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adalah program pelatihan yang diselenggarakan oleh pihak tertentu dalam waktu
yang relatif singkat, tetapi intensif. Program ini, akan mempelajari materi yang relevan
dengan dunia kerja dan langsung ke inti-intinya. Itu sebabnya, kebanyakan pemateri
merupakan profesional dengan pengalaman dan jam terbang tinggi.
Apabila berhasil menyelesaikan pelatihan, para peserta akan mendapatkan
kesempatan interview dengan beberapa perusahaan yang bekerja dengan pemateri.
Karakteristik Bootcamp
Perbedaan antara bootcamp dengan kursus biasa cenderung tidak terlalu jelas. Walaupun
begitu, ada sejumlah praktik yang sedikit berbeda. Berikut adalah beberapa di antaranya:
a. Memiliki waktu yang relatif singkat
Alasan penyelenggaraan bootcamp relatif singkat (biasanya 3–6 bulan) adalah karena untuk
mengejar permintaan pasar yang sedang tinggi dalam tempo secepat-cepatnya.
Ini supaya tidak ketinggalan momentum dan para perusahaan bisa segera menyerap para
peserta yang sekarang sudah memiliki skill sesuai kebutuhan industrinya.
b. Mengajarkan materi yang sedang trending
Alasannya masih sama seperti sebelumnya, yakni untuk memperbesar peluang para
peserta dalam dunia kerja. Materi yang ada biasanya tentang digital marketing, content
creation, data science, programming dasar, hingga web development dan software
c. Intensif
Inilah yang membedakan bootcamp dengan course biasa. Kurikulum pada pelatihan ini
sudah disusun sedemikian rupa sehingga padat dan efisien waktu. Dalam 1 hari saja,
kemungkinan besar Sobat sudah bisa menguasai beberapa submateri.
d. Berfokus pada skill yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan industri
Karena memang tujuan bootcamp adalah sebagai link–and–match antara calon pekerja
dengan dunia industri, submateri-submaterinya pun hanya terbatas pada yang memiliki nilai
praktikal tinggi di dunia kerja. Berbeda dengan bangku perkuliahan yang mata kuliahnya
lebih bersifat teoretik dan fundamental.
Jenis-Jenis Bootcamp
Terdapat beberapa jenis bootcamp yang bisa Sobat pilih sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan
kemampuan, berikut adalah jenis-jenisnya:
a. Berdasarkan ketersediaan waktu
 Part time
Pembelajaran dan pelatihannya terjadi hanya pada jam atau hari tertentu—biasanya, di
waktu-waktu dengan kesibukan yang sedikit. Yap, tipe ini cocok untuk orang yang punya
kegiatan lain di luar program pelatihan, seperti pekerja atau pelajar.
 Full time
Pelatihannya berlangsung pada waktu produktif, yaitu dari pagi sampai sore. Tipe ini
membutuhkan alokasi waktu dan komitmen yang tinggi dari para pesertanya. Meskipun
begitu, waktu selesainya cenderung lebih cepat.
b. Berdasarkan fleksibilitas
 In-person
Sobat harus datang ke tempat dan pada waktu yang telah ditentukan untuk mengikuti
program pelatihan secara tatap muka. Tipe ini memanglah yang
paling strict, tapi menawarkan pemahaman yang lebih baik karena peserta dan instruktor
dapat menjangkau satu sama lain dengan mudah.
 Online
Peserta tidak perlu datang ke suatu tempat, tetapi harus tetap mengikuti bootcamp sesuai
waktunya secara realtime alias sinkronus. Jenis pelatihan ini cocok buat Sobat
yang pengin belajar sesuai jadwal, tetapi hemat biaya.
 Self-paced
Tipe inilah yang paling memberikanmu kebebasan dan keleluasaan. Sebab, yang mengatur
waktu dan cara belajarnya adalah kamu sendiri. Tim kurikulum hanya sekadar memberikan
urutan modul dan roadmap pembelajarannnya saja. Sifat belajar seperti ini kita kenal
sebagai asinkronus.
Program self-paced cocok untuk yang punya kesibukan tidak terduga dan percaya dengan
alur belajar sendiri. Walaupun begitu, Sobat tetap butuh komitmen dan kesadaran kuat
untuk mau berprogres setiap harinya.
Apa Manfaatnya bagi Kita?
Biaya yang dibutuhkan untuk sebuah bootcamp jauh lebih murah daripada mengikuti
Berbicara soal benefit atau manfaat, ada banyak yang bisa Sobat dapatkan dari
sebuah bootcamp. Pertama, Sobat bisa semakin lebih mudah mencari pekerjaan. Dengan
adanya program pelatihan ini, mereka bisa lebih mudah mendapatkan pekerjaan sekaligus
memenuhi kebutuhan perusahaan akan tenaga IT.
Kemudian, bootcamp juga menjadi solusi bagi mereka yang ingin kuliah di bidang IT atau
sejenisnya, tetapi terkendala oleh biaya atau terlanjur kuliah di jurusan lain. Walaupun
begitu, tidak menutup kemungkinan ada materi yang tidak ter-cover di program pelatihan
lantaran keterbatasan waktu dan biaya.
Cara Memilih Bootcamp yang Sesuai
Supaya tidak salah pilih, Sobat bisa mengikuti tips berikut ini:
a. Tentukan alasan mengikuti bootcamp
Pertama-tama, ketahui tujuan Sobat mengikuti program pelatihan. Apakah mencari
portofolio, sertifikat, atau supaya bisa cepat dapat pekerjaan? Tentukan dulu apa
sebenarnya yang ingin kamu raih.
Jika ingin mencari portofolio, bisa mengikuti pelatihan dengan materi berbentuk studi kasus.
Apabila ingin mendapatkan pekerjaan, bisa memilih yang menyediakan penyaluran ke
lapangan kerja setelah lulus bootcamp. Intinya, masing-masing program memiliki desain
kurikulum yang berbeda-beda.
b. Pilih bootcamp dari penyedia yang sudah terjamin kualitasnya
Karena bootcamp belum memiliki standar, tentu bakal ada program yang bagus dan tidak.
Walaupun begitu, banyak, kok, penyedia bootcamp yang sudah memperlihatkan testimoni
dan rating dari pengguna di laman website-nya. Jadi, itu bisa menjadi bahan
c. Materi dan alokasi waktu
Sebelum memilih bootcamp, Sobat harus menyisihkan sedikit waktu untuk kegiatan
tersebut. Sebab, seperti yang kita ketahui dari penjelasan sebelumnya, bootcamp bersifat
intensif. Jadi, jangan sampai kesibukan di luar pelatihan mampu memengaruhi performamu
selama menjalani kegiatan.
Selain itu, pastikan program pelatihan yang kamu pilih memang sesuai dengan minat dan
kebutuhanmu. Jika salah menentukan, bukan tidak mungkin Sobat yang awalnya begitu
antusias menjadi bosan.
d. Menentukan timing
Sebenarnya, Sobat bisa mengikuti bootcamp pelatihan kapan saja. Namun, timing-nya akan
lebih cocok jika kamu sedang membutuhkan pekerjaan atau materi pendamping
e. Sesuaikan dengan budget di dompet
Last but not least, sesuaikan dengan budget-mu, ya! Soalnya, siapa, sih, yang mau rela ikut
pelatihan mewah, tapi malah jadi kesulitan memenuhi kebutuhan hariannya?
Namun, Sobat gak perlu khawatir karena saat ini, sudah banyak bootcamp yang harganya
cukup ramah dengan isi dompet.

What is Analytics?
Analytics brings together theory and practice to identify and communicate data-driven
insights that allow managers, stakeholders, and other executives in an organization to make
more informed decisions. Experienced data analysts consider their work in a larger context,
within their organization, and in consideration of various external factors. Analysts can also
account for the competitive environment, internal and external business interests, and the
absence of certain data sets in the data-based recommendations they make to stakeholders.

Who is a Data Analyst

“In modern times, data holds all the answers but the main thing is asking the right
In simple terms, a data analyst’s role is to collect, process, and perform analysis of large
A humongous volume of data is generated in this age which now has a term, Big Data. This
data can be in the form of customer feedback, accounts, logistics, marketing research, and
so on. A data analyst takes this data and figures out numerous measures, such as how to
improve customer experience, price new materials, and how reduce transportation costs, to
name a few.
To put it in other words, Data Analyst is the one who turns this raw data into information to
draw out meaningful, actionable insights. These insights are then used to help businesses
make smart decisions. And these insights are then used by the companies in many ways
ranging from forming marketing strategies to making improvements in the production
Note: All the resources mentioned here are my suggestions and you can cover the topics
from any resources accessible to you.

Types of Data Analytics

Four types of data analytics build on each other to bring increasing value to an organization.
 Descriptive analytics examines what happened in the past: Monthly revenue,
quarterly sales, yearly website traffic, and so on. These types of findings allow an
organization to spot trends.
 Diagnostic analytics considers why something happened by comparing descriptive
data sets to identify dependencies and patterns. This helps an organization
determine the cause of a positive or negative outcome.
 Predictive analytics seeks to determine likely outcomes by detecting tendencies in
descriptive and diagnostic analyses. This allows an organization to take proactive
action—like reaching out to a customer who is unlikely to renew a contract, for
 Prescriptive analytics attempts to identify what business action to take. While this
type of analysis brings significant value in the ability to address potential problems or
stay ahead of industry trends, it often requires the use of complex algorithms and
advanced technology such as machine learning.
In a 2016 survey of more than 2,000 business executives, the consultancy PwC found that
organizations find descriptive analytics to be insufficient for informed, data-driven decision-
making. As such, diagnostic and predictive analytics are increasingly important to
Key Responsibilities of a Data Analyst
The answer to the question “What does a data analyst do?” will vary depending on the type
of organization and the extent to which a business has adopted data-driven decision-making
practices. Generally speaking, though, the responsibilities of a data analyst typically include
the following:
 Designing and maintaining data systems and databases; this includes fixing coding
errors and other data-related problems.
 Mining data from primary and secondary sources, then reorganizing said data in a
format that can be easily read by either humans or machines.
 Using statistical tools to interpret data sets, paying particular attention to trends and
patterns that could be valuable for diagnostic and predictive analytics efforts.
 Demonstrating the significance of their work in the context of local, national, and
global trends that impact both their organization and industry.
 Preparing reports for executive leadership that effectively communicate trends,
patterns, and predictions using relevant data.
 Collaborating with programmers, engineers, and organizational leaders to identify
opportunities for process improvements, recommend system modifications, and
develop policies for data governance.
 Creating appropriate documentation that allows stakeholders to understand the steps
of the data analysis process and duplicate or replicate the analysis if necessary.

Most Valuable Skills for Data Analysts

Effective data analysts possess a combination of technical skills and leadership skills.
Technical skills include knowledge of database languages such as SQL, R, or Python;
spreadsheet tools such as Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets; and data visualization software
such as Tableau or Qlik. Mathematical and statistical skills are also valuable to help gather,
measure, organize, and analyze data.
Leadership skills prepare a data analyst to complete decision-making and problem-solving
tasks. These abilities allow analysts to think strategically about the information that will help
stakeholders make data-driven business decisions and communicate the value of this
information effectively. For example, project managers rely on data analysts to track the
most important metrics for their projects, diagnose problems that may be occurring, and dict
how different courses of action could address a problem.

The foremost skill required to become a good data analyst is Statistics. Statistical skills are
crucial to interpret data correctly. Basic topics like Types of data, Basic chart types,
Aggregation of data, and Variation of data should be covered and 1 week will be sufficient
for the Beginner-level expertise in statistics enough.
Advanced Excel
Microsoft Excel is to date the most prominent data crunching tool in the industry. Excel is not
just a spreadsheet but a boon that provides substantial functionalities required to structure
data conveniently and hassle-free. Features such as data filters, functions, formulas, Charts
and plots, Pivot tables, vlookup, and VBA macros should be covered in one week to do data
analysis. Beginner to Advanced level expertise in Excel is required for a good data analyst.
There is no doubt that data plays a very key role in the life of a Data Analyst and hence you
need to be proficient in Data management which includes Data extraction, transformation,
and Loading. SQL is a great tool that runs queries through which you can manipulate data
by performing tasks like storing the data, reading the data, creating a new table, and deletion
of the older data or garbage. Topics like Joins, Unions, Order by and Group by should be
covered. Hence, intermediate-level expertise in SQL is necessary.
BI Tools
Data visualization helps in conveying your story in simple words so that everybody can
understand. Weeks 3 and 4 can be spent learning BI Tools for data visualization. Data
visualization enables you to find patterns in the data by which you can create a good story to
present to your clients. Power BI, Tableau, and Qlik sense are the three most popular tools
for this in the industry. However, you can just learn one or two tools and that should be
enough to make you a good data analyst. I recommend Tableau since I find it more easier
and convenient comparatively. Beginner to Intermediate level expertise is required.

Programming has a remarkable position in your journey. Although, both Python and R are
widely accepted programming languages for data analysis, I would suggest Python because
of its readability and easiness to learn. Basic to Intermediate concepts of Python or any
language like Conditionals, Loops, Functions, Read and write, etc., should be covered to do
effective analysis. If you are already a python programmer, you can skip this and focus on
python libraries instead whereas if you are a beginner, it will take you around 1–2 weeks to
cover these topics.
Numpy, Pandas, Matplotlib
These are the libraries provided by Python for data visualization and other purposes. Numpy
and pandas are essential for analyzing data whereas matplotlib and seaborn let you
visualize your data. You can learn either Matplotlib or Seaborn as both of them serve the
same purpose.
Projects, Portfolio and Resume
Now that you have gained all the right skills, you need to showcase your skills and stand out
from others to land a job. Projects and Portfolios will do that for you, so invest an ample
amount of time in preparing these. You can find enough and more datasets in Kaggle for
doing projects. Do a bit of research and start working on it. Once it’s done, prepare an
insightful resume and start applying for jobs and internships.
Communication skills — To make others understand your data and findings, you need to
present your data in a storytelling format with concrete results and values so that other
people can understand what you are saying. Hence, good communication skill is a must for
a data analyst.

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