets damaged.

i. Jack Pad
A jack pad on the bottom of the shock strut lets you move the inner cylinder
up for wheel and tire replacement.

j. Tow Fitting
A tow fitting is between the nose landing gear tires.

k. NLG Doors
Two doors aerodynamically seal the nose landing gear wheel well to
decrease drag. The doors attach to the outboard edges of the nose landing

gear wheel well. The doors connect to the shock strut and move
mechanically when the nose landing gear extends or retracts.

2.3 Proses Mekanisme

Nose Landing Gear Removal

(1) Disconnect the hydraulic line [25]
(2) Disconnect the right upper rod assembly [26]:
(3) Disconnect the left upper rod assembly [41]:
(4) Remove the pulley [50]:
(5) Remove the seal [65]:
(6) Deflate the shock strut [17]:
(7) Install the retention strap, SPL-1871, with the marker facing up, to hold
the shock strut [17] in its compressed position.
(8) Do this task: Lift the Airplane Nose with the Nose Jack at Jack Point D,
TASK 07-11-21-580-801.
(9) Do this task: Nose Landing Gear Wheel and Tire Assembly Removal,
TASK 32-45-21-000-801.
(10) Disconnect the lower drag strut assembly [19]:
(11) If it is necessary to lift the gear with an axle jack to
reduce the weight of the gear when you remove the left trunnion pin [63]
and right trunnion pin [37], do this task: Lift the Airplane Nose Landing
Gear with the Axle Jack at Jack Point E, TASK 07-11-03-580-802.
(12) Remove the right trunnion pin [37]:
(13) Remove the left trunnion pin [63]:

(14) Measure the thickness of the spacer [39] and the

spacer [71] that were between the sidewalls of the wheel well and the nose
landing gear trunnion.
(15) Remove the nose landing gear from the airplane:

Nose Landing Gear Installation

(1) You may optionally measure the net freeplay between
the wheel well trunnion bushing faces and the strut trunnion bushing faces, before
installation, as follows:
(2) Put the nose landing gear in its position for
installation on the sidewall of the nose wheel well.
(3) Lift the nose landing gear with an axle jack until the
right trunnion [23] and the left trunnion [40] align with the mating hole in the
sidewall of the nose wheel well, do this task: Lift the Airplane Nose Landing Gear
with the Axle Jack at Jack Point E, TASK 07-11-03-580-802.
(4) Install the right trunnion pin [37]:
(5) Install the left trunnion pin [63]:
(6) Measure the total axial free play in the trunnion:
(7) If it is necessary, remove the axle jack.
(8) Install the pulley [50]:

(9) Connect the cable [49]:
(10) Install the seal [65]:
(11) Apply a thin layer of the corrosion preventive Cor-
Ban 27L Compound, G50237 (preferred) or corrosion inhibiting material, G50136
(alternate) to the trunnion pin nut [68].
(12) Install the trunnion pin nut [68]:
(13) Examine that the seal [65] will turn freely from the
extended cable position of the gear to a simulated gear retracted cable position.
(14) Apply a thin layer of the corrosion preventive Cor-
Ban 27L Compound, G50237 (preferred) or corrosion inhibiting material, G50136
(alternate) to these items:
(15) Remove all unwanted corrosion preventive Cor-Ban
27L Compound, G50237.
(16) Lubricate the chrome plated surfaces of the bolt [27]
and bolt [47] and the bushing [29] and the bushing [45] with, grease, D00633.
(17) Remove all unwanted grease, D00633.
(18) Connect the left upper rod assembly [41]:
(19) Connect the right upper rod assembly [26]:
(20) Connect the hydraulic line [25]:
(21) Apply a thin layer of the corrosion preventive Cor-
Ban 27L Compound, G50237 (preferred) or corrosion inhibiting material, G50136
(alternate) to these items:
(22) Remove all unwanted corrosion preventive, Cor-Ban
27L Compound, G50237.
(23) Lubricate the shank of the pin [18] and bolt [13] with
grease, D00633.
(24) Remove all unwanted, grease, D00633.
(25) Connect the lower drag strut assembly [19]:
(26) Do this task: Nose Landing Gear Wheel and Tire
Assembly Installation,TASK 32-45-21-400-801.
(27) Connect the wires to the terminal block [72]:

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