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A. Background
Banyaknya kerumitan dalam bagian tubuh makhluk hidup membuat adanya
para saintik mengklasifikasikan makhluk hidup untuk mempermudah manusia dalam
mempelajari dan mengenalnya, baik itu hewan maupun tumbuhan. Keanekaragaman
jenis hewan tersebut salah satu bentuk kekayaan yang ada pada negeri kita. Dalam
pengelompokannya, hewan terbagi atas hewan yang tidak bertulang belakang
(invertebrata) dan hewan yang bertulang belakang (vertebrata).
Pengklasifikasian hewan tersebut yaitu hewan bertulang belakang atau hewan
yang tidak bertulang belakang, atau biasa disebut vertebrata atau invertebrata. Ada
sekitar 50.000 jenis hewan vertebrata (bertulang belakang) yang diketahui sampai
saat ini. Walaupun bentuk dan ukuran tubuhnya beragam tetapi mempunyai struktur
dasar tubuh yang sama. Hewan bertulang belakang umumnya memiliki kepala dan
tubuh. Tubuh terdiri dari rongga dada dan abdomen. Hewan bertulang belakang yang
hidup di air biasanya tidak mempunyai leher. Dalam memenuhi kebutuhannya, hewan
vertebrata telah memiliki sistem kerja yang sempurna baik itu peredaran darah yang
berpusat pada organ jantung dengan pembuluh-pembuluh menjadi salurannya.
Vertebrata dikelompokkan menjadi lima kelas, yaitu pisces, amphibi, reptilian, aves
dan mamalia.
Ampibia merupakan salah satu kelas dari sub-fitum vertebrata. Ampibia
berasal dari bahasa yunani, yaitu amphi yang berarti rangkap dan bios yang berarti
hidup. Amphibia merupakan kelompok hewan yang mempunyai fse kehidupan di air
dan di darat. Amphibia terdiri dari empat ordo yaitu ordo uredela, ordo apoda, ordo
anura, dan ordo proanura. Pada amphibi, memiliki dua alat pernapasan yaitu dengan
menggunakan paru-paru pada saat berada di daratan dan dengan menggunakan
kulitnya pada keadaan basah (pada saat berada dalam air). Kulit katak bersifat
permiabel terhadap air dan gas, serta kaya akan persediaan pembuluh darah. Adanya
dua alat pernapasan ini disebabkan karena faktor lingkungan hidupnya. 
Organ terbentuk dari beberapa jaringan yang paling bekerja sama
melaksanakan fungsi tertentu. Contoh organ adalah usus halus yang disusun oleh
jaringan epitel, otot, ikat dan saraf. Organ dibedakan atas dua yaitu organ dalam
dan organ luar.  Organ tubuh hampir tidak ada yang bekerja sendiri, biasanya
bekerja sama dalam kordinasi tertentu sebagai satu bagian dari sebuah sistem.
Setiap sistem organ mempunyai fungsi tertentu. Contonya: organ jantung,
pembuluh darah, dan darah terikat dalam sistem peredaran darah (sirkulasi).
Untuk memahami struktur dan fungsi organ-organ yang terdapat pada hewan
vertebrata dalam hal ini adalah katak, maka dilakukanlah percobaan dengan
mengamati bagian atau organ-organ yang ada pada tubuh katak. Pengamatan
anatomi katak diperlukan pembedahan untuk memudahkan mengamati bentuk
kedudukan, dan hubungannya dengan organ lain. Berdasarkan uraian singkat
diatas, maka penyusun tertarik meneliti tentang katak (Rana cancarivora) baik
secara morfologi ataupun anatomi.
B. Purpose of Practicum
Setelah melakukan kegiatan ini mahasiswa diharapkan dapat
mengenali bentuk, warna, dan letak organ serta hubungannya dengan organ lain
pada suatu sistem organ pada hewan vertebrata terutama katak.
C. Benefits
Manfaat dari percobaan ini adalah mahasiswa dapat mengenali bentuk, warna,
dan letak organ-organ yang ada pada katak, serta dapat mengetahui sistem-sistem
organ pada katak ( Rana cancarivora).

The animal's body is composed of various organs. The organs that work
together in performing the function of a higher form organ systems. The arrangement
of the anatomy of vertebrate animals will be made of the experiment that is the
anatomy of rice frog (Rana cancarivora). Anatomical observation of an animal
required surgery to make it easier to observe the shape, position and its relationship
with other organs. That would be observed in practical work is the digestive system,
circulatory, respiratory, and reproductive (Tim penyusun penuntun, 2018).
The term comes from the word vertebratus vertebrate which means the
combination of the spine. the characteristics and the definition of the vertebrates is
the backbone. Animals vertebrates are animals with a backbone of internal or spine.
There are more than 85.000 species of vertebrate animals that lived this hiking such
as amphibians, birds, fish, mammals, and reptiles. most large land animals found are
the vertebrates (Burhanuddin, 2018: 33)
Amphibians are vertebrates that have two phases of life on two different
environments. When the hatch is living in the water and breathe with gills, and then
as adults living on land and breathe with lungs. Amphibians and reptiles are also
often used as a source of food and medicinal compounds. In addition, most also
functions as the animal tried in research. This is because amphibians is a very useful
model organism for many studies of behavior, ecology and field instruction. The
main component of amphibians in the ecosystem and is often used as an indicator of
the status of an environmental damages (Yudha, 2015: 7).
Amphibia comes from the amphibious means both a way of life, this refers to
the stages of life from the stage large number of frog species that originally lived in
the water dankemudian of life on land. Amphibious class is now represented by about
6,150 species salamender or order anura are frogs tail or not. The adult frog uses its
powerful hind legs for jumping, frogs catch insects and other prey by sticking out his
tongue in a long and sticky which is attached to the fore part of the mouth. the
majority of amphibia found in moist habitats such as swamps and rain forests, and
even amphibians which have been adapted to drier habitats still spend much of their
time in burrows or under damp foliage, amphibia generally very dependent on her
skin very moist for gas exchange with its environment (Champbell, 2008:284-286).
Measurement of morphological aspects of amphibian may be done to adult
stage of an animal. This measurement includes some the size of the animal, a lot of
character differentiation in the population, the higher the variations of these species
and can further demonstrate evolutionary process toward speciation. Changes in
forest vegetation types due to disruption, fragmentation and pollution and damage to
the habitat of amphibians can lead to changes in temperature, also said that changes in
vegetation types can increase the temperature and the humidity due to the opening of
the tree canopy that can affect the rate of growth in the population of amphibians,
causing changes in body size (Hendri, 2018).
Paddy frog on her skin always moist and slippery due to the secretion of
mucus producing glands of the skin, the skin of a frog is easily removed except on the
part of the existing bonding muscles due to limpha fluid produced by the sinus-sinus
limpha subcutan located under the skin. on the skin of Toad are also found the
presence of capillaries-capillaries of blood from veins and arteries cutanea magna. so
the skin serves as a tool of breathing on the adult frog (Chaeril,2015).
Amphibious is cold-blooded animals with a high skin moisture, his body not
covered by hair or fur, and had the ability to live in water as well as land. the
presence of habitat displacement from the inland waterways enyebabkan any change
patterns of adjustment to life on land and water environments. at the time of living on
the water, amphibians breathe with gills and moves by way of swimming. amphibians
have eyelids and tear glands that develop well. in the eyes of the nictitans membrane
there are functioning to protect eyes from dust, dryness and other conditions which
cause damage to the eyes (Zuqistya, 2014:14-15).
Frog originally live in water and then in the land. The larval stage called
tadpoles, frogs, usually a herbivor aquatic with gills, a system that resembles the side
streaks aquatic vertebrates, and the tail is long and finned. Tadpoles initially has no
legs he swam with a fliks its tail. During metamorphosis that led to "second life", the
tadpoles develop legs, lungs, a pair of external eardrums, digestive system and which
are adapted to eating karnivor. At the same time, the gills disappear system side
streaks also disappeared in most species. The son of a frog crept toward coastal and
terrestrial hunter (Champbell,2008:286).
The body's system of vertebrate animals is composed of several organ systems
that run certain functions and interconnected in building unity, working to keep
disruption at a system that would affect other body systems work. in general the
vertebrate body system consisting of the integumentary system, muscular system,
skeletal system, circulatory system, digestive system, urogenitalia system, endocrine
system, nervous system and the immune system (Palennari,2016 :64).
True to its name, members of the order anura has no tail, his head is joined to
the body, neck and is leg does not have well developed. in some families there is a
membrane in between her fingers. Anura has located on the surface of the tympanic
membrane of the skin with a size that is large enough and is located behind the eyes.
fertilization is done externally and the process is done in waters. An example of the
orde is a frog (Zuqistya,2014 : 17).
The body of a frog into the head or caput, agency or truncus, and anterior
extrimitas is the front legs and the back foot is posterior to the extrimitas. at the head
of a frog's head, triangular, slightly convex dorsal section, section head of the organ
part equipped have their respective functions such as the mouth, nares externa is
nostril, his eyes in the shape of tympanic membrane, is the drum membrane hearing
lies posterolateral from eyes and the vocalis saccus pairs in the form of bags of votes
which is located on the posterior ventral mandibule which is only present in male is
frogs. then at the mouth of a frog's tongue, there is a there is a choane on the palate,
dental vormer, osti tuba auditivus, pit of the oesophagus, and glothis. And on the part
of the body of the frog-shaped convex dorsal section and ventralnya section, as for
those parts of his body is at the anterior pair of legs extrimitas there is the front, lower
arm, and manus with 4 fingers. While in the posterior part of the extrimitas there is a
pair that is the back leg and thighs, calves and soles of the feet, with five fingers, and
among his finger there is such thing as swimming pool membranes (Chaeri, 2014).

A. Practicum Time
Day/Date : Wednesday/November, 14th 2018
Time : 2.10 – 4.30 PM
Place : Biology Laboratory of MIPA University of Makassar
B. Tools and Materials
C. Work Procedure
1. External Observation
a. Deadly frogs
       Take a cotton swab (as big as the tissue master's master), wet with ether /
chloroform, then put in a killer bottle. Immediately put the frog into the bottle
and then close it tightly. Let the frog die.
a. Removing an immobile frog, putting on top of the surgical tray. Let the
cotton in the bottle and then close tightly.
c. Observe the outside of the frog.
1) Eyes, eyelids, and sleeping membranes
2) External nostrils
3) Tymphanum, hearing membrane
4) Slit mouth
5) Front limb:
a) Upper arm (branchium)
b) The lower arm (ante branchium)
c) Palms (manus)
d) Fingers (digiti)
6) Rear legs:
a) Thigh (femur)
b) Calf (crus)
c) Palms united (pes)
d) The webbed radius of the pool
e) Cloaca
f) Feature the surface of the skin then pay attention to the color.
c. Draw from the back and name the parts.
2. Surgery
a. Put the frog on his back above the surgical tray. Hammering his four
legs with a needle over the surgical tray, so it is not easy to shake.
b. With tweezers, pinching longitudinally through the skin of the
abdomen near the thigh, lifting slightly, cutting transversely under the
tweezers, resulting in a crack in the abdominal skin.
c. Through the crack of the skin, the blunt tip of the scissors is inserted
and then cut into the head until the scissors is crushed. Flip to the slit,
cut into the base of the second thigh.
d. Cut to the side of left and right, so that the abdominal skin can be
exposed. Examining the skin attachment to the muscle tissue, thus
forming a kind of bag (saccus).
e. Pay attention to the center of the abdominal muscles. There is a
longitudinal white line along the abdominal muscle called linea alba.
f. Pinching the abdominal muscles beside the alba linea then cutting the
transverse to form a gap. Insert the blunt tip of the scissors into the
abdominal crevice, start cutting up the head down the jaw to the
g. Uncovering the abdominal muscle tissue to the left and right side so
that the open abdominal cavity and visible viscera.
3. Observation of the digestive system
a. Open the mouth slit with tweezers so that the mouth cavity is open.
Observing the shape of the teeth, fingering with the teeth of the
upper jaw and the vomer teeth on the ceiling.
b. With tweezers pulling his tongue out, observing the shape and
c. Continuing observation of abdominal cavity containing offal.
Observing the shape and color:
1) Right heart, how many lobes are there; looking for gallbladder;
how color.
2) The stomach to the left of the heart; raised slightly will appear
duodenum and pancreas.
3) Keep the small intestine up to the thick intestine. Notice the
4) Rectum that turns into the cloaca.
4. Observation of the circulatory system
a. Direction of the head from the liver, looking heart and membranes.
b. Puncture the heart covering membrane with a needle or scalpel tip to
break, observe the shape and part:
1) Chamber (ventricle)
2) Porch (atrium) left and right
3) The main artery (trunkus arteriosus) that comes out of the
ventricle then branches into two aorta (left and right)
c. Drawing the heart part then gives the name of the section above.
5. Observation of the respiratory system
a. Pay attention to the right side of the heart and the left side of the
stomach, poking the lung.
b. Open your mouth then blow slowly until your lungs are poking.
Observe the shape and color of the lungs, blood vessels in the lungs.
c. Release the heart with scissors, so that the trachea appears.
d. Create a picture of the frog breathing system chart.
6. Observation of excretion and reproduction system (Urogenitalia)
a. It releases the digestive organs, from the stomach to the rectum and
the mesentrim (connective tissue) that holds it.
b. There will be a pair of rounded oval kidneys attached to the back of
the abdominal cavity. Next observe:
1) Kidney with adrenal gland (whitish line)
2) Body fat (corpus adiposum) frayed frilly
3) Channel of kidney (ureter) from kidney to bladder.
c. In male ureteral frog is called ductus urospermaticus. The testes are
located on the top of the kidneys, smaller rounds associated with the
kidneys via vasa efferensia.
d. In the female frog, there is a pair of ovaries on the left and right.
Lifting a little ovary, will appear oviduk channel of white winding,
empties into the cloaca while the tip of the funnel (ostium) is near
the heart.
e. Drawing the observations then gives the names of the parts.
C. Discussion
The frog is one of the types of amphibians that live in two worlds, namely
living on water and land. The frog is one of the types of amphibians that live in two
worlds, namely living on water and land. in practical work, this time we will observe
the shape, color and location of the organ and the organ relationship one with another.
based on these observations, we obtain the results of observations, such as :
1. Frog morphology
based on the observations made, the frog body parts consisting of :
a. Eyes, the number is a pair and located postero dorsally from the nostrils. The
eyeball is protected by two eyelid skin that cannot be moved. A pair of eyes
consists of pelupuk upper and lower eyes. At the bottom there are eyes pelupuk
advanced transparent membrane i.e. membrane sleep, serves as a tool to keep
an eye of friction when in water.
b. External nostrils, located above the slit mouth and the numbers there is a pair,
on the frog there is already a connection between the oral cavity.
c. The tympanic membranes (membrane listeners), which is useful for receiving
sound waves that are located behind the vision tools.
d. The mouth, mouth is located at the anterior end of the head, is limited by the
lower jaw that is not jagged little cone shape and sharp.
e. Forelimb is composed of the upper arm, forearm, Palm and fingers, of which
there are four.
f. The rear leg is composed of thighs, calves, soles United, webbed fingers a
number five.
g. Cloaca, the hole in the rear end of the body, the digestive tract and
bermuaranya place urogenetalia, or cloaca is located on the back of both thighs.
h. Skin (aprons), in addition to closing the body skin is also useful for breathing.
Therefore, the skin should always be wet when the animals are out of water.
2. The parts that are present in the mouth of a frog :
a. Flat tongue that rises at the base of the anterior side of the mouth. On the
surface there is a taste buds and papil, lined by mucous, can be no to catch
b. Vomer Teeth (denta vomerin) found on the roof of the cavum oris useful for
holding prey will be swallowed up.
c. The maxillaries Teeth found in the maxilla and outer.
d. The internal nares, located beside the denta vomerin that will be associated
with nares external.
e. Glotis located on the rear side of the medium, is the door leading to the lingual
to the pulmo or lungs.
f. Ostium pharyngelir, located on the back of each eye is near the corner of the
mouth of the tuba auditiva eurtachil connecting the cavum oris with a space in
the ear.
g. There is a pair of audi tuba hole past the error from the upper jaw, under eye,
boal hole continued as a channel connecting the oral cavity with the ear cavity.
3. Digestion system of frogs
a. Mouth with small teeth out in the upper jaw and teeth vormer on the palate. On
the lower jaw teeth not found.
b. The tongue, the tip is grooved so it appears forked at the lower end is attached
to the jaw, its function is to capture and enter the prey into the mouth.
c. Esophagus food passage is the place with the help of the tongue, salivary glands
moisten the throat.
d. The liver, consisting of a lobe there is the gall bladder with its dark green that
doubles produces enzymes to ease digestion.
e. Stomach, composed a wide variety of types, depending on the form of frogs,
size is rather large, on the upper part, but getting down to the smaller.
f. Pangcreas, oval-shaped glands located on the bottom surface of the stomach.
g. Intestine, is where the flow of results food digestion. In intestine digestion
occur chemically and ongoing absorption of food for later circulated
throughout the body of the frog who need it.
h. The colon, water absorption occurs from the remnants of food substances
that are not needed.
i. The rectum, is saluaran out the rest of the food substance that comes from
the colon.
j. The Cloaca is the release of various holes, the rest of the metabolism.
4. Circulatory system in frogs
a. The heart is composed of two rooms, which are two foyer (atrium), Foyer
of the right and left of the porch that serves to receive the flow of blood to
the heart. Chambers (the ventricles), on frog ventrical there is only one who
receives blood flow that comes from the atrium.
b. Blood, blood is a fluid consisting of blood plasm and granules containing a
functioning haemoglobin binds oxygen.
c. Blood vessels, blood flow to and function to the heart. the main part of the
blood vessel called the aorta that amounted to three pairs.
5. Frog respiratory system
Frog skin composed of thin membrane with a network of blood vessels
located beneath the skin, breathing through the oxygen intake was sufficient to
help spread, especially when the frogs were in the water. When the frogs leave the
water, mucus glands will keep the skin moist with mucus that is produced which
will help the binding of oxygen from the air when on land.
On the frog tadpole gills there are external and internal gills. the adult frogs
breathe by lungs, in the form of pockets of air on the walls there is a lot of space.
Frog lung associated with bronchial, throat slit next with intermediaries or elotis
connected with oral cavity. With regular movement, air can get into the cavum oris
by nares and peristive, this is called respiration.
6. Excretion and reproduction system
a. On the male frog there are a pair of testes, which is located on the ventral
surface of the anterior tip of the ren-shaped oval. From each testicle out a
number of delicate vessels is a efferensia vase walked into the medial for then
into a tissue of ren and is associated with the body of colelcitivity. Next comes
down to the ureter. So on the male frog ureter double that of functioning
channels urine and sperm.
b. On the female frog there are a pair of ovaries, great bags that fold-fold,
consisting of many of the lobby. The ripe ovarian occupies almost the entire
part calom. Oviduck eggs or channels in the form of channels that fold-fold,
with the anterior end of the narrows and open end empties into calom. The hole
at the tip of the anteror be slit and are called abdominal ostium is located near
the base of the pulmo. At the end of each pasterior oviduk widens and then
narrows and eventually empties into the cloaca.

A. Conclusion
The morphology of the frogs (Rana cancarivora) consists of the eye, eyelid
and beds, membranes nostrils (nostril), auditory, forelimb Membranes covering the
upper arm (Branchium), the forearm (Ante branchium), Palm of the hand (manus)
and radius (digiti), the rear limbs include the thigh (femur), calves (crus), Palm (pes),
and the cloaca. The digestive system consists of the mouth, pharynx, esophagus,
stomach, intestine, colon, rectum and Cloaca. Space frog heart consists of three
spaces i.e. atrium dexter sinister, atrium and ventricle. Frog respiratory system
consists of the trachea, bronchus, left, bronchiolus alveoli left and right, as well as the
branchiolus right. Frog excretory system consists of the kidneys, the skin.
Reproductive system in the male frog is composed of the testes, kidneys, ureters and
Cloaca. Reproductive system in female frog is composed of ovaries, oviduc, kidney
and Cloaca.
B. Suggestion
1. For Laboratory
It is expected to be able to provide tools and materials practicum adequately in
order to facilitate praktikan in practicum.
2. For Assistant
It is expected that the Assistant can further develop the material to be
delivered at the time of assistance so that praktikan can more easily understand the
work procedures and theoretical basis in practicum.
3. For Practican
It is expected that praktikan can keep the laboratory cleanliness and use
laboratory tools with care in order to avoid injury and for laboratory equipment
more durable.


1. Why frogs are classified into class amphibious?
2. Why does the color of a frog easily changeable? What factors caused the
3. Where is attached to the base of the tongue of frog? What is the benefit for a
frog with the embedding of the tongue like that?
4. Liver and pancreatic digestive tract, but not entered in the digestive system.
Why is this so?
5. What is a frog cannot do the respiratory stomach? How do I draw and pulled
out a frog breath?
6. Explain why it is said for clean and dirty blood blood in frog heart mix when
leaving the heart?
7. On frogs occur internal or external fertilization? Explain why so?
1. Frogs are classified into class amphibious because frogs can live on land and
in the water.
2. Color the frog easily changeable because influenced by two factors, namely:
a. factor in, such as a hormone released by the pituitary gland that can cause
efifase akulit color, then turns into a pale.
b. External Factors, such as temperature and air.
3. Place attached to the base of the tongue is frog that is attached to the base of
the lower jaw can no get out to catch prey.
4. Is said to be the heart and the pancreas the digestive tract, but not entered in
the digestive system because the liver produces bile and pancreas produce
pangcreas streamed into the intestine to aid the digestive process chemically.
5. Exhale, that frog is regulated by concentration and muscle relaxation the
belly and lower jaw, how frogs breath that is initially sternohiodeus contract
so that the oral cavity is enlarged and causing the air get into the oral cavity
to the lungs. Frogs way while exhaling with relax the lower jaw and stomach
muscles and muscle contraxi sterenohiodeus lung so waning and the air is
pushed out through the oral cavity.
6. Clean the blood and the blood is said to be dirty in the heart of the frog are
mixed when leaving the heart because the frogs only has one Chamber of the
heart so that blood from the lungs and blood from all the cubicles mixed in,
so that by the time the blood pumped out from the booth, then the blood is
dirty and clean blood is mixed.
7. On external fertilization occurs because the Frog egg produced by frog
inseminated by bull Frog outside the body.
1. Outer observation

Anesthetized frogs using klorofom remove the frog who had been sedated and
put above the surgical tray
1. Outor Observation

Anesthetized frogs using clorofom Remove the frog who had been sedated
and put above the surgical tray

Observe the outside of frogs such as the Palpate the surface of the skin
eyes, nostrils, a mouth slit listeners,
membranes, forelimb, the rear limbs,

2. Frog dissection

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