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Nama : Ricki Marojahan Mulia

Instansi : Kepala Seksi Analisis
Pusat Higiene Perusahaan, Kesehatan dan
Keselamatan Kerja Disnakertrans Prov. DKI

Institusi Gelar Waktu

Program Doktor Ilmu Lingkungan, Universitas Indonesia Doktor (Cum Laude) 2009 - 2012
Faculty of Enviromental Science, Department of Environmental M.Sc. 2000 - 2002
Technology, Wageningen University (The Netherland)
Postgraduate Diploma, Occupational Health and Safety Diploma Science 1997 - 1998
Management. University of Queensland - Australia
Fakultas Teknik Universitas Sumatera Utara Sarjana Teknik 1989 - 1995
1. Mulia Ricki M. (2005) Kesehatan Lingkungan, Penerbit Graha Ilmu, Yogyakarta
2. Mulia, Ricki M., Kusnoputranto H., Moersidik ,Setyo S., Sihombing R. (2012). Optimization
Operational Variable of Bench Scale Biological Flue Gas Desulphurisation Application in Sulfuric
Acid Industry. World Applied Sciences Journal 18(9): 1310-1314, 2012.

•Asosiasi Ahli Hiperkes dan Keselamatan Kerja DKI Jakarta
•Asosiasi Laboratorium Lingkungan DKI Jakarta
•Member of Toast Master International, Jakarta City Hall - Indonesia
•Anggota Panitia Teknis, Komite Akreditasi Nasional

1. Penanggung jawab Mata Ajar Higiene Industri 1 di Magister Kedokteran Kerja dan
Spesialis Kedokteran Okupasi – Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia
2. Email: Facebook: Ricki Mulia
Keadaan Darurat
Keadaan darurat (emergency) adalah suatu kondisi/situasi yang
abnormal dan berbahaya yang membutuhkan penaganan
segera untuk mengendalikan, membetulkan dan
mengembalikan pada kondisi sebelumnya atau kondisi yang
selamat . (Pusperkes,2001)

Ricki M. Mulia
Types of Emergency

 Earthquakes
 Hurricanes
 Tornadoes
 Energy/utility outages
 Fire hazards
 Hazardous materials releases
 Terrorism

Workplace Emergency
An unforeseen situation that threatens your employees,
customers, or the public, disrupts or shuts down your
operations, or causes physical or environmental damage.

Industrial Emergency Sources: (Depnaker,2001/p.4)

Local Emergency

On-site Emergency

Off-Site Emergency
Industrial Emergency
Local Emergency
Timbul akibat kejadian yang berdampak pada bagian-bagian tertentu
dalam suatu lokasi industri. Mis. Kebocoran kecil drum bahan kimia
berbahaya di gudang.

On-site Emergency
Timbul akibat kejadian yang berdampak pada manusia, harta benda dan
lingkungan dimana dampak dapat menyebar ke seluruh bagian lingkungan
kerja. Mis. Pecahnya pipa instalasi bahan kimia berbahaya di industri.

Off-Site Emergency
Kejadian berdampak pada seluruh lingkungan kerja dan lingkungan luar.

• Medical cost • Loss and damage
•Funeral cost


• First aid expenses • Overhead cost while production is stopped
•Cost of Investigation •Rental of equipment to replace damaged equipment
•Cost of processing report
• Iddle time • Product spoiled by accident
•Manhours spent in cleaning up accident
•Time spent repairing damaged equipment • Training replacement worker

• Lowered employee morale
•Unfavorable public relations

Ricki M. Mulia HIDDEN COST

Phases of Emergency Management


Recovery Preparedness


Sources: Safety Engineering UQ

Emergency prevention
 Merupakan tahapan atau langkah pencegahan
terjadinya bencana.( Arie Priambodo, p.17)
Emergency preparedness

 Merupakan kesiapsiagaan dalam menghadapi

terjadinya bencana.( Arie Priambodo, p.17)

 Langkah awalnya adalah melakukan perencanaan

dengan benar
Employee emergency plans
1. "Emergency action plan elements." The emergency action plan should address
emergencies that the employer may reasonably expect in the workplace.
2. "Emergency evacuation." At the time of an emergency, employees should know
what type of evacuation is necessary and what their role is in carrying out the
3. "Emergency action plan training." The employer should assure that an adequate
number of employees are available at all times during working hours to act as
evacuation wardens so that employees can be swiftly moved from the danger
location to the safe areas.
4. "Fire prevention housekeeping." The standard calls for the control of
accumulations of flammable and combustible waste materials.
5. "Maintenance of equipment under the fire prevention plan." Certain equipment is
often installed in workplaces to control heat sources or to detect fuel leaks.

Emergency Preparedness

Key Principles
 Containment, suppression and control of incident
Rescue and treatment
Time of event considered (after hours contact?)
Structured and co-ordinated approach

Sources: Safety Engineering UQ

Mitigate hazards according to the hierarchy of controls

 Elimination or substitution:
Whenever possible, eliminate the hazard from the work area (e.g., repair or remove fallen electrical power lines before allowing other
work to proceed in the area). Although desirable, elimination and substitution may not be options for most airborne/chemical hazards
created by a natural disaster.

 Engineering controls:
Take steps to reduce or eliminate exposure to a hazard, such as by guarding the pinch points associated with a machine's moving parts,
providing ventilation to a permit-required confined space, using heavy equipment with temperature-controlled cabs, and placing barriers
around the swing radius of rotating heavy equipment.

 Work practice or administrative controls:

Implement work procedures that reduce the probability of exposure. For example, use well-rested crews and daylight hours to perform
higher hazard or unfamiliar tasks, take frequent breaks during hot weather, remove non-essential personnel from the area during certain
task/operations, and decontaminate equipment and personnel after contact with contaminated floodwater or chemicals. When possible,
use water to suppress dust and work up-wind in dusty conditions. Where extensive hot work is performed in the form of cutting and
burning, use extended length torch handles to increase the distance from the individual's breathing zone to the generation of toxic fumes.

Personal protective equipment (PPE):

If other controls are not available, infeasible, or do not provide sufficient protection, select and use PPE appropriate for the hazard and
level of exposure. OSHA provides additional assistance on selecting and using PPE. Sources:
Work Practices for basic safety

Establish and maintain evacuation routes and an alerting system to notify individuals in
case an evacuation becomes necessary.
Provide, maintain, and inspect fire protection and suppression equipment for the fire
hazards in the work area.
Ensure that first aid supplies and services, and medical care are readily available.
Drink water from sources proven to be safe for drinking.
Do not consume food or beverages that were exposed to floodwaters or perishables that
may have spoiled. Additionally, do not eat, drink, or smoke in areas containing debris,
floodwaters, or sludge.
Wash hands before eating, drinking, smoking, or using the restroom. If potable water is
not available, use hand sanitizer or commercial sanitizing wipes.
Minimize accumulation of trash and keep garbage in closed containers.
Use insect repellent containing DEET or Picaridin to prevent insect bites.
Minimize the creation or disturbance of dust and work upwind of dusty activities when
Provide prompt first aid for cuts and scrapes. Antibiotic resistant bacteria can result in
severe injury and illness. Wash and sanitize cuts and scrapes without delay and report the
injury to your supervisor. Bandage/cover cuts and scrapes and keep them from coming in
contact with polluted or contaminated floodwater. Seek medical help at the first sign of
infection. Sources:
Employee Organizational Structure
Facility Emergency
( Site Manager)

Response Security and

Personnel Health
Controller Communication
( Personnel Manager) ( Safety Manager)
( Operational Manager) ( Security Officer)

Sources: Safety Engineering UQ

Emergency Response

Emergency response or responding to emergencies means a

response effort by employees from outside the immediate release area or by
other designated responders (i.e., mutual aid groups, local fire departments,
etc.) to an occurrence which results, or is likely to result, in an uncontrolled
release of a hazardous substance. Responses to incidental releases of hazardous
substances where the substance can be absorbed, neutralized, or otherwise
controlled at the time of release by employees in the immediate release area, or
by maintenance personnel are not considered to be emergency responses within
the scope of this standard. Responses to releases of hazardous substances
where there is no potential safety or health hazard (i.e., fire, explosion, or
chemical exposure) are not considered to be emergency responses.

Emergency Response
Emergency Response
Response merupakan tindakan tanggap bencana yang meliputi
dua unsur penting :( Arie Priambodo, p.17)
1. Penyelamatan
Tindakan tanggap bencana ditujukan untuk menyelamatkan dan
menolong jiwa manusia.

2. Pertolongan
Tindakan tanggap bencana juga ditujukan untuk menyelamatkan material
yang berhubungan dengan keberlangsungan hidup.
Emergency Recovery

Recovery merupakan tahap atau langkah pemulihan sehubungan

dengan kerusakan atau akibat yang ditimbulkan oleh bencana.

Tahap recovery meliputi:

 Pemulihan

 Pengawasan
Spills and Emergencies
• Spill liquids often may be diluted and neutralize
• In some cases, eliminated by spreading an absorbent
material such as clay absorbent (i.e.calcium
• Placing pillows or pads an absorbent material on the
liquid, after which the absorbent material is collected
into container for later disposal
• Use correct PPE

Ricki M. Mulia
Personal Decontamination
Always wash their hands with soap and water before eating,
drinking, smoking, applying lip balm or cosmetics to prevent
contamination of their mouth, nose or eyes with hazardous
materials or infectious agents. Use a waterless alcohol-based
hand cleaner if water is not available.
Shower and change into clean clothes at the end of each
Separate work clothes from their general laundry to prevent
exposing family members to hazardous materials and infectious

Sources: Sources:

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