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”Making and Responding Telephone Calls”

A. Identitas Modul
1. Nama Penyusun : B. Yuniati Akbariah, S.Pd.M.Li.
2. Institusi : SMKN 4 Semarang
3. Tahun : 2022
4. Jenjang : SMK
5. Kelas/Program Keahlian : XI /
6. Alokasi Waktu : 64 JP

B. Kompetensi Awal :
1. Peserta didik sudah mempunyai pengalaman belajar tentang ungkapan dalam bertelepon seperti
salam pembuka dan penutup
2. Peserta didik sudah mempunyai ketrampilan dasar dalam menggunakan ungkapan-ungkapan yang
biasa diucapkan ketika bertelepon

C. Profil Pelajar Pancasila

1. Peserta didik memperoleh dan memproses informasi;
2. Peserta didik menganalisis dan mengevaluasi penalaran dari informasi yang telah diperoleh;
3. Peserta didik berani dalam mengambil keputusan;
4. Peserta didik berkolaborasi serta kreatif dalam membuat gagasan dan menyajikannya.

D. Sarana Prasarana
1. Papan tulis
2. Kapur/Spidol
3. Komputer/Laptop
4. Jaringan Internet
5. LCD Proyektor
6. Buku Referensi

E. Target Peserta Didik

1. Peserts didik yang tanpa kesulitan dalam mencerna dan memahami materi ajar.
2. Peserta didik dengan kesulitan belajar akan mendapat pendampingan khusus.

F. Model Pembelajaran Yang Digunakan

1. Seven-stage Cycle of Activities (By Goh and Burn in „Teaching Speaking‟
2. Problem-Based Learning


A. Tujuan Pembelajaran
1. Menyimak
Peserta didik dapat memahami makna tersurat dan tersirat berbagai macam teks lisan dan
tulis berhubungan dengan bagaimana cara berkomunikasi lewat perangkat telepon etika
maupun tata caranya.

2. Menulis
Peserta didik dapat memahami makna tersurat dan tersirat berbagai macam teks lisan dan
tulis berhubungan dengan bagaimana cara berkomunikasi lewat perangkat telepon etika
maupun tata caranya

3. Berbicara
Peserta didik dapat mempraktekkan ungkapan-ungkapan pada dialog yang telah dibuat
dengan pengembangan pada topik atau konteks

B. Pemahaman Bermakna
1. Berbicara lewat telepon sudah menjadi bagian dari komunikasi sehari-hari
2. Isi pembicaraan sangat beragam seperti pembicaraan tatap muka
3. Ada cara dan etika bertelepon yang harus diketahui dan diterapkan agar pembicaraan tidak
menimbulkan salah pengertian
4. Ada ungkapan-ungkapan yang terbentuk demikian (fixed expressions) baik dalam percakapan
interpersonal maupun resmi

C. Pertanyaan Pemantik
1. Have you ever made phone calls? For what purpose?
2. Do you use always start with greetings or directly express your need?
3. How do you end your conversation?
4. Who do you call?

D. Persiapan Pembelajaran
1. Menyiapkan bahan dan materi pembelajaran
2. Menyiapkan LCD Proyektor

E. Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Pada kompetensi “Making and Responding Telephone Calls” kegiatan pembelajaran selesai dalam 1
pertemuan (4 JP @ 45 m)

Kegiatan pendahuluan (20 menit)

1. Doa diawal pelajaran dipimpin salah satu siswa untuk menumbuhkan perilaku religius
2. Laporan kehadiran siswa oleh ketua kelas pembiasaan perilaku jujur dan disiplin
3. Motivasi siswa dibangkitkan dengan mendengar sejarah ditemukannya telepon dan
perkembangan teknologi informasi sampai abad 21.
4. Fungsi sosial bertelepon dalam berbagai konteks atau kegiatan
5. Siswa mencermati informasi tentang tujuan pembelajaran yang akan dicapai
6. Siswa mencermati informasi tentang asesmen yang dilakukan yaitu asesmen kelompok dan
asesmen individu
7. Siswa mencermati informasi tentang prosedur pembelajaran, yaitu :
8. Memperhatikan penjelasan awal dari guru tentang aturan pengisian tempat
9. Membentuk kelompok diskusi @ 2 - 4 orang
10. Mendiskusikan materi pembelajaran pada Modul F 1
 Mengerjakan latihan-latihan yang bertujuan meningkatkan ketrampilan berbahasa terutama
berbicara (speaking)
 Mempresentasikan hasil yang sudah selesai
 Mengerjakan kuis

Kegiatan INTI
Langkah-langkah Kegiatan Waktu
1. Focus learners‟attention  Diperdengarkan pembicaraan lewat telepon, 20 menit
on speaking siswa menyimak dengan seksama untuk
mengidentifikasi ungkapan-ungkapan yang
digunakan, maksud dan tujuannya.
 Diperdengarkan kedua kalinya, agar siswa bisa
mengulang ungkapan yang didengar.
 Siswa boleh menanyakan ungkapan yang belum
dipahami atau mengkonfirmasi kesesuaian
ucapan dan pendengaran.
2. Provide input and/or guide  Siswa mempelajari berbagai ungkapan dan tata
planning cara bertelepon pada materi modul F 1
 Siswa mencari contoh telephone handling lainnya
dan menuliskannya di buku.
3. Conduct speaking task  Siswa memperagakan percakapan yang ada di
Modul F 1 secara berpasangan.
4. Focus on language/ skills/  Siswa mengidentifikasi ungkapan dan kosa kata
strategies yang bisa dialih gunakan pada konteks yang
 Siswa belajar etika bertelepon
5. Repeat speaking task  Siswa mempraktekkan kembali berbagai konteks
/ situasi bertelepon secara berpasangan secara
bergantian sampai siswa merasa nyaman ketika
mempraktekkan dialog.
6. Direct learners‟reflection  Dalam diskusi kelas siswa mengungkapkan
on learning kesulitan dalam menyusun dialog dan
 Siswa lain memberikan pendapat atau solusi
sederhana untuk mengatasi kesulitan tersebut.
7. Facilitate feedback on  Siswa mengerjakan latihan berkaitan dengan
learning ungkapan-ungkapan yang digunakan ketika
Kegiatan Penutup
 Guru bersama siswa melakukan refleski untuk mengidentifikasi kelebihan dan kekurangan
dalam kegiatan belajar yang telah dilakukan.
 Siswa mempelajari semua yang berkaitan dengan bertelepon sehingga terbiasa melafalkan
ungkapan-ungkapan yang sudah dipelajari
 Siswa mendapat arahan berikutnya

G. Pengayaan dan Remedial

a) Pengayaan
Bagi Siswa yang sudah mencapai nilai ketuntasan diberikan pembelajaran pengayaan sebagai
cakupan materi pembelajaran dengan pendalaman sebagai pengetahuan tambahan
Siwa yang mencapai nilai n > n (maksimum) diberikan materi melebihi cakupan materi
pembelajaran dengan pendalaman sebagai pengetahuan tambahan.
b) Remedial
Pembelajaran remedial dilakukan bagi peserta didik yang capaian pembelajarannya belum
Tahapan pembelajaran remedial dilaksanakan melalui remidial teaching (klasikal), atau tutor
sebaya, atau tugas dan diakhiri dengan tes / non tes.

H. Refleksi Peserta Didik dan Guru

Apakah pembelajaran yang saya lakukan sudah sesuai dengan apa yang saya rencanakan?

Bagian rencana pembelajaran manakah yang sulit dilakukan?

Apa yang dapat saya lakukan untuk mengatasi hal tersebut?

Berapa persen siswa yang berhasil mencapai tujuan pembelajaran?

Apa kesulitan yang dialami oleh siswa yang belum mencapai tujuan pembelajaran?

Apa yang akan saya lakukan untuk membantu mereka?


Apakah kalian memahami konsep materi yang dipelajari hari ini?

Pada bagian mana yang belum kalian pahami?

Apakah LKS membantu kalian memahami materi hari ini?


A. Lampiran Lembar Kerja Siswa


1. Menyimak
Peserta didik dapat memahami makna tersurat dan tersirat berbagai macam teks lisan dan
tulis berhubungan dengan bagaimana cara berkomunikasi lewat perangkat telepon etika
maupun tata caranya.

2. Menulis
Peserta didik dapat memahami makna tersurat dan tersirat berbagai macam teks lisan dan
tulis berhubungan dengan bagaimana cara berkomunikasi lewat perangkat telepon etika

maupun tata caranya

3. Berbicara
Peserta didik dapat mempraktekkan ungkapan-ungkapan pada dialog yang telah dibuat
dengan pengembangan pada topik atau konteks

 Here are some texts you can infer the development of telephone technology that impact human
life you can read in
 Working in groups of 4 to understand and discuss the texts, whether it‟s relevant with your
 Before going to the material, please watch the following videos about telephone handling:

Learn the expressions commonly for telephone conversation!

A. Expressions of Telephone Handling

Time Expressions
1. In the  Formal
beginning Hello, it’s Nanda from Jaya Nusantara Teknik. May I help you?
calls Good morning/ afternoon. Nanda from Jaya Nusantara Teknik. What can I do
for you?

 Informal
Hello, It’s Nanda, Who is this?
Hello, It’s Nanda, Is it Ari?
Hello, It’s Nanda, Is Ari there?
Hello, Nanda speaking?

2. Making Calls 1) Requesting a particular person or service

May I speak to Mr. Bates, Please?
May I speak to the manager, please?
May I have the Account Department, please?

2) Identifying yourself
This is Mr. Delano‟s secretary
This is Pierre Humphrey
I‟m calling on behalf of Mr. Humphrey

3) The person you are calling is not in

Could you tell me when he‟ll be back?
Do you know what time she‟ll be back?

4) Leaving a message
Yes, could you tell him to call me back?
Yes, tell her that I call. This is Rita
No, thanks. I‟ll call back later
No, thanks. It‟s not urgent

3. Receiving 1) Requesting a particular person or service

Calls May I speak to Mr. Bates, Please?
May I speak to the manager, please?
May I have the Account Department, please?

2) Identifying yourself
This is Mr. Delano‟s secretary
This is Pierre Humphrey
I‟m calling on behalf of Mr. Humphrey

3) The person you are calling is not in

Could you tell me when he‟ll be back?
Do you know what time she‟ll be back?

4) Leaving a message
Yes, could you tell him to call me back?
Yes, tell her that I call. This is Rita
No, thanks. I‟ll call back later
No, thanks. It‟s not urgent

4. In The End Bye.

May I call your letter?
Yes, sure. Bye.
Nice talking to you
Thank you for calling

B. More useful vocbularies for making telephone calls

Making a telephone calls

1. Calling someone you don't know (Opening dialogue)

Perhaps a colleague has asked you to call someone. You don't know the person, so you should
introduce yourself and mention your colleague's name

a. You : "Hello, this is Sarah Brown calling, from McIvor Worldwide.”

Other person: "Hello, what can I do for you?”

b. Other persons: "Hello, how can I help you?”

You : "I'm calling on behalf of Tom McIvor…"

c. You : "Tom McIvor suggested that I call you."

d. You : "Tom McIvor asked me to call you."

Dialogue: 1
You : "Hello, this is (Tom McIvor). How are you?”
Other person : "Fine, and yourself?”
You : "Fine, thanks. How's the restructuring going?”
Other person : "Well, we're pretty busy, as you can imagine.”
You : "Yes, I can! Anyway, I'm calling about. To introduce the subject of your call,

Dialogue: 2
You : "Can I speak to Mr. Smith, please?" or ("Is Mr. Smith there, please?”)
Receptionist : "May I ask who's calling" or "Could I have your name? Please?"
You : "Yes, this is Tom McIvor speaking.”

2. Calling someone you know (Social Talks)

If you know the person, or have spoken before, it's normal to chat for a few seconds before saying
why you are calling

You : "Hello, this is (Tom McIvor) speaking."

or "Hello, this is (Tom McIvor).”

You might also want to add your company name

: "This is (Tom McIvor) from (McIvor Worldwide)

The other person: "Hello, how are you

You : "Fine, thanks. And you
The other person: "Very well, thanks

or "Not bad."
or "Can't complain."
or "A bit busy" etc.
You : "Oh good."
or "Oh right."
or "Glad to hear that."

If someone asks you how you are, respond (positively!) and return the question. This social talk
can be extended. You could ask about a project you know the person is working on, or a mutual
friend, or the person's family

3. Giving numbers

Here's a phone number: 0171 222 3344, and here's how to say it:
"Oh-one-seven-one, triples two, double three, doubles four."
Or “Zero one seven one, triple two, double tree, double four”

When you say a seven digit number, separate the number into two blocks of three and four,
pausing after each block. Each digit is spoken separately, unless it's a double or triple. If the
second part of the number was '5555', you'll probably find it easier to say 'double five – double

Asking someone’s number

Receptionist: "Does he have your number?"
or "what‟s your number, please?‟

4. Spelling

If you need to spell your name, or take the name of your caller, the biggest problem is often

saying vowel sounds: Saying consonants

'a' is pronounced as in 'may' 'g' is pronounced like the 'j' in 'jeans'

'e' is pronounced as in 'email' or 'he' 'j' is pronounced as in 'DJ' or 'Jane'
'i' is pronounced as in 'I' or 'eye' 'w' is pronounced 'double you'
'o' is pronounced as in 'no' 'x' is pronounced 'ex'
'u' is pronounced as 'you' 'y' is pronounced 'why'
'z' is pronounced 'zed' (rhymes with
Some symbols: 'bed' in British English), or 'zee'
@ is pronounced 'at'. (rhymes with 'sea' in American
For instance, is English).
"caiman, at, clara, dot, net".

/ is "forward slash".
- is called a "hyphen" or a "dash".
_ is an "underscore".

Officer: Could you spell that for me, please?

Tourist: L-E-V-I-S
Officer: And now your first name.
Tourist: Ann Blake. Oh, no, that‟s my Mom‟s. Joking. Just Blake.
Officer: I‟m sorry, but I am afraid you are going to spell that one, too.
Tourist: B-L-A-K-E.
Officer: B-L-A-K-E, alright

5. Leaving or taking a message

Receptionist : "I'm afraid Mr. Smith is…
… out of the office today."
… off sick today."
… in a meeting."
… on holiday."
or "I'm afraid his line is engaged."
"…Would you like to leave a message?"

You : "Could you ask him to call me back?"

or ("Could you ask him to return my call?”)

The receptionist uses "I'm afraid" or "I'm sorry" if he or she can't connect you

If the receptionist doesn't offer to take a message you can ask to leave one
You : "Could I leave a message, please
Receptionist: "Yes, certainly." / "Yes, of course

6. What to say when there's a problem

1. When you can't hear someone

"I'm sorry, could you speak up, please?”
"I'm sorry, I can't hear you very well
"I'm sorry, the line's bad – could you repeat what you just said

2. When you don't understand what someone says

"I'm sorry, I didn't get that. Could you say it again, please.”
"I'm afraid I don't follow you. Could you repeat it, please.”
"I'm sorry, I'm not sure I understand. Would you mind explaining it again, please?”

3. When you want to correct what the other person has

"Actually, it's 16, not 60."
(Stress the two words where there is confusion – in this example the 16 and the 60)

"I'm sorry, but I think there's been a misunderstanding. The payment's due next week, not
next month.”

"I'm sorry, but that's not quite right.."

(When you refer back to what someone has just said. You then go on to say what IS right).

4. Checking that you understand something

"So if I understand you correctly…”
"When you say… do you mean…?”

Tips for telephone conversations:

1. if you haven't spoken to the person before, or don't know them – get straight to the reason for your
2. try to speak clearly and don't be afraid to speak more slowly than normal
3. think about what you want to say before calling
4. don‟t be afraid to ask your caller to repeat themselves if you don‟t understand. You can say,
5. "I'm sorry, could you repeat that please?" or "Sorry, I didn't quite catch.”

Answering the Phone

In this Unit, we will first look at expressions for answering the phone. Please note the different
expressions used when answering the phone at home and at work

Answering the Phone At Home

 Hello?
 Hello, Sato residence.
 Hello, Ken Sato speaking.
 Ken Sato.
 Yeah! (informal)

Answering the Phone in the Office

 Sato Corporation. May I help you?
 Ken Sato speaking. May I help you?
 Personnel Department. How may I help you?

Asking a Caller Who He/She Wants to Talk to

 Who do you want to talk to?
 Who would you like to talk to?
 Who do you wish to speak to?

Asking a Caller to identify Him/Herself

 May I ask who's calling, please?
 Who shall I say is calling?
 Who's calling, please?
 Who's calling? (informal)
 Who is it? (informal)

Putting a Caller on Hold

 Hold the line, please.
 Just a moment, please.
 Just a second, please.
 Please hold on.
 Please hold on a second.
 Please hang on a second.
 Hold on. (informal)
 Hold on a sec. (informal) (sec = short for second)
 Hang on a sec. (informal)


Dialog 1: (Jan is calling her friend, Joe)

Joe: Hello?
Jan: Hello, is Joe there?
Joe: Speaking. Who's it?
Jan: Joe, this is Jan.
Joe: Oh, hi, Jan. How are you?

Dialog 2: (Jan is calling her friend, Joe. Joe's wife answers the phone)

Wife: Brown residence.

Jan: Hello, may I speak with Joe, please?
Wife: May I ask who's calling?
Jan: It's Jan Kato calling.
Wife: Hold on a second.

Dialog 3: (Jan is calling her client at his office)

Receptionist: IMB Corporation. May I help you?

Jan: Hello, may I speak with Mr. Tim Horton please?
Receptionist: May I ask who's calling, please?

Offering Help to a Caller
In this Unit, we will look at situations when the person you want to speak to is not available. What
can you say when you want to leave a message? Or, if you answer the phone, and the caller wants
to speak to someone who is not available, what can you say to offer help to the caller?

Here are some common and useful expressions:

1. Offering to Take a Message from a Caller

 He's not in right now; can I take a message?
 Mr. Brown is not available. Can I take a message?
 Mrs. Sato is off today. Could I take a message?
 Mr. Lee is busy right now. Would you like to leave a message?
 Mr. Kim is on holiday. Could I have someone call you?

2. Offering to Help a Caller

 Would you like to talk to someone else?
 Could I help you?
 Is there anyone else who could help you?
 Would you care to talk to his secretary?
 Would you like me to put you through to his secretary?

3. Caller - Leaving a Message

 Please tell him to call me at 438-389-3388.
 Please ask him to give me a call at 416-908-3839.
 Please ask him to call me back. He has my number.

4. Caller - Not Leaving a Message

 I'll call back later.
 I'll try him again later.
 I'll call him again tomorrow.
 I'll give him a call next week.

Dialog 1

Receptionist: Good morning, IGS Corporation. May I help you?

Mr. Robertson: Yes, Tim Robertson from Global Inc. here. May I speak to Ms. Johnson, please?
Receptionist: Ms. Johnson is not in right now; can I take a message?
Mr. Robertson: Yes, please tell her to call me back this afternoon. My number is 459-983-3983.
Receptionist: OK. I'll tell her as soon as she gets in.
Mr. Robertson: Thank you.
Receptionist: You're welcome.

Dialog 2
Receptionist: Good morning, IGS Corporation. May I help you?
Mr. Robertson: Yes, may I speak to Mr. Brown, please?
Receptionist: Mr. Brown is on holiday right now. Would you care to talk to his secretary?
Mr. Robertson: Uh...When will he be back?
Receptionist: Next Monday.
Mr. Robertson: Well, in that case I'll give him a call again next Monday. Thanks.
Receptionist: You're welcome.

Wrong Number
This Unit deals with the situation of dialing the wrong number. How can you tell someone
who has dialed the wrong number? Or, when you have dialed the wrong number, what should you
say? Here are some useful expressions:

1. Telling a Caller He/She Has Got the Wrong Number

 I'm sorry, you've got the wrong number.
 There is no one by that name here.
 I think you've dialed the wrong number.
 You've got the wrong number.
 Sorry, wrong number. (informal)

2. Caller - Apologizing after Dialing a Wrong Number

 I'm so sorry.
 Sorry for disturbing you.
 Excuse me.

Dialog 1:

Man: Hello?
Ann: Hello, is Tom there please?
Man: What number are you calling?
Ann: 416-456-9999
Man: Sorry, wrong number.
Ann: Oh, I'm so sorry.
Man: That's OK. Bye.
Ann: Bye.

Dialog 2:

Woman: Hello?
Tanaka: Hi, may I speak to Janice please?
Woman: What number are you calling?
Tanaka: Oh, is this 416-905-3344?
Woman: Yes, but there's no one by that name here.
Tanaka: Oh, sorry for disturbing you.
Woman: No problem. Bye.
Tanaka: Bye.

Bringing a Telephone Conversation to an End (More formal)

 It's been a pleasure talking to you. Bye now.
 Thank you for calling. Good-bye.
 Can we continue this later? I have a call on another line.
 Could we continue this later? I have a meeting right now.
 Excuse me, can I call you back? Something urgent has come up.
 Excuse me; I'm in the middle of something. Can I call you back?

Dialog 1: (between 2 friends)

Jim: ... so in the end I spent the weekend watching TV at home.
Joe: That's too bad! Hey, listen, I have to get back to work now. Talk to you later.
Jim: OK. Nice talking to you. Bye now.
Joe: Bye.

Dialog 2: (between 2 business associates)

Tom: Tom Jones speaking.
Liz: Hi, Tom. This is Liz. I need to talk to you about the report you sent me last week.
Tom: Uh.. Liz. I'm sorry but I'm in the middle of something. Can I call you back this
Liz: Sure. No problem. Talk to you this afternoon then. Bye.
Tom: Bye.

Dialog 3: (Tom and Liz are now talking about the report)
Tom: ... I think we need to look at the calculations again.
Liz: Right. Tom, can we continue this later? I have to go to a meeting in 5 minutes.
Tom: Sure. How about giving me a call tomorrow morning? We can then go over the rest of the
Liz: OK. I'll talk to you again tomorrow morning. Thanks Tom. Bye now.
Tom: Bye.

Telephone conversation samples

Dialog 1: booking a room over the phone

Clerk: Royal Inn. How may I help you?

Jim: Hello, I'd like to reserve a single room for next week.
Clerk: Certainly, sir. When will you be arriving?
Jim: Well, I'll be arriving on June 15.
Clerk: And how many nights will you be staying?
Jim: Two nights. I'll be leaving on June 17.
Clerk: OK. I'll check to see if there are any vacancies. Please hold on.
Jim: Thanks.
Clerk: Hello, sir. There's no problem. There are rooms available on June 15.
Jim: Great! By the way, what is the room rate?
Clerk: US$75 per night for a single room.
Jim: OK. Does it come with a bath?
Clerk: Yes, all of our rooms have bath or shower.
Jim: OK. Can I reserve a room then?
Clerk: Sure. May I have your name and telephone number, please?

Dialog 2: talking with a friend

Sandra : Hello. It‟s Sandra Thorne speaking.
Hellen : Hi, Sandra. Helen‟s here. What are you doing?
Sandra : I‟m just watching television
Helen : Why don‟t we go and see a movie?
Sandra : I‟d love to but I‟m waiting for a phone call from Robert.

Dialog 3: interruption when talking on the phone

Sandra : Hello, Joyce. I can hardly hear you. Speak up.

Joyce : I‟m speaking as loudly as I can.
Sandra : Oh, it‟s my younger brother. He‟s playing the piano. Just a minute, Tony! Please don‟t
play the piano while I am talking on the phone. That‟s better. Can you hear me now Joyce?
Joyce : Yes, but now I‟ve forgotten what I wanted to tell you.

Practice 1: Figure out both of the phone conversation below!

1. Secretary and a caller
Secretary : Good morning. Gama Corporation. Can I help you?
Caller : Good morning. May I speak to Mr Fahrur Assegaf, please?
Secretary : Who‟s speaking, please?
Caller : This is Apryan Siregar of Horasindo Oil Company.
Secretary : Mr. Apryan Siregar. Just a moment, please.
Caller : All right.
Secretary : I‟m sorry, Sir. Mr. Assegaf is in a meeting with the Board now.
Caller : That‟s OK! He is the Headboard. Can I leave a message?
Secretary : With pleasure, Sir.
Caller : Please tell him to call me back at 1 p.m. today.
Secretary : Right, Sir. Could I have your phone number, please?
Caller : Sure. +62-817-410-4496. Have you got that?
Secretary : Yes, Sir. +62-817-410-4496. Anything else, Sir?
Caller : Is Mr. Rahmat, his assistant, in?
Secretary : I‟m sorry, Sir. He is attending a seminar in Ogan Hotel. Could I take your
message, Sir?

Caller : Emm…please tell him that I‟ll come to see him at 9 tomorrow morning.
Secretary : Right, Sir. I‟ll give your message.
Caller : OK. Thank you for your help. Goodbye.
Secretary : You‟re welcome, Sir. Goodbye.

2. Sasha and Katty

Sasha‟s brother : Hello
Katty : Hey is Sasha there?
Sasha‟s brother : Uh, yeah. Who‟s this?
Katty : It‟s Katty
Shasa‟s brother : wait a minute
Sasha : Who is it?
Katty : It is Katty
Sasha : Hey, what are you doing?
Katty : Nothing, just relaxing at home. How about you?
Sasha : me too
Katty : You wanna go out for food?
Sasha : Sure, what were you thinking?
Katty : Let‟s just go out and find something. I‟ll eat anything.
Sasha : Sounds good.. I‟m really hungry.
Katty : Meet you down there.
Sasha : Okay

Practice 2: Based on the phone dialogue above answer the questions below!
What is the purpose of each of the dialog 1 and 2?

Dialog 1 :

Dialog 2 :

Practice 3: Fill in the blanks with correct answers!

Question Dialog 1 Dialog 2

Who is calling?

Who is receiving
the phone call?

To whom does the

caller want to

Is the person he/she

wants to speak is

What does the

receiver do?

What is the purpose

of the phone call?

Formal or Informal?


Choose the correct responses below for the following expressions!

calls Response
1. May I ask who's calling? • This is Bob Hall.
2. I'm sorry, but she's out to lunch right now. • I'll call her after lunch.
3. Could I have your telephone number, please? • Yes. It's 532-9843.
4. Would you like to leave a message? • No. I'll call later.
5. Could you spell your name, please? • It's spelled T . . I . . M
6. I'll be sure to give her the message. • Thank you
7. I'm sorry, but he's in a meeting now. • Do you know when it'll be over?
8. I'm sorry, but he won't be back to the office • Alright. Please tell him Jeff called.)
until Thursday afternoon. • Sure. No problem.
9. Mr. Jones would like to reschedule • No. Just tell her I called
Wednesday's appointment to next Monday at
10 o„clock.
10. Shall I have her call you back later today?

Fill the blank with correct words!

phone tell come leave know

put call wrong minute name

1. Could I please have your ____________ number?

2. He can't ___________ to the phone right now.
3. Please ___________ him to call me tonight.
4. Just a ____________ please.
5. What is your ___________?
6. I am sorry, but you have ____________ number.
7. Wait a minute, I ____________ you through Mr. Allen.
8. May I ____________ who is speaking, please?
9. Would you like to ____________ again later?
10. Can I ____________ a message for him?


Complete the telephone onversation by choosing the correct answer!

1. Joe : Hello?
Jane : Hello, is Joe there?
Joe : . . . . Who's it?
Jane : Joe, this is Jane.
Joe : Oh, hi, Jan. How are you?
A. Telling
B. Calling
C. Talking
D. Speaking

2. Wife : Brown residence.

Jan : Hello, may I speak with Joe, please?
Wife :....
Jan : It's Jan Kato calling.
Wife : Hold on a second.
A. May I ask who's calling?
B. Speaking, please?
C. What can I help you?
D. Is it correct number?

3. Man : Hello?
Ann : Hello, is Tom there please?
Man : ....
Ann : 416-456-9999
Man : Sorry, wrong number.
Ann : Oh, I'm so sorry.
Man : That's OK. Bye.
Ann : Bye.

A. How many numbers are your phone?

B. What number are you calling?
C. Are you calling correct number?
D. Which number do you have?

4. Sandra : Hello, Joyce. I can hardly hear you. . . . . , please

Joyce : I‟m speaking as loudly as I can.
Sandra : Oh, it‟s my younger brother. He‟s playing the piano. Just a minute, Tony!
Please don‟t play the piano while I am talking on the phone. That‟s better.
Can you hear me now Joyce?
Joyce : Yes, but now I‟ve forgotten what I wanted to tell you.

A. Speak up
B. Shut up
C. Stand up
D. Sit down

5. Caller : Could I speak to Mr. David?

Operator : I‟m afraid Mr. David is not available. He went out a few minutes ago . . . ?
Caller : Sure. Could you ask him to call me back tomorrow?
Operator : Certainly. Could you give me your number please?
A. Can I leave a message
B. Could I make a message
C. Would you like me to call him
D. Would you like to leave a message

6. Receptionist: Good morning, Surya Cipta Importers. Can I help you?

Caller : Could I speak to Mr. Aswin?
Receptionist: Ok Sir, I‟ll connect you to him. Please wait for a moment. ( After a few seconds)
I‟m sorry, we fail to connect. Our line is still busy. . . .?
Caller : Sorry, I have a meeting this morning.
A. Would you like to call back
B. Who do you want to talk to
C. Can I see your phone number
D. Could you put me through the extension

7. Waiter : Good evening. This is Rita from Bambu Kuning Restaurant. What can I do for you?
Customer : I‟d like to speak with manager, please. I want to ask about the large order package.
Waiter : . . . . ? I‟ll put you through line 123.
Customer : Alright.
A. Hold on a moment, please.
B. Do you really call this number
C. May I ask who's calling, please
D. Can you mention your code area

8. Woman : Hello?
Caller : Hi, may I speak to Janice please?
Woman : . . .
Caller : Oh, is this 416-905-3344?
A. What number are calling
B. How many numbers do you have
C. Is this your correct phone number
D. What extention do you want to put through

9. Secretary and a caller

Secretary : Good morning. Gama Corporation. Can I help you?
Caller : Good morning. May I speak to Mr. Fahrur Assegaf, please?
Secretary : . . .
Caller : This is Apryan Siregar of Horasindo Oil Company.

A. Are you Mr. Siregar?

B. Who‟s speaking, please?
C. What can I call you?
D. Will you show your identity?

10. Man : Hello?

Ann : Hello, is Tom there please?
Man : What number are you calling?
Ann : 416-456-9999
Man :....
Ann : Oh, I'm so sorry.
Man : That's OK. Bye.

A. What‟s your name, please?

B. Tell him, I‟ll call later
C. Can I leave a message?
D. Sorry, wrong number

11. Woman : Hello?

Tanaka : Hi, may I speak to Janice please?
Woman : ...
Tanaka : Oh, is this 416-905-3344?
Woman : Yes, but there's no one by that name here.

A. Sorry, I think you have a wrong number

B. What number are you calling?
C. How many telephone numbers do you have?
D. Can I have your number, please?

12. Caller : Hello, my name is Darryl

Receptionist: Hello. . . . Can I help you?
A. Who is speaking?
B. I am your receptionist
C. Thank for calling
D. Can I leave a message?
13. Caller : Hello, I am Karen from Lotty the Italian restaurant. …
Call receiver: I‟m sorry that extention is bussy at this moment.
Caller : I see. Thank anyway.
A. May I sepak to thatextention?
B. Could you connect me to the extention 24?
C. Do you know the extention 24?
D. Can I help you to pass the extention 24?

14. Watch the video from the link below.

What is Ineke‟s message?

A. Asking Mr. Javier‟s phone number.
B. Telling about India, Nancy, Echo and Kilo
C. Opening the new building of a branch office
D. Discussing about a the opening a new branch office

15. Watch the video from the link below.

Based on the video, the statements below are some etiquette in handling telephone except…
A. Always speak clearly all you need to clear up the dialogue
B. Always identify yourself at the beginning of all calls
C. Think through exactly what you plan to say and discuss before you place a call
D. When leaving a message, always repeat your name and phone number

16. Watch the video from the link below.

Based on the video, in the beginning of the dialogue, the operator girl is . . .
A. Asking what the caller wants to order
B. Mentioning her name and her office
C. Asking the personal information of the caller
D. Informing the phone number of her office

17. Read the expression below.

A: This is Mr. Delano‟s secretary

B: This is Pierre Humphrey. I‟m calling on behalf of Mr. Humphrey
A: Alright. What can I help you?

The expression of B is for . . . .

A. Calling someone
B. Asking for other numbers
C. Not leaving a message
D. Identifying yourself

18. Read the text below.

 Yes, could you tell him to call me back?

 Yes, tell her that I call. This is Rita
 No, thanks. I‟ll call back later
 No, thanks. It‟s not urgent

All the expressions above are for . . . .

A. Calling and answering personal information
B. Requesting and responding a particular person
C. Asking and responding about leaving a message
D. Receiving and closing phone call

19. Read the conversation below.

The best expression in Bahasa Indonesia for „I‟m running out of credit‟ is . . . .
A. Pulsa saya habis
B. Saya sedang mencari pulsa
C. Saya butuh mengisi pulsa dengan cepat.
D. Saya segera mencari pinjaman

20. Read the formal conversation below.

Who is Mr. Johnson?
A. He maybe Mr. William‟s close friend
B. He maybe Emily‟s owner
C. He maybe Mr. William‟s client
D. He maybe Emily‟s manager

More practice, open



Note: Guru bisa memilih gagasan utama dari beberapa paragraf dibawah ini untuk mengawali
pembelajaran sebelum mengajukan pertanyaan pemantik.

Text 1 for Group 1

How the Telephone Changed the World
At first glance, this may seem like a silly question. The telephone is simply a cool way to
communicate with others over long distances! And it‟s true, the telephone has been around
for over a hundred years now, surpassed only by people‟s fascination with fire.

Imagine what it would have been like to hear a human voice over a telegraph cable for the
first time!
The first telephone call – “Mr. Watson (Thomas Watson), come here, I need you” – was
made by Alexander Graham Bell who introduced the Bell Telephone in 1876.

In 2022, the number of smartphone users worldwide will be 6.648 billion, which means that
83.89% of the world‟s population will own a smartphone. Why the Telephone Was Invented

The telephone was invented to improve the capabilities of the telegraph.

The telegraph allowed people to send messages from one place to another but was limited by
the fact that to send and receive messages they had to use Samuel Morse code, which was
impractical for transmitting many non-English texts because there were no codes for letters
with diacritical marks.

The telephone improved on this idea by allowing people to talk directly to each other over a
long distance via the telephone line. Alexander Graham Bell developed the device in 1876,
and it became one of the most important inventions in modern history. Not only was it a
crucial step in the development of communication technologies, but it also opened up new
ways for people to communicate with each other. How Did the Telephone Affect Society in
the 19th Century?

The telephone was invented in the 19th century (1870) and quickly became one of the most
important inventions of all time. The telephone exchange changed the world by allowing
people to talk directly to each other over long distances. Before the invention of the
telephone network, communication between two people required a third party to transmit a
message. The telephone bell system simplified this process and allowed for more efficient
commerce and social interaction.

Text 2 for Group 2

The telephone had a tremendous impact on society, including the way people did business
and communicated with each other. It took a while for the telephone to become widely
used, but today it is one of the most important technological tools in the world. It has
revolutionized the way people communicate.

The Impact on Society Today of the Invention of the Telephone

Imagine a world without phones, without cell phones, without smartphones. The telephone
has had a tremendous impact on society by providing the ability to communicate instantly
with anyone in the world.

When you consider that Alexander Graham Bell invented this device at a time when there
were no computers, no Internet, and no cell phone, it is truly amazing.

The telephone service has come a long way since the invention of the Bell Telephone in
1876 and the Bell Telephone Company was organized in Boston, Massachusetts, on July 9,

In 1878, Thomas Edison invented the coal grain transmitter, which enabled a strong voice
signal on the telegraph line and long-distance calls.

Text 3 for Group 3

The impacts the telephone has had on society:

1. Instant Communication
The impact of the telephone on the world has been immense. It has changed the way people
communicate, do business, and even live their daily lives. Today, the telephone is one of the
most widely used communication tools in the world and many people take it for granted. Before
the telephone was invented, people had to convey messages orally or in writing. With the advent
of the telephone service, instant communication became a reality for billions of people around
the world.

Before the invention of the telephone, if something happened, you had to wait for someone to
tell you about it, or you had to find out for yourself. With the telephone network, everything
changed. You could call your relatives and tell them about your life, or you could call your
friends and ask them how they were doing. It made life
much easier for everyone.

The biggest change was that you had to rely on word of mouth in emergencies. If someone had
to deliver a message in town, they had to go there themselves and deliver it. This caused many
problems in times of need. After the invention of instant communication, everything changed.

2. News Spread Faster

The invention of the telephone meant that news from family and friends, as well as national and
international news, spread more quickly. Telephone newspapers, introduced in the 1890s,
transmitted news and entertainment to subscribers over telephone lines, and radio broadcasting
began in the 1920s when radio stations began broadcasting.

3. More Jobs
Before the invention of the telephone, most communication was done through face-to-face
meetings, written letters, or telegraphy.
The invention of the telephone made it easier and faster for people to communicate with each
other, even if they were far apart. The telephone created new jobs for telephone operators,
salespeople, and customer service representatives.
Eventually, the demand for telephone services became so great that instead of hiring more
telephone operators and salespeople, telephone companies created new jobs such as engineers and
customer service representatives. These people worked to automatically connect a call, and then
they worked to improve things like the reliability of the network. The auto-attendant made it
possible to connect many calls at the same time over the same lines, which made it much cheaper
to make calls per call. The invention of the telephone technology also created the need for
customer service representatives to help users with problems.

4. More Business
Telephones allowed people to talk business and negotiate contracts more quickly and efficiently.
Phones made it possible to conduct business without being in the same room, which reduced both
travel time and costs. It also allowed businesses to expand beyond their local area by attracting
customers from anywhere. It became possible for businesses to have offices in different cities or
even countries and still communicate with each other quickly and easily.
Telephones also provided a new way for businesses to advertise their products. Classified ads
could be placed in telephone directories so that potential customers would see them every time
they looked up a number, and companies could now send out flyers with phone numbers printed
on them so that customers could call them directly with questions about their products. Large
companies could set up customer service departments for consumers who wanted more
information about their products.

5. Long Distance Relationships

Before the invention of the telephone by Alexander Graham Bell in 1876, it was difficult to
maintain long-distance relationships. At that time, the fastest way to communicate with a person
who lived far away was to write letters. Letters took a long time to travel across country borders.
When a person started a journey, it could take weeks or even months for their partner to receive
word of their safe arrival.
The invention of the telephone call made it possible for people in relationships to call each other at
any time and speak immediately. They no longer had to wait days or weeks for a letter to arrive.
The telephone line made it easier for people in a relationship, especially a great distance
relationship (eg: from San Francisco in North America to London in the United Kingdom), to stay
in touch with each other. You could now be connected with someone a thousand miles away via a
telephone call, and within seconds: hear a human voice as if you were in the same room together!

Text 4 for Group 4

How Telephone Technology Has Changed Over Time

Telephones have been around in various forms since the 19th century, and they have undergone a number
of changes since then.

The first telephone to become popular was a box-shaped device with a crank on the side and a receiver
held to the ear. It was invented in 1876 by Alexander Graham Bell. The telephone was soon adapted for
commercial use, as telephone operators connected people by inserting plugs into the appropriate sockets.
Users could also be put on hold and make conference calls, although early systems required all participants
to be in the same room.
Throughout the early 20th century, this basic design continued to improve, with the addition of dials,
pushbuttons, and automatic attendant systems. Callers could also make other long-distance calls with
manual assistance.

In 1973, Dr. Martin Cooper of Motorola introduced the first cell phone at a press conference in New York.
Cell phones were initially very expensive, but with competition from Nokia, Samsung, Motorola, and
others, prices dropped quickly.
IBM introduced its first smartphone in 1992. Today, smartphones are an important part of our lives. They
allow us to access information, use social media on the go, and even offer apps that can help us start our
own business or manage our money (e.g., you can make a Western Union transfer instantly through the app
and do not have to go to a physical office).

How Smartphones Have Changed Our Lives

Telephones have changed the way we communicate, while smartphones have changed the way we live.
Here are five examples of how smartphones have changed our lives:
Smartphones Have Changed the Way We Plan Ahead
Before smartphones, it was necessary to plan ahead. You had to call someone and make plans in advance.
If you were going to be late, you had to call and give a heads up. You had to know the address so you
could look it up on a map. You had to plan for parking or public transportation schedules. If you wanted to
go out to eat, you might have to make a reservation before you got to the restaurant.
Today, thanks to smartphones and constant Internet access, we can contact people and make plans at the
last minute, often for free with apps like Facebook Messenger or WhatsApp. We can also cancel at the last
minute because we know they‟ll get our message as soon as they see it.
We can now search for addresses instantly with Google Maps (or similar apps) and be guided there
instantly with navigation from GPS. We no longer have to worry about parking or public transportation
schedules because we can simply use ride-sharing services like Uber or Lyft (or similar apps) that work
automatically through
smartphone technology. Want to go out to eat? Order a delivery from Postmates, DoorDash, GrubHub, or
similar apps that let you order food from participating restaurants via a smartphone app.

Text 5 for Group 5

The Way We Interact
Smartphones have changed the way people interact with each other. It‟s a great way to stay
in touch with people even when they are far away, but it can also become stressful when
people misuse this tool. In the past, we could call people, find out how they were doing, and
occasionally send us photos. Nowadays, we can follow someone on social media and keep
track of their daily progress. In the past, a call was more spontaneous, but today people are
so overwhelmed by the use of technology that more and more calls are scheduled, even with
friends and family.

The Way We Work

With the help of these devices, you can do so much in a fraction of the time it used to take.
You can send and receive emails, make important calls, surf the web, and use many other
productivity apps on the go.
Smartphones are as common in offices as they are out in public places. They have
revolutionized what it means to be productive during a typical workday.
The ability to communicate quickly is one of the key benefits of smartphones for businesses.
You can send an email or make a call anytime, from anywhere. This makes it easier for you to
stay in touch with others, especially if you travel a lot for work. It‟s also a great way to keep
clients updated on your progress, especially if you work from home. The same goes for
colleagues who work in different departments or branches of your company.
Teamwork is easier today than ever before, as smartphones allow you to collaborate with your
team members while you are on the road or even when everyone is not in the same room.

Our Pace of Life

The impact of smartphones on our lives is huge. We are now constantly on the move, trying to
keep up with fast-paced times. We have become accustomed to instant reactions and instant
gratification. You only have to look at how we interact with each other today to realize how
technology has changed our lives. People have become so accustomed to texting and emailing
that they often do so instead of calling or talking in person. Some people even prefer texting
because it gives them time to think about their response before they say anything.
If you are in your twenties or thirties, you probably grew up with a mobile phone in your pocket
and have never lived without one. You probably do not think much of calling someone for five
minutes, but then when it‟s time for them to call you back, you do not answer because texting is
faster than talking.

Our Well-Being
When people used phones, they usually never called after a certain time unless it was urgent.
Today, we are all connected via the internet on our smartphones, receiving notifications 24/7
via social media and email. Studies have shown that smartphones also have many negative
effects that we did not have with phones.
Stress because we have to keep up with everything. Every time you turn around, there seems
to be a new version of your favorite device or software program that has even more features

that you need to learn about. It can be stressful to have to keep up with everything.
Sleep disturbances. The light from computer screens and other devices can cause sleep
problems because it suppresses the sleep hormone melatonin, according to the National Sleep
Foundation. And checking email or social media just before bed can raise blood pressure and
release stress hormones that make it harder to fall asleep and stay asleep through the night.
Risk of injury. Using handheld devices can cause repetitive strain injuries in your hands, arms
and neck. These include symptoms such as stiffness and pain in your shoulders and neck, pain
from the base of your skull to your upper back, tingling in your fingers, and pain or weakness
in your
How the Telephone Has Affected the Economy
There are two ways to look at the impact of the telephone on the economy. The first is how the
telephone itself has changed since its invention and how those changes have affected the
economy. The second is to look at how the telephone has changed our lives and our economy
as a whole from a social perspective.
The telephone itself has undergone many changes since its invention in 1876.
At first, it was simply a device for transmitting voice over wires. Alexander Graham Bell, the
inventor of the telephone, would not recognize today‟s smartphones as telephones at all. Sure,
they can transmit voice, but they can also transmit video and text messages. They have
calculators, calendars, games, and cameras built-in.
However, the core function of the phone has remained the same: It allowed us to communicate
over long distances using electrical pulses instead of Morse code or telegraph.
This has allowed us to communicate much faster than before – information that used to take
weeks or months to travel between continents now takes seconds or minutes.
This allows companies to respond more quickly when markets change or emergencies arise. It
also makes it easier than ever for people who are far apart to stay in touch.


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