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Riview Berita Ekonomi

Universitas Jember, Statistika Ekonomi II, C


Alvin Barra Abdul Jabar_210810101147

Fakultas Ekonomi & Bisnis, Prodi Ekonomi Pembangunan 2022

1. Berita 1 Jumat, Indonesia
I. Identifikasi

Judul Berita : Realisasi Investasi di DKI Jakarta Tembus Rp108 T Kuartal III 2023
Penulis : CNN Indonesia
Website berita :

Tahun terbit : Jumat, 11 November 2022

Isi Berita :

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia -- Realisasi investasi di DKI Jakarta tembus Rp108 triliun pada

kuartal III 2022 kemarin. Realisasi berasal dar Penanaman Modal Dalam Negeri (PMDN) yang
menembus Rp64,8 triliun  dan Penanaman Modal Asing sebesar US$3,1 miliar atau Rp44,1 triliun.
Realisasi investasi PMA dan PMDN DKI Jakarta periode Januari sampai September 2022 tercatat
meningkat 50,2 persen dari Rp72,5 triliun pada 2021 menjadi Rp108,9 triliun.

Kepala Dinas Penanaman Modal dan Pelayanan Terpadu Satu Pintu (DPMPTSP) Provinsi DKI
Jakarta Benni Aguscandra mengatakan peningkatan realisasi investasi tidak lepas dari peran
pemerintah dalam mendorong transformasi perekonomian melalui UU Cipta Kerja serta
penanganan pandemi Covid-19.

"Sementara itu, untuk sektor usaha terbesar dalam realisasi PMDN terdiri dari: sektor transportasi,
gudang dan telekomunikasi; sektor perdagangan dan reparasi; sektor jasa lainnya; sektor
perumahan, kawasan industri dan perkantoran; dan sektor pertambangan," sebut Benni, dikutip
dari laman PPID Jakarta, Jumat (11/11).

Bila dirinci berdasarkan wilayah, realisasi investasi PMA dan PMDN terbesar berada di Jakarta
Selatan sebesar Rp53,6 triliun, disusul oleh Jakarta Pusat sebesar Rp21,19 triliun.

Di urutan ketiga, ada Jakarta Timur ssebesar Rp17,76 triliun, selanjutnya Jakarta Utara dengan
nilai Rp9,22 triliun, Jakarta Barat Rp7,13 triliun, dan Kepulauan Seribu dengan realisasi investasi
sebesar Rp684 juta.

Dalam upaya mendorong laju pertumbuhan investasi di Jakarta, Benni mengaku pihaknya telah
menerapkan beberapa strategi untuk menarik investor

Terbaru, DPMPTSP Provinsi DKI Jakarta menggelar diseminasi pengisian Laporan Kegiatan
Penanaman Modal (LKPM) untuk para pelaku usaha di lima wilayah Kota Administrasi pada
bulan Oktober sampai dengan November 2022.

Pelaporan LKPM menjadi salah satu sumber informasi pemerintah terkait perkembangan dunia
usaha serta menjadi bahan pertimbangan pemerintah dalam menyusun suatu kebijakan.

II. Riview

Kenaikan Investasi sebagai penanaman modal untuk membantu sector yang tertinggal
tentunya akan berpengaruh pada suatu produktifitas dalam menjalan suatu bisnis yang akan
semakin produktif yang nantinya akan sangat membantu suatu peningkatan terhadap peningkatan
konsumsi rumah tangga maupun industry yang nantinya apabila penambahan modal dalam
investasi ini sangat berpenagruh tentunya pertumbuhan ekonomi suatu negara akan meningkat
juga dan apabila pertumbuhan ekonomi tinggi maka tingkat kesejahteraan masyarakat akan tinggi
pula, maka dengan adanya pelaksanaan investasi terkait peningkatan infrastruktur harus terlaksa
dengan baik, benar, dan terkontrol dengan tetap melakukan pengawasan baik dari dalam maupun
dari luar sehingga menciptakan keselarasan dengan impact investasi yang baik.
2. Berita 2 Jumat, Indonesia
I. Identifikasi

Judul Berita : PNM Targetkan Penyaluran Pembiayaan Rp 70 Triliun di 2023

Penulis : Prisma Ardianto
Website berita :

Tahun terbit : Jumat, 11 November 2022

Isi Berita :
Jakarta, - PT Permodalan Nasional Madani (PNM) menargetkan
penyaluran pembiayaan tahun 2023 mencapai Rp 70 triliun. Nilai tersebut tumbuh 11,11% dari
asumsi penyaluran tahun ini senilai Rp 63 triliun di sepanjang tahun ini.

"Iya inyaallah target Rp 70 triliun, memang kami harus lebih jeli dan kreatif untuk cari dana, tapi
kami lebih optimistis," beber Direktur Utama PNM Arief Mulyadi saat ditemui wartawan di
Menara PNM, Jakarta, Jumat (11/11/2022).

Arief meyakini, sektor ultra mikro nasional masih tetap tangguh meski perekonomian global
tahun depan berpotensi kembali terpukul akibat resesi maupun isu geopolitik. Hal ini tercermin
bahwa penyaluran PNM masih tumbuh baik kendati pandemi Covid-19 memaksa pembatasan
aktivitas masyarakat.

"Karena yang kami biayai itu diberdayakan mayoritas dari segmen subsisten, mereka pelaku
usaha mikro yang untuk survive hidup ya harus berusaha. Kami juga berikan stimulus melalui
pembiayaan dan capacity building untuk mereka mampu aktualisasikan produksi usahanya, " kata

Dia menerangkan, pertumbuhan ini dapat dilihat dari realisasi pembiayaan PNM Membina
Ekonomi Keluarga Sejahtera (PNM Mekaar). Di tahun 2020, pembiayaan baru tersalurkan
sebesar Rp 24 triliun. Nilai itu mampu tumbuh signifikan sampai dengan Rp 45 triliun pada tahun

Sampai 11 November 2021, keseluruhan pembiayaan PNM sudah mencapai Rp 52,29 triliun,
dengan pembiayaan bermasalah ataunon performing financing (NPF) di level 0,95%. Adapun
total nasabah sebanyak 13,1 juta nasabah aktif atau tumbuh 21% secara tahunan atau year on
year (yoy).

Selain itu, peningkatan juga dicatatkan PNM untuk nasabah Mekaar yang naik kelas ke segmen
pembiayaan Unit Layanan Modal Mikro (ULaMM). Perseroan mencatat akumulasi sebanyak 130
ribu nasabah Mekaar naik kelas menjadi nasabah ULaMM.

Memenuhi target pembiayaan 2023, kata Arief, perusahaan juga menerapkan sejumlah strategi
dari aspek pendanaan. Terlebih, saat ini porsi pendanaan dari pasar modal sebesar 58%, sebesar
30% dari perbankan, dan sisanya dari pemerintah.

"Kemarin alhamdulillah dapat tambahan dari pemerintah melalui Pusat Investasi Pemerintah
(PIP) di bawah Kemenkeu. PIP itu Rp 2 triliun, Rp 1,4 triliun dengan skema syariah karena
membiayai pembiayaan syariah kami, Rp 600 miliar dengan konvensional," kata dia.

Untuk tahun depan, PNM masih akan lebih banyak mencari pendanaan di sektor pasar modal.
Salah satunya adalah merealisasikan penerbitan sukuk yang telah tertunda di tahun ini menjadi di
awal tahun depan.

"Nilainya sambil membaca (situasi) pasar, kalau bisa dan peluangnya bagus mungkin sampai Rp
4 triliun. Kalau tidak ya kita buat bertahap Rp 2 triliun. Selebihnya kebetulan dari cash
flow internal dari penyaluran masih bisa kami upayakan," jelas dia.

Arief menegaskan, pihaknya belum akan membebankan potensi peningkatan biaya dana kepada
nasabah. Bahkan tetap diupayakan agar pengenaan bunga kepada nasabah bisa terus menurun
dalam kisaran yang dianggap sesuai.

"Justru (bunga) ke nasabah terus kami upayakan menurun, seperti

harapan stakeholders, walaupun ini (bunga pendanaan) kami juga sesuaikan. Karena kami juga
tidak mau kalau bunga kami turunkan dianggap charity, jadi tidak mendidik mereka. Ke depan
kami akan melihat kemungkinan, suku bunga mungkin angsurannya tidak kami turunkan, tapi
akan kami kembalikan suatu saat kepada mereka," jelas Arief.

II. Riview

Adanya suatu bantuan peminjman ini tentunya akan sangat berpengaruh positif
terhadap masyarakat menegah ke bawah, yang nantinya dengan adanya bantuan ini para
masyarakat penerima akan sangat terbantu, dan mengurangi beban mereka terkait pembiayaan-
pembiayaan seperti pajak ataupun lainnya, namun dengan adanya bantuan ini diharapkan
pemerintah juga ikut andil untuk melihat pemerataan bantuan ini agar nantinya para masyarakat
yang terbantu dan terpilih memang layak untuk dibantu, dan agar kesejahteraan masayarakat juga
merata dengan baik dan tidak menyebabkan kesenjangan social bagi beberapa masyarakat.
3. Berita 3 Jumat, Indonesia
I. Identifikasi

Judul Berita : Sri Mulyani Buat Orang Kaya Geleng-Geleng, Pajak Makin Gede!
Penulis : Cantika Adinda, CNBC Indonesia
Website berita :

Tahun terbit : Jumat, 11 November 2022

Isi Berita :

Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia - Menteri Keuangan Sri Mulyani Indrawati menegaskan akan
bersikeras mengubah arah kebijakan menarik pajak kendaraan bermotor. Indonesia akan
berkomitmen membangun ekosistem kendaraan listrik.

Sri Mulyani menegaskan, ke depan pemerintah akan mengenakan pajak lebih tinggi kepada
kendaraan bermotor yang menghasilkan emisi paling besar di Indonesia.

Sebab aturan pengenaan pajak kendaraan bermotor yang ada saat ini, dalam hal ini tarif pajak
penjualan atas barang mewah (PPnBM), kata Sri Mulyani masih mengacu pada aturan kendaraan
konvensional, yang ditentukan berdasarkan kapasitas mesin atau cubicle centimeter (CC).

Cubicle centimeter atau centimeter kubik, yang berarti volume ruang silinder pada suatu mesin.
Semakin besar kapasitas mesin yang ditandakan dengan CC ini, maka semakin besar juga jumlah
gas yang masuk ke silinder saat kendaraan digunakan.

"Semakin besar (kapasitas mesin) dianggap sebagai mobil mewah, maka Anda (masyarakat) harus
membayar pajak yang lebih tinggi," jelas Sri Mulyani dalam Bloomberg CEO Forum, Jumat

Ke depan, pemerintah akan mengenakan pajak kendaraan bermotor yang menghasilkan

karbondioksida atau CO2 lebih sedikit, akan lebih rendah tarif PPnBM-nya.

"Jadi, semakin sedikit Anda memiliki kendaraan dengan emisi rendah, maka semakin sedikit pajak
yang anda harus bayarkan untuk kendaraan Anda," kata Sri Mulyani lagi.

Kebijakan pemajakan kendaraan bermotor ini, kata Sri Mulyani diharapkan dapat mengubah
perilaku masyarakat di Indonesia.

Dalam mendorong ekosistem kendaraan listrik di Indonesia diimplementasikan oleh Presiden Joko
Widodo (Jokowi) melalui pemberian insentif yang diatur di dalam Peraturan Pemerintah (PP)
Nomor 74 tahun 2021.

Dalam PP Nomor 74/2021, mengatur kendaraan bermotor dengan teknologi battery electric
vehicles dan fuel cell electric vehicles akan dikenakan PPnBM 15% dengan dasar pengenaan pajak
(DPP) 0% dari harga jual.

Sementara itu, tarif PPnBM sebesar 15% atas DPP PPnBM sebesar 40% dikenakan atas kendaraan
bermotor full hybrid dengan kapasitas sampai dengan 3.000 cc dengan konsumsi bahan bakar
minyak lebih dari 23 kilometer per liter atau tingkat emisi CO2 kurang dari 100 gram per

Adapun tarif 15% atas DPP PPnBM kendaraan bermotor full hybrid 46,66% dari harga jual
berlaku atas kendaraan bermotor full hybrid dengan kapasitas silinder sampai 3.000 cc dengan
konsumsi bahan bakar minyak lebih dari 18,4 kilometer per liter hingga 23 kilometer per liter, atau
memiliki tingkat emisi CO2 mulai dari 100 gram per kilometer hingga 125 gram per kilometer.

Untuk kendaraan berteknologi plug-in hybrid electric vehicles, PPnBM yang dikenakan sebesar
15% dengan DPP sebesar 33,33%.

Tarif kendaraan tersebut berlaku atas kendaraan bermotor yang menggunakan teknologi plug-in
hybrid electric vehicles dengan konsumsi bahan bakar lebih dari 28 kilometer per liter atau tingkat
emisi CO2 sampai dengan 100 gram per kilometer.

II. Riview

Kenaikan pajak yang terlihat di berita diatas memang di lain sisi bisa membantu untuk
khas negara bisa bertambah sehingga menyebabkan adanya peningkatan dana negara, namun di
lain sisi pajak yang tinggi juga akan membuat kepuasan masyarakat juga akan berkurang karena
Sebagian mungkin akan ada yang terbebani dan menjadi mengganggu produktifitas mereka dalam
konsumsi, dengan adanya kenaikan pajak yang terlihat di berita diatas dimana adanya
peningkatan sebesar 15% ini tentunya harus memperhatikan juga pendapatan masyarakat,
sehingga bagi mereka yang memiliki pendapatan relatif kecil tidak tenganggu kepuasannya.
4. Berita 4 Jumat, Inggris
II. Identifikasi

Judul Berita : UK economy shrinks at start of feared long recession

Penulis : William Schomberg
Website berita :

Tahun terbit : Jumat, 11 November 2022

Isi Berita :

Britain's economy shrank in the three months to September at the start of what is likely to
be a lengthy recession, underscoring the challenge for finance minister Jeremy Hunt as he
prepares to raise taxes and cut spending next week.
Economic output shrank by 0.2% in the third quarter, less than the 0.5% contraction analysts had
forecast in a Reuters poll, Friday's official data showed.

But it was the first fall in gross domestic product since the start of 2021, when Britain was still
under tight coronavirus restrictions, as households and businesses struggle with a severe cost-of-
living crisis.

Britain's economy is now further below its pre-pandemic size - it is the only Group of Seven
economy yet to recover fully from the COVID slump - and is smaller than it was three years ago
on a calendar-quarter basis.

The Resolution Foundation think tank said that although the fall was smaller than investors had
feared, it left Britain on course for its fastest return to recession since the mid-1970s.

Its research director James Smith said the figures provided a sobering backdrop for Hunt's Nov.
17 budget announcement, when he will try to convince investors that Britain can fix its public
finances - and its credibility on economic policy - after Liz Truss's brief spell as prime minister.

"The Chancellor will need to strike a balance between putting the public finances on a sustainable
footing, without making the cost-of-living crisis even worse, or hitting already stretched public
services," Smith said.

Responding to the data, Hunt repeated his warnings that tough decisions on tax and spending
would be needed.

"I am under no illusion that there is a tough road ahead - one which will require extremely
difficult decisions to restore confidence and economic stability," Hunt said in a statement.

"But to achieve long-term, sustainable growth, we need to grip inflation, balance the books and
get debt falling," he added. "There is no other way."


The Bank of England said last week that Britain's economy was set to go into a recession that
would last two years if interest rates were to rise as much as investors had been pricing.

Even without further rate hikes, the economy would shrink in five of the six quarters until the end
of 2023, it said.

"Fears of a recession are turning into reality," Suren Thiru, economics director for the Institute of
Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, said.

"This fall in output is the start of a punishing period as higher inflation, energy bills and interest
rates clobber incomes, pushing us into a technical recession from the end of this year."

In September alone, when the funeral of Queen Elizabeth was marked with a one-off public
holiday that shut many businesses, Britain's economy shrank by 0.6%, the Office for National
Statistics said. That was a bigger monthly fall than a median forecast for a 0.4% contraction in the
Reuters poll and the largest since January 2021, when there was a COVID-19 lockdown.
But gross domestic product data for August was revised to show a marginal 0.1% contraction
compared with an original reading of a 0.3% shrinkage, and GDP in July was now seen as having
grown by 0.3%, up from a previous estimate of 0.1%.

The upward revisions to July and August's GDP data mostly reflected new, quarterly figures on
health and education output, alongside some stronger readings from the professional and scientific
and wholesale and retail sectors, the ONS said.

ritain's economy shrank in the three months to September at the start of what is likely to be a
lengthy recession, underscoring the challenge for finance minister Jeremy Hunt as he prepares to
raise taxes and cut spending next week.

Economic output shrank by 0.2% in the third quarter, less than the 0.5% contraction analysts had
forecast in a Reuters poll, Friday's official data showed.

But it was the first fall in gross domestic product since the start of 2021, when Britain was still
under tight coronavirus restrictions, as households and businesses struggle with a severe cost-of-
living crisis.

Britain's economy is now further below its pre-pandemic size - it is the only Group of Seven
economy yet to recover fully from the COVID slump - and is smaller than it was three years ago
on a calendar-quarter basis.

The Resolution Foundation think tank said that although the fall was smaller than investors had
feared, it left Britain on course for its fastest return to recession since the mid-1970s.

Its research director James Smith said the figures provided a sobering backdrop for Hunt's Nov.
17 budget announcement, when he will try to convince investors that Britain can fix its public
finances - and its credibility on economic policy - after Liz Truss's brief spell as prime minister.

"The Chancellor will need to strike a balance between putting the public finances on a sustainable
footing, without making the cost-of-living crisis even worse, or hitting already stretched public
services," Smith said.

Responding to the data, Hunt repeated his warnings that tough decisions on tax and spending
would be needed.

"I am under no illusion that there is a tough road ahead - one which will require extremely
difficult decisions to restore confidence and economic stability," Hunt said in a statement.

"But to achieve long-term, sustainable growth, we need to grip inflation, balance the books and
get debt falling," he added. "There is no other way."

The Bank of England said last week that Britain's economy was set to go into a recession that
would last two years if interest rates were to rise as much as investors had been pricing.

Even without further rate hikes, the economy would shrink in five of the six quarters until the end
of 2023, it said.

"Fears of a recession are turning into reality," Suren Thiru, economics director for the Institute of
Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, said.

"This fall in output is the start of a punishing period as higher inflation, energy bills and interest
rates clobber incomes, pushing us into a technical recession from the end of this year."

In September alone, when the funeral of Queen Elizabeth was marked with a one-off public
holiday that shut many businesses, Britain's economy shrank by 0.6%, the Office for National
Statistics said. That was a bigger monthly fall than a median forecast for a 0.4% contraction in the
Reuters poll and the largest since January 2021, when there was a COVID-19 lockdown.

But gross domestic product data for August was revised to show a marginal 0.1% contraction
compared with an original reading of a 0.3% shrinkage, and GDP in July was now seen as having
grown by 0.3%, up from a previous estimate of 0.1%.

The upward revisions to July and August's GDP data mostly reflected new, quarterly figures on
health and education output, alongside some stronger readings from the professional and
scientific and wholesale and retail sectors, the ONS said.

II. Riview

If you look at the news above which is more directed at improving the economy, which
in turn will increase economic growth which can also affect conditions

country, with strong growth it is hoped that the country will improve in terms of production factors
or other economic aspects.

However, if you look in detail at the development desired by UK not only on economic factors, but
also on educational factors, he also believes that he wants to increase growth in the education
sector and not interfere with the private sector about what they are doing. will take.

With an increase, of course, the budget obtained will also have an impact on obtaining this
country's income and creating maximum welfare. Of course, this must always be supported by the
community, where with the support of this community and related parties who have other interests.
the authority to implement the improvement process in the pace of the economy and from the
education sector can be carried out smoothly without hindrance because existing policies can
already be seen if people who take part in the UK government will also hear and implement new
policies that have positive prospects for advancing a country
5. Berita 5 Jumat, Inggris
I. Identifikasi

Judul Berita : Bank of Spain urges lenders to preserve capital as risks mount
Penulis : Jesús Aguado
Website berita :

Tahun terbit : Jumat, 11 November 2022

Isi Berita :

MADRID, Nov 11 (Reuters) - Spanish banks need to preserve capital and keep a lid on
mortgage loan costs to cope with a potential deterioration of the economic outlook, the Bank of
Spain warned on Friday.

The central bank said that risks to financial stability had increased since its last report on the
matter in April.

The institution's head of financial stability Angel Estrada also warned that mortgage relief
measures being readied by the government and banks should be temporary and targeted only at
vulnerable households.

"The measures must identify the target group and the aid must not increase the cost of future
(mortgage) clients," Estrada told a news briefing.

Though higher interest rates are also expected to boost banks' financial margins in the short
term, financial supervisors have recently cautioned against risks stemming from the war in
Ukraine at a time when recession looms in Europe.

"All this recommends a prudent provisioning and capital planning policy, allowing a short-term
increase in profits to be used to increase the resilience of the sector," it said in its semiannual
financial stability report.

The central bank expected high inflation in Spain to further pressure the economic outlook in
coming quarters after it recently cut its growth forecast for 2023 to 1.4% from a previously
expected rate of 2.8%.

Though Spanish banks, including Santander (SAN.MC) and BBVA (BBVA.MC), posted better-

than-expected third-quarter earnings but they were overshadowed by higher loan-loss provisions.

The European Central Bank has also recommended prudence and its top supervisor Andrea
Enria appeared to call time on a season of large share buybacks by banks as the economy

Spanish lenders have been increasing their shareholder remuneration through higher pay-outs
averaging 40%-60%, share buy-backs or a combination of both.

"Pay-out ratios of Spanish institutions are not excessive and around the average or below that of
the international banking systems, but the recommendation to be prudent is still on the table,"
Estrada said.

Echoing the ECB's non-binding opinion on Spain's banking tax proposal, the Bank of Spain said
the levy would hurt banks' profitability and capital generation in 2023-24.

II. Riview

This increase in problem financing gave rise to formation the troubled financing
reserves are getting bigger. Loss of financing is costs hyang means lower profits. The high NPF
value can have an impact on the health of the bank. The greater the NPF, the greater the loss
experienced by the bank, which will then be resulting in reduced bank profits. Reduced profits
will result the total assets of the bank also decreased.
6. Berita 1 Sabtu, Indonesia
I. Identifikasi

Judul Berita :
Penulis :
Website berita :

Tahun terbit : Sabtu, 12 November 2022

Isi Berita :
II. Riview
7. Berita 2 Sabtu, Indonesia
I. Identifikasi

Judul Berita :
Penulis :
Website berita :

Tahun terbit : Sabtu, 12 November 2022

Isi Berita :

II. Riview
8. Berita 3 Sabtu, Indonesia
II. Identifikasi

Judul Berita :
Penulis :
Website berita :

Tahun terbit : Sabtu, 12 November 2022

Isi Berita :

II. Riview
9. Berita 4 Sabtu, Inggris
I. Identifikasi

Judul Berita :
Penulis :
Website berita :

Tahun terbit : Sabtu, 12 November 2022

Isi Berita :

II. Riview
10. Berita 5 Sabtu, Inggris
I. Identifikasi
Judul Berita :
Penulis :
Website berita :

Tahun terbit : Sabtu, 12 November 2022

Isi Berita :

II. Riview
11. Berita 1 Minggu, Indonesia
I. Identifikasi

Judul Berita :
Penulis :
Website berita :

Tahun terbit : Minggu, 13 November 2022

Isi Berita :

II. Riview
12. Berita 2 Minggu, Indonesia
I. Identifikasi

Judul Berita :
Penulis :
Website berita :

Tahun terbit : Minggu, 13 November 2022

Isi Berita :

II. Riview
13. Berita 3 Minggu, Indonesia
I. Identifikasi

Judul Berita :
Penulis :
Website berita :

Tahun terbit : Minggu, 13 November 2022

Isi Berita :

II. Riview
14. Berita 4 Minggu, Inggris
I. Identifikasi

Judul Berita :
Penulis :
Website berita :

Tahun terbit : Minggu, 13 November 2022

Isi Berita :

II. Riview
15. Berita 5 Minggu, Inggris
I. Identifikasi

Judul Berita :
Penulis :
Website berita :

Tahun terbit : Minggu, 13 November 2022

Isi Berita :

II. Riview
16. Berita 1 Senin, Indonesia
I. Identifikasi

Judul Berita : KTT G20 jadi Ajang BUMN Pamer Kontribusi Terhadap Energi

Tahun terbit : Senin, 14 November 2022

Isi Berita :
Jakarta, CNN Indonesia -- Kementerian BUMN mengklaim momen KTT G20 menjadi
sarana showcase bagi badan usaha atas kontribusinya terhadap energi hijau.
Menteri BUMN Erick Thohir menyebutkan seperti PT Bukit Asam Tbk yang bekerja sama
dengan PT Jasa Marga (Persero) mewujudkan energi ramah lingkungan dengan membangun
pembangkit listrik tenaga surya (PLTS) di jalan Tol Bali Mandara.

Selain Bukit Asam, PLN dan Pertamina Patra Niaga juga telah mengembangkan Stasiun
Pengisian Kendaraan Listrik Umum (SPKLU) atau charging station guna mendukung operasional
kendaraan listrik yang akan digunakan dalam acara puncak KTT G20 di Bali.

Lebih lanjut, PT INKA (Persero) memproduksi bus listrik untuk transportasi umum delegasi KTT
G20 di kawasan Nusa Dua.

Hal ini sebagai bentuk komitmen mendukung pemerintah untuk melakukan peralihan kendaraan
dari moda transportasi berbahan bakar fosil ke kendaraan bertenaga listrik atau baterai.
Erick mengatakan dalam mendorong terwujudnya transisi energi ini, kesiapan masyarakat dan
industri di Indonesia juga menjadi hal yang tidak kalah penting.

"Terbukti apa yang kita lakukan terkait transisi energi mendapat perhatian dunia. Saya baru saja
mendampingi Presiden Joko Widodo saat bertemu dengan Presiden Joe Biden, dan pemimpin
negara besar itu memberikan dukungan penuh langkah Indonesia dalam melakukan transisi energi
terbarukan," ujar Erick melalui keterangan resmi, Senin (14/11).

Pada kesempatan itu, ia menyebut Presiden AS itu juga berkomitmen mendukung Indonesia
dalam mengembangkan ekonomi.

"Bahkan, Joe Biden berkomitmen mendukung perbaikan dan pengembangan ekonomi Indonesia
sebagai pusat pertumbuhan ekonomi dunia," imbuh Erick.

Sementara itu, Wakil Menteri BUMN I Pahala Nugraha Mansury mengatakan transisi energi
adalah sesuatu yang tidak bisa dihindari. Sebab, Indonesia sudah menetapkan target mencapai
emisi net zero pada 2060 dan pengurangan 32 persen emisi pada 2030.

"Jadi saya rasa bagaimana BUMN mengembangkan portofolio untuk mengurangi emisi karbon,
bisa secara individu atau sinergi dengan ekosistem BUMN," kata dia.

Indonesia, kata Pahala, memiliki banyak sumber EBT seperti geothermal, hydro power, energi
surya, biomassa, biofuel, dan lain-lain hingga mencapai potensi 437 gigawatt (GW) yang siap
dioptimalkan oleh BUMN.
"Tiga perusahaan BUMN di bidang energi dan pertambangan (PLN, Pertamina dan Mind ID)
punya inisiatif yang lengkap terkait energi, termasuk membangun sistem yang inovatif," ujarnya.

II. Riview

17. Berita 2 Senin, Indonesia

I. Identifikasi

Judul Berita : Pemerintah Perlu Rp15 Ribu T untuk Transisi Energi

Penulis : CNN Indonesia
Website berita :

Tahun terbit : Senin, 14 November 2022

Isi Berita :

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia -- Pemerintah membutuhkan dana hingga US$1 triliun atau
Rp15 ribu triliun (asumsi kurs Rp15.000 per dolar AS) untuk bisa mencapai transisi energi
menuju net zero emission (NZE) pada 2060 mendatang. Sekretaris Jenderal (Sekjen) Kementerian
Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Rida Mulyana mengatakan dana besar tersebut
dibutuhkan untuk menciptakan energi baru yang ramah ramah lingkungan.

"Untuk Indonesia sendiri, untuk sektor energi total investasi yang dibutuhkan akan lebih dari
US$1 triliun hingga tahun 2060," ujarnya dalam Grand Launching Indonesia Energy Transition
Mechanism Country Platform, Bali, Senin (14/11).

Beberapa sumber energi baru yang sedang dan akan dikembangkan pemerintah untuk mencapai
energi bersih adalah seperti hidrogen, amonia, angin, hingga nuklir.

Kendati demikian, kebutuhan anggaran yang besar tersebut tidak bisa dipenuhi hanya dari APBN
saja. Oleh karenanya, Indonesia membutuhkan dukungan pendanaan dari pihak swasta.
"Untuk memenuhi pendanaan tersebut, kami menyadari tidak akan mampu melakukannya sendiri.
Sektor swasta memiliki peran penting dalam menghasilkan pembiayaan tambahan menuju energi
bersih," jelasnya.

Rida berharap pihak swasta akan melihat komitmen Indonesia ini dan mau memberikan dukungan
pendanaan. Apalagi, transisi energi memang menjadi salah satu agenda penting dunia.

"Keterlibatan badan usaha sangat dituntut, khususnya dalam pengembangan pembangkit listrik
energi terbarukan. Saya berharap kami dapat meningkatkan kolaborasi untuk melakukan diskusi
lebih lanjut untuk mengidentifikasi opsi pembiayaan dan untuk mempromosikan pendekatan yang
kompatibel untuk keuangan bersih," pungkasnya.

II. Riview
18. Berita 3 Senin, Indonesia
I. Identifikasi

Judul Berita : 25.700 Buruh Pabrik Sepatu Kena PHK Karena Permintaan Turun 50 Persen
Penulis : CNN Indonesia
Website berita :

Tahun terbit : Senin, 14 November 2022

Isi Berita :

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia -- Direktur Eksekutif Asosiasi Persepatuan Indonesia

(Aprisindo) Firman Bakri mengungkapkan 25.700 pekerja sudah terkena pemutusan hubungan
kerja (PHK) per Oktober 2022 ini. Jumlah tersebut ia klaim masih akan bertambah.

"Kalau yang terdampak PHK, data kami itu baru ada 8 perusahaan. Itu pun sudah di angka 25.700
(karyawan). Potensinya di Desember nanti akan terus bertambah sampai mungkin awal tahun
depan," jelas Firman kepada, Senin (14/11).

Firman menjelaskan PHK massal ini terjadi karena penurunan permintaan industri sepatu yang
sudah menyentuh 50 persen. Lebih lanjut, ia menjelaskan Desember nanti akan lebih banyak
perusahaan yang mengalami penurunan permintaan.

Permintaan menurun dan order yang masuk masih kecil juga didorong oleh negara-negara tujuan
ekspor Indonesia yang masih mengalami kelebihan stok.

"Jadi karena pabrik yang terkena dampak penurunan order, yang satu di UMK tinggi di
Tangerang, Banten lalu satunya lagi di Jawa Tengah. Dengan kondisi penurunan ini, yang pasti
akan dikorbankan pertama, yang bebannya paling berat adalah di daerah yang UMK-nya tinggi,"
"Makanya PHK ini masih berkisar di daerah dengan UMK tinggi, seperti Tangerang, Banten,
Karawang, dan sebagainya. Namun, ada juga PHK di daerah yang upah minimumnya rendah, tapi
mereka gak punya pabrik di daerah dengan UMK tinggi," sambungnya.
Kendati, Firman enggan merinci nama-nama perusahaan tersebut. Ia hanya ingin isu PHK
karyawan tersebut tidak bias dengan adanya kabar relokasi beberapa pabrik ke Jawa Tengah.

II. Riview
19. Berita 4 Senin, Inggris
I. Identifikasi

Judul Berita : Cost of living: Average price of a pint up 9% in a year as inflation hits pubs
Penulis : Megan Baynes
Website berita :

Tahun terbit : Senin, 14 November 2022

Isi Berita :

The average price of a pint is up 9% compared to last year, figures show, as the cost of
living crisis hits pubs and breweries.

The average costs for pubs and brewers were up 22% at the end of the summer - before the colder
months brought with them increased heating bills and rising inflation.

Rising costs are forcing businesses to pass on the costs to customers at the bar.

According to figures from the Office for National Statistics, those who drink bitter will be worst
affected, with the price up by 8.97% in the last year (from £3.80 to £4.13).

The cost of lager is also rising, with an increase of 8.68% (from £3.23 to £3.52).

These price hikes are causing many consumers to stay away, and now beer sales are down 10% in
the same period last year.

It means more than 50 pubs a month are now closing, compared to around 30 a month last year.

Abbie Marshall, the owner of Buck Inn in Thornton-Le-Dale in North Yorkshire was forced to
put her beer prices up by 10% to try and tackle the uncertainty around prices.

"On food, from one week to the next, vegetables, meat whatever it may be, can change by 100 to
200% in a matter of weeks," she told Sky News.

"We are constantly repricing, but it's difficult because whilst we don't want to pass on all the costs
to our customers, we can't keep absorbing the cost increases."

Her pub's energy bills have more than tripled, rising from £20,500 every year to an annual cost of

Despite seeing her own expenses soaring, Ms Marshall said she was reluctant to pass on too many
expenses to her customers.

"We are getting very close to the glass ceiling," she said.

"And that is ceiling is where I know I won't be able to raise my prices anymore because it will be
prohibitive and alienate some parts of the community.

"I know I would alienate about 30% of my customers."

But she said predicting what will happen has been the hardest - "You make a forecast for the
business, and then six weeks later that forecast is obsolete."

The British Beer and Pub Association is calling on Chancellor Jeremy Hunt to announce a beer
duty freeze in his autumn statement on Thursday.

The organisation said a failure to do so would take the tax to its highest ever historical record at a
time of severe pressure for the industry, but reinstating would channel £360m back to pubs and

Emma McClarkin, its chief executive, said: "We are caught in an extremely vicious circle,
customers are understandably being cautious, but the cost of doing business is out of control and
as a result, this is set to be the toughest Christmas on memory for UK pubs and brewers.

"Many just managed to pull through the pandemic, but what we are facing now is crippling
businesses at an unprecedented rate.

"We need the beer duty freeze reinstated to alleviate at least some of the cost pressure on our pubs
and brewers and to avoid undermining the crucial alcohol duty reform measures to be
implemented in 2023.

"The last thing these pubs want to do is put prices up for customers who are struggling themselves
with the cost of living, they want to provide a warm and welcoming space for their communities,
especially in this acutely difficult time, but without relief from the government it's difficult to see
how many will continue to do so."

II. Riview
20. Berita 5 Senin, Inggris
I. Identifikasi

Judul Berita : Harbor Custom Development ends 3Q with $11.7M in sales despite a challenging
market environment
Penulis : Uttara Choudhury
Website berita :

Tahun terbit : Senin, 14 November 2022

Isi Berita :

The real estate company also reported that sales for the first nine months of 2022
increased by 10% to $50.6 million, compared to sales of $46 million for the first nine months of

“I am pleased with the development we made in our transition to focus on multi-family projects,”
said Harbor Custom CEO Sterling Griffin

Harbor Custom Development Inc ended the third quarter with sales of $11.7 million despite a
slowdown in the otherwise red-hot US housing market due to rising mortgage rates and a
challenging environment.

The US housing market surged during the pandemic as homebound people sought new places to
live, boosted by record-low interest rates. However, things have changed drastically with the
average rate on the 30-year fixed mortgage, which started this year right around 3% now just
above 6%.

For the period ended September 30, 2022, the Tacoma, Washington-based real estate company
involved in all aspects of the land development cycle, reported a gross profit of $0.4 million,
compared to $7.1 million in the third quarter of 2021. The company’s gross margin for the 3Q
decreased to 3.7%, compared to 39.7% for the same quarter in 2021.
Harbor reported a net loss of $3.4 million or loss per share of $0.37 for the quarter, compared to a
net income of $3.7 million or earnings per share of $0.21 in 1Q 2021. The firm logged adjusted
earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization (EBITDA) loss of $3.1 million,
compared to an adjusted EBITDA of $4.5 million in the comparable period a year earlier.

Harbor said the gross margin shrank due to the non-recurrence of higher margin entitled land
sales in 2022 and a decrease in fee-build gross profit and gross margin due to significant cost

“While our 3Q results were impacted by lower sales and higher operating expenses, we continued
to make progress on our strategic initiatives to support growth. I am pleased with the development
we made in our transition to focus on multi-family projects,” said Harbor Custom CEO Sterling

“Today’s market environment remains unstable. The increases in interest rates to combat
inflation, combined with affordability challenges and lower buyer sentiment, have weakened
demand, particularly for land, lots, and single-family homes,” he added.

Outlook for 2022

Harbor said it is revising downward its previous guidance for the 2022 fiscal year.

“These dynamics, along with their resultant uncertainty and inability to obtain cost-effective
financing, as well as delays in the closing of certain multi-family projects and home sales, have
caused us to revise our financial guidance downwards for the full year 2022,” said Griffin.

Harbor said revenue is expected to be in the range of approximately $61 million to $65 million.

Meanwhile, adjusted EBITDA is expected to be in the range of a loss of approximately $5 million

to $7 million.

This updated guidance is based solely on real estate that is under contract and scheduled to be
completed and closed in 2022, said the company.

Separately, Harbor reported that sales for the first nine months of 2022 increased by 10% to $50.6
million, compared to sales of $46 million for the first nine months of 2021.

This increase was largely due to increases in home sales of $11.5 million, fee build revenue of
$3.6 million, and sales of developed lots of $1.3 million, partially offset by an $11.9 million
decrease in the sales of entitled land, added the company.
II. Riview
21. Berita 1 Selasa, Indonesia
I. Identifikasi

Judul Berita : Harga Pangan di Spanyol Melesat ke Rekor Baru

Penulis : CNN Indonesia
Website berita :

Tahun terbit : Selasa, 15 November 2022

Isi Berita :

Nusa Dua, CNN Indonesia -- Harga pangan di Spanyol melesat 15,4 persen pada
Oktober 2022 dibanding periode sama tahun sebelumnya. Kenaikan itu merupakan rekor baru
sejak pencatatan dilakukan oleh Institut Statistik Nasional Spanyol pada 1994 lalu.
Sementara jika dibandingkan dengan September 2022, harga pangan itu naik 2,3 persen. Mereka
merinci kenaikan harga pangan terbesar terjadi pada sayur-sayuran

Tercatat harga sayur-sayuran melonjak sampai dengan 25,7 persen. Lonjakan kedua dialami oleh
telur yang harganya naik 25,5 persen. Sedangkan ketiga, dialami oleh golongan biji-bijian yang
harganya naik 22,1 persen. 

Mengutip AFP, lonjakan harga pangan itu dipicu perang antara Rusia dengan Ukraina sejak
Februari lalu. Perang telah mengakibatkan pengiriman komoditas biji-bijian di negara pemasok
utama dunia tersebut menurun tajam sehingga membuat harganya melesat.

Selain perang, lonjakan harga juga dipicu kekeringan ekstrem dan gelombang panas berturut-turut
yang melanda Spanyol tahun. Bencana itu telah membuat panen buah dan sayuran di negara yang
menjadi produsen terkemuka di Uni Eropa itu jatuh.

Meski harga bahan pangan melonjak, tingkat inflasi di Spanyol secara keseluruhan melambat
menjadi 7,3 persen pada Oktober kemarin, turun dari 8,9 persen dibanding September.
Tak hanya itu, inflasi juga menjauh dari 10,8 persen yang merupakan level tertinggi 38
tahun pada Juli lalu. Penurunan inflasi ini terjadi akibat jinaknya tagihan listrik. Pasalnya, pada
Oktober kemarin tagihan turun 22,5 persen dibandingkan bulan sebelumnya.

II. Riview
22. Berita 2 Selasa, Indonesia
I. Identifikasi

Judul Berita : Biden Bantu Transisi Energi di Indonesia US$ 20 Miliar

Penulis : Arnoldus Kristianus
Website berita :

Tahun terbit : Selasa, 15 November 2022

Isi Berita :

Jakarta, - Pemerintah Amerika Serikat (AS) dan sejumlah pihak lainnya,
melakukan mobilisasi dana hingga US$ 20 miliar atau sekitar Rp 311 triliun untuk membantu
berbagai proyek transisi energi di Indonesia.

Kemitraan jangka panjang ini bermaksud untuk memobilisasi US$ 20 miliar awal dalam
pembiayaan publik dan swasta selama periode tiga hingga lima tahun, menggunakan pendanaan
campuran, pinjaman lunak, pinjaman dengan suku bunga pasar, jaminan, dan investasi swasta.

“Kami berharap dapat memobilisasi dana sebesar US$ 20 miliar untuk mendukung upaya
Indonesia mengurangi emisi, mengembangkan jaringan energi baru dan terbarukan, dan
membantu para pekerja yang paling terpengaruh oleh transisi dari batu bara,” ucap Presiden AS,
Joe Biden dalam acara peluncuran Kemitraan untuk Investasi dan Infrastruktur Global atau
Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment (PGII) G20 pada Selasa (15/11).

Biden menjelaskan pada awalnya pendanaan ini dilakukan oleh negara G-7 untuk bisa membantu
Indonesia dalam menyelesaikan proyek energi bersih. Dukungan pendanaan ini juga sebagai
bentuk aksi nyata negara G-7 dalam pengurangan emisi karbon.

"Kami di negara G7 menyepakati global partnership and investment sebesar US$ 600 miliar
untuk negara berkembang. Salah satunya, kami sepakat pada COP-27 kemarin di Mesir bahwa
kami akan mengakomodir pendanaan sebesar US$ 20 miliar khusus untuk membantu Indonesia
dalam proyek energi bersih," kata Biden.

Dengan kemitraan tersebut diharapkan dapat membantu mempercepat target peaking date sektor
ketenagalistrikan di Indonesia 7 tahun lebih cepat dan menghasilkan pengurangan emisi GRK
kumulatif lebih dari 300 megaton hingga tahun 2030 dan pengurangan sebesar 2 gigaton hingga
tahun 2060 dari capaian Indonesia saat ini.

Biden mengatakan pihaknya juga berencana untuk menginvestasikan US$ 798 juta melalui
Millennium Challenge Corporation dengan Indonesia untuk mengembangkan transportasi yang
tahan terhadap iklim dan mendukung tujuan pembangunan Indonesia.

“Di seluruh dunia, kami juga berinvestasi dalam rantai pasokan mineral penting dan teknologi
yang diperlukan untuk transisi energi bersih. Misalnya, di Honduras, Bank Ekspor Impor
membiayai salah satu proyek tenaga surya terbesar di Amerika.” ucapnya.

Dalam kesempatan yang sama, Presiden Komisi Eropa Ursula von der Leyen mengatakan Eropa
mendukung penuh langkah Indonesia dalam transisi energi. Eropa yang juga tergabung dalam
pendanaan ini mengatakan akan mendukung Indonesia dalam mengembangkan proyek energi
bersih yang mengusung prinsip keberlanjutan.

"Kita semua saat ini sudah harus beralih ke energi bersih dan membangun ketahanan energi.
Untuk itu, kami sangat mendukung Indonesia dalam proyek transisi energi," kata Ursula.

Ursula mengatakan Indonesia memiliki potensi pengembangan energi baru terbarukan yang besar.
Dia mengatakan Eropa sangat tertarik bersama Indonesia mengembangkan proyek panas bumi.

"Kami mengikuti pendanaan gabungan ini hampir 1 miliar euro untuk membantu Indonesia dalam
pengembangan potensi panas bumi di Indonesia. Kami sangat yakin potensi cadangan yang bisa
dikembangkan Indonesia sangatlah besar," ujar Ursula.

II. Riview
23. Berita 3 Selasa, Indonesia
I. Identifikasi

Judul Berita : 5 Komoditas Ekspor Andalan RI Ini Turun Drastis, Ada Apa?
Penulis : Anisa Sopiah, CNBC Indonesia
Website berita :

Tahun terbit : Selasa, 15 November 2022

Isi Berita :

Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia - Ekspor nonmigas Indonesia pada Oktober 2022 senilai US$
23,43 miliar mengalami penurunan sebesar 0,14% dibanding September 2022 (month to
month/mtm). Namun jika dibandingkan dengan ekspor nonmigas Oktober 2021 lalu (year on
year/yoy) nilai ini naik 11,45%.

Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) mencatat penurunan ekspor nonmigas ini terjadi di beberapa
komoditas golongan HS 2 digit dengan penurunan terbanyak pada komoditas bijih logam, terak,
dan abu (HS 26) yang turun sebesar US$ 407,7 juta.

Pangsa Ekspor Non Migas (Tangkapan Layar Youtube BPS)Foto: Pangsa Ekspor Non Migas
(Tangkapan Layar Youtube BPS)

Pangsa Ekspor Non Migas (Tangkapan Layar Youtube BPS)

"Penurunan ekspor komoditas nonmigas yang terbesar atau terdalam ini adalah untuk komoditas
bijih logam, terak, dan abu, turun sebesar US$ 407,7 juta atau secara persentase 38,57%.
Berdasarkan negara tujuan terdalam ini terutama ke negara Tiongkok, Jepang, dan Spanyol,"
ungkap Deputi Bidang Statistik Distribusi dan Jasa (Disjas) BPS, Setianto dalam konferensi pers,
Selasa (15/11/2022).

Penurunan terbesar kedua disusul komoditas mesin dan perlengkapan elektrik serta bagiannya
(HS 85) yang turun sebesar US$ 79,7 juta. Komoditas lainnya yang juga turun drastis yakni pulp
dari kayu (HS 47) turun sebesar US$ 74,4 juta, berbagai produk kimia (HS 38) turun sebesar US$
55,9 juta, kayu dan barang dari kayu (HS 44) turun sebesar US$ 52,2 juta.

II. Riview
24. Berita 4 Selasa, Inggris
I. Identifikasi

Judul Berita : Nigeria’s Inflation Rate Hits 21% Under Buhari Government As Food Prices
Penulis : Sahara Reporter
Website berita :

Tahun terbit : Selasa, 15 November 2022

Isi Berita :

The National Bureau of Statistics (NBS), in its Consumer Price Index (CPI) which
measures the rate of change in prices of goods and services in Nigeria, has shown that the inflation
rate in the country rose from 20.77 percent in September to 21.09 percent in October this year

Analysis of the inflation rise showed that the general price level for the headline inflation rate
increased by 5.09 percent in October 2022 when compared to the same month in 2021.

According to the NBS report released on Tuesday, “On a month-on-month basis, the headline
inflation rate for October 2022 was 1.24 percent, this was 0.11 percent lower than the rate recorded
in September 2022 (1.36 percent). This means that in October 2022 the general price level for the
headline inflation rate (month–on–month basis) declined by 0.11 percent.

“The percentage change in the average CPI for the twelve months ending October 2022 over the
average of the CPI for the previous twelve months period was 17.86 percent, showing a 0.91
percent increase compared to the 16.96 percent recorded in October 2021.”

According to the report, disruption in the supply of food products, cost of importation due to the
persistent currency depreciation and high energy cost were the major causes of the inflation rate
rise under the President Muhammadu Buhari-led administration.

The report further stated that “On a year-on-year basis, in October 2022, the urban inflation rate
was 21.63 percent, 5.11 percent higher compared to the 16.52 percent recorded in October 2021.
On a month-on-month basis, the urban inflation rate was 1.33 percent in October 2022, this was a
0.12 percent decline compared to September 2022 (1.46%).

“The corresponding twelve-month average for the urban inflation rate was 18.38% in October
2022. This was 0.85% higher compared to the 17.53% reported in October 2021.”

Also, the report showed that on an annual basis, the food inflation rate in the same month under
review rose to 23.72 percent.

This showed an increase of 5.39 percent higher compared to the 18.34 percent recorded in October

Also, the report stated that the rise in food inflation was caused by increases in prices of bread and
cereals, food products, potatoes, yams and other tubers, oil and fat.

The report noted that “On a month-on-month basis, the food inflation rate in October was 1.23%,
this was a 0.21 percent decline compared to the rate recorded in September 2022 (1.43 percent).
This decline was attributed to the reduction in prices of some food items like tubers, palm oil,
maize, beans, and vegetables.

“The average annual rate of food inflation for the twelve months ending October 2022 was 19.83
percent, which was a 0.92 percent points decline from the average annual rate of change recorded
in October 2021 (20.75 percent).”

II. Riview
25. Berita 5 Selasa, Inggris
I. Identifikasi

Judul Berita : Unemployment rate flat in West Midlands but benefit claimants down
Penulis : John Corser
Website berita :

Tahun terbit : Selasa, 15 November 2022

Isi Berita :

There were 139,000 out of work – 4.7 per cent of the working population, Britain's rate
of unemployment edged higher in the three months as the country heads for what is feared will be
the longest recession in a century, official figures have shown.

The rate of unemployment stood at 3.6 per cent, up from 3.5 per cent in the three months to
August, the Office for National Statistics said.

Across the West Midlands the numbers claiming unemployment benefits, including Universal
Credit, were down last month. The total of 175,005 was down 2,400 on September – a rate of 4.8
per cent.

Walsall had 160 fewer claimants at 9,450 (5.4 per cent) with Sandwell down by 115 to 13,325
(6.5 per cent). Dudley dropped by 100 to 9,215 (4.7 per cent) and Wolverhampton fell by 85 to
12,030 (7.4 per cent). In Staffordshire the claimant total was 14,365 (2.7 per cent) – a fall of 195.

Lichfield was down 35 to 1,480 (2.4 per cent) and South Staffordshire had 30 less claimants at
1,740 (2.6 per cent).

Cannock Chase – up 25 to 2,040 (3.2 per cent) – and Stafford – up five to 2,040 (2.5 per cent) –
bucked the downward trend.
Wyre Forest, including Kidderminster, had a fall of five to 1,925 (3.3 per cent).

Cathy Taylor, Jobcentre employer and partnership manager in Wolverhampton, said: “Jobcentre
employer advisers are busy focussing on helping employers fill their seasonal and permanent
vacancies in a variety of sectors including hospitality, retail, and logistics. In November we have
held a number of jobs fairs aimed at supporting all customer groups with specific emphasis on 18
to29-year-old jobseekers and older workers.

“The changes to Universal Credit and the older workers’ offer means we can help even more
claimants receive intensive support, to help them get into work and seize opportunities to increase
their job prospects and pay."

Most economists had expected the national unemployment rate to remain unchanged.

It came as more people dropped out of the workforce, with a hike in the proportion of people
neither looking for work nor working.

Over half a million working days were lost to strikes in August and September – the highest two-
month total in more than a decade.

There was another fall in the number of vacancies, down 46,000 quarter on quarter to 1.2 million,
as increasing numbers of employers "hold back on recruitment" amid mounting economic gloom,
according to the ONS.

Wage rises continued to be far outstripped by rocketing prices, with average earnings excluding
bonuses down 3.8% when taking account of Consumer Prices Index (CPI) inflation, the figures

It follows official data last week revealing the economy shrank by 0.2% in the third quarter,
putting the UK on course for a prolonged recession amid a punishing cost-of-living crisis.

Chancellor Jeremy Hunt said that tackling inflation was his "absolute priority" as he prepares to
outline a raft of expected tax hikes and spending cuts in this week's delayed autumn Budget.

He said: "That guides the difficult decisions on tax and spending we will make on Thursday.

"Restoring stability and getting debt falling is our only option to reduce inflation and limit interest
rate rises."

More timely data showed the number of payrolled workers lifted 74,000 or 0.2% between
September and October to 29.8m, but these figures are subject to revision.

The wider labour force survey figures show that the number of Britons in unemployment fell by
69,000 to 1.2m between the second and third quarters, but that the number of people in
employment also dropped by 52,000 to 32.7m. For the West Midlands the employment total was
2.8m – a rate of 74.1 per cent.

Economic inactivity increased by 0.2 percentage points quarter on quarter to 21.6 per cent, driven
by those aged 16-24 and 35-49 years.

Darren Morgan, director of labour and economic statistics at the ONS, said rising levels of
inactivity in the UK since the pandemic has "largely been caused by older workers leaving the
labour market altogether, but in the most recent quarter the main contribution has actually come
from younger groups".

He added: "August and September saw well over half a million working days lost to strikes, the
highest two-month total in more than a decade, with the vast majority coming from the transport
and communications sectors.

"With real earnings continuing to fall, it's not surprising that employers we survey are telling us
most disputes are about pay."

Minister for Employment, Guy Opperman, said: “The UK labour market has remained resilient in
the face of global challenges, with a low unemployment rate and a record number of people on

“Whilst these figures are encouraging, we recognise that families are facing rising prices and
employers need support to fill vacancies with a reliable workforce. Our focus is on making sure
people looking for work, and those already in work, have the opportunity to boost their skills and
keep more of what they earn – helped by our extensive network of Jobcentres.

“Our priority will always be to support the most vulnerable and we recognise that people are
struggling with rising prices, which is why we are protecting millions of those most in need with
at least £1,200 of direct payments.”

British Chambers of Commerce head of people policy, Jane Gratton, said: “The challenges facing
businesses in the UK labour market remain very much the same. We have a critical shortage of
skills and labour that is damaging firms and holding back growth.
“Once again, the data shows the number of job vacancies remains at record highs, adding to
inflationary pressures.

“With confidence waning as we enter recession, and the expectation of even tougher economic
times ahead, we may see more recruitment freezes, job losses and business closures."

II. Riview
26. Berita 1 Rabu, Indonesia
I. Identifikasi

Judul Berita : Setop Batu Bara, Jokowi: RI Terima Rp 300 Triliun dari AS Cs!
Penulis : Rahajeng Kusumo, CNBC Indonesia
Website berita :

Tahun terbit : Rabu, 16 November 2022

Isi Berita :

Nusa Dua, CNBC Indonesia - Presiden Joko Widodo (Jokowi) menegaskan Indonesia
menerima komitmen pendanaan dari negara-negara maju sebesar US$ 20 miliar atau sekitar Rp
311 triliun (asumsi kurs Rp 15.564 per US$) khusus untuk pelaksanaan transisi energi di Tanah

Komitmen ini merupakan hasil dari dua hari Konferensi Tingkat Tinggi (KTT) G20 di Bali pada
15-16 November 2022 ini. Dia menyebut, ini merupakan salah satu hasil dari sejumlah poin
penting lainnya dalam KTT G20 di Bali ini.

"Ada beberapa yang dihasilkan, terbentuknya Pandemic Fund yang terkumpul US$ 1,5 miliar.
Kemudian, pembentukan dan operasionalisasi resilience and sustainability di bawah IMF US$
81,6 miliar untuk membantu negara-negara yang menghadapi krisis. Lalu, Energy Transition
Mechanism untuk Indonesia memperoleh komitmen Just Energy Transition Partnership (JETP)
program US$ 20 miliar," paparnya saat konferensi pers usai penutupan KTT G20 di Bali, Rabu

"Hasil yang konkret, meski banyak sekali sebetulnya hasil lainnya," ucapnya.

Sebelumnya, Presiden Amerika Serikat Joe Biden mengungkapkan pihaknya dan negara-negara
maju tergabung dalam G7 berkomitmen untuk mendanai hingga US$ 20 miliar atau sekitar Rp
311 triliun (asumsi kurs Rp 15.564 per US$) untuk mempercepat pelaksanaan transisi energi di
Indonesia, khususnya untuk meninggalkan penggunaan batu bara sebagai sumber energi.

Dalam Konferensi Tingkat Tinggi (KTT) G20 di Bali, Selasa (15/11/2022), Biden mengatakan,
komitmen US$ 20 miliar ini dalam rangka mendukung pengembangan Energi Baru Terbarukan
(EBT) dan mendukung percepatan transisi energi melalui penghentian Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga
Uap (PLTU) batu bara.
"Kami dengan Indonesia dan Jepang bersama-sama menciptakan Just Energy Transition Partnership (JETP)
untuk mencapai Net Zero Emissions (NZE). Bersama kita memobilisasi US$ 20 miliar dalam
pengembangan EBT dan mendukung transisi energi untuk menjauhi batu bara US$ 20 miliar ambisi institusi
keuangan untuk transisi energi yang bisa dirasakan dampaknya untuk dunia," tuturnya saat KTT G20 di
Bali, Selasa (15/11/2022).

Biden mengatakan, ini juga bisa digunakan untuk mendorong proyek berbasis energi terbarukan
seperti mendukung pengembangan kendaraan listrik dan teknologi.

"Ini juga bisa menciptakan lapangan kerja dan bisa berkontribusi untuk mengurangi dampak
perubahan iklim global," ucapnya.

Dalam kesempatan ini, Biden juga mengungkapkan bahwa G7 secara resmi meluncurkan
pendanaan global untuk infrastruktur dengan mobilisasi pendanaan hingga US$ 600 miliar untuk
lima tahun ke depan.

"Ini untuk pembangunan berkualitas, infrastruktur berkelanjutan, dan investasi rendah karbon
untuk negara-negara berpenghasilan menengah (negara berkembang)," tuturnya.

II. Riview
27. Berita 2 Rabu, Indonesia
I. Identifikasi

Judul Berita : Menanti Kebijakan Bank Indonesia, Rupiah Lesu di Rp15.599 per Dolar
Penulis : CNN Indonesia
Website berita :

Tahun terbit : Rabu, 16 November 2022

Isi Berita :

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia -- Nilai tukar rupiah berada di level Rp15.599 per dolar
AS pada Rabu (16/11) sore. Mata uang Garuda melemah 62 poin atau 0,40 persen dari
perdagangan sebelumnya. Sementara, kurs referensi Bank Indonesia (BI), Jakarta Interbank Spot
Dollar Rate (Jisdor) menempatkan rupiah di posisi Rp15.610 per dolar AS.

Mayoritas mata uang di kawasan Asia terpantau berada di zona merah. Yen Jepang melemah 0,09
persen, baht Thailand melemah 0,33 persen, peso Filipina melemah 0,22 persen, won Korea
Selatan melemah 0,60 persen, dan yuan China melemah 0,43 persen.

Dolar Singapura menguat 0,20 persen dan dolar Hong Kong melemah 0,04 persen pada
penutupan perdagangan sore ini.

Sedangkan, mata uang utama negara maju juga kompak berada di zona hijau. Tercatat euro Eropa
menguat 0,48 persen, poundsterling Inggris menguat 0,05 persen, dan franc Swiss menguat 0,17

Lalu, dolar Australia menguat 0,15 persen, dan dolar Kanada menguat 0,13 persen.
Dolar Singapura menguat 0,20 persen dan dolar Hong Kong melemah 0,04 persen pada
penutupan perdagangan sore ini.

Sedangkan, mata uang utama negara maju juga kompak berada di zona hijau. Tercatat euro Eropa
menguat 0,48 persen, poundsterling Inggris menguat 0,05 persen, dan franc Swiss menguat 0,17
Lalu, dolar Australia menguat 0,15 persen, dan dolar Kanada menguat 0,13 persen.

Analis DCFX Lukman Leong mengatakan rupiah kembali melemah di tengah kekhawatiran
adanya perlambatan ekonomi Indonesia ke depannya akibat neraca dagang yang tak setinggi
Selain itu, pelaku pasar juga menunggu pengumuman hasil rapat dewan gubernur (RDG) Bank
Indonesia yang akan diumumkan, Kamis (17/11).

"Pasar mengantisipasi pengumuman BI besok yang diperkirakan akan sedikit lebih agresif dengan
menaikkan suku bunga sebesar 50 bps yang akan semakin membebani ekonomi," ujarnya kepada

II. Riview
28. Berita 3 Rabu, Indonesia
I. Identifikasi

Judul Berita : Kereta Cepat, Ridwan: 90% Berdampak Positif pada Jabar
Penulis : Whisnu Bagus Prasetyo
Website berita :

Tahun terbit : Rabu, 16 November 2022

Isi Berita :

Bandung, - Kereta cepat Jakarta-Bandung menjalani uji coba dinamis di

Stasiun Tegaluar, Bandung, Rabu (16/11/2022). Uji coba disaksikan langsung oleh Presiden Joko
Widodo (Jokowi) dan Presiden Tiongkok Xi Jinping secara virtual dari Bali.

Gubernur Jawa Barat Ridwan Kamil mengatakan kereta cepat Jakarta Bandung diharapkan sudah
beroperasi pada Juni 2023. "Biasanya Jakarta Bandung 200 menit, sekarang cukup 45 menit atau
empat kali lebih cepat," kata Ridwan Kamil dikutip dalam live streaming Instagram
keretacepat_id, Rabu.

Ridwan Kamil mengatakan Kereta Cepat Jakarta Bandung berdampak positif pada ekonomi Jawa
Barat. "Bayangkan dengan kecepatan sekarang ekonomi Jabar sudah luar biasa, apalagi dengan
adanya kereta cepat, 90% lebih kereta cepat akan berdampak positif pada Jabar," kata Ridwan.

Menurut Ridwan, hidup ini perlu kerja sama dan kolaborasi. Apalagi dengan Tiongkok yang telah
mewujudkan kerja sama kereta cepat ini. "Yang penting persahabatan karena peperangan
merugikan semua pihak," kata Ridwan.

Pada uji dinamis yang disaksikan virtual, rangkaian Comprehensive Inspection Train (CIT) akan
melaju sepanjang 20 kilometer dari depo Tegalluar hingga Kopo.

Mengutip keterangan KCIC, rangkaian kereta Electric Multiple Unit (EMU) sudah melakukan uji
coba sejak 9 November 2022. KCIC menyebut uji coba telah dilakukan secara simultan sejak 11
November 2022.

II. Riview
29. Berita 4 Rabu, Inggris
I. Identifikasi

Judul Berita : Investing in public health is essential for the UK’s economic recovery
Penulis : The BMJ
Website berita :
Tahun terbit : Rabu, 16 November 2022

Isi Berita :

As the UK’s new government sets its priorities, it does so in the middle of overlapping
challenges including another difficult winter season, with demand for NHS and care services
reaching an alltime high,1 a crisis in the cost of living,2 and widening health inequalities.
Improving the nation’s health must be at the heart of the government’s work to deliver economic
growth and increase productivity. Investing in our public health system, and in the public’s
health, should be seen as an essential part of our economic recovery—not a distraction from it.

The costs of ill health can be seen throughout society and the economy. Avoidable illness and
death are major factors in the relentless pressure on the NHS, particularly in deprived
areas,2 while a record 2.5 million people are economically inactive because of long term
illness.3 Excess mortality, which is largely preventable, remains stubbornly higher than average
as we emerge from the latest phase of the covid-19 pandemic,4 reflecting the increasing pressure
on our health and social care systems, growing unmet health needs, and worsening workforce
shortages. As Andy Haldane, former chief economist of the Bank of England, recently
commented, “Having been an accelerator of wellbeing for the last 200 years, health is now
serving as a brake in the rise of growth and wellbeing of our citizens.”5

The nature and scale of these challenges make it clear that we can’t simply “treat” our way out of
this situation. A focus on creating and protecting health, reducing health inequalities, and
improving population health will be essential if we’re to ease demand on services and tackle the
growing burden of multimorbidity. Improving the health of our most deprived communities is in
lockstep with these aims and with the government’s central objectives of economic growth and
levelling up. Key to achieving all these outcomes is prevention.

When delivered at scale, evidence based prevention programmes—whether by the NHS or by

local authorities—improve health outcomes, saving lives and money.6 Yet there have been
worrying signals in recent weeks that the government is wavering in its commitment to build on
hard won gains in public health issues, such as childhood obesity,7 alcohol and substance
misuse,8 sexual and reproductive health, and smoking cessation.9

Drivers of ill health

Smoking is still a major cause of illness and death in the UK and is one of the biggest causes of
health inequalities in England.10 The gains made by the UK in reducing smoking rates over the
past four decades provide a strong foundation to accelerate renewed progress, but this will require
sustained investment. The government must focus on reducing variation in smoking rates while
prioritising the most effective interventions to meet its goal for England to be “smokefree” by
2030. We await the new tobacco control plan to see clear actions on this.11

In England 67% of men and 60% of women were overweight as of 2020, including 26% of men
and 29% of women who were obese.12 Obesity was found to be a factor in more than a million
NHS hospital admissions from April 2019 to December 2020—an increase of 17% on the
previous year.13 There are some signs that we’re beginning to turn the tide on obesity: its
prevalence among schoolchildren in year 6 fell from 25.5% in 2020-21 to 23.5% in 2021-2214—
still shockingly high, but at least moving in the right direction.

The need to improve the public’s health is made even more urgent by the cost of living, which is
likely to place even further strain on primary, emergency, and social care, as well as mental health
services. Sharply rising energy and food prices will substantially increase deprivation, at a time
when 11 million people are already estimated to be in absolute poverty.15

The government must step in to mitigate the negative health and economic ramifications of this
situation with measures that are known to work. Providing nutritious free school meals, for
example, reduces child hunger and obesity and alleviates pressure on household finances, but
many children living in poverty don’t currently meet the threshold for accessing this scheme in

Similarly, providing affordable, well insulated social housing will cushion people from higher
energy bills and extortionate rent, while also helping to keep people fit for work and out of
poverty.17 Yet social housing is in short supply, and research has found that UK homes are
among the least energy efficient in Europe.1819

A missed return on investment

Failing to invest in public health is a false economy. When compared with other wealthy nations,
a strikingly high proportion of our health spending goes on hospitals, while comparatively little is
spent on prevention activities that offer a huge return on investment. In 2020-21, £190bn
(€217bn; $226bn) went to the NHS, while the public health grant was £3.3bn.20

The budget cuts of recent years have doubled down on this false economy. In the six years to
2019-20, public health spending was slashed by 13% in real terms. Cuts were made to almost
every major service area, including around a fifth of funding for health protection and a quarter of
funding for smoking cessation and the NHS Health Check programme from 2016-17 to 2020-21.
Spending on health at work almost halved.21

The health of the population is one of any nation’s greatest assets. Good health improves people’s
wellbeing, productivity, and ability to participate in society. In his first speech as UK prime
minister, Rishi Sunak reaffirmed his government’s commitment to strengthening healthcare and
levelling up, as well as the Conservative Party’s 2019 manifesto commitments on
healthcare,22 which included extending healthy life expectancy by five years by 2035.23 At the
Faculty of Public Health we look forward to working with the new secretary of state for health
and social care, Steve Barclay, to deliver better health for our nation, and we’re pleased to note
his support for smoking bans when he was a backbench MP24 and for the sugar tax as health

One of the biggest lessons from the covid-19 pandemic is that a robust public health system,
supported by a skilled and engaged workforce, increases our local and national resilience, the
sustainability of the NHS, and our ability to respond to known and emerging health threats,
ranging from infectious diseases to climate change. Every day, public health teams working
locally, regionally, and nationally play a critical part in keeping our communities safe, improving
health, and delivering an extraordinary range of services—for mental health, sexual health,
substance misuse, vaccinations, infectious disease outbreaks, health checks, and health at work.

As we face a crisis in the cost of living and a difficult winter for millions of families, we hope that
the government will support critical public health programmes as well as the specialist workforce
tasked with ensuring their prioritisation, delivery, and quality. These efforts are essential to
protect lives and livelihoods, save money, and keep communities safe through these most
challenging of times.

II. Riview
30. Berita 5 Rabu, Indonesia
I. Identifikasi

Judul Berita : Tax rises and spending cuts - what to expect in Thursday’s autumn
Penulis : Victoria Jones/PA
Website berita :
Tahun terbit : Rabu, 16 November 2022

Isi Berita :

Chancellor Jeremy Hunt is preparing to deliver the highly-anticipated autumn budget on

Thursday, as the Government seeks to restore the UK's economic credibility following Liz Truss'
short tenure as prime minister.

Hunt is expected to announce a range of tax rises and spending cuts - a marked difference from
Kwasi Kwarteng’s disastrous mini-budget, which plunged the country into financial turmoil.

Inflation hit a 41-year high on Wednesday at 11.1%, with food rising at annual rate of 16.5%.

So as the chancellor speaks in the House of Commons on Thursday, how are tax rises predicted to
rise and will the triple lock on pensions be protected?

Here is what to expect from Hunt's announcement:

Just weeks ago, Liz Truss and Kwasi Kwarteng claimed that tax cuts were the only way to drive up
UK growth.

But the mini-budget on September 23, which promised £45 billion of unfunded tax cuts on top of a
massively expensive energy support package, shocked mainstream economists and spooked the

Not only that, but the Bank of England was forced to intervene to stabilise the economy.

Axing chancellor Kwasi Kwarteng and abandoning most of the plans did not do enough to save Ms
Truss’ premiership, but the arrival of Mr Hunt and Mr Sunak calmed the markets as investors
anticipated a more orthodox approach to economic policy.

A headline rate of 11.1% is brutal, but has inflation now peaked?

The fiscal black hole: How did we end up here?

What is the ‘fiscal black hole’?

We have been hearing a lot about a so-called “black hole” in the UK finances.

Chancellor Jeremy Hunt has made it his mission, since taking over from Mr Kwarteng, to restore
market confidence in the UK and put the country on the road to fiscal stability.

File photo dated 26/01/18 of a UK five pound, ten pound, twenty pound and fifty pound notes with
one pound coins

The mini-budget promised £45 billion of unfunded tax cuts on top of a massively expensive energy
support package
It is widely estimated that the size of this fiscal hole is around £60 billion, which can be filled by a
combination of tax rises and spending cuts.

That fiscal hole did not appear overnight and cannot all be blamed on Liz Truss’s mini-budget.

According to the Resolution Foundation think-tank, that fiscal event helped increase borrowing by
up to £30 billion. But the think-tank said that her legacy is not the “existence of a fiscal hole, but
the urgent focus on it”.

And while it is ultimately up to the Chancellor of the day to set his own fiscal rulebook, the
Resolution Foundation and others argue that the price of raising doubts about the UK’s overall
sustainability is the focus now on the tax rises and spending cuts that were not on the agenda only a
few weeks ago.

That is why the Chancellor has spoken in recent days of the UK needing to show we can “pay our

What is going to be in the autumn statement?

Chancellor Jeremy Hunt has been explicit that “difficult decisions” are coming on tax and
spending, but nothing has so far been officially confirmed.

Spending cuts across most if not all Government departments are expected, although all eyes will
be on whether health and defence spending are protected from the brunt of savings.

Any cuts could prove painful to already stretched public services and Mr Hunt is likely to seek to
claw back revenue through tax rises.

It is widely expected that the Chancellor will seek to raise finances through stealth taxes by
freezing the rates in which workers begin paying higher rates of tax. Put simply, inflation and pay
increases will mean more people being dragged into higher bands.

Also believed to be under consideration is a plan to hike the amount that local authorities can
increase council tax by without holding referendums.

The threshold for when the 45% rate of income tax kicks in for the highest earners could also
potentially be decreased from £150,000 to £125,000.

Mr Hunt is expected to make the support plan for energy bills less generous from April, instead
switching to more targeted measures in order to save the Treasury billions, while he is also
considering increasing the windfall tax on oil and gas giants from 25% to 35% while also
expanding the levy to electricity generators.

The cap on social care costs announced by Boris Johnson could also be delayed by at least two
years, although campaigners have already flagged concerns about any such decision.

And unlike Mr Kwarteng’s mini-budget, Mr Hunt is unlikely to come offering good news about the
UK’s economic forecasts nor with any “rabbits from hats” as budget surprises are often dubbed.

But in some good news, Mr Sunak did hint that the triple lock on pensions could be protected as he
said that pensioners were at the “forefront” of his mind ahead of Thursday.
II. Riview
31. Berita 1 kamis, Indonesia
I. Identifikasi

Judul Berita : Indonesia Sumbang 40% Transaksi Ekonomi Digital ASEAN

Penulis : Herman
Website berita :

Tahun terbit : Kamis, 17 November 2022

Isi Berita :

Jakarta, - Asisten Deputi Ekonomi Digital Kementerian Koordinator

Bidang Perekonomian Rizal Edwin Manansang mengungkapkan, Indonesia merupakan pemain
utama dalam ekonomi digital di kawasan ASEAN. Hampir 40% dari nilai total transaksi
disumbang oleh Indonesia.

Pandemi covid-19, menurut Edwin, telah mempercepat proses adopsi teknologi digital. Hal ini
bisa terlihat dalam studi terbaru Google yang menunjukan pengguna layanan digital di kawasan
ASEAN terus tumbuh positif.

Studi tersebut memperkirakan hingga akhir tahun ini jumlah pengguna layanan digital akan
mencapai 460 juta orang, atau bertambah 100 juta orang dalam tiga tahun terakhir di ASEAN.

Tren positif tersebut juga berdampak pada peningkatan nilai transaksi ekonomi digital di negara-
negara ASEAN. Pada tahun ini, nilai ekonomi digital ASEAN diprediksii mampu mencapai US$
194 miliar, dan diperkirakan akan meningkat dua kali lipat hingga mencapai US$ 330 miliar di
tahun 2025.

“Indonesia merupakan pemain utama di ASEAN. Pada tahun ini hampir 40% dari nilai total
transaksi ekonomi digital ASEAN disumbang oleh Indonesia. Secara nominal, nilai kita tahun ini
mencapai US$ 77 miliar, atau tumbuh 22% year-on-year,” ungkap Edwin dalam acara peluncuran
laporan Open Finance Deep Dive Report: Unlocking the Potential of Open Finance in
Indonesia yang disiapkan oleh Katadata Insight Center bekerja sama dengan Finantier, Rabu

Edwin menambahkan, nilai transaksi tersebut diprediksi akan terus naik hingga mencapai US$
360 miliar dolar di tahun 2030 mendatang.

Adapun sub sektor penopang utama nilai ekonomi digital Indonesia adalah e-commerce. Pada
tahun ini subsektor e-commerce berkontribusi sebesar US$ 59 miliar, atau sekitar 76%. Nilai
tersebut diprediksi mampu mencapai US$ 95 miliar pada tahun 2025 mendatang.

Optimisme capaian tersebut didukung oleh berbagai potensi dan juga peluang pengembangan
layanan digital yang masih terbuka lebar. Dari segi demografi, Indonesia memiliki populasi
sebanyak 274 juta dengan jumlah penduduk usia produktif mencapai 188 juta orang.

“Dari sisi digital user, pelanggan internet kita juga terus bertumbuh. Hingga tahun 2022 ini,
pengguna internet kita telah mencapai 210 juta orang dengan tingkat penetrasi 77% yang
mayoritasnya juga berasal dari kelompok usia produktif atau usia muda 13-18 tahun. Di samping
itu, perkembangan teknologi baru seperti 5G, blockchain, AI dan cloud computing juga turut
menjadi akselerator pengembangan ekonomi digital,” kata Edwin.

Adopsi dari berbagai teknologi digital tersebut diharapkan Edwin dapat meningkatkan
produktivitas dan juga nilai tambah ekonomi Indonesia.

II. Riview
32. Berita 2 kamis, Indonesia
I. Identifikasi

Judul Berita : Lagi, BI Naikkan Suku Bunga Acuan 50 Bps Jadi 5,25%
Penulis : Whisnu Bagus Prasetyo
Website berita :

Tahun terbit : Kamis, 17 November 2022

Isi Berita :

Jakarta, - Bank Indonesia (BI) mengumumkan hasil Rapat Dewan

Gubernur (RDG) 16-17 November 2022. Hasilnya, BI menaikkan suku bunga BI atau BI-7 Day
Reverse Repo Rate (BI7DRR) sebesar 50 basis poin (bps) menjadi 5,25%. Kenaikan tersebut
sesuai ekspektasi pelaku pasar. Kenaikan ini juga sudah empat kali beruntun.

“Suku bunga deposit facility juga naik 50 basis poin menjadi 4,5% dan suku bunga lending
facility naik 50 basis poin menjadi 6%,” kata Gubernur BI Perry Warjiyo dalam pemaparan hasil
RDG BI, Kamis (17/11/2022).

Perry menegaskan, kenaikan suku bunga kebijakan tersebut sebagai langkah lanjutan front
loaded, preventif dan forward looking untuk menurunkan ekspektasi inflasi yang saat ini masih
tinggi. Serta, memastikan inflasi inti ke depan kembali dalam sasaran 3% plus minus 1% lebih
awal, yaitu pada paruh pertama tahun 2023.

“Selian itu memperkuat kebijakan stabilisasi nilai tukar rupiah agar sejalan dengan nilai
fundamentalnya. Akibat semakin kuatnya mata uang dolar Amerika Serikat dan tingginya
ketidakpastian pasar keuangan global di tengah peningkatan permintaan ekonomi domestik yang
tetap kuat,” tuturnya.

Bank Indonesia juga terus memperkuat respons bauran kebijakan untuk menjaga stabilitas, serta
momentum pemulihan ekonomi nasional.

Hasil RDG tersebut sesuai ekspektasi pelaku pasar, yang memperkirakan suku bunga acuan BI
naik 50 bps menjadi 5,25%

II. Riview
33. Berita 3 kamis, Indonesia
I. Identifikasi

Judul Berita : Tiongkok Getol Investasi di Bidang Energi dan Farmasi

Penulis : Muawwan Daelami
Website berita :

Tahun terbit : Kamis, 17 November 2022

Isi Berita :

Jakarta, Perhelatan akbar B-20 dan G-20 di Bali membuat beberapa

industri dalam negeri basah kuyup diguyur pundi-pundi investasi, mulai industri energi hingga
farmasi. Di antara negara anggota G-20 yang hadir, Tiongkok tergolong investor paling atraktif
yang menanamkan modalnya di Indonesia.

Terbaru, investor asal Tiongkok melalui perusahaannya di bidang inovasi dan keandalan
pemanfaatan energi surya, Trani Solar Co Ltd menjajaki kerja sama dengan salah satu Grup
Sinarmas, PT Dian Swastatika Sentosa Tbk (DNSS).
Emiten di bidang energi dan infrastruktur itu melalui anak usahanya, PT Daya Anugerah Sejati
Utama, sepakat menjalin kerja sama dengan Trani Solar di sektor bisnis energi surya. Di samping
perseroan, PT Indonesia Power dan PT Agra Surya Investindo juga terlibat dalam kerja sama ini.

Kemitraan yang ditandai penandatanganan nota kesepahaman ini fokus untuk merencanakan,
membangun, membiayai, dan mengoperasikan pabrik sel dan modul fotovoltaik surya
berkapasitas produksi 1 GWp per tahun dan memasarkan produk sel dan modul fotovoltaik surya
di Indonesia.

Sekretaris Perusahaan PT Dian Swastatika Sentosa Tbk (DNSS) Susan Chandra mengharapkan,
kerja sama itu dapat segera direalisasikan sebagai tindak lanjut penandatanganan nota
kesepahaman agar dapat menyerap tenaga kerja, meningkatkan kemandirian dan ketahanan
energi, serta mendukung rencana pemerintah menekan emisi karbon pada 2060. "Kerja sama ini
juga diharapkan dapat menjadi momentum penting bagi perseroan dalam menjajaki bisnis energi
surya yang dapat memberikan nilai tambah bagi perseroan dan para pemegang saham," ujar Susan
Rabu (16/11/2022).

Masih di sektor energi, di tengah berlangsungnya agenda B-20 dan G-20, perusahaan asal
Tiongkok yang lain yakni, Contemporary Amperex Technology Co. Limited (CATL) juga
bersepakat untuk berinvestasi sekaligus membentuk fund dan kerja sama lain di bidang energi
baru terbarukan (EBT).

Kerja sama ini rencananya bakal fokus membangun rantai nilai dari hulu sampai hilir kendaraan
listrik atau electric vehicle (EV). Dari kerja sama tersebut, Indonesia berpotensi meraup nilai
investas sebesar US$ 2 miliar.

Di luar sektor energi, baru-baru ini investor Tiongkok juga menjajaki kerja sama di bidang
farmasi. Negeri Tirai Bambu itu melalui Sovereign Wealth Fund (SWF) Silk Road Fund (SRF)
secara konkret telah membenamkan modalnya sebesar Rp 1,86 triliun untuk memborong 40%
saham anak usaha PT Kimia Farma Tbk (KAEF), PT Kimia Farma Apotek (KFA) dan berencana
menyerap sebanyak 5% saham KAEF melalui rights issue.

Tiongkok melalui pengelola dana abadinya, SRF, memberikan dukungan investasi dan
pembiayaan guna mempromosikan konektivitas multilateral dan bilateral antara Tiongkok dan
negara-negara lain, serta kerja sama ekonomi dan perdagangan di bawah kerangka Belt and
Initiative Road (BRI).

II. Riview
34. Berita 4 kamis, Inggris
I. Identifikasi

Judul Berita : Construction Wages Increasing At Less Than Half The Inflation Rate
Penulis : Insightdiy
Website berita :

Tahun terbit : Kamis, 17 November 2022

Isi Berita :

The ONS has published new data that shows construction wages in the UK are
increasing at less than half the inflation rate.

“The construction industry has been hit hard in the last few years, and its latest challenge comes
in the form of the rising cost of living, with workers receiving pay increases that pale in
comparison to the soaring inflation rate.  

“The latest ONS data shows that construction wages are up 4% compared to the previous month
(£722 a week vs £696), however the Bank of England states that inflation is currently at 10.1% -
more than double the increase seen in our sector. 

“This means that despite income rising, employees will be worse off than they were earlier in the

“The situation in the Electricity, Gas and Water Supply space is even bleaker, with four
consecutive months of pay decreases. Average weekly earnings now stand at £757, down 1%
from August, and 7% from June. 

“Nationally, across the whole economy, pay increased by 1% in September, up to £609, but this is
thanks to a rise in the public sector (5%). In contrast, private sector wages fell by 0.2%. 

“In more positive news for UK construction, the number of unemployed individuals fell to its
lowest figure since records began almost 28 years ago. The statistic has been falling since April,
and dropped by a further 14% in July-September, down to 31,000. 

“Compared to this time last year, the number of unemployed construction workers has almost
halved (49% decrease).  
“While this is great news for the industry – as job vacancies are also at record levels – if the
inflation rate doesn’t start to drop, it is going to be a difficult few months for many. With energy
and food prices rising, the wage increases seen recently won’t stretch far, so it will be interesting
to see what measures the government announce this week to help tackle inflation. 

“As we know from previous recessions, consistent availability, fair pricing of materials and
reliable service from suppliers will be vital for tradespeople to continue to operate under tough
economic conditions, which is why dedicated specialists such as IronmongeryDirect will play an
important role in keeping the industry moving.”  

II. Riview
35. Berita 5 kamis, Inggris
I. Identifikasi

Judul Berita : Russia finally falls into recession as Western sanctions lead to a 4% fall in GDP
nine months after Putin invaded Ukraine
Penulis : AFP
Website berita :

Tahun terbit : Kamis, 17 November 2022

Isi Berita :

Russia has entered a recession, nine months after launching its offensive in Ukraine as
Western sanctions weigh on the economy, according to official data.

Gross domestic product shrank four percent in the third quarter, according to a preliminary
estimate by the national statistics agency Rosstat on Wednesday.

As that follows one of the same size in the second quarter, Russia now meets the technical
definition of a recession with two consecutive quarters of falling GDP.

Russia's economy has been struggling under a myriad of problems.

Western sanctions have limited exports and imports, including of key manufacturing components
and spare parts.

Companies have also been suffering from a lack of staff as a Vladimir Putin's partial mobilisation
has taken several hundred thousand men out of the workforce.
However, the four percent drop in economic output between July and September was less than the
4.5 percent contraction many analysts had expected.

The contraction was driven by a 22.6 percent plunge in wholesale trade and a 9.1 percent drop in
retail trade.

Meanwhile, construction grew by 6.7 percent and agriculture 6.2 percent.

Despite a contracting economy, Russia's unemployment rate stood at 3.9 percent in September,
according to Rosstat.

As a result, the Russian economy has become even more dependent upon energy exports, which
have accounted for about 40 percent of federal government revenue.

According to the office of Boris Titov, the presidential commissioner for entrepreneurs, about a
third of the 5,800 Russian companies recently surveyed had suffered a drop in sales in the past

The September mobilisation of 300,000 military reservists has impacted a third of companies,
according to that same survey, the daily Kommersant said.

'The situation has continued to deteriorate, it's no surprise,' said Dmitry Polevoy, director of
investments at Locko Invest in Moscow.

Yet the Russian economy has so far survived Western sanctions better than many economists

On November 8, the central bank predicted gross domestic product would contract by 3.5 percent
this year.

The IMF and the World Bank are respectively estimating a fall in Russian GDP of 3.4 percent and
4.5 percent.

The resilience of the economy is due in large part to the surge in global energy prices following
the offensive in Ukraine and a restrictive monetary policy.

After Russia was hit by Western sanctions, the central bank drastically raised the key rate from
9.5 percent to 20 percent in a bid to counter inflation and prop up the ruble.

The Bank of Russia quickly reduced it thereafter and last month left it at 7.5 percent in what
governor Elvira Nabiullina called a sign of 'adaptation' by the economy to a 'new reality'.
But many analysts believe things are going to get worse for Russia's economy before they

'GDP could contract even more sharply, by up to seven percent' in the fourth quarter, Polevoy told

Valery Mironov at the Higher School of Economics in Moscow said sanctions were having a
delayed impact on the Russian economy.

'Problems are clearly already present, but in reality we're seeing their effects being pushed back to
2023,' he said, as the government has taken steps to support companies.

Central bank governor Nabiullina said last week that the Western sanctions were powerful and
warned 'their impact on the Russian and global economy shouldn't be underestimated.'

II. Riview

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