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1. Penulis Dra. Y. Kasih Wiyati

2. Satuan Pendidikan SMAS Pangudi Luhur Santo Yohanes Ketapang
3. Jenjang/Ke;as 12
4. Fase F
5. Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris
6 Alokasi waktu 4 x 2 JP
7. Target Peserta Didik Reguler
8. Model Pembelajaran PTMT

Peserta didik menguasai language feature of Discussion text (supporting argument, contrasting
argument, general noun, contrastive conjunction, ) dan penggunaan Simple Present Tense.

C. Profil pelajar pancasila yang berkaitan

 Beriman, bertakwa kepada Tuhan YME, dan Berakhlak Mulia

 Berkebhinekaan Global (Mengenal dan menghargai budaya )
 Bergotong-royong
 Mandiri
 Bernalar Kritis
- Memperoleh dan memproses informasi dan gagasan
- Menganalisis dan mengevaluasi penalaran
 Kreatif
- Menghasilkan gagasan yang orisinal
- Menghasilkan karya dan tindakan yang orisinal
 Santun, percaya diri,


 Laptop/komputer,
 Video,/Audio,
 HP
 Jaringan Internet
 Speaker

A. Tujuan Pembelajaran 12.1. Mengidentifikasi dan menyempurnakan unsur
kebahasaan berbagai ragam teks non fiksi
(Discussion) tertulis yang disajikan dalam bentuk
multimoda terkait minat remaja secara kritis.
12.2. Menjelaskan karakteristik, rangkaian penyusunan
dan pengembangan gagasan secara sederhana dari
ragam teks Discussion lisan dan tulisan dalam
bentuk multimoda terkait lingkup minat remaja
secara mandiri.
12.3. Merencanakan dan menulis draf atau outline dengan
menunjukkan strategi koreksi diri, termasuk tanda
baca, huruf besar, dan tata bahasa dalam teks
Discussion secara kritis
12.4. Membuat dan menyajikan informasi menggunakan
berbagai mode presentasi untuk menyesuaikan
dengan pemirsa dan untuk mencapai tujuan yang
berbeda-beda, dalam bentuk cetak dan digital secara
B. Kata Kunci Kata kunci untuk membantu guru memilih perangkat ajar
yang sesuai
 Discussion, issue, argument pro, argument cons,
 Mengidentifikasi, menjelaskan, menganalisa,
merancang, dan memproduksi, mempresentasikan
 Lisan dan tulisan
C. Ketersediaan Materi  Pengayaan untuk siswa berpencapaian tinggi: YA
 Alternatif penjelasan, metode, atau aktivitas, untuk
siswa yang sulit memahami konsep: YA
D. Assesmen Bagaimana guru menilai ketercapaian Tujuan
 Asesmen individu
 Asesmen kelompok
 Keduanya
Jenis asesmen:
 Performa (presentasi)
 Tertulis (tes objektif, esai)
E. Kegiatan Pembelajaran Pengaturan siswa:
Utama  Individu
 Berkelompok (4 orang)

 Diskusi
 Presentasi

F. Materi Ajar Discussion text is a text which presents a problematic

discourse. This problem will be discussed from different
points of view. It presents pro and contra opinion on certain

Social Function :
 To present different opinions on a particular issue or
topic arguments for and against/positive and
negative/good and bad.
 To present two points of view about issue or problem.
 To present arguments from differing points of view
about issue or problem.
Generic Structures:
1. Issue: Contains of statement and preview about
2. Supporting point: After stating the issue, it is necessary
to present the argument to support that one point is
3. Contrastive point: Beside the supporting argument,
discussion text needs the arguments which disagree to
stated issue.
4. Recommendation/conclusion: It is used to tell how to
solve issue by connecting the arguments for and against.
Language Features:
1. Introducing category or generic participant
2. Relating verb/to be
3. Using thinking verb
4. Using additive, contrastive, and casual connection
5. Using modalities
6. Using adverbial of manner
7. Using conjunction/transition
8. Using simple present tense

g Sumber Belajar 



A Metode Pembelajaran
Pembelajaran dilakukan berbasis aktivitas dan genre basis dengan metoda
ceramah secara klasikal, diskusi, proyek dan presentasi, dengan 3 pertemuan
terkait topik yang sama dengan berbagai bentuk teks Discussion .

B Langkah-Langkah Pembelajaran

Setiap pertemuan diawali dengan:
 Salam .
 Membaca doa sebelum memulai belajar .
 Mengecek kehadiran .
 Mereview kegiatan sebelumnya .
 Menyampaikan topik dan agenda pembelajaran .
 Menjelaskan tujuan pembelajaran.
 Menyiapkan sumber belajar.
 Memberikan Pertanyaan Pemantik terkait teks yang dibagikan.

Kegiatan Inti 1 (PTMT)

 Guru menjelaskan materi tentang teks non fiksi : Discussion text

 Guru membagikan/ memperlihatkan satu contoh Discussion text.
 Guru membagikan sebuah fictional text yang teks tersebut ditulis tanpa tanda
baca dan penulisan huruf besar yang belum disesuaikan.
 Murid diminta untuk:
- Membaca dan memperhatikan teks tersebut.
- Memahami apa yang perlu diperbaiki.
 Guru meminta murid mencari pasangan (bekerja secara berpasangan),
kemudian meminta murid untuk
- Melengkapi teks dengan tanda baca dan menggunakan huruf besar
sesuai dengan tata bahasa yang benar.
Bagi murid yang memiliki minat lebih dan mampu lebih cepat menyelesaikan
perintah diberi tambahan kegiatan, berupa tambahan paragraf yang belum
lengkap tanda bacanya dan penulisan huruf besar belum benar.
Bagi murid yang menemukan kesulitan dan butuh waktu lebih lama dalam
memahami dan mengerjakan perintah.
- Guru meminta murid untuk berdiskusi dengan pasangan dan atau teman
lain (dikerjakan secara berkelompok).
- Guru memberikan dan menjelaskan kembali materi terkait penulisan huruf
besar dan tanda baca.

Kegiatan Inti 2 (PTMT)

 Guru membuka pembelajaran

 Guru menunjukkan contoh discussion text yang dipertemuan lalu dibahas
dengan penulisan huruf besar dan tanda baca yang benar sesuai tata bahasa.
 Guru menjelaskan struktur dan unsur kebahasaan teks melalui contoh teks
Struktur dari discussion text ini sebagai berikut:
- Issue: Bagian ini berisi pernyataan pembuka tentang isu atau masalah
yang akan didiskusikan.
- Arguments: Bagian ini berisi dua pendapat yakni supporting points dan
contrasting points. Pada bagian supporting points terdapat ide pokok
(main idea) dan uraian (elaboration) yang mendukung isu yang
didiskusikan. Sedangkan pada contrasting points terdapat ide pokok (main
idea) dan uraian (elaboration) yang menentang isu yang didiskusikan.
- Conclusion/recommendation: Bagian ini berisi tentang kesimpulan akhir
atau rekomendasi dari penulis tentang isu yang telah didiskusikan.
Unsur kebahasaan dari discussion text sebagai berikut:
- Penggunaan simple present tense.
- Penggunaan general noun, misalnya cloning, smoking, dan sebagainya.
- Penggunaan modalities, misalnya must, should, perhaps, dan sebagainya.
- Penggunaan thinking verbs, misalnya feel, believe, think, hope, dan
- Penggunaan addictive connectives, misalnya furthermore, besides, in
addition, dan sebagainya.
- Penggunaan contrastive connectives, misalnya on the contrary.

 Guru memberikan beberapa teks dengan paragraph yang diacak dan dalam
kelompok meminta siswa untuk mengurutkan sesuai format struktur teks yang

Kegiatan Inti 3 (PTMT)

 Guru membuka pelajaran.

 Guru memberikan beberapa Issue yang aktual dan meminta siswa secara
berkelompok memberi tanggapan setuju atau tidak setuju.
 Guru meminta siswa untuk menyampaikan alasan-alasan mereka yang setuju
dan yang tidak setuju dengan mengisi tabel yang diberikan.
 Guru mengajak siswa untuk memasukkan ke dalam struktur teks discussion dan
mengelaborasi argumen nya.
 Secara berkelompok, siswa melengkapi teks yang mereka buat.
 Guru meminta siswa melakukan ulasan kembali teks yang mereka hasilkan.

Kegiatan Inti 4 (PTMT)

 Guru meminta murid untuk duduk bersama kelompoknya.

 Guru menjelaskan kegiatan selanjutnya adalah mempersiapkan bahan dan alat
untuk kegiatan presentasi.
 Guru memastikan semua kelompok selesai mengerjakan lembar kerja siswa
sebagai bahan kegiatan presentasi.
 Guru mempersilahkan setiap kelompok untuk mempresentasikan hasil nya
sesuai dengan minat dan kemampuannya.

Kelompok yang senang berkarya dapat menyiapkan alat bantu presentasi seperti
mind mapping.
Kelompok yang termpil membuat presentasi dengan aplikasi atau program
seperti power point, sway, emaze, dll dapat membuat slide presentasi kemudian
mempresentasikan di depan kelas.

Kegiatan Penutup
Setiap pertemuan diakhir dengan :
 Mengajak murid untuk refleksi .
 Memberikan umpan balik .
 Menyampaikan pesan moral .
 Mengucapkan terima kasih .
 Menutup dengan doa dan salam.

C Asesmen
Cara menilai ketercapaian tujuan Jenis asesmen Jenis Asesmen
 Asesmen Individu  Tertulis
 Asesmen Kelompok  Performa (presentasi)

Mengetahui, Ketapang, 10 April 2022

Kepala Sekolah, Guru Mata Pelajaran,

Br. Valentinus Naryo, FIC.,M.Pd. Dra. Y. Kasih Wiyati

Lampiran 1

Bahan Ajar
 Buku Bahasa Inggris Untuk SMA/MA Kelas XII
 Pathway To English Untuk SMA/MA Kelas XII
 Pengertian dan struktur Discussion text
 How to write a discussion text from IELTS Writing

Kriteria Penilaian:
A. Asesmen dilakukan melalui aplikasi GCR, paper passed, Lembar Kerja Siwa (Individu dan
B. Kriteria penilaian menggunakan analytical assessment dan holistic assessment dengan contoh
rubrik sebagai berikut:

KRITERIA KURANG (45-60) CUKUP (61-75) BAIK (76-88) SANGAT BAIK (89
– 100)
Bertanya jawab Kalimat kurang Kalimat jelas Kalimat jelas Kalimat dengan
bisa dipahami namun ada dengan struktur struktur sesuai dan
beberapa unsur dan unsur bahasa unsur bahasa yang
bahasa yang yang yang tepat serta
belum tepat sederhana pengucapan lancar
Presentasi Tujuan kurang Tujuan kurang Tujuan tercapai Tujuan tercapai
bisa dipahami dan tercapai namun dengan struktur dengan struktur
menggunakan ada beberapa dan unsur bahasa sesuai dan unsur
media presenta si unsur bahasa yang yang bahasa yang tepat
yang tepat dan sederhana dan serta pengucapan
menggunakan menggunaka n lancar dan
media presentasi media presentasi menggunakan media
Menulis Teks Penggunaan tanda Fungsi sosial Fungsi sosial Fungsi sosial
baca, huruf besar, tercapai, struktur tercapai, struktur tercapai, struktur dan
kata, kalimat, dan tepat dan unsur dan unsur unsur kebahasaan
struktur tidak kebahasaan kebahasaan tepat tepat serta ada
sesuai kurang tepat modifikasi
Lampiran 2

Kegiatan inti 1

Name : ________________________________ ________________________________
Instruction : Work in pair. Read and pay attention to the text. Complete the text with the correct
capitalize and punctuation.

Pro and Cons of Drinking Tea

many people prefer drinking tea to coffee, especially in the morning or wet seasons apart from its
benefits, drinking tea also has disadvantages if it is consumed excessively now let’s discuss them
one advantage of drinking tea is that it contains less caffeine than coffee drinking tea can also reduce
stress you know tea has a very soothing effect and it helps reduce stress moreover drinking tea has
various health benefits it helps fight different diseases

another benefit of drinking tea is tea contains various antioxidants, important for cleaning unwanted
substances from the human body

now let’s talk about the disadvantages. drinking tea is dangerous if consumed excessively drinking
too much tea could cause gastric ulcers. furthermore tea has tannic acid and if a person drinks too
much, he/she may suffer from iron deficiency or anemia

to sum up drinking tea is very beneficial, but not in excess it is advisable that a person should consume
tea almost an hour after he/she has eaten
Lampiran 3
Kegiatan Inti 2

Simple present tense

Title Pro and Cons of Drinking Tea

Issue Many people prefer drinking tea to coffee, especially in the morning or wet
seasons. Apart from its benefits, drinking tea also has disadvantages, if it is
consumed excessively. Now, let’s discuss them.

Argument ‘pro” One advantage of drinking tea is that it contains less caffeine than coffee.
Drinking tea can also reduce stress. You know, tea has a very soothing effect
and it helps reduce stress. Moreover, drinking tea has various health benefits. It
helps fight different diseases.

Another benefit of drinking tea is tea contains various antioxidants, important

for cleaning unwanted substances from the human body.

Argument ‘Cons” Now, let’s talk about the disadvantages. Drinking tea is dangerous if consumed
excessively. Drinking too much tea could cause gastric ulcers. Furthermore, tea
has tannic acid and if a person drinks too much, he/she may suffer from iron
deficiency or anemia.

Conclusion / To sum up, drinking tea is very beneficial, but not in excess. It is advisable that
Recommendation a person should consume tea almost an hour after he/she has eaten

Temukan nnsur kebahasaan dari discussion text sebagai berikut:

- Penggunaan simple present tense :...............
- Penggunaan general noun :........, ......, .......
- Penggunaan modalities, misalnya must,.......... , ............., ..........
- Penggunaan thinking verbs, misalnya prefer, .............., ................, .........
- Penggunaan addictive connectives, misalnya furthermore, .................., ..............., ............
- Penggunaan contrastive connectives,..................

Re-arrange the following paragraphs to make a good discussion text.

a. However, there is an argument against it. Did you know what it is? Right! Attending extra-
curricular clubs means that, they take up too much of our time.

b. Would you attend an extra-curricular club? Why would you like to? You know, attending
extra-curricular clubs has advantages and disadvantages. I had interviewed several friends
to gather their opinions and now I’ll tell you about them.

c. Based on the different arguments, I can conclude that attending extra-curricular clubs
provide us many benefits. If the reason is about time, we have to manage it wisely, right?

d. Most of them stated that attending extra-curricular clubs is advantageous. By attending

extra-curricular clubs, we can improve our skills and knowledge. More than that, we can
meet more friends, meaning, more happiness, right? Not only that. By attending extra-
curricular clubs, we can gain many new experiences, which can be very valuable.

1. The correct arrangement of the text above is .....................
2. What is the text about?
3. Which paragraph is the issue?
4. Which one is the supporting argument ?
5. Which paragraph is the contrasting argument?
Lampiran 3
Kegiatan Inti 3

Name : _______________________________
Instruction 1 : Look at the following issues. In a group of four, find out whether your friends agree
or disagree with the issue? Then ask them their reasons.

Issues Agree or Reason

1. Infotainment programs on TV. Agree
2. The video game industries

3. Having extracurricular at
4. Using plastics for household
5. Taking cellular phone to school

6. Freedom expression on social

7. Riding Motorcycles to schools.

Instruction 2 :
Still working in group of four, choose on of the issue above and then rewrite the arguments in the
following table and then elaborate it

Title ..........................

Issue ......................................................................

Argument ‘Pro’ .......................................................................


Argument ‘con’ .......................................................................


Conclusion / .........................................................................
Recomendation ........................................................................

Instruction :
Now, read your text once again and make sure whether you have used the correct words, proper
punctuations, and capital letters.
Lampiran 4

Assesmen Individual
Read the text and choose the best answer.
Text 1

If you’re considering a job as a television reporter, you may already know that there are
advantages and disadvantages. It’s important to look at both sides before determining whether this is
truly the job for you.
This kind of television journalism job also offers excitement and fun. To be on a case,
investigating a story and searching for the truth can be exhilarating and exciting.
Moreover, the pay depends on what level of reporting you’re at. Obviously, more popular faces
will get paid more because more people tune in to watch the reporter. Making a name for yourself
can really kickstart your career and help it become very benefical for you. This is also a great stepping
stone into other types of journalism, from writing jobs to news shows to talk shows.
There’s also the benefit of really being able to help solve cases and ensure that the public is
informed–depending upon what type of television reporter job you secure. To realize you’re doing a
good thing is very rewarding in any job.
Not only is television reporting a very demanding job, but it can come with extremely long
hours. This means less time with family and loved ones, which can obviously put strain on
In several cases, television reporting can also be dangerous. If you’re chasing stories that are
related to crimes, there’s always the risk of injury, or death.
Another con is that television reporting comes with its own set of discriminations. Individuals
who are considered nice looking and attractive will have a higher chance of succeeding, because the
public would rather tune in to watch an attractive person report the news.
All in all, you need to look at your own desire and determine whether it’s truly important to
you to pursue this industry.
Adopted from: a230178 (March 15, 2014)

1. What is the purpose of the text?

A. To describe a television reporter’s job.
B. To explain why a television reporter’s job is interesting.
C. To discuss the profession of a television reporter from two points of view.
D. To criticize a television reporter’s job.
E. To explain how a television reporter does his/her job.

2. Why is a television reporter susceptible with discrimination sometimes?

A. There is not enough promotion to get a better position.
B. The salary is lower than other professions.
C. The salary depends on one’s skills.
D. Men are preferable to women in a reporting job.
E. Attractive individuals will have a higher chance of succeeding.

3. What is the main idea of paragraph six?

A. A television reporter’s free time to meet his/her family.
B. The risk of danger which a television reporter may face.
C. Chances of being successful in a television reporter’s job.
D. The happiness of being a television reporter.
E. Discrimination among television reporters.

4. Which statement is NOT TRUE?

A. A television reporter’s job offers happiness.
B. More popular faces may get more payment.
C. A television reporter may work long hours.
D. A television reporter spends much time with his/her family.
E. A television reporter’s job can be a stepping stone for a better career in journalism.

5. “... and help it become very benefical for you.” (Paragraph 3) What is the similar meaning of the
underlined word?
A. Advantageous.
B. Important.
C. Worthy.
D. Good.
E. Easy

6. Read the following paragraphs

1. From the arguments for and against chemical fertilizers above, we should be able to consider
whether to use chemical fertilizers or organic ones. The most important thing is that we
should not give excessive fertilizer to plant

2. On its negative side, chemical fertilizers have high acid content that can be dangerous to the
soil’s population of microorganisms. Acids in chemical fertilizers, like sulfuric acid and
hydrochloric acid, lead to high soil acidity which in turn results in the destruction of nitrogen-
fixing bacteria, the microorganism that play a key role in supplying a growing plant’s
nitrogen needs. In this aspect, chemical fertilizers could potentially stunt plant’s growth.

3. Chemical fertilizers are synthetically produced plant nutrients from inorganic materials.
There are arguments for and against them.

4. Another negative side of chemical fertilizers is that they are more expensive than organic
ones. It’s not surprising, since they have to be purchased from a gardening store or

5. On its positive side, similar with organic fertilizers, chemical fertilizers contain nitrogen,
phosphorus and potassium. Moreover, chemical fertilizers can provide plants with an
immediate supply of nutrients when the situation demands it. This condition is different from
organic fertilizers. Organic fertilizers can only have either a high content level of one of
these three, or have all three nutrients at lower levels.

The best arragement of the paragraphs to make a good text is ......

A. 1-2-3-5-4
B. 5-3-1-2-4
C. 3-5-2-4-1
D. 2-5-3-4-1
E. 1-4-5-3-2

7. Read the following text , and then complete the last paragraph with your own words.

People like home sweet home. However, making office at home is possible and recommended. Of
course, home office will have both advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, it is wise to consider
the strengths and weaknesses to have a home office.

People will agree that having an office at home will have benefits. It saves time. We don’t need to
commute which occasionally takes a long time. We are free to organize the work schedule. Having
a home office will save money as we need not purchase or lease office space from rent companies.
What makes it more flexible is that we can arrange part or all parts of our home, as a real office.
What we need is only a wireless router to cover all parts of our house with the Internet. We can run
our business from any part of the house we want, from living rooms, bedrooms, veranda, etc., we
can even sell or purchase by online shopping, for items we need. Furthermore, working at home
might reduce stress, effort and time and divert them to other more productive activities because
while working, we are close to our families.

However, making a home as office also has disadvantages


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