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2 Poros



Poros merupakan salah satu bagian yang terpenting dari setiap mesin.
Hampir semua mesin meneruskan tenaga bersama-sama dengan putaran
utama dalam transmisi seperti itu dipegang oleh poros.

1.1 Macam-macam Poros

Poros untuk meneruskan daya diklasifikasikan menurut
pembebanannya sebagai berikut :
1. Poros transmisi (line shaft)
Poros ini mendapat beban puntir dan lentur. Daya ditransmisikan
kepada poros ini melalui kopling, roda gigi, puli sabuk rantai dll.
2. Spindel (spindle)
Poros yang pendek, seperti poros utama mesin perkakas, dimana beban
utamanya berupa puntiran. Syarat yang harus dipenuhi poros ini adalah
deformasinya harus kecil dan bentuk serta ukurannya harus teliti.
3. Gandar (axle)
Poros ini dipasang diantara roda-roda kereta api, dimana tidak mendapat
beban puntir dan tidak berputar. Gandar ini hanya mendapat beban
lentur, kecuali jika digerakkan oleh penggerak mula dimana akan
mengalami beban puntir juga.
4. Poros (shaft)
Poros yang ikut berputar untuk memindahkan daya dari mesin ke
mekanisme yang digerakkan. Poros ini mendapat beban puntir murni
dan lentur.
5. Poros luwes
Poros yang berfungsi untuk memindahkan daya dari dua mekanisme,
dimana perputaran poros membentuk sudut dengan poros lainnya. Daya
yang dipindahkan kecil.

1.2 Hal-hal Penting dalam Perencanaan Poros

Hal-hal yang perlu diperhatikan didalam merencanakan sebuah
poros adalah :
1. Kekuatan poros
Suatu poros transmisi dapat mengalami beban puntir atau lentur atau
gabungan antara puntir dan lentur. Juga ada poros yang mendapat
beban tarik atau tekan seperti poros baling-baling kapal atau turbin, dll.
Kelelahan, pengaruh konsentrasi tegangan bila diameter poros
diperkecil atau poros bertangga, mempunyai alur pasak harus
Buku Elemen Mesin 3

Sebuah poros harus direncanakan hingga cukup kuat untuk menahan

beban-beban di atas.
2. Kekauan poros
Meskipun sebuah poros mempunyai kekuatan yang cukup tetapi jika
lenturan atau defleksi puntirnya terlalu besar akan mengakibatkan
ketidaktelitian, atau menimbulkan getaran dan suara. Karena itu
kekakuan dari poros harus diperhatikan dan disesuaikan dengan jenis
mesin yang akan dilayani oleh poros tersebut.
3. Putaran kritis
Bila putaran suatu mesin dinaikkan maka pada suatu harga putaran
tertentu dapat terjadi getaran yang luar biasa besarnya. Putaran ini
disebut dengan putaran kritis. Hal ini dapat terjadi pada turbi, motor
torak, motor listrik dll. Jika mungkin poros harus direncanakan
sedemikian rupa hingga putaran kerjanya lebih rendah dari putaran
4. Korosi
Bahan-bahan tahan korosi harus dipilih untuk propeller dan pompa bila
terjadi kontak dengan media yang korosif. Demikian pula untuk poros
yang terencam kavitasi danporos mesin yang sering berhenti lama.

1.3 Bahan Poros

Secara umum untuk poros dengan diameter 3 – 3 ½ in dipergunakan
bahan yang dibuat dengan pengerjaan dingin, baja karbon. Dan bila yang
dibutuhkan untuk mampu menahan beban kejut, kekerasan dan tegangan.
Tabel bahan (misal ASME 1347:3141:4150; 4350; 5145; 8650) yang biasa
dipakai bahan dengan baja yang dikarburising (misal : ASME 1020, 117,
2315,, 4320, 4820, 8620, atau G 4102, G 4104, G 4105 dalam tabel dan
sebagainya). Karena sangat tahan terhadap korosi dan poros ini dipakai
untuk meneruskan putaran tinggi dan beban berat. Sekalipun demikian
pemakaian baja paduan khusus tidak selalu dianjurkan jika alasannya
hanya karena putaran tinggi dan beban berat. Dalam hal demikian perlu
dipertimbangkan penggunaan baja karbon yang diberi perlakuan panas
secara tepat untuk memperoleh kekuatan yang diperlukan. Sedangkan
untuk poros-poros yang bentuknya sulit seperti poros engkol, besi cor
roduler atau cor lainnya banyak dipakai.

Tabel 1.1 Baja paduan untuk poros

Standar dan macam Lambang Perlakuan panas Kekuatan tarik
Baja khrom nikel SNC 2 - 85
(JIS G 4102) SND 3 - 95
SNC 21 Pengerasan kulit 80
SNC 22 - 100
Baja khrom nikel SNCM 1 - 85
molibden SNCM 2 - 95
4 Poros

(JIS G 4103) SNCM 7 - 100

SNCM 8 - 105
SNCM 22 Pengerasan kulit 90
SNCM 23 - 100
SNCM 25 - 120
Baja khrom SCr 3 - 90
(JIS G 4104) SCr 4 - 95
SCr 5 - 100
SCr21 Pengerasan kulit 80
SCr22 - 85
Baja khrom SCM 2 - 85
Baja khrom mlibden SCM 3 - 95
(JIS G 4105) SCM 4 - 100
SCM 5 - 105
SCM21 Pengerasan kulit 85
SCM22 - 95
SCM23 - 100

Gandar untuk kereta rel dibuat dari baja karbon dan demi keamanan
di dalam perencanaan harus dipertimbangkan secara hati-hati, seperti yang
ditunjukkan pada tabel 1.2.

Tabel 1.2 Bahan Poros Untuk Kereta Rel

Batas Kekuatan
Pemakaian Perlakuan
Kelas Lambang Mulur Tarik
Utama Panas
(kg/mm2) (kg/mm2)
Kelas A SF A 55A Poros Penormalan
28 55
1 B SF A 55B Pengikut atau celuk
Kelas A SF A 60A dingin dan
30 60
2 B SF A 60B pelunakan
A SF A 65A Celup
B SF A 65A Gandar dingin dan 35 65
yang pelunakan
A SF A GA digerakan Celup
B SF A GA dan poros dingin dan
Kelas pengikut pelunakan
30 60
4 pada

Nama-nama dan lambang-lambang dari bahan menurut standar

beberapa negara serta persamaannya dengan JIS untuk poros diberikan
dalam tabel 1.3
Buku Elemen Mesin 5

Tabel 1.3 Standar Baja

Nama Standar Standar Amerika (AISI), Inggris
Jepang (JIS) (BS), dan Jerman (DIN)
Baja Karbon S25C AISI 1025.BS60A25
Konstruksi mesin S30C AISI 1030. BS060A30
S35C AISI 1035. BS060A35, DIN C35
S40C AISI 1040. BS060A40
S45C AISI 1045. BS060A45. DIN C45.
S50C AISI 1050. BS060A50. DIN St 50.11
S55C AISI 1055. BS060A55
Baja Tempa SF 40.45 ASTM A105-73
Baja nikel khrom SNC BS 653M31
SNC 22 BS En 36
Baja nikel khrom SNCM 1 AISI 4337
molibden SNCM 2 BS830M31
SNCM 7 AISI 8645, BS En100D
SNCM 8 AISI 4340. BS817M40. 816M40
SNCM 22 AISI 4315
SNCM 23 AISI 4320. BS En325
SNCM 25 BS En39B
Baja khrom SCr 3 AISI 5135. BS530A36
SCr 4 AISI 5140.. BS530A40
SCr 5 AISI 5145
SCr21 AISI 5115
SCr22 AISI 5120
Baja khrom SMC2 AISI 4130. DIN 34CrMo4
molibden SMC3 AISI 4135. BS708A37.DIN34CrMo4
SMC4 AISI 4140. BS708M40.
AISI 4145. DIN50CrMo4

1.4 Sambungan Sebuah Poros

Sebuah poros yang mendapat pembebanan utama berupa momen
puntir, seperti pada poros motor dengan kopling.
Momen puntir harus dihitung dari daya N (HP) yang ditransmisikan
dengan putaran n (rpm) poros adalah :

2Mt.n FV Mt.n
N= = = (1.1)
(33.000)(12) 33.000 63.000

Mt = 63.000 (lb in) (1.2)
6 Poros

Dimana : N = daya yang ditransmisikan (Hp)

Mt = momn torsi (lb in)
n = putaran poros (rpm)
F = gaya (lb)
V = kecepatan (fpm)
Kalau satuan yang dipakai adalah metris, rumus yang dipakai adalah :
Mt = 71.620 (kg cm) (1.3)
Dimana : N = daya (Hp)
n = putaran ( rpm)
Bila momen torsi Mt (lb in) dibebankan pada suatu diameter poros
ds (inci), maka tegangan puntir  t (psi) yang terjadi adalah :

Mt 5,1 Mt
MT 
t = = d s3 d s3 (1.4)
syarat perencanaan
t < | t |
5,1 Mt
< | t | (1.5)
d s3
dimana |  t | = tegangan puntir yang diijinkan dari bahan. Dari persamaan
8.5 diperoleh rumus untuk menghitung diameter poros ds (mm) adalah :
(5,1 Mt )1 / 3
ds > (1.6)
|t |

1.5 Poros dengan Beban Puntir dan Lentur yang berulang

berdasarkan Teori Tresca
Poros pada umumnya meneruskan daya melalui sabuk, roda gigi dan
rantai. Dengan demikian poros tersebut mendapat beban puntir dan lentur
sehingga pada permukaan poros akan terjadi tegangan geser karena
momen puntir Mt dan tegangan tarik karena momen lentur.
Untuk beban yang ulet seperti pada poros, dapat dipakai teori
tegangan geser maksimum atau teori Tresca.
 max =  2  4 2  x 
    2 (1.7)
2  2 
pada poros pejal penampang bulat akibat beban statis
32 Mb
x = (1.8)
 d s3
16 Mt
t =
 d s3
Buku Elemen Mesin 7

sehingga tegangan maksimum untuk poros pejal

(16 Mb) 2 (16 Mt ) 2

 max =  (1.9)
d s3  d s3

syarat perencanaan

 max = < |  |
(16 Mb) 2 (16 Mt ) 2 y
 < (1.10)
d s
 ds

sehingga diameter poros minimum didapat

1/ 3
10,2 N 2
ds >  Mb  Mt  (1.11)
  y 

dimana :  y = Tegangan bending (psi)

t = Tegangan puntir (psi)
Mb = Momen bending (lb in)
Mt = Momen torsi (lb in)
y = Tegangan luluh (psi)

N = Faktor keamanan

Sedangkan untuk poros berlubang

  di  4  y
d 03 1    Mb 2  Mt 2 < (1.12)
  do   2N
 

Bila beban yang bekerja berulang maka dipergunakan persamaan


1 y   y 
 m  r   m   < (1.13)
4 e   e  N

Dimana :
 m = Teganan rata-rata untuk bending atau aksial (psi)
 r = Tegangan batas untuk bending atau aksial (psi)
 y = Tegangan luluh (psi)
8 Poros

e = Batas ketahanan dari elemen poros

= CR. CS.CD. 1/Kf. Sns
e = Batas ketahanan geser dari poros
= CR. CS.CD. 1/Kf. Sns
Kf = Faktor konsentrasi tegangan lelah untuk bending
Kfs = Faktor konsentrasi tegangan lelah untuk geser
y = 0,5  y = Tegangan geser luluh
 ys = Tegangan geser luluh (Psi)
Em = Tegangan rata-rata untuk puntir (psi)
r = Tegangan bebas untuk puntir (psi)
y = Tegangan geser luluh (psi)

1.6. Poros dengan Beban Buntir dan Bending yang Berulang

Berdasarkan Teori Energi Distorsi
Persamaan teori Energi distorsi pada teori kegagalan untuk dua
dimensi adalah :

 y   1 2 + 
 = 1
2 2
 2 (1.14)
 N 

 1 dan 2 adalah tegangan utama, bila diaplikasikan terhadap beban


= (  2x + 3  2)1/2 (1.15)

dengan mensubtitusikan terhadap metode Soderber, maka :

y  
2 2
=  m  y   m  y  (1/16)
N  e   e 
 

sehingga diameter poros minimum

1/ 3
 32 N y
2 
  3 
ds >  Mm  Mr    Mtm  M tr   (1.17)
  y  e  4 e  
 

1.7 Poros dengan Beban Berulang dan Beban Kejut

Pada mesin pres, Rolling dan sebagainya poros menerima momen
torsi, bending dan beban kejut, maka perencanaan poros harus dimasukkan
pengaruh kelelahan karena beban berulang. Disini faktor koreksi Kt untuk
momen puntir dan faktor koreksi Km untuk momen lentur yang
diperhitungkan. Pada poros yang berputar dengan pembebanan lentur
yang tetap, besarnya Km adalah 1,5. untuk beban dengan tumbukan ringan
Buku Elemen Mesin 9

terletak antara 1,5 dan 2,0 dan untuk beban dengan tumbukan beat Km
terletak antara 2 dan 3. Dengan demikian persamaan yang dipakai adalah :

a. Teori Tegangan geser maksimum

0,5  y 16  y 
 y 
 Km M hm  M br   Kt  M tm  M tr  (1.18)
N d s3  e   e 

b. Teori Energi distorsi

y 32  y 
 y 
 Km M hm  M br   Kt  M tm  M tr  (1.19)
N d s3  e   e 

1.8 Putaran Kritis dan Kekakuan Poros

1. Putaran Kritis
Untuk poros putaran tinggi, putaran kritis sangat diperhitungkan.
Pada mesin-mesin yang dibuat secara baik, putaran kerja didekat atau
diatas putaran kritis tidak terlalu berbahaya. Tetapi demi keamanan, dapat
diambil pedoman secara umum bahwa putaran kritisnya. Untuk mencari
putaran kritis dari poros yang ditumpu kedua ujungnya, dipakai
persamaan Rayleigh.
1/ 2
 W1Y1  W2Y2  ....  WmYm 
nc = 187,7  2 2 2 
W1Y1  W2Y2  ....  WmYm 
Dimana :
ne = Putaran kritis upah
Wm = Berat massa yang berotasi pada titik m (lb)
Ym = Defleksi yang terjadi pada massa Wm (in)

2. Kekakuan Poros
Kekakuan poros terhadap momen torsi sangat berpengaruh
terhadap terjadinya defleksi sudut. Kalau defleksi melampaui batas
tertentu, akan menimbulkan getaran sehingga besarnya deformasi yang
disebabkan oleh momen torsi pada poros harus dibatasi. Untuk poros yang
dipasang pada mesin umum dalam kondisi kerja normal, besarnya defleksi
sudut dibatasi 0,089 deg / ft) panjang poros. Untuk poros transmisi
besarnya defleksi sudut dibatasi 1 derajat untuk panjang poros sebesar 20
x diameter poros dan untuk poros Cam pada Mesin Pembakaran dalam
dan dibatasi 0,5 derajat tanpa memperhatikan panjang poros.
Jika ds adalah diameter poros (in),  defleksi sudut (deg), L panjang
poros (in), Mt momen puntir (lb in) dan  modulus geser (lb/in2), maka:
10 Poros

 = 584 (1.21)
 .ds 4

1.8. Contoh Penyelesaian Soal

1. A short stub shaft, made of SAE 1035, as rolled, receivers 30 hp at

300 rpm via a 12-in. spur gear, the power being delivered to
another shaft through a flexible coupling. The gear is keyed (profile
keyway) midway between the bearings. The pressure angle of the
gear teeth   20  ; N  1.5 based on the octahedral shear stress
theory with varying stresses. (a) Neglecting the radial component
R of the tooth load W , determine the shaft diameter. (b)
Considering both the tangential and the radial components,
compute the shaft diameters. (c) Is the difference in the results of
the parts (a) and (b) enough to change your choice of the shaft size?

Problem 1

For SAE 1035, as rolled
s y  55 ksi
su  85 ksi
sn  0.5su  0.5 85  42.5 ksi
A  W cos 
63,000hp 63,000 30
T   6300 in  lb
n 300
T 
A12 
6300 
A  1050 lb
A  W cos 
1050  W cos 20
W  1118 lb
Shear stress
Buku Elemen Mesin 11

16T 16 6300

ss  
 d3  d3
ss  sms 
 d3
sas  0

bending stress

From Table AT 2
M 

(a) Negligible R :

AL 105016
M    4200 in  lb
4 4
32 M 32 4200 134,400
s  
d 3
 d3  d3
sm  0
sa  s 
 d3
sn K s
se  sm  f a
sy SF

For profile keyway

K f  2.0
K fs  1.6
SF  0.85
K f sa  2.0 134,400  100,661
se   
SF  
 0.85  d 3 d3
12 Poros

sns K s
ses  sms  fs as
s ys SF
sns sn 42.5 1
  
s ys s y 55 1.294
sns  1  100,800  24,796
ses  sms      d3
 1.294   d
s ys 

Octahedral-shear theory

1  se   ses 2
2 2

      
N  sn   0.577 sn  


1  100,661  2  24,796  2

      
1.5  42,500d 3   0.577 42,500d 3    
d  1.569 in
use d  1 in

(b) Considering both radial and tangential component.

WL 1118 16
M    4472 in  lb
4 4
32M 32 4472 143,104
s  
d 3
d3 d3
sm  0
sa  s 
 d3

se 
K f sa

 2.0143,104 
SF  0.85  d 3  d3

1  se 2
2 2
  ses 
      
N  sn   0.577 sn  


1  107,180 
 24,796 
   
  
1.5 
42,500d 3   
 0.577 42,500 d 3  
 

d  1.597 in
use d  1 in

(c) The difference in the results of the parts (a) and (b) is not enough to
change the choice of the shaft size.
Buku Elemen Mesin 13

2. A cold-finished shaft, AISI 1141, is to transmit power that varies

from 200 to 100 and back to 200 hp in each revolution at a speed of
600 rpm. The power is received by a 20-in. spur gear A and
delivered by a 10-in. spur gear C. The tangential forces have each
been converted into a force ( A and C shown) and a couple (not
shown). The radial component R of the tooth load is to be
ignored in the initial design. Let 2 and, considering varying
stresses with the maximum shear theory, compute the shaft

Problems 2

For AISI 1141, cold-finished
s y  90 ksi
sn  50 ksi
sn 1

s y 1 .8

SF  0.85
T 
63,000 200 
Tmax   21,000 in  lb
Tmin   10,500 in  lb
Tm   Tmax  Tmin   1  21,000  10,500  15,750 in  lb
2 2
1 1
Ta   Tmax  Tmin    21,000  10,500  5,250 in  lb
2 2
14 Poros

ss 
 d3
1615,750  252,000
sms  
 d3  d3
16 5250  24,000
sas  
 d3  d3
s K fs sas
ses  ns sms 
s ys SF

For profile keyway

K f  2.0
K fs  1.6
sns sn 1
 
s ys s y 1.8
 1  252,000  1.6 84,000 94,894
ses      0.85 d 3  d 3
 1.8   d

Bending stress, negligible radial load

T  21,000 in  lb at 200 hp

For A:
 20 
A T
 2 
A10   21,000
A  2100 lb at 200 hp

For C:
 10 
C   T
 2 
C  5  21,000
C  4200 lb at 200 hp
Buku Elemen Mesin 15

 M B 
 0 A10  D 25  C 15
at 200 hp
 2100 10   D 25   4200 15
D  1680 lb
 F V 0 
AC  B  D
at 200 hp
2100  4200  B  1680
B  4620 lb
At 200 hp: A  2100 lb , B  4620 lb , C  4200 lb , D  1680 lb
Shear Diagram

Maximum moment at B
M   2100 10   21,000 in  lb
32M 32 21,000 672,000
s  
d 3
 d3  d3
sm  0
sa  s 
 d3

se 
sm 
K f sa
 2.0 672,000  503,304
sy SF 0.85 d 3 d3
ses 
Maximum Shear Theory

1  s 
 s 
  e    es
  0 .5 s

N  sn    
 n


1  503,304 2
2 2
  94,894 
   
2 
50,000d 3

  
 0.5 50,000d 3   

d  2.78 in
use d  2 in
16 Poros

3. A shaft S, of cold-drawn AISI 1137, is to transmit power received

from shaft W, which turns at 2000 rpm, through the 5-in. gear E
and 15-in. gear A. The power is delivered by the 10-in. gear C to
gear G, and it varies from 10 hp to 100 hp and back to 10 hp during
each revolution of S. The design is to account for the varying
stresses, with calculations based on the octahedral shear stress
theory. Let N  1.8 and compute the shaft diameter, using only
the tangential driving loads for the first design.

Problem 3

For AISI 1137, cold drawn
s y  93 ksi
su  103 ksi
sn  0.5su  0.5103  51.5 ksi
sn sns 51.5 1
  
s y s ys 93 1.806
T 
5 in. E
n  2000 rpm   667 rpm
15 in. A
Tmax   9450 in  lb
Tmin   945 in  lb
Tm   Tmax  Tmin   1  9450  945  5197.5 in  lb
2 2
1 1
Ta   Tmax  Tmin    9450  945  4252.5 in  lb
2 2
ss 
 d3
Buku Elemen Mesin 17

16 5197.5 83,160

sms  
 d3  d3
16 4252.5 68,040
sas  
 d3  d3
s K s
ses  ns sms  fs as
s ys SF

For profile keyway

K f  2.0
K fs  1.6
SF  0.85
 1  83,160  1.6  68,040 55,425
ses    3 
 
 1.806   d  0.85 d 3 d3

Bending stress, using only tangential loads

For 100 hp:

T  9450 in  lb
 15 
A   T
 2 
A 7.5  9450
A  1260 lb

For C:
 10 
C   T
 2 
C  5  9450
C  1890 lb
 M B 
 0 6 A  20 D  14C
61260  20 D  141890 
D  945 lb
 F V 0 
AC  B D
1260  1890  B  945
18 Poros

B  2205 lb

Shear diagram

Maximum moment at B
M  1260 6   7560 in  lb
32 M 32 7560 241,920
s  
 d3  d3  d3
sm  0
sa  s 
 d3
sn K f sa  2.0 241,920 181,189
se  sm   
sy SF 0.85 d 3 d3
ses 
Octahedral Shear Theory

1  s 
 ses 
  e  
  0.577 s

N  sn    
 n


1  181,189  2
2 2
 55,425 
 
    
3 
2  51,500d 

 0.577 51,500d 3
   
 

d  1.997 in
use d  2 in

4. A shaft made of AISI 1137, cold rolled, for a forage harvester is

shown. Power is supplied to the shaft by a vertical flat belt on the
pulley A. At B, the roller chain to the cutter exerts a force vertically
upwards, and the V-belt to the blower at C exerts a force vertically
upwards. At maximum operating conditions, the flat belt supplies
35 hp at 425 rpm, of which 25 hp is delivered to the cutter and 10
hp to the blower. The two sections of the shaft are joined by a
flexible coupling at D and the various wheels are keyed (sled-
runner keyway) to the shafts. Allowing for the varying stresses on
the basis of the von Mises-Hencky theory of failure, decide upon
the diameters of the shafts. Choose a design factor that would
include an allowance for rough loading.
Buku Elemen Mesin 19

Problem 4

For AISI 1137, cold rolled
s y  93 ksi
su  103 ksi
sn  0.5su  0.5103  51.5 ksi
sn s 51.5 1
 ns  
s y s ys 93 1.806
63,000hp 63,000 35
TA    5188 in  lb
n 425

For flat-belt
 2T  4 5188
FA  F1  F2  2 F2  F1   2 A    692 lb
 DA  30

63,000hp 63,000 25
TB    3706 in  lb
n 425

For chain,
2T 2 3706 
FB  B   741 lb
DB 10

63,000hp 63,00010 
TC    1482 in  lb
n 425

For V-belt,
20 Poros

 2T  31482
FC  F1  F2  1.5 F2  F1   1.5 C 
  445 lb
 DC  10
Consider shaft ABD.

35 hp
Shaft ABD

 M D' 0 
 6  8  4  FA   8  4 A'4 FB
18 692  12 A'4 741
A'  791 lb

 F V 0 
FA  D  FB  A
692  D  741  791
D   840 lb

Shear Diagram

Maximum M at A’.
M   6  692   4152 in  lb.
32 M 32 4152  132,864
s  
d 3
d3 d3
sm  0
sa  s 
 d3
s K f sa
se  n sm 
sy SF

For sled-runner keyway (Table AT 13)

Buku Elemen Mesin 21

K f  1.6
K fs  1.6
SF  0.85
se  n sm 
K f sa
1.60132,864  79,610
sy SF 0.85 d 3 d3

at A’ T  TA  5188 in  lb
16T 16 5188 83,008
ss   
 d3  d3  d3
sms  ss
sas  0
s K fs sas
ses  ns sms 
s ys SF
 1  83,000  14,630
ses    3 

 1.806   d  d3
Choose a design factor of 2.0
N  2. 0
von Mises-Hencky theory of failure (Octahedral shear theory)

1  s 
 ses 
  e  
  0.577 s

N  sn    
 n


1  79,610  2
2 2
 14,630 
 
    
3 
2  51,500d 

 0.577 51,500d 3
   
 

d  1.48 in
use d  1 in

Consider shaft D-C

63,000hp 63,00010 
TC    1482 in  lb
n 425

For V-belt,
 2T  31482
FC  F1  F2  1.5 F2  F1   1.5 C 
  445 lb
 DC  10
22 Poros

 M C' 0 
8 D  3FC
8 D   3 445
D   167 lb

 F V 0 
C   D  FC
C   167  445
C   612 lb

Shear Diagram

M  167  8  1336 in  lb
32 M 321336 42,752
s  
 d3  d3  d3
s m  0 , sa  s
se  n sm 
K f sa
1.60 42,752  25,616
sy SF 0.85 d 3 d3
at C’, TC  1482 in  lb
16T 161482  23,712
ss   
 d3  d3  d3
sms  s s
sas  0
s K s
ses  ns sms  fs as
s ys SF
 1  23,712  4180
ses    3 
 1. 806   d  d3
Buku Elemen Mesin 23

1  s 
 ses 
  e  
  0.577 s

N  sn    
 n


1  25,616  2  4180 
 
    
2 
51,500 d 3 

 0 . 577 51,500 d 3   
 

d  1.011 in
use d  1 in

5. The slow-speed shaft of a speed reducer shown, made of AISI

4140, OQT 1200 F, transmits 100 hp at a speed of 388 rpm. It
receives power through a 13.6 in. gear B. The force on this gear has
three components: a horizontal tangential driving force
Ft  2390 lb , a vertical radial force S  870 lb , and a thrust
force Q  598 lb taken by the right-hand bearing. The power is
delivered to a belt at F that exerts a downward vertical force of
1620 lb.; sled runner keyways. Use the octahedral shear theory
with the Soderberg line and compute N at sections C and D.
(Data courtesy of Twin Disc Clutch Company.)

Problem 5

For AISI 4140, OQT 1200 F
s y  83 ksi
su  112 ksi
sn  0.5su  56 ksi
sn sns 56 1
  
s y s ys 83 1.482
SF  0.85
63,000100 
T   16,237 in  lb
24 Poros


 13.6   13.6 
M   Q    598    4066.4 in  lb
 2   2 
 M A 0 
 3 5  3 5 3 7 11 13 3
1  1  870  1  1  3  1 1   2 1620  4066.4
 16 8  16 8 8 32 32 16 4
 3 5 3 7 
 1  1  3  1 Gv
 16 8 8 32 
Gv  3573 lb
 F v 0 
Av  S  F  Gv
Av  870  1620  3573
Av  1083 lb

Shear Diagram

Moment Diagram

M Av  0
Buku Elemen Mesin 25

 3 
M Pv  1083 1   1286 in  lb
 16 
 5
M Bv  1286    1083 1   3046 in  lb at the left
 8
M Bv  3046  4066.4  1021 in  lb at the right
 3
M Cv  1021  1953  3   5570 in  lb
 8
 7 
M Gv  5570  1953 1   7950 in  lb
 32 
 11 
M Dv  7950  1620 1   5773 in  lb
 32 
 13 
M E v  5773  1620    4457 in  lb
 16 
 3
M Fv  4457  1620  2   0 in  lb
 4


 M A 0 
 13   13 19 
 2  2390    2  4 Gh
 16   16 32 
Gh  908 lb
 F h 0 
Ah  Gh  Ft
Ah  908  2390
Ah  1482 lb

Shear Diagram
26 Poros

M Ah  0
 3 
M Ph  1482 1   1760 in  lb
 16 
 5
M Bh  1760  1482 1   4168 in  lb
 8
 3
M C h  4168   908  3   1104 in  lb
 8
 7 
M C h  1104   908 1   0 in  lb
 32 
M Dh  0 in  lb
M E h  0 in  lb
M Fh  0 in  lb

M  M h2  M v2
M A  0 in  lb
MP  1760 2  1286 2  2180 in  lb
MB   4168 2   3046 2  5163 in  lb
MC  1104  2   5570 2  5678 in  lb
MD   0 2   5773 2  5773 in  lb
ME   0 2   4457 2  4457 in  lb
MF   0 2   0 2  0 in  lb
at C: r  in  0.125 in
d  2.750 in
D  2.953 in
r 0.125
  0.05
d 2.750
D 2.953
  1.10
d 2.750
Figure AF 12
K f 1  K t  1.9
K fs1  K ts  1.3
For sled runner keyway
K f 2  1.6
K fs 2  1.6
Buku Elemen Mesin 27

K f  0.8 K f 1K f 2  0.81.9 1.6   2.4

K fs  0.8 K fs1 K fs 2  0.81.31.6   1.7
sn K s
se  sm  f a
sy SF
4Q 4 598
sm    101 psi
d 2
  2.750 2
32M C 32 5678
sa    2781 psi
d 3
  2.750 3
 1   2.4 2781  7920 psi
se   101 
 1.482  0.85
s K s
ses  ns sms  fs as
s ys SF
16T 1616,237 
sms    3976 psi
 d 3   2.750 3
sas 0
 1 
ses    3976  0  2683 psi
 1.482 

Octahedral shear theory


1  s 
 ses 
  e  
  0.577 s

N  sn    
 n


1  7920  2  2683 
   
 56,000   0.577 56,000  
 
N     
 
N 6
at D: r  in  0.0625 in
d  2.953 in
D3 in  3.375 in
r 0.0625
  0.02
d 2.953
D 3.375
  1.14
d 2.953

Figure AF 12
K f  K t  2.4
K fs  K ts  1.6
28 Poros

sn K f sa
se  sm 
sy SF
4Q 4 598
sm    87.3 psi
d 2
  2.953 2
32 M C 32 5773
sa    2284 psi
d 3
  2.953 3
 1   2.4 2284  6508 psi
se    87.3 
 1.482  0.85
s K s
ses  ns sms  fs as
s ys SF
16T 1616,237 
sms    3211 psi
 d 3   2.953 3
sas 0
 1 
ses    3211  0  2167 psi
 1.482 

Octahedral shear theory


1  se 2
2 2
  ses 
      
N  sn   0.577 sn  


1  6508  2  2167  2

 
 
 
  

N 
56,000   0.577 56,000    
N  7.5

At a machined shaft shoulder the small diameter d is 1.100 in, the large
diameter D is 1.65 in, and the fillet radius is 0.11 in. The bending moment
is 1260 lbf. In and the steady torsin moment is 1100 lbf. In. The heat-
treated steel shaft has an ultimate strength of S ut 105 kpsi and a yielad
strength of Sy = 82 kpsi. The realiability goal is 0.00.
(a) Determine the fatigue factor of safety of the design using each of the
fatigue failure criteria described in this section.
(b) Determine the yielding factor of safety

Solution (a) D/d = 1.65/1.100 = 1.50, r/d = 0.11/1.100 = 0.10, K t = 1.68

(Fig. A-15-9), Kts = 1.42 (Fig. A-15-8), q = 0.85 (Fig. 6-20), q shear
= 0.92 (Fig. 6-21)

From Eq. (6-32),

Kf = 1 + 0.85 (1.68 – 1) = 1.58
Kfs = 1 + 0.92 (1.42 – 1) = 1.39
Buku Elemen Mesin 29

Eq. (6 – 8 ) : S e' = 0.5 (105) = 52.5 kpsi

Eq. (6 – 19) : ka = 2.70 (105) -0.265 = 0.787
 1.100 
Eq. (6 – 20) : kb     0.870
 0.30 
K c = kd = kf = 1
Table 6-6 : ke = 0.814
Se = 0.787 (0.870) 0.814 (52.5) – 29.3 kpsi

For a rotating shaft, the constant bending moment will create a

completely reversed bending stress.

Ma = 1260 lbf . in Tm = 1100 lbf . in Mm = Ta = 0

Applying Eq. (7-7) for the DE-Goodman criteria gives


16 

 4  1.58 . 1260 
 1/ 2

 3. 1.39 . 1100   2 1/ 2 

  0.
n   1.1  3 

29 300 10 5000 

Answer n = 1.62 DE-Goodman

Similarly, applying Eqs. (7-9), (7.11), and (7-13) for the orther
failure criteria

Answer n = 1.87 DE-Gerber

Answer n = 1.88 DE-ASME Elliptic

Answer n = 1.56 DE-Soderberg

For comparison, consider an equivalent approach of calculating

the stresses and applying the fatigue failure criteria directly.
From Eqs. (7-5) and (7-6),

1/ 2
 32 . 1.58 . 1260  2 
 '
     15 235 psi
   1.1  3  
  
1/ 2
  16 . 1.39 . 1100 

 '
 3 

  10 134 psi
  1.1  3
   
 

Taking, for example, the Goodman failure criteria, application

of Eq. (6-46) gives
30 Poros

1 ' ' 15 235 10 134

 a  m    0.616
n Se S ut 29 300 105 000
n  1.62
Which is identical with the previous result. The same process
could be used for the other failure criteria.

(b) For the yielding factor of safety, determine an equivalent von

Mises maximum stress using Eq. (7-15)
1/ 2
 32 1.58 1260  2  16 1.39  1100  

 '
  
  3 
 

  18 300 psi
  1.1  3   1.1  3
    
 
Sy 82 000
Answer ny    4.48
 '
max 18 300

For comparison. A quick and very conservative check on yielding

can be obtained by replacing  max
with  a'   m' . This just
saves the extra time of calculating  max
if  a' and  m' have
already been determined. For this example.

Sy 82 000
ny    3.23
 
m 15 235  10 134

which is quite conservative compared with n y  4.48

This example problem is part of a large case study. See Chap. 18

for the full context.
A double reduction gearbox design has developed to the
point that the general layout and axial dimensions of the
countershaft carrying two spur gear has been proposed, as shown
in Fig. 7-10. The gears and bearings are located and supported by
shoulders, and held in place by retaining rings. The gears transmit
tarque through keys. Gears have been specified as shown,
allowing the tangential and radial forces transmitted through the
gears of the shaft to be determined as follows.

' '
w23  540 lbf w54   2431 lbf
' '
w23   197 lbf w54   885 lbf

Where the superscripts t and r represent tangential and radial

directions, respectively; and, the subscripts 23 and 54 represent
Buku Elemen Mesin 31

the forces exerted by geras 2 and 5 (not shown) an geras 3 and 4

Proceed with the next phase of the design, in which a
suitable material is selected, and appropriate diameters for each
section of the shaft are estimated, based on providing sufficient
fatigue and static stress capacity for infinite life of the shaft, with
minimum safety factors of 1.5.

Figure 7-10
Shaft layout for example 7-2. Dimensions in inches.
32 Poros

Perform free body diagram
Analysis to get reaction
Forces at the bearings

RA2 = 115.0 lbf

Ray = 356.7 lbf
RBt = 1776.0 lbf
RBy = 725.3 lbf

From Mx , find the torque in

The shaft between the gears,
T  W23 '
 d 3 / 2  540 12 / 2 
3240 lbf . in

Generate shear-moment
Diagrams for two planes.

Combine orthogonal planes as

Vectors to get total moments,
e . g . at j . 39962  16322 
4316 lbf . in

Start with Point I, where the bending moment is high, thereis a stress
concentration at the shoulder, and torque is present.
Buku Elemen Mesin 33

At I M a  3651 lbf  in, Tm  3240 lbf  in, M m  Ta  0

Assume generous fillet radius for gear at I.

From Table 7-1, estimate Kt = 1.7, Kts = 1.5. For quick, Conser-vative
first pass, assume Kf = Kt = Kfs = Kts.
Choose inexpensive steel. 1020 CD. with Sut = 68 kpsi. For Se.
Eq. (6-19) b
k a  a S ut  2.7 (68)  0.265 0.883
Guess Kb = 0.9. Check later when d is known.
Kc = kd = ke = 1
Eq. (6-18) Se = (0.883)(0.9)(0.5)(68) = 27.0 kpsi.
For first estimate of the small diameter at the shoulder at point I, use the
DE-Gooman criterion of Eq. (7-8). This criterion is good for the initial
design, since it is simple and conservative. With Mm =Ta = 0, Eq. (7-8)
reduces to

 
1/ 3
  2 (K M ) 3 ( K f s Tm ) 2
1/ 2
16 n  f a 
d     
  Se Sut
  
 3 (1.5) ( 3240 ) 
1/ 3

16 (1.5)  2 (1.7) (3651) 2 1/ 2 
d     
   27 000 68 000 
  

d  1.65 in.

All estimates have probably been conservative, so select the next standard
size below I 65 in. and check. d = 1.625 in.
A typical D/d ratio for support at a shoulder is D/d = 12 , thus, D = 1.2
(1.625) = 1.95 in. Increase to D 2.0 in. A nominal 2 in. cold-drawn shaft
diameter can be used. Check if estimates were acceptable.

D/d = 2/1.625 = 1.23

Assume fillet radius r = d/10  0.16 in. r/d = 0.1
Kt = 1.6 (Fig. A-15-9), q = 0.82 (Fig. 6-20)
Eq. (6-32) Kf = 1 + 0.82 (1.6-1) = 1.49
Kts = 1.35 (Fig. A-15-8), qs = 0.95 (Fig. 6-21)
Kfs = 1 + 0.95 (1.35 – 1) = 1.33
ka = 0.883 (no change)
34 Poros

 0.107
 1.625 
Eq. (6-20) kb     0.835
 0.3 
S e  (0.833)(0.835)(0.5)(68)  25.1 kpsi
Eq. (7-5)

32 k f M a 31(1.49)(3651)
 a'    12 910 psi 1
d 3
 (1.625)3
Eq. (7-6)

1/ 2
  16 K f s Tm 
 3 (16)(1.33)(3240)
 m'  3 

   8859 psi
   d3    (1.625) 3
 

Using goodman criterion

1 ' ' 129 10 8859
 a  m    0.645
nf Se S ut 25 100 68 000

n f  1.55

Note that we coiid hove used Eq. (7-7) directly.

Check yielding.
Sy Sy 57 000
ny  '  '   2.62
 max  a   m 12 910  8859

Also check this diameter at the end of the keyway, just to the right of point
I, and at the groove at point K. From moment diagram, estimate M at end of
keyway to be M = 3750 Ibf . in

Assume the radius at the bottom of the keyway will be the standard r/d =
0.02, r = 0.02 d = 0.02 (1.625) = 0.0325 in.

Kf = 2.14 (Fig. A-15-18), q = 0.65 (Fig. 6-20)

Kt = 1 + 0.65 (2.14-1) = 1.74
Kts = 3.0 (Fig. A-15-19), qs = 0.9 (Fig. 6-21)
Kfs = 1 + 0.9 (3-1) = 2.8

32 K f M a 32 (1.74) ( 3750 )
 a'    15 490 psi
d 3
 (1.625) 3
Buku Elemen Mesin 35

K f s Ma 3 (16)(2.8)(3240)
 a'  3 (16)   18 650 psi
d 3
 (1.625) 3
1  a' ' 15 490 18 650
  m'    0.891
nf Se  ut 25100 68 000
nf  1.12
The keyway turns out to be more critical than the shoulder. We can
either increase the diameter, or use a higher strength material. Unless
the deflection analysis shows a need for larger diameters, let us choose
to increase the strength. We started with a very low strength, and can
afford to increase it some to avoid larger sizes. Try 1050 CD, with Sut
= 100 kpi.
Recalculate factors affected by Sut i.e. ka  Se ; q  Kf   a'

k a  2.7 (100) 0.265  0.797, S e  0.797(0.835)(0.5)(100)  33.3 kpsi

q  0.72, K f  1  0.72( 2.14  1)  1.82
32 (1.82)(3750)
 a'   16 200 psi
 (1.625) 3
1 16 200 18 650
  0.673
nf 33 300 100 000
n f  1.49

Since the Goodman criterion is conservative, we will accept this as close

enough to the requested 1.5.
Check at the groove at K, since Kt, for flat-bottomed grooves ore often
very high. From the torque diagram, note that no torque is present at the
groove. From the moment diagram. Ma , = 2398 Ibf . in, Mm = Ta = Tm = 0.
To quickly check if this location is potentially critical just use Kf Kt , =
5.0 as an estimate, from Table 7-1.
32 k f M a 32(5)(2398)
a    28 460 psi
d 3
 (1.625) 3
S 33 300
nf  e   1.17
a 28 460

This is low. We will look up data for a specific retaining ring to obtain Kf
more accurately. With a quick online search of a retaining ring
specification using the website appropriate groove
specifications for a retaining ring for a shaft diameter of 1.625 in are
obtained as follows: width, a = 0.068 in; depth, t = 0.048 in; and corner
36 Poros

radius at bottom of groove , r = 0.01 in. From Fig. A-15-16, with r/t = 0.01/
0.048 = 0.208, and a/t = 0.068/0.048 = 1.42

K t  4.3, q  0.65 (Fig. 6-20)

K f  1  0.65( 4.3  1)  3.15
32 K f M a 32 (3.15)( 2398)
a    17 930 psi
d 3
 (1.625) 3
S 33 300
nf  e   1.86
a 17 930

Quickly check if point M might be critical. Only bending is present, and the
moment is small, but the diameter is small and the stress concentration is
high for a sharp fillet required for a bearing. From the moment diagram,
Ma = 959 Ibf . in, and Mm = Tm = Ta = 0
Estimate Kt = 2.7 from Table 7-1, d = 1.0 in, and fillet radius r to fit a
typical bearing
r / d  0.02, r  0.02 (1)  0.02
q  0.7 (Fig. 6-200
K f  1  (0.7)(2.7 1)  2.19
32 K f M a 32 ( 2.19)(959)
a    21 930 psi
d 3
 (1) 3
S 33 300
nf  e   1.56
a 21 930

Should be OK. Close enough to recheck after bearing is selected.

With the diameters specified for the critical locations, fill in trial
values for the rest of the diamters, taking into account typical shoulder
heights for bearing and gear support.

D1 = D7 = 1.0 in
D2 = D6 = 1.4 in
D3 = D5 = 1.625 in
D4 = 2.0 in

The bending moments are much less on the left and of shaft, so D1 , D2 and
D3 could be smaller. However, unless weight is an issue there is little
advantage to requiring more material removal. Also, the extra rigidity may
be needed to keep deflections small.
Buku Elemen Mesin 37

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