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Salah satu warga Magetan, Yeni mengaku membeli janggelan di

pabrik Sumarni untuk bahan baku pembuatan minuman es campur

yang dijualnya. "Untuk jualan es campur di bazar Ramadhan. Selain
itu ada juga cendol janggelan,” ujarnya.

Menurut Sumarni, janggelan kaya akan serat serta berkhasiat untuk

mencegah panas dalam. Tingginya serat dalam hasil
olahan janggelan juga diyakini bisa mencegah gangguan pencernaan
dan menurunkan tekanan darah tinggi. Janggelan juga bisa
dimanfaatkan untuk menurunkan berat badan atau diet. "Paling
bagus yang saringan pertama yang paling pahit. Disimpan di kulkas
baru dikonsumsi. Khasiatnya banyak, kalau kita konsumsi kan rasanya
langsung terasa di perut jadi adem,” jelasnya.
Apa jenis kalimat pada paragraf
pertama kalimat kedua?
a. Tanya
b. Seruan
c. Perintah
d. Langsung
e. Tidak langsung
Apa kata dasar dari kata “berkhasiat”
pada paragraf kedua?
a. Berkhasiat
b. Berkhasi
c. Berkha
d. Kashiat
e. Shiat
Apa judul yang tepat untuk teks di
a. Janggelan untuk diet
b. Manfaat janggelan
c. Janggelan mencegah gangguan
d. Janggelan rasanya pahit
e. Macam-macam olahan
Apa kata dasar dari “menurunkan”
pada paragraf kedua kalimat kedua?
b. Nurun
c. Turun
d. Turunkan
e. Menurunkan
Meskipun Ramadhan identik dengan bulan suci yang erat dengan
ibadah, bersenang-senang juga harus dilakukan. Banyak acara atau
permainan yang bisa dinikmati selama Ramadhan, seperti Mheibes
di Irak.
Setelah berbuka puasa tiap harinya, orang-orang di Irak berkumpul
di sekitar lingkungan untuk melakukan pertandingan ini. Terdapat
dua kelompok dan tiap kelompok terdiri sekitar 40 hingga 250
pemain sekaligus. Permainan ini identik dengan tebak menebak
siapa yang menyembunyikan cincin pada salah satu anggota timya.
Permainan ini sederhana namun menarik dan telah diturunkan
dari generasi ke generasi di Irak ketika Ramadhan.
Apa tema yang tepat untuk teks di
a. Sains dan Teknologi
b. Sosial
c. Budaya
d. Sejarah
e. Alam
Apa judul yang tepat untuk teks di
a. Ramadhan di India
b. Ramadhan di Irak
c. Ramadhan di Belanda
d. Ramadhan di Inggris
e. Ramadhan di Indonesia
Apa kata dasar dari “menyembunyikan”
pada paragraf kedua kalimat ketiga?
b. Nyembunyi
c. Sembunyi
d. Sembunyikan
e. Nyembunyikan
Apa antonim dari kata “sederhana”
pada paragraf ketiga?
a. Bersahaja
b. Tidak berlebihan
c. Sedang
d. Mewah
e. Lugas
Jika berkunjung ke Meksiko, mungkin Anda akan menemukan
banyak cenote (lubang-lubang yang terisi air). Selain digunakan untuk
keperluan sehari-hari seperti mandi dan minum, cenote juga
dianggap sakral dan kerap digunakan untuk ritual pengorbanan.
Mereka percaya, lubang-lubang ini sering dikunjungi oleh Chaac
si Dewa Hujan.
Salah satu mata air yang dianggap suci adalah Cenote Sagrado yang
terletak di dekat situs arkeolog utama suku Maya Chichen Itza di
Semenanjung Yucatan. Cenote ini khusus digunakan untuk upacara
dan pengorbanan.
Pengorbanan yang dilakukan dengan cara melemparkan orang, baik
pria, wanita maupun anak-anak ke dalam air selama musim kemarau
untuk menenangkan dewa air.
Apa sinonim dari kata “sakral”
pada paragraf pertama kalimat
a. Kotor
b. Pemujaan
c. Suci
d. Berdosa
e. Tidak berkah
Apa jenis kalimat yang terdapat
pada paragraf kedua kalimat
a. Berita
b. Tanya
c. Perintah
d. Seruan
e. Pengandaian
Apa kata dasar dari “pengorbanan”
pada paragraf kedua kalimat kedua?
a. Pengorban
b. Ngorban
c. Korban
d. Korbanan
e. Ngorbanan
Apa antonim dari kata “menenangkan”
pada paragraf ketiga?
a. Diam
b. Meredakan
c. Tenteram
d. Kacau
e. Tidak gelisah
Why do we fart?
Flatulence, also known as a fart, is something everyone experiences. It’s the
release of intestinal gas, which forms as a result of digesting food. Gas can be
found throughout the digestive tract, including the stomach, small intestine,
colon, and rectum.
We fart because of the buildup of gas in our bodies, typically due to:
Swallowed air: We swallow air throughout the day, including from carbonated
beverages or taking in air as we chew.
An overgrowth of bacteria in the small intestine: Several conditions can lead to
bacteria overgrowth, including type 2 diabetes, celiac disease, liver disease, and
inflammatory bowel disease.
Carbohydrates that haven’t been fully digested: Sometimes all your food
doesn’t get fully digested by the enzymes in the small intestines. When partially
digested carbs reach the colon, bacteria convert part of that food into hydrogen
and carbon dioxide gasses. All that gas has to go somewhere. Some of it can be
absorbed by the body. But when too much of it gathers in the upper part of your
colon and puts pressure on the colon wall, you can feel pain in your abdomen or
even all the way up into your chest. Flatulence, though, allows for a painless
means of escape for this gas.
Sometimes you may experience more flatulence than usual. Increased
farting can stem from a natural body reaction, or in some cases, an
underlying medical condition. Factors that can affect how much you fart
Time of day
A buildup of gas-producing foods and swallowed air during the day may
make you more flatulent in the evening. Also, you’re more likely to fart when
the muscles in the intestines are stimulated. When you’re about to have a
bowel movement, for example, those muscles are moving stool to the
rectum. But other activities can also trigger flatulence, such as exercise or
even coughing.
Certain foods
Foods ranging from beans to broccoli to bran can make some people gassier.
Foods don’t affect everyone the same way, though. You may know your
troublesome foods, so be aware of them if you’re concerned about being
gassy. You may also be among the many people who lack the enzyme lactase,
which is essential for properly digesting dairy products. You can be born with
this lactose intolerance or it could develop as you age.
Alongside the amazing changes your body goes through when you’re
pregnant, there are some unpleasant changes, such as increased gas
production. This change is the result of increased hormonal activity that
tends to slow down your digestion, allowing more gas to build up in your
Hormonal changes during your period can also coincide with bacteria
changes in your digestive tract that can sometimes lead to increased
Preventing increased gas may be as simple as adjusting your diet. If
you’re lactose intolerant, your doctor will advise you to avoid milk-based
products. Using a lactase supplement that provides the enzyme to make
digesting dairy easier may also be an option. To decrease your gas, you may
want to stop drinking carbonated beverages.. If you’re especially sensitive
to beans or other common culprits, eating smaller portions or swapping
them out for other healthy foods may be options for you. Be careful not to
suddenly boost your fiber intake, as that can also cause gas problems.
What makes us farting more than
A.Undigested Carbohydrates.
B.Swallowed air.
C.An overgrowth of bacteria.
D.Inflammatory bowel disease.
E.Hormonal changes during period.
How to prevent increasing gas?
A.By eating smaller portions of
B.By boosting fiber intake.
C.By using an enzyme supplement
that provides the lactase to make
digesting dairy easier.
D.By eating bigger portions of beans.
E.By avoiding milk-based products for
lactose intolerant.
…When too much of it gathers in the upper
part of your…
The word ‘it‘ in third paragraph refers to

E.Hydrogen and carbon dioxide gasses.
Why do we fart?
A.Because there is an overgrowth of
enzymes in the small intestine.
B.Because of undigested Carbohydrates.
C.Because there are too many hydrogen
and carbon dioxide gasses.
D.Because of loss absorption of
E.Because of degenerative disease.
Why do people live longer in Japan?
According to the World Health Organization (WHO) Japanese
women have a life expectancy of 87 - the highest in the world,
while male life expectancy is in the top ten internationally,
ahead of the US and UK. Why is this?
Since 1961 Japan has had universal healthcare, with equal
and universal access to healthcare for all, through a health
insurance scheme (paid for by government, employers and
individuals). As such, Japan performs well when looking at the
social determinants of health. In Japan regular check-ups are
also the norm. Mass screening is provided for everyone at
school and work or in the community by local government
authorities. This may help people become more health
However, the financial and social underpinnings of health provision are
threatened by economic decline and widening inequalities. In conjunction
with rising costs and an ageing population this raises the question as to
whether healthcare can remain universal forever. Japan provides its
universal healthcare for around 10% of its GDP (Gross Domestic Product).
That's slightly more than the UK’s 9% but quite a bit less than the USA’s
17%. Does this mean that Japanese people are using less healthcare than
their US counterparts because they are healthier, or is their healthcare
system more cost effective? Either way universal coverage with
manageable expenditure seems worth aiming for.
There is some evidence that Japanese people have good genes which
are aiding their longevity. Studies have suggested two genes in particular,
DNA 5178 and the ND2-237Met genotype help the Japanese live longer,
by protecting them against some adult onset diseases. However, this isn’t
seen across the whole population. Some families in Okinawa for instance,
have inherited more good genes than others.
Are there any downsides to the Japanese way of life?
Since the 1970s there have been discussions of ‘Karoshi’ – death by
overworking. Since 1987, the Japanese Ministry for Labor has been
publishing figures on ‘Karoshi’, as companies were encouraged to limit
working hours. The biological aspects behind these deaths are linked to
heart disease, high blood pressure and strokes. Not only is there death
due to overworking, but suicide rates in Japan, especially for young men,
are also very high and are linked to overworking – known as “karojisatu”.
The highest risk of suicide is seen by those in managerial and
administrative jobs, where stress levels are high, as well as in those with
low social support, lack of control over work and heavy workloads.
The following are the reason of long life
Japanese, except?
A.Japanese people have good genes.
B.Japanese people always do regular check-ups.
C.Regular health check-ups is a norm in Japan.
D.Japan encourages to limit working hours.
E.Japan provides its universal healthcare.
What is the downsides of Japanese way of life?
A.The stress levels are getting high due to
B.Japanese people focus in working to save the
C.The Government has a lot of debt for covering
the healthcare.
D.Japanese people are using less healthcare.
E.The hospitals are not well-organized.
It can be inferred from the text that …
A.Employers pay the health insurance scheme.
B.Heart disease, high blood pressure and strokes
are the deathly killer for Japanese young men.
C.Japanese people has long live but in other side
also have high death by overworking.
D.The healthcare system cost effective.
E.‘Karoshi’ and ‘karojisatu’ are caused by healthy
What is the meaning of ‘karojisatu’?
A.‘Karojisatu’ is a death caused by overworking.
B.‘Karojisatu’ is a suicide.
C.‘Karojisatu’ is a tradition for overworking men.
D.‘Karojisatu’ the limit of working.
E.‘Karojisatu’ is a place for suicide.

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