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Jangan buang makanan

Goodmorning ladies and gentleman May God always give us His blessing. First
of all I would like to thank all the audience here for the chance to deliver my
short speech. Let me tell you about food crisis in the world

Baru baru ini krisis makanan menjadi isu yang sedang hangat. Kerisis
pangan dirasakan oleh seluruh penduduk di bumi,kita sedang menghadapi
diamana populasi manusia meledak dan mahalnya kebutuhan kehidupan kita
sehari-hari. Akan tetapi masih banyak orang di luar sana yang tidak
memperdulikan isu ini meraka membuang buang makanan tanpa berfikir
bahwa masih banyak orang diluar sana yang berhari hari kelaparan.ini
membuat saya membahas masalah ini kepada kalian
Konflik dan unjuk rasa terjadi di semua sudut pelanet ini, di eropa para
aktifis sedang melakukan demonstrasi kepada pemerintah, sri lanka
mengalami kerisis pangan, krisis energi. Di benua afrika orang-orang
kelaparan tidak dapat memenuhi gizi

Ini terjadi akibat perubahan iklim,pemanasa global,tanah yang sudah

rusak, harga pupuk yang mahal, lahan sawah yang mulai berkurang, dan
perang russia dan ukraina mengakibatkan menghambatnya ekspor kebutuhan
pangan di dunia, sehingga ratusan juta orang terancam dengan kerisis
Kita bisa memulai dari hal kecil untuk menyelamatkan dunia yaitu tidak
membuang buang makanan tidak menyisakan makanan kita, ini membantu
mengurangi sampah sisa makanan kita. Jadi kita harus membuat perubahan.
don’t wise food.
Goodmorning ladies and gentleman May God always give us His blessing. First
of all I would like to thank all the audience here for the chance to deliver my
short speech. Let me tell you about food crisis in the world

Recently, the food crisis has become a hot issue. The food crisis is felt by all
people on earth, we are facing a situation where the human population is
exploding and the necessities of our daily life are expensive. However, there
are still many people out there who do not care about this issue, they waste
food without thinking that there are still many people out there who are
hungry for days.

This happened due to climate change, global warming, damaged land,

expensive fertilizer prices, diminishing rice fields, and the wars between Russia
and Ukraine which resulted in hampering the export of food needs in the
world, so that hundreds of millions of people are threatened with a food crisis.
We can start small to save the world, namely not wasting food and not
leaving our food behind, this helps reduce our leftover food waste. So we have
to make changes, don't waste food.
Goodmorning ladies and gentleman May God always give us His blessing. First
of all I would like to thanks all the audience here for the chance to deliver my
short speech. Let me tell you about food crisis in the world

Recently the food crisis has become a hot issue. The food crisis is felt by all
people on earth, we are facing a condition where the human population is
exploding and the necessities of our daily life so expensive
However, there are still many people out there who do not care about this
issue, they waste food without thinking that there are still many people out
there who are hungry for days.
This happened due to climate change, global warming, damaged soil,
expensive fertilizer prices, reduced rice fields, and the wars between Russia
and Ukraine which hampered food exports
so that hundreds of millions people are threatened with a food crisis.
We can start small to save the world, namely not wasting food
does not leave our food, this helps reduce the waste of our leftovers. So we
have to make a change

don’t waste food.

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