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TAHUN AJARAN 2022/2023

Nama Siswa: Mordekhai Kelas: 11a Mata Pelajaran: PE, English, Math

Panduan/Tahapan Pengerjaan Tugas:

 Secara individu, siswa akan menulis teks essay berdasarkan hasil pola hidup sehat yang di jalankan.

Berikut teknis yang pembuatan dan hal-hal yang perlu diperhatikan:

 Sumatif diselesaikan saat sesi pelajaran sinkronus atau asinkronus sesuai sesi mata pelajaran.
Produk akhir sumatif ini siswa akan membuat teks yakni Essay “- Indonesia Nowadays” GAYA HIDUP SEHAT GENERASI

Kerangka Essay



A. Pendahuluan (Minimal 3 Paragraf yang berisi gagasan umum/mengenai pola hidup sehat Indonesia
saat ini)
Paragraf 1 : Apa itu pola hidup sehat
Paragraf 2 : Orang sehat di Indonesia
Paragraf 3 : Makanan mempertaruhkan kondisi tubuh

B. Pembahasan Pertama (Minimal 3 Paragraf yang berisi rangkaian argument pola hidup sehat/
ceritakan bagaimana kamu dalam menjalankan pola hidup sehat melalui jurnal pola makan dan
olahraga yang kamu jalankan)

Paragraf 1 : Mengubah kebiasaan

Paragraf 2 : Meninggalkan kebiasaan lamaa
Paragraf 3 : Olahraga dan makan
C. Pembahasan Kedua (Minimal 3 paragraf yang berisi rangkaian argument dalam menjalankan pola
hidup sehat apakah kamu sudah menjalankan dengan status tubuh kamu dilihat dari BMI, BBI dan
KKT serta dampak yang kamu dapatkan dalam menjalankan hidup sehat)
Paragraf 1 :
Paragraf 2 :
Paragraf 3 :

D. Pembahasan Ke tiga (Minimal 3 paragraf yang berisi rangkaian argument hasil pengolahan data PE
dan matematika)
Paragraf 1 :
Paragraf 2 :
Paragraf 1 :
Paragraf 2 :
E. Daftar pustaka

-Ctt. Lampirkan jurnal pola makan.

-Memakai sitasi.

Gabungan Isi keseluruhan artikel

We all know the word "healthy" in our daily lives. According to WHO, health is a perfect physical, mental
and social state, not only free from disease or weakness/disability. It can be concluded from the definition of
healthy from WHO that we must have an ideal physical or psychological condition. Healthy we can start
with a healthy lifestyle too. A healthy lifestyle is a perfect physical, mental, and social state, not only free
from disease or weakness/disability.

We can start running a healthy lifestyle from what we consume, namely food and drinks. Food is an
important factor in determining the condition of our body. If what we consume is bad then our bodies will
become unhealthy. According to a nutrition expert from the Faculty of Medicine, Diponegoro University
(FK UNDIP) Semarang, Professor Muhammad Sulchan, about 90 percent of physical and mental diseases
are caused by food patterns and types. Whether our body is healthy or not is determined by the food we

Indonesia is one of the countries with a poor lifestyle. Based on a survey initiated by insurance company
AIA Group in 15 countries in Asia Pacific, Indonesia ranks lowest in the implementation of a healthy
lifestyle. In the survey, our country Indonesia only achieved a score of 55 out of a score limit of 100 in the
AIA Healthy Living Index 2013. The number of non-communicable (NCD) patients is increasing in
Indonesia. Reporting to the official website of the Ministry of Health, one of the health challenges in
Indonesia is related to Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs). The number of NCDs since 2010 began to
increase. Diets such as high calorie, low fiber, high salt, high sugar, and high fat followed by a sedentary
lifestyle, choosing junk food / fast food, as well as a lot of cigarette consumption in Indonesian society.
Indonesia. These factors influence the Indonesian people to get diseases such as diabetes, hypertension,
heart problems, etc.

For the past 1 month, I have been trying to live a healthy lifestyle. I want or don't want to keep running this
healthy lifestyle program because of the lessons. It is not easy to run this healthy lifestyle because I face
several obstacles. One of them is having to change our bad habits. Changing habits means we leave our old
habits behind.

I have to keep changing my old habits even though it's hard. Things like staying up late, eating lazily, and
consuming junk food. These are the things that affect our health. We should be able to change our bad habits
into good ones. I started to familiarize myself with not sleeping above 11 pm. I have also stopped consuming
fast food/junk food, and soda drinks such as coca-cola or sprite I also avoid. We must also reduce cigarette
consumption because it will not be useful for all our efforts to be healthy if we still smoke.

In addition to diet, we must also exercise to maintain our bodies. This month I joined a gym exercise
program and also played futsal. Exercising at the gym can make our muscles stronger. While playing futsal I
also do cardio exercises, which can improve my heart to be better. Exercising 2-3 times a week can keep our
bodies healthy and fit. In addition to exercise, we must also pay attention to our rest.

Maintaining our weight is one of the ways we can be healthy. We must know whether our weight is ideal or
not. Body Mass Index (BMI) is a measure to show a person's body category. The way to calculate BMI is by
our weight divided by our height squared. For example, if my weight is 55kg and my height is 1.6 m2 then
my BMI is 55:1.6 = 21.4. This number will be the parameter in BMI. The following is the BMI
classification according to WHO.

- Under normal weight, if the BMI number is below 18.5

- Normal weight if the BMI number is between 18.5 - 24.9.

- Overweight if the BMI number is between 25 - 29.9

- Obese if the BMI number is 30 or more.

Meanwhile, if you follow the body weight standards of Asian people like Indonesia, then the categories

- Under normal weight, if the BMI number is below 18.5

- Normal weight if the BMI number is between 18.5 - 22.9

- Overweight if the BMI number is between 23 - 24.9

- Obese if the BMI number is 25 or more.

Dengan diatas maka BMI saya yaitu 21,4 termasuk pada berat badan normal. pengolompokan

Dalam waktu sebulan ini saya melakukan penelitian dengan metode statistika yang saya
pelajari dalam pelajaran matematika. Dalam 3 minggu ini saya telah melakukan tes untuk lari
selama 8 menit selama 5 kali dalam seminggu dengan rutin. Sebelum berlari saya akan menghitung
denyut nadi yang saya peroleh dalam kurun waktu 1 menit. Setelah berlari selama 8 menit saya akan
mengukur jarak yang sudah saya tempuh dan juga denyut nadi saya setelah berlari 8 menit. Saya
telah mencatat 15 data yang saya dapatkan dari hasil berlari dan saya akan membandingkan jarak
dan juga denyut nadi sebelum dan sesudah berlari.

Pada diagram diatas menunjukan tentang jarak yang saya tempuh. Semakin lama intensitas saya
berlari maka jarak yang saya bisa tempuh akan
semakin jauh. Hal itu disebabkan karena tenaga kita
akan bertambah karena kita sering berlari. Jadi
untuk jarak tempuh saya dalam berlari berkorelasi
Diagram diatas adalah data saya tentang denyut nadi sebelum lari. Selama melakukan lari selama 15
kali denyut nadi saya bisa dibilang cukup stabil. Denyut nadi yang saya peroleh berkisar sekitar 70-
80 per menit.

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