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A. Pemilihan Proses Pengolahan Air Minum

1. Persyaratan Kualitas Air Minum,

Kualitas Air Baku;
2. Matrik Pengolahan air Minum;
3. Diagram alir;
4. Dasar Pemilihan Proses Pengolahan;
Standar/Persyaratan Kualitas Air Minum
No Per. Men.Kes Tentang Ciri
1. 416/MEN.KES/PER/IX/1990 Syarat-syarat Dan Pengawasan Kualitas Air Bersih dan Air
Air Minum

2. 907/MENKES/SK/VII/2002 Syarat-syarat Dan Pengawasan Kualitas Bakteriologis, Kimia,

Air Minum Fisik

3. 492/MENKES/PER/IV/2010 Persyaratan Kualitas Air Minum Parameter Wajib dan

Parameter tambahan
Kualitas Air Minum
Kualitas Air Baku

Air Permukaan:
 Review 5 ~ 10 tahun terhadap karakteristik air baku:
fisik, kimia, microbiologi, and radiologi .
 Melakuakn kajian resiko potensi kontaminasi.
 Melakukan kajian perkembangan tataguna lahan di
Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS).
Air Tanah:
 Idem air permukaan.
 Kajian kondisi Geologi, water tables, penurunan air
tanah akibat pumping, intrusi air laut, potensi rembesan
air limbah industri, air limbah domestic, agricultural
chemicals, and fertilizers ke dalam air tanah.
Material dari air baku yang harus
dipisahkan di IPA
 Partikel tersuspensi
Clay, silt
Microorganisme: bacteria, algae, virus, protozoa, dll.
 Partikel Organik; fat, oil, and grease
Partikel Colloidal (10-9 ~ 10-6 m)
 Partikel Dissolved/Terlarut
Humic acids [natural organic matter (NOM)]
Dissolved organic and inorganic compounds
Toxic organic compounds (benzene, toluene, TCE
, PCB (Polychlorinatred Biphenyls), PAHs (Polysiklic Aromatic

Hidrocarbon), etc.)
Heavy metals (Hg, Pb, As, Zn, Fe, Mn, Mg, etc.)
Kualitas Air Baku
B. Matrik Pengolahan Air
Contaminants and Removal Methods
Suspended particles Conventional treatmen

Taste and odor causing compounds Chemical oxidation

Bacteria, viruses Ozonation

Protozoa Chlorination
Toxic organic compounds Ultraviolet

Heavy metals MF/UF

THMs NF/reverse osmosis

Inorganic compounds GAC/PAC

Salts Ion exchange

Pengolahan Air Minum berdasarkan
Kualitas Air Baku
Conventional Two-stage Direct In-line
complete filtration filtration filtration
Turbidity (NTU) < 5,000 < 50 < 15 < 5
Color (apparent) < 3,000 < 50 < 20 < 15
Coliform (#/mL) < 107 < 105 < 103 < 103
Algae (ASU/mL) < 105 < 5 × 103 < 5 × 102 < 102
Asbestos fiber (#/mL) < 1010 < 108 < 107 < 107
Taste and odor (TON) < 30 < 10 < 3< 3
• The criteria shown are a general condition.
• If the raw water turbidity exceeds 1,000 NTU, a
presedimentation process is required for all conventional
complete treatment processes.

Alternative pemisahan konstituent
Constituent Proses Pemisahan
Algae Straining, coagulation-sedimentation, coagulation-flotation,
Bacteria, pathogenic Coagulation-sedimentation, adsorption, ultrafiltration
Calcium Precipitation-sedimentation, ion exchange, reverse osmosis
Chloroform Adsorption, gas stripping, reverse osmosis
Clays Coagulation-sedimentation, ultrafiltration
Fluoride Precipitation-sedimentation, adsorption
Humic acids Coagulation-sedimentation, adsorption, nanofiltration, reverse
Iron, ferrous Oxidation-filtration, reverse osmosis
Mercury Coagulation-sedimentation, adsorption, ion exchange
Nitrate Ion exchange, biological reduction, reverse osmosis
Phenol Oxidation, adsorption
Salts, dissolved Distillation, freezing, ion exchange, reverse osmosis
Sulfate Ion exchange, precipitation-sedimentation 15
Proses pemisahan secara Fisika-Kimia
Process Separating Agent Principle of Examples in Water
Separation Treatment/ Reuse
Distillation Heat Vapor pressure Desalination
Stripping Noncondensible gas (e.g., Phase equilibria Removal of dissolved
air) gases (H2S, CH4, NH3)
Absorption Nonvolatile liquid (e.g., Phase equilibria Addition of CO2, Cl2,
H2O) O3 to water
Adsorption Solid adsorbent Different in Gibbs Removal of organics,
free energy trace metals
Ion Solid exchange resin Chemical Water softening,
exchange equilibria removal of nitrate
Reverse Semipermeable membrane Diffusion Demineralization
osmosis and pressure gradient
Drying of Heat Water evaporation Dewatering of sludge
solids and diffusion
Precipitation Chemical oxidant, excess Nucleation, Lime-soda softening,
precipitant, pH insolubility of solid Fe and Mn removal
Granular Unconsolidated inert Reduction of Gibbs Separation of clays,
media solids interfacial free bacteria, algae
filtration energy, size 16

Process Separating Agent Principle of Examples in Water

Separation Treatment/Reuse
Ultrafiltration Membrane and pressure Molecular size Organic removal
Sedimentation Gravity Size, density Solid-liquid separation
Flotation Gravity, rising or attached Size, density Solid-liquid separation
air bubbles
Thickening Gravity Size, density and Liquid-solids
structure separation, e.g., alum
Centrifuge Centrifugal force Size, density Dewatering of sludges
Cake filtration Cloth or metal Size Dewatering of sludges
membrane, vacuum or
mechanical pressure
Screening Metal screen, various size Size Microstrainers for algae
openings removal
C. Dasar Memilih Alternatif Pengolahan

1. Kualitas output memenuhi persyaratan air minum.

2. Kemudahan operasi dan pemeliharaan (teknologi)
3. Biaya investasi
4. Umur bangunan
5. Luas yang diperlukan
6. Biaya operasi dan pemeliharaan
7. Kemudahan mendapatkan suku cadang
8. Kebutuhan tenaga operasional
Perbandingan Alternatif Pengolahan
Parameter Alternatif 1 Alternatif 2
1. Kualitas output memenuhi persyaratan air

2. Kemudahan OM (teknologi)

3. Biaya investasi

4. Biaya operasi dan pemeliharaan

5. Luas yang diperlukan

6. Kemudahan mendapatkan suku cadang

7. Kebutuhan tenaga operasional

8. Umur bangunan
Alternatif Pengolahan
1. Alternatif sistem pengolahan:
1. Pengolahan konvesional
2. Saringan Pasir Lambat/Saringan Pasir Cepat
3. Membran teknologi
4. Filtrasi Langsung
2. Alternatif berdasarkan Energi aliran:
1. Tipe Hidrolis
2. Tipe Mekanis, Pneumatis
3. Pressure filter
3. Alternatif berdasarkan Konfugurasi:
1. Bentuk bangunan (persegi, lingkaran)
2. Arah aliran Down flow, upflow
4. Alternatif per unit Bangunan:
1. Tipe Pengaduk Lambat
2. Tipe Clarifier
3. Tipe Filter
4. Tipe Desinfektan
Perbandingan Alternatif juga perlu
dilakukan tentang keuntungan dan
kerugian (kelebihan dan
kekurangannya) pada setiap unit utama
(sedimentasi, pengaduk cepat/lambat,
filter, desinfeksi), secara objektif.
Pengolahan konvensional
Pengolahan konvensioanl
Alternatif Pengolahan Air


Conventional Water Treatment Process

Alkali or corrosion
Polymer (multimedia

Cl2 or PAC

Coagulatio Flocculatio Sedimentatio
n n
Sludge to disposal
Filter wash waste
Filtrasi langsung
Pengolahan dengan teknik membrane
Cluster Plant Layout

Clear Wells



Chemical &
Control Building

Chemical Clear
Floc/Sed Tanks & Control Filters
Building Wells
Process Diagram
D. Prilimanary Sizing
1. Siapkan kriteria disain (Beban
Permukaan dan waktu detensi)
2. Tentukan kriteria disain tersebut
3. Hitung Luas permukaan bak dan lahan
4. Hitung volume bak.
Preliminary sizing
Unit Kriteria disain Volume (m3) Luas (m2)

Intake Td = 20 menit, Vol = Q. td As = Vol/H

Kedalaman =
Prased. Td= 3 – 5 jam, SL =
Kedalaman = 3-4 m
Sedimentasi Td = 1,5 – 3 jam
Beban permukaan:
0,8 -2,5 m3/m2/jam
Kedalaman: 3-6 m
Pengaduk Td < 20 detk
Pengaduk Td = 20 – 45 menit
lambat Kedalaman :
Tipe : Mekanis/hidrolis
Filter Fil.rate = 5 – 10
Reservoir 20% Q hari maks
Kriteria perencanaan unit
flokulasi (pengaduk lambat)
Kriteria perencanaan unit flotasi
Kriteria perencanaan unit sedimentasi
Kriteria perencanaan unit filtrasi (saringan
Kriteria perencanaan pembubuhan bahan kimia
1. Koagulan
2. Kriteria koagulan
Kriteria koagulan adalah sebagai berikut :
a) jenis koagulan yang digunakan;
 aluminium sulfat/tawas, Al2(SO4)3 .l4(H2O) diturunkan
dalam bentuk cair konsentrasi sebesar (5 — 20) %.
 PAC, poly aluminium chloride (Al10(OH)15Cl15) kualitas
PAC ditentukan oleh kadar aluminium oxide (Al2O3)
yang terkait sebagai pac dengan kadar (10 — 11)%.
b) dosis koagulan ditentukan berdasarkan hasil
percobaan jar test terhadap air baku .
c) pembubuhan koagulan ke pengaduk cepat dapat
dilakukan secara gravitasi atau pemompaan
2. Bak koagulan
Kriteria bak koagulan adalah sebagai berikut :
a) Bak koagulan harus dapat menampung larutan
selama 24 jam;
b) Diperlukan 2 buah bak yaitu 1 buah bak
pengaduk manual atau mekanis dan 1 buah
bak pembubuh;
c) Bak harus dilindungi dari pengaruh luar dan
tahan terhadap bahan koagulan.
3. Netralisan
3.1. Kriteria netralisasi
a) harus berupa bahan alkalin;
 kapur (CaO), dibubuhkan dalam bentuk larutan dengan
konsentrasi larutan 5 % sampai dengan 20%;
 soda abu (Na2CO3) dibubuhkan dalam bentuk larutan,
dengan konsentrasi larutan 5% sampai dengan 20%;
 soda api (NaOH), dibubuhkan dalam bentuk larutan,
dengan konsentrasi larutan maksimum 20%;
b) dosis bahan alkalin ditentukan berdasarkan
c) pembubuhan bahan alkalin secara gravitasi atau
pemompaan, dibubuhkan sebelum dan atau sesudah
pembubuhan koagulan
4. Bak Netralisan
 bak dapat menampung larutan selama 8 jam
sampai dengan 24 jam;
 diperlukan 2 buah bak yaitu 1 buah bak pengaduk
manual atau mekanis dan 1buah bak pembubuh
 bak harus dilindungi dari pengaruh luar dan tahan
terhadap beban alkalin
5. Desinfektan

Kriteria desinfektan
a) jenis densifektan yang digunakan
• gas klor (Cl2), kandungan klor aktif minimal 99%;
• kaporit atau kalsium hipoklorit (CaOCl2 ) x H2O
kandungan klor aktif (60 — 70) %;
• sodium hipoklorit (NaOCl), kandungan klor aktif
b) b) dosis klor ditentukan berdasarkan dpc yaitu jumlah
klor yang dikonsumsi air besarnya tergantung dari
kualitas air bersih yang di produksi serta ditentukan
dari sisa klor di instalasi (0,25 – 0,35) mg/l.
 Pembubuhan desinfektan

 gas klor disuntikan langsung ke instalasi

pengolahan air bersih, pembubuhan gas
menggunakan peralatan tertentu yang
memenuhi ketentuan yang berlaku;
 kaporit atau sodium hipoklorit dibubuhkan ke
instalasi pengolahan air bersih secara gravitasi
atau mekanis.
 Keperluan perlengkapan desinfeksi
a) a) pembubuhan gas klor
 peralatan gas klor disesuaikan minimal 2, lengkap
dengan tabungnya;
 tabung gas klor harus ditempatkan pada ruang khusus
yang tertutup;
 ruangan gas klor harus terdapat peralatan pengamanan
terhadap kebocoran gas klor;
 alat pengamanan adalah pendeteksi kebocoran gas klor
dan sprinkler air otomatik atau manual.
 harus disediakan masker gas pada ruangan gas klor.
b) b) bak kaporit
 1) bak dapat menampung larutan selama 8 sampai
dengan 24 jam;
 2) diperlukan 2 buah bak yaitu bak pengaduk
Pompa pembubuh dan motor pengaduk
Jumlah pompa pembubuh larutan kimia dan
motor pengaduk unit koagulasi maupun flokulasi
paket instalasi pengolahan air minimal 2 buah
berkapasitas sama.

Kriteria bak penampung air minum/Reservoir/Clearwell

Bak penampung air minum diberi sekat-sekat yang
dilengkapi dengan:
a) ventilasi;
b) tangga;
c) pelimpah air;
d) lubang pemeriksaan dan perbaikan;
e) alat ukur ketinggian air;
f) pinstalasi pengolahan air penguras
Kriteria perencanaan perlengkapan unit
paket instalasi pengolahan air
 Kriteria perencanaan untuk perlengkapan unit paket
instalasi pengolahan air dapat dilihat pada Tabel 6
Catu daya
 Penyediaan daya listrik

Penyediaan daya listrik terdapat 2 sumber, yaitu

a) PLN b) genset.
 Pemilihan sumber daya sesuai Tabel 7 berikut
Kriteria panel
Diesel generator, pompa air baku, pompa
pembubuh, pengaduk cepat dan lambat harus
dilengkapi panel yang sesuai kebutuhan.
Kriteria bangunan
Jenis bangunan
Jenis Bangunan yang diperlukan adalah:
a) Bangunan Instalasi Pengolahan Air;
b) Bangunan penunjang Instalasi Pengolahan
 1) ruang pembubuh;
 2) ruang jaga;
 3) ruang pompa; ruang genset,
 4) ruang laboratorium;
 5) ruang gudang;
 6) ruang penyimpan bahan kimia
c) Sarana pembuangan lumpur dari hasil
Bahan dan bangunan pelengkap
Bahan dan bangunan pelengkap harus memenuhi
ketentuan berikut :
a) struktur bangunan instalasi pengolahan air dan
bangunan penampung air minum dari beton bertulang,
baja atau bahan lainnya berdasarkan pertimbangan
kondisi lapangan.
b) ruang genset harus kedap suara, tahan getaran dan
tidak mudah terbakar, dilengkapi dengan peralatan
pemeliharaan yang memenuhi ketentuan yang berlaku;
Bahan dan bangunan pelengkap
c) ruang pembubuh dan penyimpan bahan kimia
dilengkapi exhaust fan, drainase dan perlengkapan
d) bangunan penunjang lainnya menggunakan bahan
bangunan yang memenuhi ketentuan yang berlaku;
e) pondasi bangunan sesuai dengan kondisi setempat
yang memenuhi ketentuan yang berlaku.
Perbandingan Tipe unit pengolah
Comparison Table

Vertical impeller flocculator Horizontal paddle flocculator

(axial) (axial)
High energy efficiency Low energy efficiency
(less hp req.) (high hp req.)
Low shear High shear
(lower variation in G) (greater variation in G)
Compact flocs Larger flocs
Less settling at the bottom More settling at the bottom

Comparison of Sedimentation and DAF
Horizontal flow Radial flow Upflow Settlers DAF(rectangular) (circular) clarifier

Sedimentation regime Unhindered Unhindered Unhindered/ Unhindered Unhindered

hindered hindered by air
Appropriate for heavy Yes Yes Yes if bottom Yes No
silts and lime precipitates scraped
as well as light floc
Appropriate for algae- No No No No Yes
laden water
Turbidity > 100 NTU Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Rapid turbidity change Good Poor Poor Excellent Poor
Water temp. < 4°C Fair Poor Poor Fair Good
Ease of startup and EasyEasyEasy for Quick but some Quick but some on/off operation
unhindered skill needed skill needed
Skill level of operation Low Low Medium HighHigh
Retention time HighHighMedium Low Low
Capital cost High-medium High-medium Medium Medium-low Medium-low
Operating cost Medium-low Medium-low Medium-low Medium Medium

Coagulation and flocculation effectiveness: little difference among the processes above if adequately designed
and properly operated.

Comparison of Flocculation Processes

Mechanical flocculactors
Baffled channels
Horiz./paddle Vert./blades
Flocculation Good to excellent Good to excellent Good to excellent
Reliability Good Fair to good Good
Operator flexibility Moderate to poor Good Good
Capital cost Low Moderate to high Moderate to high
Construction Easy Moderate Easy to moderate
Maintenance Low Moderate Low to moderate
Flow condition Near plug flow Short circuiting Short circuiting
Simple and Good floc formation High energy input
Advantages effective Effective mixing Low maintenance
Low O&M costs No headloss No headloss
No moving parts
Mixing function of Precise install. req. Many units req.
Disadvantages flow rate High shear at paddle Shear at blade
Approx. 2~3 ft Limited energy input Inadequate amount
headloss High maintenance of turbulence & eddy
Pipe Injection Mixer (Types A/C)
Advantages Disadvantages
1. No external power required 1. Not adjustable for large variation
2. Can be constructed with locally in flow.
available materials. 2. Considerably affected by
3. Easily incorporated in the flow upstream flow conditions.
channel/pipe itself. 3. Not so effective with large flows
4. Vary short retention time (> 50,000 m3/d).
5. Low maintenance because of the 4. Clogging of opening is possible.
absence of moving parts. 5. Access for maintenance is not as
6. Very low headloss. easy as other mixers.
7. Simple design 6. Suitable for pipe flow with
8. Velocity gradient and retention considerable head (pressure)
time may be varied by varying only.
turbulence. 7. Mixing of coagulant is not
visible to operator.
Hydraulic Jump Mixer
Advantages Disadvantages
1. No external power required 1. Not adjustable or large variation
2. Can be constructed with locally in flow.
available materials. 2. Considerably affected by
3. Easily incorporated in the flow upstream flow conditions.
channel/pipe itself. 3. Not so effective with large flows
4. Vary short retention time (> 50,000 m3/d).
5. Low maintenance because of the 4. Cause bed-scouring at the
absence of moving parts. location of jump.
6. Very low headloss. 5. Once installed the velocity
gradient and mixing time may
7. Easy access for maintenance not be controlled.
8. Easy to construct.
Parshall Flume Mixer
Advantages Disadvantages
1. No external power required 1. Not adjustable or large variation
in flow.
2. Can be constructed with locally
available materials. 2. Considerably affected by
upstream flow conditions.
3. Easily incorporated in the flow 3. Cause bed-scouring at the
channel/pipe itself. location of jump.
4. Vary short retention time 4. Once installed the velocity
5. Low maintenance because of the gradient and mixing time may
absence of moving parts. not be controlled.
5. Construction not as easy as
6. Very low headloss. hydraulic jump mixers
7. Easy access for maintenance 6. Submergence of the jump may
8. Can be used as a flow curtail effective power
measurement device. dissipation to mixing
9. 1/4 of headloss of weir mixer.
Weir Mixer
Advantages Disadvantages
1. No external power required 1. Considerably affected by
2. Can be constructed with locally upstream Cause bed-scouring at
available materials. the location of jump.
3. Easily incorporated in the flow
channel/pipe itself. 2. Cause bed-scouring at the
4. Vary short retention time location of jump.
5. Low maintenance because of 3. Once installed the velocity
the absence of moving parts. gradient and mixing time may not
6. Easy access for maintenance be controlled.
7. Easy to construct. 4. Higher headloss than for hydraulic
8. Simpler construction than jump mixers.
hydraulic jump mixers 5. Silting behind weir necessitates
9. Controllable mixing periodic cleaning.
10. Can be used with large flows
(~250,000 m3/d or ~66 MGD)
11. Can be used for flow measure

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