Anda di halaman 1dari 73



1. Paris Conference 1910,

International Conference on Diplomatic level. Fail to
make agreement to formulate an international

2. Paris Convention 1919,

Called Convention Relating to Regulation of Aerial
Navigation, signed at Paris. Oct 13, 1919

Base on this convention was established International

Commission for Aerial Navigation (ICAN) also
mentioned Committee Internationale Technique de
Experts Juridique Airen (CITEJA)
Konperensi Paris 1910 belum sempat ditandatangani
(gagal), karena adanya perbedaan pendapat mengenai
kedaulatan negara diruang udara maupun masalah politik

Konperensi Paris 1910, mampu menyusun konsep-

konsep penerbangan internasional dengan pengakuan
kedaulatan negara diruang udara (Convention Relating to
the Regulation of Aerial Navigation) sebagai cikal bakal
Konperensi 1919 yang kemudian digantikan oleh
Konvensi Chicago 1944.

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Comite Internatinal
International Commis
Convention Rela Techniques d’Expert
sion For Aerial Navi
ting to Regula Jurisdiques Aerien
gation (ICAN)
tion of Aerial (CITEJA)
Signed at Paris
On 13 Oct 1919
Menangani masalah Menangani masalah
(Convention Paris
Teknis dan operasional Hukum perdata inter
penerbangan Nasional yang timbul.

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Hal terpenting yang diatur dalam Konperensi Paris

1919 (13 Oktober 1919) adalah masalah :

a. Kedaulatan Negara di ruang udara;

b. Hak Lintas Damai (Innocent Passage);
c. Wilayah Negara (Territory);
d. Kawasan Udara Terlarang.

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1) Kedaulatan Negara di ruang udara.

The high contracting parties recognize that every

power has complete dan exclusive sovereignty over
the airspace above its territory (pasal 1 konvensi).

Adanya suatu pengakuan bahwa kedaulatan negara di

ruang udara, negara maupun bukan anggota konvensi

Konsekwensi politisnya, bahwa setiap negara berdaulat

berhak menutup ruang udara dari segala bentuk
penerbangan pesawat udara asing, termasuk pesawat
udara komersil apabila negara tersebut menghendaki.

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2) Hak Lintas Damai (Innocent Passage)

Each contracting state undertakes in the time of peace to
accord freedom of innocent passage above its territory to the
aircraft of the other contracting States,provided that the
conditions laid down in the present Convention are observed
(Pasal 2).

Hak Lintas Damai tidak berlaku mutlak karena sebagai negara

berdaulat dimana pesawat udara melintas, berhak mengatur
dan memberi persyaratan yang harus dipatuhi oleh pesawat
yang melintas.
Hak Lintas Damai hanya berlaku pada masa damai (“in the
time of peace”) dan tidak berlaku dalam keadaan perang atau
dalam keadaan bermusuhan.

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3) Wilayah Negara (Territory)

For the purpose of the present Convention, territory of the state
shall be understoods as including the national territory, both of
the mother country and the colonies and the territorial water
adjacent thereto (Pasal 1 ayat 2).

Batas wilayah dalam konvensi 1919 tidak disebutkan secara tegas

batas-batasnya, melainkan dirumuskan secara umum, tetapi dapat
menampung aspirasi negara peserta terutama negara adikuasa.
Masalah wilayah (territory) negara, sering menjadi sumber
perdebatan di dalam dunia internasional, karena wilayah
merupakan tempat kedaulatan negara, maka harus disebutkan
secara tegas batas-batasnya.

12/06/23 JRMD/SMR/2013 8

Kasus RB - 48
Pada Tahun 1950’an Pesawat udara RB-48 jenis DC -3 milik
Amerika Serikat digiring oleh AL Uni Soviet dari laut lepas ke
wilayah udara UniSoviet, pada saat diatas wilayah udara Uni
Soviet RB – 48 ditembak.

Kasus U - 2
Pada Tahun 1960’an Pesawat udara U-2 pesawt udara mata-mata
USA yang mampu terbang lebih dari 76.000 feet ditembak Uni
Soviet, penerbangnya John Powel diadili karena melanggar
kedaulatan Uni Soviet.

Pemerintah Amerika Serikat protes keras, tetapi secara diam-

diam mengakui kemampuan Uni Soviet mempertahankan
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4) Kawasan Udara Terlarang (Zona Larangan).

Sebagai negara yang mempunyai kedaulatan di ruang udara,

mempunyai hak prerogatif untuk melarang setiap penerbangan
(prohibited area) di ruang udara diatas wilayahnya, namun tetap
memperhatikan ketentuan internasional

Pelanggaran terhadap larangan dapat dikenakan sanksi yang

ditetapkan oleh peraturan perundang-undangan nasional yang
berlaku dan berlaku terhadap pesawat udara asing maupun nasional
tanpa adanya diskriminasi.

Zona larangan harus diumumkan kepada umum dan memberitahu

kepada International Commission For Aerial Navigation (ICAN) yang
akan menyebarluaskan kepada negara-negara anggota konvensi

12/06/23 JRMD/SMR/2013 10

a. Berdasarkan Pasal 80 Konvensi Chicago 1944 Konvensi

Paris 1919 dan Havana 1928, dicabut dan digantikan
dengan Konvensi Chicago 1944, substansi ketentuan
teknis dan operasional yang diatur dalam Konvensi Paris
1919 diambil alih dan disempurnakan dalam Konvensi
Chicago 1944.

b. Kedaulatan Negara di ruang udara yang diatur dalam

Konvensi Paris 1919 diatur kembali dalam Pasal 1
Konvensi Chicago 1944 dengan penyempurnaan sesuai
dengan kesepakatan dalam konperensi Chicago 1944.

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Convention on Inter International Air International Air

National Civil Avia Services Transit Transit
tion 1944 Agreement (IASTA) Agreement (IATA)
Signed in Chicago
On 04 Dec 1944

Membuka jalan untuk Membuka jalan untuk

Meletakkan prinsip Perjanjian multilateral Perjanjian multilateral
dasar penerbangan Pesawat udara melin Pershn Penerbangan
sipil Internasional tas wil. angkasa negara kebbsn kewil negara
modern lain masing-masing
12/06/23 JRMD/SMR/2013 12
1. Wilayah Kedaulatan Negara diatur dalam Pasal 2
Konvensi “ For the purpose of this Convention
the territory of a State shall be deemed to be the
land areas and territorial waters, adjacent thereto
under the sovereignty, suzerainty, protectorate or
mandate of such State “

2. Pasal 2 tidak mengatur batas wiayah secara

Horizontal maupun Vertikal. Secara Horizontal
mengikuti Hukum Laut dan Vertikal mengikuti
praktek kenegaraan saat itu.

12/06/23 JRMD/SMR/2013 13

3. Konvensi Chicago 1944 tidak berlaku terhadap

Pesawat Udara Negara, sehingga sering
menimbulkan sengketa (Pasal 3).
4. Pesawat Udara Negara, harus memperoleh izin
terlebih dahulu untuk melakukan
penerbangan ke negara lain.
5. Setiap Negara harus menjamin keamanan dan
keselamatan penerbangan baik nasional
maupun internasional.

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6. Untuk pertimbangan Pertahanan , keamanan dan

Keselamatan Penerbangan, Setiap negara berhak
menetapkan Kawasan Udara Terlarang, dan
pesawat udara yang terbang diatasnya,
berkewajiban untuk segera meninggalkan kawasan
tersebut dan mendarat dipangkalan atau bandar
udara terdekat (Pasal 9).
7. Hak Lintas Damai yang diatur dalam Konvensi
Paris 1919 , tidak di atur dalam Konvensi Chicago
1944, tapi diatur dalam International Air Services
Transit Agreement (IASTA).

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4. Aviation/Pan American Convention 1928

Called Convention on Commercial, signed Feb 20.


5. Chicago Convention 1944

Convention on International Civil Aviation
(Supersedes of Paris & Havana Convention)
Chicago Conference Outcomes

Chicago conference held on November

1st up to December 7, 1944, attended by
52 countries, success to produce 6 (six)
1.The Convention on International Civil
Aviation (Chicago Convention 1944);

2. International Air Service Transit

Agreement (IASTA) ;
Chicago Conference Outcomes:

3. International Air Transport Agreement

4. Draft of 12 Technical Annexes
5. Standard Form of Bilateral Agreement
(Chicago Form Agreement);
6. The Provisional International Civil
Aviation Organization (PICAO)
Convention on International Civil

1. Chicago Convention and the 19 Annexes are

comparable to International law.

2 Multilateral agreements essential for the

regulation of aviation (air traffic services, airport
design, navigation aids, communication, aircraft
design, personnel licensing etc)

12/06/23 JRMD/SMR/2010 19
Chicago Convention 1944

 Chicago Convention 1944 officially

came in to force on April 4th, 1947.

 The Republic of Indonesia became

member of the convention, base on
“Adhere” instrument settled on April

- To meet world needs for safe, regular, &

eficient air transports.

- To establish the basic international

regulatory framework

- To establish the international civil aviation

oganization (ICAO)

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12/06/23 JRMD/SMR/2010 22

Chapter I - Sovereignty (Artc. 1)

General Principles - Territory (Artc. 2)
and Application - Civil and State Aircraft (Artc. 3)
of the convention - Misuse of civil Aircraft (Artc.4)

- Right of non schedule flight (Artc. 5)

Chapter II - Schedule air services (Artc.6)
Flight over territory of - Prohibited area (Artc.9)
Contracting states - Rules of the air (Artc. 12)
- A/p and similar charges (Artc. 15)
- Search of aircraft Artc. 16)

12/06/23 JRMD/SMR/2010 23

- Nationality (Artc. 17)

- Duel registration (Artc. 18)
Chapter III - Nas. Laws governing registrn (Artc. 19)
Nationality of aircraft - Display of marks (Artc. 20)
- Report of registration (Artc. 21)

- Facilities and formalities (Artc. 22)

Chapter IV
- Aircraft in distress (Artc. 25)
Measures to facilitate
- Investigation of accident (Artc. 26)
air navigation
- Air Navigation facilities and standard
system (Artc. 28)

12/06/23 JRMD/SMR/2010 24
- Doc carried in aircraft (Artc. 29)
Chapter V - A/c radio equipment (Artc. 30)
- Certificate of airworthiness (Artc. 31)
Conditions to be fullfilled
- Licenses of personnel (Artc. 32)
with respect toaircraft - Recognise of certificate and license (Artc. 33)
- Journey log books (Artc. 34)
- Cargo restriction (Artc. 35)

- Adoptn of intrnational standard and procdures

(Artc. 37)
Chapter VI - Departures from international standards and
Intenational standards procedures (Artc. 38)
And recommended - Endorsmen of certificatr n liceses (Artc. 39)
practices - Validty of endrosmen certificate n liceses (Artc. 40)
- Recogntn of exstng stndrd of airwrtness (Artc. 41)
- Recgntn of exstng stndrd of cmptnsy of prsonnel
(Artc. 42)

12/06/23 JRMD/SMR/2010 25

- Name and composition (Artc. 43)

Chapter VII - Objective (Artc. 44)
The Organization - Permanent seat (Artc.45)
- First meetting of assmbl (Artc. 46)
- Legal capacity (Artc. 47)

Chapter VIII - Meeting of assmbly and voting (Artc. 48)

The Assembly - Power n duties of assmbly (Artc. 49)

12/06/23 JRMD/SMR/2010 26

- Cmpostion and elect of council (Artc. 50)

- President of council (Artc. 51)
Chapter IX - Voting in council (Artc. 52)
The Council - Prticipation without vote (Artc. 53)
- Mandatory function of council (Artc. 54)
- Permissiv functn of council (Artc. 55)

Chapter X - Nomination and appoint ment of

Air Navigation commission (Artc. 56)
Commission - Duties of commission (Artc. 57)

12/06/23 JRMD/SMR/2010 27
- Appointment of personnl (Artc. 58)
Chapter XI - International charcater of person (Artc. 59)
Personnel - Immunit y and privelege of person (Artc. 60)

- Budget and apportion of expenses (Artc. 61)

- Suspension of voting power (Artc. 62)
Chapter XII - Expenses of delegtion and other
Finance representative (Artc. 63)

Chapter XIII - Security arrangement (Artc. 64)

Other International - Arrangement with other intrnatnl bodies (Artc.
arrangement 65)
- Function relating to other agreement (Artc. 66)

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Chapter XIV - File reports with council (Artc. 67)

Information and Report

- Designation of routes an a/p (Artc. 68)

Chapter XV - improvement of airnav facilities (Artc. 69)
Airport and other air - Financing of airnavigation facilities (Artc.
navigation facilities 70)
- Provision and maintenance of facilities by
council (Artc. 71)
Chapter XVI - Joint operation organization permttd (Artc. 77)
Joint operating - Function of council (Artc. 78)
organizations - Participation in operating organization (Artc.
and Pooled services 79)
12/06/23 JRMD/SMR/2010 29

- Paris n Habana convntn (Artc. 80)

Chapter XVII - Rgsrtn of exst agrremnt (Artc. 81)
Other Aeronautical - Abrogation of incossten arrngemnt
agreements (Artc. 82)
and arrengements - Rgsration of new arrngemnt (Artc. 83)

- Sttlement of dispute (Artc. 84)

- Arbitration procedure (Artc. 85)
Chapter XVIII
- Apples (Artc. 86)
Disputes and default
- Pnalty for non comformty of a/l (Artc. 87)
- Pnalty for non comformty by state (Artc.

Chapter XIX War and emergency

War condition (Artc. 89)
12/06/23 JRMD/SMR/2010 30
Chapter XX - Adoption and amendment of
annexs (Artc. 90)

- Ratification on covention (Artc. 91)

Chapter XXI - Adherence to convention (Artc. 92)
Ratifications, Adherences, - Admission of other state (Artc. 93)
Amendments and - Amendment of convention (Artc. 94)
denunciations - Denunciation of convention (Artc.95)

- Air services
Chapter XXII - International air service (Artc. 96)
Definition - Airline
- Stop for non traffic purposes

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State sovereignty
 The contracting states recognize that every
state has complete and exclusive
sovereignty over the airspace above its
territory. (pasal 1)

 Territory includes territorial waters

12/06/23 JRMD/SMR/2010 32
Applikasi dari Konvensi

Article 3 (a) … Applies only to civil aircraft & not

state aircraft.

Article 3(b) State aircraft = military, customs &

police aircraft

Article 3 (d) State undertake when issuing

regulations for state aircraft to have
due regard for safety of civil aircraft.

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Flight over territory of contracting

Article 5 Right of contracting state’ aircraft not

engaged in a scheduled international air
service may to make flight into and transit
across the territory of a contracting state and
to make non … traffic stops.

Article 6 No scheduled international air service may

operate over or into the territory of a
contracting state, except with special
authorization …

Article 7 Permit contracting states to reserve all traffic

between place in their territory for their own
national carriers (cabotage)

12/06/23 JRMD/SMR/2010 34

Between national aircraft & aircraft of

other contractig state regarding

 Flight over prohibited area ( art 9)

Entry & departure regulations (Art


Airport/ Air Navigation Charges ( Art


12/06/23 JRMD/SMR/2010 35

 Aircraft have the nationality of the

state in which they are registered
(Art 17)
 The registration or transfer of
regulation of aircraft … shall be
made in accordance with its laws
and regulation (Art19)
 Every aircraft ….. shall bear its
appropriate nationality and
registration (Art 20)

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Art 12 Each contracting State must

enforce Convention’s rules
as to flight & maneuver
againts its own national
aircraft (where they may be)
and any foreign aircraft
operating within its territory
Art 12 … rules in force over high
seas are the Convention’s

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• Misuse of Civil Aviation Prohibited (Art

• Aircraft in Distress (Art 25)

• Accident Investigation (Art 26)

• Freedom of action in war or national

emergency (Art 86)

12/06/23 JRMD/SMR/2010 38
International Air Services Transit
Agreement (IASTA)
This agreement constitutes one of result
from Conference Chicago 1944, meaning
to determine the traffic rights exchange
among nations:
1. The right to fly across another territory
without landing.
2. The right to land for non-traffic purpose.
IASTA: “generally known as Two Freedoms”
International Air Transport
Agreement (IATA)
The other subject with got agreement by the Chicago
Conference was called IATA. This agreement determines 5
(five) traffic rights exchange, especially on commercial flight,
which known as “Five Freedoms of the Air”, as bellow:
1. The right to fly across another territory without landing.
2. The right to land to another territory for non-traffic purpose.
3. The right to put down passengers, mail and cargo (PMC) had
taken on in the territory of the State whose nationally the
Aircraft possesses.
4. The right take on (PMC) destined for the S tate whose
nationally the aircraft possesses.
5. The right to take on (PMC) destined for the territory of state
and privilege to put down (PMC) coming from any such other
International Civil Aviation
Organization (ICAO)
 Establishment; ICAO officially established on April
4th,1947 and became UN agency settle on May 13th,
 Membership
The Member of UN able to be ICAO member preceded
by ratification or adherence to the Chicago conference
addressed to the government of the USA. The
membership to the ICAO shall take effect as from the
thirtieth day from the receipt of the notification by the
government of the USA.
 Article 93 bis; A state which has been expelled from
membership in the UN shall automatically cease to be a
member of ICAO.
The Assembly
Meetings : The Assembly shall meet annually and shall be
convened by the Council. Extra ordinary meeting may be held
at any time upon the call of Council or at the request of any
ten contracting states addressed to the Secretary General
(Art. 48)

Voting : All contracting States shall have equal right to be

represented at the meeting.

Power and Duties (Art. 49) :

a. Elect the Member of Council
b. Examine and take appropriate action on the Reports of
The Council
c. Establish such subsidiary commission maybe desirable
d. Delegate to the Council the power and Authority
e. Consider proposals for the modification or amendment of
the provisions of this Convention.
The Council (Article 50)
Position: As a permanent body responsible to the Assembly.
The number : Composed of the of 33 contracting State elected
by the assembly, for tree years. Membership of the council,
selected by three categories.
Member states in the Council of CIAO (1992-1995):
 Part I:
States of chief importance in air transport (Australia, Brazil,
Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Russian Federation, UK
and USA.
 Part II:
States which make the largest contribution to the provision of
facilities for air navigation (Argentina, Belgium, China, Columbia,
Egypt, Finland, India, Mexico, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia and Spain)
 Part III :
State whose designation will ensure that all major of the world
are represented (Cameron, Ecuador, Czechoslovakia,
Indonesia, Kenya, Lebanon, Morocco, Nicaragua, Pakistan,
Senegal, Tanzania, Trinidad).
Mandatory Function of The
Council (article 54):
1. Submit annual report to the assembly
2. Carry out the directions of the Assembly
3. Establish an Air Navigation Commission.
4. Appoint a chief executive officer (Sec. General) and other personal
as may be necessary.
5. Publish information relating to the Air Navigation, and the operation
of International Air Services.
6. Report to contracting States any infraction of this Convention.
7. Report to the Assembly any infraction by contracting State after
notice of the fraction.
8. Adopt International Standards and recommended Practices,
designate as Annexes (Article 54).
9. Consider recommendation of the Air Navigation Commission for
amendment of the Annexes.
The Air Navigation Commission
a. The members: Composed of fifteen members
appointed by council from among persons
nominated by contracting Stated who have
qualification and experience in the science and
practice of aeronautics.
b. Duties:
1. Consider and recommend to the Council for
adoption, modification of the Annexes of the
2. Establish technical sub commission, if it desires.
3. Advise the Council of all information which
necessary and useful for advancement of air
International Standard and
Recommended Practices (SARPs)

 The Chicago Convention is substansially

augmented by its detailed technical
aviation rules, named Annexes to the
Chicago Convention. These are consist
two main subjects; international standard
and recommended practices. At present
have been published 19 Annexes.
 International Standard:
Any specification for physical characteristics,
configuration, material, performance, personal or
procedure, the uniform application of which is recognizes
as necessary for the safety or regularity of international
air navigation and to which contracting states will
conform in accordance with the convention. Referring
above subject, compliance of international standard
is mandatory.
 Recommended Practice:
Any specification for physical characteristics,
configuration, material, performance, personal of
procedure, the uniform application of which is recognizes
as desirable in the interest of safety, regularity or
efficiency of international air navigation. Application is
desirable, but not essential.
Adoption of Annexes

 The process requires the adoption of

Annexes, or amendment, to be approved
by two-third vote of a meeting of the ICAO
Council, generally come into force within
three months later (Article 90)
 Legal Effect of Annexes

Actually the Annex of Chicago Convention is not part of

the Law of Contracting State, until adopted by those
State as Part of their civil aviation regulations.

But in general Article 37 requires of Contracting State to

collaborate to secure the highest practicable degree
uniformity in all aviation matters.
 Departure from Annexes
If they finds this impracticable or to bring their own
regulations, shall give notification to the ICAO of the
differences, between National practices and the
corresponding standard (Article 38)
Settlement of Disputes according
Chicago Convention

 Disagreement between/among
Contracting States relating to the
application of convention and its annexes
that cannot be settled by negotiation, it
shall be decided by Council (Art. 84)
 Any Contracting State may appeal to an
adhoc arbitral tribunal, or to the permanent
Court of International Justice (Art 84)
Regional Offices of ICAO
In dealing with international civil aviation, there are many
subjects which ICAO considers on a regional basic as well
as on a word-wide scale.
The organization has therefore, set up geographical region:
1. North Atlantic Region (NAT)
2. South American Region (SAM)
3. Caribbean Region (CAR)
4. European Mediterranean Region (EUM)
5. Middle East Region (MID)
6. African Indian Ocean Region (AFI)
7. South East Asian Region (SEA)
8. Pacific Region (PAC)
Peaceful Settlement of Disputes
According to International Law
Various avenues in seeking a peaceful solution:
According to International Law:
1. Inquires, Consultation & Negotiation
2. Conciliating, Using a third party (State or International
3. Application of Treaty Prescribe Dispute Solution Process
4. Submit of Dispute to the un Security Council for
5. Arbitration
6. Judicial Settlement by the International Court of Justice

Annex 1 Personnel Licensing

Licensing of flight crew, air traffic
Controller and aircrft maintenance personnel.
Annex 2 Rules of the air
Rules relating to the conduct of visual
and instrument flight
Annex 3 Meteorological Service
Provision of meteorological services for
international air navigation and reporting of
meteorological observations from aircraft.
Annex 4 Aeronautical charts
Specification for aeronautical charts
for use in international aviation.
Annex 5 Units of Measurement
Dimensional system the world a level
of safety above a prescribed minimum.

12/06/23 JRMD/SMR/2010 53
Annex 6 Operation of Aircrfat
Specifications which ensure in similar operations
throughout the world a level of safety above a prescribed
Part I – International Commercial air
Part II – International general aviation
Part III – International operations/helicopter

Annex 7 Aircraft Nationality & Registration

Requirements for registration and identification
of aircraft.

Annex 8 Airworthiness aircraft

Certification and inspection of aircraft according
to uniform procedures.

Annex 9 Facilitation
12/06/23 Specification for expediting the entry and
JRMD/SMR/2010 54

departure of aircraft, people, cargo, and other articles at

Annex 10 Aeronautical Telecommunications
Standardisation of communications
equipment and systems (volume I) and
communication procedures (volume II).
Annex 11 Air Traffic Services
Establishment and operation of air traffic
control, flight information and alerting services
Annex 12 Search and Rescue
Organisation and operation of facilities and
services necessary for search and resque.
Annex 13 Aircraft Accident Investigation
Uniformity in the notification, investigation
and reporting on aircraft acident
Annex 14 Aerodrome
Specification for design and operations of
aerodromes (volume I and heliport (volume II)

12/06/23 JRMD/SMR/2010 55
Annex 15 Aeronautical Information
Methods for the collection and dissemination
of aeronautical information required for flight operations.

Annex 16 Environmental Protection

Specifications for aircraft noise certification,
noise monitoring and noise exposure units for land use
planning (volume I) and aircraft engine emissions
(volume II).

Annex 17 Security
Safequarding international civil aviation
against act of unlawful interference.

Annex 18 Dangerous Goods

Specifications for the labeling, packing and
shipping of dangerous cargo

Annex 19
Safey Management System
JRMD/SMR/2010 56
Adoption Process

Art 90 : ICAO Council adopts by

two thirds vote

Annex or
amendment enters force
3 month later

Unless in the
meantime a majority of
contracting state object

12/06/23 JRMD/SMR/2010 57

- Within Contracting states

Annexes not binding domestically until
given force of law.

- Over the high seas

Rules of Convention (including

Annexes) apply automatically (Art 12)

12/06/23 JRMD/SMR/2010 58
- Art 12 .. Must keep flight & manuever
rules uniform to greatest
extend possible .. with
Convention rules.

- Art 38 If compliance found

impractible .. State need only
notify ICAO of any difference
between its own practice and
that established by the
international standard.

12/06/23 JRMD/SMR/2010 59

Hierarchy of ICAO documents from the most

authoritative to the subservient as follows

1) ICAO Convention
2) Annexes to the convention
3) Document
4) Manuals
5) Circulars
12/06/23 JRMD/SMR/2010 60

12/06/23 JRMD/SMR/2010 61
Pertanyaan 1 : Sebutkan tujuan dan prinsip
utama dari Konvensi Chicago 1944.

Jawab :

12/06/23 JRMD/SMR/2010 62
Pertanyaan 2 : Sebutkan ketentuan-ketentuan
dalam Konvensi Chicago 1944 yang mengatur
tentang Nasionality Pesawat Udara.

Jawab :

12/06/23 JRMD/SMR/2010 63
Pertanyaan 3 : Jelaskan makna yang
terkandung dalam ketentuan Pasal 12
Konvensi Chicago 1944.

Jawab :

12/06/23 JRMD/SMR/2010 64
Pertanyaan 4 : Jelaskan maksud dan tujuan
dari International Civil Aviation Organization

Jawab :

12/06/23 JRMD/SMR/2010 65
Pertanyaan 5 : Jelaskan kewajiban Negara –
Negara Anggota ICAO terhadap Konvensi
Chicago 1944 Annexes.

Jawab :

12/06/23 JRMD/SMR/2010 66
Pertanyaan 6 : Jelaskan Perbedaan antara
PANs dan SARPs.

Jawab :

12/06/23 JRMD/SMR/2010 67
Pertanyaan 7 : Jelaskan apa yang dimaksud
dengan Standard dan Recommendation.

Jawab :

12/06/23 JRMD/SMR/2010 68
Pertanyaan 8 : Sebutkan hasil dari Konperensi

Jawab :

12/06/23 JRMD/SMR/2010 69
Pertanyaan 8 : Sebutkan hasil dari Konperensi

Jawab :

12/06/23 JRMD/SMR/2010 70
Pertanyaan 9 : Jelaskan Effect hukum dari
Adopsi ICAO Annexes.

Jawab :

12/06/23 JRMD/SMR/2010 71
Pertanyaan 10 : Jelaskan apa yang dimaksud
dengan ICAO Standardisation of Aviation

Jawab :

12/06/23 JRMD/SMR/2010 72
12/06/23 JRMD/SMR/2010 73

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