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1. Pengertian wacana dan analisis wacana

a. Wacana
 Rentetan kalimat yang berkaitan, yang menghubungkan
preposisi yang satu dengan preposisi yang lainnya, membentuk
sau kesatuan, sehingga terbentuklah makna yang serasi diantara
kalimat-kalimat itu
 Kesaatuan Bahasa yang terlengkap dan tertinggi atau terbesar
di atas kalimat kalimat atau klausa dengan koherensi dan
kohesi yang tinggi dan berkesinambungan, yang mampu
mempunyai awal dan akhir yang nyata, disampaikan secara
lisan atau tertulis. J.S Badudu 2000(dalam badara 2012:16)
 Kesatuan makna (semantic) antar bagian dalam suatu bangun
Bahasa. Dengan kesatuan makna, wacana dilihat sebagai
bangun Bahasa yang utuh karena setiap bagian di dalam
wacana itu berhubungan secara padu. Di samping itu, wacana
juga terikat pada konteks. Sebagai kesatuan yang abstrak,
wacana dibedakan dari teks, tulisan, bacaan, tuturan atau
inskripsi, yang mengacu pada makna yang sama, yaitu ‘wujud
konkret yang terlihat, terbaca atau terlihat’ (Yuwono, 2009:92)

b. Analisis wacana
 Stubs (dalam Badara, 2012:18), Suatu kajian yang meneliti atau
menganalisis Bahasa yang digunakan secara alamiah, baik
dalam bentuk lisan maupun tulisan.
 Cook (dalam badara, 2012:18) merupakan kajian yang
membahas tantang wacana sedangkan wacana merupakan
Bahasa yang digunakan berkomunikasi.
2. Analisis kohesi dan koherensi
 Article

Rising sea temperatures blamed for killing turtles in

A total of 25 dead turtles found in the waters of Sepang Bay in Bengkulu, with the
latest discovered on Friday, may possibly have been killed by rising sea
temperatures, an expert has said.

A marine science lecturer from Bengkulu University, Dewi Purnama, said marine
biota live in an environment with temperatures ranging from 28 and 30 degrees

“The temperature in the waters of Bengkulu has risen to between 27 and 31

degrees Celsius. Naturally, an increase of just one degree is still considered high,"
she said recently, Antara news agency reported.

"I don’t have the capability to declare whether the cause of death of the turtles in
Sepang Bay has anything to do with power plant’s liquid waste disposal that
might affect the sea temperature without further examination,” she added.

The plant she referred to is the Teluk Sepang coal-fired power plant.

Each marine animal or plant needs a certain temperature for living and has various
tolerance rates for maximum and minimum temperatures, she said.

When the temperature of their environment rises drastically, physiological

disruptions occur. Marine biota that cannot adapt to the changes may die.

The Kanopi Bengkulu ecology protection foundation has recorded that 25

protected sea turtles have been found dead in the area over the past three months.

Kanopi Bengkulu head Ali Akbar said he suspected the turtles died because of the
rising seawater temperatures surrounding an outlet for liquid waste disposal.

“Because the majority of dead turtles were found near the sewer,” he told The
Jakarta Post on Monday.

A laboratory report done by the Bengkulu Natural Resources Conservation

Agency had not been released even though the examination was done more than
one month ago, he said. (sau)
 Analysis
i) Kohesi

Rising sea temperatures blamed for killing turtles in Bengkulu

A total of 25 dead turtles found in the waters of Sepang Bay in Bengkulu, with the
latest discovered on Friday, may possibly have been killed by rising sea
temperatures, an expert has said.

A marine science lecturer from Bengkulu University, Dewi Purnama, said marine
biota live in an environment with temperatures ranging from 28 and 30 degrees

“The temperature in the waters of Bengkulu has risen to between 27 and 31

degrees Celsius. Naturally, an increase of just one degree is still considered high,"
she (personal reference-anaphoric-Dewi Purnama) said recently, Antara news
agency reported.

"I don’t have the capability to declare whether the cause of death of the turtles in
Sepang Bay has anything to do with power plant’s liquid waste disposal that
might affect the sea temperature without further examination,” she (personal
reference-anaphoric-dewi purnama) added.

The plant (endophoric-cataphoric) she(personal reference-anaphoric-dewi

purnama) referred to is the Teluk Sepang coal-fired power plant.

Each marine animal or (additive conjungtion) plant needs a certain temperature

for living and(additive conjungtion) has various tolerance rates for maximum
and(additive conjungtion) minimum temperatures, she(personal reference-
anaphoric-Dewi purnama) said.
When the temperature of their environment rises drastically, physiological
disruptions occur. Marine biota that cannot adapt to the changes(nomina elipsis-
temperature) may die.

The Kanopi Bengkulu ecology protection foundation has recorded that 25

protected 44 sea turtles have been found dead in the area (demonstrative-sepang
bay in Bengkulu) over the past three months.

Kanopi Bengkulu head Ali Akbar said he (personal reference-anaphoric-ali akbar)

suspected the turtles died because (causal conjungtion) of the rising seawater
temperatures surrounding an outlet for liquid waste disposal.

“Because (causal conjungtion) the majority of dead turtles were found near the
sewer,” he (personal reference-anaphoric-ali akbar) told The Jakarta Post on

A laboratory report done by the Bengkulu Natural Resources Conservation

Agency had not been released even though(adversative conjungtion) the
examination was done more than one month ago, he (personal reference-
anaphoric-ali akbar) said. (sau)

ii) Koherensi

 Hubungan pertentangan

Dalam wacana yang berjudul “naiknya suhu laut disalahkan karena menbunuh
kura-kura di Bengkulu” memiliki hubungan bertentangan dimana kepala
kanopi Bengkulu ingin mengetahui penyebab pasti kematian kura-kura di
Bengkulu, tetapi laporan laboratorium yang dilakukan BKSDA Bengkulu
belum dirilis meskipun pemeriksaan telah dilakukan lebih dari satu bulan yang

 Hubungan sebab akibat

Yang menunjukan hubungan sebab akibat dalam wacana ini adalah ketika suhu
lingkungan berubah drastis maka gangguan fidiologis terjadi. Biota laut yang
tidak bias beradaptasi dengan perubahan bisa mati. Kemudian, penyebab dari
kematian kura-kura ini adalah naiknya temperature air laut yang disebabkan
oleh pembuangan limbah cair.

 Hubungan rujukan

Kata rujukan yang kerap dipakai dalam wacana ini adalah “seorang ahli” yang
merujuk kepada dosen ilmu kelautan dari Universitas Bengkulu, Dewi
Pustaka acuan

Kushartanti, Untung Yuwono, dan Multamia RmT Lauder. 2009. Pesona Bahasa:
Langkah Awal Memahami Linguistik. Jakarta: PT Grramedia Pustaka Utama.

Badara, Aris. 2012. Analisis Wacana: teori, metode, dan penerapannya pada
wacana media. Jakarta: kencana prenada media grup

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