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Narrative Text

Disusun Oleh
Wahyudi.s. Pesulima S.pd

Penyusun : wahyudi.S.pesulima
Unit Tugas : SMA Muhammadiyah ambon
Tahun Pelajaran : 2023 / 2024
Jenjang : SMA
Fase / Kelas : F / XI
Alokasi waktu : 10 x 45’

A. Tujuan Pembelajaran
1. Siswa mampu menggali berbagai informasi seperti ide pokok, informasi tersurat maupun
tersirat dan mengevaluasi detail spesifik teks Naratif cetak atau digital
2. Siswa mampu membuat perencanaan, mengembangkan plot dan mempresentasikan teks
naratif dengan berbagai moda dalam bentuk cetak dan digital
B. Langkah Pembelajaran
Pertemuan 1
Pendahuluan 1. Mempersiapkan peserta didik untuk melaksanakan 10’
pembelajaran dengan berdoa, mengecek kehadiran
dan kesiapan peserta didik.
2. Guru menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran
Inti 1. Guru memberikan pertanyaan pada peserta didik : 75’
a. Do you like to watch a movie?
b. Do you like to read a story?
c. What kind of story do you like?
2. Peserta didik dan guru menonton sebuah film pendek
3. Setelah menonton film, Guru memberikan beberapa
pertanyaan secara lisan terkait isi film :
 What is the title of the movie?
 Who is the major character involved in the movie?
 Who is your favorite character?
 Is the story of the movie interested?
 Tell the story with your own words!
4. Peserta didik membaca teks Narrative
5. Peserta didik menjawab soal – soal terkait teks yang
6. Guru menjelaskan tentang Narrative text
Penutup 1. Guru menyimpulkan dan merefleksi pembelajaran 5’
2. Guru memberikan kesempatan kepada peserta didik
untuk bertanya terkait dengan materi yang dipelajari
hari ini
3. Guru menyampaikan agenda pertemuan berikutnya
4. Guru menutup pembelajaran

Pertemuan 2

Pendahuluan 1. Mempersiapkan peserta didik untuk melaksanakan 10’

pembelajaran dengan berdoa, mengecek kehadiran
dan kesiapan peserta didik.
2. Guru mereview materi pembelajaran pada pertemuan
3. Guru menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran hari ini
Inti 1. Peserta didik menyusun puzzle ( berupa gambar sampul 75’
cerita) yang diberikan oleh guru secara berkelompok
2. Peserta didik membaca beberapa teks naratif
3. Peserta didik menjawab soal terkait dengan teks
4. Peserta didik menganalis struktur teks dan unsur
kebahasaan teks naratif
5. Guru menjelaskan tentang past tense
6. Peserta didik menganalisis kalimat berbentuk past
tense yang ada pada teks naratif
7. Peserta didik mengerjakan Latihan soal tentang past
8. Guru memberi tugas untuk menulis kalimat dalam
bentuk past tense
Penutup 1. Guru menyimpulkan dan merefleksi pembelajaran 5’
2. Guru memberikan kesempatan kepada peserta didik
untuk bertanya terkait dengan materi yang dipelajari
hari ini
3. Guru menyampaikan agenda pertemuan berikutnya
4. Menutup pembelajaran

Pertemuan 3

Pendahuluan 1. Mempersiapkan peserta didik untuk melaksanakan 10’

pembelajaran dengan berdoa, mengecek kehadiran
dan kesiapan peserta didik.
2. Guru mereview materi pembelajaran pada pertemuan
3. Guru menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran hari ini
Inti 1. Guru menjelaskan tentang materi reported speech 75’
2. Peserta didik menganalisis kalimat berbentuk reported
speech yang ada pada teks naratif
3. Peserta didik mengerjakan Latihan soal tentang
reported speech
Penutup 1. Guru menyimpulkan dan merefleksi pembelajaran 5’
2. Guru memberikan kesempatan kepada peserta didik
untuk bertanya terkait dengan materi yang dipelajari
hari ini
3. Guru menyampaikan agenda pertemuan berikutnya
4. Menutup pembelajaran

Pertemuan 4

Pendahuluan 1. Mempersiapkan peserta didik untuk melaksanakan 10’

pembelajaran dengan berdoa, mengecek kehadiran
dan kesiapan peserta didik.
2. Guru mereview materi pembelajaran pada pertemuan
3. Guru menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran hari ini
Inti 1. Peserta didik membaca sebuah teks naratif secara 75’
2. Peserta didik membuat naskah drama sederhana
berdasarkan teks yang dibaca dengan mengubah
kalimat tidak langsung dalam teks menjadi kalimat
langsung secara berkelompok
3. Peserta didik mempraktikkan naskah drama yang dibuat
Penutup 1. Guru menyimpulkan dan merefleksi pembelajaran 5’
2. Guru memberikan kesempatan kepada peserta didik
untuk bertanya terkait dengan materi yang dipelajari
hari ini
3. Guru menyampaikan agenda pertemuan berikutnya
4. Menutup pembelajaran

Pertemuan 5

Pendahuluan 1. Mempersiapkan peserta didik untuk melaksanakan 10’

pembelajaran dengan berdoa, mengecek kehadiran
dan kesiapan peserta didik.
2. Guru mereview materi pembelajaran pada pertemuan
3. Guru menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran hari ini
Inti 1. Guru memberikan satu set gambar berisi urutan 75’
sebuah cerita
2. Peserta didik membuat sebuah teks naratif
berdasarkan gambar tersebut dengan menggunakan
kalimat berbentuk past tense dan indirect speech
3. Peserta didik menunjukkan hasil tulisannya dan
menerima masukan dari teman dan guru
Penutup 1. Guru menyimpulkan dan merefleksi pembelajaran 5’
2. Guru memberikan kesempatan kepada peserta didik
untuk bertanya terkait dengan materi yang dipelajari
hari ini
3. Guru menyampaikan agenda pertemuan berikutnya
4. Menutup pembelajaran

C. Media Pembelajaran
- Gambar
- Film pendek
- Presentasi materi dalam bentuk PDF dan PPt
- Teks naratif berbagai tema

D. Asesmen
1. Asesmen Formatif
a. Menjawab pertanyaan tentang isi teks naratif (pertemuan 1)

Kunci jawaban :
1. …

Skor maksimal = 10 x 10 = 100

Rubrik penilaian :
Nilai Kriteria
≤ 55 perlu bimbingan
56-70 cukup
71-85 baik
86 - 100 sangat baik

b. Latihan soal tentang past tense (pertemuan 2)

Kunci jawaban :
1. …

Skor maksimal = 10 x 10 = 100

Rubrik penilaian :
Nilai Kriteria
≤ 55 perlu bimbingan
56-70 cukup
71-85 baik
86 - 100 sangat baik

c. Membuat kalimat dalam bentuk past tense (pertemuan

2) Kriteria Ketercapaian
Kriteria 5 8 10
Tata Bahasa Susunan kalimat Susunan kalimat Susunan kalimat
Susunan kalimat kalimat Kurang Sebagian besar Tepat sempurna
tepat tepat
Tata Bahasa Bentuk kata kerja Bentuk kata kerja Bentuk kata kerja
Bentuk kata kerja (tense) kurang (tense) tepat, (tense) tepat
(tense) tepat penulisan kurang
Skor maksimal = 20 x 5 = 100

d. Latihan soal tentang Reported Speech (pertemuan

3) Kriteria Ketercapaian
Kriteria 1 3 5
Tata Bahasa Susunan kalimat Susunan kalimat Susunan kalimat
Susunan kalimat kalimat Kurang Sebagian besar Tepat sempurna
tepat tepat
Tata Bahasa Bentuk kata kerja Bentuk kata kerja Bentuk kata kerja
Bentuk kata kerja (tense) kurang (tense) tepat, (tense) tepat
(tense) tepat penulisan kurang
Skor maksimal = 10 x 10 = 100
2. Asesmen sumatif
a. Mempresentasikan teks naratif lisan

Kriteria ≤ 70 71-80 81-90 91-100

kurang cukup baik Sangat baik
1. Pronunciation Pronounciatio Pronounciation Pronunciation Pronunciation
n salah setiap Sebagian besar Sebagian besar benar untuk
kata kata kurang kata benar setiap kata
2. Fluency Pembicaraan Sering ragu – Kelancaran Lancar seperti
terhenti atau ragu atau sedikit penutur asli
bahkan berhenti terganggu
terputus karena karena masalah
karena masalah bahasa
masalah bahasa
3. Performance Selalu Sesekali Banyak Banyak
membaca teks menatap menatap menatap
dialog saat pendengar pendengar saat pendengar saat
berbicara tetapi lebih menjelaskan menjelaskan
banyak tetapi tidak dan
membaca teks menggunakan menggunakan
dialog gesture yang gesture yang
membuat membuat
pendengar pendengar
memperhatikan memperhatikan
b. Menulis teks naratif

Kriteria ≤ 70 71-80 81-90 91-100

kurang cukup baik Sangat baik
1. Isi Isi teks tidak Sebagian besar Sebagian kecil Seluruh isi teks
sesuai gambar isi teks tidak isi teks tidak sesuai gambar
sesuai gambar sesuai gambar
2. Pilihan kata Pilihan kata Pilihan kata Pilihan kata Pilihan kata
tidak tepat sebagian besar sebagian kecil seluruhnya
setiap kata kurang tepat kurang tepat tepat
3. Struktur teks Struktur teks Struktur teks Struktur teks Struktur teks
kurang tepat tepat tetapi tepat kurang tepat
tidak runtut

Ambon ...............20

Guru Mata Pelajara Kepala SMA Muhammadiyah Ambon

Wahyudi.S.Pesulima S.pd NIZHAM I TOEKAN S.pd

NIP. 19660413 198903 1 007 Nip : 19680509 1998021 009
The city of Ambon has a number of folk tales that are closely related to current tourist locations. One of them is
Cape Marthafons.
Once upon a time, as quoted from the Ambon Visit media published by the Ambon City Government, when the
Portuguese controlled Ambon City, right in Poka Village, Baguala District, there was a small family who lived very
happily. They are Mr Bram and Mrs Mina. This couple has a daughter who is known to be very beautiful. Her name is
Every day Bram works as a fisherman, while his wife burns sago. Martha herself chose to sell the sago her mother
Martha is known to be very diligent in helping her mother sell sago. In fact, when she is tired, Marta usually chooses
to rest under one of the trees on the headland. In that place, Martha usually calculates her income.
Martha carried out the activity of selling sago until she was 17 years old. And, one day Martha passed the
Portuguese army dormitory, Martha was surprised that her name was called when it was already evening and none
of her merchandise had yet been sold. The person who called Martha turned out to be Mr Alfonso, a Portuguese
army commander.
Mr. Alfonso likes to pay attention to Martha who likes selling sago and with the excuse of wanting to buy sago. Mr.
Alfonso also invited Martha to get to know him. Their acquaintance progresses, until a romantic relationship
Mr. Alfonso falls in love with Martha, and vice versa. Moreover, after Mr. Alfonso had the courage to propose to
Martha and Martha's parents agreed. The only condition is, Mr. Alfonso must wait until Martha is 19 years old.
But unfortunately, before the wedding party, the Portuguese exchanged headquarters. Mr. Alfonso, one of the
commanders whose name was also transferred from Ambon to Batavia, and vice versa.
Finally, separation occurred between this couple who were in the midst of their romantic relationship.
Martha couldn't do much. He must be willing to let go of Alfonso for the sake of his duties. Until one day, the ship
that was going to transport Alfonso docked at the port. All troops have gone up. In fact, the sound of the stom three
times made Martha's heart very sad to be left behind.
Unable to contain her sadness at losing Alfonso, Martha threw herself into the sea and swam towards Alfonso's ship,
her lover. When he saw his lover swimming, Alfonso also jumped into the sea to swim towards his lover. However,
fate said otherwise. Alfonso and Martha's bodies were hit by sea waves and disappeared.
The love story between the two of them was later immortalized into the name of the cape which is very well known
as Tanjung Marthafons

(1st meeting)
A. Answer the following questions!
1. Do you like to watch a movie?
2. Do you like to read a story?
3. What kind of story do you like?
4. Tell your friends the title of the story you have ever read!

B. Answer the following questions based on the movie you have watched!
1. Who is the major character of the movie?
2. Who is your favorite character?
3. Is the story of the movie interested?
4. What was happened in the beginning of the story?
5. What is the problem happened in the story?
6. How was the problem solved?
7. Is the end of the story satisfied you?
8. What do you expect to be happened at the end of the story?

C. Answer the following questions based on the movie you have watched!
1. Is the story of the movie interested?
2. What was happened in the beginning of the story?
3. What is the problem happened in the story?
4. How was the problem solved?
5. Is the end of the story satisfied you?
6. Write your opinion about the story!

D. Read the following story

The kindness strangers

Lily’s mother had three kids and no husband – life was not easy and she didn’t have much money.
One day, she asked Lily to go to the shop and get some bread and milk. She gave Lily a five
pounds note. Lily ran along to the shop, but when she got there – disaster! - she did not
have the five pounds note! It must have fallen out of her pocket. Lily started to cry. There
were three people in the shop. They all asked Lily what the matter was and where she lived.
Through her tears, Lily told them that she had lost her five pounds note and that
she lived at Number 23 Noble Street. The three customers said they would look for the
fiver, and if they found it, they would bring it to Lily’s house.
When Lily got home, her mum was a bit cross and upset, but she told Lily not to
worry. However, that £5 was her last money; her purse was empty. The bread and milk
were for the breakfast the next day. So now, it was going to be a breakfast of cereal
without milk and without toast for Lily’s family. The four of them went to bed feeling sad.
The next morning, Lily’s mum got up and went to the front door to collect the post. She was
surprised to see three envelopes on the floor, addressed to ‘Lily’s mum’. When she opened them, she
was even more surprised, and delighted: each envelope had a five pounds note inside it.

I) Say if the sentences are true or false:

1. Lily’s mother had an easy life
2. She sent Lily to the shop for some bread and milk
3. The five pounds note was in Lily’s bag.
4. The people in the shop ignored Lily
5. The customers promised to help Lily if they could
6. Lily’s mum shouted at her for losing the money
7. The family were unhappy when they went to bed
8. Lily’s mum ended up with £15.

II) Answer the questions in full sentences:

1. How many people were there in Lily’s family?
2. Why did her mum ask her to go to the shop?
3. When Lily got to the shop, did she still have the five pounds note?
4. What did the people in the shop ask Lily?
5. What did they say they would do?
6. How did Lily’s mum react when Lily told her about the missing money?
7. What was the bread and milk going to be for?
8. Who do you think posted the three envelopes? What do you think about their actions?

III) Match up the sentence parts:

1. Lily’s mum gave Lily a. the money fell out of Lily’s pocket
2. Unfortunately, b. she opened the envelopes and saw the money
3. The people in the shop were c. some money and sent her to the shop
4. Lily’s mum was really happy when __ d. concerned and helpful…. And very kind.

(2nd meeting)
A. Read the following explanation!

Simple Past Tense

We use the Simple Past for something which is finished in the past.
He played tennis yesterday.
The children went to the park this morning.

We use “did” to make questions and “didn’t” for negatives. The verb stays in the base form.
Did you see Bob yesterday?
They didn’t come to the party on Sunday.

(+) S + V2 + ...
I saw Bob yesterday.
(-) S + did not / didn’t V1 + ...
I didn’t see Bob yesterday
(?) did + S + V1 + ... ?
Did you see Bob yesterday?
Common time expressions that usually use in simple past
yesterday/the day before yesterday,
last week/month/year
last Friday/Monday,
 three hours/days/ weeks/months/years ago,
 in 2010, 1973, 1649

B. Look at the passage again. Find the verbs in the past simple !
C. Complete the following table
No Base verb (V1) Past form (V2) No Base verb (V1) Past form (V2)
1 Bite 16 Hit
2 Blow 17 Hold
3 Build 18 Give
4 Buy 19 Get
5 Come 20 Keep
6 Catch 21 Lay
7 Choose 22 Learn
8 Cost 23 Make
9 Dig 24 Eat
10 Do 25 See
11 Draw 26 Say
12 Drink 27 Shake
13 Fall 28 Sew
14 Fly 29 Spell
15 Grow 30 Take

D. Change the following statement negative and interogative

sentence Example : My sister went to Bali a week ago
My sister didn’t go to Bali a week ago
Did your sisiter go to Bali a week ago?

1. Two years ago my parents bought a new car.

2. My sister and her husband came from Greece.
3. I met him the day before yesterday
4. I had a wonderful holiday with my family last July.
5. I sold my car two days ago.

E. Complete the sentences using the correct form of the verbs

1. I (see) the twins in town last week.
2. (you/ever/meet) her brother?
3. Where (you/be) last weekend?
4. (you/see) Kathleen?
5. We (not/go) on holiday last year.
6. I love clothes. I (buy) a lot this year.
7. What (you/do) last weekend?
8. Dad (repair) the car, you can use it now.
9. Agatha Christie (live) from 1890 to 1976.
10. Granny still (not/find) her glasses.
11. Where (you/buy) your laptop?
12. Oh! You (paint) the kitchen, I like the color.
13. What time (you/get) home last night?
14. Emma! Your letter (arrive) at last!
15. The weather (be) good all week.
16. I (finish) work early yesterday.
17. Sue’s not here, she (go) out.
18. The weather (not/be) very good last week.
19. We (be) to the cinema twice this month.
20. Brian (live) in England until the age of 14.

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