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Subject : English
Level/Semester : VIII/I
Language Skill : Listening
Language Focus : Descriptive Text
Theme : Transportation
Time Allocation : 1 x 15’

KI 1. Menghargai dan menghayati ajaran agama yang dianutnya.
KI 2.Menghargai dan menghayati perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggungjawab, peduli (toleransi,
gotong royong), santun, percaya diri, dalam berinteraksi secara efektif dengan lingkungan
sosial dan alam dalam jangkauan pergaulan dan keberadaannya.
KI 3. Memahami dan menerapkan pengetahuan (faktual, konseptual, dan prosedural)
berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya terkait
fenomena dan kejadian tampak mata.
KI 4. Mengolah, menyaji, dan menalar dalam ranah konkret (menggunakan, mengurai,
merangkai, memodifikasi, dan membuat) dan ranah abstrak (menulis, membaca,
menghitung, menggambar, dan mengarang) sesuai dengan yang dipelajari di sekolah dan
sumber lain yang sama dalam sudut pandang/teori.

KD 1.1 Mensyukuri kesempatan dapat mempelajari bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa pengantar
komunikasi Internasional.
KD 2.2 Menghargai perilaku jujur, disiplin, percaya diri, dan bertanggung jawab dalam
melaksanakan komunikasi transaksional dengan guru dan teman.
KD 3.3 Memahami tujuan, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dari teks deskriptif lisan dan
tulis tentang orang/binatang/benda, sangat pendek dan sederhana.
KD 4.5 Menangkap makna dalam teks deskriptif lisan dan tulis, sangat pendek dan

1.1.1 Expressing gratitude every time get an opportunity to learn English as the medium of
International communication.
2.2.1 Showing honesty, discipline, self-confident, and responsible in listening
3.3.1 Comprehending the definition, aim and generic structure, and language features of
descriptive text about transportation.
4.5.1 Answer the questions based on the recording given appropriately.

Learners are expected to be able to:
1. Express gratitude every time get an opportunity to learn English as the medium of
International communication.
2. Show honesty, discipline, self-confident, and responsibility in writing an Invitation card.
3. Comprehend the definition, aim and generic structure and language features of
descriptive text about transportation.
4. Answer the questions based on the recording given appropriately.

1. Instructional Activity

1.1 Definition of Descriptive text:

Descriptive text is a text which describing a person, thing, animal and place.

1.2 The Social Function of Explanation Text:

The social function of descriptive text is to describe a particular person, thing, animal
and place.

1.3 The Generic Structure of Descriptive Text:

1. Identification: a part that contains introduces or identifies the character that will
be described.
2. Description: a part that contains an explanation, describe, characteristic related to
the topic.

1.4 The Language Features of Descriptive Text:

1. The use of simple present tense.

2. The use of adjectives.
3. The use of specific participants. Example: My house, Borobudur temple, uncle Joko,


1. Media : LCD, Laptop, video and recordings
2. Resources : teacher’s materials, Internet
Approach : Scientific Approach.
Strategy : Demonstration.


Activity Teacher Students

- Teacher Greets the students - Students answer teacher’s

1. Set induction (3 greeting.
- Teacher and students pray
- Teacher asks the students to
pray together.
- students show their presence.
- Teacher checks the students’
-Teacher showing some - Students pay attention.
- Students pay attention.
- Teacher asks some leading
- Students answer teacher’s
- Teacher shows a video.
- Students pay attention.
- Teacher states the material
that will be learned and the
learning objective.

2. Main activities (5

2.1 Observing - Teacher asks the students - Students answer the teacher’s
whether they have ever known question.
how rainbow occur or not?
- Teacher explains the definition
- Students answer the teacher’s
of descriptive text.
-Teacher explains the social
- Students pay attention.
function of descriptive text.
- Teacher explains the generic
structure of descriptive text. - Students pay attention.

- Teacher explains language - Students pay attention.

features of descriptive text.

2.2 Questioning - - Teacher guides students to ask - With teacher’s guidance,

questions about things that they students ask questions about
don’t understand from the things they don’t understand
topic. from the topic.

2.3 Exploring
- Teacher divides students into - Students make groups.
three big groups
- Teacher asks students to do -Students do the task about
the task about transportation in transportation in groups.

- Teacher invites the students to

2.4 Associating check and discuss the students’ - Students and the teacher
check and discuss the students’
work together.
- Teacher gives feedback to the work together.
students work. - Students pay attention on the

- Teacher asks the students to - Students write the result of

2.5 Communicating write the result of their works their works after getting the
after getting the feedback from feedback from the teacher.
the teacher.

-Teacher gives the students

3 Closure (2 menit) homework.
-Teacher asks about the students -Students say about what the
feel about the lesson. feel after following the lesson.
-Students make a conclusion
-Teacher asks the students to about the topic that has been
make a conclusion about the discussed.
topic that has been discussed.
- Students say hamdalah.
- Teacher asks the students to
say hamdalah.
- Teacher closes the class by - Students answer teacher’s
says salam. salam.

1. Assessment of attitude (lihat lampiran)
2. Assessment skill (lihat lampiran)

Probolinggo, 31 Maret 2017

Kepala SMPN 01 Probolinggo Mahasiswa
(NAME OF THE HEADMASTER) Solfiyatuzzahro

NIP_________________________ NIM 140210401039


1. Pre-instructional activity
1.1 Motivation
 Teacher plays video that related with the topic that will be learned.
 Teacher asks some leading questions
These are the questions:
1. What do you think the video tells us about?
2. What kind of text that describes about a thing like..........?
3. Can you guess what we are going to learn today?
1.2 Objectives
1. Students can answer the questions about aim, language features and generic
structure of descriptive text about transportation.
2. Students will be able to understand the content of descriptive text about
1.3 Pre- Requisite Skill
1. Students are able to recognize the definition, social function, text structure and
language features of descriptive text.
2. Students are able to apply simple present tense to comprehend the recording.
2. Information Presentation
2.1 Explain the Definition of Descriptive text:

Descriptive text is a text which describing a person, thing, animal and place.

2.2 Explain The Social Function of Descriptive Text:

The social function of descriptive text is to describe a particular person, thing, animal and

2.3 Explain The Generic Structure of Descriptive Text:

1. Identification: A part that contains introduces or identifies the character that will be

2. Description: A part that contains an explanation, describe, characteristic related to the


2.4 The Language Features of Descriptive Text:

1. The use of simple present tense.
2. The use of adjectives.
3. The use of specific participants. Example: My house, Borobudur temple, uncle Joko,

3. Students’ participation

4. Script

Rainbows are spectacular rays of color. The sun makes rainbows when white sun passes
through the raindrops. The raindrops act like tiny prisms. Three conditions must be met in
order for you to see a rainbow. First, it must be raining. Second, the sun must be shining.
Third, the observer must be between the sun and the rain. The lower the sun is in the sky the
higher the arc of the rainbow will be. The nighttime rainbow is very rare and occurs only when
the moon is bright enough and the positioned properly with respect to falling rain to produce
the beautiful effect. A double rainbow is a phenomenon in which if a beam is reflected twice
inside of a water drop then it will cause a secondary rainbow to appear when the light leaves
the water drop. The colors of secondary rainbows are reversed in order with violet on the top
and red on the bottom.

5. Testing
1. Please make group of five.
2. Listen to the recording about explanation text carefully and complete the blank space with
correct answer based on the recording!
Rainbows are ........................... rays of color. The sun makes rainbows when white
sun ............. through the raindrops. The raindrops .......... like tiny prisms. Three conditions
must be .............. in order for you to see a rainbow. First, it must be raining. Second,
the ............. must be shining. Third, the ................ must be between the sun and the rain. The
lower the sun is in the ........... the higher the arc of the rainbow will be. The nighttime rainbow
is very rare and occurs only ............ the moon is bright enough and the positioned properly
with respect to falling rain to produce the beautiful effect. A double rainbow is a .....................
in which if a beam is reflected twice inside of a water drop then it will cause a secondary
rainbow to appear when the light leaves the water drop. The colors of secondary rainbows
are .................. in order with violet on the top and red on the bottom.


1. Spectacular 6. Observer
2. Passes 7. Sky
3. Act 8. When
4. Met 9. Phenomenon
5. Sun 10. Reversed

Enrichment/ Homework:

To make you more understand about descriptive text, I will give you homework. I will send
the recording to your class leader’s email. Please, do it individually.


1. Assessment of attitude
- Technique: Observation by taking a note in the journal of attitude related with the
spiritual behavior indicator and social attitudes.
- Instrument: Journal attitude

Education units : ...............

Subject : English
Year : 2017-2018
Attitude indicators
NO Students’ Name Honest Discipline Confident Responsible

Note : Every aspect using scale of 1 to 5

1 = Bad           2 = Enough      3 = Good      4 = Very good          5 = Excellent

Gotten score
How to score : x 100

2. Assessment skill:

a. Untuk soal Melengkapi Kalimat Rumpang

Jawaban benar untuk masing-masing jawaban diberi skor 10 dan jawaban salah diberi
skor 0.
Skor perolehan
Skor Akhir = x 100
Skor Maksimal
Skor Maksimal = 10

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