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COVER ………………………………………………………………………. 0

DAFTAR PUSTAKA ………………………………………………………... 1

1. Tujuan ……………………………………………………………………... 2

2. Teori Singkat ………………………………………………………………. 2

3. Morfologi Polen …………………………………………………………… 3

3.1. Bentuk Polen ………………………………………………………….. 3

3.2. Unity …………………………………………………………………... 3

3.3. Ornamentasi Polen …………………………………………………… 5

3.4. Polarity ………………………………………………………………... 6

3.5. Ukuran ………………………………………………………………… 6

3.6. Aperture ……………………………………………………………….. 7

4. Spora ………………………………………………………………………. 8

5. Materi Praktikum ………………………………………………………….. 10

6. Glossary of Pollen Terminology …………………………………………... 20

DAFTAR PUSTAKA …………………………………………………........... 24

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1.Tujuan :

Mahasiswa dapat medeskripsikan morfologi polen dan spora sehingga dapat

membedakan antara polen dengan spora, dapat mengenali ciri-ciri tiap genus dan

akhirnya dapat mengidentifikasi jenis.

2.Teori singkat:

Polen berbentuk butiran halus berwarna kuning yang dihasilkan oleh tumbuhan

berbunga (Spermatpphyta). Morfologi polen yang utama meliputi bentuk, uniti, polariti,

simetri, aperture dan ornamentasi. Spora dihasilkan oleh tumbuh-tumbhan dari kelompok

Ptrophyta, Bryophyta, dan sebagian Thallophyta. Golongan Pterophyta (paku-pakuan),

ada yang menghasilkan dua jenis spora (heterospore). Spora jantan memiliki ukuran lebih

kecil dari spora betina.

Acritrachs merupakan organisme uniseluler dari lingkungan laut. Kelompok ini belum

masuk dalam klasifikasi mahluk hidup. Bentuk dari acritarchs umumnya triangular,

circular, ovoid dan fusiform.

Dinoflagellate merupakan organisme uniseluler yang hidup dilingkungan air, bersifat

motile dan heterotrophic, parasitic atau photosyntethetic. Secara umum memiliki dua

jenis flagel, jenis satu dengan sulkus yang melingkar dan jenis yang kedua longitudinal

dengan orientasi posterior.

Aplikasi palinologi dalam bidang geologi meliputi penarikan umur relatif batuan, studi

paleoecology, paleoenvironment,biostratigraphy, kematangan minyak dan perubahan

muka laut.

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3. Morfologi polen

3.1. Bentuk polen

Menurut Edrtman (1943), bentuk polen dapat dikelompokan bedasarkan perbandingan

antar panjang sumbu ekuatorial dengan panjang sumbu polar sebagai berikut:

Gambar 3.1 Pola P/E (Erdtman, 1943)

E : Panjang sumbu ekuatorial, diperoleh dengan menarik garis bantu secara horisontal

P: Panjang sumbu polar, diperoleh dengan menarik garis bantu secara vertikal

Bentuk polen Perbandingan P/E

Peroblate <4/8
Oblate 4/8 – 6/8
Subspheroidal 6/8 – 8/6
Suboblate 6/8 – 7/8
Oblate spheroidal 7/8 – 8/8
Prolate spheriodal 8/8 – 8/7

Tabel 3. 1 Klasifikasi bentuk polen (Erdtman, 194)

3.2. Unity

Pada polen yang matang akan mengalami pemisahan, susunan antara satu polen polen

dengan polen lainnya membentuk unit-unit (Unity)

Laboratorium Paleontologi, Fakultas Teknik Geologi Unpad ©2019 3

Monad: Sebutir polen tersebar sebagai satu unit individu,tidak berhubungan dengan

polen lain. Sebutir serbuk sari atau spora tersebar sebagai unit individu, bukan dalam

hubungan dengan orang lain.

Gambar 3.2.a. Polen monad (Hesse, dkk 2009)


Dua unit polen saling berhubungan

Gambar 3.2.b. Polen dyad (Hesse, dkk 2009)


Polen tetrad menggambarkan sexine setiap monad terdiferensiasi dengan baik

membentuk amplop yang menyambung secara menerus diseputar unit seperti pada genus

Accia dari Mimosaceae

Polyads: lebih dari empat unit

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Gambar 3.2.c. Polen tetrad tampak pada mikroskop (Hesse dkk, 2009 dan).

Polyads: dengan format serupa dengan tetrad dengan unit lebih banyak

3.3 Ornamentasi polen

Dinding luar polen (eksin), terdiri dari dua lapisan, yakni lapisan luar disebut ekteksin

dan lapisan dalam disebut endeksin. Dinding polen (eksin) yang tersimpan menjadi fosil.

Di bagian luar lapisan eksin tersebut terdapat hiasan (ornamentation/sclupture) yang

penting untuk diskripsi polen.

Gambar 3.3. Pola ornamentasi polen (Traverese, 2007)

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3.4 Polarity

Bentuk polen dan lokasi aperture berhubungan secara langsung dengan polaritas

polen, hal tersebut ditentukan oleh orientasi ruang mikrospore pada pembelahan tahap

miosis sehingga membentuk polen dalam susunan tetrad. Setiap mikrospore orientasi

pergerakannya ke arah pusat tetrad, menuju kutub distal dan bagian luar sisi tetrad.

Bidang ekuator terletak pada pusat mikrospore, tegak lurus dengan sumbu polar, oleh

karena itu bidang ekuatorial membagi polen ke arah proksimal dan tengah distal.

Gambar 3.4.1 Posisi aperture pada bidang ekuatorial (Hesse dkk, 2009).

3.5 Ukuran

Ukuran polen diklasifikasikan menjadi:

Sangat kecil <10μm

Kecil 10-25 μm

Medium 25-50μm

besar 50-100 μm

Sangat besar 100-200μm

Giganta > 200μm.

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3.6 Aperture

Secara morfologis aperture adalah daerah eksin yang terbuka dan tipis,

ditempat ada initin biasanya menebal. Secara fisiologis aperture merupakan zona

germinasi, bisa juga organ yang mengatur mekanisme perubahan volume

(Thanikaimoni dalam Blackmore dan Ferguson, 1986),

Gambar 3.6. Model aperture polen

3.6. Klasifikasi aperture beradasarkan jumlah dan sebarannya (Moore, 1978

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4. Spora

Morfologi spora meliputi bentuk, ukuran, simetri, apertur, dan ornamentasi. Untuk

ornamentasi spora pola yang dipakai dalam polen dapat pula digunakan di spora.

Morfologi umum spora menurut (Traverese, 2007) adalah sebagai berikut:

Gambar 4.Skema spora trilete (spora trilate secara umum sama)

A, radial region (area); B, auricle(radial thickening; a limited zona);
C, curvatura imperfecta (does not join other radii);D, commissure
(center of the suture of “dehiscence mark”); E, radii (arms) of laesura;
F, interradial region (area); G, interradial thickening; H, labrum (lip of suture);
I, valva (slight to moderate radial thickening); J, torus (=“kyrtome”, often a fold
K,equatorial diameter (= spore size); L, curvatura perfecta (joins other radii);
M, cingulum or zona (equatorial thickening or flange); N, exospore in cross-
(=exine; often double layered); O, perispore (=perine) (Traverese, 2007)

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Commissure: Celah atau garis pada laesura

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1. Persiapan praktikan untuk mengikuti praktikum
Pahami morfologi polen dan spora. Untuk mempermudah pelaksanaan praktium
anda sebaiknya mempelajari morfologi jenis-jenis polen dan spora yang akan
diberikan sebagai bahan praktium. Caranya anda dapat melalui browshing atau
2. Materi praktikum yang akan diberikan meliputi:

No Polen Spora
1 Nypa fruticans 15 Acrostichum aureum
2 Sonneratia alba 16 Microsorium sp
3 Sonneratia caseolaris 17 Lycopodium sp
4 Eugessona 18 Stenochlaena palustris
5 Cyperaceae 19 Adiantum
6 Dacrydium 20 Lygodium mycrophyllum
7 Bronlowia 21 Polypodiaceae
8 Palaquim sp 22 Pteris
9 Borrasodendron macadonis 23 Neprolepis
10 Oncosperma tigillarium
11 Ilex
12 Croton tiglium
13 Livistonia sp
14 Calophyllum

3. Contoh Deskripsi polen

Nama :Sonneratia caseolaris
Pada tampak equatorial berbentuk subprolate-prolate, ukuran 35-28-57x46
µm,(fakta 38x50 µm) triporate, dengan pseudocolpi, exine halus sampai
perporate pada wilayah polar, ornamentasi verrucate-rugulate pada
wilayah equatorial . Erdtman (1966)., Thanikaimoni (1987).
(Catatan untuk anda yang melakukan praktium harus menunjukkan bagian-bagian
tersebut dengan memberikan tanda anak panah pada gambar)Equatorial view
Polar View

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Nama: Palaquim galatoxylon
Polen monad, dengan 4-colporate, struktur permukaan/ornamentasi reticulate, exine tebal,
tampak ekuatorial subprolate-rounded
Equatorial view Polar View

Nama : Avicennia
Polar View Equatorial view

Nama : Phyllanthus urinaria

Pollen grains prolate. P = 16.0–23.8 μm, E = 11.05–14.6 μm,
P/E = 1.36–1.76.
Aperture system — 4- or 5-colporate, colpi narrow.
Ornamentation — Bi-reticulate.
References — Punt & Rentrop 1973, Bor 1979, Long & Yu
1984, Rossignol et al. 1987, Chen & Wu 1997.

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Polar View Equatorial View

Contoh polen dari Familia Asteraceae (Akinnubi, 2014)

a.Ageratum conyzoides b Bidens pilosa

c. Emilia praetermissa d. Launaea taraxacifolia

Nama Diameter Wall Number Thickness Length

(μm) thickness of between of spines
(μm pores pores (μm)

Ageratum conyzoides 21.12±0.36 2.9±2.00 11.0±2.00 2.93±0.15 2.9±2.00

Bidens pilosa 38.27±0.70 2.9±2.00 16.0±2.00 3.93±0.18 6.9.±0.30
Emilia praetermissa 39.54±0.46 3.6±0.85 18.0±1.50 0.90±0.25 2.1±0.90
Launaea 38.67±0.67 2.8±2.02 7.54±0.88 17±0.67 5.9±0.30
Ageratum conyzoides 21.12±0.36 2.9±2.00 11.0±2.00 2.93±0.15 2.9±2.00

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4.Beberapa foto referensi spora (Sumber David Roubik;

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Gambar 28-29:

A. fontanuni (L.) Bernh. (939; Verinag, Kashmir; Prem La1

Spores planoconres (Int), 2G X 34 X 30 p (unacet. same). Laesura

18 p. Esine 2.2 p thick, light hewn (unacct. same). Sesine thicker

than nesine, uniformly spinulose (spinules prominent, lirown, lilunt).

Perine light brown (unacet. same), loose, spinulose (spinulcs sharp,

liyaline), nearly without folds, or with one or two faint, sharp,

elongated folds with smooth crest and lxoadly conical in optical

section. Supralaesural fold prominent, straight. Contents not risible

in unacetolysed spores

Gambar 30:

A. griffithianuni Hook. ((380; Darjeeling, Bengal; Kayar 30G87).

Spores 3G X 54 X 38 p (unacet. .24 x 3G x 24 p). Laesura 23 ,u

long. Esine 2.0 p thick, light brown (unacet. darker), granulose with

large oral patches of bare areas. Perine nearly hyaline (unacet.

darker), smooth, highly wrinkled into sharp, thin folds (with smooth

crests) forming a lophate pattern. There is a pair of closely placed parallel, nearly

straight, supralacsural folds. In unnretolgsed spores

the folds of the perinc are less sharp and a few plastids and one or

two pale oil globules are present.

Gambar 31

A. inaeqtiilaterale Willd. (981; Kodaikanal, JIadras; G. Foreau).

Spores planoconves (lat), 22 x 29 x 25 p (unacet. nearly same).

Laesura 20 p. Esine light brown (unacet. same), faintly granulose.

Laboratorium Paleontologi, Fakultas Teknik Geologi Unpad ©2019 15

Perine light brown (unacet. same), sparsely spinulose (spinules

small, hyaline), more or less adherent to the esine, highly wrinkled

into thin, sharp folds forming a lophate pattern. Folds with irregularly

serrate crcsts, and papillate in optical section. Supralaesural

fold not prominent, interrupted but straight. In unacetolysed

spores the folds of the perine are narrowly conical in optical section,

the esine granulations are more evident, and there are small plastids

and one or two yellowish oil globules included in the contents.

Gambar 32

A. zaciniatczni Don (230; Cherrapunjee, Assam; Xayar 49854).

Spores 25 x 40 x 26 p (unacet. 20 x 35 x 20 p). Laesura 20 p,

with tlliclieIled margins. Sesine thinner than nesine, densely and

uniformly spinulose (spinules darkish, 1 .O p long). I’erine nearly

hyaline with a darkish tinge (unacet. same), smooth, sparsely folded

into a few elongated, sinuous, thin, flap-like folds (papillate in optical

section), with nearly smooth crests. Most of the folds are parallel

to the E:,-asis. Supralaesural fold prominent, nearly straight.

Gambar 33:

A. nidus Linn. (1405; Hafflang, Assam; 1’. Chandra L, S. )

Spores ovate (pol), 25 x 30 x 2G p (unacet. nearly same). Laesura

20 p. Esinc brown, rugulate with the rugulne somclinies forming

irregular reticulations. I’erine light brown, minutcly and sparsely

Spores ovate (pol), 25 x 30 x 2G p (unacet. nearly same). Laesura

20 p. Esinc brown, rugulate with the rugulne somclinies forming

irregular reticulations. I’erine light brown, minutcly and sparsely

Laboratorium Paleontologi, Fakultas Teknik Geologi Unpad ©2019 16

Gambar 34-35

A. lunulatum Sw. (1 10’7; Ootacamund, Madras; Xayar 45529).

Spores 22 x 32 X 22 p (unacet. same). Laesura margins faintly

thickened. Esine light brown (unacet. same), uniformly granulose.

Perine pale brown, closely adherent to esine, minutely spinulose

(spinules hyaline). Folds of perine broadly conical in optical section;

they are quite faint in unacetolysed spores.

Gambar 36

A. nitidum . (1191; ;\Iunnar, Iiernla; Nayar 44992). Fig. 36.

Spores elongate-oblong (pol), 28 X 48 X 32 p (unacet. same).

Esine light brown (unacet. same), 2 p thick. Sesine thicker than

nesine. Perine light brown (unacet. hyaline), smooth, adherent to

the esine. Folds of perine with smooth crests and protruding up to

4 p from the esine surface.

Gambar 37-38

A. pellucidurn Lam. (1 191; Panchmarhi, Madhya Pradesh; Hira

Spores planoconres (lat), elliptic (pol), 32 X 49 X 36 p (unacet.

same). Laesura 28 p, with thickened margins. Esine 2.2 p thick,

brown (unacet. light brown), smooth. Perinc light brown (unacet.

hyaline to pale yellowish), faintly and uniformly granulose, folded

into thick, blunt, ridge-like folds forming a lophate pattern (crests

smooth). Folds protruding up to 8 p from esine surface, columnar

in optical cross-section. A pair of more or less straight, almost

parallel folds occurs outside the laesura. Pale green small plastids

are abundant in unacetolysed spores.

Laboratorium Paleontologi, Fakultas Teknik Geologi Unpad ©2019 17

Gambar 39

A. proernorsum Sw. (165; Coonoor, AIadras; Sayar 4550s).

Spores 41 X 56 X 38 p (unacet. 30 X 50 X 30 p). Laesura 26 p,

its outer margins faintly thickened. Esine light brown 2.0 p thick.

Sesine thicker than nesinc, prominently andnuniformly granulose. Perinc hyalinc

to slightly brownish (unacet.same), faintly granulose, more or less adherent to the

esinc, closely

and irregularly wrinlilcd into thicli, broad, very sinuous to zigzag

folds (protruding about 4 p from the csinc surface) with smooth

crests and columnar in optical section. Folds of perine more evident

in unacctolyscd spores.

Gambar 40

A. tenuifolium Don (884; Pykara, Madras; 1’. Chandra 77739).

Spores 23 x 32 x 24 p (unacet. same). Laesura 17 p, its outer

margins faintly thickened. Esine brown, 1 .O p thick, not subdivided

clearly into sesine and nesine. Perine spinulose (spinules hyaline)

but having large oral bare areas, adherent to the esine, wrinkled

into thin, sharp, slightly zigzag ridges forming a reticulate pattern

(the central area of the lumina-like depressions is devoid of spinules)

and protruding about 4 p from the esine surface. Supralaesural fold

short, straight, rarely interrupted. In unacetolysed spores the perine

folds are more or less blunt and broadly conical in optical section.

Laboratorium Paleontologi, Fakultas Teknik Geologi Unpad ©2019 18

Gambar 41

A. platyneunon (L.) Oakes (1 193; JIillburn, Sew Zealantl) Spores planoconvcs

(lat), 2G X 40 x 28 p (unacct. same). Outer

margins of laesura thickened into thin smooth lips. Esine light brown

(unacet. same), 2.2 p thick, smooth. Pcrinc light brown (unacct.

same), densely spindose with many bare areas (spinulcs about 1 p,

brownish), more or less loose, higlily wrinkled into thin, slightly

sinuous folds forming reticulate patterns (with lumina-like areas devoid of

spinulcs). Folds protruding about G p from the esine surface, with smooth crests

crowned by spinulcs, and conical in optical section. Supralacsural fold prominent,

more or less straight,interrupted and estcnding from end to end of the spore.

Occasionally there is a pair of parallel, supralnesural folds. Unacetolyscd spores

with a few nearly colourlcss, sinall plastids and small pale yellow oil


NO. 30-34, Spora Briophyta Spagnum recurvum

Trilate, heteropolar, radiossymetric, subtriangular, interangular convex, reticulte

Laboratorium Paleontologi, Fakultas Teknik Geologi Unpad ©2019 19

6. Glossary of Pollen Terminology

Amb :Circumferance of the grain in polar view.

Anamotreme :Irregularly arranged spiral apertures over the surface of the pollen
irrespective of their number.
Annulus :A distint ring-like thickening or thinning of the ektexine bordering the
Apocolpium : A region at the pole of a zonocolpate pollen grain delimited by lines
connecting the apices of the colpi.
Apolar : Having no pole.
Aspidote :The aperture or atleast their outermost parts are borne on small, more or
less circular, shield-shaped areas, protruding as round domes from the
general surface of the grains.
Aspis :A prominently protruding thickening of the exine around a pore.
Bacula :Rods not supporting anything but standing vertically on the nexine.
Bilaterally :symmetrical Having a single plane of symmetry.
Brevicolpi :Pollen grains with more or less short colpi. The length of colpi is equal
to or shorter than the total distance from colpi apices to pole
Clavate :Tectum with clava.
Colpi :Furrow shaped apertures.
Colporate :Having both colpa and pore apertures.
Colporoidate :Pollen having well developed colpi with weakly developed ora.
Columellae :Rods supporting the tectum.
Crassi :A prefix for thick.
Echinate :Aperture with spines.
Ectosexine :The outer layer of sexine.
Ektexine :It comprises of sexine and nexine I.
Endosexine : The inner layer of sexine.
Exine :The outer acetolysis resistant layer of pollen covering the entire surface
except germinal apertures where it is absent or reduced.
Fossulate : Elongated lumina, surface with irregular grooves.
Foveolate : Circular, closely packed lumina, diameter of pits more or less 1.0 µm.

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Gemme : A sexine element which is constricted at its base, higher than 1µm, and
that has approximately the same width as its height.
Goniotreme :It refers to angulaperture.
Intectate : Pollen grains without an apparent tectum.
Intine :The inner layer of the pollen.
Isopolar : The distal and proximal faces of pollen look alike.
Lalongate :Ora elongated laterally at right angles to the colpus.
Lolongate :Ora elongated meridionally or longitudinally.
Lumina :Empty roofless interspaces of the ridges of the reticulum.
Margo :A distinct thinning or thickening of the ektexine bordering the aperture
(furrow) with length/breadth ratio > 2.
Mesocolpium :The area of a pollen grain surface delimited by lines between the apices
of adjacent colpi.
Monolete :Spore with one slit.
Muri :A system of ridges of the reticulum.
Nexine :Inner unsculptured layer of pollen grain.
Oblate :The shape of a pollen grain or spore in which the polar axis is shorter
than the equatorial diameter.
Obscure :Not clearly expressed or easily understood pattern.
OL :pattern A pattern of ornamentation that appears to show dark islands at
high focus and that become bright at low focus.
Oncus :A lens-shaped structure that is not resistant to acetolysis and occurs
Opercula A distinctly delimited sexineectexine structure which covers
part of an ectoaperture and which is completely isolated from the rest of
the sexine.
Ora :Inner part of a composite aperture or equatorially arranged pores.
Parasyncolpate :Describing syncolp(or)ate pollen grains in which the apices of the colpi
divide into two branches and anastomose towards the poles, delimiting an isolated area
known as the apocolpial field.
Perforate :A general adjective indicating the presence of holes, applied in
palynology to holes less than 1µm in diameter and generally situated in
the tectum.
Perforate :Sculpturing with tectum pierced by small holes having less than 1 um in

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Periporate :Global simple circular aperture with length/breadth ratio <2.
Peritreme :Describing a pollen grain with equatorial apertures situated around an
outline that is circular in polar view.
Peroblate :Describing the shape of a pollen grain or spore in which the ratio
between the polar axis and the equatorial diameter is less than 0.50.
Porate Pollen with circular aperture.
Prolate :Shape of a pollen grain in which the polar axis is larger than the
equatorial diameter.
Pseudocolpi :A colpus-like pseudoapertubeneath the apertures of many kinds of pollen
Psilate :Smooth tectum.
Pstilate :Describing a pollen or spore with a smooth surface.
Ptychotreme :With apertures situated in invaginations of the outline, when seen in
Punctitegillate :With punctum surface which are rounded or elongate tectal perforation,
less than 1µm in length or diameter.
Radially symmetrical:The shape of the pollen is such that any plane including the polar
axis that passes through will produce identical halves.
Reticulate :A network-like pattern consisting of lumina or other spaces wider than
1µm bordered by elements narrower than the lumina.
Retipilate : Describing a reticulum formed by rows of pila instead of muri
Rugose :Having wrinkled surface.
Rugulate :Radial projections of sculpturing elements elongated with elements
irregularly distributed.
Scabrate : Sculpturing elements with radial projections and no dimensions.
Sexine :The outer sculptured layer of exine.
Spheroidal :Shape of the pollen in which the polar axis and the equatorial axis
diameter are approximately equal.
Striations :A general descriptive term applied in palynology to elongated, generally
parallel elements separated by grooves.
Subprolate :Shape of the pollen in which the polar axis and the equatorial axis
diameter is 0.75-0.88.

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Sulcate :Pollen grains with sulcus aperture i.e. distal simple elongated boat-
shaped aperture, generally with tapering ends showing length/breadth
ratio > 2. The aperture is parallel with the equatorial breadth.
Supratectal :Indicating the position of features, such as spines, on the top of the
Syncolpate :Colpi anastomose at polar region.
Tactate :The pollen grain with a tectum which covers most of the surface of the
Tectum :The structural elements fused distally forming a continuous roof.
Tegillate :Synonym of tectum.
Tenuitas :A thinning, that has been applied to many different situations in
Verruca :A wart like sexine element, more than 1µm wide, that is broader than it
is high and is not constricted at the base.
Zonocolpate :When colpi are located on the equatorial axis.

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Akinnubi, F. M., Akinloye, A. J. & Oladipo, O. T. (2014). Pollen grain

morphology of some selected species of Asteraceae in South Western Nigeria.
Research in Plant Biology, 4 (6), 17-23.

Blackmore,S. and Barnes, S.H. Comparative Studies of Mature and Developing Pollen
Grains, dalam Vlaugher, D. (editior), 1990. Scenning Electron Microscopy in Taxonomy
and Fuction Morphology, Sytematic Assotiation Special Volume No.41. pp 1-21. Oxford,
Clarendon Press

Erdtman, G. 1966. Pollen Morphology and Plant Taxonomy, Hanfer Publishing

Company, New York and London

Hesse, M. Halbritter, H. Zetter, R. Weber, M. Buchner, R. Frosch-Radivo, A. Ulrich,

M.S. 2009. Pollen Terminology An Illustrated. Springer Wien New York

More, P.D. and Webb, J.A. 1978. An Illustratrated Guide to Pollen Analysis. Hodder
And Stought, London

Morley, R.J. 1990.Short Course Introduction to Plynology (with Emphasis on South East
Asia). Fakultas Biologi UNSOED

Tomlinson, P.B. 1986. The Botany of Mangrove, Cambridge University Press

Traverese, A. 2007. Paleopalynology Second edition, Depatrment of Geosciences,

College of Earth and Mineral Sciences, The Pennsylvanya State University, USA.

Tschudy, R. H. and R.A. Scott. 1969 Aspect of Palynology. Wiley Interscience, New

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