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NIM 1812021037




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Putu Arya Pratama
NIM 1812021037











Pembimbing I, Pembimbing II,

Dr. I. G. A. Lokita Purnamika Utami, S.Pd., M.Pd. Nyoman Karina Wedhayanti, S.Pd.,
NIP. 198304022006042001 NIP. 198204212008122003

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Pada tanggal __ Juni 2022

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Dr. I. G. A. Lokita Purnamika Utami, S.Pd., M.Pd.

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Ketua Ujian, Sekretaris Ujian,

Dr. I G A Lokita Purnamika Utami, S.Pd., M.Pd.

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terhadap keaslian karya saya ini.

Singaraja, … Juni 2022

Putu Arya Pratama

NIM. 1812021037


First of all, the author would like to thank Ida Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa, The

Almighty God for His blessings, so that the researcher can complete the preparation

of this thesis properly with the title “An Analysis of Remote Teaching

Implementation in Teaching English at SMAN 2 Singaraja During Covid-19

Outbreak”. With all limitations, this thesis was completed with the help, guidance,

and encouragement of many people. For that, the author would like to express the

deepest gratitude to:

1. Dr. I G A Lokita Purnamika Utami, S.Pd., M.Pd. as the first supervisor who

guides the line of this study from the beginning to the end by giving attention,

feedback, and time

2. Nyoman Karina Wedhanti, S.Pd., M.Pd. as the second supervisor who

supports the line of this study.

3. … as the examiner of my thesis who gives a lot of meaningful feedback,

advice, and improvement on my thesis.

4. Mrs. Sri and Mrs. Yunita are the English teachers in SMAN 2 Singaraja who

are willing to participate in my thesis as the subjects of my study.

5. My beloved family always supports and blesses me to finish my thesis in

terms of prayer, mentally, physically, and financially.

6. Jagung Tinggi in English group are my close friends in college life who still

support me to keep me cheerful during making the thesis.

7. My thesis team (Dewa, Indra, and Nanda) always supports and gives me many

feedbacks while progressing my thesis.

8. My friends in Diamond Class who gives me many various experiences,

memories, and support while studying in English Language Education.

Singaraja, ……….. 2022

Putu Arya Pratama


Putu Arya Pratama, NIM. 1812021187
English Language Education


The purpose of this research is to examine the implementation of remote

English teaching in terms of preparation, method, and assessment, as well as to
describe the challenges that English teachers encountered while teaching remotely.
The descriptive qualitative research was carried out at SMAN 2 Singaraja. The
descriptive qualitative approach was employed in this investigation. The subjects of
the research were three teachers. Three instruments were used to gather data: an
interview guide, a lesson plan assessment sheet, and observation sheet. Before
performing remote teaching, the teachers prepared several teaching preparations, such
as lesson plans, learning media/platforms, learning sources, and teaching strategies. In
the procedure, referring to the finding, the session from teacher opened the class with
greeting then to the main activity and continue to the closing, was run quite well
although many troubles occurred during it. The assessment was given at the end of
class by teachers which had been attached to the related platform. Furthermore, the
study also found out that teachers encountered some challenges during remote
teaching implementation such as connectivity issue, device specification differences,
students activeness and student attendance rate.

Table of Contents
CHAPTER I...............................................................................................................................................1
1.1 Research Background........................................................................................................................1
1.2 Problem Identification.......................................................................................................................5
1.3 Limitation of study............................................................................................................................5
1.4 Statement of the problems................................................................................................................5
1.5 Research Objectives...........................................................................................................................6
1.6 Research significance.........................................................................................................................6
CHAPTER II..............................................................................................................................................8
REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE.................................................................................................8
CHAPTER III..........................................................................................................................................16
RESEARCH METHODS........................................................................................................................16
CHAPTER IV..........................................................................................................................................33
FINDING AND DISCUSSION...............................................................................................................33
CHAPTER V...........................................................................................................................................64

Table 1 The Two English Teachers List................................................................17

Table 2 The Relationship Between Research Questions and Data Collection......17

Table 3 Blueprint of Observation Sheet.................................................................20

Table 4 Blueprint of Interview Guide....................................................................23

Table 5 Blueprint of Lesson Plan Evaluation Sheet..............................................26

Table 6 Gregory Formula.......................................................................................27

Table 7 The Validity Value Interval......................................................................28

Table 8 Expert Judgement for Observation Sheet.................................................28

Table 9 Expert Judgments for Interview Guide.....................................................28

Table 10 Expert Judgements for Lesson Plan Evaluation Sheet............................29

Appendix 1 Approval Letter...............................................................................67

Appendix 2 Instrument Validation by 1st Judge..............................................67

Appendix 3 Instrument Validation by 2nd Judge.............................................71

Appendix 4 Interview Guide to English Teacher 1...........................................75

Appendix 5 Interview Guide to English Teacher 2...........................................76

Appendix 6 Lesson Plan from English Teacher 1.............................................77

Appendix 8 Meeting of Remote Teaching Implementation from English Teacher


Appendix 9 Meeting of Remote Teaching Implementation from English Teacher




1.1 Research Background

The world has been faced a Covid-19 outbreak since at the beginning of

2020 which impacted several vital life fields for instance education. Based on

Ramadani and Xhaferi (2020) In this outbreak context, the teaching process was

impacted in a variety of ways, and it became one of the most significant things to

consider when building an educational system as it transitioned from traditional

learning to online learning. Due to the outbreak, traditional teaching or commonly

called face-to-face teaching was moved to remote teaching that fully used

technology in its implementation. Remote teaching was either stated as distance

teaching, the teacher has to teach the students in distance without regular

classroom meetings. According to Zou et al (2021), most countries have

implemented policies and provided funding to improve online teaching from

school to university levels. As substitutes conventional teaching, various online

platforms, and technological tools have available to provide remote teaching in


Every country has received different impacts depending on the readiness

of the country facing this outbreak and may have different ending for it (Lee,

2020) as cited in (Herliandry et al., 2020). China, where the first case was found

in December 2019, has reported rapid increase of cases first 3 months. Therefore,

remote teaching was applied immediately by the government of China in avoiding

the spread of Covid-19 then this would be a temporary change for traditional

teaching in delivering the material (Gao and Zhang, 2020). In Indonesia, Covid-

19 first found in the early march 2020. According to (Susilo et al., 2020), the first

case of Covid-19 in Indonesia has officially reported on 2nd of March 2020 with

two suspected positive which has been done a flight before from affected country.

After the first case was reported by the government, the development of this virus

has infected more people and increase the mortality rate up to 8.9%, the highest in

Southeast Asia (Susilo et al., 2020). That makes some sectors has got significant

impact, one of the most affected is education.

Before the outbreak, Indonesia applied offline system or commonly called

as face-to-face for teaching and learning process which is most of the meeting will

be conduct in the classroom. All school level, from kindergarten until university,

has been done this system for so long. When this outbreak is already spread to the

whole world, Indonesia and other country need to do some adaptation in

managing their education service. This Covid-19 has forced the authority to set

and try the new system that accommodate student and teacher in distance learning

which never been implement it before (Sun et al., 2020). This distance learning

can be a solution but in the other side it is rather challenging because of the basic

obstacle such as the large area of this country, unstable and uneven internet

connection, and different zone of time (Kusuma & Hamidah, 2020). The moving

from traditional classroom to this distance learning is require good cooperation

and hard work from every element in realizing it successfully then. The elements

consisting of student, teacher and parent especially for teacher should be adapted

quickly to continue the run of teaching and learning process which was stopped in

the beginning of this pandemic. Indirectly, this outbreak has brought the education

sector into the new era of remote teaching and learning that can guide the

generation develop more (Goldschmidt & Msn, 2020).

Remote teaching is the way to teach through the connection in delivering

the knowledge using media or platform (Basilaia & Kvavadze, 2020). It must be

easy to conduct this remote teaching referring to the development of technology

that leads some important aspect such as connection, software and hardware are

mass-produced by technology factory. In the massive development and production

of technological tools in this industrial revolution 4.0, the remote teaching can be

done effectively to solve the problem of lateness in delivering material to students

due to the change of classroom meetings during this outbreak (Verawardina et al.,


Although the availability of online application and hardware tools to

support this remote teaching is sufficient, teacher still need to learn in adapting to

this new way of teaching. According to (Ahmed et al., 2020), this outbreak push

teacher to adapt quickly with some innovations related to the use of technology in

implementing remote teaching. Teacher can learn more on using online platform,

application and optimizing them for running the online classroom properly. In the

implementation of remote teaching, Evaluation is needed for teachers which has

significant in purpose to asses student comprehension and skill or measuring

student development during teaching and learning process. Based on Oliver

(2000) Evaluation or assessment could be done online by using an online

questionnaire platform or another comparable platform to quickly get information

from students.

This research aim is to know about the implementation of remote learning

in SMAN 2 Singaraja. Current condition encourages this school to adapt the

remote teaching in purpose to run teaching and learning process continuously and

rapid transition from offline to online method. Before the outbreak is spreading,

SMAN 2 Singaraja applied face-to-face classroom in the teaching and learning

process instead of remote classroom. A preliminary observation has done with

series of question by the researcher in order to dig the information about situation

of remote teaching implementation at school, preparation and challenges during

implementing remote teaching. There are three English teacher which all of them

has been applied remote teaching to their class. Google Classroom is chosen by all

the teachers to conduct remote teaching during this outbreak because of the

easiness and simple feature of this platform to run online classroom properly.

Proper network and technological tools are the main requirements in

implementing remote teaching by reason of it needs online application and

platform to conduct it well. Teachers already owned the device that stated above

to realize it. In the other side, aside from the adequate device, teachers also face

several challenges during this outbreak. In SMAN 2 Singaraja, most of teachers

only use common chat application in this case is WhatsApp to inform students the

material and many information related to the teaching and learning process.

Besides using WhatsApp, teachers also applying an online classroom platform as

stated above. These two applications are used by two out of three English teachers

in SMAN 2 Singaraja. The flow of classroom information and discussion during

remote teaching do not run as well as before the outbreak period. This thing is

need to be concerned by the teachers in purpose to realize remote teaching

through optimizing the available apps and platform.

As the researches state above, remote teaching was a new thing in

Indonesia and has just applied during this Covid-19 outbreak in the move of

traditional classroom to the fully online classroom. This remote teaching was

applied during outbreak to the entire school in Indonesia rapidly with some

programs and campaigns that was released by the government as the effort of

expanding remote teaching at that moment. At the current situation, remote

teaching is temporarily canceled due to the government outbreak regulation in

urging school to implement offline learning. SMAN 2 Singaraja had its first time

to fully conduct this remote teaching either and face several obstacles in the span

of remote teaching implementation which relate to this research topic.

1.2 Problem Identification

To present, research indicates that implementing remote teaching affects

both student learning and instructor instruction. Many academics have studied

remote teaching implementation, focusing on many elements such as remote

teaching preparation, procedures, obstacles, and instructors' perspectives while

remote teaching. These studies, however, were undertaken independently. There

was little emphasis on explaining remote teaching implementation at the same

time; that is, how teachers prepare, conduct, and assess pupils.

1.3 Limitation of study

This study is focused to the implementation of remote teaching in SMAN

2 Singaraja which firstly applied due to the outbreak in the region of Buleleng

regency. The aim of research is to investigate aspects of remote teaching

implementation start from preparation, procedures and assessment. the difficulties

during the implementation of remote teaching is also observed in this study.

1.4 Statement of the problems

Based on the above issues, the statement of the problem can be written

into the following questions.

1. How did the English teachers prepared their preparations before implementing

remote teaching at SMAN 2 Singaraja?

2. How were the implemented procedures of English teachers in implementing

remote teaching at SMAN 2 Singaraja?

3. In what way did the English teacher assessed their students while implementing

remote teaching at SMAN 2 Singaraja?

4. What challenges were encountered by the English teachers in implementing

remote teaching at SMAN 2 Singaraja?

1.5 Research Objectives

Based on the statement of the problem above, the research objectives are:

1. To analyze how the teacher plan remote teaching in teaching English at SMAN

2 Singaraja.

2. To analyze the information about the steps of implementing remote teaching by

SMAN 2 Singaraja English teacher.

3. To analyze the student evaluation during remote teaching which is conducted

by English teacher at SMAN 2 Singaraja.

4. To analyze about what challenges are faced by English teacher at SMAN 2

Singaraja in implementing remote teaching during Covid-19 outbreak.

1.6 Research significance

This study significance is for teacher which is expected can help teacher in

conducting a proper remote teaching and collecting the difficulties during remote

teaching implementation in purpose to assist teacher anticipate the unwanted

things happened. The data is also served by researches to teacher in realizing an

appropriate remote teaching as good as the offline one. Research significant can

be separate into two as follows:

1. Theoretical Significance

The research significance is used to investigate teacher readiness in

applying remote teaching at SMAN 2 Singaraja to the implementation,

procedure, evaluation, and challenges.

2. Practical Significance

a. For the teachers

This study result may be possible to improve teaching skill for

teachers in conducting remote teaching.

b. Other researchers

This study is carried to be referenced for others researchers with the

same topic in purpose to enrich their references.

c. Government

This study result can be used for the government as reference in

developing remote teaching especially in Buleleng regency.

1.7 Definition of Key Terms

1.7.1 Theoretical definition

Remote teaching, in which teachers and students are separated in space but

not in time, changes the learning situation and the school organization. (Millet,

2012: Xiong et al, 2016)

1.7.2. Operational definition

Remote Teaching: The process of English teaching and learning activity that

implemented remotely through Google Meet, WhatsApp, Google Classroom and

Quizizz online platform.



2.1 Theoretical Review

Theoretical review is as the based on this study. It is contained of some

relevant study that related to the actual condition that has been took from several

researches: Covid-19 effect of education, learning platform and application, the

transition of teaching method.

Covid-19 pandemic has impacted significantly to the education field that

changed face-to-face learning into online learning. According to Yen (2020) The

emergence of COVID-19 has had an impact not only on daily work and living, but

also on the studies of students of all grades. To counteract the pandemic,

universities and colleges have developed a range of online learning programs,

guided by applicable legislation from the central and local governments, to

facilitate the proper and orderly growth of school education and teaching. Many

forms of online platforms and applications are used massively in supporting

online learning.

According to Basilaia & Kvavadze (2020) Remote teaching is the way to

teach by distance using the connection in purpose to deliver the knowledge using

media or platform. Various used of platforms such as Google Classroom, Quizizz,

Kahoot and many others online meeting are the elements which connected student

and teacher during remote teaching. These elements are called as media or

supporting platform to conduct distance teaching and learning process. In

conducting the remote teaching well, teacher should own many knowledges of

technology and several specific skills which related to the media handling.

Mastering media of technology is one of the necessary skills that must be

owned by teacher. There are the other five skills based on Albrahim (2020) which

has classified the competencies of English teacher: pedagogical skills, content

skills, design skills, management and institutional skills and social communication

skill. Teacher need to acquire at least the technological skill in order to realize a

proper remote teaching. The context of technological skill here is mastering online

learning platform such as Google workspace, Zoom meeting, Quizizz and the

other mainstream platform. In addition of these online platform mastery,

technological tools like computer or laptop and handphone also need to owned by


2.1.1 Remote Teaching Implementation

In conducting remote teaching, online application and technological tools

are necessary. Online platforms are serving lots of application to use and

download in successing remote teaching. (Abidah et al., 2020) find that there are

many online platform and application for supporting the run of remote teaching

for free for instance Google Classroom, WhatsApp, Zenius, Quipper and

Microsoft. Teacher and student can access these online applications from some

platform as long as it is accessible and available.

These applications are handed by teacher as a facilitator in accordance

with the needs of their classroom. Today’s online platform has given a real

experience of discussion as face-to-face classroom done through many free video

teleconference app such as Zoom and Google Meet (Wiranda & Adri, 2019). A

virtual interaction and distance learning will be more effective through using these

online platforms with its feature inside. In addition to the online platform and

application, it also could involve some sources outside the online, television

channel for education for the example (Zhou et al., 2020). Various sources of

learning platform and application are used to realize remote teaching and learning

process optimally.

2.1.2 Teachers Readiness in Implementing Remote Teaching

The readiness of teachers in preparing and implementing remote teaching

can be seen by several vital aspects as stated in (Phan & Dang, 2017) that in

realizing an appropriate remote teaching, cooperation among human resources and

mastery of technological tools also basic teaching skill and knowledge for

instance competency, pedagogy and methodology. For measuring the readiness of

teachers, in addition to the availability of internet and hardware, these aspects

above are necessary either.

Good internet signal and supporting device as the specific factor for

measuring the readiness of either teacher and student implementing remote

teaching. In the other side, the used of technological device for instance

handphone and personal computer have been increased these days which

supported by proper network at some locations and regions.

2.1.3 The Evaluation used in Remote Teaching Implementation

Evaluation for teachers is significant in purpose to asses student

comprehension and skill or measuring student development during teaching and

learning process. Based on Oliver (2000) evaluation or assessment can be done

through online way by using online questionnaire platform or others similar

platform in order to dig students information rapidly.

Teachers can choose several online assessment platforms which some have

been integrated with another application. As example is Google Form that can be

connected to Microsoft Excel after students work on the exam or assignment. It

can make information of student comprehension and mark faster to compile and


2.1.4 The Challenges during Remote Teaching Implementation

Remote teaching implementation has brought several challenges for the

teachers which generally involves improper technological tools, availability and

unstable internet connection, and teacher competency in maximizing online

teaching and learning platform. The challenges can be separated based on these

general aspects such as the restricted of internet connection and device capability

between teachers and students (Rosalina & Elyani, 2020). In addition to that

challenge, teacher ability in applying teaching and learning platform through

online is needed to be develop.

Inability of utilizing technology properly can be affected to the run of their

classroom and it will be appeared as challenges for teachers when conducting

remote teaching. Choosing the best media and platform that have easy access and

small size of application can be challenges for teacher remind that not all students

have stable of connection and proper device (handphone and personal computer)

to join remote teaching. These challenges can make remote teaching run


2.2 Empirical Review

Empirical review is contained of the others researchers that related to the

present study. Here is the review of these studies in connection with remote


First study came from Choi and Chung (2021) that examined the

challenges and strategies applied in online language learning and teaching. The

strategies used by less experienced English teacher in realizing a sustainable

online learning environment is the focus of this study. This study was conducted

in South Korea which the results appeared that EFL teacher face new challenges

during this Covid-19 outbreak. This study either state that challenges were pushed

EFL teacher create a proper authentic technology-mediated language learning

environment in order to have better online teaching and learning experience.

Atmojo and Nugroho (2020) conducted research which aimed to

investigate the way of EFL teachers implement online teaching and its obstacles.

There are 16 teachers to be observed in this research in gaining the data of how

these EFL teachers deliver the material in online way. Several activities and

online learning applications were applied by teachers during online learning. The

obstacles were mainly come from the students and parents in preparing and

planning the online learning with teacher that affected to the lack run of online

teaching and learning process.

Another research which focused on EFL teachers during this pandemic

was conducted by Gao and Zhang (2020). This study was investigated EFL

teachers’ cognitions about online teaching in Chinese University. Three teachers

were interviewed in the study related to the qualitative approach that has been

applied here. The analysis found that clear cognitions of features, advantages, and

obstacles were owned by teachers and through knowing the needs of students,

teachers obtained technological information & communication in purpose to

integrate it with material delivery.

The fourth study was investigated EFL remote teaching effectiveness

during this Covid-19 pandemic. Zou et al (2021) find that the way of material was

carried out by EFL teachers in China through various methods. Questionnaires

and interviews were applied to collect the data. The finding of the study shows

that the more teachers increase their skills, training and confidence, remote

teaching could be run well.

Research by Bailey and Lee (2020) investigate remote teaching in the

scope of its benefits, challenges and strategies. This study was taken place in

South Korea and snowball sampling technique was applied to recruit 43 EFL

instructors with different experiences in university level. Covid-19 has brought

challenges to EFL instructor in delivering the material which has been proofed by

this study. The study reported that from no-, low- and high-experience group,

high-experience teacher faced less challenges than the other groups. Strategies and

benefits were similarly reported by all the groups.

Pu and Xu (2021) conducted a research in the field of remote teaching

which focused on examining changing assessment practices of EFL teachers

during remote teaching. There were seven teachers from different region has

interviewed individually in collecting the data. Online classroom observation,

teachers journal reading and instructional design were included either. Finding of

the research found that teachers were neglect the assessment before changed

rapidly to overdoing assessment. While they employed a variety of online

assessment methods, they did not systematically include online assessment into

their online curriculum. It indicates that this problem is most likely caused by

instructors' misunderstanding of the nature of online assessment as an inherent

component of curriculum and a significant way of improving students' learning.

Another supported research in the span of remote teaching implementation

was conducted by Ramadani and Xhaferi (2020) to examine the experience of

EFL teacher in using Zoom as teaching platform during remote teaching. The

purpose of the research was to find out experience specifically in challenges and

difficulties of EFL teachers implemented remote teaching through Zoom platform.

Qualitative approach was used in analyzing the data and obtain better result of

teachers’ experience. Six EFL teachers at high schools in Kumanova, Macedonia

was participated in research interview. They were aged 32-47 which filled by both

of male and female teacher. The implementation of Zoom platform as the only

online teaching tool was not successfully run than using various tools and

methods. Teachers were tended to teach conventionally than through Zoom

because it was difficult to find student whether they work by themselves or

cheating during the evaluation. In the other hand, teaching in online made the

monitoring of student easier for teacher cause of the use of additional media in the


2.3 Novelty of the Study

The researcher conducted a study which focused on the implementation of

remote teaching during Covid-19 outbreak that makes this research different to

the other previous studies related to the same topic. Most of the researches above

brought several topics belong to remote teaching, yet none of the researches above

stated about remote teaching implementation specifically from the preparation,

procedures, evaluation and challenges. Thus, this topic of remote teaching would

be done through engaged English teacher of SMAN 2 Singaraja in interview and

observation session.



Chapter III covers the information about the method of the research which

is conducted. Chapter III consisted of research design, research subject, research

object, instruments of data collection, technique of data collection, technique of

data analysis and research procedure.

3.1 Research Design

In this study, qualitative method is applied to emphasize in collecting and

analyzing the data. This method used to find out hypothesis and theory (Sugiyono,

2013) as cited in (Hadi, 2016). In conducting the study, this method applied to

collect the data how teacher implement remote teaching through interview,

questionnaire and lesson plan analysis.

This research utilizes a qualitative technique, specifically a descriptive

qualitative design. Lambert, V. a., and Lambert, C. E. (2012) describe a

descriptive qualitative approach for determining the thorough summary, in

common language, of particular events experienced by individuals or groups of

persons. As a result, this study focuses on teachers' readiness while executing the

remote teaching process during the Covid-19 pandemic outbreak by assessing

their preparation, procedures, student assessment, and problems in remote


Specifically, the researcher employs Creswell (2014) theory to conduct an

observation of the participants by participating in a remote class led by English

instructors, in which the researcher conducted an observation based on their

expertise with remote teaching. The researcher then conducts interviews with the

subjects using the interview guide questions that may be found on the data

collecting instrument. Furthermore, the researcher studies the fact and compares it

to the data from the argument. The data is evaluated utilizing Creswell's (2008)

ideas in the form of descriptive analysis. Furthermore, the data is examined using

theory or viewpoint triangulation to determine the data's validity.

3.2 Setting of research

This study is conducted in SMAN 2 Singaraja which is located in Buleleng


The selection of school as the setting of the study was based on several


1. The school had some English teachers that have applied remote teaching and

influence to student development.

2. The school had appropriate facility to support remote teaching for instance

computer laboratory and accessible internet connection for student and teacher

during remote teaching.

3.3 Subjects of Research

In order to collect the data of the research, the English teacher that has

applied remote teaching during this pandemic is determined as the research subject.

Two English teachers are chosen as the subject of this research because they were in

the age range of 20-50 years old which indicate that they are teacher who

understand technology application in the remote teaching.

Table 1 List of The Two English Teachers

No Teacher code Teaching Age Remote Teaching
. Experience Teaching Grade
English 18 years 44 years 2 years (2  X IPA 4
Teacher 1 Months  X IPA 5
hybrid  X IPA 6
1. learning)  X IPA 7
 X IPS 1
 X IPS 2
 X IPS 3
English 8 years 30 years 2 years (2  X BABUD
Teacher 2 Months 1,2
hybrid  X MIPA
2. learning) 1,2,3,4

3.4 Research Object

In conducting the research, there are some objects which are examined.

First, the implementation in conducting remote teaching including preparation,

procedures, and assessment as well as the challenges that has been faced during

covid-19 outbreak.

3.5 Method of Data Collection

The researcher has to go through a number of stages in order to collect the

data. The data were collected to address the following study questions:

Table 2 The Relationship Between Research Questions and Data Collection

Research Questions Source of Data Collection Instruments

Data Technique

1. How did the  Teachers  Interview  Interview Guide

English teachers  Lesson  Content  Lesson Plan

prepare their Plans Analysis Evaluation Sheet

remote teaching at



2. How did the  Teachers  Interview  Interview Guide

English teachers  Lesson  Content  Lesson Plan

implement their Plans Analysis Evaluation Sheet

remote teaching at  Teaching  Observation  Observation

SMAN 2 practical Sheet


3. How did the  Teachers  Interview  Interview Guide

English teachers  Lesson  Content  Lesson Plan

assess their Plans Analysis Evaluation Sheet

students learning  Teaching  Observation  Observation

during remote practical Sheet

teaching at SMAN

2 Singaraja?

4. What challenges  Teachers  Interview  Interview Guide

were encountered  Teaching  Observation  Observation

by the English practical Sheet

teachers in


remote teaching in



First, the researcher interviewed two English teachers at SMAN 2

Singaraja, which involved in the study. As part of the interview process using a

questionnaire, the teachers were questioned about their readiness for applying

remote teaching, their preparation prior to implementing remote teaching, and any

challenges they have had in implementing remote teaching based on their own

experiences. When observing teachers, the researcher used an observation sheet to

obtain information on how teachers are implementing remote teaching and what

problems they are facing as a result. Creswell's (2008) descriptive qualitative

analysis method was used to examine the data, and the data was reviewed by

Theory or Perspective Triangulation to strengthen the data credibility and validity.

3.6 Instrument of Data Collection

Three instrument that used in this research below.

This study included three instruments: an observation sheet, an interview

guide, and a lesson plan evaluation sheet. In addition, the explanations and

blueprint are supplied below.

3.6.1.Observation Sheet

This observation was applied by the researcher to note the participation

data of participant. Based on (Creswell, 2014) after questioning generic questions

of the participants, the researcher recorded any information which was collected

from them. Participants were requested to provide their opinions on the questions

raised by the researcher. In addition, the researcher recorded responses of each

participant and the information collected from their actions. When investigated the

research question regarding how the teacher implemented remote teaching in this

COVID-19 pandemic, the teacher's note was implemented. The researcher

collected the data through take note based on the answer of the respondents. There

are other tools that was used to collect the data:

The observation sheet was used during the researcher monitoring how the

teacher teach the student through the implementing remote teaching and also ask

several questions.

Table 3 Blueprint of observation sheet

Aspect Theory Items

1. The teacher prepares a lesson plan

before implementing remote


2. The teacher prepares the material

Putri, N. R., & that will be shared to the students.

1 Preparation Sari, F. M. 3. The teacher plans a strategy of

(2021) teaching suitable for the context of

remote teaching.

4. The teacher prepares an

appropriate media to implement

remote teaching.

2 Procedure Yen, T.-F. (TF). 5. The teacher greets the students.

(2020) 6. The teacher checks the students’


7. The teacher opens the lesson and

does apperception.

8. The teacher explains the materials


9. The teacher uses good grammar

and/or pronunciation.

10. The teacher manages the

classroom well.

11. The teacher evaluates students’


12. The teacher invites students to

conclude the lesson

13. The teacher gives feedback for the


14. The teacher asks some questions

to check their understanding

15. The teacher gives constructive and

encouraging feedback after

conducting remote classroom

16. The teacher does an evaluation

3 Assessment Fall, P (2020) through a game in several

platforms, like Quizzes, Kahoot,


17. The teacher assesses students’


Putri, N. R., & 18. The teacher gives assignment or

Sari, F. M. homework at the end of the class

(2021) to check the understanding of the


4 Challenges Putri, N. R., & 19. Both the teacher and the students

Sari, F. M. have a problem in their connection

(2021) or internet data.

Ramadani, A., & 20. The teacher has a problem in

Xhaferi, B. motivating students to participate

(2020) in the lesson.

Ramadani, A., & 21. The teacher has a problem in

Xhaferi, B. managing time while

(2020) implementing remote teaching.

Putri, N. R., &

22. The teacher has a problem in using
Sari, F. M.
the technology.

3.6.2 Interview guide

Interview guide was used after the information of the questionnaire are

have been collected by the researcher. One on one interview was conducted for

the despondences who are not busy and feel free to share the idea comfortably

(Creswell, 2012). Face to face interview and a personal message utilizing

Whatsapp as a media was applied to conduct the interview. The researcher asked a

series of questions in order to obtain the necessary data to answer the study's

research question.

Table 4 Blueprint of interview guide

No. Aspects Items

1. How do you prepare the lesson plan before remote

1 Preparation teaching is implemented?

2. How do you design the material that you teach

before teaching?

3. What kind of teaching strategy do you use?

4. How do you get the source of materials?

5. What kind of teaching tools do you use?

6. How do you open your class?

7. How do you manage your time for pre-activity of

your remote teaching?

8. How do you check your students’ attendance at the

beginning on your remote teaching?

9. What do you do to find out your students’

background knowledge before proceeding whilst-


10. Are there any problems in interacting with your

2 Procedure
students by using appropriate grammar and/or


11. During the whilst-activity, what kind of strategy do

you use in order the students to be active in whilst-


12. Is it possible for you to develop a group discussion

in remote teaching?

13. How do you close the materials at the end of

remote teaching?

3 Assessment 14. What kinds of platforms do you use in giving

assessment to your students?

15. How and why do you choose a suitable assessment


16. How do you give your feedback to your students

after conducting remote classroom?

17. Do you think that the students can access the

assessment platform that you use?

18. Do you think that the students improve their

learning after using that platform?

19. What do you do to assess your students’

performance in remote classroom?

20. How could you motivate your students to actively

participate in activities assigned at the start of your


21. Do you and your students have a problem in the

connection or internet data?

22. What will you do if your students do not respond to

your remote teaching?

4 Challenges
23. How do you encourage your students if they do not

understand about the material during remote


24. How do you achieve the learning objectives if most

of the students do not understand the content of the

material that you teach in remote teaching?

25. Do you manage your time well while implementing

remote teaching?

26. Do you have any problems in using technology?

27. Do you have any difficulties to make an assessment

platform for the students? Explain if any!

3.6.3 Lesson Plan Evaluation Sheet

Teachers’ lesson plan was analyzed by researcher refer to this lesson plan

evaluation sheet. Based on (Creswell, 2012) precious information can be gain

through analyzing document. Therefore, the data were collected by using lesson

plan evaluation sheet and it could be seen as follows.

Table 1 Blueprint of Lesson Plan Evaluation Sheet

Theory Items

1. Designing the learning process by mastering aspects of

technology-based expertise in using online platform.

2. Designing the learning process by considering the need of

Edi, F, et
students in order to plan the methods used to gather
al. (2021)
knowledge of students’ need.

3. Providing learning source which is relevant to the material in a

certain resource.

Putri, N. 4. Preparing an appropriate learning media to be accessed by the

R., & students

Sari, F. 5. Designing the learning process with an appropriate teaching

strategy to conduct remote teaching.
M. (2021)

3.6.2 Instrument validation

In order to obtain the data required to answer the research objectives, three

instruments were applied in this study. The first instrument was based on

Creswell's (2014) observation theory and was used to perform observations in

distant classrooms. Furthermore, there were certain theories that backed up the

stuff in it. The following instrument was created using Creswell's (2012) interview

guide theory, with some elements taken from the observation sheet. The final

instrument was a Lesson Plan Evaluation Sheet, which had items adapted from

Musselwhite and Wesolowski (2018). Before collecting data, the indicated

instruments had to be verified to ensure that each item could be utilized. As a

result, Content Validation was required to check the instruments and ensure that

each item was pertinent. Content Validation

The researcher used content validation, which involved two professional

judges judging and examining the tools. They would check to see if each thing

was relevant or not. Gregory formula theory from Suasti et al. (2017) was applied

to validate the instrument in order to ensure each of the item possible to use.

Table 6 Gregory Formula

First Judge
Irrelevant Relevant
Second Irrelevant A B
Judge Relevant C D

Content Validity =
A +B +C+ D

According to the table above, column A indicates that the first and second

judges disagree with the item. Column B indicates that the first judge agrees with

the item, while the second judge disagrees. Column C indicates that the first judge

disagrees with the item, while the second judge agrees. Column D indicates that

both the first and second judges agree on the issue.

The validity of the instrument may be determined using the above-

mentioned content validity formula. As a consequence, the researcher may begin

collecting data when the computation results were compared to the validity value

interval in which the content coefficient validity was judged to be high or very

high. Furthermore, the validity value interval is indicated in the table below.

Table 7 The Validity Value Interval

0.8 – 1 Very high
0.6 – 0.79 High
0.4 – 0.59 Average
0.2 – 0.39 Low
0 – 0.19 Very low

The Gregory Formula was used to analyze and verify the instruments,

which included an observation sheet, an interview guide, and a lesson plan

evaluation sheet. The computation results are shown below.

Table 8 Expert Judgments for Observation Sheet

Judge 1
Not Relevant Relevant
Judge 2 Not Relevant A=0 B=0
Relevant C=0 D = 22
CV =
A +B +C+ D

CV =
0+0+0+ 22

CV =

CV =1
According to the preceding results, the result of the validity of content is 1,

indicating that it comprises a very high in the validity value interval. As a result,

the Observation Sheet instrument is legitimate and ready to obtain data.

Table 9 Expert Judgments for Interview Guide

Judge 1
Not Relevant Relevant
Judge 2 Not Relevant A=0 B=0
Relevant C=0 D = 27
CV =
A +B +C+ D

CV =
0+0+0+ 27

CV =

CV =1
According to the preceding results, the result of the validity of content is 1,

indicating that it comprises a very high in the validity value interval. As a result,

Interview Guide instrument is legitimate and ready to obtain data.

Table 10 Expert Judgments for Lesson Plan Evaluation Sheet

Judge 1

Not Relevant Relevant
Judge 2 Not Relevant A=0 B=0
Relevant C=0 D = 10
CV =
A +B +C+ D

CV =
0+0+0+ 10

CV =

CV =1
According to the preceding results, the result of the validity of content is 1,

indicating that it comprises a very high in the validity value interval. As a result,

Lesson Plan Evaluation sheet is legitimate and ready to obtain data.

3.7 Data Analysis

Here is the glimpse at how the data is analyzed in this research. Applying

descriptive qualitative methods, the researcher analyzed the collected data. The

descriptive qualitative method was used to analyze the data from various sources

of information, such as classroom observation, interview, and questionnaire.

Interview transcription was applied during interview session with two subjects of

the research. The interview was held separately into two sessions in the different

day. The teachers' readiness to conduct remote teaching during the COVID-19

Outbreak was reflected in the data.

3.7.1 Data Triangulation

The researcher utilized data triangulation in order to collect a review of

several sources of the findings in the study (Odiri, 2019). There are four types of

data triangulation, according to Denzin (1978) and Patton (2002), as cited in

(Odiri, 2019), including:

o Methods Triangulation

Methods to determine the convergent validity provided by multiple

methods of data collection, triangulation is used. While conducting a

qualitative and quantitative study, it is common to review complimentary

parts of the same phenomenon. Using this type of data, qualitative

researchers are able to gain the most insight into the points that differ in

these data. In this study Interview, observation, and lesson plan evaluation

were the three data collecting methods utilized to get information from


o Triangulation of Sources

As an alternative to data triangulation, triangulation of sources utilizes the

same method to assess the validity of a number of data sources. In this

study, there were some sources of data: teachers, teaching practical lesson

plan. Two English teachers are the sources of data in this study.

o Theory/Perspective Triangulation

Theory/Perspective This form of triangulation examines and interprets

data from various theoretical viewpoints or expert theory. In this study,

some theories from experts and previous researches use to define the data.



This chapter focuses on the findings and discussion based on the data

collections from interview guide and observation. Furthermore, the data

collections were analyzed by using a method of data triangulation.

4.1. Findings

Findings contains of the analysis of data which has been collected through

the three instruments from those two English teachers. The sub-chapter can be

separated as follows:

4.1.1. Remote Teaching Preparation of The English Teachers

This sub-sub chapter contained data result of teachers’ preparation in

conducting online teaching. According to the data instrument of observation,

interview and lesson plan, here are the description of result:

33 Interview Guide Data

Interview guide data revealed the data which contained of two

English teacher’s interview results in preparing online teaching. There

are four items attached in the interview guide. The results can be seen

as follows:

English Teacher 1: Lesson plan preparation

Excerpt 1:

“…it is designed early before going to the class.

The suitable material is inserted in the form of one sheet
lesson plan…”
Teacher 1 designed the lesson plan in one sheet format then she

just had to inserted related material.

English Teacher 1: Material preparation

Excerpt 2:

“…For the material, some sources in the internet were took to

create the material. I use online website and video platform like
YouTube to take material for the class. Student book is also used in the
Learning material was taken by teacher 1 from various sources

such as internet website, online video platform and student book.

English Teacher 1: Teaching strategy preparation

Excerpt 3:

“…Inquiry learning and text-based learning are applied when I

am teaching…”

Inquiry-based learning and text-based learning were used by

English teacher 1 during remote teaching.

English Teacher 1: Source of material preparation

Excerpt 4:

“…I get the material from student book and the internet…”

Student book and internet were used as the source of material by

teacher 1.

English Teacher 1: Teaching tools preparation

Excerpt 5:

“…I use laptop to operate Google classroom in remote teaching

session which can be integrated to WhatsApp group in my phone…”

As teaching tools, teacher 1 used her laptop and handphone to run

online teaching and learning platform.

English Teacher 2: Lesson plan preparation

Excerpt 6:

“…Teacher needs to accommodate activity with students need as

in lesson plan contained and in designing the material, I am doing an
observation first like content of curriculum, student capability and
material effectivity to the topic given…”

Lesson plan was designed by teacher 2 through observing many

aspects for instance curriculum and student’s skill.

English Teacher 2: Material preparation

Excerpt 7:

“…I usually search on the internet using nowadays search engine

like Google and online learning application like Realia…”

In designing material, teacher 2 used internet sites as main source

of her material.

English Teacher 2: Teaching strategy preparation

Excerpt 8:

“…Role plays and inquiry based-learning are two commonly

used during my remote class…”

Teacher 2 was observed on student learning style then after that

she decided proper teaching strategy to be use.

English Teacher 2: Source of material preparation

Excerpt 9:

“…I use Google and student book for the source of material…”

Google and student book were used as reference for material of

teacher 2.

English Teacher 2: Teaching tools preparation

Excerpt 10:

“…During teaching remotely, many devices are used for instance

personal computer and my handphone…”

Personal computer and handphone were optimized as teacher 2’s device. Observation data

The data of observation was done in order to know teacher’s

preparation in conducting online teaching. Observation sheet was given by

the researcher which contained items related to the preparations.

English Teachers 1

Lesson plan was designed by teacher 1 before online teaching session.

Teacher already prepared lesson plan well based on the material that would

be taught in class. Through the availability of learning material in the internet,

it made teacher easier to find additional material outside the given student

book for instance finding text on website or interactive dialogue on video

platform like YouTube. All the prepared material had been poured into lesson

plan briefly. The lesson plan was used to make sure online teaching activity

would be run properly. In order to complete the teaching preparation, teacher

also plan teaching strategy to make material deliver well in class. Inquiry and

also text based-learning were used by teacher during the implementation of

online teaching. Besides these preparations, teacher also planned to teach

with some integrated media such as Google Classroom and WhatsApp. Other

media were used separately by teacher like YouTube, Google Meet and


English Teacher 2

During the observation, English teacher 2 show that she had made all

the preparation for online teaching as the observation preparation items state

above: lesson plan, material for student, strategy of teaching, and learning

media. Teacher had created a one sheet of lesson plan for her teaching

preparation. The lesson plan contained of several items which related to the

teaching and learning process for instance the objective, standard

competency, learning media used, and the step of teaching. While preparing

lesson plan, teacher also compile material according to the lesson plan

whether it came from the student book or surfed internet result. Teacher was

freely to compile material from various source. On the other hand, teacher

had to find out what teaching strategy could be use in the class. Teacher 2

applied problem-based learning as her choice which that strategy was suitable

with the material given. Two integrated platform was prepared by her before

teaching remotely. Google classroom as the learning platform and WhatsApp

group was used to make class communication run well. Lesson Plan Evaluation Data

Lesson plan analysis is described in this sub part.

English Teacher 1

In English teacher 1 lesson plan, there are several general parts as the

regular lesson plan include such as learning objective, standard competency,

teaching strategy, teaching tools and step of teaching. According to the lesson

plan, teacher 1 use laptop and handphone as teaching tools and Google

Classroom for media of teaching. Additional media also stated in the lesson

plan such as WhatsApp and Student book.

English Teacher 2

English teacher 2’s lesson plan contained of learning aim which

focused on student reading comprehensive and listening skill then supported

by role play and inquiry based-learning as teaching strategy. Google

Classroom, Realia and WhatsApp group were stated as learning media. In the

lesson plan also found that teacher used laptop and mobile phone as teaching


The results reveal that teaching preparation of two English teachers was

already good because they had prepared all the aspects properly from the lesson

plan, teaching material, teaching strategy and teaching tools. Lesson plan was the

first important thing to be prepared well by the teachers for their remote teaching.

Some aspects to be focused were syllabus, student ability, the aim of learning and

basic competency. Teacher also had to manage time allocation for their remote

teaching in case of limited time. In those lesson plan, teacher needed to prepare

suitable material to be shared to the students. Both teachers used some websites

and platforms in the internet for the material for instance YouTube, Quizizz and

realia either they used student book to share the prepared material. The material

was used in the strategy of Inquiry-based learning and text-based learning.

Teachers prepared some proper medias to be taught during their remote teaching

such as Google Classroom, WhatsApp, student book and Quizizz. In operating

these medias, teachers had their own personal computer, laptop and handphone.

Table 4.1 The Summary of Teachers’ Preparation

Teache Lesson Material Learnin Devices Teachin Learning

r Code Plan g g Platform
Sources Strategy
Teacher Availabl Congratulatin Internet Laptop Inquiry- Google
1 e g someone and and based meet,
student handphon learning Google
book e Classroom
, Quizizz

Teacher Availabl Intention Internet Laptop Inquiry- WhatsApp
2 e and and based
student handphon learning
book e

4.1.2. Remote Teaching Procedures of English Teachers

The following are the result of English teacher procedures in implementing

remote teaching. Interview Guide Data

The data from teachers interview about remote teaching procedures

would be described in this part. Eight questions were prepared to gain the

proper data of teacher’s remote teaching procedures.

English Teacher 1: pre-activity

Excerpt 11:

“Firstly, I will greet the class and then ask about their current
condition, preparations and praying.”

Greet the class warmly through ask student’s condition and then

praying together were chosen by teacher 1 as her step to open the class.

English Teacher 1: pre-activity

Excerpt 12:

“Brainstorming as pre-activity and to warmup the class with

question ...”

Pre-activity in teacher 1 remote teaching was done in the form of

brainstorming to check student readiness and prior knowledge about

related material or general knowledge.

English Teacher 1: pre-activity

Excerpt 13:

“Absence can be done through two ways according to the teaching

media used in that day.”

In order to check students’ attendance at the beginning of the class,

teacher 1 used three medias, they are Google Classroom, WhatsApp, and

Google Meet. The link of absence could be sent through these applications

so students could fill it by themselves. However, when Google Meet was

in used, teacher 1 only needed to call students’ name one by one.

English Teacher 1: pre-activity

Excerpt 14:

“To know student knowledge, questioning method is used.”

Questioning method was used by teacher 1 to find out students’

background knowledge before proceeding whilst activity.

English Teacher 1: class interaction

Excerpt 15:

“Yes, I have to mix my language when teach them ….”

During classroom interaction, teacher 1 had to mix and switch her

language between English and Bahasa Indonesia because not all her

students have good English.

English Teacher 1: whilst-activity

Excerpt 16:

“Because of the limitation, I use questioning and peer related to

the material…”

Teacher 1 applied some strategies as state above which related to

the material given that day.

English Teacher 1: whilst-activity

Excerpt 17:

“Group discussion is possible to applied during remote teaching

when we run it on Google meet.”

Group discussion was still possible to do for teacher 1 if she did it

through Google Meet.

English Teacher 1: post-activity

Excerpt 18:

“Closing the material is through asking students to make

conclusion or summarize it.”

For the closing, teacher 1 asked students to give their opinion or

conclusion about the material at the end of the session.

English Teacher 2: pre-activity

Excerpt 19:

“…open it with greeting and motivation to my students…”

Teacher 2 opened the class with greeting and gave students

motivation to boost their mood and build their character.

English Teacher 2: pre-activity

Excerpt 20:

“…I usually give reference and also prior knowledge then ask
them about it and also a brief explanation about the material.”

In managing pre-activity time, teacher 2 drill the students through

asking and giving them brief explanation and references.

English Teacher 2: pre-activity

Excerpt 21:

“I do not really check student attendance person by person. I just

give them responsibility to them checking themselves. Besides that, I also
try to remember their name during the lesson.”

Teacher 2 did not used any tools to check her student attendance

because she tried to give the students responsibility on their presence in


English Teacher 2: pre-activity

Excerpt 22:

“…actually, this is not my main duty, counseling teacher has the
duty. But I also have to ask them about student background and problem
that they probably face.”

Instead of finding students’ background knowledge, teacher 2

thought that this was not her duty but as a teacher, she also had to asked

them about it.

English Teacher 2: class discussion

Excerpt 23:

“…I frequently do code mixing once I change my language to

Bahasa Indonesia sometimes it changes to Balinese just to make my

teaching run smoothly.”

Most of students had poor of English, so teacher 2 was adapted it

by doing code mixing.

English Teacher 2: whilst-activity

Excerpt 24:

“…I use discussion, question and answer, role model and also
exampling, confirmation and explaining…”

Teacher 2 applied various kind of strategy in order to increase

student activeness during her remote teaching.

English Teacher 2: whilst-activity

Excerpt 25:

“…it is possible if we develop a group remote teaching because
learning in group is somewhat easier than individually. For my class
usually done this group discussion to increase their soft skill and build
relationship between them.”

Group discussion was possible to conduct as teacher 2 already

done with students during remote teaching.

English Teacher 2: post-activity

Excerpt 26:

“…since it done remotely, I usually give them a brief of

motivational text to engage them and make us closer.”

In the end of the session, teacher 2 gave students some

motivational texts as the closing. Observation Data

Observation data section explained about data observation result of

procedures in remote teaching. Here is the description of observation data


English Teacher 1

During observation was held via Google Meet revealed that

English teacher 1 opened the class with greeting as the first step of her

remote teaching. Before it was done, teacher already sent attendance list

checker on Google Classroom to absence the students. After students filled

the attendance list, teacher did a little chitchat for breaking the ice before

moved to the main material about giving compliment. Material had been

attached on Google Classroom before the class began, thus teacher can

maximize the time during her session. Students were asked by teacher to

open and read the attached material then they need to elaborate it with

their prior knowledge. In this session, teacher also asked student related to

the material but in here student seems not to be that attractive to answer

teacher question. Only several students responded to the question. it made

class situation more active. During the meet, teacher also gave many

explanations and responded well by some students. Students were

moderately participated in the class discussion. In the main activity,

students were asked to do conversation belong to the topic. From the

performance, researcher found that some students were good and already

had better understanding than the others students who participated in the

activity. In guiding students, teacher spoke bilingually in order to make her

teaching easier to understand, but teacher mostly spoke in Bahasa

Indonesia than English. The researcher also found that students who

participated actively were received compliment and reinforcement by the

teacher. Homework was given to check student comprehension which had

attached on Google Classroom.

English Teacher 2

Meanwhile in teacher 2 procedure, different teaching media was

used during her teaching. She only applied WhatsApp and Google

Classroom for her class. These two applications were linked up each other

for the easiness and effectiveness in her remote teaching. Firstly, teacher

greeted students as class opening in WhatsApp group by typing common

greeting like good morning and how are you. Some students were

responded to the greeting mannerly. When students already replied her

greeting, she checked student attendance. There were three choices in

absence form which stated student attendance status: present, permission,

and without confirmation. Class activity moved to WhatsApp group after

checking attendance session, it was started by teacher sharing the material

then command the class to read it. During the class, researcher found that

teacher was tried hard to engage students participate actively but only

several students were interested to participated. In the end of the class,

they were asked to do a homework in student workbook as an evaluation.

According to the results, English teacher 1 and teacher 2 had several

similarities in implementing procedures of remote teaching. As teacher do in

general, both teachers greeted the class with greeting and a little ice breaker.

Students’ absence was done through medias for instance Google Classroom and

WhatsApp which were used by teachers. After checking attendance, both teachers

attach the material through the applied platforms. Teacher 1 was preferred to use

Google Classroom to send the material and sometimes for the class discussion

whereas teacher 2 was optimizing WhatsApp. During the session, they had to mix

and switch language between English, Bahasa Indonesia and Balinese in order to

make students easier to learn. The used of code mixing and code switching was

made the class discussion ran quite smooth during the session. Assessment was

conducted by both teachers in the end and during the session using the stated


Table X Class activity

Teacher Pre-activity Whilst-activity Post-activity

English Teacher Greeting, Interactive quiz Conclusion,
1 brainstorming and closing and
absence assignment given
English Teacher Greeting and - Closing the class
2 absence and assignment

4.1.3 English Teachers Assessment on Students during Remote Teaching

Observation data and interview guide result of English teacher assessment

is described in this sub-chapter. Interview Guide Data

The data related to the results of interview which had been done

with these two English teachers assessment method in their remote

teaching. The following are the results.

English Teacher 1: assessment platform

Excerpt 26:

“…I use Google form whether in daily assignment or middle test.

Another alternative platform is Quizizz…”

Google Form and Quizizz were two applications used by teacher 1

to assess students.

English Teacher 1: assessment platform

Excerpt 27:

“…It is easy to use Google Form and the result can be seen
through another linked applications like Microsoft Excel.”
The meaning of excerpt above is teacher 1 made Google Form as

her assessment media because its easiness and effectiveness.

English Teacher 1: assessment platform

Excerpt 28:

“I usually send them feedback through Google classroom or

WhatsApp group.”
The feedback was sent through these two applications to teacher

1’s students.

English Teacher 1: assessment platform

Excerpt 29:

“Yes, student can access assessment platform that I use because all
of them already own gadget and internet connection.”
Students of teacher 1 could accessed the form that teacher 1 used to

assess themselves.

English Teacher 1: assessment effectiveness

Excerpt 30:

“…improvement depends on students themselves. The use of

learning platform is not guaranteed that students will understand the
subject but it will make students easier to learn.”

Teacher 1 assumed that students improvement depended on

themselves but that online platform could make students easier in learning.

English Teacher 1: student performance

Excerpt 31:

“Student performance is assessed immediately through their skill

and comprehension.”
Students’ performance was assessed by teacher 1 based on their

comprehension of the material and their language skill.

English Teacher 2: assessment platform

Excerpt 32:

“Google form is used for my class in order to assess student.”

From the excerpt above, Google Form was used by teacher 2 to

assess student.

English Teacher 2: assessment platform

Excerpt 33:

“I use that because it can be set automatically show the result

immediately after student finish it.”
The effectiveness of using Google Form was the reason why she

used that platform.

English Teacher 2: assessment platform

Excerpt 34:

“Feedback and suggestion will be given immediately after the

class end whether on WhatsApp group or Google Classroom.”

The feedback was given after the session ended through medias

used by teacher 2.

English Teacher 2: assessment platform

Excerpt 35:

“…sometimes some students cannot access it due to several alibis

for instance low signal of internet and device problem, however it still can
be accessed easily for the most students.”

Due to the internet signal and different device specification, some

students hardly accessed the platform but overall, it could be accessed by

most of students.

English Teacher 2: assessment effectiveness

Excerpt 36:

“Student improvement when I decided to use learning platform is


Since learning platform was applied, students’ improvement was


English Teacher 2: student performance

Excerpt 37:

“Little bit hard to assess their performance remotely especially

during WhatsApp class, so I only see who always ask, interact each other
and answer the question.”

Teacher 2 felt not an easy thing to assess students’ performance

remotely. She just assessed it through class interaction and its discussion

session. Observation Sheet Data

The data from observation to both of English teachers about their

assessment method on their students is shown in this part. The data can be

seen as follows.

During the observation, the researcher found that English teacher 1

gave feedback for students immediately after the class conducted. Either

through Google Classroom or straight in Google Meet. Teacher used some

platforms in checking student comprehension for instance Quizizz and

Google Form. In the run of her teaching, teacher assessed student

performance based on their creativity, how student can show their best

when presenting or uttering their answer or suggestion. Assignment or

homework always given by teacher at the end of the session which usually

attached on Google Classroom or sent through WhatsApp group.

English teacher 2 was rarely gave student feedback and suggestion

during her session. She usually gave students feedback in general for the

whole class to make it more effective. Additional platforms were not used

to evaluate except using Google Form. Student performance were not

assessed during her teaching but in the end, teacher assessed students with

assignment which taken from the student work book and the other sources.

Table 10. Summary of Learning Assessment

Teacher 1 Teacher 2
Assessment Platform Google Form and Google Form
Students’ Students’ performance (The teacher could not
Performance assessment was conduct students’
Assessment conducted performance
Giving Assignment At the end of the lesson, At the end of the
at the End of Lesson the teacher provided lesson, the teacher
quizzes or assignments. provided quizzes or

The conclusion taken based on the data above is both teachers had done

assessment during their remote teaching. Google form was the main online

assessment platform used by them whether in quiz or exam. There was a thing

made them different. The difference was teacher 1 applied Quizizz as her

additional platform for students’ quiz but teacher 2 was not. Both teachers

considered another aspect in giving student mark and grade for instance their

skills, comprehension and activeness during the lesson. At the end of the meeting,

both teachers gave homework or small quiz using these online platforms that

would be submitted in the next meeting.

4.1.4. English Teachers Challenges in Implementing Remote Teaching

Related to the results of interview guide data and observation of

challenges faced by English teachers at SMAN 2 Singaraja. Interview Guide Data

Interview guide data was obtained by asking English teachers with

the prepared question about the challenges encountered when conducting

remote teaching. The data is revealed as below.

English Teacher 1: motivate student

Excerpt 38:

“…, I have to motivate my students and engage them in order to make

them more active in class activity.”

English teacher 1 stated that she has her own way to motivate

students in joining her remote teaching. Her way was made herself closer

to students then the interaction would be run optimally and it could be

impact to their activeness and mark.

English Teacher 1: connection issue

Excerpt 39:

“Sometimes, either my student and I get it (internet lagging) when the

meeting is being run.”

Internet and connection problem was usually happened during her

teaching. There are around 36 students in her class and at least one of them

had connection issue when joining the class. Teacher also got this problem

rarely because she already prepared all the stuff early.

English Teacher 1: irresponsible student

Excerpt 40:

“If I don’t get any respond, I will report them to the counseling teacher.”

Reported irresponsible students to the counseling teacher was

teacher choice if there were any students did not respond to her during her

session. Counseling teacher might proceed them based on the rules.

English Teacher 1: material explanation

Excerpt 41:

“I will re-explain to them or doing peer explanation.”

Repeated explanation was chosen by her when students did not

understand to the material. She would be willing to explain more to solve

students misunderstand on her material and peer explanation was

conducted to make more interaction among students.

English Teacher 1: material explanation

Excerpt 42:

“… I will repeat the material once again.”

She would repeat the material with slower explanation and made it

simpler. There was a standard for her to achieve the number of students

understand the material.

English Teacher 1: time management

Excerpt 43:

“Yes, I do.”

Teacher 1 has been managed her time well during her teaching.

English Teacher 1: tools issue

Excerpt 44:

“No, I do not.”

There were no difficulties in using technological tools when

remote teaching was conducted.

English Teacher 1: assessment

Excerpt 45:

“It is difficult when I try to input picture or audio into the platform.”

Basically teacher 1 had no problem in making assessment on a

platform (Google Form) but she was felt hard when tried to add some

pictures and audio for her student assessment.

English Teacher 2: motivate student

Excerpt 46:

“Brainstorming and briefing in the beginning, that is how I motivate


She believed that brainstorming could motivate her students to

realize an active classroom.

English Teacher 2: connection issue

Excerpt 47:

“My students usually have it.”

Internet connection issue was usually come to students when she

was doing her remote teaching. Whether it was out of internet data, lack of

signal or unexpected problem between device and connection.

English Teacher 2: irresponsible student

Excerpt 48:

“I will try to check their condition and communicate to them also


For students who did not respond to the class, she would contact

them and planned to have talk with their parents if necessary because she

did not accept any irresponsible act in her remote teaching.

English Teacher 2: material explanation

Excerpt 49:

“Question and answer session privately for those who do not understand

the material.”

Teacher 2 encouraged her students through made an interactive

question and answer session whether it was done privately or not, so all

students were engaged and would help each other indirectly.

English Teacher 2: material explanation

Excerpt 50:

“The material will be given in a short session once again.”

In achieving learning objectives, there were many activities to run

during the class. These activities were aimed to make students understand

about related material. If students could not understand it, teacher might be

found solutions for it and teacher 2 had her own by giving additional short

session belong to the material.

English Teacher 2: time management

Excerpt 51:

“I have good time management, even though need adaptations in the

beginning of remote teaching.”

Remote teaching had made teacher did some adaptations to their

teaching especially in time allocation. Before remote teaching, ninety

minutes was allocated per session but now teacher should fix it into an

hour. She tried to manage her time and created activities to fit on the time.

English Teacher 2: tools issue

Excerpt 52:

“… I don’t have any problem with that.”

Teacher 2 has been familiar with technology because she

owned it and still young to learn more about it.

English Teacher 2: assessment

Excerpt 53:

“I don’t have any difficulties so far.”

In making assessment platform, she already had a platform which

ready to use and edit if needed. Observation Data

Observation data shows the data which came from observing both

of English teacher at SMAN 2 Singaraja about their challenges faced

during implementing remote teaching.

English Teacher 1

From the observation, there were several challenges encountered

by English teacher 1 for instance internet connection issue and different

gadget specification. Although teacher had been prepared learning media

before, different gadget owned by students sometimes made teaching and

learning process more challenging for teacher. In many occasions

researcher caught some students had disconnected during session. Teacher

1 had to be more patient to her student as long as her session run. In the

other hand, she used to get internet connection due to her internet provider

and her understanding on gadget or technology.

English Teacher 2

In basic, English teacher 2 faced same challenges as English

teacher 1 had. Lack of internet signal and device issue were brought her to

face challenges in teaching students remotely. She had designed and

planed her devices and connection well, so the challenges usually came

from her students. Whether caused by internet issue or device.

From the observation data above can be conclude that internet data

availability and unstable connection were two common challenges faced by two

English teachers. These challenges made teachers more difficult to teach normally

during remote classroom.

Teachers Types of challenges

Connection Device issue Inactive Time
issue students allocation
English  
Teacher 1
English  
Teacher 2

4.2 Discussion

Several theories surrounding the implementation of remote teaching would

corroborate the findings from the interview guide, observation, and document

analysis data. The findings mentioned were connected to the preparations before

applying remote teaching, procedures during implementing remote teaching,

student evaluation, and problems experienced by teachers when implementing

remote teaching to increase data incredibility and validity.

4.2.1. Implementation of Remote Teaching

The discussion of the implementation of remote teaching from two English

teachers of SMAN 2 Singaraja with the sights from many experts and theories can

be seen below.

Preparation is the first thing to conduct in remote teaching implementation

which this part can be separated to several section about teacher preparation such

as lesson plan preparation, finding suitable learning media and source, and

teaching strategy. Based on (Pettersson and Olofsson, 2019) as cited in (Stenman

and Pettersson, 2020) remote teaching has put teacher to prepare proper certain

thing in order to realize the remote teaching. The certain thing is about its

preparation before conducting remote teaching. In carrying out remote teaching,

teacher should prepare and focus to these points: clear learning objectives,

relevant learning materials and media (Dek Ngurah Laba Laksana, 2020). The

finding reveals that these two English teachers had prepared all the stuff well start

from the lesson plan, learning media and source, the material and teaching

strategy which would be used during remote teaching.

Teachers have to accommodate learning material, the media and its strategy

after the preparation done which these things are belong to the procedures of

remote teaching. Those English teachers had their own teaching media and

strategy to carry in remote teaching. Based on (Jarvela et al, 2014) as cited in

(Stenman and Pettersson, 2020) teacher must optimizing learning media which

based on digital didactic principles in the aim can strengthen students’

communication during remote teaching. Some common online medias such as

Google Meet, Google Classroom, WhatsApp and Quizizz were used by both

teachers to optimized time and students’ interaction in remote teaching. Others

additional media also provided by teachers. According to (Albrahim, 2020)

teacher can find more material and resources in e-book, YouTube videos, wikis

and social media e.g. WhatsApp.

Assessment has to be done by teacher whether in this remote teaching

model and during the previous face-to-face model to measure students’

understanding either material comprehension and language skills. Assessing

student not only through exam, according to (Bell & Federman, 2014) as cited in

(Albrahim, 2020) others form of assessment can be deployed, randomizing

questions and adherence to the integrity policies has to be declared to realize a

non-cheating student which can make the assessment run as expected. Teacher

also can choose another form of assessment in purpose to know and obtain better

data of students’ skill and their comprehension. Based on (Garcia-Penalvo et al,

2020) as cited in (Iglesias-Pradas, 2021) question in various type and presenting

orally through system of videoconferencing can be available option in assessment.

Refers to the data above, teacher 1 had used various media to assess student of

SMAN 2 Singaraja which can reveal students’ original skill and understanding.

Whereas, teacher 2 only relied a media to assess student because she preferred to

observe students learning process to determine the result.

4.2.2. Challenges of Remote Teaching

This section has purpose to talk on the challenges experienced by English

teachers at SMAN 2 Singaraja based on the findings, which will be presented

from various sight of experts.

Teacher’s number 1 challenges is the differences of internet signal to

among students to connect in the remote teaching. Poor of signal has been an

obstacle for teacher to conduct remote teaching before it even started. According

to (Ferri et al, 2020) during remote teaching, these inequalities have brough some

challenges for both teacher and student: poor knowledge of accessing learning

media and sources, different background of student which impacted to the

availability of internet connection at their house to support home learning.

Another technical issue during the implementation remote teaching was device

problem that affected to the access of teaching platform. Institutions should

provide better e-learning platforms to boost Internet access and build an

interactive learning strategy. Furthermore, seminars or training for instructors and

students to increase their technological and pedagogical abilities in online learning

is required (Ferri et al, 2020). These two issues were faced often by both teachers

and had an effect to the run of their remote teaching.

4.3. Implication

The implication of this research is both English teacher of SMAN 2

Singaraja had done the remote teaching well start from preparation, procedures

and the assessment. The preparation stuff for instance preparing suitable learning

media and platform, learning material, one sheet lesson plan and assessment

platform were ready to use. However, the use of Google Classroom, WhatsApp,

Google Meet and Quizizz were too difficult for student who had low specification

of device to join it properly. Teachers need to optimize a platform to

accommodate all students during their remote teaching. The things that went out

of expectation was lack of internet signal that made students’ interest in learning

was quite decreasing. This challenge used to be solved in the beginning of

pandemic which the government gave free internet data to students but now it had

been cut. It has to done continuously and there must be a cooperation between

teacher and related parties. Thus, Teacher had to choose suitable media which can

run interactive quiz and discussion through easy platform in order to make the

class more alive and realize a better learning aura in remote teaching.



5.1 Conclusion

The first part of this chapter is concluding the whole aspects of remote

teaching which was conducted by English teachers of SMAN 2 Singaraja. It can

state that the remote teaching preparation had prepared well. Integrated learning

platform and assessment were applied during their session. Either teacher 1 or

teacher 2 faced the same problems due to the connection and device.

5.1.1 English Teachers’ Preparations

The three English teachers were already prepared to undertake remote

instruction in SMAN 2 Singaraja. They had already created remote teaching

preparations such as lesson plan, learning sources, teaching method, learning

media, and teaching equipment.

5.1.2 English Teachers’ Procedures

The two English teacher used learning platform that quite similar and had

the same step in running remote teaching. their remote teaching procedures were

separated into three activities: pre-activity, while-activity, and post-activity.

During those activities, both teachers greeted the students, filled the attendance

list, shared the learning content and had a little discussion while quizzing and it

ended up through assigning students to work on an assignment.

5.1.3 Learning Assessment

These English teachers assessed students with Google Form to measure

their understanding and skills. However, performance assessment did not conduct

due to the challenges faced by teachers in connection and device which were

difficult to investigate students’ real performance.

5.1.4 English Teachers’ Challenges

Teachers in SMAN 2 Singaraja had encountered two major challenges that

made dominos impact to other aspects during the implementation of remote

teaching. Internet connection lagging and difference type of device had been a

trouble for two English teachers since it was implemented. Teacher hard to

conduct the discussion and additional activity because this connection issue

frequently happened. Some students needed more effort to join the class due to the

signal and their device lagging. These things were made remote teaching harder to

run properly.

5.2 Suggestion

There are some suggestions given based on the results of this study, as


5.2.1 For ELE Students as the English Teachers’ Candidate

To avoid the remote class becoming repetitive, it is proposed that ELE

students as English teachers' candidates be better prepared in conducting remote

teaching and be more creative in selecting a suitable teaching technique based on

the level of the students.

5.2.2 For English Teachers

Based on the study's findings, it is recommended that English teachers

improve their teaching skills by participating in teacher training dealing with

remote teaching, simulating students becoming active in order to reward them

when they are active, and providing appropriate learning media/platforms that

support and are relevant to the student's level of learning.

5.2.3 For Other Researchers

For other researchers, this study can be used to conduct additional

research, particularly to identify appropriate learning assessments based on the

four basic skills to be taught during remote teaching in order to achieve good

results on the students' English competence related to the implementation of

remote teaching during the Covid-19 pandemic. As a result, several studies on

remote English teaching implementation will be available for reference.


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Appendix 1 Approval Letter

Appendix 2 Instrument Validation by 1st Judge

Appendix 3 Instrument Validation by 2nd Judge

Appendix 4 Interview Guide to English Teacher 1

Appendix 5 Interview Guide to English Teacher 2

Appendix 6 Interview Guide to English Teacher 2

Appendix 7 Lesson Plan from English Teacher 1

Appendix 8 Meeting of Remote Teaching Implementation from English

Teacher 1

Appendix 9 Meeting of Remote Teaching Implementation from English
Teacher 2


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