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Mata pelajaran: Peminatan : KEAGAMAAN, IPA dan IPS
Jenjang: Madrasah Aliyah (MA)

NO Kompetensi IPK Materi Kelas/ Indikator Soal Level Kognitif

Dasar Semester
1 3.1 Menerapkan  Fungsi sosial • Memahami struktur teks 1. A: Would you like a
fungsi sosial, interaksi yang melibatkan lemonade?
struktur teks, Menjalin dan menjaga tindakan menawarkan jasa
hubungan interpersonal. B:
dan unsur • Memahami ungkapan yang
kebahasaan sesuai dengan teks ………………………………………..
teks interaksi interaksi yang melibatkan The proper respond from B
interpersonal  Struktur teks tindakan menawarkan jasa should be
lisan dan tulis - Memulai • Mengidentifikasi interaksi
yang - Menanggapi (diharapkan/di yang melibatkan 2. Hello, may I ………..
melibatkan luar dugaan) penawaran jasa melalui you?
tindakan video atau beberapa
menawarkan  Unsur kebahasaan contoh yang diberikan
jasa, serta - Ungkapan yang sesuai untuk • Menyebutkan persamaan 3. A: Would you like a
menanggapinya menawarkan jasa, seperti dan perbedaan dari lemonade?
, sesuai dengan May I help you?, What can I contoh-contoh interaksi, B:
konteks do for you? What if ...? dilihat dari isi dan cara ………………………………………..
penggunaannya - Nomina singular dan plural pengungkapannya The proper respond from B
. (Perhatikan dengan atau tanpa a, the, • Menyusun teks interaksi
unsur this, those, my, their, dsb.
XII/ GANJIL interpersonal tertulis should be
kebahasaan - Ucapan, tekanan kata, sederhana yang melibatkan
May I help intonasi, ejaan, tanda baca, tindakan menawarkan jasa 4. Usually a
you?, What can dan tulisan tangan • Melakukan percakapan shopkeeper say
I do for you? dengan teman di depan ………… when they
What if ...?) kelas yang terkait want help customer
penawaran jasa dan
tanggapannya 5. Informal way to
offer something is….

3.3 Membedakan  Fungsi sosial • Mengidentifikasi beberapa

fungsi sosial, caption beserta fotonya
struktur teks, Mendeskripsikan, dari koran
dan unsur mengomentari gambar, foto, • Menirukan guru
kebahasaan tabel, grafik,bagan membacakan semua
beberapa teks caption, dan ucapan dan
khusus dalam  Struktur text tekanan kata yang benar.
bentuk teks • Menganalisis unsur-unsur 6.
Dapat mencakup
caption, dengan caption, bertanya jawab,
- Tindakan/peristiwa/
memberi dan dan kemudian What is the purpose of the
meminta menerapkannya untuk caption?
- Orang/benda yang terlibat
informasi menganalisis beberapa
- Lingkup situasi
terkait caption lainnya
gambar /foto • Mengumpulkan beberapa 7. Where was the
/tabel/grafik/ caption dari koran beserta location in the
bagan, sesuai  Unsur kebahasaan gambar/foto/tabel/grafik/b picture?
dengan konteks - Frasa nominal untuk benda, agan.
penggunaannya orang, binatang, lokasi, dsb. • Membacakan, 8. Who is the main
yang menjadi fokus, dengan menganalisis dengan tabel subject in the
atau tanpa a, the, this, those, caption yang telah
picture that is
my, their, dsb. described in the
- Frasa verbal terkait • Membuat caption untuk
beberapa foto pribadi caption?
dalam tense yang sesuai • Menyajikan captionnya 9. What kind of
dengan teman dan guru di caption is in the
- Ucapan, tekanan kata,
depan kelas picture?
intonasi, ejaan, tanda baca,
dan tulisan tangan
Ingredients needed to make
Membedakan fungsi porridge
sosial, struktur teks,
dan unsur kebahasaan
beberapa teks prosedur
lisan dan tulis dengan
memberi dan meminta Provide good quality rice as
informasi terkait much as 200 grams. The
manual penggunaan quality of rice is very
teknologi dan kiat-kiat importantbecause of the
(tips), pendek dan
effect on the display of your
sederhana, sesuai
dengan konteks slurry.
penggunaannya As many as 2 litres chicken
Provide Bay leaves as many
as 3 pieces.
± 2 teaspoons salt.
Ingredients for seasoning
ingredients smooth
Take medium-size garlic 4
Take also the onion about 6
to 7 fruit.
Provide also cilantro about 1
And also Pecan 5 grains.
Don’t forget to peel the
turmeric is at least 1 cm only
Ingredients for the marinade
ingredients chicken porridge
We recommend that you
use 1 tails free-range
Approximately ¾ liter of
clean water.
Salt 1 teaspoon.
Pepper powder ± ½
The nutmeg seed use half of
it away.
Provide also a sweet soy
sauce at least 2 tablespoons.
A little bit of cooking oil for
Complementary material
other materials

1) stalk of celery and

thinly sliced thin.
Fried soy at least 100 grams.
Soy should be soaked before
Crackers used for Hor
around 100 grams.
It could also be
complementary with others
such as cakwe, Satay and
other giblets.
Well after all the ingredients
the ingredients you have
available, yuk started we
makechicken porridge and
The easy way to make
chicken porridge special
Clean the chicken and boiled
with water about 2 to 3
litres (depending on the
magnitude of the chicken)
and add 1 tablespoon salt,
wait until cooked and
tender, then lift the meat of
their chickens.
Wash the rice until it is clean
and boiled with water broth
(approximately 2 liters), stir
stir briefly so that it is
cooked evenly. After the rice
is starting to soften, enter
the Bay leavesand 2)
teaspoons salt. Lower the
flame of the stove and stir
stir slowly until it
Puree smooth condiments
(garlic + onions + cilantro +
Pecans + turmeric), then
sauteedwith a little cooking
oil, stir stir until fragrant and
smell ripe. Then enter in the
rest of the broth. Re-insert
the chicken and simmer
over low heat to moderate.
Once the water is boiling,
add the broth (pepper seed
+ nutmeg + sweet soy
sauce). Wait a while (after
all it is mixed evenly and
percolating in chicken
meat), meat raise their
chickens and turn off the
Once the chicken is cool,
then FRY until fragrant.

10. What is the main

11. What is the text
12. What makes a
porridge special?
13. What is the generic
structure of the
14. What is the social
function of the text?

Menerapkan fungsi
sosial, struktur teks, 15. If you got a bunch of
dan unsur kebahasaan money, … it on
teks interaksi
transaksional lisan dan
stupid things?
tulis yang melibatkan If the student had
tindakan memberi dan got enough sleep,
meminta informasi
terkait pengandaian
diikuti oleh
16. she … difficulties in
perintah/saran, sesuai
dengan konteks reading the
penggunaannya. material.
(Perhatikan unsur
kebahasaan if dengan 17. If I … you, I would
imperative, can, look for my passion
should) to find a new career
18. When he ... to sleep,
he never counts
sheep leaping over
If I advise her about
travelling by plane
with children, … to

19. It would be
convenient if the
button to lower
volume on my PC …

20. … good quality

cookware, we
mightn’t have
needed to get rid of
burnt taste in this
21. Your calls … if you
had replied her text
message fast
22. Unless it rains, I …
clothes in the sun
instead of using the

23. Your sister … to you

if you don’t stop
yelling at her

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