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Konflik &
Politeknik STIA LAN Bandung
Kolaborasi ?

Collaboration require people
to work together to plan,

solve problems, and/or make
decisions before action can be

Collaboration is required at
every level of every
organization—be it a
corporation, small business,
nonprofit organization,
educational institution,
government agency, or
legislative body –
Positif Problem Negatif

✓ Perhaps you need to collaborate because, for example, too many people
have the power to block the implementation of your decision or solution.
Perhaps power has become spread out (or lateralized). Or, the potential
costs of acting unilaterally may be too high. You could force a decision,
but you would meet with so much resistance and create so much ill will
that you would erode your base of support. Perhaps your colleagues,
employees, or constituents simply expect or demand that you act more
inclusively and collaboratively. Or, maybe you don’t have the skills or
knowledge to make the decision or solve the problem by yourself. You
may need to include and cooperate with others in order to make the best
decision possible.

Write down your answer on chat room!

Collaboration needs to be learned

Alan S. Cohen, an expert on networks who
has launched several startups, describes
this relationship as follows: “In Silicon
Valley, ‘collaboration’ is defined as
something you do with another colleague
or company to achieve greatness.”

collaborative problem solving as
“the process people employ when
working together in a group,
organization, or community to plan,
create, solve problems, and make
decisions.” Strauss&Layton

Jeff Weiner, the CEO of LinkedIn, adding:

“I will always work with you—if I

know we’ll get to four. You can’t build
great products alone.”

• Identify the five people with whom you currently spend the
most time at work.
• Write their names across the top of the chart below. (This
chart and the other tools can be downloaded from our
• Next, estimate the approximate percentage of time in any
given week that you spend with each person and write it
below his or her name.
• Rate the collaboration between you and this person on a
Place your screenshot here

scale of 1 to 5 through the lens of each of the four qualities

in the far left column (1 being lowest, 5 being highest).
• Tally the columns.


✓ Alone we can do so little;
together we can do so
much.“– Helen Keller

Prinsip Kolaborasi
 Libatkan stakeholder
 Membangun konsensus fase demi fase
 Mendesain peta proses
 Desain fasilitator proses
 Memanfaatkan memori grup

Membangun konsensus fase demi fase
To grasp the idea of consensus, let’s examine four aspects of it: 1. The
definition and benefits of consensus 2. How consensus is built 3. The
differences between facilitated, collaborative problem solving and
mediated negotiation 4. What happens if you can’t reach consensus.

The definition and benefits of
The Definition and Benefits of Consensus A group reaches
consensus on a decision when every member can agree to
support that decision.

How Consensus Is Built?
Phase 1. Perception: Is there a problem? How do you feel
about it? Is it legitimate to discuss the problem openly? Phase
2. Definition: What is the problem? What are its limits or
boundaries? Phase 3. Analysis: Why does the problem exist?
What are its causes? Phase 4. Generation of Alternatives:
What are some possible solutions to the problem? Phase 5.
Evaluation: What criteria must a good solution meet? Which
alternatives are better or more acceptable than others? Phase
6. Decision Making: Which solution can we agree on? Which
alternative can we commit to implementing? (See the
Resources section for a simplified version of the last three
phases.) To build consensus, then, a group must make
agreements one phase at a time

The differences between facilitated,
collaborative problem solving and
mediated negotiation
There are two basic approaches to building consensus among
multiple stakeholders: (1) facilitated, collaborative problem
solving (which we’ve been discussing here) and (2) mediated

The differences between facilitated,
collaborative problem solving and
mediated negotiation
There are two basic approaches to building consensus among
multiple stakeholders: (1) facilitated, collaborative problem
solving (which we’ve been discussing here) and (2) mediated

What happens if you can’t reach
The fallback is generally a traditional win-
lose decision-making method. In an
organizational setting, the method will
differ depending on the type of
organization, be it a hierarchy or a
horizontal, representational body

What keeps us from
communicating effectively is
that most of us don’t know
how to think with people who
think differently than we do.



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