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⚫ Bentuk pembelajaran yang tergambarkan dari awal sampai akhir pembelajaran

⚫ Model adalah pengaplikasian suatu metode, pendekatan dan teknik pembelajaran


1. Presenting & Explaining

 Tujuan: Asimilasi Informasi baru, Pemahaman konsep, Pembiassan mendengar dan

 Teori: Struktur dan Organisasi Pengetahuan, Pembelajaran bermakna & verbal, Psikologi
 Metode: Ceramah, Resitasi Induktif dan Deduktif
 Pertimbangan: isi materi, interaktif, bermakna, pengetahuan awal

2. Concept Teaching Model

 Tujuan: Konsep Spesifik, Karakteristik Konsep, Berpikir Logis dan HOTS, Komunikasi
 Teori: Concepts & Higher-Level Thinking, The Nature of Concepts, Human
Development, & Concept Learning
 Metode: Attaining concepts, Konsep Map Metakognitif
 Pertimbangan: Pemilihan konsep, Kesiapan siswa, analisis kemampuan berpikir siswa,
dan lingkungan pembelajaran yang fleksible

3. Direct Instruction & Simulation Teaching

 Tujuan: Mastery of well- structured knowledge, Keterampilan

 Teori: Behaviour learning theories, Social learning theories, Teacher effectiveness
 Metode: Demonstrasi Workshop/Labor atory Activities with instruction
 Pertimbangan: Tujuan, Instruksi yang jelas, Perbanyak latihan, Feedback&Pengamatan
4. Cooperative Learning

 Tujuan: Academic Achievement, Tolerance and acceptance diversity, Social skills

 Teori: Concept of democratic classroom, Intergroup relations, Experiential learning
 Metode: STAD, Jigsaw, NHT, Group Investigation, Structural Approach
 Pertimbangan: Organisasi Konten materi dan siswa, Perbedaan setiap siswa, waktu, dan
peran guru

5. Problem Based Learning

 Tujuan: Inquiry and problem solving skills, Adult role behaviour and social skills, Skills
for independent learning
 Teori: Dewey and The Problem-oriented Classroom, Plaget, Vygotsky and
Constructivism, Bruner and Discovery Learning
 Metode: Studi Kasus Diskusi, Questioning
 Pertimbangan: communicating goals clearly, problem situation, authentic assessment


1. Kurikulum: Kompetensi dan Indikator Pembelajaran

2. Teori Pembelajaran: Kognitivism, behaviorism konstruktivism,humanism

3. Taksonomi Pembelajaran: Kognitif, Afektif. Psikomotor. Etik, Sosial

4. Sumber Daya: Waktu, sarana prasarana

5. Karakteristik Materi: Faktual Konseptual Prosedural, dan metakognitif

6. Karakteristik Siswa: Gaya belajar, gaya berpikir, dan kemampuan siswa

 Taksonomi

1. Kemampuan Berpikir (Cognitive)

C6 Mencipta (Creating)
C5 Mengevaluasi (synthesis)

C4 Mengnalisis (analyzing)

C3 Menerapkan (Applying)

C2 Memahami (Understanding)

C1 Mengingat (Remembering)

2. Nilai dan Sikap (Affective)

A5 Menjadikan pola hidup (characterization)

A4 Mengatur diri (organization)

A3 Menghargai (valuing)

A2 Menanggapi (responding)

A1 Menerima (receiving)

3. Keterampilan (Psychomotor)

P5 Naturalisasi (naturalization)

P4 Perangkaian (articulation)

P3 Ketepatan (precision)

P2 Penggunaan (manipulation)

P1 Peniruan (imitation)

1. Information Processing: How can we and our students best acquire information, organize
it, and explain it? For thousands of years philosophers, educators, psychologists, and
artists have developed ways to gather and process information (Joyy & Weil, 2009)
 Model Pembelajaran: Presenting and Explaining, Concept Teaching
2. Conceptual Change: Conceptual change viewed as epistemology is when the researcher
examines students' learning of concepts being exhibited by different forms of representations of
Knowledge (Treagust & Duit, 2003)

 MODEL PEMBELAJARAN: Konflik Kognitif, Generative learning, Interactive

learning,Japanese SAS, Learning Cycle: 3E, 56, 7, 8E

3. Behaviour System: We are what we do. So how do we learn to practice more productive

 Model Pembelajaran: Direct Instruction, Simulation

4. Personal Learning: The learner always does the learning. His or her personality is what
interacts with the learning environment. How do we give the learner centrality when we are
trying to get that same person to grow and respond to tasks we believe will enhance growth?
(Joyy & Weil, 2009)

 Model Pembelajaran: Non Directive Teaching, Self Concepts

5. Social learning: Working together might just enhance all of us. The social family expands
what we can do together and generates the creation of democracy in our society in venues large
and small. In addition, the creation of learning communities can enhance the learning of all
students dramatically (Joyy & Weil,2009)

 Model Pembelajaran: Cooperative Learning, Problem Based Learning, Collaborative

Learning, Project Based Learning

6. Social Emotional Learning: Pemberian permasalahan kompleks yang harus diselesaikan oleh
siswa yang menimbulkan aspek kepedulian sosial dan emosi.

 Model Pembelajaran: Dilemmas,Problem solving, Studi kasus.

7. Scientific: Encouraging students to engage in scientific thinking (and mathematical thinking)

should encourage pupils to use scientific Insanin mascaning tacke through active learning

 Model Pembelajaran: Discovery and Inquiry based learning, Predict-Observed-Explain,


8. Culturally Responsive Teaching:

1. SELF-IDENTIFICATION Students developed their identity within differences


Students engage in cultural understanding and knowledge construction through articles or any
resources (ethnochemistry)


Students working in group for ding the concepts and cultural perspectives


Student conduct debase for exploring different perspectives and refecting on their


Student understanding and presenting through the project

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