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Alfina Nur Zahro*, Ulfah Utami 1, Ahmad Barizi 1
Program Studi Biologi, Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi, Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang,
Jl. Gajayana, No. 50, 65145

*Corresponding author
Kata Kunci: Abstract
Khamir endofit Khamir merupakan mikroorganisme eukariotik uniseluler dari Kingdom
Nira siwalan Fungi yang memiliki peran penting dalam proses fermentasi. Salah
Fermentasi satu manfaat khamir diantaranya sebagai agen pengembang roti. Nira
Molekuler siwalan merupakan cairan yang disadap dari tongkol bunga jantan
Pengembang roti siwalan dengan kandungan total gula yang tinggi, sekitar 15 gram/ml.
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui jenis khamir yang
terdapat pada nira siwalan serta potensinya sebagai pengembang roti.
Media yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah Yeast Malt Broth
(YMB), Yeast Malt Extra Agar (YMEA), Media Fermentasi Karbohidrat,
Glucose Yeast Peptone (GYP), dan timbal asetat. Isolasi khamir
menggunakan metode perbanyakan kultur pada media YMEA
kemudian dipurifikasi dilanjutkan dengan identifikasi morfologi secara
makroskopis dan mikroskopi. Uji potensi pengembang roti meliputi uji
fermentasi karbohidrat, uji toleransi glukosa, uji flokulasi dan uji
produksi hidrogen sulfida. Khamir yang memiliki potensi pengembang
roti terbaik dilanjutkan dengan identifikasi molekuler. Hasil penelitian
menunjukkan bahwa terdapat 5 isolat yang berhasil diisolasi dari nira
siwalan, antara lain: YNS-A2. YNS-B2, YNS-B3, YNS-C2, dan YNS-D4.
Hasil uji molekuler isolat YNS-C2 memiliki kemiripan dengan Candida
sanyaensis (91,89%) dan isolat YNS-D4 memiliki kemiripan dengan
Candida sp. (82,22%).

PENDAHULUAN Salah satu bidang yang banyak memanfaatkan

Indonesia merupakan negara dengan peran mikroorganisme adalah bidang pangan. Salah satu
tingkat keanekaragaman hayati yang tinggi (Von produk pangan yang mengalami kenaikan tingkat
Rintelen et al., 2017). Selain keanekaragaman konsumsinya adalah roti, khususnya jenis roti tawar. Hal
hayati hewan dan tumbuhan, belakangan ini ini dibuktikan dari data Survei Sosial Ekonomi Nasional
keanekaragaman mikroorganisme juga memiliki (SUSENAS) tahun 2022 tentang tingkat konsumsi
daya tarik tersendiri untuk diteliti karena bentang makanan per kapita per tahun, jumlah konsumsi roti
alam dan iklim Indonesia yang mendukung dan tawar mengalami peningkatan dari tahun 2021 hingga
cocok bagi kehidupan mikroorganisme seperti tahun 2022. Jumlah konsumsi roti tawar pada tahun 2021
khamir (fungi bersel satu) (Sumerta&Kanti, 2017). sebesar 18,125 potong (piece) menjadi 18,411 potong
Selain itu, banyaknya peran mikroorganisme (piece) pada tahun 2022 (Kementerian Pertanian, 2022).
dalam kehidupan manusia juga menjadi daya tarik Oleh karena itu, kebutuhan bahan-bahan pembuatan roti
tersendiri. Misalkan saja, keanekaragaman akan meningkat seiring dengan peningkatan konsumsi
khamir sebagai mikroorganisme fermentatif roti oleh masyarakat. Salah satu bahan pembuatan roti
dapat dimanfaatkan untuk menyediakan produk- yaitu ragi komersial yang berperan sebagai pengembang
produk yang dibutuhkan untuk kesejahteraan adonan roti (Rashid et al., 2022).
manusia seperti: makanan, obat-obatan, serat, Peran penting khamir dalam fermentasi
energi, dan produk berbasis biologi lainnya pembuatan roti, antara lain: menghasilkan karbon
(Harmaka et al., 2023). dioksida dalam jumlah yang cukup sehingga adonan roti
dapat mengembang dan menghasilkan tekstur Kabupaten Pasuruan. Penelitian eksperimental dilakukan
roti yang kenyal dan empuk setelah dipanggang. dengan uji fermentasi karbohidrat, uji kemampuan
Selain itu khamir juga berperan dalam toleransi glukosa, uji flokulasi, dan uji produksi hidrogen
memproduksi komponen kimia, seperti lisin, sulfida. Alat yang digunakan pada penelitian ini meliputi:
metionin, tereonin, vitamin B yang dapat seperangkat alat gelas, spektrofotometer, Laminar Air
meningkatkan rasa dan aroma pada roti (Jahan et Flow, perangkat PCR dan elektroforesis, oftware
al., 2007). Habitat asal khamir yang menjadi sequence scanner 2.0, Bio Edit, MEGA 11, dan komputer.
sumber isolasi pada penelitian ini berasal dari nira Bahan yang digunakan pada penelitian ini antara lain: nira
siwalan (Borassus flabellifer L.). Nira merupakan siwalan, YMEA, YMB, GYPB, ETBR, media fermentasi
cairan yang disadap dari tongkol bunga jantan karbohidrat, DNA polymerase, primer ITS 1 dan ITS 4.
siwalan (Nadiyah&Farida, 2022). Total kandungan Isolasi dan Purifikasi Khamir
gula yang ada pada nira siwalan yaitu 10-15 Sebanyak 25 mL nira siwalan dipindahkan ke
gram/100 ml (Mubin & Zubaidah, 2016). dalam tabung eppendorf steril yang telah berisi 25 mL
Eksplorasi khamir dapat dilakukan dengan YMB kemudian ditutup rapat. Tabung dihomogenkan
mengisolasi khamir dari habitatnya kemudian menggunakan vortex dan diinkubasi selama 48 jam pada
dilakukan identifikasi, baik secara konvensional suhu ruang. Selanjutnya dilakukan pengenceran hingga
maupun molekuler. Identifikasi konvensional 10-3. Sebanyak 200 µL sampel dari pengenceran 10 -3
meliputi pengamatan morfologi secara diinokulasikan pada media YMEA dengan metode spread
mikroskopik dan makroskopik kemudian plate dan diinkubasi pada suhu ruang selama 72 jam.
dilanjutkan dengan karakterisasi biokimia. Purifikasi dilakukan dengan mengambil 1 ose
kemudian dilanjutkan dengan identifikasi isolat khamir yang memiliki kenampakan koloni berbeda
molekuler. Beberapa syarat khamir yang dari YMEA ke dalam 10 mL YMB kemudian dishaker dan
digunakan sebagai kandidat pengembang roti, diinkubasi selama tujuh hari. Isolat tersebut kemudian
antara lain: mampu memfermentasi karbohidrat, diinokulasikan pada media YMEA dengan metode
toleran terhadap lingkungan dengan konsentrasi metode spread plate dan diinkubasi pada suhu ruang
gula tinggi, dapat membentuk flok dan tidak selama 48 jam. Setelah 48 jam inkubasi, dilakukan
menghasilkan hidrogen sulfida (Karki et al., 2017). subkultur metode streak plate pada media YMEA. Isolat
Penelitian isolasi khamir dari nira siwalan diinkubasi selama 72 jam pada suhu ruang untuk
pernah dilakukan sebelumnya dan bertujuan mendapatkan kultur yang murni.
untuk mengidentifikasi dan menganalisis Identifikasi Morfologi Khamir secara Mikroskopis dan
filogenetik khamir endofit dari nira siwalan Makroskopis
(Borassus flabellifer L.) yang mampu Pengamatan koloni khamir secara makroskopis meliputi
memproduksi enzim inulinase berdasarkan pada bentuk koloni, tekstur, warna, tepian, dan elevasi.
sekuen ITS. Penelitian tersebut berhasil Pengamatan sel khamir secara mikroskopis dilakukan di
menemukan khamir yang memiliki kemiripan awah mikroskop dengan perbesaran 400 kali.
99,45% dengan spesies Candida parapsilosis. Karakteristik sel khamir secara mikroskopis meliputi:
Namun, isolasi dan identifikasi khamir endofit bentuk sel, ukuran sel dan reproduksi vegetatif.
dari nira siwalan sebagai pengembang roti belum Uji Biokimia
dilakukan di Indonesia. Berdasar pada latar Uji Fermentasi Karbohidrat
belakang di atas, maka isolasi dan identifikasi Uji fermentasi dilakukan dengan menginokulasikan
molekuler khamir endofit dari nira siwalan 100 µL isolat khamir yang sudah berusia 48 jam dari
(Borassus flabellifer L.) yang akan diaplikasikan media YMB ke dalam tabung reaksi berisi media
sebagai pengembang roti perlu dilakukan di fermentasi dengan larutan gula (glukosa, fruktosa,
Indonesia. sukrosa, maltosa, dan laktosa), diinkubasi pada suhu
ruang selama 7 hari dan pengecekan setiap 24 jam sekali.
METODE PENELEITIAN Setiap 24 jam dilakukan pengecekan gelembung dan
Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian perubahan warna pada media dan dilakukan pengukuran
eksplorasi yang dilakukan dengan mengisolasi pH menggunakan kertas pH pada hari ke tujuh. Isolat
dan mengidentifikasi spesies khamir endofit yang dapat memfermentasi gula ditandai dengan
secara konvensional dan molekuler dari nira keberadaan gelembung dan perubahan warna media dari
siwalan (Borassus flabellifer L.) yang didapatkan merah muda menjadi warna kuning.
dari Desa Gunungsari, Kecamatan Beji,
Uji Toleransi Glukosa denaturasi awal 94⁰C selama 7 menit. Selanjutnya
Uji toleransi glukosa khamir dilakukan program PCR mencakup denaturasi 94⁰C selama 45 detik
dengan menginokulasikan 100 µL dari media YMB annealing 56⁰C selama 60 detik dan extension 72⁰C selama
berusia 48 jam ke dalam tabung reaksi yang telah 60 detik diulang sebanyak 30 siklus. Program tersebut
berisi media uji toleransi glukosa (konsentrasi diakhiri dengan final extension 72⁰C selama 7 menit.
20%, 30%, dan 50%). Tabung reaksi yang berisi Elektroforesis
campuran media dan sampel dihomogenkan Uji elektroforesis diawali dengan pembuatan gel
dengan cara divortex dan diinkubasi pada suhu agarosa 1,5%. Gel agarosa kemudian dimasukkan ke
ruang selama 48 jam. Nilai OD khamir dihitung dalam tangki elektroforesis. Selanjutnya ditambahkan
dengan panjang gelombang 600 nm 250 mL buffer TAE 1× ke dalam tangki elektroforesis
menggunakan Spektrofotometer UV-Vis pada yang membuat gel agarose terendam buffer. Sebanyak
masa inkubasi 24 jam dan 48 jam 3 µL Proses sekuensing dilakukan menggunakan jasa PT.
Uji Flokulasi Genetika Sains Singapura. dye dan 2 µL Nuclease Free
Uji flokulasi dapat dilakukan dengan Water secara bersamaan kemudian dimasukkan ke
menginokulasikan 100 µL isolat khamir dari media dalam sumur gel agarosa dan dialiri arus listrik 85 V 33
YMB berusia 48 jam ke dalam media YPGB. menit.
Selanjutnya diinkubasi pada suhu 30 ⁰C selama 72 Sekuensing dan Analisis Bioinformatika
jam. Khamir yang memiliki kemampuan flokulasi Proses sekuensing dilakukan menggunakan jasa
akan membentuk endapan pada bagian bawah PT. Genetika Sains Singapura. Kualitas hasil sekuensing
wadah. dilihat menggunakan software Sequence Scanner 0.2
Uji Hidrogen Sulfida kemudian dianalisis penyejajaran menggunakan BLAST
Uji hidrogen sulfida dapat dilakukan (Basic Local Alignment Search.
dengan menginokulasikan isolat khamir pada
media timbal asetat miring dengan teknik streak HASIL DAN PEMBAHASAN
plate. Selanjutnya diinkubasi pada suhu 30 ⁰C
selama 7 hari. Isolat khamir yang menghasilkan
hidrogen sulfida menyebabkan media berwarna
hitam dan menimbulkan aroma busuk.
Identifikasi Molekuler
Isolasi DNA Khamir
Metode isolasi DNA yang dilakukan dengan
menambahkan sebanyak 1 ose khamir berusia 1
×24 jam ditambahkan ke dalam microtube 1,5 mL
yang telah berisi 50 µL Nuclease Free Water dan
20 µL reagen SNET (0,3% SDS; 400 mM NaCl; 5
mM EDTA; 20 mM Tris-HCl). Selanjutnya
dihomogenkan menggunakan vortex kemudian
diekstraksi dengan metode pemanasan pada
suhu 95⁰ C dalam waktu 10 menit di dalam
waterbath. Setelah dipanaskan, microtube yang
telah berisi sampel dan campuran reagen
disentrifuse dengan kecepatan 13000 rpm selama
5 menit dan bagian supernatan diambil sebagai
DNA template saat amplifikasi PCR.
Amplifikasi PCR
Amplifikasi PCR dimulai dengan membuat
20 µL campuran PCR pada PCR tube ukuran 0.2
mL. Campuran PCR erdiri dari 3 µL DNA template
hasil ekstraksi, 1 µL primer forward (ITS1) dan 1 µL
primer reverse (ITS4) dengan konsentrasi 10 µM;
5 µL NFW dan 10 µL GoTaq Green Master Mix
(Promega). Proses PCR diawali dengan
decomposed organic matter in soil
and fertilized the soil [2] as well as
fungal repellent by contact with
mucus secretion or coelomic fluid
[3]. Earthworms antibacterial
testing in vitro have been done by
using the chloragocytes, a class of
free coelomocytes existing only in
annelids [4] dried worms [5], mucus
of the earthworms [6], coelomic
fluid of the
Hartati Kartikaninngsih, Sarastria Maharani, Fitarina Sartika

earthworm [7] or by innate immune were obtained by digging and hand sorting
defenses system challenged [8; 9], injecting collecting of CV Alam Organik, Sukun,
bacteria into coelomic of living earthworms Malang, East Java, Indonesia. Nereis sp
[10]. Antibacterial of the earthworms worms were obtained by digging and hand
included in non-ribosomal synthesized sorting on the coast of Pasir Putih,
peptides in which peptides elaborated in Situbondo East Java, Indonesia.
bacteria [11]. Identification of the worms used special
Local wisdom of Java society has been used features morphology. Eisenia foetida had
earthworm as typhus fever medication. yellow and dark red rings along its body, a
Fresh worms are washed, disposed of flat tail tip, and pink in dorsal part, white-
stomach contents, chopped, mixed in reddish in ventral part, orange in tail and
cooking as foodstuff ingredient, given to body length of about 7 cm, diameter of 3
the typhoid fever patient. Another way is mm. The length of Lumbricus rubellus
dried earthworm, put in capsules and earthworms were about 10 cm, reddish-
taken as medicine, while others use worm skinned, slightly transparent and
extract mixed with extracts of other segmented skin in circular sections
natural ingredients into herbs for typhoid (annulus). The dorsal prostomium Nereis sp
drugs. However, using ethyl acetate extract consists of 2 antennas, 2 septum, and 4
earthworm against Salmonella thyposa, relatively large sized eyes. The samples of
bacteria causing typhoid fever, the research can be seen at Figure 1. All
Enterococcus faecalis and Streptococcus the worms were cleaned by washing in
aureus in vitro is little data. Salmonella spp. running water, drained, sliced, washed
caused a wide spectrum of disease in again with running water, drained, dried in
humans and animals and effectively avoid an oven (Memmert, Germany produced
killing by the host immune system [12]. 2015) at 50oC for 12 hours, blended and
Staphylococcus aureus, Gram positive stored in a tightly closed container.
bacteria, has ability into adapt to different
environments and can be said as intrinsic Earthworm’s ethyl acetate extraction
virulence [13], able to form biofilm in situ The worm’s powder were mixed with ethyl
[14], produces a wide variety of toxins, acetate (Sigma) (1:20, 12 hours, stirred
emetic or not emetic in primate [15]. with magnetic stirrer) and filtered. The
Enterococcus faecalis has the numbers of filtrates were concentrated with a rotary
virulence factor [16] The aim of the evaporator (the IKA RV-10 produced IKA
research was to know the ability ethyl ASIA, Malaysia, in 2014) at a temperature
acetate extract of earthworms (Lumbricus of 500C for 30 minutes, stored in a sterile
rubellus, Eisenia foetida, Nereis sp) against vial bottle.
Salmonella thyposa, Sreptococcus aureus,
Enterococcus faecalis in vitro Protein examination
Testing of worm extract protein
1. Materials and Methods concentrations using Nano Drop (type ND
Earthworms 1000, serial number 9189, Thermo Fisher
All the worms were obtained alive. Scientific, USA, 2006). Absorption solution
Lumbricus rubellus and Eisenia foetida of worms extracts at ƛ 280 nm for
37 Antibacterial Activity Ethyl Acetate Extracts Of Earthworms

estimating protein concentration with

correction absorption of ƛ 260 nm in Muller Hinton Agar (OXOID) to obtain a
(presence of nucleic acid). 280/260 bacterial density of 106. This bacterial
absorption ratio was a correction factor in density was used to measure anti-bacterial
the table. Protein content of mg / mL = activity of the worms extracts by disc
Absorption at ƛ 280 x correction factor x method.
Anti-Bacterial Testing
Total Nitrogen of the worms Antibacterial activity of the worms extracts
Examination of total nitrogen of the worms were examined using Minimum Inhibitory
extracts based on total N of the samples, Concentration (MIC). Muller Hinton Agar
were carried out by the Kjeldhal method (OXOID) media on petri dishes were
(Kjelmaster buchi k-375 Grobest planted with 106 densities these bacteria
Corporation Co. Ltd., Thailand, 2006). 0.5 with poured method. The worm extracts
gram sample was added to 25 mL H 2SO4 were made in concentrations of 0 ppm, 10
and a catalyst into the Kjeldahl flask, ppm, 100 ppm, 1,000 ppm, 10,000 ppm,
heated to a clear greenish color. and 100,000 ppm with 10% DMSO as a
control and 100 ppm amphyciline as a
Amino acids content of the worms positive control. Sterile disc paper (Φ 6
Amino acids of the worms extracts mm, OXOID) is dipped in each test solution
were determined using HPLC (HPLC RF 20 A and placed on the media. Incubation was
type ICI with ODS column, Shimadzu, carried out for 24 hours at 37 ° C.
Kyoto, Japan, 2007)), 50 μL sample solution antibacterial activity of the worms extracts
mixed with 50 μL buffer. 5μL of that were measured by measurement clear
mixture was taken and stored on an auto zone around the blank disk. All treatments
sampler vial between positions 1-44. were repeated 4 times
Another line with the OPA reagent work Minimum Bactericidal Concentration
solution was placed at position 45 on the (MBC) Measurement
auto sampler. 5μL sample was injected into The test was performed by preparing six
an HPLC column. In order for the amino tubes, each of tube containing 10 ml of
acid separation process works well, each sterile TSB (OXOID) medium in which filled
column chromatography process always worms extracts 0 ppm, 12,500 ppm, 25,000
balance with the A buffer which ppm, 50,000 ppm, 100,000 ppm and 100
programmed into the gradient file of the K- ppm ampicillin as a positive control. 1 mL
45 gradient programmer of the bacterial suspension was added in
those tubes and mixed (vortex mixer IKA,
Bacterial Testing Germany, 2015). Optical density of the
Salmonella thyposa, Streptococcus faecalis worms were measured using visible UV
and Enterococcus faecalis were obtained spectrophotometer (Spectroquant Pharo
from the collection of the Laboratory of 300, Germany, 2011) at λ 600 nm,
Microbiology, Faculty of Medicine, incubated at 37 ° C. The measurement was
Brawijaya University. Bacterial density was repeated at the sixth hour. MIC value was
determined by Optical Density (Shimadsu, determined by observe decreasing
λ 600 nm) in TSB (OXOID) and then poured absorbance of worms extract
concentration in the first time. 0.1 mL
Hartati Kartikaninngsih, Sarastria Maharani, Fitarina Sartika

those MIC value were planted on 5 mL Swift ED 3000 X-Ray Microanalysis, Japan,
sterile TSB (OXOID), incubated in 37 oC, 24 2016). The bacteria were fixed in 2%
hours. The MBC value was determined by glutaraldehyde solution for 3 hours at 4 0C.
the absence of turbidity (transparent) of The suspension then washed using
those broths at the lowest concentration phosphate buffer pH 7.4, followed by
dehydration using ethanol concentration
Bacterial morphology Observation (20%, 50%, 70%, 96%, absolute) each of
Form the tubes of MIC bacterial suspension these for 15 minutes. Suspension smeared
was observed with a light microscope on the cover glass and continued smearing
(Olympus CX22, Japan, 2014) and Scanning with gold-palladium as coating and
Electron Microscopy (TM 3000 Hitachi with observed into the SEM device.

2. Result

Examination the number of peptides using rubellus 8.99% and Eisenia foetida 8.31%.
Nano drop and proteins content based on The number of anionic amino acids for
N total can be seen in Table 1. Lumbricus Nereis sp was 5.14%, Lumbricus rubellus
rubellus worms had more peptide bonds, 7.03% and Eisenia foetida 6.3%. The
followed by Eisenia foetida and Nereis sp. cationic amino acids Nereis sp worms are
The same results were shown from the 3.53%, 4.2% in Lumbricus rubellus and
number of N Total with the Kjeldhal 4.19% in Eisenia foetida
method. The amino acid profile of worms Clear zones as a sign of anti-bacterial
extract can be seen in Table 2. The total activity from all samples at concentrations
amino acid of Lumbricus rubellus worm was of 0 ppm, 10 ppm, 100 ppm, 1,000 ppm,
the highest compared to the worms Eisenia 10,000 ppm worms extract were not
foetida and Nereis sp, as well as the levels observed. The clear zone of worm extract
of each amino acid detected. All worms only seen at worms extract 100 000 ppm,
were dominated by aspartate and which clear zones small enough compared
glutamate acids and had small amounts of with the amphyciline 100 ppm. The clear
Methionine, Histidine, Tyrosine and Serine zones of these worms extracts at 100 000
amino acid. ppm can be seen in Table 3. From Table 3
All worms also had the highest number can be observed that all worm extracts at
of amino acids was hydrophobic amino 100 000 ppm had a better anti-bacterial
acid (Ala, Iso, Leu, Met, Val), followed activity to inhibit Salmonella thyposa and
anionic amino acid (aspartic acid and Staphylocococcus aureus. Enterococcus
glutamate acid), cationic amino acid (Arg, faecalis resisted from all worms extracts.
His, Lys) and hydrophilic uncharged amino Minimum Bactericidal Concentration
acid (Gly, Ser, Threo, Tyr). Proline, testing of worm extracts at concentration
Tryptophan, Asparagine, Glutamine, of 100 000 ppm on TSB media still showed
Cysteine were not detected due to lack of turbidity but not for amphyciline 100 ppm
standard amino acids in the test as shown in Table 4. Observation using
laboratory. Non-polar amino acids of light microscopy (Figure 2, 4, 6) confirmed
Nereis worm were 6.91%, Lumbricus anti-bacterial activity of those extract
39 Antibacterial Activity Ethyl Acetate Extracts Of Earthworms

worms as shown MBC. Antibacterial

activity of those worms extracts in 100 000 activity. Observations using electron
ppm were weak antibacterial. However, microscope (Figures 3, 5, 7) showed that
from the three earthworms, Lumbrecus the death of those bacteria were thought
rubellus had the highest anti-bacterial due to bacterial cell wall leakage.

Table 1. The worms extract protein content

The worms extract Nanodrop (mg/mL) N Total (%, db) Amino acid (%)
Nereis sp. 20,98 ± 1.01 42 ± 2.47 18.37
Lumbricus rubellus 21,75 ± 1.11 50 ± 2.69 24.66
Eisenia foetida 21,32 ± 1.07 44 ± 2.36 22.78

Figure 1. A. Nereis sp; B. Lumbricus rubellus C. Eisenia foetida

Table 2. The worms extract amino acids profile

No Amino acid Nereis sp Lumbricus rubellus Eisenia foetida

1 Glutamate 2.95 % 4.16% 3.70%

2 Aspartic 2.19 % 2.87% 2.60%

3 Lysine 1.49% 1.65% 1.72%

4 Leucine 1.69% 2.32% 2.17%

Hartati Kartikaninngsih, Sarastria Maharani, Fitarina Sartika

5 Arginine 1.60% 1.85% 1.82%

6 Valine 1.12% 1.59% 1.48%

7 Alanine 1.49% 1.71% 1.51%

8 Iso-Leucine 1.30% 1.54% 1.45%

9 Phenylalanine 0.98% 1.33% 1.26%

10 Threonine 1.00% 1.34% 1.34%

11 Glycine 0.97% 1.31% 1.18%

12 Serine 0.64% 0.93% 0.80%

13 Tyrosine 0.68% 0.87% 0.77%

14 Histidine 0.44% 0.70% 0.65%

15 Methionine 0.23% 0.50% 0.44%

Table 3. Clear zone of Earthworms

Antibacterial Salmonella thyposa Staphylococcus aureus Enterococcus faecalis

Amphyciline 100 ppm 18,39 ± 0,017 mm 18.26 ± 0.11 mm 18,644±0,051 mm

Lumbricus rubellus extract

3,07 ± 0,035 mm 3.16 ± 0.28mm 2,244±0,108 mm

Eisenia foetida extract 100.000

2,44 ± 0,036 mm 2.51 ± 0.03 mm 1,344±0,143 mm

Nereis sp extract 100.000 ppm 2,29 ± 0,065 mm 2.05 ± 0.05 mm 1,060±0,062 mm

Table 4.Minimum Bactericidal Concentration of earth worms extract

Antibacterial Salmonella thyposa Staphylococcus aureus Enterococcus faecalis

Amphyciline 100 ppm transparent transparent transparent

Lumbricus rubellus extract turbid turbid turbid

100.000 ppm
41 Antibacterial Activity Ethyl Acetate Extracts Of Earthworms

Eisenia foetida extract turbid turbid turbid

100.000 ppm

Nereis sp extract 100.000 turbid turbid turbid


Figure 2.Salmonella tyhposa (A) Salmonella thyposa in Lumbricus rubellus extract 100 000
ppm (B) Salmonella thyposa in Eisenia foetida extract 100 000 ppm (C)
Salmonella thyposa in Nereis sp extract 100 000 ppm (D)

Figure 3. SEM photo Salmonella thyposa in Lumbricus rubellus extract 100 000 ppm (A)
Salmonella thyposa in Eisenia foetida extract 100 000 ppm (B) Salmonella
thyposa in Nereis sp extract 100 000 ppm (C)

Hartati Kartikaninngsih, Sarastria Maharani, Fitarina Sartika

Figure 4 Staphylococcus aureus (A) Staphylococcus aureus in Lumbricus rubellus extract 100
000 ppm (B) Staphylococcus aureus in Eisenia foetida extract 100 000 ppm (C)
Staphylococcus aureus in Nereis sp extract 100 000 ppm (D)

Figure 5. SEM photo Staphylococcus aureus in Lumbricus rubellus extract 100 000 ppm (A)
Staphylococcus aureus in Eisenia foetida extract 100 000 ppm (B) Staphylococcus
aureus in Nereis sp extract 100 000 ppm (C)


Figure 6 .Enterococcus faecalis (A) Enterococcus faecalis in Lumbricus rubellus extract 100
000 ppm (B) Enterococcus faecalis in Eisenia foetida extract 100 000 ppm (C)
Enterococcus faecalis in Nereis sp extract 100 000 ppm (D)

Figure 7. SEM photo Enterococcus faecalis in Lumbricus rubellus extract 100 000 ppm (A)
Enterococcus faecalis in Eisenia foetida extract 100 000 ppm (B) Enterococcus
faecalis in Nereis sp extract 100 000 ppm (C)
43 Antibacterial Activity Ethyl Acetate Extracts Of Earthworms

3. Discussion
Amino acid profile of the worms (Table The ability of worms as an antimicrobial
3) showed the biggest content was was caused by electrostatic
hydrophobic amino acids (6.91 % in interactions. Cationic peptides
Nereis, 8.99% and 8.31% in Lumbricus antimicrobial (Lys and Arg) bound in
rubellus and Eisenia foetida). Anionic phosphate groups of membrane cell,
amino acid was the second amount caused leaking of membrane cell and
(5.14%, 7.03%, 6.3% in Nereris, then cell lysis as seen at SEM
Lumbricus rubellus and Eisenia foetida), photograph in the Figure 3, 5,7 50% or
and then hydrophilic uncharged amino more of the amino acids were
acid (3.29%, 4.45%, 4.09% in Nereris, hydrophobic, these will interact with
Lumbricus rubellus and Eisenia foetida). bacterial membranes causing
The last content was cationic amino membrane damage [9] Cell death of
acid (3.53%, 4.2%, 4.12% in Nereris, bacteria caused by membrane pore
Lumbricus rubellus and Eisenia formed by electrostatic interaction
foetida).Antibacterial peptides of these between peptide antimicrobial with
worms can be detected from amino phospholipid in membrane bilayer;
acid residue. In this research, it did not cytoplasmic membrane dysfunction
examine so far. caused loss of ion and then cessation of
Worm antibacterial was cationic respiration; inhibition peptidoglycan
peptides. Form Table 3 showed and macromolecules synthesis as well
Lumbricus rubellus had the highest as inhibition of intracellular function
cationic amino acid. Hancock & Lehrer [19].. Research of Gunn & Miller [12]
[17] reviewed that characteristics of showed lipopolysaccharide of lipid A in
cationic peptides were excess lysine membrane bilayer of Salmonellas
and arginine residue; Rich in proline thyposa bind with cationic
and tryptophan; Rich in histidine antimicrobial peptides causing cell
residue; Amphiphatic molecules, it death. Bacterial cell membrane damage
consist of 12-45 amino acid residue. that causes cell death also observed by
The main site of action cationic peptide Carson [20] in which tea tree oil rich in
antimicrobial was in cytoplasmic terpenoid caused Staphylococcus
membrane and carpet effect (peptide aureus membrane damage and
cluster at the membrane surface and followed by cell lysis. The same
cause disruption of cell permeability). phenomenon was observed by Jung
In the Gram negative, the peptides [21] . The cell death of Staphylococcus
initially interact with aureus begin with membrane cell
lipopolysaccharide, a highly anionic damaged due to membrane interaction
outer membrane, and glycolipid and with silver ion.
then disrupt the membrane locally. Nereis muscles contain abundant
Researched of Yeamant & Yount quantities of soluble, sarcoplasmic,
[18] showed hydrophobic amino acid high affinity Ca2+ binding proteins
able to damage the permeability of (SCBPs). SCBP is a single polypeptide
bacterial cell membranes three times chain of 174 amino acids, including
stronger than hydrophilic amino acid. single residues of glutamine and
Hartati Kartikaninngsih, Sarastria Maharani, Fitarina Sartika

histidine, 2 tyrosine, and 3 tryptophan so it not showed effective antibacterial

[22]. Another researcher showed against Enterococcus faecalis.
Nereis contains peptide antimicrobial A little number of clear zones
bromo tryptophane, in which specific (Table 3) and a high number of MIC
for estuarine organism. [23]. value (Table 4) indicated that all of
(Lumbricus rubellus had Lumbricin1 worms ethyl acetate extract were not
antimicrobial, a proline-rich effective antibacterial against
antimicrobial peptide [24; 25]. Fetidin, Salmonella thyposa, Staphylococcus
antimicrobial peptide composed of aureus, and Enterococcus faecalis in
amino acid Gly-Thr-Lys-Thr-Leu-Ala-Ser- vitro. The research with the same result
His-Ser-Iso obtained from ceolomic was showed by [29] The research of
Eisenia foetida extraction [26]. Andleeb [6] Ejas [30] showed that
Gram-positive cells, exposure to antimicrobial of mucus extract of the
antimicrobial peptides caused water worm was lower than the mucus. The
and ion flow increasingly, especially ion same result had been shown by the
K+ and osmotic disturbed [18] However, search of Plavšin [3] Coelomic extract
it did not apply in Enterococcus faecalis of Eisenia foetida did not showed
as seen in Figure 6 and 7. Enterococcus antibacterial effect against some of
faecalis was a ubiquitous micro- fungal, but it showed different result in
organisms, grows normally in GI human using coelomic fluid. Lassègues [10]
and animals, high heat tolerance and and Milochau [31] showed the
had ability to growth in adverse antimicrobial of worms in ceolomic
environment [27] . It had a proton fluid. Coelomycites in coelomic fluid
pump that can maintain pH was the natural responses of bacterial
homeostasis; disrupted growth only in challenge [32]. In this research used
pH up to 11.5 [16].Enterococcus dried of worms, so coelomic fluid was
faecalis resistant to vancomycin (MICs, little enough. Liu et al [33] showed
32 to 64 ug/ml) but not to teicoplanin induced bacterial can trigger peptide
(MIC, .0.5 ug/ml) [28]. Ethyl acetate antibacterial in the tissue of
these earthworms extract were crude earthworms, but it only produced by
extracts, the main component was earthworms adult [34].
cationic peptide in the form unpurified

4. Conclusion
Ethyl acetate worms extract of Lumbricus worms, ethyl acetate extract of Lumbricus
rubellus, Eisenia foetida, Nereis sp were rubellus was the best antibacterial.
antibacterial ineffective against Salmonella Enterococcus faecalis was the resistant
thyposa, Sterptococcus aureus, microorganism of the worm antimicrobial
Enterococcus faecalis in vitro. From the ethyl acetate extract.

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