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Nama : Rosinda Sitohang, S.

Nim : 203 104 157 10021



Sekolah : SMP Negeri 52 BATAM

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester : VIII / Ganjil
Materi Pokok : Recount Text (Personal Experience)
Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 40 menit

Setelah melalui serangkaian pembelajaran, peserta didik dapat:
➢ Menjelaskan fungsi sosial teks recount dengan benar sesuai konteks.
➢ Menentukan struktur dan unsur kebahasaan teks recount dengan benar dan sesuai konteks.
➢ Menyusun teks recount lisan dan tulis, sangat pendek dan sederhana, terkait pengalaman
pribadi di waktu lampau dengan memperhatikan fungsi social, struktur teks dan unsur
kebahasaan secara benar dan sesuai konteks.


➢ Media/Alat / Bahan
Powerpoint, Google Classroom, WA, Laptop, Zoom Meeting, google form.
• E-book Penunjang Kurikulum 2013 Mata Pelajaran BAHASA INGGRIS kelas
VIII, Kemendikbud, Revisi Tahun 2018
• Internet

Pendahuluan (15 Menit)

✓ Guru memberikan salam dan mengajak peserta didik berdoa sebelum memulai kegiatan.
✓ Guru mengecek kehadiran siswa.
✓ Guru memberi instruksi saat zoom meeting tentang pembelajaran yang akan
✓ Guru menyampaikan tujuan dan petunjuk pelaksaan pembelajaran.

Kegiatan Inti (50 Menit)

✓ Guru menampilkan beberapa gambar terkait pengalaman masa lalu.

✓ Peserta didik mengamati gambar yang disajikan dan melakukan tanya jawab terkait
gambar yang tersebut.
✓ Peserta didik mengamati beberapa teks recount yang disajikan oleh guru saat zoom
meeting dan melakukan tanya jawab.
✓ Guru menjelaskan materi pembelajaran dan Peserta didik mencatat hal-hal yang penting
terkait materi pembelajaran.
✓ Peserta didik melengkapi kalimat dengan menggunakan kata kerja bentuk past tense.
✓ Peserta didik diminta untuk membacakan jawabannya.
✓ Peserta didik diminta untuk mengirimkan semua tugas melalui google form secara
✓ Guru memberikan penilaian atas kinerja peserta didik.
✓ Guru memberikan tugas melalui google classroom yaitu menulis cerita pengalaman
pribadi secara singkat.
✓ Guru memberikan test kepada peserta didik melalui google form.

Kegiatan Penutup (15 Menit)

✓ Guru melakukan refleksi dan konfirmasi terhadap pencapaian siswa, dan refleksi guru
untuk mengetahui ketercapaian proses pembelajaran dan perbaikan. (kesulitan dan
✓ Guru menginformasikan tentang materi yang akan dipelajari pada pertemuan
✓ Guru menutup pembelajaran dengan berdoa dan mengingatkan peserta didik untuk selalu
stay at home and keep healthy.


Sikap Pengetahuan Keterampilan

1. Bekerja secara 1.Membandingkan fungsi 1. Menulis cerita

mandiri. sosial, struktur teks dan pengalaman pribadi di
2. Bertanggungjawab unsur kebahasaan. masa lalu.
pada tugas-tugas 2.Membandingkan struktur
3. Disiplin waktu teks
mengumpulkan tugas 3.Membandingkan unsur

(Observasi) (MSWord dikumpulkan di

(Daily Test by google form) link google drive)
Catatan di Jurnal
Daring – Mandiri Scoring Praktik - Rubrik
Dilakukan oleh guru
Batam, 14 Oktober 2020
KepalaSekolah Guru Mapel


NIP 19720729 199803 2 002 NIP 19840524 2010012028
Lampiran : Pedoman penilaian

Kriteria Skor Deskripsi

Excellent 85-100 - Gagasan jelas terfokus dan antar paragraph

(Amat baik) koheren.
- menggambarkan keaslian tulisan
- struktur kalimat benar
- pemilihan kosa kata benar
- pemilihan kosa kata tepat dan bervariasi
- tidak ada kesalahan meknis (ejaan, tanda baca,
penggunaan huruf kapital)
Good 75-84 - Gagasan jelas tapi kurang terfokus
(Baik) - struktur kalimat benar, ada kesalahan tapi tidak
- penggunaan tenses benar, kadang – kadang ada
yang salah.
- pemilihan kosa kata tepat tetapi tidak bervariasi
- tidak ada kesalahan meknis (ejaan, tanda baca,
penggunaan huruf kapital)
Fair 60-74 - Gagasan jelas terfokus tetapi antar paragraph
(Cukup) kurang koheren.
- Ada beberapa kesalahan struktur kalimat
- pemilihan kosa kata benar tetapi tidak bervariasi
- Ada beberapa kesalahan meknis (ejaan, tanda
baca, penggunaan huruf kapital)
Inacceptable 60 - Gagasan tidak jelas tetapi tetapi antar paragraph
(Kurang) kurang koheren.
- struktur kalimat banyak yang tidak benar
- penggunaan tenses benar, tetapi salah memilih
bentuk kata.
- Pemilihan kosa kata kurang tepat
- Banyak kesalahan meknis (ejaan, tanda baca,
penggunaan huruf kapital)
NIM : 203 104 157 10021

Lembar kegiatan peserta didik

Judul Recount Teks

Mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/Semester VIII/1

Waktu 2 x 40 Menit ( 1 Jam Pelajaran )

Tugas dan Langkah Kerja

1. Petunjuk belajar
a. Bacalah LKPD Anda dengan cermat
b. Kejakan setiap langkah sesuai dengan petunjuk
c. Jika menemukan kesulitan dalam menyelesaikan tugas berkonsultasilah
dengan guru.
d. Baca contoh teks yang diberikan
e. Diskusikan perbedaan dari teks yang diberikan
f. Lengkapi teks dengan verbs yang disediakan
g. Ceritakan sebuah pengalaman pribadi kamu kepada teman.
h. Setelah selesai mengerjakan tugas, silahkan dikirimkan semua tugas melalui
google classroom.
i. untuk test, dikerjakan secara online melalui google form.
Task 1

After you see the pictures from the PPT given, please answer the questions below.

1. What is the text tell in generally ?

2. What is the differences of those texts ?
3. What is the purpose of those texts?
4. What do you feel after reading those texts ?

Task 2

Complete the text below, by using the correct form of verbs.

liked said stopped went found

cuddled left told cried saw

Yesterday I (1) . . . to safari zoo with my family. The zoo was very clean there was no trash in around
the zoo.

In the zoo, we (2) . . . many wild animals such as tiger, lion and bear. We also saw tame animal such
as elephant, giraffe and deer. My little sister suddenly (3) . . . When she saw a tiger. She was afraid
with its roar and sharp fang. Then, we (4) . . . an elephant. My little sister (5) . . . it. She (6) . . . that
elephant is softly animal. She (7) . . . the long trunk of that giant animal.

Finally, at 3.p.m we (8) . . . safari zoo. On the way back home, my little sister never (9) . . . to talk about
the elephant. she (10) . . . that elephant is her favourite animal. She was very happy in that day.

Homework :

Please write your personal past experience. ( Sad or happy experienced )

My Personal Recount Taext


Introduction : Who, What, Where

What happened




Draw the activity in the box below. (Submit your task by our google classroom).


Evaluasi pembelajaran berbasis CBT dilaksanakan dengan menggunakan

Platform Google Classroom.
School : SMPN 52 Batam.
Subject : BAHASA INGGRIS Day/ Date :...
Class : VIII ( Delapan ) Time : 40 Menit

Klik this link to do the evaluation ( )

Choose the best answer by crossing a, b, c or d.
The text is for questions no 1-4

Last week, Valerie and her friends from SMP Perdamaian Surabaya, learned how
to make donut in Ring Master Donuts and Coffee at Tunjungan Plaza, Surabaya.
First, they listened to the story of Mister Ringo, the baker, and soon they had a trip
to the kitchen. The baker showed them how to shape the donuts, to restore, to fry
and add the donuts with various kinds of topping and filling.
Finally, the students had their chance to make their own donuts. The baker
only gave each them a piece of yellow dough and some flour. Amazingly, the
students could make their own donuts.

1. Where did the students go last week?

a. To SMP Perdamaian Surabaya
b. To Valerie’s Plaza
c. To Mister Ringo
d. To Ring Master Donuts & Coffee
2. Why did they visit there?
a. To have some meals
b. To enjoy the special donuts
c. To learn how to make donuts
d. To see the process of making donuts

3. Which of the followings are the things done by the students?

a. They went to the kitchen, made the donuts and tried to sell them.
b. They made the donuts, restore them and ate them with some coffee
c. They listened to the story, went to the kitchen and made their own donuts
d. They listened to the story, had some donuts and tried to make them
4. Did Mister Ringo give the students any donuts?
a. No, they did c. Yes, they didn’t
b. Yes, he did d. No, he didn’t

Read the text to answer no 5-7

My family and I went on a recreation to Solo. We went there on Monday by car. We stayed
at grandparents’ house.
On Tuesday we interested went to Tawangmangu. We enjoyed the scenic view with
its waterfall and had lunch there. We had traditional foods like gudangan, tempe bacem,
fried fish and fried chicken. Then we continued our trip to Taman Jurug.
The next day, we went to Kasunanan Palace. We saw many kinds of historical heritage
of the palace. After that we had shopping at Klewer Market and Solo Grand Mall. I bought
some souvenirs for my cousins. In the evening, we went sightseeing the town.
On Thursday morning, we said goodbye to our grandparents and went home. I really
enjoyed my holiday. It was fun

5. What did the writer and his family do on Wednesday evening? They….
a. Had shopping at Klewer Market and Solo Grand Mall
b. Saw many kinds of historical heritage of the palace
c. Bought some souvenirs for the writers cousins
d. Went sightseeing the town
6. On Thursday morning, we said goodbye…….’ The word we refers to….
a. The writer c. The writer and his family
b. The writer’s parents d. The writer and his grandparents.
7. In the evening, we went sightseeing the town.’ The bold typed word is closely in meaning with…
a. Going around c. going shopping
b. Having dinner d. watching a movie

Read the text to answer questions 8-10

My Day
I had a terrible day yesterday. First, I woke up an hour late because my alarm
clock didn't go off. Then, I was in such a hurry that I burned my hand when I was making
breakfast. After breakfast, I got dressed so quickly that I forgot to wear socks.
Next, I ran out of the house trying to get the 9:30 bus, but of course I missed it.
I wanted to take a taxi, but I didn't have enough money.
Finally, I walked the three miles to my school only to discover that it was
Sunday! I hope I never have a day as the one I had yesterday.

8. What happened to the writer yesterday?

a. He has a terrible day. c. He gets a terrible day.
b. He had a terrible day. d. He got a terrible day.
9. How far did the writer walk?
a. He walked for two miles. c. He walked for three miles.
b. He walked for four miles. d. He walked for five miles.
10. What does the writer hope?
a. The writer hopes to discover that it was Sunday.
b. The writer hopes to take a taxi.
c. The writer hopes he never had a day like yesterday.
d. The writer hopes that yesterday will be better.

“Good Luck”

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