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Tahun Pelajaran 2022/2023
Jenjang SMA
Fase / Kelas E/X
Domain / Topik Genre Text / Descriptive Texts
Kata Kunci Text, Genre Text, Descriptive Texts
Alokasi Waktu 90 menit
Jumlah Pertemuan (JP) 1 pertemuan @ 2 JP x 45 menit
Deskripsi Kompetensi Peserta didik belum dapat mengidentifikasi informasi tersurat/rinci/tersirat pada short spoken
Awal conversation terkait descriptive text.
Peserta didik belum dapat mendeskripsikan diri sendiri atau orang lain secara lisan terkait
materi descriptive text.
Profil Pelajar Pancasila 1) Bergotong royong
Bekerja sama mencari informasi lebih tentang materi yang diberikan dalam grup.
2) Berfikir Kritis
Mengembangkan dan mengaitkan materi dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.
Alat dan Bahan Laptop, LCD, dan Papan Tulis
Media Belajar Video, pictures, dan listening audio
Sumber Belajar 1. Buku Bahasa Inggris SPLASH Smart Path to Learning English Kelas X, Penerbit
Erlangga – Kurikulum Merdeka
2. Buku Bahasa Inggris SMA/SMK Kelas X Kementerian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset,
Dan Teknologi Badan Penelitian Dan Pengembangan Dan Perbukuan Pusat Kurikulum
Dan Perbukuan – Kurikulum Merdeka
Target 1. Peserta didik dengan kesulitan belajar: memperlihatkan usaha dalam mengikuti alur materi
2. Peserta didik dapat menganalisis informasi tersurat/rinci/tersirat pada short spoken
conversation pada descriptive text.
Pendekatan Scientific, TPACK
Model Pembelajaran Problem-based Learning
Metode Pembelajaran Diskusi, Tanya Jawab dan Presentasi
Moda Tatap Muka (luring)


Pada akhir fase E, peserta didik menggunakan teks lisan, tulisan dan visul dalam bahasa inggris untuk
berkomunikasi sesuai dengan situasi, tujuan, dan pemirsa/pembaca. Berbagai jenis teks seperti narasi, deskripsi,
prosedur, eksposisi, recount, report, dan teks asli menjadi rujukan utama dalam mempelajari bahasa inggris di fase
ini. Peserta didik menggunakan bahasa inggris untuk menyampaikan keinginan/perasaan dan berdiskusi mengenai
topik yang dekat dengan keseharian mereka atau isu yang hangat sesuai usia peserta didik di fase ini. Mereka
membaca teks tulisan untuk mempelajari/mendapatkan informasi. Keterampilan inferensi tersirat ketika memahami
informasi dalam bahasa inggris mulai mengembang. Peserta didik memproduksi teks tulisan dan visual yang lebih
beragam, dengan kesadaran terhadap tujuan dan target pembaca.


Tujuan Melalui kegiatan pembelajaran dengan model problem based learning, peserta didik dapat:
pembelajaran 1. Mengidentifikasi informasi describing people dari beberapa short spoken conversation
dengan baik dan sesuai konteks bebasis HOTS (High Order Thinking Skill) dan TPACK
(Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge).
2. Menganalisis informasi tersurat dan rinci pada short spoken conversation terkait descriptive text
dengan baik dan sesuai konteks bebasis HOTS (High Order Thinking Skill) dan TPACK
(Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge).
3. Menampilkan short spoken conversation tentang describing classmates dengan baik dan sesuai
konteks bebasis HOTS (High Order Thinking Skill) dan TPACK (Technological Pedagogical
Content Knowledge).
Pemahaman Setelah mempelajari modul ini, peserta didik mengetahui:
Bermakna 1. Penggunaan jenis teks deskripsi dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, ataupun dalam pekerjaan
teks deskripsi bermanfaat.
2. Teks deskripsi digunakan untuk menjelaskan ciri-ciri fisik orang, benda, atau tempat.
3. Menggunakan elemen non-verbal seperti bahasa tubuh, kecepatan bicara, dan nada suara untuk
dapat dipahami dalam sebagian konteks.
Pertanyaan • Apa yang kalian ketahui tentang teman sekelasmu?
Pemantik • Menurut pandanganmu seperti apa dia/mereka?
• Bagaimana deskripsi khusus tentang dia/mereka?
• Dsb.


Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Tahapan Kegiatan Guru Kegiatan Peserta didik Alokasi

Persiapan / 1. Guru mengucap salam. 1. Peserta didik menjawab salam. 5 menit

Orientasi 2. Guru mengarahkan peserta didik 2. Peserta didik berdoa sesuai arahan
untuk berdoa bersama terlebih guru.
3. Guru mengecek kehadiran peserta
Apersepsi Guru memberikan pertanyaan pemantik Peserta didik merespon beberapa 5 menit
dengan media gambar. pertanyaan guru.


Fase 1 : Orientasi • Guru menjelaskan tujuan • Peserta didik mengidentifikasi informasi 10 menit
peserta didik pada pembelajaran dan memotivasi peserta dari gambar terkait describing people.
masalah didik.
• Guru menjelaskan logistik yang
dibutuhkan selama proses
• Guru memberikan stimulasi
permasalahan / topik terkait materi
melalui video dan gambar dengan alat
bantu LCD Proyektor dan pengeras
Fase 2 : • Guru membagi peserta didik dalam • Secara berkelompok, peserta didik 10 menit
Mengorganisasi beberapa kelompok terdiri dari 4 menyimak/memirsa video.
peserta didik orang. • Dengan alat bantu gawai, headset, dan
• Dengan alat bantu gawai, headset, LKPD serta secara terbimbing, peserta
dan LKDP, guru mendorong perserta didik menyimak video dan melengkapi
didik menyimak video dan melengkapi percakapan rumpang terkait video yang
percakapan rumpang terkait video mereka simak.
yang mereka simak.
Fase 3 : • Guru mendorong peserta didik • Dengan bimbingan guru, peserta didik 20 menit
Membimbing berdiskusi dan menemukan informasi mencari informasi tersurat dan rinci
penyelidikan tersurat dan rinci pada contoh short terkait short spoken conversation serta
spoken conversation. menganalisisnya.
• Guru membimbing peserta didik untuk • Dengan bimbingan guru, peserta didik
mengumpulkan informasi terkait mengumpulkan informasi terkait
deskripsi beberapa teman di deskripsi beberapa teman di
kelompoknya dari segi ciri fisik, kelompoknya dari ciri fisik atau
penampilan. penampilan.
Fase 4 : • Guru mendorong peserta didik untuk • Secara berdiskusi kelompok, peserta 30 menit
Mengembangkan berfikir kritis dengan mengembangkan didik mengembangkan informasi yang
dan menyajikan informasi yang didapatkannya didapatkannya kemudian dibuat menjadi
hasil kemudian dibuat skenario dialog skenario dialog.
(short spoken conversation). • Peserta didik menampilkan short spoken
• Guru mendorong peserta didik untuk conversation di depan kelas.
menampilkan short spoken
conversation dari masing-masing
Fase 5 : • Guru mendorong peserta didik untuk • Peserta didik berpartisipasi aktif 5 menit
Menganalisis dan memberikan feedback dan evaluasi memberikan feedback dan evaluasi
mengevaluasi terkait hasil penampilan mereka. terkait hasil penampilan rekan-rekan


proses dan hasil • Guru menyimpulkan seluruh kegiatan
pemecahan pembelajaran.

Evaluasi dan 1. Guru melakukan kegiatan refleksi 1. Peserta didik merespon pertanyaan 5 menit
rencana tindak pembelajaran dengan memberikan yang diberikan guru.
lanjut beberapa pertanyaan pada peserta 2. Peserta mengucap rasa syukur dan
didik. menjawab salam.
2. Guru menyampaikan informasi
materi dan rencana pembelajaran
pada pertemuan berikutnya.
3. Guru mengakhiri pertemuan dengan
mengucap rasa syukur dan memberi
Jenis Asesmen 1. Diagnostik
• Bagaimana cara belajar kamu untuk memahami short spoken conversation khususnya
describing people?
• Bagaimana fasilitas yang kalian siapkan sebagai penunjang pembelajaran di rumah?
• Apa yang kamu sukai dan tidak disukai dalam pembelajaran terkait short spoken
conversation khususnya describing people?
• Apa kesulitan utama ketika kalian menyampaikan ide-ide terkait topik?
2. Formatif
3. Sumatif
Bentuk Asesmen 1. Sikap
observasi, penilaian teman sebaya dan penilaian diri
2. Pengetahuan
Pilihan ganda dan esai
3. Keterampilan
Pengayaan dan Remidial
Pengayaan (Terlampir)
Remidial (Terlampir)

Refleksi Guru

Apakah tujuan pembelajaran sudah tercapai?

Apakah peserta didik belajar aktif dan mengikuti dengan baik?

Apakah pembelajaran sudah sesuai dengan apa yang saya rencanakan?

Langkah perbaikan apa yang dilakukan agar bisa lebih baik lagi ?

Refleksi peserta didik

Materi mana yang sulit dipahami?

Apa yang akan kamu lakukan untuk memperbaiki hasil belajarmu ?

Siapa yang bisa membantu untuk memahami?

Jika ada soal, kira-kira berapa nilai yang dapat kamu perolah jika rentang antara 1 – 5?



a. Definition
Descriptive text is a text used to give a detailed information (description) about a particular object. It describes
particular object like things, animals, persons or places, for instance: pets or persons we know well.

b. Social Functions
1. Giving information about a particular object by describing its features dan special characteristics;
2. Giving information about a particular object by describing its physical attributes, behavior, functions, etc.

c. Generic Structures
The generic structure of a descriptive text consists of two main parts:
a) Identification/Introduction/Classification
• Identification introduces and identifies specific objects (a person, thing, place, animal, or event)
intended to be described. It is used to gives a general idea about the object we want to describe.
• What specific topic, person, idea, or thing is beaing described or explained?
• How is the topic being described of explained?

b) Descriptions/Characteristic Features
• Description describes the intended objects using descriptive details or information
about the objects’ characteristics, appearances, personality, habits, or qualities.
• What features or characteristics (physical appearance, qualities, habitual behavior, significant
attributes) are important to remember or understand about the topic being described?

c) Conclusion/Concluding statement (optional)

• What are the main ideas and important details that are necessary to include?
• How will you state them in you own words following the structure of the text?

d. Language features
Language features commonly used in descriptive text:

Specific characteristics or features are described or expained (size, shape,
location, coloured, etc.). ➢ Descriptive adjective are used throughout the text.

Details are provided to help the reader visualize the topic.

Examples are often provided (for instance, such as, an example, to illustrate,
to demonstrate). ➢ The topic word or a synonym for the topic is often repeated.

Use of thinking and feeling verbs to express the writer’s
personal view about the subject.

Use of similes and metaphors.
e. Examples of short spoken conversation
1. Conversation 1
A: Have you met the new girl?
B: No. Have you?
A: She's one of the prettiest girls at the school.
B: What does she look like?
A: Well, she's quite short.
B: How tall would you say that she is?
A: I would say she's only five feet.
B: What about her facial features?
A: She has light brown eyes, absolutely beautiful.
B: I think I know who you're talking about.
A: Have you seen her?
B: I think that I have.


2. Conversation 2
A:Have you seen the new girl in school?
B:No, I haven't.
A:She's really pretty.
B:Describe her to me.
A:She's not too tall.
B:Well, how tall is she?
A:She's about five feet even.
B:What does she look like, though?
A:She has pretty light brown eyes.
B:I may know which girl you're talking about.
A:So you have seen her around?
B:Yes, I have.

Asking description (appearance or personality)

Stating description (appearance or personality)
Asking detail of description


1. Why Describe Someone?

We describe people all the time. For example, you might tell your friends what your boss is
like. You might tell your sister what that cute guy you saw looks like.
Even outside of everyday conversations, it’s very useful to know how to describe people. Descriptions
are used a lot in books, in articles and in other kinds of communication in English. Reading or hearing a
description of someone can give you a better idea of what they look like or act like.
Descriptions are also useful in the business world, often crucial to conversations and presentations at work.
2. What Are the Different Ways to Describe People?
Let’s say you want to describe a friend, a family member or a boss. You will probably use a few kinds of information.
• Appearance is what someone looks like on the outside.
• Mannerisms are the ways that someone acts or behaves.
• Character traits are the little things that make someone who they are. In other words, they
make up someone’s personality.
• Emotions are what someone feels at a certain time.

3. How to Describe People in English: 4 Ways

1. Describing someone’s appearance
To describe someone’s appearance, you will often use adjectives. An adjective is a kind of
word that describes a noun (a person, place or thing).
Some of them are synonyms, or words that mean almost or exactly the same thing.
Knowing more than one way of saying something is very helpful when describing people.
• To describe someone’s height, you can say they are tall or short. Tall people are higher than short people.
Someone who is thin and tall can be called lanky. To say someone is short and also small,
you can say they are petite. If you’re talking about a child, they might be pint-sized.
• Someone who weighs more than average can be curvy, well-built, full-bodied or heavy.
(Curvy is usually only used to describe women.) You might also say someone has some
meat on their bones. This is a casual way of saying they are overweight, and it might
seem rude to someone sensitive. The opposite of overweight can be thin, slim or skinny.
• Light, yellowish hair can be described as blonde. But you can also call a person who has that
kind of hair a blonde. (This means blonde can be used as a noun or an adjective.) A person
with dark hair can be called a brunette. Someone with red hair can be called a redhead.
• Besides what color someone’s hair is, you also can say they are short-haired or long-haired. You
can say they have curly, straight or wavy hair. Sometimes hair can also be frizzy, which is when it
looks puffy with small, tight curls. If someone has no hair at all on their head, they are bald.
• Men sometimes have hair on their faces. Hair that covers the chin and cheeks is called a beard. When there’s
hair only above the lips it’s a moustache. A beard that’s only on the chin can be called a goatee. None of these
are adjectives. They are all nouns. To describe someone with a beard, you would say, “He has a beard.”
• How does a person look overall? If you think a woman is attractive, you can say she is beautiful, pretty or maybe
even gorgeous (very beautiful). You can call an attractive man handsome. Both men and women can be good-
looking. If you’re speaking very casually, good-looking men or women can be hot. To say someone is not very


good-looking, you can say they are not much to look at. This is not a nice way to describe
someone, but it’s better than ugly.
• If someone dresses well, they are smartly dressed or they look smart. You can also just say they
are well-dressed. If someone dresses fashionably, they are stylish or trendy. If someone has bad
taste in clothes, you can say they’re unfashionable. A less nice way to say this is frumpy.

2. Describing someone’s mannerisms

Someone’s mannerisms are the way they act or speak. When you speak, do you move your
arms a lot? Do you touch your hair or bite your lip? All these things are mannerisms.
Since mannerisms are usually actions, they are often described by phrases with verbs
(action words). Here are some common mannerisms you might use to describe people:
• Many people have mannerisms that appear when they’re feeling negative (bad) emotions.
If someone feels nervous or impatient, for example, they might tap their fingers, crack their
knuckles, bite their fingernails or chew the tips of their pencils.
• Sometimes people don’t even notice that they twirl their hair around their finger. Other
times mannerisms are deliberate (on purpose). For example, someone might roll their
eyes to show that they’re being sarcastic (not serious).
• When a person thinks hard about something, they sometimes tilt their head to the side or
even stick out their tongue.
• You can sometimes tell someone is annoyed if they rub the back of their neck, sigh a lot or clench their hands.

3. Describing someone’s character

A person’s character is their personality, who they are on the inside. When you talk about
someone, you might mention what they are like as a person.
Here are some ways to do that:
• We all know people who are nice and kind. They are a pleasure to be with and always seem to
be smiling. These people are usually also friendly and generous. People who are generous
like to help others by giving them things. Someone who is the opposite of nice is mean. Mean
people can be unpleasant, nasty or vicious. Hopefully you don’t know anyone like this!
• Some people always show respect to others, which makes them polite and well-
mannered. Someone who doesn’t care about other’s feelings or rules is rude and impolite.
If they use bad language, you can say they are vulgar or obscene.
• Someone smart is intelligent or clever. If they are smart because of age or experience,
they can be called wise. Someone who is not very intelligent could be dumb or slow, but a
slightly nicer way to say that is that they’re not too bright.
• How does the person you’re describing deal with difficult situations? Some people get
angry easily. They are hot-headed. Others are calm and sensible and look at everything in
a relaxed way. Others go right from being calm to being mad. They are moody.
• To describe a person who does not like to go out or be with people much, you can use the word introvert. If
that person doesn’t talk a lot and doesn’t seem comfortable around others, they might be shy. People who
love company and parties are extroverts. They are often easy-going, meaning not much bothers them.
• Someone who tries hard to do big things is ambitious. They might also be resourceful. Resourceful
people use everything they can to help them reach a goal. Someone who is happy with what they
have can be called content or fulfilled. None of these are bad things to be.
• If a person is good at making people laugh, they are funny. If they’re funny in a clever (smart) way, they’re witty.
Some people don’t like to laugh a lot, and are very serious instead. Sometimes serious people can seem boring.
• Arrogant, conceited people are not fun to be around because they act like they are better
than you. They can be show-offs, meaning they try to make you see how great they are.
Modest people don’t show off how great they are, even if they’re awesome!

4. Describing someone’s feelings

People’s feelings are always changing. You can be happy one moment, and then hear
some bad news and become sad.
You always know how you feel, but it isn’t always easy to tell how someone else is feeling. You can
look at how someone is speaking or even how they’re sitting to understand how they feel. When you’re
not sure how someone feels, you can say they might be feeling something. You can also say someone
looks like they’re feeling a certain way. These phrases show that you might be wrong.
For example, you can say, “I’m mad” when you’re talking about yourself. But you might say
“He looks mad,”when you’re talking about another person. This makes sense if this person is
yelling into his phone with his face red and his fists clenched (all signs that someone is mad!).
You can use these words to talk about how someone is feeling, how they were feeling
before or how they might feel in the future.


• There are so many ways to say that someone is happy! They can be elated, exuberant,
cheerful, delighted or even ecstatic (very, very happy). Someone sad might be described as
melancholy, miserable (very sad) or out of sorts.
• When something makes a person mad, they become angry or fed up. Someone very angry is
furious or livid. Stay away from those people!
• We all feel like we have too much to deal with sometimes. This can make us stressed and
anxious. New or scary things can make us nervous. Once that stress is gone, you can feel
tranquil or serene, which are other ways of saying relaxed.

• Did the person you’re describing get enough sleep last night? If not, they might look tired or worn out. If
they look extremely tired, they might be exhausted. Sleeping well makes a person look well-rested.

• If someone looks like they’re not interested in what’s going on around them, they might
seem bored. If they’re very interested, you might say they’re enthusiastic.

4. Example of Conversation

Fiki : Linda is your neighbor, isn't she?

Nina : Yes, Fahri. She is my neighbor.

Fiki : Good! I saw her when she was walking near your house yesterday.

Nina : Really!
Wahyu : How does your friend look like?

Nina : Linda is a chubby girl. She has straight long hair. She wears
glasses. When she smile, she has two dimples on her cheeks.
Fizzy : Is she good at school?

Nina : Yes, very. Ari is our model student. He is so smart, humble, and friendly.

Fizzy : Great.
Asking other appearance
Stating other appearance

5. Words that describe physical apperance

HEIGHT short, average height, tall (He/She is …, I am…)
AGE around 15…, in his/her 20s (He/She is…, You are….)
HAIR short, long
straight, wavy, curly, a ponytail
white, grey, black, dark/ light brown, blonde, fair, red (He/She has got….,
I/You/We/They have got…)
bald (He is bald.)
beard, moustache (He has got a….)
FACE square, round, wide, plain ( He/She has got…., I/You/We/They have got…)
COMPLEXION light, dark ( He/She has got…., I/You/We/They have got…)
EYES green, blue, brown
beautiful, big ( He/She has got…., I/You/We/They have got…)
OTHER beautiful, pretty, handsome, cute, good-looking, young, old, overweight…(He/She is
…, I am…),
CLOTHES and He/She is wearing….(a blue T-shirt and black jeans)

1. Teks (Text) : ungkapan bahasa yang menurut isi, sintaksis dan pragmatik merupakan suatu
2. Descriptive text : teks yang digunakan untuk memberikan informasi (deskripsi) secara rinci
tentang suatu hal tertentu obyek.
3. Genre text : bentuk aktual teks tertentu yang masuk dalam pembahasan konteks
budaya, yaitu struktur skematika.
4. Structure : tatanan dan bentuk umum dari sebuah narasi
5. Linguistic features : macam-macam gaya penulisan atau bahasa yang dilakukan
6. Social Function : tujuan dari penulisan suatu teks dalam masyarakat


Buku Bahasa Inggris SPLASH Smart Path to Learning English Kelas X, Penerbit
Erlangga – Kurikulum Merdeka

Buku Bahasa Inggris SMA/SMK Kelas X Kementerian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan,
Riset, Dan Teknologi Badan Penelitian Dan Pengembangan Dan Perbukuan
Pusat Kurikulum Dan Perbukuan – Kurikulum Merdeka


A. Identitas
Kelompok : …………………………………………………..
Kelas : …………………………………………………..
Angggota Kelompok : 1. ………………………………………………..
2. ………………………………………………..
3. ………………………………………………..
4. ………………………………………………..

B. Tujuan Pembelajaran
Melalui kegiatan pembelajaran dengan model problem based learning, peserta didik dapat:
1. Mengidentifikasi informasi describing people dari beberapa short spoken conversation dengan baik dan sesuai
konteks bebasis HOTS (High Order Thinking Skill) dan TPACK (Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge).
2. Menganalisis informasi tersurat dan rinci pada short spoken conversation terkait descriptive
text dengan baik dan sesuai konteks bebasis HOTS (High Order Thinking Skill) dan TPACK
(Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge).
3. Menampilkan short spoken conversation tentang describing classmates dengan baik dan sesuai konteks
bebasis HOTS (High Order Thinking Skill) dan TPACK (Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge).

C. Alat dan Bahan Video

Pembelajaran LCD Projektor


D. Profil Pelajar Pancasila

1. Gotong royong
Bekerja sama mencari informasi lebih tentang materi yang diberikan dalam kelompok.
2. Berfikir Kritis
Mengembangkan dan mengaitkan materi dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.

E. Petunjuk
Bacalah setiap instruksi dengan cermat sebelum mengerjakan seluruh aktivitas di LKPD ini.
F. Langkah Kegiatan
1. Look at the picture and then discuss together for the following
questions below! (Mengidentifikasi gambar terkait describing people.)

1. What picture is it?

2. How about your family members?
3. What do they look like?

2. Use your headphones before you watch the video and fill in the blanks
with the appropriate words/phrases!
(menyimak video dan melengkapi percakapan rumpang terkait video yang mereka simak.)

Elena : What does your wife ................. (1), John?

John : She has medium-length wavy black hair and likes to wear large earrings. She is
............... (2) and thin. How about your husband?
Elena : He has short black hair and a ........................ (3) he is a little overweight. What does
your boss look like?

Elena : He is average height and .................. (5) He is usually clean-shaven. He has a mole

above his upper lip. What does your best friend look like?

Elena : She has dyed green spiky hair and freckles. She is short and .............. (7).

3. Work in a group. Watch the video and choose the correct answer
(Mencari informasi tersurat dan rinci terkait short spoken conversation serta menganalisisnya)
1. What does George Hawkins look like?
a. He’s really short.
b. He’s really tall.
c. He’s really fat.
d. He’s really thin.
According to Samantha, when did Tony first meet him?
a. at Bill’s birthday party
b. at a restaurant
c. at his office
d. at a Christmas party

a. Jessica
b. Anne
c. Lucy
d. Frizzy
4. What does Jessica look like?
a. She has short black hair.
b. She has long blond hair.
c. She has short blond hair.
d. She has long black hair.
5. When did Tony last speak with Jessica?
a. at Bill’s birthday party
b. at a restaurant
c. at her office
d. at christmas party

4. Work in a group. Observe the other group member’s physical appearance and then
write in the table or discuss together.
(Mengumpulkan informasi terkait deskripsi beberapa teman di kelompoknya dari ciri fisik atau penampilan.)

No Friends’ name Physical appearance



5. Work in a group. Pay attention to the example and then make a dialogue
describing your classmates based on your observation / discussion results.

Fiki : Linda is your neighbor, isn't she?

Nina : Yes, Fahri. She is my neighbor.

Fiki : Good! I saw her when she was walking near your house yesterday.

Nina : Really!
Wahyu : How does your friend look like?

Nina : Linda is a chubby girl. She has straight long hair. She wears
glasses. When she smile, she has two dimples on her cheeks.
Fizzy : Is she good at school?

Nina : Yes, very. Ari is our model student. He is so smart, humble, and friendly.

Fizzy : Great.
Discussion sheet:

G. Glosarium
look like (v) : mirip dalam penampilan dengan seseorang atau sesuatu
skinny (adj) : sangat kurus
mustache (n) : rambut yang tumbuh di atas bibir atas
yang lebar di bahu dan dada
lip (n) : salah satu dari dua bagian lunak yang membentuk tepi atas dan bawah
spiky (adj) : ditutupi dengan paku atau memiliki penampilan itu

: terutama pada orang dengan kulit pucat

mannerism (n) : sesuatu yang dilakukan seseorang berulang kali dengan wajah, tangan,
atau suara mereka, dan bahwa mereka mungkin tidak menyadari bahwa
mereka melakukannya
dimple (n) : tempat berlubang kecil, terutama yang muncul di wajah seseorang ketika
mereka tersenyum

H. Hasil Kegiatan
Contoh hasil:
A:hi, good morning.
B:Good morning.
A:Have you heard that we got a new students at school?
B:oh. I didn't know that. what does she look like?
A:She has a long black hair and brown eyes
B:ooh! that's very good! I can't wait to see her.
A:yeah, me too. Okay see you.
B:See you.

I. Kesimpulan
Based on our learning process, what can we learn how to ask and

describe other people? How to ask someone to describe other people?

How to state someone else description?

1. Penilaian Sikap
a. Observasi
Aspek Yang Dinilai
No. Nama Peserta didik Bernalar Gotong Jml Skor Nilai
Kritis Royong
• Aspek yang dinilai :
1. Kritis
2. Gotong royong
• Skor yang dituangkan dalam tiap kolom :
1. Jika kurang baik
2. Jika cukup baik
3. Jika baik
4. Jika sangat baik

b. Penilaian diri
A. Petunjuk Umum: (1) Instrumen ini untuk mendapatkan informasi mengenai pencapaian
kompetensi berdasarkan pengakuan atau refleksi peserta didik atas sikap Gotong
Royong.(2) Instrumen ini diisi oleh peserta didik dan untuk memberikan kesempatan
menilai dirinya sendiri mengenai Kedisiplinan yang sudah dilakukannya.
B. Petunjuk Pengisian: Isilah instrument ini dengan memberikan tanda cek (√) pada kolom sesuai dengan
keseringan yang kamu lakukan atas setiap butir pernyataan sikap dengan ketentuan: (1) Pada kolom 4 jika
kamu merasa Selalu Melakukan, (2) Pada kolom 3 jika kamu merasa Sering Melakukan (3) Pada kolom 2
jika kamu merasa Kadang-kadang Melakukan (4) Pada kolom 1 jika kamu merasa Jarang Melakukan
C. Identitas Subjek dan Penilaian
Nama Peserta didik : …………………………………….
Kelas/Semester/Tahun : …………/……/[20…./20….]
Periode Penilaian : Gotong Royong ke- ……..
Penilaian Diri terhadap : Kompetensi Sikap Gotong Royong
D. Format Penilaian
Ya/ Skor Penilaian
No. Butir Pernyataan Diri
1 2 3 4
1 Saya terlibat aktif dalam menyelesaikan tugas-tugas kelompok.
2 Saya melakukan tugas sesuai kesepakatan bersama.
3 Saya membantu teman lain tanpa banyak alasan
4 Saya memusatkan perhatian pada tujuan kelompok
5 Saya mencari jalan untuk mengatasi perbedaan pendapat/pikiran antara
diri sendiri dengan orang lain
6 Saya segera memulai ambil kesempatan
melakukan kegiatan kelompok.
7 Saya berbagi tugas dan pekerjaan pada penyelesaian tugas-tugas
8 Saya rela meluangkan waktu untuk penyelesaian tugas-tugas kelompok.
9 Saya menyediakan tempat melaksanakan kegiatan-kegiatan
10 Saya rela menyumbangkan tenaga dan pikiran saya untuk penyelesaian
tugastugas kelompok.
11 Saya rela menyumbangkan sebagian uang saya untuk mendanai
kebutuhan penyelesaian tugas-tugas kelompok.
12 Saya bekerja sama dengan teman sekelompok atau lainnya dalam
penyelesaian banyak tugas-tugas yang diberikan kepada peserta didik.
Jumlah (Sesuai kolom Skor Penilaian) … … … …
Jumlah Skor Total
Nilai Sikap Spiritual […../48] x 4 = …..

c. Penilaian teman sejawat

Aspek Yang Jml Skor Nilai
No. Nama Teman Dinilai
1 2
Aspek : Skor :
• Kritis 1. Jika kurang baik
• Gotong royong 2. Jika cukup baik
3. Jika baik
4. Jika sangat baik

2. Penilaian Formatif
(Pengetahuan) a. Soal

Work in a group. Watch the video and choose the correct answer.
1. What does George Hawkins look like?
a. He’s really short.
b. He’s really tall.
c. He’s really fat.
d. He’s really thin.
e. He’s really chubby
2. According to Samantha, when did Tony first meet him?
a. at Bill’s birthday party
b. at a restaurant
c. at his office
d. at a Christmas party
e. at the garden
3. What is his wife’s name?
a. Jessica
b. Anne
c. Lucy
d. Frizzy
e. Intan
4. What does Jessica look like?
a. She has short black hair.
b. She has long blond hair.
c. She has short blond hair.
d. She has long black hair.
e. She has short curly hair.
5. When did Tony last speak with Jessica?
a. at Bill’s birthday party
b. at a restaurant
c. at her office
d. at a Christmas party
e. at the park

b. Kunci Jawaban
1. B
2. D
3. A
4. B
5. A

c. Rubrik Penilaian
Jawaban benar x 2 poin = Nilai akhir
d. Kisi-kisi
Capaian Pembelajaran Indikator Indikator Soal No Jenis
Soal Soal

Pada akhir Fase E, peserta didik Menganalisis

Peserta didik dapat 1-5 Pilihan
menggunakan teks lisan, tulisan informasi tersurat menganalisis Ganda
dan visual dalam bahasa Inggris dan rinci pada short informasi tersurat
untuk berkomunikasi sesuai spoken conversation dan rinci
dengan situasi, tujuan, dan
terkait descriptive tersurat/tersirat dari
pemirsa/pembacanya. Berbagai
jenis teks seperti narasi, deskripsi, text dengan baik dan short spoken
prosedur, eksposisi, recount, sesuai konteks conversation
report, dan teks otentik menjadi bebasis HOTS (High
rujukan utama dalam mempelajari Order Thinking Skill)
bahasa Inggris di fase ini. Peserta dan TPACK
didik menggunakan bahasa Inggris (Technological
untuk menyampaikan
keinginan/perasaan dan berdiskusi
mengenai topik yang dekat dengan Pedagogical Content
keseharian mereka atau isu yang Knowledge).
hangat sesuai usia peserta didik di
fase ini. Mereka membaca teks
tulisan untuk mempelajari
sesuatu/mendapatkan informasi.
Keterampilan inferensi tersirat
ketika memahami informasi, dalam
bahasa Inggris mulai berkembang.
Peserta didik memproduksi teks
tulisan dan visual yang lebih
beragam, dengan kesadaran
terhadap tujuan dan target
e. Kartu Soal
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester : X / Gasal
Tujuan Pembelajaran Melalui kegiatan pembelajaran dengan model problem based learning, peserta
didik dapat:
1. Mengidentifikasi informasi describing people dari beberapa short spoken
conversation dengan baik dan sesuai konteks bebasis HOTS (High Order
Thinking Skill) dan TPACK (Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge).
2. Menganalisis informasi tersurat dan rinci pada short spoken conversation terkait
descriptive text dengan baik dan sesuai konteks bebasis HOTS (High Order
Thinking Skill) dan TPACK (Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge).
3. Menampilkan short spoken conversation tentang describing classmates
dengan baik dan sesuai konteks bebasis HOTS (High Order Thinking Skill) dan
TPACK (Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge).
Materi Describing People
Indikator Soal Peserta didik dapat menganalisis informasi tersurat dan rinci tersurat/tersirat dari
short spoken conversation
Level Kognitif C2
What does George Hawkins look like?
a. He’s really short.
b. He’s really tall.
c. He’s really fat.
d. He’s really thin.
e. He’s really chubby


Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester : X / Gasal
Tujuan Pembelajaran Melalui kegiatan pembelajaran dengan model problem based learning, peserta
didik dapat:
a. Mengidentifikasi informasi describing people dari beberapa short spoken
conversation dengan baik dan sesuai konteks bebasis HOTS (High Order
Thinking Skill) dan TPACK (Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge).
b. Menganalisis informasi tersurat dan rinci pada short spoken conversation terkait
descriptive text dengan baik dan sesuai konteks bebasis HOTS (High Order
Thinking Skill) dan TPACK (Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge).
c. Menampilkan short spoken conversation tentang describing classmates
dengan baik dan sesuai konteks bebasis HOTS (High Order Thinking Skill) dan
TPACK (Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge).
Materi Describing People
Indikator Soal Peserta didik dapat menganalisis informasi tersurat dan rinci tersurat/tersirat dari
short spoken conversation
Level Kognitif C2
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester : X / Gasal
Tujuan Pembelajaran Melalui kegiatan pembelajaran dengan model problem based learning, peserta
didik dapat:
a. Mengidentifikasi informasi describing people dari beberapa short spoken
conversation dengan baik dan sesuai konteks bebasis HOTS (High Order
Thinking Skill) dan TPACK (Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge).
b. Menganalisis informasi tersurat dan rinci pada short spoken conversation terkait
descriptive text dengan baik dan sesuai konteks bebasis HOTS (High Order
Thinking Skill) dan TPACK (Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge).
c. Menampilkan short spoken conversation tentang describing classmates
dengan baik dan sesuai konteks bebasis HOTS (High Order Thinking Skill) dan
TPACK (Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge).
Materi Describing People
Indikator Soal Peserta didik dapat menganalisis informasi tersurat dan rinci tersurat/tersirat dari
short spoken conversation
Level Kognitif C2


Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester : X / Gasal
Tujuan Pembelajaran Melalui kegiatan pembelajaran dengan model problem based learning, peserta
didik dapat:
a. Mengidentifikasi informasi describing people dari beberapa short spoken
conversation dengan baik dan sesuai konteks bebasis HOTS (High Order
Thinking Skill) dan TPACK (Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge).
b. Menganalisis informasi tersurat dan rinci pada short spoken conversation terkait
descriptive text dengan baik dan sesuai konteks bebasis HOTS (High Order
Thinking Skill) dan TPACK (Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge).
c. Menampilkan short spoken conversation tentang describing classmates
dengan baik dan sesuai konteks bebasis HOTS (High Order Thinking Skill) dan
TPACK (Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge).
Materi Describing People
Indikator Soal Peserta didik dapat menganalisis informasi tersurat dan rinci tersurat/tersirat dari
short spoken conversation
Level Kognitif C2
What does Jessica look like?
a. She has short black hair.
b. She has long blond hair.
c. She has short blond hair.
d. She has long black hair.
e. She has short curly hair.
Tujuan Pembelajaran Melalui kegiatan pembelajaran dengan model problem based learning, peserta
didik dapat:
a. Mengidentifikasi informasi describing people dari beberapa short spoken
conversation dengan baik dan sesuai konteks bebasis HOTS (High Order
Thinking Skill) dan TPACK (Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge).
b. Menganalisis informasi tersurat dan rinci pada short spoken conversation terkait
descriptive text dengan baik dan sesuai konteks bebasis HOTS (High Order
Thinking Skill) dan TPACK (Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge).
c. Menampilkan short spoken conversation tentang describing classmates
dengan baik dan sesuai konteks bebasis HOTS (High Order Thinking Skill) dan
TPACK (Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge).
Materi Describing People
Indikator Soal Peserta didik dapat menganalisis informasi tersurat dan rinci tersurat/tersirat dari
short spoken conversation
Level Kognitif C2
When did Tony last speak with Jessica?
a. at Bill’s birthday party
b. at a restaurant
c. at her office
d. at christmas party
e. at the park

3. Penilaian Sumatif (Keterampilan)

a. Soal
Work in a group. Pay attention to the example and then make a dialogue
describing your classmates based on your observation / discussion results.

Fiki : Linda is your neighbor, isn't she?

Nina : Yes, Fahri. She is my neighbor.

Fiki : Good! I saw her when she was walking near your house yesterday.

Nina : Really!
Wahyu : How does your friend look like?

Nina : Linda is a chubby girl. She has straight long hair. She wears
glasses. When she smile, she has two dimples on her cheeks.
Fizzy : Is she good at school?

Nina : Yes, very. Ari is our model student. He is so smart, humble, and friendly.

Fizzy : Great.
b. Kunci Jawaban
Contoh hasil dalam bentuk tertulis:
A: hi, good morning.
B:Good morning.
A:Have you heard that we got a new students at school?
B:oh. I didn't know that. what does she look like?
A: She has a long black hair and brown eyes
B: ooh! that's very good! I can't wait to see her.
A:yeah, me too. Okay see you.
B:See you.

c. Rubrik Penilaian
1. Format Penilaian
No. Nama Peserta didik Kriteria Penilaian Jml Nilai
P I F C Skor
P : Pronunciation
I: Intonation
F: Fluency
C : Content

2. Deskripsi Kriteria Penilaian

No. Criteria Description

5 = Almost perfect
4 = there is an error but does not interfere with the meaning
1. Pronunciation 3 = there are a number of errors and disrupting meanings
2 = many errors and disrupting meanings
1 = too many mistakes so it's hard to understand
5 = Almost perfect
4 = there is an error but does not interfere with the meaning
2. Intonation 3 = there are a number of errors and disrupting meanings
2 = many errors and disrupting meanings
1 = too many mistakes so it's hard to understand

5 = very fluent
4 = fluent
3. Fluency 3 = quite fluent
2 = less fluent
1 = not fluent

5 = very clear and complete

4 = clear and complete
4. Content 3 = enough clear and complete
2 = less clear and complete
1 = not clear and not complete
1. The total score is 20.
2. The final score is then converted to a scale of 100 using the formula:
Score = Result X
100 20

d. Kisi-kisi
Capaian Pembelajaran Indikator Indikator instrumen Jenis Penilaian

Pada akhir Fase E, peserta didik Menampilkan short Peserta didik dapat Berbicara
menggunakan teks lisan, tulisan conversation tentang menampilkan (Speaking)
dan visual dalam bahasa Inggris describing classmates percakapan tentang
untuk berkomunikasi sesuai dengan baik dan sesuai describing classmates
dengan situasi, tujuan, dan konteks bebasis HOTS
pemirsa/pembacanya. Berbagai (High Order Thinking
jenis teks seperti narasi, deskripsi, Skill) dan TPACK
prosedur, eksposisi, recount, (Technological
report, dan teks otentik menjadi Pedagogical Content
rujukan utama dalam mempelajari Knowledge).
bahasa Inggris di fase ini. Peserta
didik menggunakan bahasa Inggris
untuk menyampaikan
keinginan/perasaan dan berdiskusi
mengenai topik yang dekat dengan
keseharian mereka atau isu yang
hangat sesuai usia peserta didik di
fase ini. Mereka membaca teks
tulisan untuk mempelajari
sesuatu/mendapatkan informasi.
Keterampilan inferensi tersirat
ketika memahami informasi, dalam
bahasa Inggris mulai berkembang.
Peserta didik memproduksi teks
tulisan dan visual yang lebih
beragam, dengan kesadaran
terhadap tujuan dan target

Tujuan Pembelajaran Melalui kegiatan pembelajaran dengan model problem based learning, peserta
didik dapat:
a. Mengidentifikasi informasi describing people dari beberapa short spoken
conversation dengan baik dan sesuai konteks bebasis HOTS (High Order
Thinking Skill) dan TPACK (Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge).
b. Menganalisis informasi tersurat dan rinci pada short spoken conversation terkait
descriptive text dengan baik dan sesuai konteks bebasis HOTS (High Order
Thinking Skill) dan TPACK (Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge).
c. Menampilkan short spoken conversation tentang describing classmates
dengan baik dan sesuai konteks bebasis HOTS (High Order Thinking Skill) dan
TPACK (Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge).
Materi Describing People
Indikator Soal Peserta didik dapat menampilkan percakapan tentang describing classmates
Level Kognitif C6
Work in a group. Pay attention to the example and then make a dialogue describing your
classmates based on your observation / discussion results.

4. Pengayaaan Ketentuan
Pengayaan diberikan kepada peserta didik yang telah meraih nilai minimal mencapai
capaian pembelajaran/batas minimal pada penilaian formatif. Pengayaan ini diharapkan
dapat memperkaya pemahaman peserta didik terhadap materi yang disampaiakan.
Peserta didik yang telah mencapai KKM diberikan tugas atau projek lain untuk meningkatkan
pemahaman dan memperkaya keterampilan peserta didik. Guru meminta peserta didik untuk
mendeskripsikan keluarga mereka masing-masing dan dipresentasikan.

5. Remidi
Remidial diberikan kepada peserta didik yang masih belum mencapai capaian pembelajaran
atau batasminimal pada penilaian formatif. Remidial teaching dan testing diberikan setelah
penilaian dilaksanakan. Remidial diberikan untuk meningkatkan pemahaman peserta didik dan
memberikan kesempatan kepada peserta didik untuk memperbaiki nilai.

Peserta didik menerima materi dengan contoh dan metode penyampaian
yang berbeda. Guru memberikan remidial teaching dan testing.

Plt. Kepala SMA Negeri 1 Larangan Larangan, 18 Oktober 2022

Kepala SMA Negeri 1 Kersana Guru Mata Pelajaran

Yuniarso Amirudin, S.Pd., M.Si. M. Zidni Ilman Ahdillah, M.Pd.

NIP. 19670629 199702 1 001 NIP.
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