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Informasi Silabus, Student

Outcomes, dan Aturan Kelas

Program Studi Teknik Kelautan

Fakultas Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan, ITB

KL2103 Statistika dan Probabilitas

Kelas 01
Dr.Eng. Paramashanti
Silabus Singkat

Pada kuliah ini mahasiswa diperkenalkan pada

fenomena acak, konsep probabilitas dan
parameter statistik yang biasa digunakan
dalam masalah rekayasa kelautan.
Materi meliputi pengolahan data, konsep
probabilitas, variabel acak, fungsi distribusi
probabilitas dan fungsi kerapatan
probabilitas. Penerapan metoda statistik pada
parameter teknis rekayasa kelautan juga akan
diberikan, termasuk uji statistik dan analisis
Materi Kuliah

1. Pengertian Dasar
2. Konsep Probabilitas
3. Data dan Penampilannya
4. Pengolahan Data
5. Variabel Acak
6. Distribusi Probabilitas
7. Distribusi gabungan
8. Uji Kecocokan
9. Analisis Nilai Ekstrim
10.Analisis Regresi

1. Alfredo Ang & Wilson Tang,"

Probability Concepts in
Engineering: Emphasis on
Applications to Civil and
Environmental Engineering”
2. Peyton Peebles, “Probability,
Random Variables, and Random
Signal Principles”
3. Erwin Kreyzig, “ Advanced
Engineering Mathematics”, Part G
Chapter 24 & 25
4. Andojo Wurjanto, “SI-2102 Analisis
Statistik dan Probabilitas”, Penerbit

1. Alfredo Ang & Wilson Tang,"

Probability Concepts in
Engineering: Emphasis on
Applications to Civil and
Environmental Engineering”
2. Peyton Peebles, “Probability,
Random Variables, and Random
Signal Principles”
3. Erwin Kreyzig, “ Advanced
Engineering Mathematics”, Part G
Chapter 24 & 25
4. Andojo Wurjanto, “SI-2102 Analisis
Statistik dan Probabilitas”, Penerbit

1. Alfredo Ang & Wilson Tang,"

Probability Concepts in
Engineering: Emphasis on
Applications to Civil and
Environmental Engineering”
2. Peyton Peebles, “Probability,
Random Variables, and Random
Signal Principles”
3. Erwin Kreyzig, “ Advanced
Engineering Mathematics”, Part G
Chapter 24 & 25
4. Andojo Wurjanto, “SI-2102 Analisis
Statistik dan Probabilitas”, Penerbit

1. Alfredo Ang & Wilson Tang,"

Probability Concepts in
Engineering: Emphasis on
Applications to Civil and
Environmental Engineering”
2. Peyton Peebles, “Probability,
Random Variables, and Random
Signal Principles”
3. Erwin Kreyzig, “ Advanced
Engineering Mathematics”, Part G
Chapter 24 & 25
4. Andojo Wurjanto, “SI-2102
Analisis Statistik dan Probabilitas”,
Penerbit ITB
Bobot Penilaian

Tugas/Quiz : 30%
UTS (Pekan ke-8) : 35%
UAS (Pekan ke-16) : 35%

Perolehan nilai diperoleh dari

evaluasi yang lebih dari satu kali
Asisten Kuliah

1. Fany Surya Prabowo (KL-2015)

2. Alya Rismayanti (KL-2015)
Ketua Kelas

Muhammad Rizki Ziarieputra


1. jagalah kesehatan jasmani ruhani

2. hadir tepat waktu
3. menjaga ketenangan
4. informasi penting kuliah lihat papan
5. komunikasi formal ≠ informal (lisan dan
6. santai ok, namun serius
7. belajar kelompok YES, menyontek NO
8. tunjuk 1 orang ketua kelas jika diperlukan
9. tidak malu bertanya
Mahasiswa yang
memperoleh nilai
rendah biasanya jarang
mengumpulkan tugas
atau menyontek tugas

No Apakah Anda sudah memahami ya/tidak

informasi mengenai:
1 silabus dan materi kuliah ?
2 buku teks/referensi acuan
3 tugas?
4 bobot Penilaian ?
5 asisten mata kuliah
6 anjuran terkait perkuliahan?
About ABET Accreditation
& Student Outcomes
General Information
About ABET
nonprofit, non-
Applied Science
Accreditation Commission
organization (ASAC)

Experts from Computing Accreditation

industry, Commission (CAC)
academia, ABET
Engineering Accreditation
Commission (EAC)
ABET 415 North
Charles Street, Engineering Tech
Baltimore, MD Accreditation Commission
21201 Phone (ETAC)
OE ITB had been
accredited by ABET

Ocean Engineering Program

Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Institut Teknologi Bandung

Had been accredited: 2011

Will be expired: August, 2017
Why do we need
ABET Accreditation?
• Educational process is fitted with the global
• Graduates will earn many benefit on their carrier in the
global ocean technology area.
• Graduates are at the same level with the graduates
from reputable universities abroad.
• Many international opportunities require applicants
from international-accredited program.
• Ocean Engineering related companies in US prefers
employee from ABET accredited program
• US professional engineer (PE) certification gives priority
to engineers that was graduated from ABET accredited
Definitions in ABET
Program Educational Objectives (PEO)
 are broad statements that describe what graduates are
expected to attain within a few years of graduation.


Mission of

Needs of
Definitions in ABET
Student Outcomes (SO)
 describe what students are expected to know
and be able to do by the time of graduation.

Student Outcomes
Program Knowledge
Program Educational
Objectives (PEO)

1. Gain employment as practicing professionals in the

specialty areas within the field of ocean engineering
including: underwater acoustics, ocean and coastal
protection, coastal structures, marine structures, port-
harbor, ocean modelling, coastal management, ocean
environmental control, and ocean engineering design.
2. Work professionally and to pursue higher education in
the field of ocean engineering.
3. Behave ethically, contribute to society, and be prepared
to be successful in diverse workplaces, nationally and
Student Outcomes (SO)

No ABET Student Outcomes (From ABET General Criteria)

1 (a) an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science,
and engineering

2 (b) an ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as

to analyze and interpret data

3 (c) an ability to design a system, component, or process to

meet desired needs with realistic constraints

4 (d) an ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams

5 (e) an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering
and physics problems

6 (f) an understanding of professional and ethical

Student Outcomes (SO)

No Student Outcomes (From ABET General Criteria)

7 (g) an ability to communicate effectively

8 (h) the broad education necessary to understand the

impact of engineering and physics solutions in a
global, economic, environmental, and societal context

9 (i) a recognition of the need for and an ability to engage in

life-long learning

10 (j) a knowledge of contemporary issues

11 (k) an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern
engineering tools necessary for engineering physics
Student Outcomes (SO)
No Student Outcomes (From ABET Program Criteria)
12 (l) knowledge and the skills to apply the principles of
fluid and soil mechanics, dynamics, hydrostatics,
probability and applied statistics to engineering
13 (m) knowledge and the skills to apply the principles of
oceanography, water waves, and underwater
acoustics to engineering problems
14 (n) The ability to work in groups to perform engineering
design at the system level, integrating multiple
technical areas and addressing design optimization
Matrix PEO and SO

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n

PEO I x x x x x - - x - x x x x x

PEO II - x x x x x x x x x x x x x

PEO III - - x x - x x x x x - - - x
Curriculum 2013

1. Outcomes Based Education

2. Student Centered Education
3. International Accreditation
4. Continuous Improvement
Curriculum 2013
Design Process
ABET Mission

SO 2013



on of
um 2008Stakeholders Challenges and
Inputs Opprotunities in OE Field
Curriculum 2013
Body of Knowledge

4th Grade

2nd and 3rd Grade

1st and 2nd Grade

Curriculum 2013

Tahap sks Lulus IP min Lama studi

Wajib Pilihan Total Maks

TPB 36 0 36 2.001 2 tahun

Sarjana 93 15 144 2.002 6 tahun

Nilai minimal D; 2 Nilai minimal C


Matakuliah Pilihan: min 3 sks dari luar, min 9 sks dari dalam Prodi KL
Curriculum 2013
Kuliah Wajib
Semester I Semester II
  Kode Nama Mata Kuliah sks   Kode Nama Mata Kuliah sks
1 MA110 Kalkulus IA 4 1 MA120 Kalkulus IIA 4
1 1
2 FI1101 Fisika Dasar IA 4 2 FI1201 Fisika Dasar IIA 4
3 KI1101 Kimia Dasar IA 3 3 KI1201 Kimia Dasar IIA 3
4 KU1101 Pengantar Rekayasa 2 4 KU1001 Olah Raga 2
Desain I
5 KU1072 Pengenalan Teknologi 2 5 KU1011 Tata Tulis Karya Ilmiah 2
Informasi B
6 KU102X Bahasa Inggris 2 6 KU1201 Pengantar Rekayasa 2
Desain II
        7 KU1286 Gambar Teknik 2
    Total 17     Total 19
Curriculum 2013

Semester III Semester IV

  Kode Nama Matakuliah sks   Kode Nama Matakuliah sks
1 KL2100 Analisis Rekayasa Dasar I 3 1 KL2200 Analisis Rekayasa Dasar II 3
2 KL2101 Mekanika Fluida 3 2 KL2201 Mekanika Gelombang Air 3
3 KL2102 Statika 3 3 KL2202 Mekanika Bahan 3
4 KL2103 Statistika dan Probabilitas 2 4 KL2203 Metoda Numerik 3
5 KL2104 Geoteknik Kelautan I 2 5 KL2204 Geoteknik Kelautan II 2
6 KL2105 Bahan Bangunan Laut 3 6 KL2205 Pengetahuan Fisik Laut 2
7 KU206X Pilihan Agama dan Etika 2 7 KU2071 Pancasila & 2

  Jumlah 18   Jumlah 18
Curriculum 2013

Semester V Semester VI
  Kode Nama Matakuliah sks   Kode Nama Matakuliah sks
1 KL3100 Hidrodinamika 2 1 KL3200 Gelombang Acak 3
2 KL3101 Analisis Struktur dengan 3 2 KL3201 Dinamika Struktur 3
Metoda Matriks
3 KL3102 Struktur Beton Bertulang 3 3 KL3202 Struktur Baja 3
4 KL3103 Pengumpulan & Analisis 3 4 KL3203 Proses Pantai 3
Data Lapangan
5 KL3104 Akustik Bawah Air 3 5 KL3204 Metoda Eksperimen 3
6 KL3105 Ekonomi Rekayasa 2 6 KL3205 Manajemen Konstruksi 3
Bangunan Laut
7 KLXXXX Matakuliah Pilihan   7 KLXXXX Matakuliah Pilihan  
    Jumlah 16     Jumlah 18
Curriculum 2013

Semester VII Semester VIII

  Kode Nama Matakuliah sks   Kode Nama Matakuliah sks
1 KL4098 Kerja Praktek 2 1 KL4099 Tugas Akhir 4
2 KL4100 Lingkungan Laut 3 2 KL4210 Perancangan Dermaga 3
3 KL4110 Perencanaan Prasarana 2 3 KL4220 Pipa Bawah Laut 2
4 KL4111 Bangunan Pantai 2 4 KL4221 Struktur Terapung 2
5 KL4120 Anjungan Lepas Pantai 3 5 KLXXXX Matakuliah Pilihan  
6 KLXXXX Matakuliah Pilihan          
    Jumlah 12     Jumlah 11
Curriculum 2013

Kuliah Wajib ITB

  Kode Nama Matakuliah sks
1 KU206X Agama dan Etika 2
2 KU2071 Pancasila dan Kewarganegaraan 2
3  KL3205 Muatan/Matakuliah Manajemen: 3
Manajemen Konstruksi Bangunan
4  KL4100 Muatan/Matakuliah Lingkungan: 3
Lingkungan Laut
    Jumlah 10
Curriculum 2013
Kuliah Pilihan
No Kode Nama Matakuliah sks No Kode Nama Matakuliah sks

1 KL3106 Gelombang Panjang 2 1 KL3206 Metoda Konstruksi 2

Bangunan Laut

2 KL4112 Pemodelan Rekayasa 2 2 KL3207 Metoda Elemen Hingga 3


3 KL4113 Hidrologi dan 3 3 KL3208 Metoda Elemen Batas 2

Infrastruktur Tambak

4 KL4114 Manajemen Kawasan 2 4 KL3209 Reklamasi dan 2

Pesisir Pengerukan
5 KL4121 Dasar Teknik Perkapalan 3 5 KL4200 Pengenalan Energi Laut 2

        6 KL4211 Operasi dan 2

Manajemen Pelabuhan
Roadmap Matakuliah Kurikulum 2013 Program Studi Sarjana Teknik Kelautan

Semester I
KU1101 KU1072
FI1101 KI1101 KU102X
MA1101 Pengantar Pengenalan
Fisika Kimia Bahasa
Kalkulus IA Rekayasa Teknologi
Dasar IA Dasar IA Inggris
Desain I Informasi B

Semester II
KU1201 KU1011
FI1201 KI1201 KU1286
MA1201 Pengantar KU1001 Tata Tulis
Fisika Kimia Gambar
Kalkulus IIA Rekayasa Olahraga Karya
Dasar IIA Dasar IIA Teknik
Desain II Ilmiah

Semester III
KL2100 KL2103 KL2105
KL2101 KL2104 KU206X
Analisis KL2102 Statistika Bahan
Mekanika Geoteknik Agama dan
Rekayasa Statika dan Bangunan
Fluida Kelautan I Etika
Semester IV Dasar I Probabilitas Laut

KL2200 KL2201 KL2205
KL2202 KL2203 KL2204 Pancasila
Analisis Mekanika Pengetahu-
Mekanika Metoda Geoteknik dan
Rekayasa Gelombang an Fisik
Bahan Numerik Kelautan II Kewarga-
Dasar II Air Laut

KL3101 KL3103
Semester V

KL3100 Analisis Pengumpul KL3104 KL3105 KL3106
Hidro- Struktur an & Akustik Ekonomi Gelombang
dinamika dengan Met Analisis Bawah Air Rekayasa Panjang
Matriks Data Lap.
Semester VI

KL3204 KL3205 KL3206 KL3207 KL3208 KL3209

KL3200 Kl3201 KL3202 KL3203
Metoda Manajemen Metoda Metoda Metoda Reklamasi
Gelombang Dinamika Struktur Proses
Eksperimen Konstr. Konstr. Elemen Elemen & Penge-
Acak Struktur Baja Pantai
Lab Bang. Laut Bang. Laut Hingga Batas rukan
Semester VII

KL4110 KL4120 KL4112 KL4113 KL4114 KL4121

KL4098 KL4100 KL4111
Perenc. Anjungan Pemodelan Hidrologi & Manajemen Dasar
Kerja Lingkungan Bangunan
Prasarana Lepas Rekayasa Infrastruktur Kawasan Teknik
Praktek Laut Pantai
Pelabuhan Pantai Pantai Tambak Pesisir Perkapalan
Semester VIII

KL4210 KL4211
KL4220 KL4221 KL4200
KL4099 Peranc. Operasi
Pipa Bawah Struktur Pengenalan
Tugas Akhir Dermaga dan Manaj.
Laut Terapung Energi Laut
Pelabuhan Pelabuhan


Matakuliah Matakuliah Matakuliah
Co-requisite Major Pilihan Wajib ITB
Prodi Lain
Student Outcomes vs Courses
Terima Kasih

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