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16 JUNI 2023
A. Kegiatan Zoom Meeting bersifat Sharing dan Diskusi
B. Materi yang akan dibahas Sesuai dengan Kisi Kisi UP / UKMPPG thn 2023
yang ada di web

C. Kegiatan akan berlangsung selama kurang lebih 2 jam atau lebih sesuai dengan
materi yang dibahas

D. Grup WA dapat digunakan bersama untuk informasi terkait Pelaksanaan Zoom

Meeting dan bisa juga digunakan untuk diskusi/sharing sesama peserta terkait
PPG terutama UKIN dan UP

E. Tidak Menjamin soal yang sama akan muncul saat ujian dan tidak menjamin
F. Peserta akan mendapatkan File Materi serta Rekaman Kegiatan Zoom Meeting


4 Standar
Kompetensi Guru
1. Kompetensi Pedagogik
Kompetensi pedagogik adalah kemampuan atau keterampilan guru
mengelola proses pembelajaran atau interaksi belajar mengajar
dengan peserta didik. Terdapat 7 aspek dalam kompetensi pedagogik
yang wajib dikuasai, yaitu:
• Karakteristik para peserta didik
• Teori belajar dan prinsip pembelajaran yang mendidik
• Pengembangan kurikulum
• Pembelajaran yang mendidik
• Pengembangan potensi para peserta didik
• Cara berkomunikasi
• Penilaian dan evaluasi belajar
2. Kompetensi Kepribadian

Kompetensi kepribadian berkaitan dengan karakter guru, yang wajib dimiliki

agar menjadi teladan bagi para peserta didik. Selain itu, para guru juga harus
mampu mendidik para muridnya agar membantu mereka memiliki
kepribadian yang baik. Terdapat beberapa kepribadian yang harus dimiliki
guru, yaitu:

• Kepribadian yang stabil, bertindak sesuai dengan norma sosial dan bangga
menjadi guru.
• Kepribadian yang dewasa, menampilkan kemandirian dalam bertindak
sebagai pendidik dan memiliki etos kerja sebagai guru.
• Kepribadian yang arif menampilkan tindakan yang didasarkan pada
kemanfaatan peserta didik, sekolah dan masyarakat dan menunjukkan
keterbukaan dalam berpikir dan bertindak.
• Kepribadian yang berwibawa meliputi memiliki perilaku yang berpengaruh
positif terhadap peserta didik dan memiliki perilaku yang disegani.
• Berakhlak mulia meliputi bertindak sesuai dengan norma religious dan
memiliki perilaku yang diteladani peserta didik.
3. Kompetensi Profesional
Kompetensi profesional ini adalah kemampuan atau keterampilan yang harus
dimiliki guru agar tugas-tugas keguruan dapat diselesaikan dengan baik dan
benar. Keterampilan ini berkaitan dengan hal-hal yang teknis dan berkaitan
langsung dengan kinerja guru. Indikator kompetensi profesional guru adalah:

• Menguasai materi pelajaran yang diampu, meliputi struktur pelajaran,

konsep pelajaran dan pola pikir keilmuan materi tersebut.
• Menguasai Standar Kompetensi (SK), Kompetensi Dasar (KD), dan tujuan
pembelajaran dari pelajaran yang diampu.
• Mampu mengembangkan materi pelajaran dengan kreatif sehingga bisa
memberi pengetahuan dengan lebih luas dan mendalam.
• Mampu bertindak reflektif dami mengembangkan keprofesionalan secara
• Mampu memanfaatkan Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi (TIK) dalam
proses pembelajaran serta pengembangan diri.
4. Kompetensi Sosial
Kompetensi sosial merupakan kemampuan guru untuk berkomunikasi
secara efektif dengan peserta didik, tenaga kependidikan, orang
tua/wali peserta didik, dan masyarakat sekitar. Kemampuan ini

• Bertindak objektif, tidak diskriminatif berdasarkan jenis kelamin,

agama, ras, kondisi fisik, latar belakang keluarga, dan status sosial
• Berkomunikasi secara efektif, empatik, dan santun kepada sesama
pendidik, tenaga kependidikan, orangtua/wali peserta didik dan
masyarakat sekitar.
• Beradaptasi di tempat bertugas di seluruh wilayah RI yang memiliki
keragaman sosial budaya.
• Berkomunikasi dengan lisan maupun tulisan.
Mrs. Sari always prepares her teaching well. She prepares her lesson
plan and chooses the right media to teach the lesson. To introduce a
new narrative text, she usually uses pictures to do brainstorming and
videos to give examples of spoken form of narrative text. She knows
that she needs to model texts before asking the students to create a
A. Personality competence
B. Professional competence
C. Communicative competence
D. Social competence
E. Pedagogic competence
Teachers are required to be honest, virtuous, mature, faithful, moral;
self-actualizing ability such as discipline, responsibility, sensitivity,
objectivity, flexibility, insightful, able to communicate with others. It is
included in the types of:

A. Paedagogic Competence
B. Paedagogic Competence
C. Personality Competence
D. Social Competence
A profession is a position or job that demands the expertise of its
members. This means that the work cannot be done by just any
untrained person and is not specially prepared to do the work. It is
included in the types of:

A. Paedagogic Competence
B. Professional Competence
C. Personality Competence
D. Social Competence
Teachers must have an understanding of the nature, characteristics of
students and their development, understand some educational
concepts that are useful for helping students, master several teaching
methodologies that are in accordance with the materials and
development of students, and master the right and good evaluation
system which in turn further improves the abilities of students. It is
included in the types of competencies:
A. Pedagogic Competence
B. Professional Competence
C. Personality Competence
D. Social Competence
Teachers must have a good identity, be responsible, open, and
continue to be willing to learn to move forward. This includes the
following types of competencies:

A. Pedagogic Competence
B. Professional Competence
C. Personality Competence
D. Social Competence
Teachers are obliged to have empathy for others, tolerance for
others, have a positive attitude and personality and be attached to
every other competence, and be able to cooperate with others.
This includes the types of competencies:

A. Pedagogic Competence

B. Professional Competence

C. Personality Competence

D. Social Competence
The following are included in the dimension of social competence,
A. Teamwork, seeing opportunities, role in group activities,
responsibility as a citizen
B. Leadership, social volunteering, maturity in creating, sharing
C. Empathy, concern for others, tolerance, conflict solutions,
accepting differences, cooperation
D. High IQ, broad and quality relationships, managerial, leadership
Mastering the concepts, structures, scientific / technological / artistic
methods that overshadow / coherent with teaching materials, the
teaching materials in the school curriculum are...

a. Pedagogic competence
b. Personality competence
c. Social competence
d. Professional competence
A teacher should carry out life long learning as time changes. Mr. Yono
believes in that saying too. He is always happy to learn new things to
improve his teaching. He also applies different teaching methods to
keep students’ interest.

A. This show that Mr. Yono has a good

B. Pedagogic competence
C. Personality competence
D. Social competence
E. Professional competence
Dimensi pengetahuaN


Pengetahuan faktual berisi tentang FAKTA – FAKTA yang

mendetail, spesifik, dan elementer.

Contoh: mengamati buku, siswa dapat mendeskripsikan ciri-ciri

dari buku tersebut.

1. Pengetahuan terminologi (istilah)

2. Pengetahuan khusus dan elemen-elemennya


Pengetahuan konseptual berkaitan dengan KLASIFIKASI, KATEGORI ;

prinsip-prinsip, generalisasi; teori, model dan struktur.

Penguasaan pengetahuan faktual ditandai dengan kemampuan

mengklasifikasikan data, mengelompokan data berdasarkan ciri-ciri
kesamaannya, atau berdasarkan perbedaannya; menunjukkan
kekuatan atau kelemahan sebuah pernyataan, mengenali prinsip-
prinsip, menyimpulkan, menguasai teori, menunjukan contoh, dan
mengenali struktur.
Contoh Pengetahuan Konseptual

• pengetahuan tentang prinsip-prinsip pemerintahan desa;

• pengetahuan tentang prinsip-prinsip pertandingan dan
perlombaan dalam olahraga;
• pengetahuan tentang dasar-dasar pengembangan karakter
• pengetahuan tentang penjumlahan dan pengurangan;
• pengetahuan tentang prinsip-prinsip dasar melukis.

Pengetahuan prosedural adalah pengetahuan tentang bagaimana

urutan langkah-langkah dalam melakukan sesuatu.
Pengetahuan prosedural meliputi pengetahuan dari umum ke
khusus dan algoritma, pengetahuan metode dan teknik khusus
dan pengetahuan kriteria untuk menentukan penggunaan
prosedur yang tepat (Anderson, L. & Krathwohl, D. 2001).

• pengetahuan tentang prosedur pemanfaatan panas matahari

sebagai sumber tenaga;
• tentang prosedur pendirian organisasi sosial;
• tentang mengartikan kata yang didasarkan pada analisis struktur
• tentang langkah-langkah pembuatan gambar peta;
• tentang langkah-langkah pengukuran tegangan listrik;

kesadaran berpikir tentang apa yang diketahui dan apa yang tidak
Dalam konteks pembelajaran, siswa mengetahui bagaimana untuk
belajar, mengetahui kemampuan dan modalitas belajar yang dimiliki,
dan mengetahui strategi belajar terbaik untuk belajar efektif

1. Pengetahuan strategis
Pengetahuan strategis adalah penegtahuan
tentang strategi-strategi belajar dan berpikir
serta pemecahan masalah.
• Pegetahuan tentang mengulang-ulang informasi merupakan salah satu cara
unuk menanamkan informasi
• Pengetahuan tentang berbagai strategi elaborasi sperti memparafrase dan
• Pengetahuan tentang berbagai strategi pengorganisasian seperti menuliskan
garis-garis besar dan menggambar diagram

2. Pengetahuan tentang tugas-tugas kognitif

Pengetahuan tentang tugas-tugas kognitif adalah
pengetahuan tentang kapan menggunakan strategi
belajar, berpikir, dan pemecahan masalah pada kondisi
dan konteks yang tepat.
• Pengetahuan bahwa tugas mengingat kembali (misalnya soal
jawaban singkat) berbeda dengan tugas mengenali (misalnya soal
pilihan ganda)
• Pengetahuan bahwa buku sumber lebih sulit dipahami daripada
buku teks atau buku populer

3. Pengetahuan diri
Pengetahuan diri adalah pengetahuan tentang kekuatan dan
kelemahan diri

• Pengetahuan bahwa dirinya mempuyai pengetahuan yang mendalam pada satu
bidang, tetapi tidak mendalam pada sebagian bidang yang lain.
• Pengetahuan bahwa dirinya cenderung mengandalkan strategi kognitif tertentu
dalam situasi tertentu
• Pengetahuan yang akurat tentang kemampuan sendiri untuk menyelesaikan
tugas tertentu
• Pengetahuan tentang minat pribadi pada tugas tertentu
• Pengetahuan tentang keputusan pribadi tentang manfaat suatu tugas


During the demonstration, students are assigned to

describe a picture of the scene they have seen. This
is a dimension of knowledge………….
A. Factual
B. Conceptual
C. Procedural
D. Metacognitive

Answer : A. Factual

Students are assigned to answer questions about

understanding of the descriptive text and its use in
daily life. This is included in knowledge….
A. Factual
B. Conceptual
C. Procedural
D. Metacognitive

Answer: B. Conceptual

As a form of final assignment, the teacher assigns

students to project-based practicum form for growing
chilies. As for the development of chilli growth
reported weekly for a period of 2 months. This
activity is a dimension of knowledge ...
A. Factual
B. Conceptual
C. Procedural
D. Metacognitive

Answer: D. Metacognitive

The teacher explains the steps of cultivating

oyster mushrooms is a dimension knowledge……..
A. Factual
B. Conceptual
C. Procedural
D. Metacognitive

Answer : C. Procedural

At the time of learning, a teacher provides image of the

human digestive system. Then, teacher ask students to
mention the organs system digestion according to the
picture. This learning activities comes into the dimension
of ………….
A. Factual
B. Conceptual
C. Procedural
D. Metacognitive

Answer: A. Factual

Mr. Joko explained about the formula to form

sentences by using "Simple Present Tense". This
includes the dimension of …………………

A. Factual
B. Conceptual
C. Procedural
D. Metacognitive

Answer: B. Conceptual

During the quarantine period, Mrs. Riska gave assignments to

document daily activities and reported once every three days.
What has been done by Mrs. Riska is a dimension of ………………..
A. Factual
B. Conceptual
C. Procedural
D. Metacognitive

Answer: D. Metacognitive
one of the teachers’ responsibility is providing base
information about a subject or discipline that the students
must be acquainted with.
This description belong to the concept of….
A. Metacognitive knowledge
B. Declarative knowledge
C. Procedural knowledge
D. Conceptual knowledge
E. Factual knowledge
Answer: D. Conceptual Knowledge
Technological PedAgogical Content Knowledge
What is TPACK ???
TPACK merupakan singkatan dari technological pedagogical content
knowledge. TPACK adalah pengetahuan tentang pentingnya integrasi
antara teknologi dan pedagogik dalam pengembangan konten di dunia
Mengapa TPACK penting diterapkan dalam
Hal itu karena pendekatan ini diharapkan mampu memberikan arahan
baru bagi pendidik tentang bagaimana menerapkan teknologi di dalam
pembelajaran, sehingga kegiatan pembelajaran bisa berjalan secara
efektif dan efisien.
Komponen TPACK

Jika ditinjau dari namanya, yaitu technological pedagogical content knowledge,

TPACK terdiri dari tiga komponen berikut:
• Teknologi
• Pedagogik
• Konten pengetahuan

Ketiga komponen ini tidak bisa dilepaskan satu sama lain. Bagaimana tidak,
kehadiran teknologi diharapkan mampu berkolaborasi dengan ranah pedagogik
guru untuk menghasilkan konten pembelajaran yang efektif bagi peserta didik.

Hal itu sejalan dengan konsep pendidikan yang ditekankan di abad 21 di mana
guru dituntut untuk mahir dalam mengaplikasikan teknologi dalam

Koehler dan Mishra merumuskan TPACK ke dalam tujuh unsur. Unsur

tersebut biasa disebut sebagai tujuh domain pengetahuan seperti berikut
1. Pedagogical knowledge (PK)

PK berisi pengetahuan yang harus dikuasai guru dalam pembelajaran,

misalnya metode mengajar, pengelolaan kelas, merencanakan
pembelajaran, penilaian kegiatan siswa, dan sebagainya. Bapak/Ibu
biasa mengenal PK dengan istilah pengetahuan pedagogik.
2. Content knowledge (CK)

• Jika PK terkait serangkaian proses yang harus dikuasai guru dalam

pembelajaran, maka CK terkait dengan substansi materi yang harus
dikuasai guru dalam pembelajaran.
• Penguasaan materi seorang pendidik akan berpengaruh pada
pemahaman peserta didik pada materi yang diajarkan. Oleh sebab
itu, Bapak/Ibu harus memahami dengan baik kedudukan CK dalam
3. Technology knowledge (TK)

• TK merupakan pengetahuan tentang pentingnya integrasi teknologi

dalam pembelajaran. Teknologi bisa dimanfaatkan dalam proses
komunikasi, pengolahan data peserta didik, serta penunjang
produktivitas guru.

• Terlebih lagi di masa pandemi seperti sekarang ini, teknologi sudah

menjadi faktor penting yang harus dikuasai oleh semua kalangan,
baik guru maupun siswa.
4. Pedagogical content knowledge (PCK)
• PCK lebih fokus pada proses pembelajaran yang nantinya akan dipilih
guru pada materi yang sedang diajarkan. PCK memuat pemilihan
metode mengajar, rencana pembelajaran, sampai fasilitas pendukung
5. Technological content knowledge (TCK)

• TCK merupakan pengetahuan tentang pengaruh teknologi pada suatu

disiplin ilmu pengetahuan. Artinya, seberapa besar pengaruh
teknologi pada perkembangan suatu disiplin ilmu pengetahuan.
6. Technological pedagogical knowledge (TPK)
• TPK merupakan pengetahuan yang memuat hubungan antara
teknologi dan proses pembelajaran. Melalui TPK inilah guru bisa
memahami kelebihan serta kekurangan teknologi dalam
pembelajaran untuk kemudian dijadikan bahan evaluasi.
7. Technological pedagogical content
knowledge (TPACK)

• TPACK merupakan integrasi antara ketiga komponen, yaitu teknologi,

pedagogik, dan konten pembelajaran. Di era serba teknologi seperti
sekarang ini, guru dituntut untuk mahir dalam mengintegrasikan
ketiganya. Terlebih lagi, sudah banyak
bermunculan platform penunjang pembelajaran (e-learning), salah
satunya Quipper Video.
which teacher activities below apply TPACK in learning.....
a. teacher presents the material using image
b. teacher delivers simple past tense material using audiovisual
c. teacher conducts group discussion about discussion text material
d. teacher presents descriptive text material through YouTube video
then ask student to discuss in a group discussing social function of
descriptive text
English teachers see their learners are not enthusiastic about following
their learning. then the next meeting he wants to show a video before
starting learning to motivate his students. in this case the teacher has
used technology as... .
a. understanding of learning materials
b. management of learning
c. assessment of learners
d. learning strategies
English teachers will teach recount text materials using discovery
learning, because it is considered suitable for students and will
improve their understanding of the material. If the teacher wants to
use TPACK in learning, then in the illustration above the thing that
needs to be added is..........
a. content
b. pedagogy
c. technology
d. knowledege
The low participation of students in the classroom encourages a
teacher to provide google drive so that the work of students can be
interested properly so that it can make it easier for other friends to
give advice related to their friend's work. This is the integration of
technology in the domain……..

a. understanding of learning materials

b. management of learning
c. assessment of learners
d. learning strategies
Content knowledge

Content knowledge refers to the body of knowledge –facts, theories,

principles, ideas, vocabulary– which teachers must master to be
effective. Teachers should have a deep understanding of the subject
they teach and corresponding curriculum
Mr. Eko is preparing material for teaching recount text on historical event. He list
some matters that may be related to the objectives of the lesson:
1. Present tenses
2. Past tenses
3. Adverb of time
4. A video about the battle of Surabaya
5. Pictures that show the battle of Surabaya
6. Video player.
From the list, the content knowledge relevant to the lesson is shown in number
A. 2 dan 4
B. 3 dan 4
C. 2 dan 3
D. 1 dan 2
E. 2 dan 5
Miss Nadia is preparing her own class of teaching speaking. She is going to
teach expression of asking for and giving opinion. She listed some important
things that may be related to the objectives of the lesson.
1. Expression of giving opinion
2. Modal: should, had better
3. Videos that show expression of asking for and giving opinion
4. Pictures that show different situations
5. Video players

From the list, the content knowledge of the lesson is shown on number.....
A. 3 Dan 4
B. 1 dan 2
C. 2 dan 4
D. 2 dan 5
E. 1 dan 3
Pak Burhan will teach descriptive text. Before teaching, he listed some important things for
his class.
1. Past tense.
2. Present tense.
3. Adjective order.
4. YouTube channel.
5. Projector.
6. Subject-verb agreement.
7. Power point.

From the list, the aspect of content knowledge involves in number .....
A. 4, 6 and 7
B. 1, 2 and 3
C. 4, 5 and 7
D. 1, 5 and 7
E. 2, 3 and 6
The following are some activities in the classroom which purpose is to enable students to
create an announcement given in specific situations.
1. The teacher assigns the students to create an announcement in specific situation.
2. The students collect information about phrases or sentences used in an announcement
in a specific place from their text books..
3. The students listen to online recordings of announcements in various places and identify
the clauses used.
4. The students make script of oral announcement on a specific assigned situation.
5. The students record their voice reading the announcement and post it on podcast.

Activities that represent the implementation of TPACK in project based learning are shown
on number . . .
A. 2 and 3
B. 1 dan 2
C. 2 and 4
D. 1 dan 3
E. 3 and 5
This chart can help you remember the difference between anaphoric,
cataphoric and exophoric referencing more simply:

Type of Reference Location of Referenced Noun

Anaphoric Reference Up (sooner in the sentence)

Cataphoric Reference Down (later in the sentence)

Exophoric Reference Outside (not in the sentence)

Anaphoric Reference
Jeffi and Rusman……… They ……….
Ayat Ayat cinta …………. The book …….

Cathaphoric Reference
They ………. Jeffi and Rusman………
The book ……. Ayat Ayat cinta

Exophoric Reference
……….. they ………..
………. The book …..
Identify whether the underlined word below is
anaphoric or cataphoric:

Jasleen and her parents visited Japan last year.

They had such a great time together.

a. Anaphoric
b. Cathaphoric

Answer: Anaphoric
Identify whether the underlined reference word
below is anaphoric or cataphoric:
Azhar bought a new bicycle yesterday. He
loves his new bicycle very much.

a. Anaphoric
b. Cathaphoric

Answer : Anaphoric
Identify whether the underlined reference word below
is anaphoric or cataphoric:

One day, while the old woman was washing clothes, a giant peach floated
down the river. She took the peach home.

a. Anaphoric
b. Cathaphoric

Answer : Anaphoric
Identify whether the underlined reference word below
is anaphoric or cataphoric:

For many years, East German people devised creative ways to sneak out of East
Germany. Some people dug tunnels, some others tried crashing through
checkpoints with cars,trucks; still others flew out in small airplanes or balloons.

a. Anaphoric
b. Cathaporic

Answer : Cathaphoric
Identify whether the underlined word below is
anaphoric or cataphoric:
On 21st December 1972, the Basic Treaty was signed by East and West
Germany, and relations between the two countries started to improve.
During the next two decades, they began to cooperate with each other
by sharing cultural and commercial activities such as arts exchange
programme and joint business ventures.

a. Anaphoric
b. Cathaphoric

Answer : Anaphoric
Identify whether the underlined word below is
anaphoric or cataphoric:
On 21st December 1972, the Basic Treaty was signed by East and West Germany,
and relations between the two countries started to improve. During the next two
decades, they began to cooperate with each other by sharing cultural and
commercial activities such as arts exchange programme and joint business

a. Anaphoric
b. Cataphoric

Answer : cataphoric
Identify whether the underlined word below is
anaphoric or cataphoric:

On 21st December 1972, the Basic Treaty was signed by East and West
Germany, and relations between the two countries started to improve.
During the next two decades, they began to cooperate with each other by
sharing cultural and commercial activities such as arts exchange
programme and joint business ventures.
a. Anaphoric - Cataphoric
b. Cataphoric – Anaphoric
c. Exophoric – Anaphoric
d. Cataphoric– Exophoric

Answer: A. Anaphoric - Cataphoric

Looking at herself in the mirror, Hikmah realized that
she had lost some weight.

Based on this sentence, which is refer to cataphoric reference ?

a. Hikmah......., she.....
b. herself...., Hikmah......

Answer: b. herself...., Hikmah......

Identify whether the underlined word below is
anaphoric, cataphoric or exophoric:
“They're late again, can you believe it?”
“I know! Well, they'd better get here soon or it'll get
a. Anaphoric - Cathaporic
b. Cathaphoric – Anaphoric
c. Exophoric – Exophoric
d. Cathaphoric – Exophoric

Answer : c. Exophoric – Exophoric

A man walked of the theatre at 06 PM.(1) it was
dark.(2).He bumped into a woman who looked

Answer : d.exo-ana
Identify whether the underlined word below is
anaphoric, cataphoric or exophoric:
“They're late again, can you believe it?”
“I know! Well, they'd better get here soon or it'll get
a. Anaphoric - Cathaporic
b. Cathaphoric – Anaphoric
c. Exophoric – Exophoric
d. Cathaphoric – Exophoric

Answer : c. Exophoric – Exophoric

"I know! Well, (1) they'd better get here soon or (2) it'll get cold." ,
grandma complained.
Based on the underlined words, number 1 and 2 use ....
A. exophoric and anaphoric
B. anaphoric and cataphoric
C. exophoric and exophoric
D. exophoric and cataphoric
E. anaphoric and exophoric

Answer : C. exophoric and exophoric

Actually , I live in(1) a small village . You probably don't know it. It's
called Palmela (2) It's south of Lisbon and It's by the coast,so It's really
nice. We get a nice view of the mountains and of the rivers. I really
enjoy living there. It's really quite, not a lot of people there.
The bold words number 1 and 2 belong to ....... References.
A. Anaphoric and exoporic
B. Cataphoric and cataphoric
C. Cataphoric and anaphoric
D. Exoporic and exophoric
E. Anaphoric and cataphoric

in a sentence

Populations of co-existing, closely related, but

diverging variants of HCV RNA molecules (Old
information) are termed qausispecies (new
information). Quasispecies (old information) occur
in many RNA viruses (new information).
“Antibiotic resistant microorganisms have significantly
compromised antibiotic treatment. A large proportion of resistance in
Gram-negative bacteria can be attributed to resistance gene cassettes
contained within a site-specific recombination system, termed the
integron. Mobile cassettes contain genes that confer resistance to
nearly every major class of antibiotic, and some disinfectants. New
gene cassettes continue to be identified and the sequences of over
60 cassettes are deposited in the GenBank/EMBL databases, as of
January 2001. This rapid increase in the identification of gene
cassettes has led to the same name being given to two different gene
cassettes, or the incorrect naming of gene cassettes. This letter aims
to clarify the current nomenclature for the aadA and dfr families of
genes.” (White 2007)
Table of old and new information
Old Information New Information
Antibiotic resistant microorganisms antibiotic treatment

resistance gene cassettes contained within a site-specific

A large proportion of resistance in Gram-negative bacteria
recombination system, termed the integron.

Mobile cassettes genes

resistance to nearly every major class of antibiotic, and

some disinfectants

New gene cassettes

the sequences of over 60 cassettes the GenBank/EMBL databases

the same name being given to two different gene cassettes,

This rapid increase in the identification of gene cassettes
or the incorrect naming of gene cassettes

the current nomenclature for the aadA and dfr families of

This letter
It is currently thought that the most of universe matters is in the form
of stars. Based on the clause the new information is….

A. The matter of the universe

B. Most of the matter
C. The form
D. Stars
E. The universe
Bike events will hold your bike for three months, after which it may be
disposed of. You will be charged off all costs incurred in returning your
Thr new information in the sentence is ….
A. Bike events will be hold
B. 3 months bike events
C. All costs incurred returning the bike
D. It may be disposed of
E. You will bw charged for all changed
A large proportion of resistance in Gram-negative bacteria can be
attributed to resistance gene cassettes contained within a site-specific
recombination system, termed the integron. Based on two elements
of the sentence, the new information is . . .
a. a site-specific recombination system
b. attributed to resistance gene cassettes contained within a site-
specific recombination system, termed the integron
c. the integron
d. resistance in Gram-negative bacteria
e. Gram-negative bacteria
Most of our knowledge of stars and how they evolve comes from the
study of the visible light they emit. Based on two elements of the
sentence, the new information is….

A. What they emit

B. Most of our knowledge
C. How they evolve
D. The visible light
E. Our knowledge of stars
(penilaian akhir pembelajaran),

penilaian yang dilaksanakan setelah proses pembelajaran selesai.

dimaksudkan untuk memberikan pengakuan terhadap pencapaian

hasil belajar setelah proses pembelajaran selesai

CONTOH: berbagai bentuk penilaian SUMATIF, seperti

Ujian Nasional, ujian sekolah/madrasah

Penilaian HASIL Belajar

(penilaian untuk pembelajaran),

dilakukan selama proses pembelajaran berlangsung.

dan biasanya digunakan sebagai dasar untuk melakukan perbaikan
proses belajar mengajar.
pendidik dapat memberikan umpan balik terhadap proses belajar
peserta didik, memantau kemajuan, dan menentukan kemajuan

CONTOH : Berbagai bentuk penilaian formatif, misalnya

tugas, presentasi, proyek, termasuk kuis

penilaian untuk PROSES belajar.

(penilaian sebagai pembelajaran)

assessment as learning melibatkan peserta didik secara

aktif dalam kegiatan penilaian tersebut.

Peserta didik diberi pengalaman untuk belajar menjadi penilai bagi

dirinya sendiri.

contoh : Penilaian diri (self assessment) dan penilaian

antar teman.

penilaian untuk REFLEKSI belajar.

Assessment Of learning Assessment For learning Assessment As learning

Dilakukan oleh siswa (diri sendiri

Dilakukan oleh guru Dilakukan oleh guru
atau teman sejawat)

Untuk menentukan tingkat

Untuk menentukan instruksi apa Untuk menentukan apa yang
prestasi siswa dari ekspetasi
yang dilakukan selanjutnya dilakukan selanjutnya dalam
seluruhnya pada pemberian poin
(strategi, perbedaan) belajar
disetiap waktu

Untuk menyiapkan deskripsi

umpan balik pada siswa (apa Untuk menyiapkan deskripsi
mereka mengerjakan dengan Sebagai bukti pada pengambilan umpan balik pada teman sejawat
baik, apa membutuhkan keputusan secara profesional dan dirinya sendiri (penilaian
perbaikan, dan bagaimana teman sejawat dan diri sendiri)

Tujuannya adalah untuk

menjadikan refleksi, belajar
memonitoring diri sendiri

1. In assessment ___ learning teachers adjust their plans and

engage in corrective teaching.

A. Assessment for Learning

B. Assessment of Learning
C. Assessment as Learning

2. Development of self-assessment and peer-assessment skills fall

into which category?

A. Assessment for Learning.

B. Assessment of Learning
C. Assessment as Learning

3. Assessment ___ learning guides students in setting goals and

monitoring their progress toward them

A. Assessment for Learning.

B. Assessment of Learning
C. Assessment as Learning

4. Assessment ___ learning is used to make judgments about

students' performance in relation to provincial standards

A. Assessment for Learning.

B. Assessment of Learning
C. Assessment as Learning

5. Assessment ___ learning uses a task or an activity for the

purpose of determining student progress during a unit or block of

A. Assessment for Learning

B. Assessment of Learning
C. Assessment as Learning

6. Assessment ___ learning uses a task or an activity to allow

students the opportunity to use assessment to further their own

A. Assessment for Learning

B. Assessment of Learning
C. Assessment as Learning
8. Pendekatan penilaian yang digunakan untuk mengukur kemampuan peserta
didik dalam proses dan hasil pembelajaran adalah ....

a. assessment of teaching and learning, assessment for teaching and

learning, assessment as teaching and learning.
b. assessment of learning, assessment for teaching and learning, assessment
as teaching and learning.
c. assessment of learning, assessment for learning, assessment as learning
d. assessment to learning, assessment as learning, assessment as learning

Jawaban : C. assessment of learning, assessment for learning,

assessment as learning
9. Penilaian yang dilakukan selama proses
pembelajaran berlangsung merupakan
pendekatan penilaian ...

a. Assessment for learning.

b. Assessment of learning
c. Assessment as learning
d. Assessment based learning

Jawaban : A. assessment for learning.

10. Promoting independent learning in English classes. Dr. Nohow applies self
assessment technique. He guide learners to set their own goals, to monitor
their own progress. He provides examples and models …. Quality work that
reflects curriculum outcomes, and works with the students to develop their
criteria of good practice.
Here Dr. Nohow implements the concept of assessment
A. As learning
B. In learning
C. About learning
D. Of learning
E. For learning

Pada prinsipnya, tes atau instrumen yang

dimaksudkan untuk mengukur hasil belajar
harus baik.
Tes yang baik harus memenuhi
beberapa kriteria, yaitu:
1. Practicality (praktis)
2. Realibility (reliabel)
3. Validity (valid)

4. Authenticity (autentik)
5. Washback (dampak tes)
1. Practicality

Kepraktisan (practicality ) mengacu pada kemudahan-

kemudahan yang ada pada sebuah tes
(instrument/alat evaluasi) baik dalam mempersiapkan,
menggunakan, menginterpretasi/ memperoleh hasil,
maupun kemudahan dalam menyimpannya.
2. Realibility
Reliabilitas (reliability ) tes adalah tingkat keajegan
(konsitensi) suatu tes, yakni sejauh mana suatu tes
dapat dipercaya untuk menghasilkan skor yang ajeg,
relatif tidak berubah walaupun diteskan pada situasi
yang berbeda-beda.

Suatu tes dapat dikatakan reliabel (handal) sama bila

diteskan pada kelompok yang sama pada waktu atau
kesempatan yang berbeda.
3. Validity
Validitas (validity) tes mengacu pada tingkat ‘ketepatan’ tes tersebut
sebagai alat ukur hasil belajar siswa.

Suatu tes/instrumen dikatakan valid apabila tes/instrumen

tersebut dapat dengan tepat mengukur apa yang hendak

Tes yang dimaksudkan untuk mengukur kompetensi

listening, maka seluruh butir soal harus berbentuk teks
lisan yang diperdengarkan kepada siswa, bukan teks tulis.
4. Authencity
Penilaian autentik menyajikan siswa dengan tantangan
dunia nyata yang mengharuskan mereka untuk
menerapkan keterampilan yang relevan dan
pengetahuan mereka.

Authentic assessment is often based on performance:

Students are asked to demonstrate their knowledge, skills,
or competencies in whatever way they find appropriate.

Penilaian otentik sering didasarkan pada kinerja: Siswa

dimintauntuk menunjukkan pengetahuan, keterampilan, atau
kompetensi dengan cara apapun yang dirasa cocok bagi
5. Washback

Washback or backwash refers to effects of language testing on

teaching and learning (Aldersen & Wall, 1993).

A test affects participants, processes and products in

teaching and learning.

The washback could be positive or negative, either for the

students or the teachers.
Prinsip Penilaian
• Sahih, berarti penilaian didasarkan pada data yang mencerminkan kemampuan yang
• Objektif, berarti penilaian didasarkan pada prosedur dan kriteria yang jelas, tidak
dipengaruhi subjektivitas penilai.
• Adil. berarti penilaian tidak menguntungkan atau merugikan peserta didik karena
berkebutuhan khusus serta perbedaan latar belakang agama, suku, budaya, adat
istiadat, status sosial ekonomi. dan gender.
• Terpadu, berarti penilaian oleh pendidik merupakan salah satu komponen yang tak
terpisahkan dari kegiatan pembelajaran.
• Menyeluruh dan berkesinambungan, berarti penilaian oleh pendidik mencakup semua
aspek kompetensi dengan menggunakan berbagai teknik penilaian yang sesuai, untuk
memantau perkembangan kemampuan peserta didik.
• Sistematis, berarti penilaian dilakukan secara berencana dan bertahap dengan
mengikuti langkah-langkah baku.
• Beracuan kriteria, berarti penilaian didasarkan pada ukuran pencapaian kompetensi
yang ditetapkan.
• Akuntabel, berarti penilaian dapat dipertanggungjawabkan, baik dari segi teknik,
prosedur, maupun hasilnya.



1. What is practicality?
A. A test is effective
B. A test has a good methodology
C. A test is easy to administer

2. A test is consistent and dependable. This concept is...

A. Washback
B. Validity
C. Reliability
D. Authenticity
E. Practicality

3. This concept talks about the extent to which inferences made from
assessment results are appropiate, meaningful, and useful in terms of
the purpose of the assessment.
A. Washback
B. Validity
C. Reliability
D. Authenticity
E. Practicality

4. ____________ generally refers to the effects the tests have on

instruction in terms of how students prepare for the test.
A. Washback
B. Validity
C. Reliability
D. Authenticity
E. Practicality
5. For a CPR Course Assessment, documents such as
Instruction to Assessors and Assessment
Specifications are given to various assessors
to ensure consistency over time and with different
candidates.Which Principle of Assessment has been
illustrated in the above scenario?
A. Washback
B. Validity
C. Reliability
D. Authenticity
E. Practicality

6. Pupils are asked to perform real-world tasks

that demonstrate meaningful application of
essential knowledge and skills.
Which principle applies to the statement
A. Washback
B. Validity
C. Reliability
D. Authenticity
E. Practicality

7. Students are given multiple essays sets. Assessors grade the

first essay on each student's paper before grading the second
essay. This allows the evaluator to apply the same set of criteria
at a time.
Which principle suits the situation?
A. Washback
B. Validity
C. Reliability
D. Authenticity
E. Practicality

8. The measure or assessment of consistency of scores across

time or different contexts is called
A. Washback
B. Validity
C. Reliability
D. Authenticity
E. Practicality

09. “Student are asked to perform real-world tasks that

demonstrate meaningful application of essential
knowledge and skills.”
Which principle applies to the statement above?

A. Washback
B. Validity
C. Reliability
D. Authenticity
E. Practicality

A teacher give explanation by using google meet, then she give

questions on google form. Students should answer all the question
before the due that has been set using form limiter. The positive
washback from this activity is the value of ….
a. Bravery
b. Team work.
c. Discipline
d. Honesty
e. Cooperation

to measure the student learning achievement,the teacher can

assess the students using test that are developed based on some
principles. The degree to which the test actually measure what it is
intended to measure belongs to principles of ...

A. Validity
B. Reliability
Pengertian Penelitian Tindakan Kelas

Peneltian Tindakan Kelas adalah penelitian yang dilakukan di

dalam kelas menggunakan suatu tindakan untuk meningkatkan
kualitas proses belajar mengajar agar diperoleh hasil yang lebih
baik dari sebelumnya.
Tujuan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas
• Memperbaiki Pola Mengajar Guru
• Memperbaiki Prilaku Peserta didik
• Meningkatkan dan memperbaiki praktik pembelajaran
• Mengubah kerangka kerja guru dalam mengajar sehingga terjadi
peningkatan layanan profesional guru.
Manfaat Penelitian Tindakan Kelas

• Meningkatkan Mutu dan Kualitas Pembelajaran Dikelas

• Mengembangkan kinerja profesional guru
• Melatih guru untuk menjadi problem solving andal
• Melatih kreativitas Guru
• Menumbuhkan Rasa percaya diri guru
• Meningkatkan Kualitas Suatu Instansi Sekolah
Bagian – Bagian Proposal
Penelitian Tindakan Kelas(PTK)

• Bagian awal
(halaman sampulm lembar persetujuan, kata pengantar dan daftar isi)

• Bagian Pokok
(pendahuluan, latar belakang, rumusan masalah dan pemecahannya, tujuan dan
manfaat penelitian, kajian pustaka, kajian teori, kajian hasil penelitian yang
relevan, hipotesis, rencana penelitian, subjek penelitian, prosedur PTK, serta
pengumpulan data dan analisis data)

• Bagian Akhir
(Penutup, daftar istilah (Jika ada), daftar pustaka dan lampiran)
Siklus Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK)

• Tahap Perencanaan
Pada tahap ini, peneliti harus mempersiapkan dengan matang konsep penelitian yang akan
dijalankan, misalnya rencana pembelajaran beserta instrumenya.

• Tahap Pelaksanaan
Tahap penting penentu keberhasikan penelitian. Pada tahap inilah seorang guru akan
mengeksekusi rencana yang telah dibuat. Pada tahap ini guru harus bisa mengajar dengan
baik dan apa adanya. Artinya jangan terlihat tegang dan seolah olah terpaksa.

• Tahap Pengamatan
ada dua hal yang harus diamati yaitu kegiatan belajar siswa dan kegiatan mengajar guru.
Kegiatan belajar siswa dipantau selama proses pembelajaran berlangsung. Sementara
kegitan mengajar guru dipantau oleh orang lain (kolaborator) misal teman sesama guru.
• Tahap refleksi
bisa berupa diskusi guru sebagai peneliti bersama dengan kolabiratir / teman sejawat yang
bertujuan untuk membagikan hasil pengamatan kolaborator terhadap kinerja guru di kelas
There are several students who are very active, while some others are
inactive. The inactive students feel bored with the way the teacher’s
teaching. They found it monotonous. Consequently, the class is not
conductive for a lesson.
Based on the situation, the best topic for the classroom action
research is related to . . . .
A. Teaching method
B. Instructional technology
C. Learning evaluation
D. Learning media
E. Learning material
Mrs. Tuti found that some students in her class still find difficulties in
using imperative sentences. While others have no problems in it. To
improve the students’ ability in using imperative sentence, she applies
jigsaw technique.
Based on the illustration, the teacher purpose in conducting classroom
action research is . . .
A. to improve the material quality
B. to apply appropriate materials
C. to find appropriate way of teaching
D. to improve her way of teaching
E. to improve the students’ writing ability.

The most appropriate reflection is done by PTK researchers at the

A. Before drafting a proposal
B. After identifying the problem
C. After determining remedial action efforts
D. After making repair efforts

Answer : D. After making repair efforts

From the results of the problem analysis conducted in his class, Mr. Joko saw that in 3 times the English replay
given, on average only 2 out of 30 students were over 60. Most students are unable to solve questions about
grammar. In addition, at every English lesson, the classroom atmosphere becomes tense because students
find English as a difficult lesson. In connection with this problem, Mr. Joko then formulated the following
learning problem: "What methods can I use so that students can work on questions about grammar and in a
more relaxed atmosphere?“
Furthermore, the problem can be detailed operationally as follows:
1) Will assignments or homework be able to improve students' learning outcomes?
2) What is the form of task material that can arouse student motivation towards English lessons?
3) Do I need to consult with the Principal?

A. 1 and 2
b. 1 and 3
c. 2 and 3
d. 1, 2 and 3

Answer : A. 1 and 2
If levels are given like this:
a) Knowledge
b) Application
c) Comprehension
d) Evaluation
e) Synthesis
f) Analysis.
Identify correct order (Original)
• a,f,b,d,c,e
• a,c,d,f,b,e
• a,c,b,f,e,d
• b,a,c,f,g,d
Students can complete an overlapping paragraph using articles a,an,
the,singular, plural correctly. The form of learning objective ast the
cognitive ability level which represents
A. Comprehension
B. Analysis
C. Application
D. Synthesis
E. Evaluation
Students are able to fill in the blanks in a given dialogue with the
correct expression of gratitude. The learning objective measure the
cognitive level of….

A. Analyzing
B. Understanding
C. Evaluating
D. Applying
E. Creating
There is basic competence which states that students are able to
differentiate between compound and complex sentences correctly .The
learning objective measures the cognitive level of ...

A. Analyzing
B. Creating
C. Applying
D. Understanding
E. Evaluating
A teacher writes an instructional objectives as: By the end of this
lesson the students will be able to use verb in the sentences.
The sub domains or level of learning in which objective will fall is

A. Knowledge
B. Comprehension
C. Analysis
D. Application
child is able to tell that the dog is a living thing and the fan is a non
living thing.
Which learning objective is shown to be achieved by this statement.

A. Knowledge
B. Comprehension
C. Analysis
D. Application
Indicator: Students are able to use the correct words/phrases to
complete a curriculum vitae.
one of possible questions that can measure the achievement of the
indicator is’…’.

A.why is the text written?

B. what is the purpose of the text?
C. where can we find this text?
D. which term is appropriate to complete the text?
E. to whom is the text addressed?
An English teacher want to know students' comprehension about
generic structure in exposition text. Teacher evaluasi

A. Rearrange jumble paragraf

B. Performance
C. Short sesaat
D. Role play
to evaluate the students’ ability in producing an exposition text, the
teacher should better use…

a. objective test
b. spoken test
c. cloze test
d. observation test
e. essay
when a teacher is saying, “ Lucy, listen and repeat after me” in
response to a student who cannot pronounce the word “ develop”
correctly, the teacher’s instructional act is categorized as providing the
student with ….
A. corrective feedback
B. encouragement
C. comprehensive input
D. guided practice –
E. emphatetic support
Corrective feedback is information provided to an individual or group
about how her or its behavior, actions, style, strategies, etc. are perceived
by and affecting others. It is meant to lead to positive change, and, in the
case of community advocacy, to more effective advocacy or public policy.

The most comprehensive taxonomy of corrective feedback has been

provided by Lyster and Ranta (1997) who classified corrective feedback
into six categories. They include: explicit correction, recast, metalinguistic
feedback, elicitation, repetition, and clarification request.

Such feedback, known as a recast, often leads to the child repeating his
or her utterance correctly (or with fewer errors) in imitation of the
parent's model.
Which of the following is the correct formulation of an item indicator
for reading comprehension?
A. Given a short notice, students identify the pronunciation of a word
in the notice properly
B. Given a short notice, students recall the contextual meaning of a
word in the notice appropriately
C. Given a short notice, students remember the meaning of a word in
the notice contextually
D. Given the short notice, students identify the synonym of a word in
the notice correctly
E. Given the short notice, students understand the synonym of a
word in the notice meaningfully
In a writing class, the teacher assess the students’ competence in
accomplishing the communicative functions of written texts according
to form and purpose.
The teacher wants the give feedback to the students.
One of the possible language feedback statements is . . .

A. “you used some lovely word choice in your closing statement

B. You progress a lot this month
C. You look upset today
D. What’s wrong with you? I can’t read your hand writing
E. I dont understand what you mean
Gina is going to apply for job which requires at least 1 year working
experience. Therefore, she is writing an application letter. In the body
of the letter, she writes the intention of her writing. She also informs
where she got the information of the job vacancy from and what
position she is applying.
To convince the reader of her application letter, one more important
information that should be included is . . .
A. Her educational background
B. The certificates she has
C. Her expectation to be hired
D. Her previous job experience
E. Her name and signature
The aim of the lesson is students are able to exchange appropriate
personal current news, feelings, and conditions. In order to achieve
the goal, teachers are able to use . . . . technique.
a. note taking
b. Contrasting
c. making dialogue
d. Reporting
e. paraphrasing
A basic competency states that students can compile procedural texts,
oral and written, in the form of analytical exposition related to the use
of technology, by taking into account social functions, text structure,
and linguistic elements, correctly and in context.
According to the Basic Competency, the activity which boosts IT as the
foundation of learning is ….
A. students read the theory of analytical exposition from online
B. students will save their work on their computer
C. students can answer several questions about analytical exposition
D. students are able to present their opinion in online platform
E. students may have countless spotlight for the assorted analytical
exposition text
If a teacher uses criterion-based assessment, it means that...
A. Assessing students’ learning is required.
B. Teacher can compare students to other students.
C. Teacher follows up learning with assessment.
D. Students’ learning is assessed on standards.
E. Students’ achievement is based on materials

Criterion referenced assessment (CRA) is the process of evaluating (and grading) the learning of
students against a set of pre-specified qualities or criteria, without reference to the
achievement of others (Brown, 1998; Harvey, 2004).

Criterion-referenced assessment means that teacher judgements about how a student does in
an assessment task are based on standards and criteria that are pre-determined and made
available to students at the time the assignment is set.
• Standards are a specified and definite level of achievement that may be attained.
• Criteria means the characteristics by which the quality of something may be judged.

Well-known examples of criterion-referenced tests include Advanced Placement exams and the
National Assessment of Educational Progress, which are both standardized tests administered
to students throughout the United States
Criterion referenced assessment (CRA) is the process of evaluating (and grading)
the learning of students against a set of pre-specified qualities or criteria,
without reference to the achievement of others (Brown, 1998; Harvey, 2004).

Criterion-referenced assessment means that teacher judgements about how a

student does in an assessment task are based on standards and criteria that are
pre-determined and made available to students at the time the assignment is
• Standards are a specified and definite level of achievement that may be
• Criteria means the characteristics by which the quality of something may be

Well-known examples of criterion-referenced tests include Advanced Placement

exams and the National Assessment of Educational Progress, which are both
standardized tests administered to students throughout the United States
The following statements are true about what young learners, especially
between ages of five to nine, can do in using language EXCEPT they....
A. can learn best from what they see and hear
B. can often learn indirectly rather than directly
C. are able to engage with abstract thoughts
D. are able to respond to meanings
E. can show enthusiasm for learning
During a teaching and learning process, Miss Vina did the following activities,
she list the following activities.
1. She asked the students to read an announcement
2. She asked the students to discuss it in small group.
3. She asked the students to write the result discussion.
4. She asked the students to present their result in front of the class.
Activities that assist the students to scrutinize their character in verbal are
A. 2 & 4
B. 2 & 3
C. 1 & 2
D. 1 & 4
E. 1 & 3
Mr. Helmi has designed a lesson plan. The learning objective stated is
written as follows: "Students are able to find detailed information in an
invitation text" in this context, he can determine which of the following
technique and instrument of evaluation?
A. Written test – performance
B. Written test - multiple choice.
C. Written test – portofolio
D. Oral test – project
E. Oral test - true false

1. Scanning.
2. Skimming.
3. Active Reading.
4. Detailed.
5. Speed.
6. Structure-Proposition-Evaluation
7. Survey-Question-Read-Recite-Review.
1. Reading Technique-Scanning

Scanning through the text is a reading strategy that is used for getting
some specific points by looking at the whole text.

For highlighting the important points of a book the readers can skim
through the summary or the preface or the beginning and end chapters of
that book.

For example,
This technique is used for looking up a name from the telephone
2. Reading Technique–Skimming

• This reading technique is used for getting the gist of the whole text
lead. We generally use this technique at the time of reading a
newspaper or magazine.

• Under this technique, we read quickly to get the main points and skip
over the detail.

• It is useful in getting a preview of a passage before reading it in detail

or reviving understandings of a passage after reading it in detail.
3. Active Reading

• Active reading aims to get an in-depth understanding of the text.

Under this technique, the reader actively involved with the text while
reading it.

• Getting in-depth knowledge of the text at hand is not possible by

reading to skim through or scan through the text.

This technique is used for extracting information accurately from the

whole text. Under this technique, we read every word for
understanding the meaning of the text.

In this careful reading, we can skim the text first for getting a general
idea and then go back to read in detail. We can use a dictionary to find
the meaning of every unfamiliar word.
5. Speed Reading

Speed-reading is actually a combination of various reading methods.

The aim of speed-reading is basically to increase the reading speed
without compromising the understanding of the text reading. Some of
the strategies used in speed reading are as follows:
• Identifying words without focusing on each letter;
• Not to sounding-out all words;
• Not sub-vocalizing some phrases;
• Spending less time on some phrases than others;
• Skimming small sections.
6. Structure-Proposition-Evaluation

This is an interesting reading technique suggested by Mortimer Adler in

his book How to Read a Book.

This reading technique is mainly applicable to non-fiction writing. This

technique suggests reading as per the three following patterns:
• Studying the structure of the work;
• Studying the logical propositions made and organized into chains of
• Evaluation of the merits of the arguments and conclusions.
7. Reading Techniques: Survey-Question-Read-
Recite-Review (SQ3R)
This method aims to facilitate a clear understanding of the text that the reader would be able to teach whatever he
has learned during the process of reading.

The process involves five different steps, which are as follows:

1. Survey
The survey involves getting a quick idea of the whole writing piece. For example, reading the introduction or
summary of a book will be enough to get an idea of that book.
2. Question
We are not just reading the words or looking at the words but are actually trying to make out the underlying
meaning of the text. So we should prepare questions in our mind and look for the answers while reading the
3. Read
The reader should read selectively if they are looking for any specific.
4. Recite
The reader should answer the questions in his own words using only the keywords that are required to sum
up the complete idea.
5. Review
The reader should review the entire things in his mind.

one of the learning objective states: “student can determine the
specific information in the short functional text correctly.”
The best technique to achieve this goal is ….
A. Scanning
B. Rewriting
C. Dictation
D. Infering
E. Skimming
What is scanning?

A. Quickly reading over a text to get the general gist.

B. Quickly reading over a text to find some specific information
which is focused upon.
C. Taking the time to understand the whole text in depth.
What is skimming?

A. Quickly reading over a text to get the general gist.

B. Quickly reading over a text to find a specific piece of information

which is focused upon

C. Taking the time to understand the whole text in depth.

Would you use skimming or scanning in the following situation?

Your mum has asked you to find the phone number of your English
teacher in the phone book.

A. Skimming
B. scanning
Would you use skimming or scanning in the following situation?

You have picked up a book on dinosaurs in the library and you want to
decide whether to borrow it or not.

A. Skimming
B. scanning

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